Queens Park Living November 2019

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ueens Park Living November 2019 Edition I 01273 551021 I www.queensparkliving.co.uk


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Welcome to Queen’s Park Living!


Contents Page 5

Old Photo

Page 6 Orchard day nursery is expanding

Page 7

Local Person...Gary Marsden

The days are getting shorter and pre-Christmas events are already fast approaching, including the annual Christmas Artists Open Houses festival, which starts on 23rd November. St Luke’s Church also have their Winter Fair on 23rd November – another good place to start your Christmas shopping. Our featured local person is travel counsellor Gary Marsden who can make sure you have a stress-free holiday and the Friends of Whitehawk Hill tell us about their newly reformed community group for all locals who use the hill. Have a great November!

The Queen’s Park Living Team

Page 11 Friends of Whitehawk Hill

info@queensparkliving.co.uk www.queensparkliving.co.uk

Page 13 Music and Wine at St Luke’s

Publisher: Sussex Magazines 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA info@queensparkliving.co.uk Printer: Gemini printers Distributors: Mandy Distribution

Page 16 Graffiti Consultation

Cover photo: Orchard Day Nursery (former Methodist church)

The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors

We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.


at The Spire 2019 Season

Page 13 Hanover Queens WI Page 15 Together Co-befriending Page 17 Proposed Changes to Parking


Page 17 St Luke’s Church Winter Fair

“This is a blockbuster spectacle that will not disappoint“ Broadway Baby On Dracula 2018


23 Oct – 09 Nov

THE SPIRE Eastern Road, Brighton For tickets visit truestory-theatre.com or phone 0333 666 3366 To advertise e-mail info@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021

Old Photo...


Eastern Road View eastwards along Eastern Road on 2 July 1967, showing the start of the demolitions, which cleared all these buildings on the south side of the road, including All Souls’ Church which backed onto Hereford Street.

Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at: www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com

October 28th – November 1st 2019


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Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021


Local News...


Exciting news from a local nursery...

Orchard day nursery is expanding!

New site opens January 2020!

We are absolutely delighted to be expanding our wonderful nursery to the vicarage hall at St Luke’s Church. The space, formerly used by the much-loved St Luke’s Pre-School, is currently being renovated and updated by us and we are looking forward to welcoming pre-school aged children from early January. We absolutely love the space which is ideal for children and with the lovely outside play area will provide a fantastic outcome for learning for the children both indoors and outdoors. Orchard day nursery on Queens Park Road opened in May 1991 and is now in its 28th year of caring for the children within the Hanover and Queens Park community. We are delighted to be able to continue and expand. We have an amazing staff team of all ages and genders who are committed to providing the best of care and education for children. We are extremely proud of our Ofsted outstanding rating. In our nursery we offer a home from home atmosphere with a qualified and nurturing staff team.

We love to go out and have daily trips to Queens Park, weekly excursions to the beach, the library and bigger excursions to garden centres and farms. We are lucky to have a range of outside teachers who come in weekly to teach music, dancing and yoga. We also run forest school sessions in Queens Park led by our qualified forest school leader. Lots and lots going on! We have spaces available for children from 20 months to 5 years and we are booking baby spaces now for July 2020. Please contact us on 01273 622883 or email orchardday@yahoo.co.uk - website www.orcharddaynursery.co.uk - if you would like to visit.

Open Monday - Friday 8am Established - 6pm 1990 Established 1990 1990 1990 Open Monday Friday 8am -Established 6pm Open Monday Friday 8am --6pm 6pm Established 1990 Established Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm 1990 Open Monday Friday 8am -Established Children 6 months to 5 years Children 66 to 55 years Children months to years Children months to years Children 6 months months to 5 5to years Full or part-time - hours suit Full or part-time hours to suit Full or part-time hours to suit Full or part-time part-time to suit Full or hours tostaff suit Mature, experienced-&hours qualified


