OHIO Ecohouse Residential Guide

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5/16/13 4:40 PM


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

a. Electricity b. Compost c. Gray Water 4. Workshops 5. Garden/Landscape

1. Administrative 2. Ecohouse Seminar 3. House Features

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Welcome to the OHIO Ecohouse!

Dear OHIO Ecohouse Residents, Congratulations on being selected to live in the OHIO Ecohouse this year. You are joining a small but diverse group of OU students who have benefited from this sustainable living and learning experience. Your role as a resident is an important tool in our effort to better educate the campus and community about the importance of incorporating sustainability into every aspect of our lives. This experience will be as robust as you make it. As long as you take the initiative to explore the many opportunities made available to you, your year as a resident of the Ecohouse will serve you well in your future. You will develop strong leadership skills, improve your communication skills, explore professional development opportunities, better prepare yourself for a job search and gain valuable skills and memories that will last throughout your adult life. My role as the advisor of this program makes me more than a landlord. I will serve as a mentor through the Ecohouse seminar you will each register for, a peer in our collaborative exploration of sustainable living habits, a support system as you navigate this experience and, hopefully, a reference as you advance into future job and leadership opportunities. While the Office of Sustainability will work to support you in a variety of ways, please keep in mind that certain small repairs or purchases will be treated much in the same way as any rental unit (i.e.: you are responsible for cleaning, repairs to damages you cause, general everyday maintenance and care of the interior and exterior of the house). We will provide you with support in the following ways: - Professional Development: We have a student position in the Office of Sustainability (“Professional Development Coordinator”) who you are able to work with to fine projects to fit into your “projects” requirement of your role as a resident. You may also work with this individual to assist you with resume building, email signatures, workshop hosting/attendance, etc. You will work with this individual to determine if OoS can assist with financially supporting and project ideas you wish to pursue. - Tour Payment: You have the option to either allow tours to serve as your project hours or to be paid separately for them. Tours will not take up 20 hours in a semester, so you must also create other project ideas. If you wish to be paid for your efforts as a

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


tour guide, you must undergo a training from OoS and submit all necessary paperwork to HR. Maintenance: If the house is ever in need of maintenance, contact the Director of Sustainability and she will submit a work order for repairs. If it is an emergency repair, follow the emergency protocol provided in this binder.

I genuinely want this to be a positive experience for all of you. Please take advantage of the many opportunities that will be made available to you during your time as a resident of the Ecohouse!

***Annie Laurie Cadmus Director of Sustainability Ohio University 740-593-0026 cadmus@ohio.edu

General Office of Sustainability & Ecohouse information: Access and Inclusion: We are dedicated to offering all students fair access to sustainability resources and involvement. In your conversations with other students, please always be sensitive to their unique needs and alert the Director of Sustainability if any of our programs are not able to accommodate any needs. Such access and inclusion concerns also apply to our office’s volunteers, interns and staff. Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Director of Sustainability privately to discuss specific needs. The student should be able to provide written documentation from the Office of Disability Services. Any student not yet registered as a student with a disability can do so by contacting the Office of Disability Services at 740-593-2620 or by visiting the office in 348 Baker University Center. Defining Sustainability Sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of today’s society without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. That means we must appropriately utilize

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

resources and advance our own knowledge in all disciplines in order to contribute to the success of future generations. At Ohio University, we look at Sustainability through the lens of the Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet and Prosperity. - People: We believe in personal sustainability…we must manage our own health and well-being so we may care for others within our community. We must invest in community growth. - Planet: We encourage the conservation, preservation and restoration of our Earths precious natural resources. - Prosperity: A thriving local economy is paramount in our efforts to achieve true sustainable development.

What the Office of Sustainability Does Mission: Ohio University’s Office of Sustainability provides services and support to the campus community; advocates for innovation and research; and ensures fulfillment of institutional commitments to environmental, social and economic well-being. Our office works to provide the campus community with the support they need to implement sustainability in their respective units on campus. We collect and report on our progress toward sustainable development. We offer professional development opportunities to students interested in infusing sustainability into their academic and professional careers.Professional Development: -­‐

Anyone who works (paid or unpaid) in the Office of Sustainability is asked to spend time on Professional Development.


For your convenience, we do have a Professional Development Coordinator Intern who is responsible for ensuring that you are supported in your efforts.



Samples of professional development projects can include, but are not limited to: o

Online portfolio/blog


Resume building


Conference attendance


Workshop hosting


Webinar attendance

It is our goal to assist students with job attainment upon graduating from OU. Please utilize the resources in the office whenever necessary.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide -­‐

Upon graduating, all former office staff members will be asked to complete an Exit Survey so we can continually improve our professional development efforts.

Personal Sustainability: It is important to establish clear boundaries in your development of a work/life/school balance. We will talk frequently of the important role “Personal Sustainability” plays in our lives. You are encouraged to explore this conversation deeply throughout the year. Here are some quick pointers that you may or may not appreciate: -­‐

Create email filters for certain emails. For example, if your place of employment regularly uses your personal email address, create a filter so those emails are sent to a folder that you check at designated times. This way, when you’re working on personal or academic items, work does not distract you.


If you have a one-on-one or small group meeting scheduled, consider hosting the meeting outside. Take a walk or sit in the grass….get some fresh air!


Create outdoor workspace where you’re able to easily complete school or personal work outdoors without being distracted. (Of course, there’s nothing wrong with an occasional break to climb a good lookin’ tree!)


If you know you have a really busy week coming up, consider being flexible with your Ecohouse hours. Work with the other residents and the Director of Sustainability to see if you can rearrange Ecohouse seminar dates (since we will have several weeks that we don’t meet – those can be rearranged!).


Constantly reassess! If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, figure out what is causing the stress and try to renegotiate your priorities that week. Can OoS assist in any way? You should love what you do and the Ecohouse should not be a source of stress or resentment.


Work in the Ecohouse Garden – If you’re feeling particularly stressed or uninterested in your work, consider doing some yard work or garden work…it’s surprisingly therapeutic to pull weeds!


Sustainability is a truly interdisciplinary topic. If there are ever any activities or practices that you haven’t participated in but would like to, consider exploring them for your professional development hours. This experience should be about personal growth!

Communications Protocol: The following Communications Protocol is relevant to any communication that occurs on behalf of the Office of Sustainability. All staff, interns and Ecohouse residents must be aware of this protocol and follow it carefully.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide With a great deal of turn-over in the office, it is imperative that the Director of Sustainability is included in any communication intentions external to our office. If any OoS staff wishes to set-up an interview with a specific individual, please follow the following procedures: -­‐


Send an email to cadmus@ohio.edu outlining: o

Individual you wish to interview


Purpose of article


List of no more than 5 questions that will be asked


Preference of Phone, email or in-person interview

Requests for interviews must be made at least 2 weeks in advance of desired interview date.

OU staff and faculty receive a LOT of requests for interviews, so we have to be careful not to inundate others with lengthy questions. ANY time an OoS staff/intern wants to represent OoS and connect with someone outside of the office, they must go through the Director of Sustainability first so she knows what type of communication is happening on behalf of this office. Remember: Routes (or any communication done by OoS student staff/interns) is not investigative reporting. Our student positions are responsible for managing the sustainability profile of the campus by: 1.) providing updates on positive efforts being made toward progress within the Sustainability Plan and Climate Action Plan, 2.) providing students with an outlet for getting involved, 3.) providing the Director of Sustainability with suggestions for future sustainable efforts that could happen on campus. So, detailed, probing questions should not be necessary for any interview conducted on behalf of the OoS. Important Websites: Yammer: www.yammer.com -­‐

All staff and interns are required to sign-up for Yammer. Ecohouse residents are welcome to participate in Yammer, as well, if you wish to keep up-to-date with what we’re doing in the office. Staff members are expected to log-in to Yammer and post something at least once per shift, so there’s always something happening!.


Navigate to www.yammer.com and sign up for Yammer using your OHIO email address.


When setting up your profile, request to join the Office of Sustainability group.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide -­‐

Play around! Learn important features of Yammer since this is how our staff will communicate: o

OHIO network versus OoS Network


Various features for posting


File Sharing


Posting Praise/Questions/Polls/Comments

Office of Sustainability Website: www.ohio.edu/sustainability. -­‐

All members of the staff and Ecohouse residents should be familiar with the website and its contents. o

Please pay special attention to the Sustainability Plan and the Climate Action Plan

Facebook: www.facebook.com/sustainableou -­‐

All members of the staff and Ecohouse residents are invited and encouraged to “like” the Office of Sustainability facebook page.


If you have any items that you’d like us to feature on the facebook page, please email them to the Social Media Coordinator.

Gmail Calendar: www.gmail.com -­‐

All Ecohouse residents are required to assist with tours. As such, we need to know your availability for tours. Please log-in to our staff calendar on gmail using the following log-in:



Log-in: SustainableOU


Password: s0larw1nd

The details regarding how to utilize that calendar are available in the Sunday entry of each month. o

The requirements for Ecohouse residents are slightly different… §

Create a calendar with your name as explained in the protocol. Instead of noting a shift (as our staff would do), merely note times that you would be free to give a tour (example: If you’re usually free on Fridays from 8am-10am, create a recurring event that always occurs at that time and name it, “FirstName LastName-Free for Ecohouse Tours”). This way, if we get a request at that time, we can simply call you up and see if you’d be willing to take the tour.


Also, on a regularly basis, scroll through the next month on the calendar and look for Tours (light blue calendar label) that are named as “NEED GUIDE” – if you’re free at that time, email our Tour and Presentations Coordinator to take that shift.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Emergency ONLY Numbers: FIRE or OTHER EMERGENCY: 911 OU Police Department, Emergency: 740-­‐593-­‐1911 Annie Laurie Cadmus, Cell: 815-­‐238-­‐2473 For a recorded message outlining existing OU Emergency situations: 740-­‐597-­‐1800 Information regarding OU Emergency procedures: http://www.ohio.edu/emergency/

Non-­‐Emergency Numbers: Ohio University Facilities Dispatch: 740-­‐593-­‐2911 Athens Police Department, Non-­‐Emergency: 740-­‐592-­‐3315 Office of Sustainability, Student Office: 740-­‐593-­‐0460 Office of Sustainability, Annie Laurie Cadmus: 740-­‐593-­‐0026 Environmental Health and Safety: 740-­‐593-­‐1666 Tracy Crabtree, Residential/Off-­‐Campus Housing: 740-­‐597-­‐2571

Emergency Protocol: -­‐

For all emergency situations, please first call 911. If time permits, please also immediately call Annie Laurie’s cell phone. If time during the crisis does not allow for a call to Annie Laurie, please be sure to contact her when the situation allows.


For non-­‐emergency concerns that require immediate attention (such as fallen tree limbs, electricity outage, flooding, roof leaks, etc.), please first call Ohio University Facilities Dispatch. o

If the situation is deemed unsafe for living, please call Annie Laurie’s cell phone so she can make alternate living arrangements while the situation is being managed. Or, if the situation is resolved, please call her office number to notify her of the issue so she may ensure that the proper account is charged for repairs.


For minor maintenance issues (i.e., cracked rain barrel, garden damage, etc.), please wait to submit repair needs during your weekly Ecohouse session or by sending an email to cadmus@ohio.edu.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

To log into workforce, follow the steps below:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Go to www.ohio.edu/finance Click on Payroll Scroll down and click workforce login Sign in using your OAK ID and Password Log your hours worked accordingly At the end of the pay period, click submit hours worked Your hours will be sent to Annie Laurie for approval

To access direct deposit pay slip: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Go to www.ohio.edu Click on Current Students on the side panel Go to “my Ohio” Scroll down to “My Personal Information” On the right hand sign click the log in link Enter OAK ID and Password Click on pay slip

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Ohio University Office of Sustainability

Tour Training (Present) Last Updated: 8/16/12

All Office of Sustainability staff are expected to be able to facilitate the full Sustainability Tour as outlined here. •

The full Sustainability Tour is a three-part tour: Class II Compost Facility, The Ridges and OHIO Ecohouse.

Anyone (faculty, staff, student, community member, outside entity) can request a tour, as long as there are a minimum of 8 participants (and a maximum of 25). To request a tour, they must complete the Tour Request Form and email to sustainability@ohio.edu.

• •

Participants are permitted to take photos. If any questions are asked that cannot be answered, please take note of the questions and tell the participants that the answers will be emailed to the individual that scheduled the tour. Then, email your questions to sustainability@ohio.edu along with the name and email address of the individual to send the response.

Accessibility: This tour requires a great deal of walking (and light hiking). At the start of the tour, assess the mobility of the group. Does anyone have a difficult time walking? If so, those individuals may drive to the compost site and to the Ecohouse – they may want to opt out of The Ridges nature walk.

Office of Sustainability does NOT provide transportation to tour participants. It is their responsibility to get to the site on time. Our tour guides will meet them on site and leave directly following the tour.

All Tours will be scheduled using the Tour/Presentations calendar in gmail. ALL Office staff are responsible for checking this calendar during every shift.

All office staff are required to provide the Tour and Presentation Coordinator with their availability for tours or presentations so as to streamline the tour process.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Compost: Location: The Class II Compost Facility is located on Dairy Lane, just west of the Dairy Barn. If using GPS or Google Maps, the following address will work: 7876 Blackburn Road, Athens, OH. Parking: A parking lot is located on site upon entering the driveway to the facility. All cars must park at the bottom of the hill and walk to the facility – unless there are any mobility concerns (those individuals may drive up to the facility). Parking is free for the duration of the tour but must be removed from the lot upon completion of the tour. Note: If you have anyone with mobility restrictions in your group, have then drive to the top of the hill and, instead do this section at the site of the facility. While still in the parking lot: -­‐

Introduce yourself (name, year in school, major, position in the Office of Sustainability). Thank them for joining you on a tour today.


Define sustainability. Sustainability is the ability to use resources today in a manner that does not negatively impact future generations’ ability to utilize resources. Or, at least, that’s the textbook definition. To take it one step further, OU’s Office of Sustainability looks at sustainability through the Triple Bottom Line of People, Planet and Profit. People: We believe in the power of personal health and wellness and in the importance of contributing to the vitality of our communities. Planet: We’re concerned about the responsible management, conservation and preservation of our earth’s natural resources. And, Profit: A strong local economy is a key aspect of a truly sustainable community…We need to invest in economic development and proper utilization of the resources at hand so as to allow us to grow in a healthy manner.


Define composting. Ask if anyone is familiar with composting – does anyone compost at home? Composting is the natural decomposition of organic materials into a nutrient rich soil. Organic materials can include things such as food scraps, leaves and landscape waste. The key is to get an even ratio of carbon to nitrogen. Then, allow the waste to heat and aerate and natural decay will occur, turning your food waste into valuable fertilizer.

As you walk the gravel road up to the facility:

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


This road was an old farm road which had to be improved in 2009 when truck traffic was going to start coming through. It is now made of reclaimed asphalt from demolished parking lots at OU.

Top of the Hill: -­‐ -­‐

Stop at the top of the hill (at the fork in the road) before you get to the facility. The site is located on land that we now call The Ridges which used to be a part of the State Psychiatric Hospital. The facility that sits on this land was originally called the Athens Lunatic Asylum. Since it has undergone so many name changes (9 different names!), we’ll call it The Ridges for the remainder of this tour for the sake of clarity.


The Ridges has received plenty of local and national attention for its unique history. The Office of Sustainability is particularly interested in this history due to its unique connection to sustainability.


There are approximately 700 acres at The Ridges. We’ll only cover a small portion of that today.


Facilitate Questions: If appropriate, talk to the participants about their relationship to food. Issues that come up in their own lives would be appropriate. People may mention that they eat “bad” or lots of processed foods. They may say they don’t eat fruits and vegetables or they grow a garden or shop at farmers market. How do they dispose of food? Does their kitchen trash can get stinky? o When you can, tie their responses back to ecology (see “Phrases and Concepts” section).

Walk toward Composter, stand near collection bins: -­‐

Ohio University currently produces Class II Compost (food and landscape waste) and Class IV Compost (landscape).


Collection: o Food is currently collected from Central Foods Facility and dining halls. Both pre- and post- consumer waste is collected. Though, it should be noted that our kitchen preparation process is incredibly streamlined, so a significant portion of the weight collected comes from post-consumer waste. § This is one area that our office is currently working to rectify through behavior change programming. o With the previous system, we were only able to collect approximately 40% of the food waste generated on campus. The expansion project will allow us

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

to capture 100% of our organic waste on campus. There are conversations with the city to potentially capture some of their landscape waste, as well. o The food is collected from each of the sites from these green collection bins, wheeled onto the loading dock and picked up daily by our compost staff. o We do not use plastic liners in the bins. Many other colleges that compost do use compostable liners. We save the resources and money by not using the liners and, instead, using a high pressure wash of rainwater in the bins… Walk to the rainwater harvesting system: -­‐

This is a rainwater harvesting system. While we do have plumbing up on this site, we use rain water instead of municipal water for the use of the facility. Rain is collected through gutters on the roof and then funneled into the cistern at each building. The biofilter is located here in the box that you can see, that filters the water. Then, it is collected and stored in two large containers buried under the ground. The two cisterns are connected underground.


Water is a limited natural resource. What water conservation efforts do you do at home? What ideas do you have for additional water conservation efforts at OU?


We’ll talk more about the process of cleaning the bins when we get inside the building and I can show you the process.

Walk into the new pole barn. -­‐ -­‐

Point out the bin washing station. When you walk in the pole barn you can have people look around and see what seems “sustainable” about the site. They might notice the windows to provide day lighting, the insulation, and the boxes on the wall (invertors). The boxes on the wall are invertors; they show how much energy is being generated by the solar arrays at the moment. They also convert AC power to DC power. Some people who have solar at their house will try to buy AC appliances so that they don’t have to lose some power in conversion. But most electric outlets provide DC current and that’s what we use at the site.


In 2009, Ohio University became the university with the largest in-vessel compost facility in the nation thanks, in great part, to a $350,000 grant from Division of Recycling and Litter Prevention within the Ohio Department of Natural Resources that allowed the institution to purchase a 2 ton in-vessel composting system from Wright Environmental Management Inc. (a Canadian company). o We received an additional $35,105 for the solar array from the Department of Development's Energy Loan Fund grant program.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

o The remaining funding was provided through the operational budgets of two Ohio University departments: Facilities Management and Auxiliaries. -­‐

The original system (Wright Environmental Management, Inc. WEMI-4000) that was installed in 2009 cost $355,370.00. However, the total start-up costs associated with the project were more than twice that, or about $800,000.00. Some of the costs included a road upgrade, a cement pad, and a heated pole barn. The total cost also included bringing utilities to the site, creating a leach field, installing a 10 kWh solar array and installing a rainwater harvesting system.


