Queens Park Living October 2015

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ueens Park Living October 2015 Edition I 01273 551021 I www.queensparkliving.co.uk

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You can now breeze up to Stanmer Park and Devil’s Dyke by bus seven days a week, and up to Ditchling Beacon at weekends. 5477

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16/04/2015 11:29



Welcome to the October edition of Queens Park Living!

Welcome to our October Queen’s Park Living edition and we hope you are there and haven’t been washed away by all the rain in September! Alot of people hate this time of year - the temperatures drop and the days get shorter but personally I find there is something rather cosy about it. All your nice woolly jumpers start appearing from Summer hibernation and home feels that bit more inviting and warm not to mention the colours of the trees in the Park - the autumninal browns and yellows of the leaves can be quite breathtaking in their beauty. So there is much to appreciate in October!!


Contents Page 4/5 Old Photo Page 7 St Luke’s Community arts and heritage Project Page 8 Life Lines Page 9

The heading from Summer to Winter takes a leap forward towards the end of this month when Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday 25th October. Dont forget to change your clocks

City Reads


Music & Wine

Enjoy the colours!

Page 13 Doggy Column

The Queens Park Living Team

Page 17

Cover Picture: Peter Spells

List of Advertisers


Page 18

Publisher: Sussex Magazines 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA info@queensparkliving.co.uk Printer: Gemini printers Distributors: Mandy Distribution

The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors We take complaints you TEDxBrighton make about our advertisers2015 seriously. 150x104 We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we advert.pdf 1 08/09/2015 16:07 have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.

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Old Photo...



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St Luke’s Church, Queen’s Park Road St Luke’s Church in 1905, showing also the tram standards and lines.

Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands of more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com

Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021


ORCHARD DAY NURSERY established 1990

Orchard Day Nursery has vacancies for babies from 6 months to children of 5 years. We are situated on Queens Park Road. We are proud to have been educating and caring for children from the Queens Park and Hanover area for over 24 years. We are Ofsted registered and offer EYFE grant for 3 year olds and also some 2 year old funding places.

Our After School Club: we collect children from Queens Park and St Luke's Schools. We have vacancies for September.

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Local Project...


With news of an interesting project taking place in the St. Luke’s parish…

Faith, Flint & Footstep in Queen’s Park An exciting community arts and heritage project in St Luke’s parish celebrates the voices of local people past and present. The Revd Julie Newson, deacon in charge of St Luke’s, reflects on the project that culminates in the publication of an inspirational CD-book.

Working with St Luke’s poet in residence Evlynn Sharp, we have been running creative writing workshops for people in the church and the community to explore aspects of everyday life that extend from past generations to the present. The project captured the imagination of local people when Evlynn and I ran the first ever prayer and poetry workshops by the Pepper Pot bus stop and in Brighton General Hospital – where one man we met had delivered newspapers in the 1940s and saw homeless people queuing there for a bed for the night. Some tantalising material has been discovered in the church archives such as an original parlour press, a parish magazine of 1883, and music books that date back to the earliest beginnings of the church. There is also a report from the nineteenth century of how

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the vicar brought work to the area by employing local out-of-work builders to make the flint walls around the parish. The new CD-book, “Faith, Flint & Footstep – St Luke’s Church, Queen’s Park: community arts and heritage”, is being launched at Waterstones. A heritage exhibition takes place in the church from 16 October and a guided walk in the local area by historian Louise Peskett. Louise’s chapter in the book gives insight into the parish spanning the local Workhouse and the first health provision for women and children by women of the medical profession. The book also features beautiful images and articles about the musical tradition of St Luke’s, the ordination of women, The Forgiveness Project, plus on poetry, prayer and the potential of our ‘parabolic’ lives. Poems on themes ranging from time, place and bereavement mirror people’s thoughts and feelings. St Luke’s music director Chris Whitley-Jones offers a selection of music on the CD including pieces by a quartet of St Luke’s choir and a soprano solo. As part of the project, children of year six at St Luke’s Primary School receive a visit to The Keep, and links with St John’s College and local businesses deepen community engagement. Funding for the project comes from the Diocese of Chichester, Westhill Endowment, funeral directors Christopher Stringer, Allchurches Trust, Brighton & Hove Bus & Coach Company, The Independent, and support from Waterstones, Sussex Community NHS Trust, The Forgiveness Project, Chris Lowe and Lisa Holdcroft. St Luke’s welcomes people to its congregation and choir. For further information, contact the Revd Julie Newson at: Phone: 01273 570978 Email: julie.newson@btinternet.com http://www.stlukeschurchbrighton.webeden.co.uk/

Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021



Local News...


There are many free activities for local over 50’s to get involved with...

Put a Spring in Your Step this Autumn! At Volunteering Matters’ LifeLines project, our volunteers are running some great activities to help put a spring in your step this autumn! Our programme of free activities for people aged 50 and over ranges from meditation and men’s cooking to tea dances and gentle exercise.

Gentle Exercise If you’re aged 50+ and would like to get fit at your own pace, this Gentle Exercise class is for you. LifeLines volunteer Shamsul Choudhury is a qualified martial arts trainer with over 40 years’ experience. Shamsul developed this class to help people get active, improve flexibility and general fitness. Classes take place on Wednesdays from 1:30-2:30pm at the Edge Community Centre, 87 Pankhurst Avenue, BN2 9AF. *Coming soon! Monday lunchtime classes at Patching Lodge on Eastern Road – call 01273 688117 to find out more. Cook, Share and Eat LifeLines volunteer Roger runs a Cook, Share and Eat group for men aged 50+. If you enjoy cooking and having a chat over lunch, join this friendly group that meets on the first Friday of the month.

• • • • •

Why not join an activity in a welcoming environment? Activities are led by older volunteers whose experience helps make the project a success. Call LifeLines on 01273 688117 for more details. Did you know that helping others can be good for your health? Studies have shown that volunteering in later life can improve people’s physical and mental wellbeing. If you’re retired or 50 +, then you could become a LifeLines volunteer! We’ll give you all the training and support you need to help isolated and vulnerable older people be more active and get more out of life. You could run group activities, teach someone IT basics or help an isolated person get out and about. Everyone has something to offer! To find out more about the activities or volunteering... phone 01273 688117, email: lifelines@volunteeringmatters.org.uk or visit: www.volunteeringmatters.org.uk\lifelines

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Local News...



If you like reading or think you should be reading more why not get involved with City Reads...

City Reads (Brighton & Hove) Celebrates Being the Longest Running Big Read in the UK Celebrating ten years of shared reading, City Reads 2015 (Brighton and Hove) is the UK’s longest running big read. This year’s chosen book is Matt Haig’s The Humans, an accessible, funny and inventive book that asks what it means to be human. People have already started reading the book and the events programme runs between 10 October – 1 November. The concept of City Reads is simple: selecting one book for the whole community to read and discuss in a series of special events. On learning that The Humans had been chosen for this year’s City Reads, author Matt Haig said: “I am overjoyed to have The Humans chosen as this year’s City Reads title. I originally wrote the book as a kind of advert for the human race, and I wanted it to be a story that as many people as possible could enjoy.” Matt has recently moved to Brighton so he will be around for quite a few of the events in the programme. Highlights include: a film strand, book quiz, food and drink events, book and poetry readings, and of course Matt Haig in Conversation (The Old Market, 1 November, 5pm £8/£6).

