The Hovarian August 2020

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August 2020


An amalgamation of:

The WEST HOVE Directory POETS Pages HOVE PARK Living

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A lot of you asked about the ‘What’s On’ pages and whether they would return. The simple answer is ‘yes’, they will return in some form once things settle down a bit and we can confidently say whether certain classes and events are definitely happening.

Never before has the Brighton and Hove Council motto been more applicable and relevant:

Another great idea was to have a front cover photo competition…see below!

The Hovarian Team

Have a flourishing August! 01273 551021


Cover Photo Competition... Email us your best photos of Hove. We will use the winner as the cover and give you the credit! Send to by 10th August










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Another very encouraging aspect of our first edition has been the response advertisers have been getting to their adverts. This is great news for them and encouraging news for the wider economy. Thank you for supporting your local businesses!

‘INTER UNDAS ET COLLES FLOREMUS’ Between downs and sea we flourish


Firstly a massive thank you to you all for the great feedback we received from you concerning our first edition of The Hovarian in July!


Thank you Hovarians...



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News from the Friends of Three Cornered Copse‌

The Summer Copse The jobs are mounting up for the Friends of Three Cornered Copse. There are paths to clear, fallen trees to move and brambles to tame. But we're still bound by the rules of the day which prevent groups meeting up, and so we haven't been able to take care of Hove's largest woodland for some time. Individually, our members have been picking up litter, clearing around the signs and the benches, but the larger tasks that we need to do in the summer months remain un-tackled. The copse, otherwise, is largely un-managed. Only when trees threaten to drop onto the busy areas do the council's contractors take action to bring them down safely. The benefit of this is the wildness of some areas which develops into a feast of wild flowers and dense vegetation for many species of insects. It’s been another record year for butterflies. 2019 was a great year, but 2020 can be even better. The warm spring weather followed


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Brown Knapweed flowering near the silver birches

by the sunniest May since records began led to the early emergence of many butterfly species. In the right conditions they are to be found on the edges and hedges of our green space, a feast for the eye. One of our members has spotted a Painted Lady, which was in decline until the recent two summers. The copse has been very popular this year due to the increased leisure time some of us have had, and the sunny warm weather. Unfortunately one or two bonfires have been started, which could have dreadful consequences in these dry months. The Fire Service has had to attend on one occasion to ensure the heat of the fire has subsided. In a woodland the fire heats the underground, and it can flare up after the original flames have burned away. The Keep Britain Tidy organisation has moved the Great British Spring Clean, (which was cancelled), to the Great British September Clean. Slightly different to the previous years, when our group has always participated, the September event will only be small groups of up to six people over a week or so, again to avoid large group meetings. The intention is exactly the same, to fill as many black bags as possible and clear the space of all the litter that has accumulated over the summer. We will post details of the event on our Facebook page in due course. All welcome, in small groups, of course. Simon Baxendale

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Brighton Tigers a tale of sporting passion I was born in Brighton and can trace some of my ancestors to the time of George IV, although they seem to have been mostly manual labourers or other unskilled workers so they probably didn’t mix in the same social circles. I’ve lived in Goldstone Valley for the past 26 years. Since being fortunate enough to retire early I’ve been able to indulge a personal interest in local history and architecture. I volunteer at the Regency Town House in Brunswick Square to help with the ongoing restoration project. On behalf of the Town House I organise Brighton & Hove’s contribution to the annual national Heritage Open Days festival, which is where we try to inspire people to take an interest in their local history, built environment and culture. I’m also a trustee of the Regency Society where I look after the James Gray Collection of around 7,500 historic images of Brighton & Hove. During my immersion into the world of local history I kept noticing on social media that people regularly posted their memories of the Brighton Tigers ice hockey team and their home, the Sports Stadium, at the bottom of West Street. The more I noticed these people’s memories, the more I realised how important the team and the ice rink were to the local population. The fact that people were still excited to talk about the Tigers and express their anger over the closure of the rink some 55 years ago made me decide that these memories should be preserved and that the story of the team should be made available to future generations. Between 1935 and 1965 the Brighton Tigers were, arguably, the most successful and most passionately supported ice hockey team in the country. Hopefully, the book

reveals for the first time the remarkable love affair between ice hockey and the sports fans of Brighton, Hove and surrounding towns. Thousands packed the Sports Stadium in West Street for 30 years between 1935 and 1965 to cheer on Brighton Tigers, helping them to become one of the leading teams in Britain and Europe. The stories in this book will bring back fond memories to the many fans who still mourn the loss of the team and provide answers to younger generations wondering what all the fuss was about. The book is lavishly illustrated and is available from City Books, Hove, and Amazon. Photo: Kevin Wilsher

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Hove Park resident Kevin Wilsher tells us about his new book on the Brighton Tigers ice hockey team…


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New 5G phone masts Two new planning applications have been submitted to the council for phone masts in the Hove Park area. A 20m mast is proposed by Mobile Broadband Network Limited (MBNL) on behalf of Hutchison 3G (H3G) for land at the junction of Goldstone Crescent and King George VI Avenue, with associated antennas and cabinets, and a 16m H3G mast has been proposed for Dyke Road Avenue, outside 2 Hazeldene Meads. MBNL say the masts are needed to provide the latest 4G and new 5G technologies and they will need to be immediately adjacent to the existing masts on those sites in order to replicate the coverage. They say that the proposed mast at the junction of Goldstone Crescent and King George VI Avenue would be carefully sited at the back of the pavement, set against the backdrop of mature trees.

