Queens Park Living October 2019

Page 1


ueens Park Living October 2019 Edition I 01273 551021 I www.queensparkliving.co.uk


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Welcome to Queen’s Park Living!!

We have details of plenty of events for you this October, including the Ageing Well Festival, where anyone over 50 can try new activities such as Zumba or FunkFit, many of them free.


Contents Page 4

Old Photo

Page 7 Local Person – Matthew Wyn Davies Page 9 Brighton Early Music Festival 2019

Page 11 Frankenstein at The Spire Other events this month include the Brighton Early Music Festival (many Page 11 Brighton Lions Fireworks of the concerts are at St Martin’s Church in Lewes Road and St George’s Extravaganza Church in Kemp Town), Sussex Art Fairs at Brighton Racecourse and a new adaptation of horror novel Frankenstein at The Spire for a Halloween treat. Page 11 Dance for Parkinson’s Our featured local person is actor Matthew Wyn Davies who is currently filming Vindication Swim with local director Elliott Hasler. Have a great month!

Page 13 Hanover Queens WI Page 13 Music and Wine at St Luke’s

The Queen’s Park Living Team

Page 15 Sussex Art Fairs (East)

info@queensparkliving.co.uk www.queensparkliving.co.uk

Page 17 Brighton Science WonderFest

Cover photo: Simon Dack

Page 17 Ageing Well Festival

Publisher: Sussex Magazines 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA info@queensparkliving.co.uk Printer: Gemini printers Distributors: Mandy Distribution

The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.

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Old Photo...


Kemp Town Station Forecourt and entrance to Kemp Town Station in Coalbrook Road, which opened in 1869. The period is uncertain, but the vehicles seen suggest the 1950s. The introduction of trams and, later, motor buses caused a decline in passenger traffic with the result that the line closed in 1932, except for some goods traffic. The main station building was removed in 1973 and the Freshfield Industrial Estate is now on the site.

Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at: www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com


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Open Monday - Friday 8am Established - 6pm 1990 Established 1990 1990 1990 Open Monday Friday 8am -Established 6pm Open Monday Friday 8am --6pm 6pm Established 1990 Established Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm 1990 Open Monday Friday 8am -Established Children 6 months to 5 years Children 66 to 55 years Children months to years Children months to years Children 6 months months to 5 5to years Full or part-time - hours suit Full or part-time hours to suit Full or part-time hours to suit Full or part-time part-time to suit Full or hours tostaff suit Mature, experienced-&hours qualified


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Mature, experienced staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff Mature, experienced &qualified qualified staff Extra nursery activities & including Spanish, Open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Music &activities Dance, Forest School Extra nursery including Spanish, Children 6 months to years-----Friday full or part-time - hours to suit Children 6Open months to 5 years -Friday full or part-time -Open hoursMonday to 5suit Open Open Monday Friday 8am 8am- -6pm 6pm Open Monday Monday Friday Friday 8am 8am 6pm 6pm Open Monday 8am Monday Friday 8am ---6pm 6pm Open Monday 8am Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Open Monday - Friday Friday 8am 6pm Music & Forest School Open Monday -Well-equipped Friday 8am -Dance, 6pm Music &Dance, Forest School Music & Dance, Forest School outdoor space plus regular Music & Dance, Forest School Children Children 6 6 months months to to 5 5 years years full full or or part-time part-time ----hours hours to suit suit Children months years full or part-time - hours toto suit Children Children 6 6 months months to to 5 5 years years full full or or part-time part-time hours hours to to suit suit Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours suit Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours to suit Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time hours suit Children 6qualifi months to 5suit years full activities or part-time hours to suit Children 6& months to 5 •years - full or part-time - hours to•plus •Extra Mature, experienced &including ed staff Extra nursery including French, Music &D e, experienced qualified staff nursery activities French, Music &- Dance, trips outdoor to enjoy the park Well-equipped space regular Well-equipped space regular Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular Forest School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early st School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early Years •Mature, Mature, experienced ed staff •••Education Extra nursery activities including French, Music &Y D •Extra Mature, Mature, experienced experienced & & qualifi qualifi ed ed staff staff Extra nursery nursery activities activities including including French, French, Music Music e, experienced & qualifi staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music &&& experienced xperienced && &qualifi qualifi ed eded staff staff •••••Extra nursery nursery activities activities including including French, French, Music Music &Dance, Dance, Dance, trips enjoy the ••Extra experienced & qualifi ed staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music trips trips to to enjoy enjoy the the park park experienced qualifi ed staff nursery activities including French, Music Dance, Early Years Foundation Stage Mature, experienced & qualifi ed staff • Extra Extra nursery activities including French, Music experienced & qualifi ed staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music & Dance, trips to enjoy the park Foundation Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted • After-school Club including school col ion Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted • After-school Club including school collections Forest School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early Y st School • Well-equipped outdoor spaceplus plus regular to enjoy the ••••Early Years Forest Forest School School • • Well-equipped Well-equipped outdoor outdoor space space plus plus regular regular trips trips to to enjoy enjoy the the park park • • Earl Ear School chool • • Well-equipped Well-equipped outdoor outdoor space space plus regular regular trips trips to to enjoy enjoy the the park park Early Early Years Years Forest School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Ear chool • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park Early Years Forest School • Registered Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Ear chool • Well-equipped outdoorFoundation space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early Years Early Years Foundation Stage Education Early Early Years Foundation Foundation Stage Stage Education Education by Ofsted Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted • After-school Club including school col ion Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted •Years After-school Club including school collections

