Sustainable Engineer UK Issue 9

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Issue 9 2014

Innovative Solutions for a Greener Tomorrow

Mitsubishi Electric designs special water management solutions Environmental Assessments for Anaerobioc Digestion Plant

Environmental / / Energy / / Water / / Waste

Innovative Solutions for a Greener Tomorrow

P32 P30

CONTENTS News & Events - P4-9 Product Showcase - P10-11 Environmental - P12-17

Energy - P18-25


Water - P26-31

P20 P36 Waste - P32-37


Published by: Sustainable Engineer Uk Ltd 9 Upchurch Walk, Margate, Kent, CT9 3NT Tel: 01843 279174 Email: Website: Š Sustainable Engineer UK

Every eort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in Sustainable Engineer UK however, the publishers accept no responsibility for the claims or opinions made by advertisers, manufactures or contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic (including photocopying) or stored in any information retrieval system without the prior consent of the publisher.

LATEST NEWS New report warns of massive amount of water used by traditional power plants to generate electricity A report published today by the European Wind Energy Association highlights the fact that that traditional power stations use vast amounts of water to generate power – and calls for this to be taken into account by Governments when they set energy and climate change policy. EWEA’s report “Saving Water with Wind power stations in Europe use 4.5 billion cubic meters of water a year, mainly for cooling purposes. This is equivalent to three Olympicsized swimming pools being consumed every minute, or the amount of water used by 82 million EU citizens annually. Energy production accounts for 44% of the EU’s total water use, way ahead of agriculture (24%), the public water supply (21%) and industry (11%). The study warns that such plants are contributing to Europe’s water scarcity, whereas wind energy uses hardly any water to generate clean electricity. EWEA is urging European Heads of Government meeting on 20th-21st March to take this into account when they formulate energy and climate change policies. RenewableUK’s Director of External is a very precious resource – water restrictions were imposed in the UK in the summer of 2012 in areas hit by wind energy is that it requires hardly any water to keep generating. This report is a timely reminder of the environmental impact of other technologies which use vast amounts of water for cooling. When Governments set energy policy, they should take this into account – it’s not just the carbon footprint that matters, but also the water swallowed up by these other thirsty generators”.

New poll shows young people favour offshore wind over fracking Catapult report shows why Chancellor must support growth in offshore renewables

A new poll by Ipsos MORI shows that young people are among the strongest

Commenting on today’s report by the

According to the survey, commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Economic and Social Research Council, 85% of 1624 year olds support the development

which shows that the UK economy could gain £6.7billion per year and create 150,000 jobs by 2020 in RenewableUK’s Director of External “This new report makes a cast-iron case for maximum political support and marine energy sector. But the jobs and the UK-wide economic reboot won’t happen to the full unless Government policy is 100% supportive. “To make the most of our world-beating sector need certainty on policy, with Government standing four-square behind us to achieve growth at a brisk away, or other European countries will leap in and grab as many of the manufacturing opportunities as they can. “In particular, we’re hoping the Chancellor George Osborne will make his support clear in his Budget Speech next week. The industry is calling on him not to freeze the Carbon Price Floor, as that would send the wrong signal about the Government’s commitment to encouraging low-carbon generation. fossil fuels and make clean power more attractive should be promoted rather than scaled back”.

majority aren’t in favour of fracking.

47% within this age group are in favour of carbon capture and storage, and a mere 42% support fracking. The survey shows that younger people are generally more supportive of wind, and 51% were in favour of carbon capture and storage. Ipsos MORI also asked whether young 70% said it did (compared to 58% of adults of all ages), whereas only 53% thought that fracking would prove When asked which technology has change, 78% of young people cited adults of all ages), whereas only 25% cited fracking.

heartening to see fresh evidence energy among young people. This is an increasingly important technology for our future and it’s clear that the young people of Britain recognise this.

