Queens Park Living January 2015

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ueens Park Living January 2015 Edition I 01273 551021 I www.queensparkliving.co.uk


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Welcome to the January edition of Queens Park Living!


Contents Page 4/5

We trust you had a lovely Christmas and we would like to wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year!

Old Photo

Due to printers being closed over Christmas, I am actually wishing you that well before the festivities have even started so it does feel a little strange. That said, New Year is a great time to reflect on the year just gone and make plans for the up-andcoming 12 months, so write down where you want to be this time next year and stick it to the fridge and see how close you can get!

Queens Park Consultation

In the meantime we have no radical changes to the magazine this month, just the usual mix of local items. We are however formulating plans to freshen the publication up this year both in terms of how it looks as well as content. If you get this edition through your door before New Year’s Eve, have a great celebration; if you get it afterwards we hope you have recovered! Here’s to a great 2015!!

The Queen’s Park Living Team info@queensparkliving.co.uk www.queensparkliving.co.uk

Publisher: Sussex Magazines 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA info@queensparkliving.co.uk Printer: Gemini printers Distributors: Mandy Distribution

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Page 9 Music & Wine Page 10 We-Bop Page 11 Open Market Page 13 Supported Lodgings Page 14 List of Advertisers

The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.


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Contact Elizabeth at elizabeth_mcginley@outlook.com

Please send locale-mail articlesinfo@queensparkliving.co.uk to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021 To your advertise or call 01273 551021

Old Photo...


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St Matthew’s Church

This is a view of the temporary iron church erected in 1880, in the newly laid out Sutherland Road.

To the right can be seen the rear of Brighton College, and the houses just visible above the roof are those in Walpole Terrace. This church had a very short life, as within three years it had been replaced by a flint and stone building, which was pulled down in 1967 when the parish amalgamated with St Mark’s.

Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands of more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021


Park News...


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Tarner Community Project February Half Term Holiday Play Scheme February 16th – 20th. We are now taking bookings for our February holiday club. The week will offer 4-11 year olds a broad variety of fun and creative activities, including arts and crafts, games, sports, music, dance and performances and lots, lots more. The children will also benefit from cooking in our brand new kitchen.

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Telephone: 01273 679900


office@tarnerland.org.uk Registered charity:1152321

We received this article about the Queens Park consultation...

Your Say: The Queen Last summer, you had your say on the future of Queen’s Park as part of the Public Consultation process. The consultation received 368 responses (73% online), with women responders outnumbering men by almost two to one. The typical responder visits Queen’s Park two to four times a week and stays for one or two hours. The reasons for visiting the park vary from sports activities, walking, dog walking and visiting the café, with the biggest group being ‘just passing through’ (24%). Various propositions for the redesign and alteration of the park were put forward, and you can see the full results in the Queen’s Park Master Plan Draft Report, available via the Friends Of Queen’s Park website. Here is a brief summary of your responses: On the issue of the old bowling green, most of you want to keep it, with 35.7% voting to ‘Remove - Return it to the original sloping lawn’, and 64.3% preferring the option ‘Keep and enhance’. Of those wishing to keep it, 92% wanted it revamped and to make it more functional. Regarding the tennis club pavilion, there was overwhelming support (96.4%) for ‘restoration of the pavilion providing increased facilities and greater scope for community use’. A small but significant minority of respondents ‘admitted they knew little about the pavilion’. There was a resounding ‘yes’ (94%) to the option of redesigning the Scented Garden, including an exit point at the Clock Tower. There were 27 respondents who wished the area to remain ‘secluded’. Just 25.7% said they wanted the pond to ‘remain as it is’. The report states that 74 respondents highlighted the desire for the ‘removal of the algae/weeds/duckweed and that more water circulation was needed’. A total of 97% supported the restoration of the cascade. The café area provided the highest volume of additional comments and suggestions. Of those, 69% supported the construction of a new café in a new location, with opinion divided on the rearrangement of the play area boundary, with 46.8% in favour and 53.2% against. Only 28.5% thought the café was fine as it is. The report states: ‘By far the most popular theme was the desire to maintain the separate areas for children and for dogs and in particular strong opposition to allowing dogs anywhere near the children’s play area.’ Regarding the West Drive Boundary, 98.8% supported a ‘long term management plan to protect the health of the important trees, stabilise the soil and increase

To advertise e-mail info@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021


n’s Park Public Consultation the wildlife habitat’. A further 74.4% supported the addition/restoration of railings on West and North Drives. On park furniture, 84.4% prefer traditional rather than modern designs. There was strong support (89.1%) for additional lighting along key paths. Under ‘Further Comments’ from respondents, the most common issues raised were keeping dogs away from the children’s playground (31 respondents), modernising/improving the playground (29) and the wish to focus on ‘minor improvements and park maintenance, not losing its natural feel’ (26). Read the full report on the Friends Of Queen’s Park website: http://www.friendsofqueensparkbrighton.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Queens-Park-MasterPlan-Draft-Report.pdf By Conrad Brunner

Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021


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info@oflinnpharmacy.co.uk www.oflinnpharmacy.co.uk To advertise e-mail info@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021

What’s On...