The facility was expanded in 2012 thanks to an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act grant in the amount of $1,088,571. The expansion included the addition of: a 4-ton expandable in-vessel system (WEMI-8000EX), enabling the university to compost 100% of its pre- and post-consumer dining waste; a 31.1 kilowatt solar array to completely power the current site and expansion; a 1.4 gallon solar thermal water heating system to improve the ability of workers to clean the collection bins with harvested rainwater; a windrow turner; and a waste-oil burner to heat the pole barn. o The ARRA funds do not encompass all of the costs for this project. Ohio University has committed to $579,646 of matching funds for successful implementation of the compost expansion.


The In-Vessel Composting Machine: Ohio University elected to employ this type of in-vessel composting system for management of all its food waste for several reasons: the system features a highly efficient contained system, which has the capacity to manage all forms of organic waste (including meat, dairy, biodegradable service-ware and landscape waste); it speeds the processing of waste into usable soil; it controls odors, vectors and leachates; and minimizes staff time needed for operation. The tunnel optimizes the natural composting process by controlling airflow, moisture levels and temperatures thereby accelerating the decomposition cycle of organic wastes. Composting material is moved in a plug flow fashion through the tunnel in the designated number of retention days. Material is supported on a series of stainless steel perforated trays that form the tunnel floor. The trays are pushed forward as a continuous unit by an external hydraulic ram. When the ram is moving an empty tray into the tunnel, all trays within the tunnel are moving forward. As an empty tray is being inserted, compost from a single tray is being unloaded at the tunnel discharge end using a series of vertical breaker bars and a discharge auger. The auger discharges the compost from the unloading tray onto a conveyor and the empty tray emerges from the tunnel ready for inspection and re-use. Surges of waste quantities or changes in composition can be

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

accommodated by inserting and filling more trays than the number required on a typical loading day. The tunnel is controlled for air supply and temperature using dedicated control proves, supply and exhaust fan and an air circulation system with associated air plenums. Composting material then moves through a set of spinners that act to invert, homogenize, agitate and stack the material into the next zone. Water is added during material cross-mixing (if needed) to re-establish proper moisture levels. Material remains in the second zone for an addition number of days equivalent to the retention time in Zone 1 (e.g. 7 days in Zone 1 and 7 days in Zone 2 equals 14 retention days) while significant stabilization occurs through control of air supply, water and temperature. The tunnel is equipped with a series of probes that monitor temperatures. These temperatures, in relation to control panel set points, are used to operate supply fans. The optimum temperature range for composting organic waste is 50 degrees Celsius to 65 degrees Celsius. The temperature set point in the first composting zone is typically set between 58 degrees Celsius and 60 degrees Celsius for greater than three days to ensure pathogen reduction. A set point between 52 degrees Celsius and 54 degrees Celsius is used in the second zone to maximize conversion of putrescible materials. Any moisture that drains out of the composting material flows into the plenums that run along the base of the tunnel and from the plenums to sump boxes through pipes located at the sides of the tunnel. Leachate is pumped back onto the composting materials from the sump boxes through pipes located at each sump box. Some leachate is released to the on-site septic system when the overall water balance is positive inside the machine. The organic waste is combined with bulking agents (wood chips from landscape waste are commonly used) and then processed in the in-vessel system for approximately 14 days. -­‐

Note: The new facility has an electronic weighing station and conveyor belt to increase worker safety/facility efficiency.


You can let the group walk up to the top of the system to see where the material is loaded. After the arms turn the material around a few times the bottom is dropped out and the material falls onto one of the trays below. OU added the splash guard, the railing, the safety chain, and the controls up top.


The University has spent several years testing out a variety of biodegradable/compostable service-ware (plates, cups, forks, etc.). It was discovered that certain products, particularly potato starch-based, do not break down quickly enough to be used with our system. We have had recent success in PLA (polylactic acid) service-ware. During our transition from a 2-ton daily load to 6+-ton daily loads, the use of service-ware as a bulking agent slowed. Once our new system is

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

running (Fall 2012), we are hopeful that we can reintroduce service-ware as a primary bulking agent in the compost recipe. o Note: Details regarding the “compost recipe” are not provided here since it can be a temperamental process depending on individual batches of organic matter, among other things. This is a learning process that can only be mastered by experiencing it first-hand. Typically, we strive for 60% food waste and 40% bulking agents. -­‐

The compost staff was trained by Wright Environmental following the installation of each facility. o Additionally, various other staff members at the institution have completed trainings for successful operation of the facilities. o Currently, waste pick-up and management is handled by one full-time staff member and approximately 5 part-time student staff members. It is anticipated that staffing will increase in FY 12.

Temperature Gauge: -­‐

When you come back down the machine you can see a temperature gauge. By providing insulation the machine helps control temperature, but it does not heat or cool the material. The temperature of the material is a result of the heat created as the material breaks down. Highlighted in yellow is the ideal zone that the system should be in for optimal break down.

Walk to the rear of the machine (outside portion): -­‐

Explain the process of the waste being pushed out the end of the machine and then placed in windrows on site.

-­‐ -­‐

Once removed from the system, the compost needs to cure for at least 90 days. Point out the windrows and the windrow turner - The windrows are turned regularly to offer a more homogenous mix to the compost. The 2012 expansion project included the purchase of a Windrow Turner which is expected to streamline this turning process.


The resulting nutrient-rich soil is used on-campus (intramural athletic fields, gardens used by Plant Biology students, Ecohouse community garden, etc.).

Walk to the solar Panels: -­‐

The original compost facility had a 10kw solar array and the new system features an additional 30.1 kw. We are still in our first year of the expanded program, so we can’t offer hard data on this, but we’re anticipating that we’ll be generating 100% of

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

our usage. Both systems are grid-tied. “Grid tied” means that we sell our generated electricity back to the power company. You can also set-up systems that have battery packs and the energy is stored (we do not do that). And, then there’s also the option to remain off-grid where you are dependent upon battery packs and use a different type of converter. What are the pros and cons to each of these options? o Possible Answers: § Battery packs are often times inefficient and the batteries contain harmful materials (and need to be replaced frequently). § Grid-tied systems allow you to utilize electricity from the grid should you need more electricity than you produce. § Back-up battery on a grid-tied system requires more maintenance and §

has more start-up costs, but can provide comfort in emergencies. Off-grid systems are not dependent upon local power and less vulnerable to black-outs.


The solar panels are on a Manual Tilt. Twice annually, we tilt the panels to maximize their efficiencies.


Point out the Solar Thermal panels: Those panels may look like regular Photovoltaic Arrays, but they’re actually part of a solar thermal system. These panels use a glycol solution to heat the water used to clean the bins. We’ll explain solar thermal more in-depth at the Ecohouse because we can get closer to the panels and it will make more sense.

Walk to the opposite side of the Pole Barn: -­‐ -­‐

Point out the stormwater management site. We worked closely with EPA to develop an acceptable stormwater management plan for this facility. The first thing is to note that leachate (excess fluid) from the machine is funneled from the machine to a bioswale that naturally filters the fluid. It is then piped to this retention pond that has been carefully dug to offer an even flow of excess water (in the case of heavy rains) into bioswales.


Why is stormwater management an important feature to a facility like this? o Possible answers: § The leachate contains toxins (from the food) that could contaminate local waterways. § Oil/grease from foods and from vehicles will naturally occur in runoff, so it needs to be cleaned before it comes in contact with our water supply.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Closing: -­‐

While composting is an excellent way to divert waste from the landfill, Ohio University is also excited to be able to use this project as a way to promote student engagement and academic programs while improving the efficacy and sustainability of our program. The opportunities for research studies and programming surrounding soil analysis, PLA testing, sociological impacts, behavior change, etc. is at the heart of what we hope to offer. Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Sustainability with research requests as they relate to the Compost Facility.


Talk about how our goal is not to maximize compost, but to minimize food waste. You want your food waste to be zero. You want to put the compost system operation out of business. You may also talk about how Ohio U’s food waste per person was twice that of students at other institutions who did food waste audits. Why might that be the case? What can individuals do to change that statistic?

If continuing to The Ridges: Next we’ll take a small hike through The Ridges and talk about Sustainability and its relationship to community and history.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

The Ridges: Location: The Ridges is situated between Route 682 and Dairy Lane in Athens, OH. Both of the previous tour sites are located on The Ridges. Parking: If this is the first or only portion of the tour, participants may park in metered parking. For an accessibility map of The Ridges, view: http://www.ohio.edu/disabilities/upload/the_ridges.pdf.

Introduction: Begin the tour at the crest of the hill at the compost facility. (This section is also included at the start of the compost tour, so you may omit it if you already said this part) -­‐

The site is located on land that we now call The Ridges which used to be a part of the State Psychiatric Hospital. The facility that sits on this land was originally called the Athens Lunatic Asylum. Since it has undergone so many name changes (9 different names!), we’ll call it The Ridges for the remainder of this tour for the sake of clarity.


The Ridges has received plenty of local and national attention for its unique history. The Office of Sustainability is particularly interested in this history due to its unique connection to sustainability.


There are 668 acres attached to The Ridges. We’ll only cover a small portion of that today.

Begin Walking toward trail: -­‐

It started as a psychiatric facility in 1874 and functioned as such until 1991 when it was shut down. It transitioned to university-owned property in 1988, leasing the space in the overlap.


The land around the compost site was orchards or was farmed, and the dairy barn we passed on the way to the site provided the dairy for the Hospital. It was almost self-sufficient, as the patients were the workers, providing their own food. Eventually it was ruled inhumane for patients to work the land or in the dairy barn and then the operations began to fall apart. The brick for the buildings was mined and fired on these grounds. All of their needed services, such as barbers and doctors, had space on site in the lower levels of the buildings. So, this is its own little sustainability project. When the hospital shut down it was gifted to the University for a fee of $1.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


The reasoning behind the beautiful landscape as the setting for this facility suggested a strong connection to the environment. Mental Health Professionals felt that the serene beauty of this space would naturally improve the health of some patients. This is a belief that we still hold onto today. Many of us find great peace and relief in the silence and beauty of nature. In fact, the Office of Sustainability works very hard to focus on something we call Personal Sustainability. We believe that strengthening our own mental and physical health is the very first step toward achieving true sustainable development of our communities, economy and environment.

When you reach the first cemetery: -­‐

A number of cemeteries were developed on the grounds of The Ridges to serve as the final resting place for any bodies that were unclaimed by their families.


The earliest headstones were numbered, rather than provide specific information about the deceased. In 1943, they began adding names and dates – but, still on a stone that eroded quickly. Any newer headstones were provided by families who, in more recent years, were able to trace their relatives’ locations and offer them a newer headstone.


Burials at this time were much more environmentally-friendly than more contemporary burials. Bodies were not embalmed, were wrapped in a light cloth and placed in a simple, unfinished coffin. All of these practices allow decomposition to occur more naturally, faster and with fewer toxins present in the soil.


Sadly, due to budgetary restraints, many of the headstones entered a state of disrepair and, in turn, many rumors regarding the haunted activity of The Ridges has become one of OU’s biggest mysteries.


Superstitions aside, we in the Office of Sustainability feel deeply connected to this space. Our contemporary beliefs regarding personal well-being are grounded deeply in the history of the Mental Health Professions. We are now told that regular exercise, exposure to nature, meditation and stress-relief are essential if we wish to be responsible stewards of our space.


The land on this site has always been manipulated by humans, and like the rest of SE Ohio, anything here is second growth.

As you walk toward the clearing: -­‐

Deer and turkey frequent the open areas we can see from here. Bobcat, first sighted in 2004, may be responsible for the piles of turkey feathers sometimes found here and elsewhere on the walk. Open areas such as that at the base of the hill and in all

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

the cemeteries are ideal feeding grounds for bluebirds attracted by the dozen nesting boxes erected for them in these areas. At clearing: -­‐ -­‐

Have the participants sit in a circle. Ask them to close their eyes. Read the following script: I have spoken, on several accounts, of the importance of personal sustainability and generating connections with nature. In our busy lives as college students, parents, siblings, friends (insert any other nouns here), we are rarely presented with interruption-free time to reconnect with our own thoughts and values. We are constantly plugged in, literally – we’re connected to electronic devices and are limiting our own creativity by stifling free, uninterrupted thought. Keeping your eyes closed, I want you to think about one thing you’ve done this week that required an electronic device. (pause) Now, I want you to think about one thing you’ve done this week that required the absence of electronic devices, or machines. (pause) Which activity caused you more stress? Why do you think that is? Take a minute to think about your own life and the stresses you encounter…what can you do to remove those stresses? (long pause). Now I want you to open your eyes. Thank you. Based on all we’ve already already discussed today, can anyone talk about their own personal impacts on sustainability? (long pause, allow them time to think…if no one answers, then offer a story of your own). Thank you for your thoughtful reflection. We have another ¼ mile to the Ecohouse, where we will talk about sustainable living. On that walk, I want us to really take advantage of the opportunity to be outside and away from our computers. I challenge you to keep your phones and ipods in your pockets and to take in your surroundings. Listen and look for wildlife. Reflect on the historical surroundings. Simply be present with your classmates/colleagues and enjoy their company.


We will be taking the stairs down to Dairy Lane and turning left. I ask that you stay on the grassy area to the left of the road.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Other Ridges Facts: -­‐

The residents of Athens purchased this land from the Coates family in 1867 and then donated the 150 acres to the state for construction of the facility.


Athens was selected for this facility since its location was centrally located among the rail lines at the time.


There was ready access to pure soft water thanks to a variety of springs on the land.


The land is positioned in such a way that is favorable to natural drainage.


Henry O’Bleness was hired for the making and laying of the bricks needed for the initial construction. o The bricks were made on site from clay dug on site. o It is predicted that there are approximately 19 million bricks used in the facilities.


The buildings are constructed using the Kirkbride model (named after architect Thomas Kirkbride, who believed that beautiful and serene settings promoted healing in the mentally ill).


Food was prepared on site in the kitchen and then distributed to the wings by transporting on a small railroad in the basement and up to the appropriate floors via dumbwaiters


The campus was really a self-sustaining system (in fact, the only real cost was purchase of local coal and oil for heating and electric). o The food was harvested and prepared on site through the garden, dairy barn and orchard. §

By 1911, the dairy provided enough milk to supply each patient with one pint per day!

o Amenities and resources such as a barber and medical services all had offices on site. o Other facilities included a sewing room, kitchens, bathrooms, chapel, a visitor’s room, an amusement hall and staff quarters. o Under the direction of George Link, over 10 miles of roads and walks were constructed using one horse carts and manual labor.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

o In 1913, a still for making alcohol was discovered on the grounds. §

It turned out to be the product of a patient, with the help of carpenters and maintenance personnel.


The original facility (1874) had enough beds for 570 patients. Additional buildings were added throughout the years, reaching approximately 600, 000 square feet of building space and accommodating as many as 1, 362 patients by November of 1911.


The rechanneling of the Hocking River in 1968 destroyed much of the carefully constructed grounds (including 4 ponds- shaped like a heart, spade, club and diamond - that were used as ice skating ponds in the winter and for ice for the facility). o This shift in grounds also shifted community use of the space – community members no longer utilized the facility for recreational purposes.


By 1981, there were fewer than 300 patients in the facility.


In 1982, Ohio University was gifted 344 acres of the facility and received the remaining acreage in 1988.


The mental health facility transitioned to a new space in 1993.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Ecohouse: Location: The Ecohouse is located at 8133 Dairy Lane, Athens OH. Parking: This is a private residence. So, we ask that tours do not park at the house (park at the Compost facility or The Ridges). The exception to this is for one single transport vehicle to park at the house to take a carload of participants (drivers of other cars) back to their vehicles. Begin at the bottom of the hill: -­‐ -­‐

This is the OHIO Ecohouse. It is a student residence with a sustainable twist. The house is 100 years old, and for most of its existence it served as a single family residence. OU acquired the Ecohouse when it purchased all of the Ridges, and it was used for years as a temporary housing for visiting professors or professors in transition that haven’t yet found a home in Athens. In 2005, with the help of motivated students, professors, and community members the Ecohouse project was launched. The 2005/2006 school year was the first year students lived in the house, and it was an Ecohouse in name only. At first, it was all about the motivation of the students who lived there. They were interested in sustainability and experimenting with different ways of living to reduce their impact on the environment. Since then, there has been a lot of money invested in the house, but it is constantly changing and continues to be a place that is led by the motivations of its residents.


Students are chosen to live here after participating competitive application process. The next round of applicants will be selected in October for the following academic year.


Three students currently reside in the house. And, they are asked to learn about and practice a sustainable lifestyle. They aren’t asked to be experts on sustainable living, merely to learn about the lifestyle and help us educate others.


The entire goal of the Ecohouse Project is to show that it is possible to live a sustainable life in an affordable and respectable manner. Sustainable can look nice and be affordable! It’s also a great time for self reflection. With that said, going back to our earlier conversation, what have you thought about in your own life that may have a connection with sustainability? (let all who want to answer the question, if there’s silence, tell them something you do that is NOT very sustainable---it helps break the ice and remove the guilt).


Many of the features of this house are so subtle, we won’t even talk about them. Sustainable living can be as simple as recycling, bringing your own bag to the grocery

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

store or humanely managing rodent problems to more obvious such as the Solar Thermal array here. Walk to the Solar Thermal array: -­‐

We talked briefly about Solar Thermal at the Compost facility. You’ll recall that the array at the compost facility was on the roof. This one is ground mounted. Both are completely acceptable styles of installation.


So, let’s start with the basics…what is a solar thermal array? (pause for answers). It’s essentially a hot water heater….It’s a sustainable way to heat your water. See, we use a glycol solution in the tubes that run along these panels and the water flows through those tubes, the water passes through the glycol loop and heats the water. o Glycol solution- like antifreeze. 1. More efficient at transferring heat. 2. Doesn’t freeze


In warmer climates, you will see water piping painted black on the exterior of homes. That’s actually a cheaper, even more efficient way to heat your water---but, it’s just not as sexy as a panel in your yard.


So, if Solar Thermal is using the power of the sun for the purpose of heating water and a Photovoltaic array is using the power of the sun to create electricity, which of these two technologies do you think is more efficient? The Solar Thermal! Why? Well, we’re using heat to create heat, so nothing is lost in the conversion. But, with PVs, we’re using light and converting it to electricity, so we lose some efficiencies in the process.


Costs: $7000, payback in 5-7 years. fast payback. Great investment for most homes. Can be subsidized by government.

Solar Powered Clothes Dryer: -­‐

Make a joke about the “expensive solar powered clothes dryer” and talk about how the residents save electricity by allowing the clothes to air dry. Rain Barrel: -­‐

Much like the rainwater harvesting cistern at the compost facility, we collect rain and use it for a variety of purposes: flushing the toilet, watering the lawn/garden, washing garden equipment, etc.