The proposed site at the junction of Goldstone Crescent

age to wildlife, and the height and design of the masts.

One objector to the Dyke Road Avenue mast commented: “There have been no thorough independent 5G safety studies The proposed Dyke Road Avenue site conducted on continuous exposure to this is on a grass verge. MBNL say that the technology. 5G is linked to chronic diseasdesign of the column resembles other es and is particularly dangerous for develexisting vertical structures within that area, oping children. The siting of this mast is in including lamp-posts, and existing mature a residential area making it dangerous for trees will hide the equipment from the local residents.” majority of surrounding views. The council’s Environmental Protection MBNL say in their application for the Dyke department have not objected to the Road Avenue mast: “At present due to applications. They say that the balance of the COVID-19 pandemic it is paramount evidence to date suggests that exposures that digital connectivity is supported and to radiofrequency radiation below Nationmaintained throughout the country. In al Radiological Protection Board guideparticular the current massive shift in user lines do not cause adverse health effects demand from city centres and places of and that exposures of the general public work to residential areas and the suburbs to radio waves are well within the internarequires an improvement in coverage and tional health-related guideline levels that capacity throughout the whole network.” are used in the UK. The council has received strong objecBoth applications can be found on the tions from neighbours of both sites who council’s planning register: planningapps. are concerned about possible adverse (BH2020/01501 and health effects from 5G technology, damBH2020/01526). Have a local editorial item? Email


Hove Park news…


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Hove Park Councillor News It’s been an interesting time for our neck of the woods since lockdown was eased. For one thing, your councillor here got a haircut and I was very pleased with that. In other news, normal service resumes for things that need fixing in and around Hove Park. What I can say to everyone with absolute certainty is that, if you email me or Cllr Brown, your emails will be responded to and both of us will do our best to resolve any issue you raise. What I thought I would do here this month is tell you about some of the issues that have dropped into our inboxes, in case they chime for you. Some of you will be aware of the poor state of the local pavements in the Goldstone Valley area. There’s an additional problem where trees had not been replaced, leaving pavements in a dangerous state. If you have been affected by this, please do get in touch. Another big issue that appears to be a common theme across the city is rubbish in parks. We’ve all seen headlines about the state of the seafront but, quite rightly, some local residents have written in expressing huge concerns about the state of bins and rubbish collection in Hove Park itself. In conversations with the Assistant Director responsible for waste management at the Council, a short term fix we have proposed is placing some larger bins in the park, similar to those recently placed on the seafront. There are issues to do with size, location and lorry access for emptying and we are working through those.

Other issues that have come up are planning issues, and with your councillor here being a Chartered Town Planner, it was difficult to avoid these. Vanessa and I will comment on everything you bring to our attention. There have been applications for houses on back gardens and demolishing family homes to put up flats. The advice we’d offer to planning agents and architects is to hold fire on these until the Hove Park Neighbourhood Forum completes at least the design coding document that consultants are working on. This should help guide local conversations. Until next time, stay safe and well. Cllr Samer Bagaeen

Longer term, we would like to see larger bins with recycling facilities placed around the park and some local residents have offered to campaign to encourage park users to take responsibility for their rubbish. Have a local editorial item? Email


News from Hove Park ward councillor Samer Bagaeen…


Step One Step One Step One Step One Step One Step One Step One Step One





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13 News from the Friends of Stoneham Park…

Having lain dormant for one hundred and four days, Stoneham Park reopened on 6 July. There was no fanfare, no grand opening, no celebrity appearance, scissors in one hand and ribbon in the other. It was all very low key. Local parents had been eager to get inside the park with their children, as evidenced by the many queries we received asking for how much longer we would be shut. As Stoneham Park is more of a playground than a park in the truest sense (at the other extreme, would we really call the South Downs National Park a park, either?), it was obliged by law to remain shut until the government lifted the closure order on playgrounds. This happened on 4 July and the extra days were added so the local authorities could tidy up and trim back some bushes and hedges. On the big day, the park looked fabulous and was being well-used. One can only hope that the new precautions we must all get used to are observed sensibly. Last month we put out a call for helpers to give us a hand tidying up the park on the opening day. The response was tremendous but, sadly, the council has maintained the temporary bar on volunteering on its land, so our own attempts at sprucing up our park could not go ahead. In addition to the park itself opening, we are delighted to see The Snug café is back open again. The operating hours are slightly different post-lockdown, with Hannah serving teas, coffees, great value meals

and delicious cakes from 10.30 to 14.30, Monday to Friday. A few people have been in touch to ask about the future of the ‘Covid Snake’, namely the children’s painted pebbles that have been placed around the perimeter of the park on Stoneham and Tamworth Roads. We hope it will be possible to find some way of permanently installing the component pebbles in the park and shall be putting on our thinking caps. If anyone out there has some good ideas, then please drop us a line! Our AGM should have taken place in June or July but has been postponed until September because of the pandemic. We are always on the look-out for new talent so please do keep a look out for details and come along. Richard Hearnden

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Stoneham Park reopens


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15 Roy Moffatt’s childhood memories of simple pleasures in the park…