Sustainability Live takes place at the NEC, event for the sustainability in business sector. energy, water and energy recovery sectors, hundreds of the latest products and services, industry developments and best practice for your organisation. to gain high quality insight through the comprehensive free to attend seminar engagement with the best practitioners, calendar. Who will be at Sustainability Live?

hosts sessions featuring expert speakers who will cut through the jargon, to debate and discuss the latest sustainable policy and business Institute of Water Drilling and Tapping Competition also plays host to the annual Drilling & Tapping Competition which pits teams of water industry employees against each other to be named champion. Taking place on the


will be able to watch teams race against the clock to drill and tap a 150mm diameter ductile iron main under pressure and install a simulated service connection. Skill, dexterity and speed are prime requirements – so who will join other winners such as Balfour Beatty, Severn Trent

Free Seminar Programme

be our 2014 champion?

exhibitors are being added every week, so do keep on an eye on the show website www. Showcasing their latest products and services to thousands of visitors over the course of the event, exhibitors are able to discuss individual company requirements and build business

The extended and improved seminar programme includes sessions covering,

reduction and Sustainable Urban Drainage. New for 2014 is the keynote stage which

PECM114.indd 12

fellow engineers, source the latest product and services information and keep abreast of all the show news and details on how to exhibit or register for free visitor entry, visit

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Barrier® A UV disinfection system Barrier® A UV systems are equipped with low-pressure amalgam lamps and electronic ballasts. Adding the Barrier® UV system to other disinfection processes provides a multi-barrier approach, and ensures complete inactivation of all waterborne pathogens.

Sewage tanks ECS designs and manufactures GRP tanks for sewage storage or treatment applications. Tanks are available for above- or below-ground applications and are manufactured to suit the customers requirements.

Type 6027 direct acting solenoid valves Type 6027 direct acting solenoid valves are available as a compact 2/2-way valve

and ventilation. The push-over solenoid system is of modular design and the coil can be rotated 360°.

applications ranging from 10-150m3/h.

commissioning and service programmes for most products and can assist in the initial design stage using in-house experience and external partners.

For further information Call 01732 771777 or visit our website at

For further information Call 0845 612 3332 or visit our website at

Thermal sludge dryers

ABS VUPX submersible propeller pumps

Tankered waste services for Wilkin & Sons Ltd

VUPX series pumps are ideal for applications where large volumes of waste or process water have to be pumped up to heads of 12m.

Through its tankered waste services Alpheus has been supporting Wilkin & Sons with the disposal of liquid waste from their jam making process for nearly twenty years. In response to its commitment to minimise the company’s impact on the environment, Wilkin &

and operator-friendly, and is suitable for

Thermal dryers reduce the volume of wet solid products by removing the moisture and achieving dry solid product is stabilised in a dry, granular use or disposal. technologies for municipal wastewater treatment, anaerobic digestion of biowaste, distilliers, breweries, slaughterhouses, farms, tanneries, oil mills, textile industries and chemical/ pharmaceutical applications. For further information Call 01732 771777 or visit our website at

They are compact and can be installed vertically in a space saving manner. They are ideal for storm water protection, irrigation, dewatering, cooling and process water. The compact units are lowered into standard steel tubes and need no to hold the units securely in position. For further information Call 0870 608 0123 or visit our website at

Depending on the version, these valves can be used either as feed line, return line or circulation valves. The DIN Certco registration numbers for the NC versions are 5S255 and 5S259. For further information Call 01285 648720 or visit our website at

most sustainable environmental option for their liquid waste disposal. Whilst Alpheus is licensed to receive and treat liquid waste, in this instance the waste is brokered on behalf of Wilkins & Sons and recycled to land with huge For further information Call 01234 686100 or visit our website at



Industrial monitors - operator workstations

Tri-Clamp sanitary clamp couplings

VisuNet industrial workstations are designed for use in harsh and

Cole-Parmers 316L and 304 stainless steel sanitary clamp couplings meet FDA requirements and 3A Sanitary Standards.

either in Zone 1/21 and 2/22, or Class I,

in thin layers of oil and the system is not restricted by the limitations and expenses of containment booms and For further information Call

For more demanding applications such as GMP and cleanroom conditions, For further information Call

316L stainless steel couplings are ideal for the pharmaceutical industry, and

304 stainless steel couplings are highly

For further information Call

Copa® tipping bucket The Copa® tipping bucket is a

the risk of odour problems from a buildup of septic silt. installed. It is supplied in 14/32mm, 20/40mm,32/50mm and 40/63mm grades and complies with the

installing the media, which minimises crushing and compaction. For further information Call

Atomister™ installed odour control system Atomister™ installed odour control and dust suppression spray to capture, dust particles from polluted air.