Compost: -­‐

This is a more traditional in-home composter. The general idea is still the same, but on a much smaller scale than the university-wide compost facility. The food waste and landscape waste from the house is placed in the barrel, which is rotated

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

regularly (about once per week) and that allows the breakdown of materials to happen faster. -­‐

A third and fourth example of composting are available in the basement (vermicomposting) and in the community garden (bin composting) – and, all are acceptable ways to compost in the home.

Photovoltaic Array: -­‐

We have a 2.4kW, grid-tied system installed by Dovetail solar and wind. OU paid $20,000 for the solar array after government rebates/subsidies/incentives. The cost of solar has decreased significantly since this was installed, making it much more accessible for the average homeowner.


There are 2 kinds of electricity demand: instant high demand and long-run total demand. Our system is grid tied because we use more electricity than we produce. However, even if we produced enough on average, we still might not produce enough for short periods of high demand. In addition, battery storage is inefficient and it is more efficient to use the grid as our battery.


Efficiency of the PV array is relatively low, about 12%. Our array is not in an ideal spot because we live in a holler and therefore don’t get as much direct sunlight as we would in a flatter area or higher up. The PV panels work more efficiently in the winter, but they provide more electricity in the summer because there are many more hours of good sunlight. What about solar electricity in SE Ohio in general. We already have good high voltage power lines infrastructure which are good for connecting to solar. We don’t get as much sun as many places, but we do have population centers nearby. Energy is also lost in the transport of electricity. Because of this, a desert out west might seem like a great place for solar, but there aren’t any population centers nearby and the electricity has to be transported and so it loses a lot in transmission.


Downsides to solar: not affordable, takes up a lot of space, not enough power, embodied energy (the amount of energy needed to create the panels), PVs need to work for 10 years before they repay embodied energy, wind energy is much better, PV panels are made from mined silicon with a limited supply


Upsides: some places solar is critical if the location is off the grid, creates incentives for R & D, everything first generation costs a lot, over time price declines, economies of scale, cleaner option, many of the costs of fossil fuels are not economic such as air quality and health.


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Community Garden: -­‐

This space was once just a garden for our residents, but we’ve spent a lot of time and energy converting it to a campus garden. Any student, faculty or staff member is able to adopt a plot for free!


Everything grown in the garden is organic. What is organic? Why does it matter? Organic among commercial products is a certification that verifies that something was grown without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Chemicals are all around us, why should it matter if they’re used in growing our food? First of all, fertilizers and pesticides are usually petroleum based; this increases our reliance and dependency on foreign oil. Also, these chemicals may have a negative impact on our health in the long run. However, there is no conclusive research that shows how chemical pesticides affect our health. Chemical fertilizers can seep into groundwater or get carried off in rainwater runoff into surface bodies of water such as streams, lakes and oceans.


Why is that bad? When a water bodied is contaminated with excess nutrients, it can stimulate the rapid reproduction of algae causing an algal bloom. These algae multiply and use up the majority of these excess nutrients until there is no longer enough nutrients in the water to support the large population of algae. As a result, the algae begin to die. At this time, there is a lot of dissolved oxygen in the water, a necessity for aquatic life. As the algae die, they are decomposed by aerobic bacteria which themselves quickly multiply and use up all of the oxygen in the water. The bacteria continue to do so until there is no oxygen left. At this point, the affected area becomes a dead zone where plants and animals can no longer live, and the remainder of the algae are decomposed by anaerobic bacteria which produce greenhouse gas.


Chemical pesticides can create resistance among the pests that they target, and as a result higher and higher doses of the toxic chemicals must be used.

-­‐ -­‐

How else is conventional agriculture petroleum dependent? Transportation- farm goods are mass produced in certain regions and then shipped throughout the country. This may actually be more efficient use of fossil fuels overall if sufficient economies of scale reduce the fuel used per unit produced.


Mechanization- Modern agriculture is extremely capital/machine intensive and uses very little human power. All of these machines require fossil fuel.


Does anybody recognize anything in the garden? Does anyone have any gardening/farming experience? Has anyone been to the Athens farmers’ market? Why? Know who grew your food. Eating seasonal is natural and good for the earth.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

There are natural conditions favorable for different foods at different times. Creating artificial conditions requires more resources such as fuel/water/nutrients/etc. Our market was rated in the top 10 farmers’ markets in the country by the Audubon Society. Sustainability is not about depriving yourself, rather it is a way to have a higher quality of life and not degrade the environment. -­‐

Does anyone have a diet that has an impact on resource use? Local? Meat? Vegan? Fast food? Slow food?


Point out the compost pile – it’s different than the other two we have viewed today. There are as many ways to compost as there are people who compost.

Optional: Indoor Tour: Note: Participants are only allowed in the kitchen and basement out of respect for our residents’ privacy. -­‐

Kitchen: o Compost collection o Appliances- Energy Star- EPA rating for energy efficiency. This is a mandatory labeling to assist consumers. Also for buildings (like LEED). Shows operating costs instead of just initial costs. Electricity only, not water. o Dishwasher- small, more likely to be full, water efficient o Fridge- energy star, freezer on bottom o Insulation- house re-insulated to reduce heating/cooling costs. Windows insulated o Programmable thermostat- allows us to save energy when house doesn’t need to be hot because people are sleeping or not home


Bathroom (talk about it, but stay in the kitchen): o Grey water system- save water, $, energy; don’t need drinking water to flush toilet. Use rainwater, dishwater, dehumidifier water o showerhead- saves water, low-flow, and kill switch on showerhead


Basement o Vermicomposter o Washing machine- water efficient, energy star, uses less detergent, manufactured in ohio, $1200 o Dryer- manufactured in Ohio, lint goes to worms o On-demand water heater- gas powered, heats water as needed instead of having a full tank of hot water 24 hours a day, costs $900 (private homes can get $300 rebate) o Insulated hot water tank - pays off very fast, should be standard

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

o A-Maize-ing heat- can use recycled wood but doesn’t always if demand is too high, carbon neutral because trees are part of the current carbon cycle unlike fossil fuels which are stored carbon (terminology debatable), dirtier with respect to particulate matter § wood vs. maize- wood is not a food product, price difference, also wood has higher heat potential per weight, (BTUs), § self-augering, different than a traditional wood stove that needs human-powered fuel addition, $2000 cost of furnace, can save money (depends on fuel costs) o Inverter- DC to AC current. Panel produces DC, most home appliances use AC. 2 kW inverter, but we have a 2.4 kW array, more cost efficient because we rarely produce full capacity, right sizing- buy a cheaper inverter that will have sufficient capacity most of the time

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Questioning Techniques Effective questioning techniques can be easily developed with practice. Some guidelines to keep in mind are: •

Keep the wording of the questions free of jargon

Use familiar terms – familiar to both you AND your audience

Use age-appropriate language

Be clear and direct

Pose questions one at a time – not in rapid-fire succession

Allow time for answers, rephrasing the question if necessary. When rephrasing, make sure you don’t totally change the question or the answer desired.

Not all questions need to be answered

Above all, be flexible!

Levels of Questioning: 1.) Focus Questions – the most basic type of question, this level of questioning allows the interpreter to sum up background information the visitor may have. It requires the visitor to obtain specific information using perceptual skills (listen, see, touch, smell, taste) or language skills (verbal, written). a.

Answers require knowledge of the subject

b. Allows interpreter to determine if information is already known or is being learned c.

Involves recall/identification/definition

d. Sometimes a yes-no or a one-word answer e. Key Words/phrases: Name, List, Count, Define, Label, Identify f.

Sample Question: Can you describe the types of food you eat in the dining halls that can be composted?

2.) Process Questions – This type of question has a wider scope of possible responses. The audience is asked to integrate information rather than just remember or describe. At this level, the participant will build on information acquired earlier and apply reasoning skills to information about objects. a.

Require application of reasoning

b. Require organization of information to form an opinion or justify it c.

Involve explanations of relationships between objects, things, etc.

d. Integration of new information into previous experience i. Key words/phrases: Compare, explain, justify, organize, categorize, plan, summarize, develop and argument. e. Sample Question: Why do we compost?

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide 3.) Evaluative Questions – At this level, questions are used to ask the participant to go beyond the known. The questions deal with matters of value, choice or judgment of the audience. This type of question will often stimulate interest and creativity. They encourage the participant to: a.

Transfer new information or ideas, then make judgments

b. Go beyond known or given information c.

Make predictions

d. Formulate hypotheses e. Key words/phrases: Suppose, speculate, imagine, revise, compose, decide f.

Sample Question: Imagine what our world would look like if everyone composted instead of sending so much to the landfill…how would our lives be different?

4.) Affective Questions – This type of question deal less with the cognitive aspect of the experience and instead focuses on the emotional aspects. Affective questions are those that enable participants to clarify values and explore feelings; that enable participants to get in touch with some intangible elements of their experience. a.

Sample question: What personal changes do you feel you can make in your life to assist with our sustainability efforts?

Adapted from Questioning Techniques by Tess Schatzer

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Presentation and Group Facilitation Tips: When Asking Questions: • Direct most questions to the entire audience rather than a single individual. This indicates to the group that everyone is expected to think. • Ask only one question at a time. • Allow time for an answer. This is called “wait time.” Try not to answer your own question. If no one offers a response, leave it open to be answered later, or rephrase the question. • Do not start a question with “Does anyone know…” or “Can anyone tell me…” Such phrases express doubt that the question can be answered. • Pace questions to the ability of the group. • Develop ideas and concepts through a series of questions. Build from focus questions to process questions to evaluative questions. This challenges your group to higher levels of thinking. • Accept answers gracefully, even if the answers are wrong. Never make someone feel foolish for participating in the program. • Avoid asking questions that require a simple yes or no. When Using Props: • Involve different senses with props. Odors and noises capture a group’s attention. The sound of a ringing bell, a rifle firing, even a silence can all be powerful tools (though, Office of Sustainability discourages the use of firearms). • Use historical artifacts (or reproductions). They can be used to invoke a bygone era, helping the visitor to travel back in time. • Involve the visitor with the propr. When possible allow them to touch the object, to hold it. We remember what we experience. • Use familiar objects in unfamiliar ways in order to help you draw analogies between common objects and the natural world. For example, assembling a flashlight clearly shows the concept of interdependence – the ideas that different parts work together to make a system. When Using Humor: • Relate the story to the talk. Humor should be used only if it illustrates an important point. If it is used only to gain a laugh, it is inappropriate.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

• Use a story only if it is not offensive and is one with which the audience can identify. It is important to exercise good taste and not embarrass your audience or the Office. If anyone is the target of the humor, make it you. • A humorous story or anecdote should arrive unannounced. It should drift in and out of the plot unobtrusively. • Humor requires timing and delivery to be effective. Use it only if you feel comfortable with it and understand it.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

When Using Guided Imagery: • Use guided imagery to transport people to a time and place where they cannot physically go. • Research your subject to create accurate images. • Develop a script that relates to the sequential images in story form. • Place your audience in a setting conducive to entering their imagination. Create a peaceful, trusting atmosphere. • Use good storytelling techniques to guide the group through the experience. Take the time to allow people to visualize the scene. • Have the group share their experience. For Storytelling: • Select stories that mean something to you and that you like to tell. Good stories relate to a group’s common experiences • Select stories that are relevant to your interpretive goals. • Research the facts of fthe story. You have to know your subject to do more than simply entertain. • Select a point of view. Will you tell the story from an omniscient perspective in the third person or in the first person as if it happened to you? • Memorize a sequence of images for the story, but not necessarily the words. • When telling the story, keep the listener’s imagination engaged with sequential images. Use voice reflection that fits the action, use gestures to paint images, recreate sounds for dramatic effect, or create distinct characters and have them speak to each other. • Use frequent pauses so the imagery can unfold. Avoid going more than 10-12 syllables without a pause, but do so at random so there is no distracting pattern. Hold pauses longer to create suspense. • Storytelling is an intimate medium. Everyone should feel that you are talking directly to them. Make random eye contact and focus on individuals. • Avoid using props. Imagery is the storyteller’s tool. When props are used, listeners focus on them rather than the story being told. • Avoid over-illustrating and telling too many details. • Believe in yourself. Enjoy what you are doing and the audience will, too. Compiled from The Interpreter’s Guidebook: Techniques for Programs and Presentations by Kathleen Regnier, Michael Gross and Ron Zimmerman. University of Wisconsin Foundation Press, Inc. 1992.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Facilitating Questions to Children

Why does “going green” matter? What do you do or see other people doing that is good or bad for the environment? How is eating connected to going green? Does anyone know anyone who doesn’t eat any meat? What is neat about getting food locally? Does anyone live on a farm? How much food do you throw away? Why does food end up in the trash? How do your parents get you to eat food? Where does the food go when it ends up in the trash? What’s the problem with that? Does anyone’s food at home go somewhere else but to the landfill? Tell me about it. What goes in your compost pile? What happens to the food? Why is composting good for the Earth? What else around here do you notice that might be considered green? Do solar panels collect more energy in one hour of sun in the winter or the summer? Do they collect more energy overall in the winter or summer? How would we generate electricity without solar panels? What is the problem with fossil fuels? Other points to touch on: the rainwater harvesting system, the road, the Ridges history Walk around and look at the compost machine—how it loads the organic waste, turns it, and produces a soil amendment.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

As a closing activity, talk about Ohio U. wasting a lot of food in the dining halls. Ask them why they think kids on campus wastes large amounts of food. How do they think they can reduce their food waste? Give each child a card and they can make a commitment to reduce their waste at the dining hall during lunch.

Phrases and Concepts Food and Ecology: Food Chain: In ecology, the sequence of transfers of matter and energy from organism to organism in the form of food. Food chains intertwine locally into a food web because most organisms consume more than one type of animal or plant. Plants, which convert solar energy to food by photosynthesis, are the primary food source. In a predator chain, a plant-eating animal is eaten by a flesh-eating animal. In a parasite chain, a smaller organism consumes part of a larger host and may itself be parasitized by even smaller organisms. In a saprophytic chain, microorganisms live on dead organic matter. Because energy, in the form of heat, is lost at each step, or trophic level, chains do not normally encompass more than four or five trophic levels. People can increase the total food supply by cutting out one step in the food chain: instead of consuming animals that eat cereal grains, the people themselves consume the grains. Because the food chain is made shorter, the total amount of energy available to the final consumers is increased. - Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. Biofilter, Biofiltration: A pollution control technique using living material to capture and biologically degrade process pollutants. Common uses include processing waste water, capturing harmful chemicals or silt from surface runoff, and microbiotic oxidation of contaminants in air. -­‐


Bioswale: Landscape elements designed to remove silt and pollution from surface runoff water. They consist of a swaled drainage course with gently sloped sides (less than six percent) and filled with vegetation, compost and/or riprap. The water's flow path, along with the wide and shallow ditch, is designed to maximize the time water spends in the swale, which aids the trapping of pollutants and silt. Depending upon the geometry of land available, a bioswale may have a meandering or almost straight channel alignment. Biological factors also contribute to the breakdown of certain pollutants. A common application is around parking lots, where substantial automotive pollution is collected by the paving and then flushed by rain. The bioswale, or other type of biofilter, wraps around the parking lot and treats the runoff before releasing it to the watershed or storm sewer. -­‐


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide (Past Tour Script) OHIO Ecohouse Notes

By: Kylie Johnson Tour Interaction When conducting a tour at the Ecohouse, the emphasis should be placed on stimulating conversation with visitors about sustainability issues. It is important to engage visitors in critical self-­‐reflection instead of just delivering information. When beginning a tour, start out by getting a baseline understanding of the knowledge level of the group. This can be done by asking questions about their individual backgrounds and this will stimulate conversation and help engage the group throughout the tour. Background Information The OHIO Ecohouse is a residence for OU students and is considered a university housing option. The house is over 100 years old and was a family residence for many years. The Ecohouse was acquired by Ohio University along with the ridges property. When it was first purchased by the university, the Ecohouse was a normal home used to house visiting faculty members or other short term visitors.

In 2005, the Ecohouse project was launched with the first set of students living in the house.

At this time, there were no physical changes made to the house that defined it as being an eco-­‐ friendly home. Rather, the emphasis was placed on the attitude of the residents who were expected to be eco-­‐minded and supportive of sustainability issues. Group Discussion After background information has been given about the house, initiate group conversation in a circle setting. Ask visitors general questions such as their names, what they are studying/where they work, and something about their current lifestyle that can be related to sustainability issues. To stimulate discussion, visitors could be asked where they are living or how they are currently living. This does not necessarily mean how “green” they are living, but rather opening the door to see what issues can be explored.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide While discussing issues with a tour group, it is important to make it clear that you have an open and critical mind and are aware of the challenges associated with living sustainably. When asking questions and conversing, make sure comments are phrased in a non-­‐judgmental manner so that people do not feel they are being criticized for their current lifestyle choices. An example of this is when discussion is generated about water conservation and taking long showers. Instead of criticizing someone that admits to taking long showers, keep your reaction light-­‐hearted but also thought provoking. An example response could be, “Wow, what are you doing in the shower that long?” In addition, do not let every group member give the same answers in response to questions. Make this apparent in the beginning so that they know individual critical thinking is encouraged throughout the tour. An example of a critical thinking question could be phrased in a way such as, “do you think overall OU students are good or bad recyclers?” This type of open-­‐ended question can generate productive discussion.

Garden The Ecohouse is the only residence on campus where you can grow your own food. Everything in the garden is grown organically. Explore topics related to food and food production with visitors. 

What is the difference between organic and non-­‐organic, and why does it matter? Organic foods

are grown without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Being organic refers to the actual certification of the food. 

What is the problem with chemicals? When asking this type of question, play the part of an

open-­‐minded thinker. We have chemicals all around us, so what is so bad about them? 

Chemical fertilizers-­‐ These are petroleum derived along with plastics, paint, etc. Because fossil

fuels are stored up energy, they provide a rich source of nutrients. This is why chemical fertilizers are effective on plants. However, they are very detrimental to waterways for the same reason. Chemical fertilizers are full of nitrogen that cause algae blooms in waterways because of the rich nutrients they provide. The aerobic bacteria thrive on these nutrients from the algae blooms, causing the whole system to become anaerobic which creates “dead zones” in the waterways. With fertilizers, only a small portion is actually absorbed by the plant and the excess creates issues for the ground and water systems. 

Chemical Pesticides-­‐ These are also petroleum derived. No significant research exists that link

pesticides to negative impacts on humans. However, it creates other problems, including insect tolerance and petroleum dependency. Solar Array

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide The solar array was installed by Dovetail Solar & Wind and is a 2.4 kilo-­‐watt system. It is a PV (photovoltaic array), and is grid tied. It can provide 40% of the energy for the house. The cost of the array was $20,000 after rebates provided by the state of Ohio. There is a subsidy for alternative energy installations that applies to PV, wind, and solar thermal. Efficiency is low for PV, and is about 12%. There are constraints with PV cells associated with losses from transmission and issues with climate. 