Today Hove’s Stoneham Park is very different to the space where I played in the 1950s, when I was a boy living in Scott Road. As a traditional recreation ground it offered a set of opportunities and challenges; needless to say, they weren’t always approved of by the park keeper. We children called him ‘the Parkie’, and we considered our mission was to outwit him by ignoring his rules! The Parkie had a white hut on wheels which housed a seat and a large black metal pot of tea which was kept hot all day on a large coke stove. He was an ex-soldier, walked with a limp and carried a stick, and when we transgressed his rules he would shout and wave the stick at us as we ran off. In those pre-health and safety days the limited play equipment stood on hard black tarmac. The wooden swings were unrestrained, and determined children tried to push the roundabout at great speed. The see-saw was a long plank made to hold a number of children, sitting one behind the other along each half, who did their best to see-saw to its limits. We kicked footballs to the goal posts we chalked on the then electricity sub-station (now The Snug café). There were also opportunities for the enterprising. The Parkie’s constant challenge was to keep children out of the fenced shrubbery on the north side. However I used to go into the shrubs along Marmion Road to hunt for empty beer bottles tossed over the fence by people walking home. I could take these back to pubs’ off licence shops to get a refund of a penny or tuppence each. J.H. BRICKWORK Our Services include

All Brickwork Patios • Garden Designs Block Paving Re-Pointing • Driveways Please call Joseph for a free quotation on



Stoneham Park in more recent times

My penny could buy a packet of ‘scraps’ from the fish and chip shop in Tamworth Road, a few doors up from Stoneham Road. These were the tasty bits of batter scooped out from the fryer, if you were very lucky with a bit of fish attached. My friend Barry tells me that he used to buy a potato fritter for two pence and, while he waited, do a jigsaw puzzle that the shopkeeper always left on the counter. So I watched with horror one day when the chip shop burned down in a spectacular fire. Alternatively I could spend my gains on a penny lolly made from flavoured water put in little pots into a freezer by the lady in the sweetshop on the corner of Marmion Road and Mainstone Road. Stoneham Park and its surroundings then offered simple pleasures in more simple times, but what fun they were! Roy Moffatt

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1950s Stoneham Park

16 News from Wish ward councillor Robert Nemeth…

Wish Ward Councillor News Every few days a new post appears on a local Facebook group in Hove with photos of a car that has been keyed or perhaps a video of an individual trying to get into a car or van. Cllr Garry Peltzer Dunn and I are contacted daily about such matters in Wish Ward. What’s most frustrating is the feeling of helplessness afterwards. Residents wonder if they should even bother reporting the crime and rightly expect action from the police. They wonder if it is personal but often then find numerous vehicles nearby have received the same treatment. There is often a feeling that the crime is written off as low-level but it certainly doesn’t feel low-level when the repair bill is received – over £1,000 in many cases with a knock-on effect on insurance. Garry and I strongly feel that the greatest defence against such crimes is an increase in CCTV on individual homes in our area. Those clever new doorbells with zoning and motion capabilities are not expensive and give excellent results. We shouldn’t have to get them but we are where we are.

and brand new trees ripped out. Reporting and CCTV are key here.

Conservative proposals at Council went through with Green support and included various measures for Hove seafront – Reporting is key too and leads to greatnew signage, free graffiti wipes from the er police focus on the issue as patterns Seafront office, prom-cycling crackdown, emerge. PCSO Jessica Lee has been fanclean-up of the Lagoon, etc. Broken tastic in that regard and has put time into Windows Theory should be embraced. patrolling the ward hotspots with us late Supposedly small crimes should not be at night. Letters from the police have been ignored. sent out on numerous affected streets. We thank all residents who have kept us Setting up Neighbourhood Watch groups in the loop over crimes on their streets seems well worth a go. Tamworth Road and will continue to work hard to bring residents are in the process of doing this police focus to West Hove. CCTV, reportnow as a logical accompaniment to the ing, Facebook posts, Neighbourhood street WhatsApp group in response to Watch and WhatsApp groups all help in increased drug-dealing activity around that regard. Stoneham Park. Thank you. Wish Park has been badly affected by Cllr Robert Nemeth criminal damage recently which is most upsetting. Fires have been set by the café IMPORTANT... Please support our local independent businesses when you can


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19 Small community groups in West Hove can benefit from the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund….

The West Hove Forum has £3,000 to distribute from the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund. Small, not-for-profit community groups in West Hove (west of Sackville Road/Hove Street and south of the railway line) can bid for up to £500 to spend on a project with a clear health outcome. New applicants will be particularly welcome – if you know of new groups which have formed during lockdown, they may be able to benefit from these grants. Last year’s grants were distributed to the following groups: Hove Junior School PTA received £500 to plant a green wall of shrubs and small trees along the playground bordering Portland Road. This will enable many children whose homes have no outside space to experience greenery and gardening. The planting will also absorb some of the traffic fumes and provide a screen from the main road. Ingram Crescent Residents Association’s Rose Garden Group received £500 to create a bird feeding station which will enable garden users to enjoy watching bird activities from the nearby benches. The Vallance Community Centre was awarded £500 to support its austerity cooking group, community healing group and over-50s line dancing group, as well as an IT teacher for the IT drop-in group. Stoneham Bakehouse were awarded £500 to run further sessions of their fortnightly Bread Shed group for over-55s, in which up to 25 people come together every two weeks to bake bread. Group members feel less isolated and form lasting friendships as well as finding new joy in baking. The Secret Garden Group (behind St Leonard’s Church) received £500 to reduce the volume of tree growth around

A grant enabled the Secret Garden Group to prune some trees and let in more light

the garden, as trees shade the growing area. They also plan to build a gazebo to offer shelter for garden activities. Say Aphasia is a charity for people who can’t get their words out, usually following a stroke. In normal times, they run a drop-in group every week in Hove for 25-30 people. They received £500 to raise awareness of aphasia and organise day trips so that members can regain confidence in communicating in everyday situations. Some groups that have been unable to deliver their projects because of lockdown restrictions will not lose their grants, which will be carried forward. Please email if you would like an application form. The deadline is 30th September, but earlier applications would be appreciated.