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Mature, Mature, experienced experienced &qualified qualified staff staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff Extra nursery activities & including Spanish, Open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Extra Extra nursery nursery activities activities including including Spanish, Spanish, Open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Music & Dance, Forest School Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Children 6 months to years-----Friday full or part-time - hours to suit Children 6Open months to 5 years -Friday full or part-time -Open hoursMonday to 5suit Open Open Monday Friday 8am 8am- -6pm 6pm Open Monday Monday Friday Friday 8am 8am 6pm 6pm Open Monday 8am Monday Friday 8am ---6pm 6pm Open Monday 8am Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Open Monday - Friday Friday 8am 6pm Music Music & &Dance, Forest Forest School School Open Monday -Well-equipped Friday 8am -Dance, 6pm Music Dance, Forest School Music & Dance, Forest School outdoor space plus regular Music & Dance, Forest School Children Children 66 months months to years years-----full full fullor or orpart-time part-time part-time ----hours hours to suit suit Children months years - hours toto suit Children Children 66 months to toto 55 years years full or part-time part-time ----hours hoursto to to5suit suit suit Children 6 months years----full -full fullor or part-time hours Children months to 5 years full or part-time hours to suit Children months to years or part-time hours suit Children 66qualifi months to 55 years full or part-time hours to suit Children 66&months months to 555 full or part-time hours to suit •Extra Mature, experienced & ed staff •plus Extra nursery activities including French, Music &D e, experienced qualified staff •years nursery activities including French, Music & Dance, trips outdoor to enjoy the park Well-equipped outdoor space regular Well-equipped Well-equipped outdoor space space plus regular regular Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular Forest School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early t School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early Years • Mature, experienced & qualifi ed staff • Extra nursery activities including French, Music &Y D •Extra Mature, Mature, experienced experienced & qualifi qualifi ed ed staff staff Extra Extra nursery nursery activities activitiesincluding includingFrench, French,Music Music & e, experienced & qualifi staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music &&& experienced xperienced && &qualifi qualifi ed eded staff staff •••••Extra nursery nursery activities activities including including French, French, Music Music &Dance, Dance, Dance, trips enjoy the ••Extra Mature, experienced & qualifi ed staff •••Education Extra nursery activities including French, Music trips trips to to enjoy enjoy the the park park experienced qualifi ed staff nursery activities including French, Music Dance, trips to enjoy the park Early Years Foundation Stage Mature, experienced & qualifi ed staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music experienced & qualifi staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music & Dance, trips to enjoy the park Foundation Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted • regular After-school Club including school coll ion Stage• Education •ed Registered by Ofsted • regular After-school Club including school collections Forest School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus trips to enjoy the park • Early Y tchool School Well-equipped outdoor space plus to enjoy the • Early Years Forest Forest School School • • Well-equipped Well-equipped outdoor outdoor space space plus plus regular regular trips trips to to enjoy enjoy the the park park • • Early Ear chool chool • • Well-equipped Well-equipped outdoor outdoor space space plus plus regular regular trips trips to to enjoy enjoy the the park park • • Early Early Years Years Forest School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Earl Well-equipped outdoor outdoor space space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early Years Forest School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Earl chool •• Well-equipped plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early Years Early Years Foundation Stage Early Early Years Foundation Foundation Stage StageEducation Education Education Registered by Ofsted Early Years Foundation Stage Education Foundation Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted • After-school Club including school coll ion Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted •Years After-school Club including school collections

Foundation Foundation Stage Stage Education Education ••••Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted ••••After-school After-schoolClub Clubincluding includingschool schoolc Early Years Foundation Stage Education nStage StageEducation Education ••••Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted •Stage After-school Club Club including including school school collections collections Foundation Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school Stage Education Registered by Ofsted •••After-school After-school Club including school collections Foundation Stage Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school Stage Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school collections Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Br

rsery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Registered by Ofsted Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted Registered by Ofsted Registered by Ofsted Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@ Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), BrB 1273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk rsery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Queen's Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Limited spaces available from October 2019 Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), ery, Park Road (adjacent to Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), ery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), B B ery, Queens Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL Telephone (01273)622883 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@ 1273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL Telephone Telephone (01273) (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday orchardday 273) 73) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk 73) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday 73) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) (01273) 622883 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk CELEBRATING 28 YEARS!!

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Local Person...


Meet someone who can help you organise your holiday...

Local Person...Gary Marsden

Gary Marsden of Dawson Terrace has recently become a Travel Counsellor in the Queen’s Park area. How long have you lived in this area?

Since April 2015. If you measure that in dogs I’ve stopped to pet in Queens Park then that’s a very long time! How did you become a Travel Counsellor?

I know a couple of people who have been doing the same for a couple of years now and love it, so I decided it was time to do the same following the sale of my old flat in Petworth… It gives me the ability to be able to properly devote my time to every single client and still maintain a favourable work/life balance at the same time. What does a Travel Counsellor do?