What are the advantages of a grid tied system?

Why bother with solar? Where does our energy come from?

When are solar panels the most efficient, in the summer or winter?

Problems associated with solar power: 

Not efficient

Battery & transmission

Location (Ohio not an ideal location)

Embodied energy-­‐energy used to make the product. Solar panel made from silicon

which is a mined resource Why bother then? 

Investing in solar created demand for further research and development into more

efficient designs 

Solar is critical in certain locations such as phone boxes on the highway that are off

the grid 

The more we deploy, the more the industry will be able to develop and reduce costs

associated with manufacturing 

Still a cleaner option if you take costs of mining, waste, burning, damages into account

Solar Thermal The solar thermal system was installed by Third Sun and they usually range from $4,000-­‐$7,000. This specific panel was $4,000. The system works by the heat of the sun heating a glycol solution that is running through the pipes that are visible in the panel. It is a PV solar array that works by light hitting the surface of the panel, which provides energy that is pumped into the house to heat the water. This system is more efficient than traditional water heating systems because it uses heat to make heat. The glycol solution is needed because if just water was heated, it would freeze in the winter and burst the pipes. This system is a good investment because the payback period is only 5-­‐ 7 years.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide 

Why is this system more efficient than a traditional system?

Why would you need a glycol solution running through the pipes instead of water?

Compost Composting is the process where organic matter decomposes at an accelerating rate. This is different from biodegrading because composting is accelerated because a higher temperature is achieved during the breakdown process. This is an aerobic process that requires the correct carbon to nitrogen ratio of 3:1 for proper breakdown to occur. If your compost smells, then you are doing something wrong like possibly not adding enough brown material or putting rotten food in the compost pile. Rotting is an anaerobic process. Composting is temperature dependent and determines the speed at which the material breaks down. 

What do you notice that Ecohouse residents eat? How sustainable is their diet?

Why should we bother with composting?

What is the connection between composting and landfills?

You can also mention at this station that verma-­‐composting is another option using tropical red worms to break down material. Additionally, you can mention the in-­‐vessel composting system used at OU that is just up the road from the Ecohouse. Kitchen When you walk into the kitchen with a group, you can ask what features they notice that are sustainable as far as technology or practices. Features they may point out include: recycling bins, reusable containers, refrigerator with freezer on the bottom, composting bowl, ceiling fan, compact dishwasher, etc. Mention the energy star label located on the fridge and other appliances in the house, and explain what it means. Energy star is an EPA program that requires mandatory labeling for appliances. All appliances are rated on the same scale of efficiency, and this program is a counterpart to LEED. If there is time, you can have a conversation with your group about the value of rightsizing appliances and the efficiency of electricity versus that of gas stoves. Other sustainable house features include: 

Insulation. Blown cellulose insulation made from reused newspaper fiber. It is blown through

small holes in the wall. 

Plastic covering on windows

Programmable thermostat

Grey water system

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide 

Shower head nozzle. It is low flow but preferable over standards

Water-­‐saving bottles in top of toilet tank

Basement Washing machine-­‐ It saves water because it spins clockwise instead of circularly. It is an energy star appliance and uses less soap than traditional washers. It was manufactured in Ohio by Staber. The cost was $1200. Dryer-­‐ Not necessarily considered sustainable, but it was purchased locally. Also, the dryer lint can be fed to the red worms in the verma-­‐compost. On-­‐Demand heater-­‐ When the solar thermal does not produce enough heat, the on-­‐demand system kicks in to heat the water the rest of the way. The advantage to this system is that the gas heat is used less than in a traditional setup. The hot water tank is insulated on the outside, which is not standard for most systems. It helps retain some of the heat. This system was $900. A-­‐maize-­‐ing heat furnace-­‐This furnace was originally meant to use maize for its heat source, but corn is more expensive to use and it also takes away from a food source if it is used instead as a biofuel. Instead, wood pellets are used. The pellets can be made out of recycled wood, which is also a more sustainable practice than using corn. Just like any other furnace, the efficiency depends on temperature, time of year, flame, etc. The cost of this system is $2,000 and it can save on fuel expenses depending on the variables mentioned above. 

Why would burning wood be better than regular furnaces?

What are some negative issues associated with burning wood?

Burning wood is better than burning fossil fuels that add greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Some consider wood to be cleaner than coal for this reason, but calling wood a cleaner source could raise issues for some because burning wood still involves cutting down trees that leads to degradation and habitat loss. However, wood is a renewable resource unlike fossil fuels. Also,

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide particulate matter is much worse when burning coal compared to wood, and dangerous toxins such as mercury are released when burning coal. Inverter-­‐ This unit changes the electric current from the solar panel from DC (direct current) to AC (alternating current). It is a 2kw inverter compared to the 2.4 kw array. The inverter has a smaller capacity because it costs more to have a large inverter, and it wouldn’t be that much more efficient if it were the same size because you do not normally produce the maximum amount of energy. It is more efficient to “right size” in this case.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Ecohouse Walkthrough (Past Tour Script) Transportation Bicycling

Residents of the Ecohouse choose to walk or bicycle to class or around campus as much s

possible. Some residents do own cars, but they are not normally used for daily transportation. The Ecohouse has a bike rack out front for residents or visitors to use. Greasel Collective

The Ecohouse sponsors a greasel collective in its garage. Local residents who have properly

converted their own diesel cars to run on filtered grease collect grease from local restaurants and bring it to the Ecohouse garage for filtration. The collective helps to intercept waste grease from local restaurants like Casa Nueva from being sent to a landfill. Although the Ecohouse residents do not use the biodiesel in their own cars, the Ecohouse supports the use of alternative fuels.

Efficiency Insulation

The Ecohouse is committed to reducing energy consumption as much as possible. During

the beginning stages of the renovations, COAD performed an audit on the house in order to determine what efficiency measures would be most effective. Insulation was one of the main areas that needed to be addressed. The Ecohouse has been insulated with Nu-­‐Wool blown cellulose and R19 in the attic, sidewalls, crawl space, and basement walls, which has increased efficiency significantly. Another step residents take to insulate the house is to keep the storm windows in at all times and they add shrinking or plain window plastic to the windows in the winter in order to retain heat. Energy Star Appliances

Several main appliances in the house are Energy Star appliances. Energy Star appliances are

more efficient in use of energy than other appliances of a similar capacity, and they can be

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide purchased at any major appliance store. The Energy Star appliances in the Ecohouse are the refrigerator, the dishwasher, the clothing washer, and the dehumidifier. Refrigerator

The refrigerator uses 1000 watts, which is approximately 40% of the output of the solar

panels. One aspect of its design that lends to its efficiency is that the freezer is on the bottom. Since heat rises, having the freezer closer to the floor means that the freezer must use less energy to stay cold. Dishwasher

The European-­‐designed dishwasher is smaller than a standard dishwasher because the

Ecohouse has a small number of residents. The smaller size is more efficient because when it is used to wash the dishes in the house it is more likely to be full. Washing Machine

The Staber washing machine is an Energy Star certified appliance that uses significantly less

water than a regular washing machine. It was manufactured by Staber Industries of Groveport, Ohio, and ordered through Dovetail. In a large load, it uses about 16 gallons; a standard washer would use about 35 gallons. The machine is able to use significantly less water because it works like a front load washer where the clothes are spun through the water in the way that a dryer tumbles clothes. The washer does not need to fill up as much because the clothes all pass through the water constantly. The washer is not front load; there is a cage in the unit that can be opened from the top and locked in place. Although it is not energy efficient, the dryer was also purchased from Staber Industries because it is a local product. the dryer is mostly used during the winter when the clothesline is difficult to use. Dehumidifier Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs

Using compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) can be the easiest way to save energy in the

home. They can be purchased anywhere that sells light bulbs, and although they have a higher up front cost, they save much more in energy costs and replacement costs over their lifetimes. A CFL uses about 2/3 less energy than a standard incandescent one and it can last from five to nine years.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Most of the light fixtures use 13 or 23 watt CFLs that give off the same amount of light as a 60 or 100 watt incandescent bulb. The solar array produces enough energy to power about 185 13 watt CFLs compared to only 40 60 watt bulbs for one hour.

Power Solar Array

The Ecohouse Solar Array is a 2.4 Kilowatt system, which would provide about the amount

of energy that it would take to light 40 60-­‐watt light bulbs for 1 hour or to power 2.5 standard refrigerator units. The panels, which cost approximately $23,000, were manufactured in Spain and they were installed by Dovetail Solar and Wind.

Heating/Cooling Biomass Furnace

The Ecohouse is heated by a biomass furnace that furnace cost $2,450 and was purchased

from a company in Iowa. The furnace runs on wood pellets, corn kernels, or other biotized pellet fuel. A full load can keep the house heated for two weeks. It is only used when it is needed with the help of the programmable thermostat. The biomass furnace is considered to be carbon neutral because the carbon that is emitted equals that which the corn or trees sequestered. Programmable Thermostat

The thermostat in the Ecohouse is programmable so that the house is heated only when

heating is necessary. This can save energy because it eliminates unnecessary use of the furnace during warmer winter days. Whole House Fan

During the renovations process, the house received baffles, roof vents and an attic

fan to take care of the air flow issues. The house does have central air.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Water Solar Thermal Water

The solar hot water heater was purchased from Third Sun for approximately $4000. The

Ecohouse purchased solar installations from both of the area's solar installers. Southeast Ohio is home to two out of the three solar installers in Ohio, Dovetail and Third Sun. The heater uses a water/glycol solution to prevent the pipes from freezing during the winter. The system's PV pump works when the sun is shining. When purchasing a solar product, a solar hot water heater is a good investment because it has a short payback time of only five to seven years. Tankless Water Heater

The on demand water heater uses gas to heat up water in the winter if the solar does not

reach 110 degrees. Water Conservation

The Ecohouse residents work hard to conserve water both by using water conservation

systems and through lifestyle choices. The dishwasher is designed to be . The shower is equipped with a low-­‐flow high-­‐pressure showerhead that greatly reduces the amount of water consumed from showering. Also, residents of the Ecohouse collect rainwater for use in their organic garden.

Food Garden

Aside from driving, food is the most energy intensive human activity on a per person basis.

Much of this energy goes in the form of petroleum-­‐based chemicals, production machinery, packaging, and transportation. The Ecohouse residents choose to grow some of their own food in their organic garden. They grow low-­‐maintenance, organic, seasonal crops. The garden is surrounded by a solar-­‐powered electric fence in order to keep deer from consuming the crops. Residents of the house also prefer to buy from the farmer’s market in for the same reasons that they grow their own food.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Waste Heap Composting

The heap compost pile has diverted about 90% of the food waste from the Ecohouse from

going to a landfill. Landfills purposely do not allow waste to degrade, and so maintaining a composting system allows organic waste to be used productively on a garden or farm. The heap composting system breaks down vegetation using bacterial composting, and if it is done properly it does not produce a bad odor. The bottom of the heap is open for worms to come up, but most of the work is done by bacteria. Residents put scraps of fruits, vegetables, eggshells, and small scraps of bread in the heap. The heap compost cannot receive any meat or dairy, nor can it process large amounts of oily foods. Ecohouse residents add newspaper or leaves in a 1 part food waste to 3 or 4 parts newspaper ratio. Worm Composting

A worm composting system is located in the basement of the Ecohouse. The framework for

the system consists of a series of bins stacked vertically in which the worms reside. As they process the food waste and turn it into compost, they travel vertically through the bins. Moist newspaper is added to the bins in order to stabilize moisture for the worms. Residents add half of a pound of food per pound of worms. The worms were provided by Matt Peters and the bins were purchased on the Internet. The worm bins produce better quality compost faster than the heap compost does. Recycling and Waste Minimization

Residents of the Ecohouse participate in recycling and waste minimization practices. The

Ecohouse residents sort their recyclables into paper, plastic, newspaper, cardboard, aluminum and steel. They send less materials to landfills by recycling, composting, purchasing products that have less non-­‐recyclable packaging, and by using reusable plates, cups, utensils, and containers for daily use and larger events like potlucks.

Sustainable Living Green Purchasing

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Many products purchased by members of the Ecohouse are sustainable for a variety of

reasons. Some products are sustainable because they come from local producers and so they contribute less to green house gas emissions. Other items used by Ecohouse residents are secondhand or they were produced with environmentally-­‐friendly materials. Clothesline

During the spring, summer, and fall laundry can be dried using the solar dryer – otherwise

known as a clothesline -­‐ located at the rear of the house. Landscaping

The Ecohouse yard has many trees in it that help to clean the air and sequester carbon

dioxide. They also help to keep the temperature of the house cooler in the summer, which reduces the amount of energy needed for cooling. Groundskeepers have greatly reduced the number of times that they spray the lawn with herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers in order to reduce the amount of chemical runoff that contaminates groundwater.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

OHIO Ecohouse Resident Application and Guidelines The mission of the OHIO Ecohouse is to demonstrate affordable green technology and sustainable living in order to inform, engage and inspire both residents and visitors. The OHIO Ecohouse is not just a place -­‐-­‐ it is a dynamic educational experience which promotes critical thinking and tangible actions toward sustainability. The OHIO Ecohouse is located at 8133 Dairy Lane, Athens OH 45701 More information about the Ecohouse is available at www.ohio.edu/ecohouse. Application & Deadline: Applications for residing in the OHIO Ecohouse will be accepted until 8 p.m. on Sunday, March 18, 2012 for the following lease year (August 1-­‐May 31). Applications may be obtained online at the University Apartments Website (www.ohio.edu/housing, University Apartments) Online Forms section or the Office of Sustainability (www.ohio.edu/sustainability). Interested and eligible students must complete a comprehensive application that lists their interests, goals and past experiences as it relates to sustainable living as well as agree to sign a 10 month lease (August 1, 2012 – May 31, 2013). A balance of graduate and undergraduate students (maximum of three) will share the living space. The monthly rent for each room is $395. Note: This rate is based on 2011-­‐2012 lease year rate and is subject to change. Such changes are based on board approval. Candidates selected for Ecohouse residency will be notified of any lease changes prior to signing a lease.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Eligibility: •

Students must be eligible to live off campus by having either 90 credit hours, 6 quarters in residency, or be eligible for a standard exemption.

All applicants must commit to upholding the residential expectation as in any other University owned apartment.

Completed application, essay and references.

Agree to all terms and conditions of the lease and student lifestyle guidelines listed on the following page.

Please Note: The Ecohouse has three (3) single-­‐occupancy rooms available. Multiple residents are not permitted in single rooms. Each individual wishing to live in the Ecohouse must submit a separate application. Additionally, no resident is permitted to house pets of any kind in the home or on the Ecohouse property. Selection Process: Selection is a competitive process. Applications and essay of eligible students will be reviewed by a selection committee on a rolling basis with interviews held to select final candidates. Current tenants of Ecohouse will be invited to interview the final candidates and make recommendations to the committee.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide OHIO Ecohouse Student Lifestyle Guidelines •

Residents will follow Ohio University Student Code of Conduct.

Residents will minimize consumption, refraining from accumulating unnecessary products.

Residents will work to minimize waste, using durable goods in place of disposables and reusing materials whenever possible.

Residents will sort the waste that is generated appropriately, emphasizing recycling and composting whenever possible.

Residents will work to increase self-­‐sufficiency by growing/harvesting their own food. The Ecohouse garden will serve as a Community Garden space for on-­‐campus residents. Ecohouse residents are responsible for engaging in work days with volunteers and offering them harvested produce as appropriate.

Residents will agree with a house consensus before planting new crops or making landscaping changes.

Residents will buy local first, especially food, and consider lifecycle costs in all purchases.

Residents will emphasize the use of low impact chemicals for things like cleaning, (such as bio-­‐degradable soaps) and, whenever possible, will avoid the use of unnecessary chemicals altogether.

As this is a living and learning experience, residents are expected to assist with maintenance of sustainable technology, when appropriate. Residents will maintain an agreed upon, equitable division and distribution of labor.

Residents will keep a written record of all projects and experiments, and their results, for continuous improvement of the home.

Residents will maintain an appropriate exterior house presentation. Interior furniture should be inside. The Director of Sustainability will serve as an authority to residents regarding appropriate appearance.

Residents will not litter and will maintain a litter free property.

Residents will maintain cleanliness and organization of their belongings to accommodate tours.

Residents will use low impact transportation whenever possible, such as a bike.

Residents will appropriately conserve and recycle resources such as water, electricity, heat, space, and goods. This means reducing waste both directly and indirectly. The residents will work to generate ideas and procedures to increase self-­‐sufficiency with respect to resource use.

Upon moving out of the Ecohouse, residents are expected to completely empty the home of personal belongings and complete a “Move-­‐Out Checklist” with the Director of Sustainability.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Additional Expectations: •

Residents will enroll in a one credit “Ecohouse Class” that will meet for one hour per week throughout the duration of the academic year. o

This class will require that residents establish sustainability-­‐themed projects and devote a minimum of 14 hours per semester to such projects.


Meetings will be used to discuss matters relating to the house, projects and residents’ lifestyles.

Residents will work with the Office of Sustainability to offer regular Ecohouse tours.

Residents will serve as hosts to Ecohouse Open House and Work Day events as needed.

Residents will work with the Director of Sustainability to report any health, safety or maintenance concerns so as to ensure a safe living and learning environment for Ecohouse residents and guests.

