BML336 Nature Based Tourism

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Module code



Nature-Based Tourism


University of Chichester Business School







Contact time

3hrs per week + tutorials

Acceptable for

Optional for BSc (Hons) Sustainable Tourism Management only

Excluded combinations



Optional for BSc (Hons) Sustainable Tourism Management only

Module Co-ordinator

Dr Jorge Gutic

Description Faced with increasing competition from existing and new destinations and often limited resources to develop new attractions, most Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) are increasingly turning towards Nature Tourism (NT) as a way to promote their unique natural resources in a way that adds value to the destination and creates unique USPs aimed towards a significant niche sector within the tourism industry. Increasingly tourists are moving away from traditional sun and sea holidays and looking for a more unique, authentic, and increasingly ‘thrill-based’ destination experience. The aim of this module is to introduce students to the diverse characteristics of the Nature Tourism industry and develop the practical skills required to audit natural resources and create packages focused on nature-based products. The module will briefly detail how this industry has developed, particularly in relation to the emergence of Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism as specific industry niches, and will consider the distinctive characteristics of each tourism niche. The module will highlight the operational and management issues related to Nature Tourism, with particular emphasis on their impacts and management approaches, while drawing on examples from the domestic and international tourism industry to highlight examples of best practice. Outline Syllabus & Teaching & Learning Methods A lecture programme and field visits will introduce students to the key themes running through the module. The lecture programme will be supported by practical workshops in which the students will have the opportunity to practice the skills developed in the classroom. Students will be asked to report back on key issues in relation to their assigned area. Feedback and discussion will be generated through an investigation of key themes and related activities such as the analysis of the academic literature, management strategies, marketing material, and website reviews. Key areas in the module include: • • • • • • •

Definitions and the relationship between different forms of Nature Tourism (NT), demand and supply sides of the NT market. Motivation of NT tourists, destinations, venues and resources for the NT industry The economic, social, and environmental impacts of NT NT impact management and field auditing principles Risk management and planning in NT NT planning, development and management issues NT trail design: resources and logistics

Intended Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module students will be able to: • Critique the key characteristics of the Nature Tourism industry. • Critically evaluate the economic, social and environmental impacts of Nature Tourism in a variety of destination environments. • Demonstrate a critical understanding of the key operational issues and management frameworks relating to Nature Tourism and propose appropriate strategies to guide its sustainable development. • Demonstrate and apply research, information reasoning and critical analysis skills. • Interpret, evaluate and synthesise material and demonstrate appropriate IT skills. • Communicate effectively in written form. • Work independently and co-operatively with others. Assessment Scheme: Formative

How assessed**

Trail Proposal Site Audit Site Audit / Trail Proposal Trail Proposal Site Audit / Trail Proposal All assessments All assessments

Weighting %

Informal feedback will be provided through in-class discussion and fieldwork visits, and students will also have the opportunity to meet the module tutor in to review the progress of their assessments. Assessment Scheme: Summative (i) NEAT Site Audit (40%; 1,400 words equivalent per student) Working as a team, students will take the role of specialist consultants to assist in the auditing of environmental, social and economic impacts on a Nature Tourism (NT) site. Using a standard auditing proforma template, students will be asked to complete a site(s) assessment audit, evaluating how the development of NT has impacted on destination environments.


Weighting % 40%

Assessment Criteria • Full adherence to the auditing requirements outlined in the site audit proforma • Ability to convey and discuss audit results accurately and succinctly within the auditing proforma • Relevance and contextualisation of the chosen audit site in relation to NT •

Evidence and application of background reading in relation to chosen NT site

(ii) NT Trail Proposal (45%; 1575 words equivalent per student) Working as a team, students will act as commissioned consultants to help plan and implement a NT-based initiative / project. Assessment Criteria • Evidence of the ability to work to guidelines and output targets outlined in a consultancy brief • Evidence of a subsequent investigation focusing on NT products and markets on chosen destination, using available sources and relevant approaches, reflecting the module learning outcomes • Evidence of potential positive impacts on the local visitor economy arising from the trail design • Evidence of visitor guidance information and interpretation that is viable and relevant to the chosen site • Evidence of identification of risk assessment and management related to the implementation of NT activities on the chosen site •

Proposal is well structured, exhibits critical arguments, conforms to a high standard of literary, and displays good referencing skills

(iii) Peer-assessment of team work (15%; 525 words equivalent) Students will be requested to rate each team member on 100% scale against a set of criteria relating to team performance, using a peer assessment form, which should be submitted individually and anonymously to the module tutor, who will prepare a summary peer assessment feedback sheet for each student.


Assessment Criteria • Attendance and contribution to team work • Quality of work produced • Timeliness of team work contribution • Reflection on, understanding of, and critique of colleagues’ contributions Reassessment Scheme


Weighting %

This assignment must be re-submitted as an individual piece of work (3,500 word equivalent) by each student who has failed to pass the module, and will take the form of an essay describing a particular type of NT activity or destination, discussing its characteristics, main impacts, management practices, and wider significance in terms of other NT activities and tourism in general, illustrated with examples of case studies. The type of NT activity or destination chosen for re-submission must be different to the one chosen for the original submission.


Indicative Reading Lists/Key Texts/Websites/other resources Barton, B. (2006) Safety, Risk and Adventure in Outdoor Activities, London, Sage Publications (E-book). Erfurt-Cooper. P. and Cooper, M. (2016) Volcano and Geothermal Tourism – Sustainable Geo-Resources for Leisure and Recreation, Routledge, London. Fennell, D. (2008) Ecotourism: An Introduction, Third Edition, Routledge, London. Gale, T. and Hill, J. (2012) Ecotourism and Environmental Sustainability, Ashgate, Farnham. Honey, M. (2008), Ecotourism and Sustainable Development – Who Owns Paradise?, Island Press, Washington D.C, USA. Jennings, G. (2007) Water-Based Tourism, Sport, Leisure, and Recreation Experiences, CABI, Wallingford, Oxon. Mason, P. (2015) Tourism Impacts, Planning And Management, Third Edition, Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, London. McNamee, M. (2007) Philosophy, Risk, and Adventure Sports, Routledge, London, Newsome, D., Moore, S. and Dowling, R. (2012) Natural Area Tourism, Channel View, Bristol. Taylor, S., Varley, P. and Johnston, T. (2013) Adventure Tourism, Routledge, London. Prideaux, B. and Cooper, M. (2009) River Tourism, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon. Raju, G.P. (2009) Ecotourism Guidance for Tour Operator, Global Media, Delhi. Wearing, S. and Neil, J. (2009) Ecotourism Impacts, Potentials and Possibilities?, Second Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. Worboys, G.L., Lockwood, M. and Kothari, A. (2015) Protected Area Governance and Management, ANU Press, Canberra.

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