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Grants available for local groups


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07/07/2020 10:26

21 Meet a local resident…

West Hove person…Brennan Holt Brennan Holt lives in Carlisle Road and is a counsellor. How long have you been working as a counsellor?


I have been practising counselling since 2017, first in an NHS service and for the past few years in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre alongside my private practice. How has the lockdown affected your work? Face to face counselling completely stopped as did our work at the centre. It has, however, enabled me to volunteer for Frontline19 helping key workers. Also, people’s increased familiarity with online platforms has opened up possibilities for reaching out and engaging in new ways. What sort of help can counselling offer? I think all of us have felt the impact of Covid-19 on some level. As the lockdown eases, it can feel unsettling and speaking with someone about it can help make sense of these feelings. Even at the best of times we can get stuck in circles and these have been harder times than most. Most of us have probably felt the need for some wide-open space just to clear our minds, see through the confusion and find a way of getting out of whatever rut we find ourselves in. This is easier said than done and I think counselling can help create that space, hold it open and help us to make the most of it. Are you able to offer face-to-face counselling again yet? I have not yet returned to face to face work but 198 New Church Road – where I

base my private practice – has been very conscientious and spared no expense in making the building safe, installing ventilation systems and staggering clients to ensure safety. This gives me a welcome feeling of security as I look forward to returning to face to face work. You and your family have started a book exchange outside Stoneham Park. Tell us more about that… My wife and I love the idea of a sharing community and seeing what surprises come out of it. It was great to see the conversation about books it created on the park’s local page and that it found such unexpected use during the lockdown when everywhere else had closed. There are so many ways the community has come together in this time and we’re happy to be a part of that. To find out more about counselling, visit or email Brennan@sussexcounsellingcollective

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Tea Room


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23 Local development news…

Portland Road flats given go-ahead

The original application by Martin Homes for the scheme called “One Portland” was for two blocks of six storeys, containing 91 flats. The application was later revised and is now for two buildings – one of four storeys and one of three storeys – providing up to 47 flats plus office space. 239 objections were submitted to the council on the grounds that it would be an overdevelopment and excessive in scale and height; it would be out of character with the area; it would not be set back sufficiently from the road; it would overshadow neighbours and affect their privacy. Objectors argued that it would also have an unacceptable impact on parking provision and place additional pressure on infrastructure, and there was concern over the loss of six family homes. The planning officer recommended that the committee grant the application, subject to conditions. Wish ward councillors Garry Peltzer Dunn and Robert Nemeth spoke against the application. Cllr Peltzer Dunn said that they had been almost bombarded by residents who were really fearful of the application, which is at the second worst traffic junction in the ward, and Cllr Nemeth commented that the great resident opposition to it should count for something. However, Cllr Joe Miller, who is on the committee, thought it was a good use of the site and the committee voted in favour of the application (5 votes in favour, 1 against and 2 abstentions).

Appeal against Kingsway planning refusal Agenda Homes have appealed to the Secretary of State against Brighton & Hove City Council’s decision last July to refuse planning permission for 37 apartments in an eight-storey building at 239-243 Kingsway, between Braemore Road and Berriedale Avenue.

Artist’s impression of the proposed development at 239-243 Kingsway

The development would have replaced three two-storey houses and the council’s planning officer had recommended approval of the application, saying that the public benefits of the scheme outweighed the limited harm to the amenity of neighbouring occupiers. Planning committee members who rejected the scheme thought that the building would be overly dominant and would have an adverse impact on neighbouring properties.

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Outline planning permission has been granted by the council’s Planning Committee for a new development on Portland Road, to replace six houses between Martello Lofts and Olive Road, to establish the principle of development on the site.


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Seymours+solicitors Specialist family & matrimonial lawyers Expert resolution by experienced solicitors & barristers Consultations at: 79 Goldstone Crescent, Hove, BN3 6LS 20 Keymer Road, Hassocks, BN6 8AW 30 Worthing Road, Horsham, RH12 1SL Also at Central London by appointment only

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25 West Hove news…

New mural at Hove Lagoon A new “Smash Racism” mural has been painted in the skatepark at Hove Lagoon. It’s by Aroe, alongside Sprite Artist, Snub23, Solveig Maseyk and other street artists.

LagoonFest cancelled The Friends of Hove Lagoon have sadly decided to cancel this year’s LagoonFest, which was to have taken place on 5th September, as they cannot guarantee social distancing and they say the safety of their visitors, contributors and volunteers is paramount. The next LagoonFest will now be held on Saturday September 4th 2021. In the meantime, the Friends of Hove Lagoon hope to run some smaller, socially-distanced activities in and around the Lagoon over the next few months. To join their mailing list, email

New Italian restaurant in Boundary Road There’s good news if you fancy an Italian meal – a new Italian restaurant, Colosseo, opened at 70 Boundary Road at the beginning of July. It replaced Seasons in February and has been offering take-aways since May. Colosseo offers a variety of dishes such as pizza, pasta and fish. The restaurant can be contacted at 01273 422000 or find Colosseo Hove on Facebook.


Aroe also painted the previous mural on that wall. He said: “I needed to do something to clearly assert my position on this topic. My kids and an unusual selection of pals wanted to play their part.”

