Sustainable Living Interiors

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Sustainable Living Interiors Sustainable and Green Living Everyday Winter 2010

In This Issue 2 Hip and innovative green clothing, accessories and lifestyle products

Are You Green?

3 Upcoming green events in For those new to the “green” movement, being informed and becoming NYC, San Francisco and other involved can be a daunting experience. Where do you start? What do you look areas for in sustainable and green products? Many companies have jumped on the bandwagon and have gone “sustainable” and “green”. Companies like Pottery 4 New trends in green and Barn and Harden Furniture now use sustainable methods in their sustainable marketing manufacturing process. Many cities and towns have instituted green policies …what’s new and now have “green” committees to oversee sustainability practices in their areas. What does it mean to be “green”? Being green has become a lifestyle for millions of people. Buying products which are made from organic materials and harvested from organic farms, or made from recycled materials or reclaimed woods, or made with fair trade initiatives, are just some of the things you can do to be green. Get involved in your community and see what’s green near you and spread the word. All for a better world.

Eco-friendly, sustainable and recycled products See what’s new at Sustainable Living Pg. 2

How Green Are You? A lot of people say they’re green, but do they really live green? These chic and eco-friendly clothing, accessories, beauty, home and office companies offer great items to enhance your everyday life and help you live green each day. Today, green and sustainable products Some eco product sites: are everywhere, even in your local supermarket. Many designers and manufacturers have come up with some very innovative ways to make products which not only look good and work well, they help our environment as well. Everything from reclaimed wood for furniture to hemp clothing is available. Visit our website at

for a complete list of products we trust and endorse.

Green living is a way of life. Leaving a smaller carbon footprint is a way of life. Small steps to being green can lead to bigger steps, which in turn becomes a way of living. And that’s a good thing for everyone!


Upcoming Green Events

Green Festivals

Looking to learn more about ways to help the environment, find new green products or just have a fun day? To find green events in your area, see our green events calendar at, or contact your local Chamber of Commerce or your town’s website to see what’s going on near you.

Green Festivals is a great way to spend a weekend, or a day. Located throughout the country in five major cities, you can find all sorts of fun and informative green stuff. Everything from organic foods, eco-friendly clothing, shoes, handbags, jewelry, as well as all sorts of green companies with information displays of their products and services. Lectures by notable green leaders occur throughout the day. This is the nation’s largest green event and it is a fun-filled day. It is a must attend event! This year you can find festivals in the following cities:

Other Green Events Green Earth Expo Baltimore, MD February 26, 27 & 28 Pinellas Living Green Expo St. Petersburg Sunshine Coliseum St. Petersburg, Florida June 5 & 6

San Francisco – April 10 & 11 Chicago – May 22 & 23 Seattle – June 5 & 6 Washington, DC – October 23 & 24

To find other events and expos in your area, see our events calendar at

Harmony Festival Santa Rosa, California June 11, 12 & 13 Oregon Green Festival Medford Armory June 18, 19 & 20


Green Marketing Trends Tune in to hear businesses and individuals share their green and sustainable ideas. gpevnetradio

It seems everything these days is now online or automated. Everything from online bill paying to checking your monthly bank statements. Email has taken over as the top choice of communication for everyone, as well as texting and IMing. It only seems natural that the next form of communication in marketing and publications be on the information highway a.k.a. the web. There are a few companies who have taken that leap and created a information and news sharing, so that the consumer can be more informed, without ever having to leave their home or buy a paper. Check out magazines, reports and other published material right on your laptop on this cool innovative site.

Issuu ( has created a site that allows businesses to publish magazines, brochures and reports, all for a small monthly fee. Publications in all areas of interest can be found on issuu. Not only will you find wellknown publications on this site, you will also find unique and fresh publications in all areas of interest. If being tech savvy is not your strong area but you would like to try your hand at it, no worries. They make it easy

for you to give it a try. This is a great fresh idea on the green scene and one worth checking out.

The Green Power Experience evnetradio The Green Power Experience has created a new and interesting way to voice green interests and company initiatives on the radio. Hosted on, GPE has created a great avenue for anyone interested in learning more about the green movement, as well as reaching out to communities who would like to share their green initiatives. They also offer a Green Print Program to young adults. This program teaches young adults the importance and benefits of “greening” where they live, all while having fun and making it a cool thing to do. Green shows start in February and will air on Sundays from 6pm – 2am. Visit their site for more information.


Live Green Daily!

Recycle, recycle, recycle!

Use washable containers instead of water bottles

Sign up for on-line bill paying and statement notifications

Use reusable bags when you shop

Use flourescent bulbs

Lower your thermostat

You can follow Sustainable Living Interiors on: Facebook: Sustainable Living Interiors Green Press Blogs: Twitter: Sustainable Living Interiors P.O. Box 165 Madison, New Jersey 07940

For more information on Sustainable Living Interiors or to submit an article for inclusion, please contact

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