Foundation Foundation Stage Stage Education Education ••••Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted ••••After-school After-schoolClub Clubincluding includingschool schoolc Early Years Foundation Stage Education nStage StageEducation Education ••••Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted •Stage After-school Club Club including including school school collections collections Foundation Stage Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school Stage Education Registered by Ofsted •••After-school After-school Club including school collections Foundation Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school Stage Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school collections Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Br

rsery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Registered by Ofsted Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted Registered by Ofsted Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@ Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), BrB 1273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk rsery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Limited spaces available from October 2019 Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), ery, Park Road (adjacent to Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), ery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Orchard Day Nursery, Queens ParkRoad, Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), B B ery, Queens Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Queen's Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Brighton BN2 0GL Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@ 1273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Orchard Day Queens Park Road, Brighton (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL Telephone (01273) 73) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday 273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Orchard Day Nursery, Nursery, Queenswww.orchard-daynursery.co.uk Park Road,orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Brighton BN2 BN2 0GL 0GL orchardday Telephone (01273) 622883 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday 273) 622883 Orchard www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273)622883 622883www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) (01273) orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk CELEBRATING 28 YEARS!!

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Local Person...


Meet a local actor who’s currently filming Vindication Swim...

Local Person...Matthew Wyn Davies Matthew Wyn Davies lives near Brighton College and is an actor. He is currently filming Vindication Swim, about Mercedes Gleitze, the first English woman to swim the Channel, who was born in Freshfield Road. The film is directed by 19-year-old Elliott Hasler of Hove. How long have you lived in this area?

I moved here last Christmas so I’ve been in the area for about eight months. Who do you play in Vindication Swim?

I play a character called Corentin Charboneau. He is a French oarsman and he rows the pilot boat (“Popple”) that accompanies Mercedes across the Channel. He and his family know the waters very well and have always been on the sea. He believes that he knows the best route across the Channel. What are the challenges of filming by the sea?

The first thing that comes to mind is our first day of filming at sea. I suffered from very bad seasickness, which had never happened to me before, and I was a goner. Elliott Hasler managed to get the shots that he needed and I didn’t need to be in the frame for those shots, so it worked out OK in the end. Mike Skinner (who plays the doctor) recommended a specific brand of travel sickness pills (perhaps this was part of his Method acting in such a role?) and they’ve worked amazingly ever since. Have you got any more films planned?

At the moment I’m just working on Vindication Swim, but I am confident that there will be more projects in the pipeline soon as I am always looking out for new opportunities.

I also worked with Elliott earlier this year on a short film which is currently in post-production.

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Matthew Wyn Davies in Vindication Swim; photo by Stewart Weir

What do you like to do to relax? To relax I like to spend time at the gym and the sauna. For more information on Vindication Swim, visit www.relsahproductions.co.uk.


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Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021




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Local Events..



An exploration of 700 years of music...

Brighton Early Music Festival 2019 25th October to 10th November

The 2019 programme for the Brighton Early Music Festival is all about change and changing times.

Taking ‘Metamorphosis’ as its theme, the festival, which focuses on music written before 1800, presents 35 events in 11 different venues across the city this autumn and winter. From concerts for pre-schoolers, a community ceilidh and music from Handel’s oratorios to medieval music with a trance-style light show, there’s sure to be something for everyone.