It can be used to clean open or belowground stormwater retention tanks and humus tanks. It can also be used

A choice of air-atomisers, rotary fan atomisers and high-pressure atomisers

Screen or similar, static emergency



For further information Call

For further information Call

Environmental Assessments for Anaerobioc Digestion Plant REC's Air Quality & Acoustic Consultants have provided a range of Environmental Assessments to support the development of a proposed anaerobic digestion plant and associated biogas engine in Herefordshire. REC Ltd was recently commissioned to undertake an Air Quality Assessment, an Odour Assessment and a Noise Assessment in support of a proposed anaerobic digestion plant at Bowley Court Farm, Hope under Dinmore in Herefordshire. Scope of Environmental Assessments The proposed development had the potential to cause environmental

associated with the plant. The baseline

vicinity of the site. Dispersion modelling was undertaken in order to assess concentrations and deposition rates at human designations. The results indicated that concentrations of all pollutants were below the relevant standards at all locations representative of human exposure within the assessment extents for all modelling scenarios. Additionally, emissions from the facility

constraints to gaining planning consent. Air Quality, Odour and Noise issues environmental impacts and were therefore warranted considerations at the planning application stage of the development.

Air Quality

The operation of the facility may result in air quality impacts at both human and ecological receptor locations as a result of atmospheric emissions associated with the combustion of biogas. These will be emitted through a dedicated 6.5m stack. There are no


Odours from a number of sources on site have the potential to cause impacts at sensitive receptors. Potential on the proposed plant operation and monitoring undertaken at similar using dispersion modelling and the results compared with the relevant odour benchmark level. Predicted odour concentrations were below the relevant benchmark level

at all sensitive receptors in the vicinity of the site for all modelling years. As such, odour nuisance is not anticipated as a result of normal operation of the proposed anaerobic digestion facility.


The proposed development has the potential to result in the following noise impacts: Noise associated with the operation of the engine; and, Noise associated with any mechanical and electrical plant installed as part of the facility. The closest residential receptor lies approximately 323m to the south of the Site boundary and a Background Noise Survey has been completed at a location considered representative of this receptor in order to quantify the existing level of prevailing background noise. The survey was conducted over a full weekend period to ensure that the lowest existing background noise levels at the receptor were measured, thus informing a robust assessment. shown that the predicted noise rating levels generated by the proposed anaerobic digestion facility meet the appropriate criteria at the closest residential receptor.

Environmental Due Diligence Ensure proper environmental due diligence to support global expansion strategy.

Outline / Scope of Works:

A global specialty chemicals and materials company seeking to expand operations enlisted the support of Antea Group to provide environmental due diligence services and environmental permitting support at proposed facility locations across six countries.

environmental liability and streamlining plant permitting facilities.

Outcome / Client Benefits: Group deployed local due diligence and compliance experts records and conduct environmental property assessments to develop environmental due diligence reports for each industrial and chemical processes and local and national regulations regarding site use and permitting. Based upon for obtaining the necessary permits and authorizations to

additives and concrete admixtures.


About Western Plains Energy (WPE) Western Plains Energy (WPE) is an ethanol production facility in Gove County, Kansas, USA. WPE started producing fuel grade ethanol as well as distiller’s dry and wet grains in 2004. The feedstock used by the plant to produce ethanol includes corn and milo. The original plant was a 30,000,000 gallon faceplate design which was increased to 40,000,000 gallons as part of an expansion in Currently, WPE produces approximately 2005. 50,000,000 gallons of denatured ethanol annually.

The Challenge

Himark worked closely with WPE to determine the technical and economic potential of the biogas plant and assess the energy potential of available waste streams. Himark developed plans, process diagrams, and business cases, and issued its licenced technology. During the engineering and construction stage, Himark worked with vendors to ensure proper design and implementation of the technology. Furthermore, Himark provided training and testing services to ensure the optimal operation of the facilities.

In the last several years, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been updating renewable fuel standard regulations and some US states have been adopting a low carbon fuel standard, which has provided incentive to ethanol plants to replace natural gas or coal with biogas.