Questions should be directed to: Annie Laurie Cadmus -­‐ Director, Office of Sustainability -­‐ sustainability@ohio.edu

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

OHIO UNIVERSITY DAIRY LANE ECO HOUSE AGREEMENT One Year Lease 2012-­‐2013 THIS LEASE, made 1/13/2012 between the landlord, Ohio University (hereinafter referred to as “University”), and ****** (hereinafter referred to as Tenant): WITNESSETH; That, University leases to tenant the house (Bedroom )designated at 8133 Dairy Lane, in the City of Athens, State of Ohio, hereinafter called Bedroom _____ Tenant has exclusive use of Bedroom ____. Tenant also has use in common with other tenants of the household of the following rooms: the living room, kitchen and any bathroom(s) located within the House hereinafter referred to as the Premises for the term of 11 months beginning on August 1, 2012 and ending on June 30, 2013 at the current rent of $4,499.00 payable in monthly installments of $409.00 on the first day of each month. This lease supercedes any policy at Ohio University. Tenant:




1. THE TERM TENANT The term “Tenant” shall refer to person named above and all persons signing a lease as Tenants. The liability and responsibility of each such person shall be joint and several, which means that each person may be held responsible for all other persons signing a lease in addition to themselves. Notice given by the University to any person named as Tenant, or notice by any tenant to the University shall bind all persons signing this lease as Tenants. 2. RENT AND SECURITY DEPOSIT Tenant agrees to pay the University four hundred nine ($409.00) the monthly rent set forth above, on the first day of each month; in advance at the Cashier’s Office in Chubb Hall. Tenant further agrees to pay a late charge of five (5) percent per month of the amount of rent that is in default on the tenth day of each month. If any check for rent is returned to the University for insufficient funds or other reasons, late charges will continue until rent is actually paid by Tenant. Late fees will continue to be compiled for each month past due rent is unpaid. When acceptance of an assignment for house has been made, Tenant agrees to pay the University the sum of four hundred nine ($409.00) to be held by the University until the date of occupancy by the Tenant. Failure to occupy the leased premises on the specified date shall result in a forfeiture of the deposit. Upon occupancy of the house, the entire sum of the deposit shall continue to be held by the University as a security deposit. Once occupancy has been

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide established, the return of the Tenant’s security deposit shall be governed by Section 2, paragraph 2 & 3 of this lease agreement. Tenant agrees to pay the security deposit set forth in Paragraph 2 above. The security deposit shall be held by the University as security for the payment of all rent and other amounts due from Tenant to the University, for the Tenant’s performance of this lease, and against any damages caused to the house, by Tenant, Tenant’s family, or guests. The security deposit is to be equal to one (1) month’s rent. Tenant understands and agrees that the security deposit may not be applied as rent or against any other amount due from Tenant to the University and that the monthly rent will be paid each month, including the last month of the lease term. Within thirty (30) days following termination of the lease, the University shall return the security deposit less any allowable deductions from it together with a written itemization of such amounts, to Tenant by check, and mailed to a forwarding address which must be furnished by the Tenant in writing. The amount of any security deposit shall be adjusted as appropriate if Tenant transfers to a more or less expensive apartment

3. USE In addition to use as a personal residence, tenant has agreed to use the residence for educational purposes as defined in paragraph 12. A & B below. The right to occupy under the terms of this Lease Agreement are not to be assigned or otherwise granted to any other person by Tenant. Guests are permitted for no longer than 14 days and that anyone residing in the house past this 14 day period will be considered a full time resident and the tenant will be found in violation of the lease agreement. We reserve the right to conduct a quarterly inspection for the purpose of evaluating the use and occupancy of the house. Tenant shall surrender possession of the premises to the University at the termination of the lease in as good of a condition as when taken, with the exception of ordinary wear and tear. This lease confers no rights to Tenant to use for any purpose any University property other than the interior of the house leased, except the walks and roadways giving access thereto and such other areas, if any, as the University may from time to time designate for the use of Tenants. When the use by Tenant of any other portion of University property is permitted, it shall be subject to the rules and regulations established by the University.

4. UTILITIES University will pay all charges for heat, water, electricity, sewer, trash collection, basic cable and Ethernet. Tenant will pay for telephone. Tenant agrees that the University shall have the right to temporarily stop the service of gas, electricity, heating of water, heat, basic cable, Internet, or water in the event of an accident affecting the same, or to facilitate repairs of

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide alterations made in the house or elsewhere. University agrees to give Tenant notice of a stoppage when it is reasonable to do so.

5. DELIVERY OF POSSESSION BY OHIO UNIVERSITY If, due to circumstances beyond the University’s control, the house shall not be ready for occupancy at the beginning of the term, this lease shall nevertheless remain in effect and the rent shall be abated proportionately until the house is ready, and the University shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by the Tenant because of the nonavailability of the house.

6. DAMAGE BY FIRE If the house is damaged by fire or other casualty, the University shall repair it within a reasonable time and rent shall continue unless the casualty renders the house un-tenantable in which case this lease shall terminate and Tenant, upon payment of all rent to the date the house is surrendered, shall not be liable for any further rent. If only a portion of the house is rendered untenantable, the Tenant may with mutual agreement of the University choose to continue in possession, or terminate Tenant’s obligation under this lease agreement.


Tenant agrees that the University shall not be liable for personal or other property damage or personal injury occurring in the house or on or about University property or grounds upon which the house is located regardless of cause unless the damage or injury results from the University’s negligence. Tenant is advised that Tenant should, at Tenant’s own cost, purchase Renter’s Homeowner’s Insurance. Tenant acknowledges that University does not carry any insurance on Tenant’s personal possessions. Ohio University neither insures nor is responsible for loss or damage to student personal property. Low deductible, low cost insurance for student property is easily located on the Internet by searching "student personal property insurance" or by contacting your insurance agent.

8. RIGHT OF ENTRY The University, or any person authorized by it, with the prior consent of the Tenant obtained at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance, shall have the right to enter the house at a reasonable time to inspect, make ordinary and

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide necessary repairs, decorations, or alterations, to enforce this lease, and, after notice of termination is given, to show the house to prospective tenants. However, Tenant’s consent shall not be necessary in case of emergency. Tenant shall not unreasonably withhold consent for the University to enter the house. Requests by Tenant for maintenance or housekeeping waives the 24 hour notification.

9. REASSIGNMENT OF TENANTS Tenant agrees that the University shall reserve the right to reassign any and all Tenants of the house to new units, in the event of a conflict between tenants or necessity due to maintenance problems. Tenants cannot refuse reassignment. Reassignments will only be completed in extreme circumstances and with as little inconvenience to the Tenant as possible.


tenant shall fail to pay rent, or any other sum, to the University when due, or breach any other provisions of

this lease, or shall abandon the premises, the University may, in addition to all other remedies provided by law, including actions of eviction, void and terminate this lease, re-enter into possession, and sue for and recover all rent or damages due the University resulting from Tenant’s default.

11. LEASE VIOLATIONS AND TERMINATION OF LEASE If any of the representations made by Tenant in Tenant’s lease application or this Lease Agreement are misleading or untrue, or if Tenant or Tenant’s family guests or guests violate any provisions of this lease or any rule or regulation herein imposed, or if Tenant violates the Ohio University Student Code of Conduct, then University may treat such representations or lease violations as a breach of the lease agreement and forfeiture of Tenant’s possession of the premises may be initiated. The University may require Tenant to vacate the premises following a hearing in which the University determined that the Tenant violated a term of this lease agreement or violated the University’s Code of Conduct or other policies or procedures prior to the hearing. The Tenant shall receive written notice of the alleged violation or breach of the lease and the Tenant will be given an opportunity to be heard at the hearing.


Tenant, Tenant’s family, agents, and guests shall observe and comply with the University Student Code of Conduct and rules and regulations set forth below in this lease, and such other rules and regulations that the University may adopt.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide A. Tenant is expected to work in conjunction with the Office of Sustainability on projects that are designed to create a sustainable living and learning environment. B. Tenant agrees to permit and conduct tours of the house and the surrounding property throughout the development of the project. New initiatives will occur constantly, thus the tours and educational opportunities will be developed on a continual basis. C. If the house is found to be over occupied, a termination of all lease agreements will be made within a prescribed

amount of time not less than 30 days.

D. Tenant is responsible for the care and preservation of all University-owned property in the house. This includes, but is not limited to: furnishings, stove, refrigerator, blinds, counters, etc. E. Tenant must assist and cooperate with the University maintenance department in caring for the premises. Any damage to the dwelling or its facilities or equipment should be reported promptly to the University Apartments Offices. The University will make all alterations, additions, changes or repairs to the house and to its equipment. Failure to report a maintenance problem could show negligence on the part of the Tenant and result in cost for repair to be levied against the Tenant. F.

Tenant is expected to take every precaution to prevent fires. Tenant may not cover or remove batteries to disconnect smoke detectors. The University is not liable for any loss, claim or damage to personal property of the Tenant resulting from fire or an act of God. Tenant may be held liable for fire damage caused by tenant, family, or guests.

G. The tenant is responsible for the cleanliness of the house, as well as for the adjacent porches and sidewalks. Bicycles must be registered with OUPD and are not to be attached to the railings, down spouting or left in front of the house. No other furnishings (couches, easy chairs, carpets, laundry items, sundry items, etc.) should be left in front of the house. Clothes should not be hung on railings or shrubbery. H. Rubbish must be disposed of in the appropriate trash receptacle designated for the houses. Trash is not to be left sitting outside of the house. Personal trash containers are not to be left outside by Tenants. Tenants will be warned once about leaving trash setting outside, and each infraction after the initial time will result in a fine of $25.00. I.

Boisterous parties or other activities which may disturb other Tenants of the houses are not permitted. Quiet hours are in effect at all times. The definition of quiet hours for houses is that no noise should be able to be heard outside the house.


Tenants may use only those locks furnished by the University. A lost key will result in a lock change and a replacement charge will be assessed.

K. Tenants may not: a.

Cover, remove batteries, or disconnect the smoke detectors.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide b.

Affix wallpaper to the walls or put decals, scotch tape or any other adhesive material, which leaves a mark on the wall or door.


Adjust, tamper with, or alter any mechanical, electrical or plumbing equipment furnished by the University.


Keep pets, including cats, dogs, or other animals on the premises.

A fee will be assessed and

immediate removal of the pet will be mandated. e.

Put additional clotheslines on the premises.


Solicit funds for any drive or pursue any business on the premises without the written approval of an Ohio University Administrator.


Lease the premises or accommodate roomers, boarders, or relatives.


Have a washer, dryer, satellite, portable AC or heater, or dishwasher in the house not supplied by OU. If appliances are found to be in the house, Tenants will be fined $200 and the lease may be terminate


Disregard written University policies as detailed in the Student Code of Conduct.


Keep water-containing furniture in the premises; store, install or operate unvented portable kerosene heaters; obstruct common areas with their personal property.


Smoking is not permitted inside the house or in any structures on the property.

L. Tenant who graduates or leaves Ohio University prior to the end of the lease year are permitted to terminate their lease with a 30-day advance notice to the office. If less than 30 days is provided, rent will be charged to the date required for 30-day notice. M. Tenants must check-out with the manager when vacating their house. Failure to check out will also result in a $25 charge. You will need to allow at least one-half hour for check out. If occupant checks out of their house during a weekend, they must make advance arrangements with the Bromley Hall Office. Check out times are between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. only. N. All appropriate keys, issued to the Tenant when occupying the house, must be returned to the manager at the time of check out. Tenants who do not return all keys signed out to the house will be charged for a lock change for security reasons. O. Tenant must give their forwarding address to the office at the time of, or prior to, the time of check out in order for the security deposit to be refunded. Refunds will not be processed the same day as check out. P.

Tenant must clear their Housing accounts with the Bursar’s Office and present proof of payment before vacating the premises.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Q. Tenants found in violation of state, city, or University regulations will be required to correct the problem(s). If infractions continue to exist, occupants may have the lease terminated or have fines levied against them. Fines will not exceed $50.00 per infraction. R. If Tenant or Tenant’s agents and/or guests engage in, permit or commit any drug related crime on or about the premises, Tenant will be deemed to have substantially and materially breached this Lease Agreement and such breach shall be grounds to immediately terminate Tenant’s occupancy of the premises. S.

University has installed at least one smoke detector in the premises and that said detector is in good condition and proper working order as of the beginning of the lease term. Tenant agrees not to obstruct or tamper with said detector or otherwise permit the detector to be obstructed or hampered with for any reason whatsoever. Tenant further agrees to test the detector periodically and to report any malfunction therewith promptly to University.



Each Apartment door and bedroom door is equipped with a deadbolt. Under no circumstances may tenant change any of the locks on the premises. Furniture may be arranged to suit the comfort of the occupants, The University’s furnishings may never be stored nor removed from the house without the approval of the Ohio University Housing.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide QUARTERLY INSPECTION OF HOUSE T. University apartment personnel will conduct an inspection of the house on a quarterly basis. The resident will be notified of the date at least 24 hours prior to the inspection. The items to be inspected include but are not limited to: kitchen, bathroom, stove, refrigerator, blinds, windows, tile walls, cabinets, use of electrical outlets, heating fixtures, and sanitary conditions of the house. If the resident fails to pass the quarterly inspection, he/she may be subject to monthly inspections.

In witness whereof, the parties have executed this lease agreement the date and year first above written.



(Residential Housing Staff Signature)







Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide OHIO Ecohouse Application Cover Page

Name________________________________________ Phone Number (______)________________

E-­‐mail ______________________________________________________________________________

Local Address ________________________________________________________________________

Permanent Address ____________________________________________________________________ Major _______________________________

Minor/certificate ____________________________

Credit hours expected at end of academic year: _________ Anticipated date of graduation: ________ Phone Number (______)__________________________ Please list your past coursework, membership in associated organizations, community service projects, or other information that will support your application. A bulleted list is acceptable. Use additional pages, if necessary. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ I have read the “OHIO Ecohouse Resident Application and Guidelines” document and agree to follow the guidelines and lease expectations if selected to reside in the house. _______________________________________________________________ ___________________ Signature


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Please attach the following to this application cover page: •

1,000 word essay stating why you would like to live in the Ohio University Ecohouse and how your knowledge and experiences would positively contribute to the living environment.

Three (3) completed “OHIO Ecohouse Applicant Reference Form” documents. References can come from University professors, directors or officers of associated organizations, or past supervisors from an employment position. These documents can be mailed/emailed/faxed separately, if needed.

Return application to:

Annie Laurie Cadmus, Director of Sustainability

University Service Center, 49 Factory Street, Athens OH 45701

sustainability@ohio.edu, (740) 593-­‐0026

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

ES 4900(section 8477)/6910

Ecohouse Seminar Time: 1-2pm Days: Wednesdays Room: OHIO Ecohouse 1-3 Hour Credit

Facilitator: Annie Laurie Cadmus Office: Office of Sustainability E-Mail: cadmus@ohio.edu Office Phone: 740-593-0026

Course Description This seminar is designed to introduce residents of the OHIO Ecohouse to the project’s mission and history, as well as provide residents and the Director of Sustainability with a regular meeting time in which to discuss house developments and issues.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Course Objectives The specific objectives of this course are: 1. To familiarize participants with the guiding philosophy and pedagogy behind the project. 2. To provide training in leading and adapting the Ecohouse tour for specific audiences. 3. To expose participants to a range of sustainability topics relevant to the project. 4. To provide a forum for questions and comments regarding life in the Ecohouse. 5. To launch residents on projects designed to enhance the Ecohouse experience for residents and visitors.

Additional Materials: There are no required texts for this course. Participants will be asked to read journal articles or book excerpts as they become relevant throughout the quarter.

Expectations: 1. Attendance and Participation: Because both national and Ohio University studies show a direct relationship between classroom attendance and grade performance, and since much of the course involves discussion and active participation, you are expected to attend every class.

In addition to class attendance, each resident is required to complete 20 hours of project time over the course of the semester. This work can be directed toward project research and implementation.

Tour hours should be recorded in such a way as to allow you to distinguish them from other hours spent on research, projects, etc. You will be compensated for tour, open house, and public presentation hours through Workforce. You will receive $8 per tour hour as an honorarium for your involvement. There is no maximum or minimum number of tour hours you can be compensated for over the course of the semester.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide It is expected that you will make yourself available for all open houses and tours as your schedule permits. Tours/Presentations are not to exceed one hour in length and Open House events are not to exceed three hours unless otherwise pre-approved by the Director of Sustainability.

You are required to maintain a current log of your hours at all times and to discuss your progress at each class session. You are highly encouraged to spread your hours out over the course of the semester rather than expect to put in a majority of them in the last week of the semester. 2. Promptness: a. Because it is unfair and disrespectful to your classmates for you to arrive late to class, you are expected to arrive on time. You will be counted tardy (and graded accordingly) if you arrive late. b. As in your other classes in college, all assignments and papers should be turned in when due. 3. Preparedness: a. You are expected to have read any reading assignments prior to class and to bring your textbook (if applicable) to each class session. If you haven’t read the material, neither you nor the class will benefit as much from the discussion. b. Each assignment should include your name, the date of the assignment, and the title of the assignment. 4. Ethics: a. You are expected to be courteous and respectful of your instructors and fellow students. b. You are expected to adhere to the standards of academic integrity. 5. Academic Integrity “As an academic community, Ohio University holds the intellectual and personal growth of the individual to be a central purpose. Its programs are designed to broaden perspectives, enrich awareness, deepen understanding, establish disciplined habit of thought, prepare for meaningful careers, and thus to help develop individuals who are informed, responsible, and productive citizens” (Ohio University Mission Statement). Part of this process includes the expectation that students will be honest and

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide forthright in their academic endeavors. All forms of academic misconduct are prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct, and will be dealt with accordingly and with the utmost seriousness. Academic Misconduct is a Code A violation of the Ohio University Student Code of Conduct. Academic Misconduct refers to dishonesty in examinations (cheating), presenting the ideas or the writing of someone else as your own (plagiarism), or knowingly furnishing false information to the university. If you are found to be involved in academic misconduct, you will receive an “F” grade on the project or for the class and a referral to the Director of Judiciaries with the possible sanctions of suspension or expulsion. If you would like additional information about Academic Misconduct or the Ohio University Student Code of Conduct, consult http://www.ohio.edu/judiciaries/academicmisconduct.cfm#students

Grading and Evaluation: You will receive a letter grade for this course. Be aware that you will not be allowed to retake this course for a better grade at a later time. You are strongly encouraged to monitor your own progress in this and other courses.

Grading Scale (by %)
























below 60%

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Fall Semester Assignment/Item


Total Points


Residents will receive point deductions for being tardy or

70 Points

absent. 5 points per week. Participation

Residents are expected to prepare for class and engage in the

70 Points

session activity/conversation. 5 points per week. Assignment #1

Assignments will be created throughout the course to assist

(Anticipated: Waste

with information retention as deemed appropriate. Grades


will be assigned based on complete and thorough responses to

20 Points

questions or assignments. Assignment #2

Assignments will be created throughout the course to assist

(Anticipated: Food

with information retention as deemed appropriate. Grades


will be assigned based on complete and thorough responses to

20 Points

questions or assignments. Assignment #3 (Anticipated: Environmental Leadership) Tour Participation

Assignments will be created throughout the course to assist

20 Points

with information retention as deemed appropriate. Grades will be assigned based on complete and thorough responses to questions or assignments.