Artistic Director Sarah Hutchings is an award-winning literature producer with over 15 years’ experience in her professional field, creating and delivering high quality innovative events. Sarah was nominated as a Brighton and Hove Happiness Champion by Action for Happiness in 2015. Sarah explains why the book was chosen for this year’s read: “As soon as I read the book, I knew we’d found our 2015 title. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it was a book I wanted to share with family, friends and acquaintances, so choosing it for Brighton & Hove’s annual big read seemed like the perfect way to do that. Read THE HUMANS and be part of City Reads 2015. I hope you love it as much as I do…” The Humans by Matt Haig is published in paperback by Canongate Books and is available to borrow from your local library. For details of City Reads’ FULL PROGRAMME of events, visit: cityreads.co.uk COMPETITION: We have one free copy of “The Humans” to give away. To enter, answer this question: Which book was Brighton & Hove’s City Read in 2013? Email your answer to info@queensparkliving.co.uk with a phone number, or post your answer, name, address and phone number to City Reads competition, Sussex Magazines, 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA. The winner will be selected at random. The closing date for entries is 10th October; entries received after this date will not be counted.



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Concerned about your home being sold to fund your future care fees? The Issue

You probably own your home as joint tenants if you are a couple and solely if you are single. For couples this means you own it wholly, jointly and severally. Ultimately therefore you do not own it 50:50 as you might have assumed. You actually own all of it together and when one partner dies the surviving partner owns it solely and absolutely. It is sole and absolute ownership that enables a whole property to be taken into consideration as an asset by the local authority and puts the property in danger of needing to be sold to fund care.

The Reality Today

The care Act 2014 introduced in April 2015 allows local authorities to assess your assets to determine if you need to pay for your own care under the new charges and assessment of resources regulations. Currently if you have assets above £23,250, you are on your own and require care, you will probably have to pay for it all - currently averaging around £1,000 per week. Savings, cash and income would be used first and then your property would need to be taken into consideration. You would be expected to pay for all of your care until such time as your assets were depleted to below the £23,250 threshold. You would then pay for a proportion of your care until your assets were below £14,250 - at which point all your future care would be paid for after any relevant income was taken into account.

The Solution

For couples, simply by changing the way you own your property well in advance of any care considerations i.e. from joint tenants to tenants in common and by setting up two property Trusts either immediately or within a properly structured Will at the same time will in most cases, protect the integrity of your home should you ever require care in the future, so long as avoiding care fees was not a primary motivating reason behind the implementation fo the strategy - i.e. you should be looking to protect your half of your property should your spouse remarry after your death, or you should be looking to ensure that your children would not lose 50% of their inheritance should they be made bankrupt or divorce or for example you should be looking to prevent a generational inheritance tax burden in the future. These are all sound reasons for implementing this strategy which in themselves are not deliberate deprivation of assets, but the implemantation of which protects the integrity of the property.

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For sole owners the process is simply to set up a Trust now and convey your property into it which will produce the same result again this must be well in advance of any care considerations and the motivation must not solely be for the purpose of preventing your home being used to fund your care.

The Reasoning

When you own your home as tenants in common you actually own half each. With our Post death Property Protection Package when the first partner dies, they leave their half into their Trust. The surviving partner is the Trustee of that Trust and also the Primary Beneficiary which means that as they own half and are Trustee of the other half they have complete control over the property and what happens to it. The children and/or whoever else is also nominated as ultimate Trust Beneficiaries will have access to that half of the property when the surviving partner dies. The first half of the property then is 100% securely in Trust for the beneficiaries and will not be at risk. As a result of this simple strategy and because it is not possible to sell just the survivor’s half of the property, the integrity of the property is protected. While the ‘’market value” of half a property is negligible, The Care Act 2014 guidelines do allow for this half to have a charge placed on it under a deferred payment arrangement for care fees which is why this package includes a Lasting Power of Attorney grant for Property and Financial affairs which will enable a pre-appointed Attorney to act on behalf of the survivor should they be unable to themselves and negotiate with the Local Authority for the property to be rented out and a percentage of the income given to the Local Authority instead of a charge being placed. The second half of the property would then ultimately go into the Trust for access by the nominated beneficiaries when the surviving partner eventually dies. With our Whole of Life and Post Death Complete Property and Family Protection Package both halves of the property are conveyed into Trust IMMEDIATELY. This means the whole property is protected straight away and not just after the first party dies. The benefits of this package are that it then protects the property even if both parties go into care before the death of either. It also means that if the survivor goes into care the property does not have to be rented but if it is 100% of the income goes directly into the Trusts for the benefit of the survivor or any of the other Trust Beneficiaries and does not have to be given to the Local Authority. The most important benefit of this package though is the property can be sold at any time and the resulting proceeds be fully protected for the whole family within the Trusts and no negotiation with the Local Authority is required. Sole owners and couples who have immediately conveyed their properties into Trust well in advance of any care consideration and not solely for the purpose of preventing their home being used to fund their care (deliberate deprivation of assets) secures the integrity of the property (so long as entry into care is not within 6 months of setting up the strategy) as the property is not absolutely owned by an individual anymore and it is not legal to force a Trustee to do something that is not in the ultimate best interest of the Trust Beneficiaries. Call us now on 01273 911142 for a friendly chat about which package would be of best benefit to you and your family.