Consider a Travel Counsellor to be your one-stopshop for any and all things travel-related! I organise and manage every element of my clients’ trips so they have nothing to worry about except packing;

that includes all the boring stuff such as inputting APIS details as well… I can even sort out UK breaks and attractions! Most importantly though, it’s about getting to know my clients so I can not only make sure they have a memorable holiday tailored specifically to their needs, but also surprise and delight them along the way! What are the most popular destinations for summer holidays at the moment?

That’s a tough one to nail down! For short-haul, summer makes for a great time to visit culturerich cities such as Hamburg and Krakow whilst the weather is generally hot so you can tie-in all the attractions whilst still finding the time to enjoy a bit of sun. If we’re venturing a bit further afield then my favourite grouping of islands in Thailand see some of their best weather during our summer months – Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao… perfect for divers or keen snorkellers! What is your own favourite place to visit for a holiday?

As touched on above I adore Thailand! But that carries through to anywhere in Asia to be honest; I love the food, the people are wonderful, there’s a fascinating array of wildlife and it doesn’t cost the earth either! However I’m pretty sure I could bob about in the beautiful crystal waters of the Maldivian ocean indefinitely forever… somewhere, someone must have a video of me diving into the water over and over again set to the Benny Hill theme tune! To find out more, visit www.travelcounsellors. co.uk/gary.marsden or call 01273 317058. Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021




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Local Group..


News from a new local group...

Friends of Whitehawk Hill... ‘Friends of Whitehawk Hill’ is a community group that aims to champion this popular and important Downland Local Nature Reserve on the edge of the city. The group emerged from the ‘Save Whitehawk Hill’ community campaign, which successfully opposed the construction of five tower blocks in the Local Nature Reserve. The campaign continues, to get the Nature Reserve removed from the City Plan as a potential development site. Wildlife surveys have been undertaken this summer to make the case.

The Friends want to draw as many participants as possible from the areas surrounding Whitehawk Hill to work together to conserve and restore its landscape and habitats, learn about its archaeology, history, ARANTEE TO BEAT and wildlife andANY engage people with the Hill. beQUOTE wildlife events, walks, creative NE LIKEThere FOR will LIKE talks, clean-up sessions and more. EWAYSevents, OR LANDSCAPING