Wimpy licence revoked Fast food restaurant Wimpy in Station Road Portslade has had its premises licence revoked following a meeting on 7th July of the council’s Licensing Panel. Sussex Police had submitted an application for a review of the licence following an attempted rape at the premises in March and other substantial concerns. The panel said in its written decision that, as the licence holder had shown no regard for the law and had badly mismanaged the premises, the only appropriate action was revocation of the licence. The licence holder was given 21 days to appeal before the decision comes into effect.

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26 Best Care of The Deceased 2017 Funeral Director of the Year 2014

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Bryant Decorators Ltd

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Your local representatives...

Where in West Hove?

Councillors for Wish and Westbourne

See page 29 for the answers.



Garry Peltzer Dunn and Robert Nemeth are Conservative councillors for Wish ward.

You can contact them at: 01273 291819 01273 291186

The Labour councillors for Westbourne are Carmen Appich and Chris Henry.

3 Travel to

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27 Where in West Hove were these photos taken?


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29 Old photo…


Station Road

Station Road c1970, showing shops to the south of Vale Road, including Deacon & Co auctioneers and GS Butt & Co estate agents, now Sawyers.

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The newer blocky building on the left is currently occupied by Peacocks. © Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove

ANSWERS FOR WHERE IN WEST HOVE: from page 27 Picture 1: West Werks in Portland Road Picture 2: Seafront shelter on Western Esplanade Picture 3: Bear charity box outside RC Secker butcher’s in Richardson Road

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31 News from the council…

Outbreak of elm disease

Fly-tipping hotline

The council is calling on residents to help tackle a higher than normal outbreak of elm disease.

A new hotline for reporting fly-tippers has been launched by the council in a bid to catch more of the criminals.

One of the Preston Park Twins succumbed to elm disease last year

The infection, which could wipe out thousands of historic elms if not brought under control, has already started killing off previously healthy trees throughout the city. Tree experts say the disease, brought on this year by the recent hot weather, is beginning to spread through many of the city’s 17,000 elms. The council would like residents to become an extra pair of eyes and help flag up any trees that could be infected. Early infection signs are a wilting and browning / yellowing of parts of the foliage, or greenery, anywhere on the tree; and an elm tree losing its leaves in early summer while other elms around it are still full and healthy looking. Residents can also help by not buying elm logs for fuel or any garden ornaments or seating made of elm which may already be infected by the bark beetles. If you suspect an elm tree is diseased, please email, ideally with a photograph of the tree, a close-up of the symptoms and a location.

Common examples of fly-tipping include: leaving household items, appliances and furniture on the street or beside communal bins; leaving items on the pavement in the hope others will take them away; dumping rubbish or building materials in the countryside or green spaces such as parks. The new phone line will be staffed from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Callers outside these hours will be able to leave a message with details of where and when the fly-tip took place.

Covid Statistics Local Covid-19 data for Brighton & Hove can now be found on the council’s website at: https://new.brighton-hove. This includes the numbers of confirmed cases and deaths, which will be regularly updated.

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Residents can call the number – 01273 295063 – and give details of a fly-tip crime, allowing council staff to respond immediately.


Gallery and shop on Portland road showcasing a collection of original works including cards, Newly opened shop and gallery on Portland road showcasing a collection of original works including jewellery, ceramics, textiles, paintings, decorative plant displays, home decor andand clothing. cards, jewellery, ceramics, textiles, paintings, decorative plant displays, home decor clothing. Relaxed and informal in style, we offer something for everyone. Relaxed and informal in style, we offer something for everyone. Buses 49, 46 and 2 stop right outside

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33 Hove history from Lindsey Tydeman of The Keep.…

Police Seaside Home Today this building in Portland Road is a care home called Middleton Grove. An imposing four-storey red-brick villa with terracotta embellishments, gables, verandah, a sweeping front staircase and entrance framed with stained glass – which has survived two wars - it’s a handsome late Victorian building.

The building is actually a tribute to Britain’s police force. The first building block of the Convalescent Police Seaside Home was laid by Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein in October 1892. The Home was the brainchild of three wealthy and determined local women, Catherine Gurney, May Griffin and Miss Bell. They felt that members of the police force deserved a dedicated space in which to recover from illness or injury, one well away from the felons they had brought to justice. As so often in the case of Victorian philanthropy, once the initial funds had been pledged, the vision outlined and royal patronage secured, members of the public did the rest. The philanthropic builder William Willett took on the project for cost price, and included large windows which enjoyed direct sea views, until more houses were built on the south side of Portland Road. Inside it was furnished as a gentleman’s club, with leather-upholstered sofas, pianos, writing tables and glass boxes displaying stuffed birds and animals. Postcards showing various views of the home were available to buy and send to loved ones. One of these in the Keep’s collection (SPK1/45/28) shows a crowd of men in the sitting room, where books, games and musical evenings kept everyone busy. The dining room was more basic but still had


But what was its original purpose? Too large and close to the street for a family home, too ornamental for a hospital or school; perhaps it was a private college or training institution?

potted plants, table linen and pictures of royalty above the fireplace. Upstairs there were several beds to a room, with a ward for more serious cases. Our photograph shows the building soon after its opening. Sixteen patients are in the picture, new trees have been planted outside and nearly every window has been opened, reflecting the enthusiasm for fresh air (or perhaps the painters had just been in!). Matron stands in the impressive entrance. She is elevated above her charges, yet set back, an interesting position which succeeds in reflecting both her subservient female gender and her authority over the institution. Looking at the men’s hats, suits and walking canes, one suspects that recuperation by the sea did not come with any option for lounging about. Lindsey Tydeman For more information, read: https://hovehistory.