St George’s Church, Kemp Town, hosts visiting Italian ensemble La Fonte Musica (26 October), as well as two staged works – Ceruleo’s Burying the Dead: a music theatre piece capturing London as seen through the eyes of Henry Purcell (31 October); and Fieri Consort’s play with music exploring the life of celebrated Venetian composer Barbara Strozzi (1 November). Early music group Ensemble Hesperi present a taste of 18th-century Scotland with Highland dancing in From Folk to Fashion: Dancing the Scottish Baroque (6 November). Another key venue is St Martin’s Church, Lewes Road, which is hosting seven festival concerts. Headline events here include the first public performance in modern times of Antoine Brumel’s complete Lamentations for Good Friday (25 October); the music of J S Bach dynamically re-coloured on


at The Spire 2019 Season

Ensemble Hesperi with dancer

synthesizers in The Art of Moog (3 November); and medieval music by Hildegard of Bingen performed by female vocal trio Voice with dramatic lightshow visuals from Chris Tomsett of Innerstrings (8 November).

For tickets and the full programme of events, visit bremf.org.uk, or phone Brighton Dome Ticket Office on 01273 709709.

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Local Events..



Details of your local fireworks display...

Brighton Lions Fireworks Extravaganza Brighton Lions’ 2019 fireworks display will be held at Brighton Racecourse on Sunday 3rd November. Gates will open at 6pm with the display scheduled to start at 7.30pm and last for approximately half an hour.

Admission prices at the gate will be: adults - £12; under-16s - £6. Under-5s free. A family ticket for 2 adults and 2 children will cost £30. Early bird discounts are available online through Eventbrite. Refreshments, including a licensed bar, will be on sale and there will be fairground rides (at extra cost) for the children. A local show..

Frankenstein at The Spire A new adaptation of Mary Shelley’s gothic horror novel, Frankenstein, is coming to The Spire (St Mark’s Chapel) in Eastern Road this Halloween from 23rd October to 9th November. Produced by TRUESTORY, this faithful retelling explores obsession, creation and compassion while asking is toNAME be human in an ever confusing ONE what ROOF itONE world. ONE ROOF NAME Suitable forONE brave eight-year-olds and up. Early booking is advised.





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Dance for Parkinson’s



  Weour offer atrained personal service, deliver dance artists, by local volunteers. our company name suggests. HereHere is aprojects company name suggests. issupported a on  (uPVC) subcontractors because ourinsurance reputation istime very comprehensive All work comes with a 10-year list ofoftheat services we offer tooffer and on budget and affordable prices as All work comes with a 10-year insurance comprehensive list the services we to  Free Quotation & Advice The volunteers also provide refreshments at the end  Flat Roofs & Pitched Roofs important to us. We have been working in the both home and business owners in the local area. backed guarantee ourboth company name suggests. Here isin athe can home and business owners local be area.a cause of isolation so  Chimney Re-pointing,backed Lead work guarantee of the class. Parkinson’s has been in ourinsurance family since 1988 and we intend All work comes with a 10-year comprehensive list of648567 the services we offer to Call us on: 01394  Fully insured, for piece of mind to keep it this way. social aspect thelocal class WE ACCEPT ALL 01273 808219 / 07745 728540 bothCallhome usthis on: 01394 648567 and business owners of in the area.is extremely important. MAJOR CREDIT CARDS backed guarantee  Insurance Work Undertaken We offer a personal service, deliver projects on We meet weekly on Wednesdays at 11.30am at Dorset time and on budget and at affordable prices as affordable-roofing1@outlook.com ACCEPT ALL WEFree Quotation & Advice


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Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021


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Local event...


This month’s column from the local WI...

Hanover Queens WI...

We meet again on Thursday 10th October at our new venue – the Church of the Annunciation, 89 Washington Street BN2 9SR. From 7.30 to 9.30pm. This will be our AGM but will be a mix of business and social time as usual. New members always very welcome. Do come and join us if you’d like to. Find out more on Facebook or contact us at wihanoverqueens@gmail.com Handy hint Band-Aids - removing them is easy if you soak a cotton ball in baby oil and rub it over the tape.