We are in a time of crisis for many native species, as highlighted by the recent ‘State of Nature’ report, so work to conserve habitats and wildlife is more urgent than ever and we can all play a NY part. We currently haveANY a schedule of habitat WE GUARANTEE TO BEAT care and treatment OTE management work days, to conserve and restore GENUINE LIKE FOR LIKE QUOTE the important chalk grassland habitat on the awns PING ON DRIVEWAYS OR LANDSCAPING Hill, which supports species like the chalkhill & Shrub Work All work comes with Quality Assured and Adonis blue butterflies. This is threatened by scrub invasion and we will be working with s all types  Driveways and paths WEWE GUARANTEE GUARANTEE TO BEAT BEAT ANY ANYand treatment  TOLawncare the Ranger Paul Gorringe and others to clear GENUINE GENUINE LIKE LIKE FOR FOR LIKE LIKE QUOTE QUOTE ral Gardening this and to extend the traditional sheep grazing BEAT ANY  Resen or tarmac paths WE& GUARANTEE driveways  New lawns ONTO ON DRIVEWAYS DRIVEWAYS OROR LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING GENUINE LIKE FOR LIKE ANY QUOTE WE GUARANTEE TO BEAT on the reserve. The sheep have become a much ON DRIVEWAYS ORLIKE LANDSCAPING ng & Gates AllAll work work comes comes with with Quality Quality Assured GENUINE LIKE FOR QUOTE  Block paving paths &Assured driveways  Treeloved & Shrub Work sight on the Hill in recent years. We meet All work comes with Quality Assured ON DRIVEWAYS OR LANDSCAPING All work comes with Quality Assured  Driveway and Patio cleaning landscaping  patios types just all to the north of the top of Manor Hill, by the  Driveways Driveways and paths paths  Lawncare Lawncare and and treatment treatment Driveways andand paths  Lawncare and treatment Resen Driveways and paths Resin driveways & patios Resen oror tarmac paths & driveways  Lawncare and treatment information board at 10am. More information on New lawns   Resen or tarmac tarmac paths paths & driveways & driveways Fully insured New New lawns lawns General Gardening Quotation & Advice  Resen or tarmac paths & driveways  New  Block paving paths & driveways Treelawns & Shrub Work our Facebook Group. Hope to see you there?   Block Block paving paving paths && driveways driveways  Tree Tree && Shrub Shrub Work  Block paving driveways Tree & Shrub Work Driveway andpaths Patio &cleaning Fencing &paths Gates patios all types Work Fencing & Gates  Driveway and Patio cleaning  patios all types  Driveway Driveway and Patio Patio cleaning cleaning General Gardening Fully insuredand patios patios allall types types November - Tuesdays 5th, 12th, 19th, 10am–4pm  FullyHard insured landscaping  General Gardening ance backed guarantee  Fencing & Gates  Hard Tarmac driveways Fencing & Gates andlandscaping Saturday 16th, 10am–2pm  Fully insured General General Gardening Gardening Fully Fencing &insured Gates  Fencing & Gates  Hard landscaping Indianlandscaping sandstone Hard scapes business. thisFree is howQuotation we are  and advice  Hard landscaping  Hard Fencing Fencing && Gates Gates  Free Quotation- Tuesdays & Advice3rd, 10th, 17th, 10am–4pm Free quotation and advice December  Fencing && Gates Gates Free Quotation and advicefor Freelandscaping Quotation &Fencing Advice n. private and  commercial catered for.  peace Freepiece Quotation and advice  Free Quotation & Advice of mind for ofpiece mind for of mind All Hard Hard landscaping landscaping Hard Hard landscaping landscaping Did you know, the Local Nature Reserve runs from for piece of&mind ustomers from maintaining smallcomes with a 10-year insurance backed Driveways Patios guarantee All Driveways & Patios a 10-year guarantee We stock most of our materials for ourcomes contracts,with for our affordable drivesinsurance and landscapesbacked business. this how we are   Free Free Quotation Quotation and and advice advice ommercial businesses. All Driveways Patios comes with aisFree 10-year backed guarantee  Quotation &insurance Advice & Advice the twin allotment sites in the south to Bear Road We stock materialsthe forbest our contracts, for ourbyaffordable drives and landscapes business. thisFree is how we are Quotation able to givemost you of theour customer quote& possible cutting out the middle man. private and  commercial catered for. able to give yourange the customer best by cutting thecommercial middle man.customers private andfrom commercial catered for. we offer a for wide of services in mind thequote areapossible to suit both privateout and maintaining small for piece piece of of mind We most ofthe our materials for our contracts, for our affordable drives and landscapes business. this is how weCraven are we offerstock a wide range inpublic the area to suitgrounds both private and commercial customers frombusinesses. maintaining small gardens and lawns for of theservices general to large gardens and lawns for commercial in the north and includes Vale Woods, the 01273 808219 / 07933360268 gardens and lawns for the general public to large grounds gardens and lawns for commercial businesses. able to give you&the customer the best quote byinsurance cutting out the middleguarantee man. private and commercial catered for. AllAll Driveways Driveways & Patios Patios comes comes with with a 10-year apossible 10-year insurance backed backed guarantee Scheduled Ancient Monument and the Community ntee WeWestock westock offer a wide range of services in the area to suit both private and commercial customers from maintaining small Email: affordable_landscapes@live.co.uk www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk affordabledrivesandlandscapes@outlook.com most most of our of our materials materials for for ourour contracts, contracts, for for ourour affordable affordable drives drives andand landscapes landscapes business. business. thisthis is how is how we we areare Email: affordable_landscapes@live.co.uk www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk s@live.co.uk www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk ableable to give to give youyou thethe customer customer thethe bestbest quote quote possible possible by cutting by cutting outgrounds out thethe middle middle man. man. private private and commercial commercial catered catered for.for.businesses. gardens and lawns for the general public to large gardens andandlawns for commercial Orchard. e are www.affordabledriveslandscapes.co.uk we we offer offer a wide a wide range range of services of services in the in the areaarea to suit to suit bothboth private private andand commercial commercial customers customers from from maintaining maintaining small small red for. gardens gardens andand lawns lawns for for thethe general general public public to large to large grounds grounds gardens gardens andand lawns lawns for for commercial commercial businesses. businesses. Email friendswhitehawkhill@gmail.com for a all We guarantee to beataffordable_landscapes@live.co.uk any Email: www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk membership form or any ideas or offers. Email: Email: affordable_landscapes@live.co.uk affordable_landscapes@live.co.uk www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk genuine like for like quote Join us on Facebook at ‘Friends of Whitehawk Hill’ and on Twitter @whitehawkhill.


Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021




The family pantomime is coming back to the Windmill Theatre this year...

Win tickets to see Dick Whittington Showtime Productions and Music Theatre 2000 are back with a traditional family pantomime at the Windmill Theatre in Nevill Avenue, Hove, performed by a first-rate cast of singing actors, dancers and a live band. Their production of Dick Whittington, in support of the Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice, promises to be an unmissable festive treat for the whole family to enjoy!

Join Dick (and his trusty cat) as he seeks fame, fortune and happiness. Guided by the magical Fairy Bowbells, this exciting journey will whisk you away from the golden-paved streets of London on a perilous journey across the seven seas to the shores of Morocco!

Dick Whittington is on from 22nd to 29th December, with matinées and evening performances, and you can get tickets at ticketsource.co.uk/ showtimeproductions or call the box office on 01273 565130. Group discounts are available and early booking is advised. Early bird offer: no booking fees when ordering tickets before 30th November – quote “Dick” for this special offer.


We have one prize of four tickets to give away. To enter, answer the following question: In which city did Dick Whittington seek his fortune?

Please email your answer to info@ queensparkliving.co.uk with your name, address and phone number. The winner will be selected at random.

Competition Terms & Conditions: Tickets are valid to see Dick Whittington at the Windmill Theatre. They are allocated subject to availability and are non-exchangeable. Closing date for entries is 20th November.

See this logo on adverts and find local reviews of that business at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk

Local events...


Two concerts this month at St Luke’s Church…

This month’s column from the local WI...

Music and Wine at St Luke’s

Hanover Queens WI

On Friday November 15th cellist Ivana Peranic and pianist Rachel Fryer perform Debussy’s sonata for cello and piano alongside a wide variety of works by Sussex composers from the collective New Music Brighton.

Juan Pablo Hinojosa


We are pleased to be in our new venue - the Church of the Annunciation, 89 Washington Street, BN2 9SR - where we have disabled access as well as kitchen facilities. We meet there again on Thursday 14th November, 7.30-9.30pm, when we look forward to a talk from local sculptor Hazel Reeves, whose statue of Emmeline Pankhurst was unveiled in Manchester last year.

Do come and join us for this if you’d like to - we really welcome new faces and potential new members. We’re not too traditional and like to have fun with a varied programme of activities. We enjoy supporting two local charities and recently had a great afternoon tour of the pier complete with carousel ride and tea in the Palm Court to raise funds for the hospital’s Small Acts of Friendship charity. We’re also looking forward to a visit to the Supreme Court later this month. Find us on Facebook or contact us on wihanoverqueens@gmail.com

And on Friday November 29th Mexican pianist and Bechstein scholar Juan Pablo Hinojosa makes his St Luke’s debut performing music by Russian masters including Scriabin and Medtner. Please contact us if you would like a copy of our next brochure.

The concerts take place at St Luke’s Church, Queen’s Park Road, Brighton BN2 9ZB, and start at 7.30pm. Tickets £7 / £5 under-25s / under-16s free. Disabled access. Wine and refreshments served. For more information, please visit www. musicandwineatstlukes.com or contact musicandwineatstlukes@gmail.com

Recipe of the month

Roasted root vegetables Chop vegetables - swede, carrots, parsnips, beetroot, celeriac – toss in oil with herbs and bake for 40-50 minutes till tender.

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Registered Charity No. 1077594 Company Limited by Guarantee, Reg in England & Wales, No. 3839376 Volunteers of the Year 2017





From leaking roofs to removing moss, we have the toolsWARRANTY and the expertise to welcome any type From leakingWARRANTY roofs to removing moss, we have fully trained team handle yourweenquiry from From leaking to removing moss, have theOur tools and theroofs expertise to welcome any type

