BML208 Digital Campaign Planning

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Module code Title Programme Level Credits ECTS* Contact time Acceptable for Excluded combinations Core/Optional Module Co-ordinator Description

BML208 Marketing with Digital Media BA (Hons) Marketing and Joint Pathways plus option on other Business School pathways 5 15 30 hours Marketing, Joint Marketing pathways Core Marketing Single honours, optional on other pathways Jennie White

Marketing using digital media and mobile technologies, alongside traditional communication channels, is now an integral component of organisations’ marketing strategies. The main focus of this module is to provide learners with a critical appreciation of Digital Marketing, through the integration of emergent media and mobile technologies, with offline communications. Students will be introduced to current and relevant examples of marketing initiatives using digital media and they will be encouraged to create their own Marketing campaign, using both offline and online media. Students will critically appreciate contemporary issues and developments in the marketing industry in relation to digital tools, models and concepts. Outline Syllabus & Teaching & Learning Methods Through a combination of workshops, video, student-led activities and case studies, students will cover the following areas: • The relationship between Marketing, traditional marketing communications, digital media, and mobile technologies • How to undertake a Digital audit, develop engaging (and creative) content and measure success within a campaign • Digital marketing campaign frameworks, their implementation, management and control • An understanding of the key digital channels: search marketing, display advertising, email, social media marketing, mobile and affiliate marketing • The future of Digital Marketing, new media and mobile technology and their potential impact Intended Learning Outcomes How assessed** On successful completion of this module students will be Coursework able to: • Critically evaluate the components and techniques of a Digital marketing plan/campaign, through use of appropriate models

Contextualise the Digital Marketing process within the wider marketing communications environment, through application of the planning process within different scenarios • Critically analyse the issues impacting upon the use of new media and mobile technologies for marketing such as the cultural context, globalisation, advertising and emergent media through evaluation of a campaign • Demonstrate appreciation of the creative process through development of a creative theme for a Digital campaign • Produce innovative and creative ideas for Digital marketing strategies through selection of appropriate channels Assessment Scheme Weighting % Formative: The seminars and student-led activities, will provide an opportunity for students to apply their skills and 0% develop their knowledge and understanding of this subject area in an environment that allows for formative feedback both from the tutor and also from other students •

Assessment Scheme Summative: Students will have a choice of assignments, as follows: EITHER: 1a) Working in groups (maximum of 3 students per group), students will create a Digital Marketing campaign which will be delivered as a 15 minute presentation to assessors (1750 word equivalent) AND 1b) Students will individually write up a persuasive briefing that reasons and justifies the creativity and operation of the poster campaign to clients. Models, tools and concepts of Digital Marketing should be applied. 1,750 words OR 2) Students will individually develop a persuasive briefing that reasons and justifies the creativity and operation of a Digital marketing campaign for a specific client. Models, tools and concepts of Digital Marketing should be applied 3,500 word equivalent

Weighting %




Assessment Criteria Students will be expected to evidence: 1a) Presentations (50%) delivered as group of 3 maximum • The capability to develop a well organised and creative campaign • The ability to reason and justify their selection of appropriate media for a given campaign • Application of at least 2 digital marketing tools, models or concepts within their campaign • Application of the most appropriate tools for measuring success of their campaign In determining an individual student mark for the group work assessment, appropriate processes will be adopted that enable both the collaborative and individual student contribution to be assessed. Detailed guidance to the processes adopted will be provided to students and approaches adopted will reflect Assessment Standards Knowledge exchange (ASKe) best practice in relation to group work assessment. 1b) Individual Briefing (50%,) • The ability to produce a professional, persuasive and coherent briefing for clients • Justification for the chosen creative approach within the context of the target audience • A critical appraisal of the potential success of the campaign within the current marketing context 2) Individual briefing (100%) • The capability to develop a well organised and creative campaign • The ability to reason and justify their selection of appropriate media for a given campaign • Application of at least 2 digital marketing tools, models or concepts within their campaign • Application of the most appropriate tools for measuring success of their campaign • The ability to produce a professional, persuasive and coherent briefing for clients • Justification for the chosen creative approach within the context of the target audience • A critical appraisal of the potential success of the campaign within the current marketing context

Indicative Reading Lists/Key Texts/Websites/other resources Chaffey, D, & Ellis-Chadwick, F,(2012) Digital Marketing, Strategy and

Implication and Practice, 5th Edition. Harlow: FT Prentice Hall Marketing Week (UK) - Centaur Communications, London (available from Business Source Premier) Marketing (UK) - Haymarket Business Publications Ltd, London (available from Business Source Premier) Marketing Magazine (USA) – Rogers Media, Toronto (available from Business Source Premier) Marketing Management (USA) – American Marketing Association, Chicago (available from Business Source Premier)

* ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area recommend that two UK credits are equivalent to one ECTS credit * * eg examination, presentation, coursework, performance, case study, portfolio, etc. *** QAA Glossary: Formative assessment comprises feedback on students' performance, designed to help them learn more effectively and find ways to maintain and improve their progress. It does not contribute to the final mark, grade or class of degree awarded to the student. See also summative assessment, which is a formal assessment of students' work, contributing to the final result.

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