Recipe of the month

Apple and cinnamon loaf cake • Rub together 75g butter and 200g SR flour. • Stir in 100g brown sugar and 1 tsp cinnamon. • Add 2½ diced dessert apples and 3 beaten eggs. • Divide mixture between 2 1lb greased/lined cake ARANTEE TO BEAT ANY tins. E LIKE • FOR LIKE QUOTEapple on top, thinly sliced. Place remaining EWAYS • ORBake LANDSCAPING 40/45 minutes – Gas 4 /180 degrees.

NY care TE and treatment awns PING

Two concerts this month at St Luke’s Church…

Music and Wine at St Luke’s On Friday October 4th The Fretful Federation (Mandolin Orchestra) will perform The other ocean, a new composition with evocative film archive material provided by Screen Archive South East, plus its usual entertaining selection of music.


& Shrub Work All work comes with Quality Assured s all types  Driveways and paths WEWE GUARANTEE GUARANTEE TO BEAT BEAT ANY ANYand treatment  TOLawncare GENUINE GENUINE LIKE LIKE FOR FOR LIKE LIKE QUOTE QUOTE al Gardening BEAT ANY  Resen or tarmac paths WE& GUARANTEE driveways  New lawns ONTO ON DRIVEWAYS DRIVEWAYS OROR LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING GENUINE LIKE FOR LIKE ANY QUOTE WE GUARANTEE TO BEAT ON DRIVEWAYS ORLIKE LANDSCAPING ng & Gates AllAll work work comes comes with with Quality Quality Assured GENUINE LIKE FOR QUOTE  Block paving paths &Assured driveways Fretful Federation (Mandolin Orchestra);  Tree & ShrubThe Work All work comes with Quality Assured ON DRIVEWAYS OR LANDSCAPING photo by Mischa Haller All work comes with Quality Assured  Driveway and Patio cleaning andscaping  patios all types  Driveways Driveways and paths paths  Lawncare Lawncare and and treatment treatment Driveways andand paths  Lawncare and treatment Resen Driveways and paths Resin driveways & patios Resen oror tarmac paths & driveways  Lawncare and treatment New lawns   Resen or tarmac tarmac paths paths & driveways & driveways Fully insured New New lawns lawns And General Gardening on Friday October 18th ‘Hilary Burt’s Blue Quotation & Advice  Resen or tarmac paths & driveways  New  Block paving paths & driveways Treelawns & Shrub Work