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34 The first of a new series of articles on wildlife in Hove by Glenn Norris of the Sussex Wildlife Trust‌

Pollinators in Hove Like most of us, during the lockdown I was restricted in my usual work of monitoring the nature reserves managed by the Sussex Wildlife Trust, so I compensated by recording everything that flew into my garden. Since then I have branched out into wider Hove and found a huge diversity of excellent pollinators. Red-tailed bumblebee male on Yarrow

Of course, they are reliant on flowers and so are particularly attracted to gardens

and the small fragments of parks that are lucky enough to avoid the mower. Wherever Ragwort grows there will be plenty of insects and it is a particular favourite of the diminutive, but pugnacious, Thick-legged Hoverfly, easily recognised by its beefy hind leg. If you would like to increase the number and variety of pollinators that use your garden, the best way is to plant a mix of different types and colours of flowers. In my small garden with perhaps five or six different flowers, I have now recorded 10 different species of bee which is fantastic,

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lier this year I drilled a load of holes in an old fencepost, shoved it in a bed and three months later Red Mason Bees were laying One of the best type of flowers to plant their eggs and sheltering from bad weathare umbellifers. These provide excellent er. Old stone walls or brickwork are also landing platforms for all sorts of pollinators such as this male Red-tailed Bumble- ideal as failing mortar provides the perfect bee on Yarrow. In the scrubby margins of nest holes for the Hairy-footed Flower Bee, one of the earliest species on the wing. Three Cornered Copse, the tops of Hogweed are swarming with wasps, including I’m very interested to find out more about a new species to me, the Median Wasp. what is present in Hove, so if you find anThis was new to Britain in the 1980s, first ything interesting in your garden or in the being found in Sussex, and has since local parks, be it bees, butterflies, birds spread further north as the climate contin- or plants, don’t hesitate to get in touch ues to warm. More new species from the ( and we continent can be expected in future years. might be able to share the best images in future. But it’s not just flowers that help our pollinators; they also need places to nest. Ear- Glenn Norris

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and I’m sure there are far better gardens out there.


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37 An update from a local homelessness charity…

News from Off The Fence Homelessness doesn’t always start with a first night on the streets, or even with a night on a friend’s sofa or a hostel. It can start with a difficult time in school, mental health problems, a difficult relationship or family breakdown. And it doesn’t end with four walls, a roof and a bed. It ends with stability, community and hope about the future.

So, like the pebbles on Brighton beach, we deal with the ever progressing and receding tides of everyday life for our clients. However, sometimes tsunamis hit the beach and we have to review every element of our service. In the last year we have had to weather three storms: Brexit, which created economic uncertainty; a General Election where the plight of the disadvantaged hardly merited a by-line; and largest of all, Covid-19, which since early 2020 has called for a complete overhaul of the way the charity works. On the surface, it is possible to argue that the virus has created an environment where rough sleepers can no longer be allowed to live outside. The vast majority of them have been temporarily accommodated in hotels and B&Bs. In August they will move again into unused student facilities. So far, so good. However, as these are short term arrangements, it is very likely that the numbers of homeless will rise dramatically once lockdown is fully over. 36% of rough sleepers are not native to Brighton & Hove and the migration south will continue. The end of the Government’s furlough scheme will see thousands of the poor turn into the homeless overnight as redundancies, the


We work on the premise that homelessness isn’t solved by a sleeping bag and hot food, though these are an excellent place to start. Off The Fence has always been about offering the practical tools and emotional support needed for a transformed life.

porous nature of Universal Credit and the impact of global recession hit home. Another outworking of Covid-19 has been the increased demand for the services available to vulnerable women via our Gateway Centre. Social distancing has removed the comfort of meeting adversity together. Staff have been furloughed and virtual communication doorstep-confined one-to-ones have become crucial tools in our armoury. However, we have been able to harness new technologies like remote working in a way that has virtually eliminated any interruptions to our core team and services. We have recently seen the best three months financially in our history. Not because we are good at raising money but because what we are doing is wholly aligned with our mission to help the poor and the vulnerable. We have again been chosen as one of five Mayor’s charities to do just that.

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38 Mortgage advice from local financial advisors David Lewis Mortgage Management...

Mortgages Because we all have bank accounts, we see our banks as the go-to places when thinking about money. Banks are often our first port of call whether we want to borrow or save money and, even though this is a totally logical first step to make, it isn’t actually the best idea. Limited Choice The problem with asking your bank for advice on the right mortgage or cash management solution is that their advice is always limited to their products. It’s like going to a car dealership and asking which family saloon car is best for your needs and budget. They’re going to tell you it’s a model they have on their forecourt rather than searching the whole car market for you. Similarly, a high street bank is only going to offer you their mortgages solution even if you might be better off with a different option. Limited Knowledge It follows, therefore, that high street bank Mortgage Advisors are only trained to sell their bank’s products so their knowledge is limited. Mortgage Advisors who don’t work for individual banks have to learn about the whole market place of mortgages so they can give impartial advice based on your circumstances and needs rather than on their limited range of offerings. If you’re looking to get a mortgage or to find the best insurance solution for your requirements, it’s always worth speaking to a Mortgage Advisors like David Lewis Mortgage Management as we don’t work for a single bank so can offer you the best solution available rather than just one of a small selection.