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Have you had your ‘flu’ jab for this winter? Influenza, or ‘flu’, is a common, highly infectious viral illness that is spread by coughs and sneezes, and is especially widespread in the winter months. It can leave you feeling extremely tired and achy, with symptoms of a high temperature, headache, sore throat, and often nausea and a cough. The symptoms last around a week on average, and are more severe and longer-lasting than those caused by the common cold. You can also infect other people during the first 5-6 days. In the UK, around 600 people a year die from a complication of seasonal ‘flu, and this can rise to 13,000 during an epidemic. So have the ‘flu’ jab for‘flu’-free winter! At ONLY £10, protect yourself and those around you. You can call in the Pharmacy. No appointment necessary.

If you are eligible for FREE Flu vaccination then you can come to the pharmacy this year... Eligible adult patients are people aged 18 years and over, at the time of vaccination, they include: • people aged 65 years and over (including those becoming age 65 years by 31 March 2016) • pregnant women • carers • people aged from eighteen to less than 65 years of age with one or more of the following medical conditions: • chronic (long-term) respiratory disease, such as severe asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or bronchitis; • chronic heart disease, such as heart failure; • chronic kidney disease at stage three, four or five; • chronic liver disease; • chronic neurological disease, such as Parkinson’s disease or motor neurone disease, or learning disability; • diabetes; • splenic dysfunction; or • a weakened immune system due to disease (such as HIV/AIDS) or treatment (such as cancer treatment). NO Appointment necessary but advised to book.

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Pet Services...



The next in the series of articles written especially for Queens Park Living by local business Furry Friends...

How to Keep Your Dog Mud-Free The weather is beginning to close in; there’s one thing on my mind - mud. Mud on fur turns to a cake-like messy mass and I’ve spent a small fortune on cleaning gadgets with varying degrees of success. This year I’m determined to stay ahead of the curve by researching the best new and traditional mud/water protectors. A new-ish product called the Paw Plunger grabbed my attention: essentially a large plastic cup with soft internal bristles that, once filled with water and a paw, cleans with a gentle rubbing action, leaving feet fresh as a daisy. The main advantage is that it’s transportable. Costs from £19.99 with own towelling bag. Woof washer. Like a hose crossed with a sprinkler, but circular, and is glided over a dog’s body, spraying water and shampoo over the dog. I can’t see mine tolerating it, and you also need to connect it to a hose, but for those with easy access to a tap it may be worth a shot. From around £15. Have you heard of a waterproof dog onesie? Neither had I until I saw a dog wearing one last winter. Yes, it’s true. These ankle-length four-legged plastic allin-ones help keep undercarriages free from mud and water. I’m guessing the dog must get pretty hot inside so perhaps only for the coldest of days. And if your dog is prepared to lose all his street cred. Various prices. I’m a big fan of winter cuts to keep dogs clean and owners sane. Longer-haired breeds tend to get caked the easiest and trying to remove drying sticky mud from long fur on a wriggling dog would test a saint’s patience. A shorter clip, concentrating on paw, belly and tail fur is surely the rational choice for any dog owner.