It is pertinent to note that Western Plains Energy received a USD 5 million grant from USDA Government for the construction of the biogas plant, after a two year vetting process of technologies of twenty four waste-to-energy solutions providers.

To command premium pricing for ethanol products, achieve savings in the form of D5 RINS and low energy bill, and ensure stable energy supply, WPE was on the lookout for a technology that could utilize locally available contaminated sand-laden cow manure (extremely dirty feedstock) to produce energy to power its ethanol operations.

Today Western Plains Energy (WPE) stands as an Advanced Biofuel producer and one of the largest biogas plants in world. It has an input capacity of 2800 tonnes a day of dry material and 1000 tonnes of wet material. The feedstock it uses includes cattle feedlot manure, ethanol plant waste, slaughter-house waste and municipal organics, which are rich in sand, dirt, rocks, plastic, and cellulose.

Himark BioGas Solution WPE went through a rigorous technology assessment process, and selected Himark’s patented IMUS™ technology for its reliability and success with contaminated feedstock.

WPE produces over 2,500 gigajoules (GJ) of heat a day, equivalent to 11 Megawatt (MW) of electricity capacity.

HIMARK BIOGAS, AFDP - Building F-83, 6020 - 118 Street, Edmonton, Alberta - T6H 2V8 Canada Tel: +1 780 492 3234 Toll Free: 1 855 8HIMARK email: www.HimarkbBogas.Com

leading to increased maintenance costs and downtime. For this reason many engine manufacturers stipulate a maximum H S concentration in their warranties. One of the most common ways of reducing the H S concentration is to inject iron chloride into the digester slurry or feed substrate, converting the H S into iron sulphide particles. additional process control functions with dedicated pumps and storage vessels and therefore has associated on-going operational costs. James Hladkij, the AD Technician at the Cory Waste Management site in Westonsuper-Mare said:

Biogas desulphurisation system reduces costs at Cory AD site The commissioning of a new cost-saving microbiological desulphurisation system at the Cory Waste Management site in Weston-super-Mare is the result of a successful collaboration between environmental technology specialists and Allison Engineering – both ADBA members.

and waste gas control treatment and use equipment, combined with Allison analysers, has enabled Cory Waste Management to protect its combined, heat and power (CHP) plant at minimal installation and operational cost. package the desulphurisation system

at the Cory site features the Allison Engineering AWITE Biogas analyser which is supplied with its own air compressor and uses a combination of PID and Fuzzy Logic control to automate the injection of small quantities of air (0.5 to 1%) into the gas stream within the digester. The oxygen converts the hydrogen sulphide (H S) to elemental sulphur and water, a process which is completely automatic and does not require any operator input and so eliminates additional operational and maintenance costs. The H S concentration in biogas from anaerobic digestion (AD) can be up to 2,000 to 3,000 ppm. When the biogas is burnt in a CHP plant to generate electricity the H S breaks down, producing a weak sulphuric acid that can cause corrosion within the engine,

We need to protect our CHP plant operations and maintaining H S concentration levels to less than 300 ppm is essential part of this process. achieve levels of less than 100 ppm and at minimal operational cost. From small agricultural sites to larger industrial AD plants, accurate and dependable online gas composition analysis is an essential part of this process and the Awite range provides a wide choice of options. The range comprises the Awi-Eco, a low cost, compact discontinuous analyser which provides 50 CH and CO measurements per day, with 4-20 mA output and USB connection. For more sophisticated monitoring and analysis requirements the Awi-Flex provides continuous measurement for CH, CO, HS, O and H. This system connection. Most importantly, it can and pressure inputs and undertake automated desulphurisation control. All Awite analysers use a rugged, touch screen industrial interface which allows easy access to recorded data, sensor parameters and system diagnostics. This ensures that all information is instantly available, remotely.

Situated in Postmasburg in South Africa’s Northern Cape Province, Kolomela mine is one of Anglo American’s Big Four projects. The pump house moves 400 000 litres of water daily at 660 litres per minute from the ground level reservoir to the high level reservoir. The hard water in this area can contain total dissolved solids (TDS) of up to 545 parts per million (ppm).

Two resin based ion-exchanger water softeners were installed.