We get to know our clients so we can establish exactly what your situation is and what your goals are before we make a recommendation. Contact us for a no-obligation consultation. Call 01273 933743 mobile 07714255388 or via our facebook page. 87 Portland Road, Hove. BN3 5DP

Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage David Lewis Mortgage Management is a trading name of David Lewis. David Lewis is an appointed representative of Sesame Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. To advertise to 12,000 HOVE homes visit or call 01273 551021

39 This month’s healthy living advice is from Mary Henderson, a doctoral researcher in gut health…

Is sustainable healthy eating really possible? Eating sustainably and healthily are not mutually exclusive. The pandemic has brought greater attention to our food system, both its potential role in virus outbreaks and the role of diet in immunity. However, this calls for less radical action than one might think. A recent example was the power that we all had to cause a shortage in loo roll! It was not so much a wartime hoarder mentality rather than everyone popping that extra pack into their trolley that disrupted supply and demand. Likewise, our diets are a huge modifiable factor that determines our health outcomes and the health of our planet. Our dietary choices contribute around 30% to greenhouse gases and 40% to deforestation. Everyone needs to follow a plantbased diet and this doesn’t mean having to forego all meat and dairy. A plant-based diet is one where healthy plant-based foods form around two thirds of your diet, and no, just eating chips doesn’t count. Nor does relying on vitamin supplementation. There’s fibres and phytochemicals to think about, to name but a few. It is possible for both meat and meat-free eaters to have a balanced healthy diet; just remember the big picture like vitamin B12 supplements for non-meat-eaters and an extra effort for meat-eaters not to eat over 20g saturated fat per day. Studies show that we all far exceed the 70g daily protein requirements, vegans included.


The current situation has been overwhelming at times whatever your stance, but rest assured that collectively and individually we have the power to change things.

With 70% of all food waste being household waste, plan meals and shop thoughtfully. Switch to wholegrain varieties and add a portion or two of fruit or veg to every meal. Buy locally and seasonally. Eat sustainably caught fish. Have a meat-free day once or twice a week. Baked beans count! Iodine is one everyone needs to watch, particularly young teenage girls and pregnant women. Milk is a good source as are some alternative milks but check. Don’t overly focus on individual nutrients. Overall dietary composition, quality and patterns are what matter. Don’t forget vitamin D. We spend 90% of our time indoors! Energy balance is key so focus on main meals, limit snacks, get more exercise and think moderation. The food environment has to change, too; not everyone has access to healthful food choices. But small steps can make a real difference to our health and our beloved planet. Mary Henderson

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40 Historical Hove...

Hove Seafront The late Edwardian scene on King’s Esplanade, sometimes called Medina Esplanade. Taken about 1909, it shows the Hove Baths, an impressive line of gas lamps and the neat back entrance, through gardens, to the large houses in Victoria Terrace.

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Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at:


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43 News of a council consultation…

Changes to the city’s transport network... Brighton & Hove City Council has worked quickly to reallocate road space and bring in measures to help with safer movement around the city. This has included new temporary cycle lanes, including one in Old Shoreham Road, and the widening of footways as part of the Urgent Response Action Plan, approved by the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee on 23rd June. These changes were identified following the development of an Interim Covid-19 Response Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). The money to fund them will come from the Government’s Emergency Active Travel Fund.


Residents are being given the chance to have their say on a number of changes to the city’s public spaces and transport network, introduced to support the city’s recovery from Covid-19.

This is what the A259 cycle lane could look like

Pedestrian Crossings

The operation of stand-alone pedestrian crossings (those not at junctions) is being changed citywide to benefit pedestrians. They currently change when either there is A259 Cycle Lane no traffic approaching or a maximum period Another change identified in the plan and of time is reached, but this is being altered agreed by the committee is to implement so that the crossing changes immediately temporary cycle lane improvements along when the pedestrian button is pressed, the A259 from the Palace Pier to the west- unless it has just operated. This will reduce ern boundary of the city and it was also waiting times for pedestrians and should be agreed to continue to develop plans for a completed by the end of July. permanent high-quality on-carriageway Other options to be explored include a two-way cycle facility along that stretch, cycle route for Boundary Road/Station linking in with plans from West Sussex Road and a programme for School Streets. County Council. There is a future vision for an A259 Active Richardson Road Closure Travel Corridor, in which most of the parking between Boundary Road and Wharf The committee agreed to implement an Road could be removed to accommodate Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for a cycle lane. the closure of Richardson Road at the junction with New Church Road to provide The council is now inviting residents to comthe opportunity for local businesses to use ment on the changes as they are being imthe road for outdoor seating and reduce plemented. You can complete the survey at: through traffic. Cycling would be allowed. parking/covid-19-temporary-measures/ Have a local editorial item? Email


1 hour fixed fee advice on any Family Law matter from a senior solicitor at the Hove office for £125 + VAT during AUGUST

Please contact 01273 253500 to arrange your initial fixed fee appointment with Mr Simon Rowe

Offering a range of fresh fish, shellfish and seafood products from our Fish Shack on Hove Beach, or free local delivery daily to your door Self-isolation and social distancing are now the new norm, and the rapid and indiscriminate spread of the coronavirus means doing our best to stay healthy throughout this continued uncertain period. Incorporating fish and shellfish into our daily diet is an excellent way of boosting our immune systems and ensuring our bodies are maximising their daily intake of essential vitamins and minerals. Easy to digest, versatile and tasty, make fish and shellfish one of your top 5 food choices on your shopping list. We offer a wide range of fresh and frozen fish, shellfish, and seafood products, in your choice of quantity, size and weight. We source as much as we can locally, supporting our local fishermen, and our produce is packaged in paper or plant based compostable pots to minimise environmental impact. To help make this safer and easier for our customers, we are now offering daily free local delivery of your fish and seafood orders. Contact us to request a product/pricelist. Orders placed before 9am will be delivered to your doorstep that same day from Monday through to Saturday.