  Block Block paving paving paths && driveways driveways  Tree Tree && Shrub Shrub Work  Block paving driveways Calluna’, 8-piece band, will play the compositions Tree & Shrub Work Driveway andpaths Patio &cleaning Fencing &paths Gates patios all types Work Fencing an & Gates Driveway Driveway andand Patio cleaning all types   Driveway and Patio Patio cleaning cleaning patios Fully insured General Gardening patios patios allall types typesand arrangements of Hilary Burt, blending vocals,  FullyHard insured landscaping General ance backed guarantee Fencing & Gates  saxes Hard and landscaping TarmacGardening driveways Fencing & Gates   Fully insured flutes with a rhythm section of piano, bass, General General Gardening Gardening Fully Fencing &insured Gates  Fencing & Gates  Hard landscaping Indianlandscaping sandstone Hard capes business. this is how we are  Free Quotation and advice  Hard landscaping drums and percussion.  Hard landscaping  Fencing Fencing && Gates Gates  Free Quotation & Advice Free quotation and advice   Fencing Fencing & & Gates Gates Free Quotation and advicefor Free Quotation & Advice n. private and commercial catered  peace Freepiece Quotation and advice Advice of mind for ofpiece mind for offor.mind  Free Quotation& All Hard Hard landscaping landscaping Hard Hard landscaping landscaping for piece of mind We are then having a four-week break for you to stomers from maintaining small Driveways & Patios comes with a 10-year insurance backed guarantee All Driveways & Patios a 10-year guarantee We stock most of our materials for ourcomes contracts,with for our affordable drivesinsurance and landscapesbacked business. this how we are   Free Free Quotation Quotation and and advice advice mmercial businesses. All Driveways Patios comes with aisFree 10-year backed enjoy the Early Musicguarantee Festival (bremf.org.uk) and  Quotation &insurance Advice & Advice We stock materialsthe forbest our contracts, for ourbyaffordable drives and landscapes business. thisFree is how we are Quotation able to givemost you of theour customer quote& possible cutting out the middle man. private and  commercial catered for. able to give yourange the customer best by cutting thecommercial middle man.customers private andfrom commercial catered for. we offer a for wide of services in mind thequote areapossible to suit both privateout and maintaining small th this is how we are for piece piece of of mind We most ofthe our materials for our contracts, for our affordable drives and landscapes business. we offerstock a wide range inpublic the area to suitgrounds both private and commercial customers frombusinesses. maintaining small will return on 15 November. Our next brochure will gardens and lawns for of theservices general to large gardens and lawns for commercial 01273 808219 / 07933360268 gardens and lawns for the general public to large grounds gardens and lawns for commercial businesses. able to give you&the customer the best quote byinsurance cutting out the middleguarantee man. private and commercial catered for. Driveways Driveways & Patios Patios comes comes with with a 10-year apossible 10-year insurance backed backed guarantee be out at the from endmaintaining of October. We won’t be delivering ntee WeAllWeAll we offer a wide range of services in the area to suit both private and commercial customers small Email: affordable_landscapes@live.co.uk www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk affordabledrivesandlandscapes@outlook.com stock stock most most of our of our materials materials for for ourour contracts, contracts, for for ourour affordable affordable drives drives andand landscapes landscapes business. business. thisthis is how is how we we areare Email: affordable_landscapes@live.co.uk www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk @live.co.uk www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk them, socatered please contact us if you would like one or ableable to give to give youyou thethe customer customer thethe bestbest quote quote possible possible by cutting by cutting outgrounds out thethe middle middle man. man. private private and commercial commercial catered for.for.businesses. gardens and lawns for the general public to large gardens andandlawns for commercial e are www.affordabledriveslandscapes.co.uk we we offer offer a wide a wide range range of services of services in the in the areaarea to suit to suit bothboth private private andand commercial commercial customers customers from from maintaining maintaining small small collect one at the concert. ed for. gardens gardens andand lawns lawns for for thethe general general public public to large to large grounds grounds gardens gardens andand lawns lawns for for commercial commercial businesses. businesses. ll We guarantee to beataffordable_landscapes@live.co.uk any The concerts take www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk place at St Luke’s Church at 7.30pm. Email: Email: Email: affordable_landscapes@live.co.uk affordable_landscapes@live.co.uk www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk www.affordable-driveslandscapes.co.uk genuine like for like quote For more information, visit www.musicandwineatstlukes.com.


Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021




BRIGHTON RACECOURSE Freshfield Road, Brighton BN2 9XZ

Artwork: Jody Craddock

PREVIEW EVENING 11th October 2019 (6pm - 9pm) OPEN ALL WEEKEND 12th & 13th October 2019 (10am - 6pm)

HALF PRICE WEEKEND TICKETS AVAILABLE! REGISTER AT EVENTBRITE.CO.UK WITH THE CODE: BHM50 Preview Evening Tickets also available for purchase online.


sussexartfairs.co.uk | #sussexartfairs | @sussexartfairs

To advertise e-mail info@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021

Local event...

Q Picture by Gareth Hayward

A great event for art lovers this October...

Sussex Art Fairs (East)

Brighton Racecourse, Freshfield Road, Brighton BN2 9XZ Following the success of our first event in May, our second event Sussex Art Fairs (East) takes place at Brighton Racecourse overlooking the coastline of Brighton, where 125 artists, galleries and collectives will come together to exhibit and sell 1000s of affordable artworks starting from £50 for prints and smaller works to over £5,000 for an outstanding masterpiece.

Taking place over three days, the event starts from 6pm on the Friday ‘Preview Evening’. Visitors will be able to chat with the artists and gallery owners whilst browsing their favourite artworks with drinks from our full bar and be the first to view exhibitors’ beautiful collections. The fair will then be open all weekend for visitors to find something to suit every budget and every type of art buyer.

Fair facilities include a full café serving teas, coffees and snacks and a bar serving refreshing alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks throughout the weekend. The venue is wheelchair accessible and has tidy toilet

facilities. All purchases will be wrapped by our specialist wrapping team ‘artPAKK’ located near the exit. In order to give back to the local community, Sussex Art Fairs will be collaborating with Sussex Wildlife Trust who will be offering original artworks for sale donated by our exhibitors with all profits going to the Trust. Be sure to visit their stand for an original bargain! Sussex Art Fairs is the perfect place to begin or add to your art collection, so come visit us this October for this special event.