Prolong the working lifetime, reduce maintenance costs and improve the efficiency of the mines hot water system by reducing the amount of calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ) and magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) in the water. Contribute to the health of the community and workforce.

Selected Energy designed a water softening solution with two AquaThin ion-exchangers. The CaCO3 and MgCO3 count of between 350 – 500 ppm was reduced to 20 – 30 ppm making the water safe for human consumption and improving the efficiency of the water network and heating system.

Selected Energy South Africa

“The savings will reflect on their gas bill, and we are hoping to reduce the consumption by at least 80%.”

Queen Alexandra Old Age Home

The Queen Alexandra Old Age Home was looking gas heated boiler with a solar solution. Chris Elliott, Ray Fernandez and Solahart dealer Adrian Chessman met with the home’s management requirements. Elliott designed a solution for enabled the gas heaters to seven systems was installed on a separate building housing the Alzheimer’s patients, and the remaining and pre-feed the 2 x 2000-litre boilers.

is pleased with their new solar water heaters and everything seems to be working well. “The savings bill, and we are hoping to are not in yet and will need to be monitored over a period of time to get a good idea of the potential saving,” said Chessman. Solution: ablutions Seven 300-litre solar water heaters were installed together with the home’s boilers and gas heaters. The home has approximately 77 residents.

Industrial Effluent Solutions Kings Lynn, East Anglia Project: Supply and Installation of industrial effluent works Client: Tulip Foods H2OK were appointed by a large food processing company to undertake the replacement of an existing effluent treatment plant.

Within the system, dissolved air is pumped in at the bottom of the unit so that the effluent forms a light, airy mousse on the surface. This layer is removed and pumped to a sludge tank for removal and disposal by tanker. This process reduces the level of suspended solids strength and also the COD level which needs to be kept to a minimum in order to minimise the trade effluent consent charges.

H2OK’s works included the design, supply, installation and commissioning of an appropriate industrial effluent treatment plant, specially designed to cater for the type and volume of waste generated on site. The system reduces the strength of effluent from the site in order to reduce significantly, the waste disposal costs for the client. H2OK had successfully undertaken similar schemes for the client at a number of sites in the South West region, making H2OK an obvious choice for the site in East Anglia.

H2OK work with a company who is a market leader in effluent treatment who provide state of the art technology which operates with environmentally friendly organic chemicals that are bio-degradable. The equipment selected by our engineers included a balance tank, flocculation unit and a floatation system which is designed to remove solids from the effluent.

Installation of the equipment required careful planning. Space on site was limited, leaving little free space for new equipment and measures had to be put in place to ensure the existing plant could operate throughout the scheme.

The project was completed in a very short timeframe and we have continuous correspondence with the client to ensure the operation of the plant is at its optimum at all times.

Contact: Brian Scheffe Installations

H2OK Systems Ltd Truro Office: Nanjerrick Court, Allet, Truro, TR4 9DJ Tel: 01872 542100 Bristol Office: No. 1 Farleigh Court, Flax Bourton, Bristol, BS48 1UR Tel: 0117 912 3456 ISO900 90011 ISO Registered Firm REGISTERED FIRM


Mitsubishi Electric designs special water management solutions At this year’s IFAT – the world’s leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management – Mitsubishi Electric, along with its subsidiary MEAutomation Projects GmbH (formerly KHAutomation Projects), will be presenting a range of innovative solutions designed for the water market. These include energysaving, energy management and condition monitoring solutions. The two companies will be sharing Stand A5 425/524 in Hall 5.

The focus of their presence at the trade fair this year is the PMSXpro control system. From operation through to engineering, visitors to the stand will be shown every aspect of the system. Uwe Siebert, Marketing Director at ME-Automation Projects GmbH, explains: “The integrated PMSXpro control system from MEAutomation Projects has become a permanent part of the Mitsubishi Electric portfolio, thus enabling Mitsubishi Electric to realise instrumentation and control projects (I&C) its own market tried and tested control technology.