Residents will be orally quizzed on tour features during the

20 Points

Tour Review lesson and graded according to their responses. Final Take Home

Residents will be graded on complete and thoughtful

100 Points

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide “Exam”

responses to questions. 320 Points

Spring Semester Assignment/Item


Total Points


Residents will receive point deductions for being tardy or

70 Points

absent. 5 points per week. Participation

Residents are expected to prepare for class and engage in the

70 Points

session activity/conversation. 5 points per week. Assignment #1

Assignments will be created throughout the course to assist

20 Points

with information retention as deemed appropriate. Grades will be assigned based on complete and thorough responses to questions or assignments. Presentation

Residents will be asked to present on their sustainable topic

40 points

of choice for 30 minutes. Presentations will be graded on thorough research, proper communication of information, clear/coherent communication style and preparedness. Green Dream Job Search

Residents will be asked to utilize information gained during

20 points

the Green Dream Jobs lesson and engage in their own dream job search. They will be asked to present their findings and establish a plan based on lessons learned. Final Take Home

Residents will be graded on complete and thoughtful


responses to questions.

100 Points

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide 320 Points

Each Class Session will follow the following general agenda: 1pm-1:05pm: House updates: Residents are asked to provide a list of any maintenance items. 1:05-1:15pm: Announcements: Residents are asked to provide short updates on project progress. 1:15-1:45: Session Lesson: Participants will engage in the weekly lesson plan 1:45-2:00: Wrap-Up, Reflection, Assignments Fall Course Schedule: Week One (August 29): House Rules, expectations, history of the house, tour of house features Week Two (September 5): Tour Training: Ecohouse and Compost Facility Week Three (September 12): Green Cleaning Workshop Week Four (September 19): NO FORMAL CLASS: Environmental Leadership In lieu of class this week, residents will be asked to meet with Hannah Simonetti Week Five (September 26): NO FORMAL CLASS: Canning and Preserving In lieu of class this week, residents will be asked to participate in one of two canning sessions at the house: September 25, 3-5pm or September 26, 2:30-5pm Week Six (October 3): Food Security Week Seven (October 10): Communicating Sustainability & Personal Sustainability Week Eight (October 17): Wood Pellet Furnace Seasonal Prep Week Nine (October 24): NO FORMAL CLASS In lieu of class this week, the Ecohouse kitchen will be used for a food cycle servicelearning event on October 25, 12-5pm. Week Ten (October 31): Waste Management Week Eleven (November 7): Dream Green Job Search

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Week Twelve (November 14): Seasonal Sustainability Week Thirteen (November 21): NO CLASS Week Fourteen (November 28): Dream Green Job Search results Week Fifteen (December 5): Semester in Review & Reflection Presentations Final Exam (due December 13): In lieu of a final exam, participants are expected to complete the Take Home “Exam” (provided in this syllabus) and submit it electronically to cadmus@ohio.edu no later than December 13, 2012 at 12pm. Late submissions will be reduced 5 points for every day it is late. Spring Course Schedule: Week One (January 14): Sustaining a Sustainable Lifestyle Week Two (January 21): Environmental Justice Week Three (January 28): Resident Presentation #1 (Presenter: ________________) Week Four (February 4): Resident Presentation #2 (Presenter: ________________) Week Five (February 11): Resident Presentation #3 (Presenter: ________________) Week Six (February 18): Permaculture Planning & Culinary and Medicinal herbs Week Seven (February 25): Alternative Energy Week Eight (March 4): NO CLASS (spring break) Week Nine (March 11): Wood Pellet Furnace Cleaning Week Ten (March 18): Week Eleven (March 25): Transportation and Land Use Week Twelve (April 1): Setting up a Sustainable Home Week Thirteen (April 8): Move Out expectations Week Fourteen (April 15):

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Week Fifteen (April 22): A year in review Final Exam (due May 2): In lieu of a final exam, participants are expected to complete the Take Home “Exam” (provided in this syllabus) and submit it electronically to cadmus@ohio.edu no later than May 2, 2013 at 12pm. Late submissions will be reduced 5 points for every day it is late.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide OHIO Ecohouse Fall 2012 Final “Exam” – Take Home Assessment Name:

Oak ID:



Please respond to the following questions by evaluating your work toward fulfilling the expectations of this course. Provide examples when they come to mind.

1. Did you connect with the project beyond tours and weekly meetings? Please explain. (15 points)

2. Please complete the table below to verify your completed project hours (20/semester): Date

(15 points)

Project Name

Activity Description

# of Hours

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

3. Please assess the quality of your participation in weekly meetings. (15 points)

4. To what extent did your approach to the tour evolve and improve? (15 points)

5. Have you devoted time and thought toward developing a deeper understanding of sustainability issues? Please explain. (20 points)

6. What do you feel is the value of the Ecohouse project and what part do you believe it plays in the University’s overall sustainability efforts? (15 points)

7. Self-Evaluation: Based on your performance this semester and your responses to the above questions please provide a recommended “score” for your letter grade this semester (refer to the grade scale in the syllabus). Explain your score. (5 points)

Return typed answers to Annie Laurie Cadmus, Director of Sustainability, by December 13th at 12pm.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide OHIO Ecohouse Spring 2013 Final “Exam” – Take Home Assessment Name:

Oak ID:



Please respond to the following questions by evaluating your work toward fulfilling the expectations of this course. Provide examples..

1. Please complete the table below to verify your completed project hours (20/semester): Date

(15 points)

Project Name

Activity Description

# of Hours

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide 2. Please reflect on why you originally applied to live in the Ecohouse. What skills or knowledge did you wish to obtain or share? What experiences did you hope to have? Do you feel those expectations have been met? Explain. (20 points)

3. Reflect on your role as a resident of the Ecohouse and a roommate to your peers. (Sample questions to ask yourself: Do you view these 2 roles to be separate from one another? What have you done well? What have you learned? What do you still hope to learn/offer in future living situations? What expectations did you have of others in the house and were those expectations reasonable? Were you a sustainability advocate or role model for your peers?) (20 points)

4. Please reflect on the past year… What did you learn? What did you contribute? What experiences were most valuable? What do you feel was missing from the seminar sessions (and, what sessions were helpful)? (20 points)

5. Help us improve this experience --- If you were to offer advice to next year’s residents, what would you tell them? If you were to offer advice to the Director of Sustainability, what would you tell her? (20 points)

6. Self-Evaluation: Based on your performance this semester and your responses to the above questions, please provide a recommended “score” for your letter grade this semester (refer to the grade scale in the syllabus). Explain your score. (5 points)

Please feel free to offer any additional feedback regarding the Ecohouse project. (not for a grade)

Return typed answers to Annie Laurie Cadmus, Director of Sustainability, by May 2nd at 12pm.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Readings: Defining Sustainability: http://www.unity.edu/uploadedFiles/wwwunityedu/Student_Life/ResidenceLife/Defining%20Sustainability .pdf

Transformative Action : http://www.jsedimensions.org/wordpress/wpcontent/uploads/2011/03/FriskLarson2011.pdf

Civic Engagement: http://www.jsedimensions.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Curtis2011.pdf

Sustainable Leadership: http://www.jsedimensions.org/wordpress/wpcontent/uploads/2011/03/Evans2011.pdf

Happiness: http://www.jsedimensions.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/OBrien2010.pdf

Food Security: http://www.foodquality.com/details/article/816867/The_Many_Faces_of_Food_Security.html?tzcheck=1

4 6 7 8 9 14 2 3 5 0 1 2 3

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Let the Ecohouse be your guide when it comes to living sustainably! It is already equipped with many remarkable technologies that can help you reach your fullest potential for learning. Along with Ecohouse features, small practices such as composting, recycling and conserving water can help you drastically reduce your waste and impact on the environment. You will also learn how to successfully maintain the Ecohouse’s features adding to your skill set in sustainable living. When you part ways with the house, hopefully you gained life skills that you would not of been granted the opportunity to learn anywhere else. This is the section of the binder that shows you how each feature works and how to trouble shoot, should there be a problem. The house features are organized into category: electric, water heating, compost, etc.; don’t forget to look back in the administrative section of this binder to obtain all emergency maintenance contacts. House features to be maintained by OHIO ECOHOUSE residents: • Solar Thermal Array • Solar Array • Gray Water Features • A-MAIZE-ing Furnace • Rain Catchment System • Composting Varieties • Programmable Thermostat • Maintenance of Energy Star Appliances

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

DOVETAIL SOLAR AND WIND: OU Ecohouse Solar Panel Seasonal Maintenance Instructions The solar panel array at the OU Ecohouse is designed to be raised and lowered throughout the year to catch the sun’s rays as efficiently as possible. During the summer months, when the sun is higher in the sky, the array will be at a lower angle, around 25 degrees. When the sun is lower in the sky, in the fall, winter and spring, the array will be at a higher angle, around 40 degrees. The vertical racking bars are marked at the places that set the array at the proper angle. So all you need to do is move it up in the late summer to the lower marking, and down in the late spring to the upper marking. (This makes sense if you are looking at the rack) The dates following are not exact, but guidelines: May 2 – Move the racking bars down so that they are at the upper marking on the inside bar. The panels will be at a much lower (flatter) angle. August 2 – Move the racking bars up so that they are at the lower marking on the inside bar. The panels will be at a much higher (steeper) angle. Any questions, call Dovetail Solar & Wind at 740-767-4070

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Solar (PV) Panels

The Need for Solar Cells Solar cells are created using simple technologies that harnesses the natural physical processes of objects and their environments. Some inorganic materials, such as silicon, can be excited from the light emitted by the sun. This excitation creates a chain of reactions that convert light energy into electrical energy. The availability of such technology is necessary for improving the world’s current atmospheric and economic states. The development of solar cell use has been stimulated by many societal needs. Among the most important are: •

the need for long lasting, low maintenance sources of electricity, that are suitable for places remote from main electricity grid and from people. Some examples include satellites, remote site water pumping, outback telecommunications stations and lighthouses.

the need for non-polluting and silent sources of electricity; eg tourist sites, caravans and campers.

the need for a convenient and flexible source of small amounts of power; eg calculators, watches, light meters and cameras.

the need for renewable and sustainable power, as a means of reducing global warming.

The preference for many people in grid connected areas to obtain their energy services from environmentally benign sources.

The growing awareness of the sun’s ability to provide energy has led the advancement of solar cell designs and increased efficiency. It has also increased the demand for this renewable resource that is not harmful to us or the environment.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Solar Cell Origins The 1950’s marked the distribution of the first practical solar cells. People have been using alternative methods for energy production for over 6 decades, but the scientific investigation of photovoltaic phenomenon has been going on for over a century. In 1839 Henri Becquerel, a French scientist discovered that shining a light onto certain chemical solutions produced an electric current. Metal selenium was the first material that the photovoltaic effect was observed in. This was used for many years to power light meters, which only required small amounts of energy.

Solar Cell Structure and Materials A solar cell converts sunlight into electricity. The sun emits high energy ultraviolet waves that have the ability to excite the silicon material that composes a solar cell. This excitation creates energy in the form of electron flow, which can then be utilized for electrical purposes. The solar cells that you see on calculators and satellites are photovoltaic cells or modules. As the word implies, (photo = light, voltaic = electricity), these cells are able to convert sunlight directly into electricity. Photovoltaic cells are thin glass-like plates of silicon material that produce electricity between the front and back surface when sunlight falls on the front surface. Silicon happens to be a very shiny

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide material making it very reflective. Photons that are reflected can't be used by the cell. For that reason, an antireflective coating is applied to the top of the cell to reduce reflection losses to less than 5 percent. The final step is the glass cover plate that protects the cell from the elements. PV modules are made by connecting several cells (usually 36) in series and parallel to achieve useful levels of voltage and current, and putting them in a sturdy frame complete with a glass cover and positive and negative terminals on the back

At the Eco-house the front face of the PV cells is a tempered glass cover plate, manufactured for improved light transmission, which increases the overall efficiency of the conversion. The back face is multi-layered Tedlar. A crystal silicon layer lies between the two faces that is designed to minimize reflection of incident light with an antireflective coating. The layering of these three materials enables the generation of electricity from the suns ultra-violet rays. The cells in the panels are connected redundantly to ensure circuit reliability.

Physical Phenomena: Light Electricity

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide A certain portion of the incident photons are absorbed by the electrons in the silicon semiconductor. If the photons give the electron enough energy the electron becomes a conduction electron and can be used to carry energy in the form of electricity. The energy knocks electrons loose, allowing them to flow freely. PV cells also all have one or more electric fields that act to force electrons freed by light absorption to flow in a certain direction. This flow of electrons is a current, and by placing metal contacts on the top and bottom of the PV cell, we can draw that current off to use externally. The sun produces photons in a range of energies with the majority in the range of 1 to 2 electron volts. The typical energy needed to create a conduction electron in photo-active semiconductor solar cells is about 1.2 electron volts. It turns out that about 75% of the sun's photons have an energy greater than this minimum energy.

The Element Silicon Silicon, being a unique element, has special chemical properties. The properties are enhanced when it exists in its crystalline form. An atom of silicon has 14 electrons that are arranged in three different sub orbital shells. The first two shells (Fig 1), those closest to the center, are completely filled with electrons. The outer shell (orange), however, is only half full. There is enough space for eight electrons, but it only has four. A silicon atom will always look for ways to fill up its last shell because this makes it more stable. To do this, it will share electrons with four of its neighbor silicon atoms. It's like every atom holds hands with its neighbors, except that in this case, each atom has four hands joined to four neighbors. That's what forms the crystalline structure, and that structure turns out to be important to a silicon PV cell.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Fig 1. Crystalline Structure of Silicon

It turns out that pure crystalline silicon is a poor conductor of electricity because none of its electrons are free to move about, as electrons are in good conductors such as copper. Instead, the electrons are all locked in the crystalline structure. The silicon in a solar cell is modified slightly so that it will work as a solar cell.

Modified Silicon in Solar Cells: Chemistry A solar cell has silicon with impurities, or other atoms mixed in with the silicon atoms. The presence of impurities effectively changes the way things work in the silicon atom. We usually think of impurities as something undesirable, but a solar cell wouldn't work without them. These impurities are put there on purpose. Consider silicon with an atom of phosphorous here and there, maybe one for every million silicon atoms. Phosphorous has five electrons in its outer shell (Blue, Fig 2), not four. It still bonds with its silicon neighbor atoms, but in a sense, the phosphorous has one electron that doesn't have anyone to hold hands with. It doesn't form part of a bond, but there is a positive proton in the phosphorous nucleus holding it in place. When energy is added to pure silicon, for example in the form of heat, it can cause a few electrons to break free of their bonds and leave their atoms. A hole is left behind in each case. These electrons then wander randomly around the crystalline lattice looking for another hole to fall into. These electrons are called free carriers, and can carry electrical current. There are so few of them in pure silicon,

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide however, that they aren't very useful. Impure silicon with phosphorous atoms mixed in is a different story. It turns out that it takes a lot less energy to knock loose one of the "extra" phosphorous electrons because they aren't tied up in a bond, their neighbors aren't holding them back. As a result, most of these electrons do break free, and there are a lot more free carriers than we would have in pure silicon. The process of adding impurities on purpose is called doping, and when doped with phosphorous, the resulting silicon is called N-type ("n" for negative) because of the prevalence of free electrons. N-type doped silicon is a much better conductor than pure silicon is.

Fig 2. N- Type Silicon with Phosphorus Impurity

In reality, only part of a solar cell is N-type. The other part is doped with boron, which has only three electrons in its outer shell instead of four, to become P-type silicon. Instead of having free electrons, P-type silicon ("p" for positive) has free holes. Holes really are just the absence of electrons, so they carry the opposite (positive) charge. They move around just like electrons do.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Fig 3. P-type Silicon with Boron Impurity

Creating an Electric Field: A Double Dope The interesting part starts when N-type silicon and P-type silicon are put together. Remember that every PV cell has at least one electric field. Without an electric field, the cell wouldn't work, and this field forms when the N-type and P-type silicon are in contact. The extra free electrons in the N side are constantly searching for holes to fall into. When the N-type and P-type silicon are in contact, the N side electrons see all the free holes on the P side, and there's a rush to fill them in.

N-type and P-Type Silicon with Pure Elemental Silicon

Before now, the silicon was electrically neutral. The extra electrons were balanced out by the extra protons in the phosphorous. Our missing electrons (holes) were balanced out by the missing protons in the boron. When the holes and electrons mix at the junction between N-type and P-type silicon, however, that neutrality is disrupted. Do all the free electrons fill all the free holes? No. If they did, then the whole arrangement wouldn't be very useful. Right at the junction, however, they do mix and form a barrier, making it harder and harder for electrons on the N side to cross to the P side. Eventually, equilibrium is reached, and we have an electric field separating the two sides.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

The effect of the electric field in a PV cell

This electric field acts as a diode, allowing (and even pushing) electrons to flow from the P side to the N side, but not the other way around. It's like a hill -- electrons can easily go down the hill (to the N side), but can't climb it (to the P side). So an electric field has been created that acts as a diode in which electrons can only move in one direction.

Light Creating an Electric Charge Sunlight carries solar energy in the form of photons, or tiny packets of energy. When photons from sunlight hit a photovoltaic solar cell, they travel uninterrupted through the n-type layer of silicon and hit the atoms in the p-type layer of silicon. The force of the solar photons bumps the electrons in atoms near the diode out of their bond with surrounding atoms. If this happens close enough to the electric field, because the electrons are now looking for somewhere to go and because they are attracted to the positive charge on the surface of the n-type layer, they begin crossing over into that layer. This movement of electrons from one atom to another is the electrical charge that can be used in an electrical current.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Once electrons cross over to the n-type silicon, they still have nowhere to go. They are unable to pass back over to the p-type silicon, but are also unable to form any bonds with the atoms in the n-type layer, which have more electrons than they need already. Here, an additional photovoltaic panel component comes into use. In all photovoltaics, a metal conductor strip is used to collect and concentrate the electrons set free in this process. As the electrons move upward through the n-type layer, they are attracted to one of many conductor strips which aggregate electrons into a current of electricity.

However, if electrons keep moving out of the p-type silicon into the n-type silicon and the metal conductor strip, soon there will not be enough electrons available to continue this process. Instead, electrons need to be fed back into the p-type silicon through another metal conductor strip or plate. By connecting both conductor strips to an electrical current, a cycle of using and replenishing electrons is formed, and we can store in a battery or connect an electrical load, like a light bulb, building or anything else that uses electricity, to this current to take advantage of the electricity being produced by the photovoltaic panel. In practice, there are several additional steps that the electricity must go through to serve an electrical load, but this is the general concept behind photovoltaic current. The electron flow provides the current, and the cell's electric field causes a voltage. With both current (I) and voltage (V), we have power (P), which is the product of the two.