Music and Wine at St Luke’s St Luke’s Church, Queen’s Park Road, Brighton BN2 9ZB. Happy New Year. We hope you have had a good festive season. We’re having a bit of a break and our first concert in the New Year will be on Friday January 30th. Well-known and loved local musicians Ellie Blackshaw (violin) and Rachel Fryer (piano) will be giving two world premieres by local composers Julian Broughton and Guy Richardson alongside twentieth century sonatas by Elgar and Janacek. All concerts take place at St Luke’s Church, Queen’s Park Road, Brighton BN2 9ZB at 7.30pm. Tickets are £7 / £5 concessions / £3 under-12s. Tickets are available on the door. Disabled access. Wine and refreshments served. For more information, please visit www.stlukesconcerts.webeden.co.uk If you would like a copy of our brochure, please email us on musicandwineatstlukes@gmail.com or phone 01273 510595. You can also join our mailing list to be kept informed of the most up to date concert information.

To donate or volunteer or get involved with Music and Wine at St Luke’s, please email musicandwineatstlukes@gmail.com or phone 01273 510595

CARE IN YOUR HOME Everybody would like to like to stay living in their own home leading an independent life, sometimes it gets a little difficult but with help and support it can be possible. Pavilion Care is a small family run business offering compassionate care services with 25 years experience, with extensive experience of Dementia/Alzheimer’s support. Being a small family company we really can provide you with the best possible compassionate care, where nothing will be too much trouble, with continuity of carers. All of which are hand picked and fully trained. Our services include: • Administering Medication • Housekeeping • Laundry • Companionship • Help with getting up and going to bed

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We understand the difficulties after being diagnosed with Dementia and Alzheimers and offer support as to what to do next. Our Office on Brighton Marina has a quiet room for a confidential, private chat over a cup of tea. There is easy access and free parking.

Contact us on 01273 921603 Unit 32 The Octagon, Waterfront, Brighton Marina, Brighton BN2 5WA www.pavilioncare.co.uk To advertise e-mail info@queensparkliving.co.uk or call Please mention Queens Park Living when responding to01273 adverts551021


Local Event... The Open Market is well worth a visit...

Featuring a local group...

The Open Market Local Choir in search of members... is back!! We-Bop is an all-female a cappella choir that rehearses at Park Hill Evangelical Church on Wednesdays. From Bill Withers to Pharrell Williams and from Dusty Springfield to the Eurythmics, we use just our voices to recreate classic songs in four-part harmony. Our rehearsals are sociable and fun, but we work hard focusing on singing technique and getting arrangements performance-ready. You do not need to read music as everything is taught by ear and mp3s are provided. We-Bop love to perform in public, and we’ve had some great opportunities this year, starting with a fantastic concert at St George’s Church helping to raise £2,755 for The Samaritans. During the May festival we sang at the Spiegeltent with Herbie Flowers’ Greatest Shows On Earth. He liked us so much he asked us to perform again, twice, at his legendary jazz breakfast at the Corn Exchange, which was a real honour. In the summer we appeared at the Kemptown Carnival and at Patchfest, and we held our own charity concert at St Luke’s Church. This Christmas we have sung at the Open Market and rounded off the year with a concert in aid of The Martlets Hospice. We are looking for new members, so if you would like to join us, why not come along to our next free taster session, Wednesday 7th January 7.30 to 9.30pm at Park Hill Evangelical Church, Park Hill, Queen’s Park, BN2 0BT. Just turn up, or if you’d like more information contact Rachel email: rachelmyer@ntlworld.com or tel: 07788 885669

The Open Market is back - and after its £20 million refurbishment, it’s bigger, brighter and better than ever! If you haven’t been down to see it yet, you must check it out. Quite a few of the market stalls from the old market are still there – Streets Café, Jason’s Eggs, Pet’s Pantry, Market Florist – but now there is a whole new generation of traders that give the market a truly contemporary feel. Pear-Shaped Apparel, Unit 22, Eco-makers Emporium and Smith and Crumble all design their own unique brands of clothes and accessories. Cosmo’s, Loved Once, Love Again and Pelotas all offer a range of exceptional kids’ clothes, toys, and collectables that are guaranteed to get the young (and youngat-heart) excited! Brighton Naturally and Brighton Apothecary focus on natural products that are good for your body and for your soul. Ubu Books, Jack Hill Tools, and Objet D’Art carry used books, tools and antiques for those that like their shopping to have a bit of history. One-of-a-kind gifts and homewares can be found at Shaboutique and Nature’s Presence. Local foodies will find everything they need for their recipes at Mari’s Deli, Foodshed, Love Food, Real Patisserie, The Baking Society, Principal Meats, Crabs and Lobsters, Pacta Now, 18 Grocery, The Fruit Shop, The Chili Shop and Mather’s Ice Cream. The 12 glass-fronted studios on the first floor overlooking the market plaza house a range of working sculptors, painters, designers, jewellery-makers, engineers, and more. Partially Obscured, Alison McGechie, Sew Fabulous, Open Arts and Eve Taylor Smith all offer workshops to help you unlock the artist within. And the cafés! To sustain yourself for a full tour of the market you might need to stop in for a Greek platter at Kouzina, a courgette, lime and pistachio