PMSXpro is currently being used extremely successfully at the treatment plants in Hamburg, Nuremberg, Stuttgart and Düsseldorf Nord, for example.” Attention will also be directed towards energy-saving solutions incorporating the new FR-A800 generation of frequency inverters from Mitsubishi Electric for use with pumps as well as energy management solutions designed for reducing electricity costs at peak consumption times. Products for monitoring the condition of pumps and motors in order to enable the early detection of, for

example, mechanical wear will also be on show. IFAT 2014 – the world’s leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management – will be held in Munich from 5-9 May 2014. Photo Caption: At IFAT 2014 Mitsubishi Electric and ME-Automation Projects will be presenting a variety of innovations for the water industry, such as energy-saving solutions in pump operations using the new frequency inverter generation FR-A800.

For more information please visit Mitsubishi Electric’s website

£300m high efficiency wastewater treatment scheme employs precision stainless pipework Brighton and Hove Peacehaven site

“Our reputation is for providing the very highest standards of workmanship, on time and on budget.” Andrew Clouds of BCI Process



Like any quality contractor we achieve this by rigorously training our staff, operating strict working procedures, risk assessments and method statements, and using the latest 3D CAD software to develop concept designs into working assemblies.

The chosen system consists of 10

pass but hold back the beads.

(BAFF) cells, using media which is held in suspension by air forced

by the aerobic micro-organisms that grow on the beads in the presence of nutrients

manifold. All BAFF plants work on the principle of partially treated,

wastewater and air. BCI Process won the contract to supply and install the aeration pipework in each of the 10 BAFF

a submerged medium upon which the biomass growth attaches to form the stable concentrations needed to treat sewage at loading rates of between four and ten times rate, compact and robust sewage treatment plants that are capable of producing high treatment, the wastewater is distributed equally between the 10 BAFF cells. The wastewater air supplied by compressors These beads are retained by a concrete slab perforated with nozzles that allow the water to

were constructed from light gauge metric stainless steel to ensure the new installation fabrication completed at their premises, BCI was able to ensure the quality of the fabrications was consistent and assured. house fabrication was to allow their on-site engineers, allowing them to complete the installation on time and within budget. Andrew Clouds of BCI Process remarked “Our reputation is standards of workmanship, on time and on budget.

BCI Process (formerly Brewchem International) is

stage through to Process has been at the forefront of the market for

Like any quality contractor we achieve this by rigorously

using the latest 3D CAD assemblies.”

Southern Water’s £300 million Cleaner Seas for Sussex environmental

a huge amount manufacturing

The stainless construction have a long service life with minimal service requirements.

for installing aeration

with many of the the wastewater treatment outfall. The scheme ensures

many years at various country. During this time

working with gas monitors the customer. BCI has become

The new installation has

The new treatment works at by a green roof which is as

service. BCI is

meeting the continually high customers with a

a system with inherent

cubic metres of earth was

construction tolerances which are often

our customers’ requirements into

The aeration systems are steel tubing with a stainless

environment. We use our

economically. community.

Boavista Wastewater Treatment Plant The Wastewater Treatment Plant has the capacity to supply 22,120 inhabitants, which corresponds to

The Boavista Wastewater Treatment Plant is located in the parish of Carvoeiro, county of Lagoa, about 150 m from a village, beside the water line flowing to the Ribeira de Alcantarilha. The interceptor subsystem is comprised of 7,929 km and a set of 5 pumping stations.

taking into account the population supplied in year. The treatment system contemplated is the biological treatment system using activated mud and biological and chemical two biological reactors and two secondary decanters The untreated water Treatment Plant is submitted to preliminary treatment, larger solids and desanding

wastewater is sent to one or two biological treatment lines, according to the Wastewater Treatment Plant, which has two biological reactors and two secondary decanters. Each biological decanter is subdivided anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic. This enables the material and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus). phosphorus is also aided by aluminium sulphate. In secondary decanters, solids treatment are removed and which is discharged into the Lameira drain. In order to use the water treated at the Wastewater Treatment Plant

in the UV channel to remove microorganisms. With regard to mud accumulated in secondary decanters, part is treatment and the rest is submitted to additional treatments such as gravity thickening and mechanical There is also a limestone application that can be these operations, the mud is stored in the silo. The Wastewater Treatment Plant also has a deodorising chemical washing system. Reagents used are sodium hypochlorite, sulphuric acid and caustic soda.

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