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Energy Loss: Band Gap Energy Solar cells only absorb about 15% of the sunlight’s energy. This is due to the wave properties of light. Electromagnetic radiation, like that emitted by the sun, is not monochromatic. It is made up of a range of different wavelengths, and therefore different energy levels. Visible light is only part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Light can be separated into different wavelengths, and we can see them in the form of a rainbow. Since the light that hits our cell has photons of a wide range of energies, it turns out that some of them won't have enough energy to form an electron-hole pair. They'll simply pass through the cell as if it were transparent. Still other photons have too much energy. Only a certain amount of energy, measured in electron volts (eV) and defined by our cell material (about 1.1 eV for crystalline silicon), is required to knock an electron loose. This is called the band gap energy of a material. If a photon has more energy than the required amount, then the extra energy is lost (unless a photon has twice the required energy, and can create more than one electron-hole pair, but this effect is not significant). These two effects alone account for the loss of around 70 percent of the radiation energy incident on our cell.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide It might seem that choosing a material with a really low band gap would increase the efficiency of the solar cell. Unfortunately, the band gap also determines the strength (voltage) of the electric field, and if it's too low, then what is make up in extra current (by absorbing more photons), is lost by having a small voltage. Remember that power is voltage times current (P=IV). The optimal band gap, balancing these two effects, is around 1.4 eV for a cell made from a single material.

Power, Current, and Volts ▪ Regardless of its size, a single solar cell always produces a VOLTAGE of approximately 0.5 volts. ▪ To generate higher voltages, connect individual cells in SERIES. This allows the summation of the individual voltages. ▪ To generate greater CURRENT, use larger solar cells. Current is measured in AMPERES. ▪ You can also connect cells in PARALLEL to increase current.

Voltage can drop for several reasons: o

At high temperatures. (Unlike thermal solar energy, PV works less well when it's very hot! In tropical climates, choose higher voltage panels.)


As a result of long wires. It's important to keep your wiring between your panels and other parts of your installation as short as possible.


Diodes can also cause small voltage losses.

Voltage can be compared with water pressure in a hose. If the "pressure" of the electrons isn't high enough, the electricity can't "penetrate" the battery. Just as voltage can be likened to water pressure in a hose, current can be likened to the flow, or the amount of water (or electrons) passing through. A thin hose will take longer to fill a swimming pool than a thicker hose with the same pressure.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

A panel that produces 2 amperes sends twice as many electrons as a one-ampere panel. When talking of PV panels, you usually refer to their POWER (measured in WATTS). VOLTS x AMPERES = WATTS

The voltage produced by PV panels remains roughly the same regardless of the weather, but the current (amps) and the power (watts) will vary.

The solar electric panels at the Ecohouse are Isofoton panels. They generate a maximum current of 8.7 amps and a maximum voltage of 17.3 volts. This produces a power output of 150 Watts +5%.

P=IV P= 8.7*17.3 P=150 W

Positioning of Solar Panels THE SUN'S RAYS SHOULD BE PERPENDICULAR TO THE PANELS. SUNLIGHT SHOULD HIT THEM AT A 90° ANGLE. 1. The position of solar panels can be adjusted manually to get the best tilt angle for each season. Take your latitude and add 15° for the winter, and subtract 15° for the summer. At the spring and autumn equinoxes, the best angle is equal to your latitude 2. It is advisable to have at least a 15° tilt to avoid rain accumulating on your panels. A greater angle will help keep them free of snow.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide 3. Snow on the ground is a welcome sight in winter -it increases diffuse light considerably! The solar electric array at the OU Eco-House is designed to be raised and lowered throughout the year to catch the sun’s rays as efficiently as possible. During the summer months, when the sun is higher in the sky, the array will be at a lower angle, around 25 degrees. When the sun is lower in the sky, in the fall, winter and spring, the array will be at a higher angle, around 40 degrees. The vertical racking bars are marked at the places that set the array at the proper angle. So all that needs to be done is moving it up in the late summer to the lower marking, and down in the late spring to the upper marking. When the solar panels were repositioned for the spring angle, their power output increased by more than three fold. It is very important to position them at an angle that maximization transmission of light. The ideal angle is 90 degrees to the position of the sun.

AC/DC Electricity flows in two ways; either in alternating current (AC) and in direct current (DC). The word electricity comes from the fact that current is nothing more than moving electrons along a conductor that have been harnessed for energy. Therefore, the difference between AC and DC has to do with the direction in which the electrons flow. In DC, the electrons flow steadily in a single direction, or “forward.” In AC, electrons keep switching directions, sometimes going “forwards” and then going “backwards.” The power that comes from our wall outlets is AC, the more common, efficient kind. The major advantage that AC electricity has over DC is that AC voltages can be transformed to higher or lower voltages. This means that the high voltages used to send electricity over great distances from the power station could be reduced to a safer voltage for use in the house. A magnetic field near a wire causes electrons to flow in a single direction along the wire, because they are repelled by the negative side of a magnet and attracted toward the positive side. This is DC power, and this is the type of power generated by solar panels. With a solar array, DC power is channeled into a battery through conductors, which then flows through an inverter that changes it into AC power. This AC power can then be tapped into through electrical outlets in the home.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

At the Ecohouse there is no battery that the DC power generated by the panels stores. Instead, the solar panels are hooked up directly to the electric company’s grid. If the house needs the energy, the electrons flow through an inverter that converts the DC current to AC current that can be tapped into through outlets inside the house. However, if the solar panels are producing more energy than the house needs, the rest of the current flows directly into the electric company’s grid. They can then distribute that energy to whatever house or building is in need at the time.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


A solar thermal system usually consists of panels that are mounted on a rack or the roof of a building. They are designed to capture solar energy and use it to heat water. There are many types of solar collectors that can be used.

Why Solar Water Heating? By installing a solar water heating system, a typical household can meet 50 to 100 percent of their hot water needs. Reducing the demand for fossil fuels will improve the environment by reducing air and water pollution as well as the heat-trapping gases that cause global warming.

How Does It Work? Solar hot water heaters use the sun to heat either water or a heat-transfer fluid in collectors. There are passive systems and active systems. A typical system will reduce the need for conventional water heating by about two-thirds. Sometimes the plumbing from a solar heater connects to a house's existing water heater, which stays inactive as long as the water coming in is hot or hotter than the temperature setting on the indoor water heater. When it falls below this temperature, the home's water heater can kick in to make up the difference. High-temperature solar water heaters can provide energy-efficient hot water and hot water heat for large commercial and industrial facilities.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Typical Active Solar Thermal System Layout

Solar Energy Collectors Flat Plate Collectors The most common collector for solar hot water is the flat plate collector. It is a rectangular box with a transparent cover, installed on a building's roof. Small tubes run through the box and carry fluid-either water or other fluid, such as an antifreeze solution. The tubes attach to a black absorber plate. As heat builds up in the collector, it heats the fluid passing through the tubes. The hot water or liquid goes to a storage tank. If the fluid is not hot water, water is heated by passing it through a tube inside the storage tank full of hot fluid.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Evacuated Tube Collectors These collectors consist of rows of parallel transparent glass tubes, each containing an absorber and covered with a selective coating. Sunlight enters the tube, strikes the absorber, and heats the liquid flowing through the absorber. These collectors are manufactured with a vacuum between the tubes, which helps them achieve extremely high temperatures (170-350 degrees F); so they are appropriate for commercial and industrial uses.

Concentrating Collectors Parabolic trough-shaped reflectors concentrate sunlight onto an absorber or receiver to provide hot water and steam, usually for industrial and commercial applications.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Transpired Solar Collectors A transpired collector is a south facing outside wall covered by a dark sheet metal collector. The collector heats outside air, which is then sucked into the building's ventilation system through perforations in the collector. They have been used for pre-heating ventilation air and crop drying. They are inexpensive to make, and commercially, have achieved efficiencies of more than 70 percent.

Batch or Breadbox Heaters This system is also referred to as a batch heater and a breadbox. It consists of an approximately 40-gallon insulated tank, lined with glass on the inside and painted black on the outside. It is mounted on the roof, or on the ground in the sun. Plumbing from the house supplies the box with cold water through an inlet that extends down to the bottom of the tank. The box itself acts like a collector, absorbing and trapping the sun's heat and heating the water. An outlet supplies the house with heated water from the top of the tank.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Hot Water Systems Direct Systems This system uses a pump to circulate potable water from the water storage tank through one or more collectors and back into the tank. The pump is regulated by an electronic controller, an appliance timer, or a photovoltaic panel. Indirect Systems In this system, a heat exchanger heats a fluid that circulates in tubes through the water storage tank, transferring the heat from the fluid to the potable water. Thermosiphons A thermosiphon solar water heating system has a tank mounted above the collector. As the collector heats the water, it rises to the storage tank, while heavier cold water sinks down to the collector. Draindown Systems In cold climates, this system prevents water from freezing in the collector by using electric valves that automatically drain the water from the collector when the temperature drops to freezing. "Drainback systems," a variation of this approach, automatically drain the collector whenever the circulating pump stops.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

The Ecohouse has a solar watering heating module that consists of two flat plate panels. The water heating system is indirect, and it uses propylene glycol to heat the water stored in the house’s water tank. The propylene glycol runs through copper tubes in the panels, which is then heated by the sun. A electric PV powered pump ultimately pushes the heated fluid into a copper coil that sits at the bottom of the water tank. The heat diffuses from the fluid through the copper, making the house’s water warm. Check out more about the solar module design and tank system at the Ecohouse in the Third Sun Solar Thermal Book.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Ohio University Ecohouse Solar Thermal Hot Water System This project was funded by Cinergy through their energy consulting company Vestar, who has been contracted to design and implement energy efficiency programs at Ohio University. The solar-thermal portion of the Ecohouse project was contracted to the Athens based company Third Sun Solar & Wind Power. This project will use solar irradiance to provide heat to assist in heating of the domestic hot water for the residents of the Eco House. For further questions or service enquires please call Third Sun at (740) 597-3111 Design Principal The installed solar thermal system uses two SunEarth EC-32 flat plate thermal collectors in a closed circulation loop and heat exchanger system. After the Glycol-based heat transfer flood is warmed by traveling through the two collectors’ 65 ft.2 of heat collecting area it is piped into a double wall heat exchanger inside of a super insulated hot water tank. A 20 watt photovoltaic module, mounted adjacent to the thermal collectors, is coupled directly with an El Sid high efficiency circulation pump. This pump moves the cooled fluid back to the thermal array where it absorbs additional heat and is continuously cycled until the setting sun causes the photovoltaic module to stop producing power for the circulation pump. The output from the solar thermal system’s tank is plumbed to the cold water intake of the existing gas fired hot water heater, thus providing a large boost in system efficiency due to the thermal systems preheating of the water. It is estimated that in the summer months 100% of the domestic hot water needs may be provide by Solar Thermal System. Bypass valves have been installed at both hot water tanks to allow the isolation of either the gas fired or solar thermal systems for efficiency or maintenance purposes. Finally, a mixing valve is located at the hot water output point of the gas fired tank to ensure the hot water temperature never exceeds a safe, scald-free temperature. In addition to the pressure gauge on the circulation loop, there are three measurement points fitted with temperature gauges. These temperature gauges show both the incoming and outgoing temperatures of the circulation loop as well as the solar thermal tank’s hot water output temperature. Both the circulation loop and the solar thermal tank feature temperature and pressure overflow valves. Attached are pages for valve locations and functions, gauge locations and functions, and an isometric schematic of the complete solar thermal plumbing system plumbing.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

By-­‐passing Solar Thermal or On-­‐Demand System

These are the valves near the on-­‐demand water heater. When all are in the upright position, the water will flow through the heater.

If you turn the blue handle horizontal, and the right-­‐hand red handle horizontal, the on-­‐demand water heater is bypassed and the water is being heated solely by the solar thermal system. You do not ever need to move the left-­‐hand red handle which the hand in this photo is holding.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Almost 100 % of the time, the handles should be set as pictured above. This draws in the water from the solar thermal heater.

Occasionally, you may want to bypass the solar thermal system (pictured above). The only time you may want to do this, is if the temperature of the water is around 90-­‐100 degrees. The on-­‐ demand water heater will not turn on because of the risk of overheating the water. So, for a more comfortable shower, you may want to just let the on-­‐demand heater do the work.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

The corn and wood pellet furnace is located in the basement of the Ecohouse, keeping residents like you warm through the winter months! The furnace was originally meant to burn corn (hence the name) for its heat source. However wood pellets, which are made from waste wood, now fuels the furnace. The reason for the switch in resource was the costliness of maize and the reduction from a food source. Biofuel is a better option because the pellets can be made out of recycled wood, which is a more sustainable practice than using corn. Just like any other furnace, the efficiency depends on temperature, time of year, flame, etc. The cost of this system is $2,000 and it can save on fuel expenses depending on the variables mentioned above. The Ecohouse's thermostat electronically controls the fuel feed system and blower to provide a constant temperature. The furnace will remain lit as long as the bin contains corn, and will shut down automatically if the fuel supply is depleted. This electronic heating technique helps with consistency in temperature making sure the furnace is not continuously running.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

A-MAIZE-ING FURNACE Instructions Start-Up Up Keep End of Season

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Furnace Terms

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

1. Turn gas furnace down to 55°. This acts as a back up if the wood/ corn furnace goes out.

4. Loosen bottom screw of the metering auger and detach from auger tee.

2. Turn wood/corn furnace up higher than the house s current temperature, which should be about 5° warmer than you d like the house. This will ensure that the wood/corn furnace knows to turn on.

5. Pour about 1T of graphite into the auger tee connection.

3. Vacuum out the combustion chamber.

6. Pour about 1T of graphite into the storage bin hole.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

7. Pour one bag of wood chips into the hopper.

8. Fill the burn pot to just below the first row of holes.

10. Pour a little bit of lighter fluid into the burn pot and then place the lighter fluid far away from the furnace.

11. Light as many of the wood pellets as possible with a match.

9. Thoroughly douse a small container of wood chips with lighter fluid and put in the burn pot.

12. Turn switch to start .

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

13. Balance the combustion blower. If it is too far open, the flame will be roaring and burn faster than the auger can feed the chips. If it is too far closed, the flame will lap lazily and the auger will feed the pot faster than the fire can burn it.

16. Remove the metal cover of the thermostat box on the left side of the machine by squeezing the sides and pulling it towards you. You should see the temperature gauge pictured in step 17.

14. Let the pot burn for 10-15 minutes and proceed through steps 15-17 while you wait.

17. When the first metal tab (red arrow) reaches or passes the edge of the black plastic ridge (green arrow), the furnace is hot enough to be turned on. In this picture the metal tab is well past the black ridge, the furnace is ready as soon as the silver tab reaches the black ridge.

15. If you haven t already, reattach the metering auger. Then fill up the storage bin with pellets. Put the lid on the storage bin.

18. Switch furnace to on . Put the cover of the thermostat box back on. Close the door to the combustion chamber.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

19. Make sure the range on the chimney draft meter is between .04 and .06. Do NOT touch the white knob. If it is not between .04 and . 06 refer to step 20. If it is, skip step 20.

20. Loosen the screw. Sliding the weight back makes the chimney draft number get smaller. Sliding the weight forwards makes the number larger. It is pictured in the forward position now.

21.  You can now reduce the thermostat to your desired temperature. Do not reduce more than 2° at a time and then let the furnace catch up in between.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Weekly Maintenance

Remove the ash pan completely and empty into a metal pail at least once a week. In very cold weather you may have to empty it more often.

Pull the heat exchanger scraper all the way out and then push it back in.

Refill the hopper. In cold weather you may have to fill it more often than once a week. If the hopper runs out before you catch it, let the stove burn out, cool for several hours and then clean out and relight the stove.

Check the rim of the burn pot for clinkers that might be stuck to it. If there are any, loosen them with the clinker tool.

Monthly Maintenance

Once a month, dump 1T of graphite into the storage bin hole (or as close to it as possible since there will still be a some pellets in the hopper).

Maintenance employees should come to change the filter every month or two. If this does not happen, please let someone in the Office of Sustainability know and we will get someone to come over and do it.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

End of Season Procedure 1.  Allow the furnace to burn up all of the wood pellets in the storage bin until it burns itself out. 2.  Put in a work order for annual maintenance and let someone in the Office of Sustainability know you have done so, or ask someone in the Office of Sustainability to put in the work order. The work order should include the following: Please conduct annual maintenance on the A-maize-ing Furnace in the basement of the Ecohouse. The manual for the furnace is housed at the Office of Sustainability which is located in the Facilities Management Building, office #182 & #181. Thoroughly clean the combustion chamber and burn pot. Remove and inspect all chimney pipe connections. Clean out ash buildup in pipes. Replace any pipe showing signs of burning through. Clean oil and inspect all blower and auger motors including the burner fan, main blower fan, burner auger and storage bin auger.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Why Compost? Reducing the amount of solid waste you produce is the major goal of composting. If you reduce solid waste, you will save space in municipal landfills, which will ultimately save you tax money. It is important to remember that finished compost has the advantage of being a useful natural fertilizer that is more environmentally friendly than synthetic fertilizers.

Composting Biology Composting provides the conditions that are ideal for the natural decay processes that occur in nature. The materials that contribute to the composting environment include: •

• • •

Organic waste - newspaper, leaves, grass, kitchen waste (fruits, vegetables), woody materials Soil - source of microorganisms Water Air - source of oxygen During the process of composting, microorganisms from the soil eat the organic, carbon containing, waste. These organisms break it down into its simplest parts. This produces a fiber-rich, carbon-containing humus with inorganic nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The microorganisms break the material down through aerobic respiration. This means that they require oxygen, and the only way they get it is from the air you introduce when you turn the material in the compost bin. Water is also essential to the microorganisms so that they can live and multiply. Through the respiration process, the microorganisms give off carbon dioxide and heat -- temperatures within compost piles can rise as high as 100 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit (28 to 66 C). If the compost pile or bin is actively managed by turning and watering it regularly, the process of decomposing into finished compost can happen in as little as two to three weeks (otherwise, it may take months).

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

A compost pile has a complex organization of living organisms. Within the small ecosystem created by composting a foodweb exists. Bacteria and fungi primarily break down the organic matter in the trash. Single-celled organisms (protozoa), small worms (nematodes), and mites feed on the bacteria and fungi. Predatory nematodes, predatory mites and other invertebrates (sowbugs, millipedes, beetles) feed on the protozoa, mites and nematodes. All of these organisms work to balance the population of organisms within the compost, which increases the efficiency of the entire process. Balancing the Compost Contents The compost conditions must be balanced to create an environment that is efficient for decomposition. There must be: • • • •

Plenty of air - mixture should be turned daily or every other day Adequate water - mixture should be moist, but not soaking wet Proper mix of carbon to nitrogen - ratio should be about 30:1 Small particle size - big pieces should be broken up, as smaller particles break down more rapidly Adequate amount of soil - should provide enough microorganisms for the process

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Making Compost To make compost, you must do the following: • • • • •

Choose a site for the compost pile. Choose a structure. Add the ingredients. Care for and feed the compost pile. Collect the finished compost for use.