07412 118115 • 01273 323216 • Western Esplanade, Hove Seafront To advertise to 12,000 HOVE homes visit or call 01273 551021


New works for Hove Museum

Brighton Open Air Theatre

The Contemporary Art Society Rapid Response Fund has bought twelve ceramic and three tapestry works by Matt Smith, which will form a central focus for the displays at Hove Museum when it reopens.

Brighton Open Air Theatre (BOAT), along with other openair theatres, has finally been able to open its gates for live performances from 25th July in Dyke Road Park. There is a full programme of theatre, comedy, music and family shows on sale on their website for August and September. All performers will be socially distanced on stage, unless they have formed a “cast bubble”. Tickets are expected to sell quickly and there is reduced capacity to help maintain social distancing, so book early at

Conehead Geishas with Pearls by Matt Smith

Much of Matt Smith’s work explores marginalised history and it will form a key inspiration for activity sessions as the museum expands its work with groups with varied critical social needs. Artist Matt Smith said: “What museums collect, and what this tells us about what society deems important, is an ongoing fascination to me. Recent events have shown how important objects, and particularly sculpture, are in the national debate about who we are and how we got here. I have worked with the museums in Brighton & Hove many times over the last decade and am delighted that this acquisition leads on from that relationship. I look forward to seeing how the works are interpreted and curated to help the widest possible audience feel welcomed and visible within the museums.” The Contemporary Art Society’s Rapid Response Fund is a new initiative supporting artists and museums during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Hove Local Monthly Market The Hove Local Monthly Market is re-opening on Saturday 1st August, 11am-4pm at the Cornerstone Community Centre in Church Road. There will be art, cards, vintage/collectables, clothing, plants and more. Saxophonist Alice Schooley will be playing jazz from 2-3pm. The market will be guided by UK Government advice regarding Covid-19 so one entrance, safe distancing, queuing, one-way systems, hand sanitisers and one exit will be in place.

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Hove news…


Local Business at your service... Airport Transfers Kingsway Travel..............................41 Bath Resurfacing The Bath Business.........................6 Bicycles Stanforth Bikes................................12 Blinds Bella Vista...........................................24 Building Services AT Construction................................3 Brighton and Hove Construction.....................................18 Clarkes of Brighton......................14 Oakhelm Construction.............17 Rainbow ..........................,,,,,,,,,Cover Brickwork JH Brickwork....................................15 Care Provider Coastal Homecare.......................18 Home Instead..................................10 Alina Homecare.............................32 Chiropodist Sole Sister............................................6 Cleaning JP Cleaning Solutions...............42 Conservatories Countryman Improvements..17 Premier Windows............................5 Compost Brighton Compost Centre..............22 Damp Proofing PEM................................................Cover Dog Grooming Waggie Tails.....................................21 Domestic Appliances Carters...................................................28 Education GBMC enrolment..........................35 Electrician Kingsway Electrical....................42 Rainbow Electrical,,,,,,,,,,,,Cover

Estate Agents Cox & Co.....................................Cover Healy & Newsom.............................2 Lawton & Dawe.................................4 Fishmongers The Fish Shack...............................44 Funeral Directors ARKA Funerals................................26 Sussex Funerals............................36 Furniture Store Neptune Hove................................20 Gallery Jules Emporium.............................32 Gardening Services MB Landscapes............................40 Tree & Garden Services...........30 Garden Machinery AMP Services...................................18 Gas and Heating. Barden Gas Services..................42 Paul Yeates.........................................14 Gift Shop Jules Emporium.............................32 Kitchens Dream Doors.......................................8 Laundrettes West Hove Laundrette.............30 Locksmiths Lee’s Locks........................................22 Loft Conversions Creative Attic Solutions...........36 Massage Essence................................................30 Mobility Clearwell Mobility...Back Cover Mortgages David Lewis.......................................38 Nurseries St Anthony’s Pre-School............6 Painting & Decorating Bryant Decorators Ltd..............26 Gilmour Decorating....................46

Pest Control The Pest Man..................................46 Pianos Brighton Piano Warehouse......6 Plasterer Lewis Byard Plastering.............34 Plumber Plum Heating...................................18 Brighton and Hove Plumbing............................................30 Paul Yeates........................................14 Pre-schools St Anthony’s Pre-School............6 Reflexologist Step One..............................................12 Road Safety City Council.......................................12 Roofing Davis Roofing....................................12 M Marchant Roofing...................42 MB Roofing........................................47 Shutters Bella Vista...........................................24 Solicitors Crosby & Woods............................22 Goodlaw Solicitors.......................10 GWCA....................................................44 Seymour Solicitors.......................24 Travel Companies Travel Peru.........................................27 Tree Surgeon Tree & Garden Services...........30 Waste Removal Sussex Skip Bags..............................22 Will Writing Camrass Wills.......................................29 Windows Countryman Improvements..17 Premier Windows............................5 Yoga Hatha & Flow Yoga......................40

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