Brighton’s all-female a cappella choir

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is looking for new members

We also clean hobs, hoods and microwaves


Sing uplifting soul, pop, jazz and gospel songs in 4-part harmony

Free taster session Wednesday 7th January 2015 7.30 to 9.30pm Park Hill Evangelical Church Park Hill, Queens Park Brighton BN2 0BT For more info contact Rachel Myer on 07788885669 rachelmyer@ntlworld.com www.facebook.com/webopchoir


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To advertise e-mail info@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021

es Rang o s l A as & Ag

Local Market ...

11 Photo by Patrick Quish

cake at The Flying Saucer, Bangladeshi, Goan and Indian delights at Spice of Life or a falafel pita with garlic houmous at Smorl’s. Or, if you are really up for it, you could attempt the Big Breakfast Challenge at The Streets Café! The market is also home to a rich and varied group of pop-up traders that come and go in the market’s big central plaza and a range of visiting markets like the Brighton Vintage and Antiques Market (1st and 3rd Sundays of the month) as well as Brighton Craft Alliance (8 Feb & 8 Mar), Judy’s Affordable Vintage Fair (22 Mar) and The Fairy Tale Fair (29 Mar). The market is a real boon for the London Road area. How amazing to have such a community-minded space where we can support local producers and shop with a clear conscience. Not to mention...yum!

Would you like to advertise your business in Queens Park Living? Call 01273 551021 Please mention Queens Park Living when responding to adverts



To advertise e-mail info@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021

Local Group..


Here we feature the latest project being run by Barnado’s...

Supported Lodgings Make a difference to a young person’s life Brighton & Hove Supported Lodgings is looking for individuals or families to provide lodgings and support for vulnerable young people aged 16 to 21. All you need is a spare room and some free time to offer advice and support in your own home.

Could you support a young person who is at risk of becoming homeless? This is a new project, run by Barnardo’s but where YOU make the difference. The young people will need help with basic skills such as budgeting, cooking and shopping. They may also need help in gaining personal or social skills, training or employment. Every young person will also have the support of a key worker to assist them to achieve their full potential and move forward. A host can make a huge difference to the life of a vulnerable young person. As a host you will benefit from 24/7 assistance and a dedicated key worker. Barnardo’s staff will need to carry out a thorough assessment, DBS (criminal record) and reference checks. Successful hosts then access a comprehensive training programme, as well as receiving an allowance of £150 per week for providing lodgings and support for the young person. Supported Lodgings provides young people with a different option when faced with nowhere to go. It is an opportunity to provide a warm, welcoming home environment and a chance for a young person to get their life back on track. Similar projects have been established around the country and proved very successful, particularly in helping young people to gain skills, education or work experience. Barnardo’s can draw upon experience gained from running some of these projects and can provide expertise, advice and resources for hosts. Barnardo’s have a long history of helping the most

Videostar • • • • •

Magazines Pay zone facility Groceries National lottery Confectionary

vulnerable children and young people in society. Would you like to play a part in helping someone here in Brighton & Hove? Are you interested? Call 0800 043 2120 and speak to Olly Davidson or email brightonlodgings@barnardos.org.uk Most young people can rely on the support of their family until well into their twenties. This is not an option for some young people, especially those leaving care. Can you help?

Send your articles for publication to us by 15th January 2015 Email us on info@queensparkliving.co.uk

Queens Park Rd Brighton

Your friendelnyts! local newsag

01273 623 464

Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021




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After School Club Tarnerland....................................................................................6 Artist Lisa Holdcroft..............................................................................3 Blacksmiths Anvil Ironworks.................................................................. .......4 Building Services Hanover Building Solutions...................................................12 Teamology...................................................................................14 Choir

We-Bop........................................................................................10 Cleaner Green Cleaner.....................................................................Cover English Lessons English Teacher..........................................................................3 Estate Agent Bonett’s.................................................................................Cover Firewood The Logman (Fire wood).......................................................14 Funerals Sussex Funerals..........................................................................8 Local Attraction The Royal Pavilion......................................................................6

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Lock Services

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Properety Brighton City Council(Landlord)...................................15 Public House The Round Georges.................................................................12 Shop Stock (Veg Shop).........................................................................4

Veg shop

Hilly Laine.................................................................................12


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ueens Park Living

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