Friday 11th - The Preview Viewing (6pm to 9pm) £12 entry per person Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th - Open To The Public (10am to 6pm) - £6 entry per person each day (free entry for children under 12) For more information and for tickets, visit: www.sussexartfairs.co.uk

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Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021


16 Share the Roads, Brighton & Hove




Looking isn’t enough if your mind is elsewhere


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Sutherland Rd, Brighton • • • •

Groceries Confectionery PayPoint Fruit & Veg

• • • •

Newpapers Beers Wines Spirits Mon - Sat

7.30am to 9pm

Sunday 9am to 9pm

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01273 692756

See this logo on adverts and find local reviews of that business at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk

Local Events...


This festival is now up and running...

Ageing Well Festival...

The Ageing Well Festival for anyone aged 50+ runs from 30th September until 13th October and there are over 100 events to choose from. Here are a few events not far from Queen’s Park... 50+ Table Tennis


1 & 8 October (2-4pm); 4, 7 & 11 October (11am-1pm) Free, drop-in Fitzherbert Centre, 36 Upper Bedford Street Try table tennis in a friendly group with expert coaches; no experience needed.

Thurs 10 October, 4.45-5.45pm Free, drop-in Brighton Youth Centre, 64 Edward Street Great fun drop-in session for adults, dancing to funk and soul music with an instructor.

Wed 2 October, 5.30-6.15pm £3, drop-in The Manor Gym, Manor Road A dance fitness class suitable for beginners and improvers. Work on your strength, balance, coordination, flexibility and have fun.

To get a programme call 01273 322940 or book online at ageingwellfestival.org/events

In Shape for Life Zumba

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Other events include Electric Cycling and a Boat Trip to the Offshore Wind Farm.

A local event…

Brighton Science WonderFest WonderFest: Saturday October 26th, all day at Brighton Racecourse Hands-On Half-Term: Sun Oct 27 to Sun Nov 3, workshops all day in central Brighton There will be a Brighton Science WonderFest on Saturday 26th October, all self day, at Brighton Racecourse, as well as workshops all day in central helBrighton from Sunday October 27th to Parental control p November 3rd Sunday for Hands-On Half-Term. skil A battalion of science communicators will be eagerly engaging with an army of kids and lscthe Brighton Science team will be pointing them to some of the best science entertainment and h.c workshops in Sussex. For more information, visit o.u www.brightonscience.com or Facebook: Brighton k Science Festival.

Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021





Alexander Technique Sarah Matthews......................................................................................17 Art Sussex Art Fairs...................................................................................... 14 Awnings SBI Products . .............................................................................................4 Baker Dough Lover................................................................................................2 Building Services Clarkes of Brighton................................................................................ 12 Childcare Tarner............................................................................................................6 Chimney Sweep Andy Sweeps..................................................................................... Cover Chiropodist The Foot Man..............................................................................................6 Cleaning Little Miss Do It All...................................................................................7 Conservatories & Windows Countryman................................................................................................5 Damp Solutions PEM Construction........................................................................... Cover Decorating Gilmour Decorating............................................................................... 18 The Paint Project....................................................................................12 Diner Dough Lover................................................................................................2 Domestic Appliances Carters........................................................................................................ 19 Drainage 24 Hours Emergency Services.......................................................... 18 Estate Agents Paul Bott............................................................................................... Back

Event TedX ...............................................................................................................3 Firewood Brighton Log Centre.............................................................................. 16 Funerals Sussex Funerals...................................................................................... 15 Garden Services Affordable Drives & Landscapes..................................................... 13 Handyman Gavin Graham.............................................................................................7 Housing Needed Acquisitions Scheme............................................................................. 10 Locksmiths Lee’s Locks................................................................................................ 16 Newsagents Mulberrys . ............................................................................................... 16 Nursery Orchard Day Nursery..............................................................................6 Pet Services Dapper Dogs.................................................8 Plumbing Services Brighton and Hove Plumbing.............12 Plum Heating.............................................12 Complete Road Safety professional Road Safety ...............................................16 decorating Roofing service MB Roofing...................................................8 Interiors &Exteriors Affordable Roofing..................................11 Sensible Quotes Show Call Mr Gilmour Frankenstein................................................9 Yoga 01273 679350 / Trace of Soul Yoga.....................................5 07748023392

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See this logo on adverts and find local reviews of that business at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk


Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021

ng 2018

Award Winning Award Winning Agency 2019

Agency 2018

Selling across Brighton & Hove


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