Bucket and sponge at front door. It’s been tried and tested the world over. Does anything work better than a trusty small bucket, sponge and towel? In my opinion, a tip-proof bucket is the only thing that can improve this set-up. £ - Cheap. Waterproof dog booties. No. Just no. They don’t work, they fall off, they get mud IN rather than on them. And the poor dog. Will no-one think of the dog? Do you have any suggestions for keeping dogs mudfree? I’d love to hear them! Billie-Jo runs Furry Friends Pet Services with her husband Sam and lives in Hendon Street with dogs Harvey and Mouse. www.furryfriendspetservices.co.uk

October 26th – 30th

Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021


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Are you single and aged 45+? Are you looking for activities and events in your area? The Group, a club The Group, a club single men forfor single men andand women, may women, may bebe exactly right you. exactly right forfor you. Wemeet meetin in Brighton, We Burgess Horsham, Hill, Lewes, Horsham Hilland and andBurgess Brighton, thereLewes are always and things to do. there are always things to do.

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Here is one concert at St Lukes for your enjoyment during October.....

Music and Wine at St Luke’s hosts one concert this month... On Friday 9th October the Leto Ensemble (flute, clarinet and piano) will present wellknown works by Debussy, Bizet and Ravel combined with the lyrical Australian composer J Carmichael, the energetic character of Villa-Lobos and Schulhoff ’s haunting beauty.

Leto Ensemble is a distinguished and versatile group incorporating flute, clarinet and piano in various combinations. The programme has been chosen for its variety in both musical expression and instrumentation, presenting composers from different continents and cultures as well as bringing together music from past and present. Please note that we will then break for four weeks due to Brighton Early Music Festival. The next concert will be on 20th November. Watch this space for further details or get in touch if you would like to be on our mailing list.



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All concerts start at 7.30pm. Wine and refreshments are served. Disabled access. Tickets: £7 / £5 concessions / £3 under-12s available on the door. For more information, please visit www.stlukesconcerts.webeden.co.uk, email musicandwineatstlukes@gmail.com or phone 01273 510595. Venue: St Luke’s Church, Queen’s Park Road, BN2 9ZB

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After School Club Tarnerland..............................................................................................13 Bathrooms Eurotiles & Bathrooms.....................................................................18 Renubath...................................................................................................8 Blacksmiths Anvil Ironworks.....................................................................................9 Building Services Hanover Building Solutions...........................................................14 Drapers......................................................................................................9 247 Maintenance................................................................................14 Choir Orpheus Choir......................................................................................16 Council Services Electoral Services...............................................................................15 Brighton Acquisitions Landlords................................................12 Estate Agent Bonett’s...........................................................................................Cover Paul Bott..........................................................................................Back Events Jack & The Beanstalk.......................................................................16 TEDxBrighton........................................................................................3 Firewood The Logman............................................................................................7 Locksmiths Thomas Locksmiths...........................................................................17 Lee’s Locks...............................................................................................5 Local Attraction The Royal Pavilion................................................................................4 Loft Ladders Loft Ladders........................................................................................... 6

Newsagents Videostar....................................................................................................4 Nursery Orchard Day Nursery...........................................................................6 Osteopath Brighton Osteopath.....................................................................Cover Pet Services Taylor’s Pet Services..........................................................................16 TOTO Cat Feeding..................................................................................5 Pharmacy O’Flinns....................................................................................................12 Public House The Round Georges............................................................................16 Roofing Sam Davis...............................................................................................14 Social Groups The Group..............................................................................................14 Solicitors Howlett Clarke.....................................................................................19 Tiles & Tiling Pentagon Tiling......................................................................................4 Eurotiles & Bathrooms....................................................................18 Transport Breeze Up To The Downs..................................................................2 Will Writing Thy Will be Done ....................................................................10 & 11

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