the tools and the expertise to welcome any type  Commercial or Domestic WE GUARANTEE TO BEAT ANY GENUINE LIKE FOR LIKE QUOTE Our fully trained team handle your enquiry from Our fully trained team handle your enquiry from  Commercial or Domestic  Commercial or Domestic (uPVC)   subcontractors because our reputation is very ONE ROOF ONE NAME  & Pitched Roofs (uPVC)important to us. We have been working in the  Flat Roofs (uPVC) subcontractors because our reputation is very subcontractors because reputation is very  Re-pointing, Flat Roofs & Pitched Roofs important to us. We haveour been working in the Chimney Lead work WARRANTY  Flat Roofs & Pitched Roofs important Wefamily have since been working theintend has beentoinus.our 1988 andin we  Chimney Re-pointing, work From leaking roofsLead to removing moss, we have has been in ourway. family since 1988 and we intend Fully insured, for piece of mind to keep it this theLead tools and the expertise to welcome any type  Chimney Re-pointing, work WE ACCEPT ALL  Fully Insured, insured, Peace for piece of mind of Mind to keep this family way. since 1988 and we intend has been initour WE ACCEPT ALL CREDIT CARDS MAJOR  Fully Insurance Work Undertaken Our fully trained team handle your enquiry from MAJOR CREDIT CARDS We offer a personal service, deliver projects on  insured, for piece of mind  Insurance Work Undertaken to keep it this way. We offer a personal service, deliver projects on Commercial or Domestic WE ACCEPT ALL time and at affordable as Free Quotation & Advice timeand andon on budget budget and at affordable pricesprices as MAJOR CREDIT CARDS  Work Free Quotation & Advice  Insurance Undertaken



  Weour offer a personal service, deliver our company name suggests. HereHere is aprojects company name suggests. is a on  (uPVC) subcontractors because ourinsurance reputation istime very comprehensive All work comes with a 10-year list ofoftheat services we offer tooffer and on budget affordable prices asto All work comes with a 10-year insurance comprehensive listand the services we  Free Quotation & Advice  Flat Roofs & Pitched Roofs important to us. We have been working in the both home and business owners in the local area. backed guarantee ourboth company namebusiness suggests. Here isin athe local area. home and owners  Chimney Re-pointing,backed Lead work guarantee has been in ourinsurance family since 1988 and we intend All work comes with a 10-year comprehensive list of648567 the services we offer to Call us on: 01394  Fully insured, for piece of mind to keep it this way. WE ACCEPT ALL 01273 808219 / 07745 728540 bothCallhome usMAJOR on: 01394 648567 and business owners in the local area. CREDIT CARDS backed guarantee  Insurance Work Undertaken We offer a personal service, deliver projects on time and on budget and at affordable prices as affordable-roofing1@outlook.com ACCEPT ALL WEFree Quotation & Advice


our company name suggests. Here is a

Call us on: 01394 648567

www.affordableroofingcontractors.co.uk All work comes with a 10-year insurance comprehensive list of the services we offer to both home and business owners in the local area. backed guarantee - ONE CallONE us on: ROOF 01394 648567


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Local Charity...



This article is from local charity Together Co Befriending...

Can you spare an hour to make someone’s week? Before her health deteriorated, Linda travelled the world and worked as a letting agent and holistic therapist. Since her disabilities developed, she can only leave the house once a week with assistance. A visit from Rebecca, a Together Co Befriending volunteer, makes a huge difference to Linda’s week.

Linda: “When I became housebound, my friendships slowly dissolved as we had less and less in common. My befriending volunteer, Bex, is great. She is the only person I see socially. My carers visit daily to help me with my daily routine, but there’s no time to chat. Together Co match you with someone who shares your interests. Even an hour a week of friendliness can make a lot of difference to my life.” Bex: “Popping round to Linda’s for a cup of tea and a catch-up is something I know we both look forward to each week. It’s a mutually beneficial connection.” About Together Co Befriending

Everybody should have somebody. We match people

with people to create friendships that make life better. We’ve been doing so for over 20 years. In that time, we’ve seen loneliness eased and lives changed – all through the simple power of human connection. Please get in touch if you can spare an hour a week to visit a neighbour. Call us on 01273 775888 or email: sally.clarke@togetherco.org.uk

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Please contact Philip or Sallie on:

01273 736 469 07789 174 453 or visit our office at: 185 Portland Road Hove BN3 5QJ

Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021


Local News... News from the council...

Public Consultation on Graffiti &Tagging Brighton & Hove City Council have launched a public consultation on their proposals to tackle graffiti and tagging.

At present the council are only responsible for removing graffiti and tagging from their own buildings and other equipment they own like bins, lamp posts and playpark equipment. They are not responsible for removing anything on private property or land, including graffiti on company buildings or belongings, unless it’s offensive.

