BML330 Tourism Placement

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Module code



Tourism Placement


University of Chichester Business School







Contact time

3hrs per week + tutorials

Acceptable for

Optional BSc (Hons) Sustainable Tourism Management

Excluded combinations



Optional BSc (Hons) Sustainable Tourism Management

Module Co-ordinator

Dr Andy Clegg

Description Tourism Placement offers the students an opportunity to complete a module based around a tourism related work placement and relevant self-directed study. Students may work in any host organisation of relevance to tourism, and appropriate to their knowledge, needs and career aspirations. Such organisations may include consultancies, local authorities, statutory bodies, National and Regional Tourist Organisations, charitable organisations and private companies. Outline Syllabus & Teaching & Learning Methods The module will enable students to obtain direct work-related experience by focusing on a project or area of activity agreed by student, tutor and host organisation. The nature of the placement including location and timing will be drawn up as a learning contract between student, tutor and host organisation. The learning contract will be similar to a module description insofar as it will provide a rationale, aims, learning objectives, learning strategy and assessment. The placement would normally last the equivalent to 10 to 12 days spread throughout the semester, depending on the learning contract and the nature of the host organisation. While primary responsibility for arranging the placement lies with the student, placement tutors are available to support student learning and the placement experience, and the student will always be able to contact the tutor during the placement to resolve any difficulties that might arise. The module reflects the QAA Code of Practice on Placement Learning, and will also reflect placement guidelines developed by the Tourism Management Institute. The learning strategy will be agreed as part of the learning contract but students will meet with the module tutor during the course of the placement to ensure they are adequately supported, and being encouraged to reflect on their placement experience. Intended Learning Outcomes

How assessed**

On successful completion of this module students will be able to: n



Critically reflect on their own skills and competencies through the identification of a series of personal development objectives

Assessment (i) and (ii)

Critically relate aspects of academic knowledge and professional practice to their workbased learning experience

Assessment (i) and (ii)

Critically articulate through an employability resource how their degree programme and placement has enhanced their own employability skills

Assessment (ii)

Assessment Scheme: Formative On-going student self-evaluation log and discussion with host organisation, placement tutor and student.

Weighting % 0%

Assessment Scheme: Summative

Weighting %

(i) Self-Evaluation Report (1,400 words equivalent)


Students will be asked to produce a self-evaluation report based around a series of personal development objectives, including reflection on employer feedback Assessment Criteria •

Critical reflection on the placement learning experience in context of identified personal learning objectives, and the professional context of the post

Concisely written, presented in an appropriate format and informed by the academic and professional literature 60%

(ii) Employability Resource (2,100 words equivalent) Students will be asked to produce an employability resource designed to highlight how through their own learning experiences they have developed the required skills, knowledge, and competencies expected of a Sustainable Tourism Management graduate. The intention is that this resource can be used as a reference for first year students to demonstrate how employability skills relevant to the tourism sector are embedded throughout the three years of the Tourism Management degree programme. The format of the resource is at the discretion of the student and could include a poster, reflective paper or podcast, and will be decided upon in conjunction with the module tutor. Assessment Criteria •

Evidence of reflection and linkage between module-based learning experiences and the development of employability skills and professional standards expected by employers within the tourism sector

Originality of design, and the overall quality of presentation/production

Concisely written or presented, informed by the academic and professional literature

Reassessment Scheme: Formative

Weighting %

Submission of a revised Employability resource adopting a different delivery format (3,500 words)


Assessment Criteria •

Evidence of reflection and linkage between module-based learning experiences and the development of employability skills and professional standards expected by employers within the tourism sector

Originality of design, and the overall quality of presentation/production

Concisely written or presented, informed by the academic and professional literature

Indicative Reading Lists/Key Texts/Websites/other resources The context for background reading will be linked to the learning contract but indicative titles include: Botha, M. (2006) Tourism Entrepreneurs, Global, London. Cottrell, S. (2015) Skills for Success – Personal Development and Employability, Third Edition, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Fanthorne, C. (2004) Work Placements – A Survival Guide for Students, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Frances, T. (2011) Brilliant Employability Skills: How to Stand Out from the Crowd in the Graduate Jobs Market, Prentice Hall, London. Herbert, I. (2005) Managing Your Placement – A Skills-Based Approach, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Neugebauer, J. (2009) Making the Most of Your Placement, Sage, USA.

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