Councillor Anne Pissaridou, chair of the council’s Environment, Transport & Sustainability committee, is urging people to complete the consultation. She also pledged and acknowledged that as part of the war on graffiti the council needs to clean up its own buildings and equipment. She said: “Some of the consultation is quite controversial as we’re asking people if they think businesses, private homeowners and landlords should remove graffiti from their buildings or pay the council to do so. But with the vast majority of graffiti and tagging on private property that we’re not responsible for, we need people’s views on tackling this growing and unsightly problem.” The consultation is open until 15 December and takes around 10 minutes to complete.

Councillor Pissaridou added: “We’re determined to stop graffiti and tagging in the city, so agreeing a majority way forward is extremely important. Graffiti is a terrible blight on our city and it must be erased for good.” The feedback will be considered and a final approach presented to a future meeting of the council’s Environment, Transport & Sustainability committee. You can find the consultation at: https:// consultations.brighton-hove.gov.uk/rubbishrecycling-and-streets/graffiti-removalenforcement-consultation/ Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021



Some streets in the Queen’s Park area are moving towards full parking schemes...

Proposed Changes to Parking Schemes Brighton & Hove City Council’s Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee agreed on 8th October to advertise Traffic Regulation Orders for changes to residents parking schemes in the top triangle area (not including Queen’s Park Road), Freshfield Street and Queen’s Park Rise.

A local event...

St Luke’s Church Winter Fair St Luke’s Church in Queen’s Park Road will be holding their Winter Fair on Saturday 23rd November, from 10am to 2pm.

Photo © Simon Carey (cc-by-sa/2.0)

There will be lots of stalls selling homemade cakes, refreshments, bric-à-brac, jewellery, books, CDs and DVDs, plus a bouncy castle to keep the children entertained.

Residents of Freshfield Street and Queen’s Park Rise were consulted during the summer on whether they would like to join the Queen’s Park full parking scheme in Zone C or remain in the light touch Zone S. This is because they are now surrounded by roads with parking enforcement from 9am to 8pm. 52.5% of respondents supported the idea of joining Zone C, while 47.5% wanted to remain in their current zone, and it was recommended that both roads should proceed to the Traffic Regulation Order stage.

Residents of the top triangle area - Arnold Street, Baxter Street, Carlyle Street, Cromwell Street, Lynton Street and part of Queen’s Park Road - were consulted on whether they would like to join the Zone V full parking scheme. 51.1% of respondents supported the idea of joining Zone V, while 48.9% wanted to remain in Zone S. It was clear from the results that residents of Queen’s Park Road were not in favour of joining Zone V so it was proposed that they remain in Zone S. The remaining top triangle roads were 54% in favour of joining Zone V, so council officers recommended that these roads should proceed to the Traffic Regulation Order stage. Once a Traffic Regulation Order is published, there will be 21 days to comment or object to the proposals.

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Alexander Technique Sarah Matthews.........................................................................................7 Baker Dough Lover................................................................................................8 Bath restoration Bath Business.......................................................................................... 13 Building Services Clarkes of Brighton................................................................................ 18 Care at Home Home Instead........................................................................................... 12 Charity Fun In Action............................................................................................ 14 Childcare Tarner............................................................................................................4 Chimney Sweep Andy Sweeps..................................................................................... Cover Cleaning Little Miss Do It All...................................................................................5 Conservatories & Windows Countryman................................................................................................9 Damp Solutions PEM Construction........................................................................... Cover Diner Dough Lover................................................................................................8 Domestic Appliances Carters...........................................................................................................2 Estate Agents Paul Bott............................................................................................... Back Firewood Brighton Log Centre.............................................................................. 14 Funerals Sussex Funerals...................................................................................... 15

Garden Services Affordable Drives & Landscapes..................................................... 11 Handyman Gavin Graham.............................................................................................4 Holiday Catalonia Unlocked............................................................................... 19 Job Opportunity Home Instead........................................................................................... 12 Kitchens Dream Doors............................................................................................ 10 Locksmiths Lee’s Locks................................................................................................ 18 Newsagents Mulberrys . ............................................................................................... 14 Nursery Orchard Day Nursery..............................................................................6 Painting and Decorating Queens Park Decorating.........................................................................5 Panto Dick Whittington.................................................................................... 16 Pet Services Dapper Dogs................................................................................................9 Plasterer Lewis Byard.............................................................................................. 17 Plumbing Services Plum Heating..............................................................................................4 Road Safety Road Safety .............................................................................................. 16 Roofing MB Roofing............................................................................................... 10 Affordable Roofing................................................................................ 14 Show Frankenstein...............................................................................................3

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Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021

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