Choose a Site It is important to ask yourself where you want your compost pile. You want to be able to compost discretely away from your house, but not so far away that you may not want to go out and attend to it. Also, you do not want it so close to the boundaries of your property that your neighbors might complain. Part of the answer may be dictated by local housing ordinances or homeowner organization rules that may specify where a compost pile can be located. Other factors to consider include the following: •

• •

Downwind from your house - Even a well-managed compost pile may occasionally emit unpleasant odors. Wind - Although wind provides air, too much wind can dry and/or scatter the material. Sunlight - Sunlight can help warm the compost pile in the winter, but too much sunlight can dry it out. If the pile is located by a large deciduous tree, you will have cool shade in the summer and sunlight in the winter. Drainage - You want good drainage so that water will not accumulate by the pile. Surface - Bare earth is better than concrete. Make sure to give yourself a sufficient work area around the pile (6 to 8 ft, or about 2 m).

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Choose a Structure Compost structures can be as simple as a heap where you just pile all of the ingredients and let nature take its course, this is passive composting. Passive composting is less efficient and slower than active composting, in which you manage the compost process on a daily basis. Construction of more complicated compost bins can be done using chicken wire, wood or concrete blocks. They can be simple, one-compartment structures in which you add new materials to the top, turn the compost frequently and collect the finished compost from the bottom. They can also be multi-compartment (three-bin) structures in which you add new material to one bin, transfer partially-completed compost to the middle bin and move finished compost to the final bin. There should be some covering on the top of the bin to minimize excess rainwater and reduce scattering from the wind. Many varieties of compost bins are available commercially.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Add the Ingredients You can compost the following materials easily: •

• •

Kitchen waste - best to chop up or grind the wastes so that they can be broken down faster § Fruit and vegetable wastes - peels, skins, seeds, leaves § Egg shells § Coffee grounds (including paper filters), tea bags, used paper napkins § Corncobs - should be shredded to make them break down quickly § Meat/dairy products - see sidebar Yard waste § Grass clippings - Some grass is okay, but too much will add excess nitrogen to the compost pile and make it smell bad. It may be best to use a mulching lawn mower for your grass. § Leaves § Pine needles § Weeds § Woody materials (branches, twigs) § Straw or hay Newspaper Seaweed, kelp or marsh grass hay - If you live by the ocean and it is legal to harvest these, they are excellent, nutrient-rich materials. Rinse or soak them thoroughly in fresh water to remove excess salt before adding them to your compost pile. Composting Meat & Dairy Sawdust - This is an excellent source of Meat and dairy products are high in fat. They will cause carbon. an unpleasant odor if added to a passive pile or poorlymanaged active compost pile. For a hot, well-turned compost pile, meat and dairy wastes are not a problem. However, it is better to run the wastes through a blender or food processor to reduce their size and speed their decomposition.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Composting At The Ecohouse In the past, the Ecohouse had a one compartment composting bin. It was made out of recycled crates that were disassembled. Chicken wire was then stapled to all four sides and the top to allow for ventilation and moisture. The bottom was left open to make the entrance of all those friendly decomposers easy. This bin used to hold the kitchen waste of the three Ecohouse residents.

During the summer of 2012, the Ecohouse residents have since updated and expanded their forms of composting with a barrel on the back porch, the garden tri-bin, and the vermicomposting bin in the basement. These systems of composting serve different purposes for the property to fulfill waste management needs. The plastic barrel on the back porch serves as the new home for kitchen scraps and other food waste. It should be turned every couple days and emptied onto the properties garden and landscape when full. The tri-bin functions as the primary source of the garden and landscape waste, located in the back of the garden. The tri-bin is primarily maintained by the Office of Sustainability garden manager and community garden plot owners. Ecohouse residents are not responsible for this portion, but are encouraged to get their hands dirty. Lastly, vermicomposting is used for food scraps, bits of paper products (non-gloss), and other biodegradable materials such as dryer lint. Detailed descriptions and care instructions for the three composting varieties can be found within the house features and garden/landscape sections of the Ecohouse residential guide.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


• • •

Human waste or pet litter - They carry diseases and parasites, as well as cause an unpleasant odor. Diseased garden plants - They can infect the compost pile and influence the finished product. Invasive weeds - Spores and seeds of invasive weeds (buttercups, morning glory, quack grass) can survive the decomposition process and spread to your desired plants when you use the finished compost. Charcoal ashes - They are toxic to the soil microorganisms. Glossy paper - The inks are toxic to the soil microorganisms. Pesticide-treated plant material - These are harmful to the compost foodweb organisms, and pesticides may survive into the finished compost.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Composting As A Strategy: 2010-12 Resident Kylie Johnson Many people think that composting is only for people who want to use the soil for gardening. Although it makes wonderful nutrient-rich soil, composting is also important as a waste management strategy. In 2010 the EPA recorded that 33 million tons of food waste were sent to landfills. This makes food waste the biggest contributor to landfills. Waste is becoming a big issue with growing population and consumption patterns. The U.S. municipal waste stream has tripled since the 1960s. Today, 4.5 pounds of food waste is produced per person per day compared to 1.8 pounds 45 years ago. That is a HUGE increase that needs to be fixed with sustainable solutions. Composting is one solution to help with food waste because the EPA projects that 67% of American household waste can be composted. Composting is still a relatively new practice for food waste diversion in the U.S. There are some cities like San Francisco that require composting, but most cities do not have composting pickup available because it is still cheapest to send food waste to the landfill. Many European countries that are facing space constraints have adopted new waste management strategies to reduce the amount of waste going to landfills. Scotland is one of these countries. A few years ago Scotland was only recycling 4 percent of possible materials, but new targets in the Scotland’s Zero Waste Plan require Scotland to recycle 70 percent with a maximum of 5 percent to landfill by 2025. In order to achieve a zero waste Scotland in the next 10 years, the government has been progressively increasing the landfill tax each year in order to encourage more sustainable methods of waste disposal. This government-inspired shift in protocol has made composting an increasingly attractive waste disposal practice for businesses. The United States needs to create government mandates like Scotland and other European countries have done in order to make composting a viable waste management option.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Composting As A Strategy: 2010-12 Resident Kylie Johnson There are tons of benefits to composting, and it is a great tool for climate change mitigation. The following list of benefits relates to the potential of composting as a mitigation tool for climate change. Composting results in: •Removal of atmospheric carbon through soil carbon sequestration •Reduction of GHG emissions through reduced production of chemical fertilizers and pesticides •Landfill cover reduces GHG emissions •Reduction of GHG emissions through reduced irrigation •Reduced diesel use for soil cultivation from improved tilth and soil workability •Reduced need for biocides reduces GHG emissions from biocide production •Reduced nitrogen loss that causes N20 emissions •Reduced erosion that results in N20 emissions from loss of nutrients and organic matter •Abatement potential for manure management • Effective bio-filter for reducing pesticide contamination in water spills Provides a less costly alternative to conventional methods of remediating (cleaning) contaminated soil •

Helps prevent pollution

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Composting As A Strategy: 2010-12 Resident Kylie Johnson There are tons of benefits to composting, and it is a great tool for climate change mitigation. The following list of benefits relates to the potential of composting as a mitigation tool for climate change. Composting results in: Compost has also been shown to prevent erosion and silting on embankments and prevents erosion and turf loss on roadsides, hillsides, golf courses, etc. • Realistic Energy Option using Anaerobic Digestion Plants • Restoring nutrients to the soil When used for growing crops, compost has shown to increase soil water holding capacity, add nutrients, and stifle soil-borne diseases • Offers economic benefits It serves as a marketable commodity and is a low-cost alternative to standard landfill cover and artificial soil amendments. Composting also extends landfill life Overall, composting simultaneously reduces GHG emissions, improves sustainability, prevents soil and water contamination, conserves resources, provides renewable energy options, increases soil nutrients...and the list goes on and on! In 2005, the U.S. disposed of 25 million tons of food waste into landfills. If this food waste had been composted, the GHG emissions impact would have been equal to removing 7.8 million cars from the road! The majority of the population is not aware of all the wonderful benefits that composting has to offer because it is not yet a common practice. So share this information with the people around you, they will be surprised to find that it is easy to do. Depending on where you live, it can also save you money on trash disposal costs by cutting down the weight of your trash bins every week. I was amazed by how many garbage bags we saved at the Ecohouse by composting compared to what I was used to before having a backyard compost pile.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Composting As A Strategy: 2010-12 Resident Kylie Johnson May 6th-12th was International Compost Awareness Week (yes, there is an entire week dedicated to composting) supported by the U.S. Composting Council. It is the largest education initiative of the composting industry every year. If you are interested in learning what communities and cities are doing with composting around the country, follow ICAW on Facebook or visit their website at http://compostingcouncil.org/icaw/. I was hoping that I would have the chance to host a composting workshop at the Ecohouse for ICAW, but my schedule did not allow for it. This would be a great way to engage people in the practice next year.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

micomposting is a type of composting that uses worms. It is beneficial because it allows food waste to compost rapidly in a self-contained system. The biggest concern I hear from people about creating a vermicompost system is the smell. However, if you properly maintain your bin, it should not smell!! How to create your own vermicompost system: •

Obtain a bin. As you can see, ours is just a plain rubber bin that is double layered. The double layering is necessary because the inside bin needs to have holes drilled in it for ventilation. Drill 1/8 inch holes approximately four inches from the bottom of the bin. Otherwise, the worms will This is a photo of our worm factory stay at the bottom of the bin and possibly drown. located in the Ecohouse basement. Prepare the box for worms. Fill your bin with We just cleaned it out and filled it fibrous material such as thin strips of newspaper, cardboard, grass, straw, etc. Sprinkle dirt on top of with new redworms! the fiber material and moisten with water. Allow the water to soak for at least a day before adding worms. Add worms! Eisenia foetida (Red Wigglers) are the most common species used for vermicomposting. These are special tropical worms that cannot withstand cold temperatures, so make sure to keep your bin in a warm area. It is not recommended to dig worms out of your back yard for composting. If you live in Athens, you can purchase Red Wigglers at the local farmers market located by the State Street mall on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Maintain bin. You will speed up the composting process by keeping your bin elevated. Also, your worms will not attempt to escape if you add food waste and moisture regularly. Feed your worm’s food scraps weekly and add fibrous material when needed (usually once a month). Harvest your compost. Remove a large amount of compost and place on a piece of newspaper or plastic. Allow time for the worms to bury into the center of the compost heap, and eventually you will have two separate piles, one for the worms and one for compost. Return the worms to the compost bin and use the remaining compost for whatever you like!

How it works: •

• •

There are several different removable bins with holes in the bottom of each, and these bins fit together to form the worm factory and allow the compost from worm waste to be sifted to the bottom To start your own worm factory, place moist newspapers in the top feeding tray and place food scraps under the moist sections The balance of food and fiber should be 50/50. Once you have added the proper ratio of food and fiber, you can add worms to the top tray For feeding the worms, you should follow the guidelines of 1 pound of worms to 1/2 pound of food per day

Possible fiber sources that can be used for the factory: • • •

Shredded paper Magazines Cardboard

There are many online sources available that explain vermicomposting techniques. However, I found the website mentioned below to be particularly helpful in giving easy, detailed instructions on how to create your own system: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Your-Own-WormCompost-System

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Dehumidifier During the summer the Ecohouse basement collects moisture, making it a breeding ground for mold. A dehumidifier is necessary to collect unwanted humidity within the space. With the rapid collection of vapor, it is necessary to empty the back of the dehumidifier. The Ecohouse uses this recycled gray water to fill the back of the toilet or to water the garden and landscape, making it a very sustainable practice!

Toilet Use less water. Fill an empty 2-liter bottle with water. Flush your toilet and place the bottle in the back of the toilet. Now, every time you flush the toilet you will be using about 2 liters less water! Now, just imagine if EVERYONE did that. What a difference a small change can make.

Rainwater Catchment When rainwater runs down the gutters of the Ecohouse and solar array, it is caught in barrels designed to recycle gray water in the garden, landscape, and the back of the toilet.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide



D ryin g Fl ow ers


Plan: Before you get started, you'll need to assess whether your flower bouquet will dry well. Blooms should not be fully mature or they will lose their petals in the flower drying process. Also, consider the types of flowers you are using. Air drying will work for more robust varieties such as roses or small, long-lasting varieties like lavender. For more delicate flowers like lilies, try another preservation technique, such as pressing. 1. Strip excess foliage from your flowers and cut the stems to your desired length (but not shorter than six inches). To help your flowers maintain their color during the drying process, it is important that you remove them from sunlight as soon as they're cut. Rubber band bunches of stems together if you would like to hang a bouquet, or leave the stems be if you'd like to hang the flowers individually. 2. Find a dark, dry area with good circulation. An unused closet will work perfectly. With unflavored dental floss, secure the bottom end of the flower's stem to a hanger. You may hang two flowers/bunches on each hanger by hanging items from each side, or you can hang one flower/bunch by hanging it from the middle. Once secure, hang flowers upside down to dry. Leave your flowers there for a good two to three weeks and make sure not to remove them until they are completely dry. 3. Remove the flowers from the hangers. You can now hang your dried flowers around the house as you please, remove the petals and make potpourri, or use them in a crafts-related project to make a thoughtful gift for someone else. Dried flowers don't like sunlight or extreme heat, so try to find homes for them in more


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


Project: DIY Sprout Making

Ty pe: Rec ipe Resident Name: Kylie Johnson Year: 2010-2012 Plan: Interested in saving money on your grocery bill while still eating healthy? Growing sprouts at home is the perfect solution! Sprouting is a great way to garden in the winter, and it is perfect for people who have a small living space because sprouts can be grown in a glass jar without taking up any room. Sprouts are nutritious and tasty, and compliment just about everything from sandwiches and salads to stir-fry and casseroles. Once you start sprouting, you will be hooked! Thanks to Jim, we have a constant supply of sprouts at the Ecohouse in a variety of different types including red clover, alfalfa, and lentils. To start your very own sprout collection, follow the easy step-by-step instructions below. You'll be a sprouting pro in no time! Sustainable Living: If you live in Athens, my suggestion for buying seeds locally would be The Farmacy. You can buy seeds there for sprouting in addition to sprouting mixes that include a blend of seeds. Also, if you're looking for cheesecloth in Athens, you can find it at Kroger in the kitchen section. To start your very own sprout collection, follow the easy step-by-step instructions below. You'll be a sprouting pro in no time!


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

ECOHOUSE PROJECT Getting Started: What You Will Need

1) Seeds of your choice (recommendations listed below) 2) Jar (any type will do but we use glass mason jars) 3) Cheesecloth 4) Rubber Band Choose Seeds and Measure

Here are the best choices of each type of sprout source. (Recommendations from www.thefarm.org) Best seeds: alfalfa, clover. • Best beans: mung, lentil, garbanzo. • Best nuts: almonds, filberts (hazelnuts). • Best grains: wheat berries, rye. The next list indicates what amount of sprout source is appropriate. •

• • • •

Small seeds: 2-3 tablespoons (30-45 ml). Medium seeds: 1/4-1/2 cup (65-125 grams). Large beans and grains: 1 cup (250 g). Sunflower seeds: 2 cups (500 g).


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

ECOHOUSE PROJECT The Proc ess: 1. Before you go to bed, measure out the correct amount of seeds. In the case of alfalfa, 2-3 tablespoons. 2. Next, pour the seeds onto a plate and inspect them for broken or withered pieces, small stones, and lumps of dirt. 3. After they're sorted, pour the seeds into a strainer and rinse under water. Make sure your strainer has very fine netting so that your seeds don't get washed down the drain! 4. Pour your rinsed seeds into a jar. 5. Cover the seeds with water. The water level should be a few inches (6-8cm) above the seeds. Let them soak overnight. If your seeds are medium sized, soak them for 812 hours. Large seeds should soak 12-24 hours. 6. Cover the mouth of the jar with cheesecloth the next morning and secure with a rubber band. 7. Turn over the jar in the sink and strain out the water. *Note- Some people save this water because it is full of nutrients. You can use it as an ingredient in a health shake or feed it to your houseplants! 8. Shake the jar to remove excess water. 9. Rinse the seeds again and shake the jar to remove extra water. Hold the jar up to the light to ensure the seeds are mostly dry. If they're too wet, the seeds may rot during sprouting. 10. Drain the seeds all day by tipping the jar on its side upside down in a bowl or dish. 11. Repeat the rinsing process on the evening of the same day. For 4-5 days you will continue this process of morning and evening rinsing and draining. 12. Watch for growth. After a few days you will begin to see green leaves sprouting on the seeds, and white shoots will appear on beans, nuts, and grains. 13. Harvest! The sprouts will reach their best flavor and nutritional value after 4 or 5 days. Give them one last rinse and shake. They're ready to eat!

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide



Step 2: Jim inspecting the seeds

Step 6- Cover the jar with cheesecloth Step 6: Secure cheese cloth with rubber band

Step 10: Drain the seeds

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


ECOHOUSE PROJECT Project: How to Make and Can Family Secret Tomato S auce Ty pe: Rec ipe Resident Name: Hannah Simonetti Year: 2011-2012 Plan: The first thing I canned this year was tomato sauce. I bought the tomatoes and onions at the Produce Auction, and then I used the tomato sauce recipe from Animal Vegetable Miracle. It is not a traditional tomato sauce because it includes cinnamon and nutmeg, but let me tell you---it is amazingly delicious and versatile for both Italian and Middle Eastern cooking. Sustainable Living: Canning is a great way to preserve fresh, healthy, local veggies for consumption out of season. I highly recommend visiting the Chesterhill Produce Auction, where you can buy large amounts of locally grown veggies (mostly Amish, some organic) for super cheap! It’s a really cool experience and an amazing resource for people interested in making and preserving food. Check it out: www.facebook.com/chesterhillproduceauction Proc ess: The first step is gathering your supplies. For this recipe quart jars are great, but there are a variety of sizes and shapes of glass jars to choose from. You will need a lid and a ring for each jar. Rings can be re-used, but lids can only be canned with once. I recommend picking up a canning utensil kit, which usually includes a funnel, magnetic lid lifter, jar lifter, and a few other things that will really come in handy. Finally, you will need the biggest stockpot you can find to boil water for the water bath method.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


ECOHOUSE PROJECT This brings me to my next topic: types of canning. There are many different methods for canning, but they fall into two main categories, water bath canning and pressure canning. Water bath canning is used for acidic foods, such as pickles and tomato products, and doesn’t require any special equipment. Pressure canning uses a pressure canner to raise the temperature around the cans much higher, so it can be used for lower-acid foods such as beans, any nonacidic veggies and fruits, and even meats. The difference between high acid and low acid foods is that high acid foods can protect themselves better from food-borne bacteria because they create a hostile environment for the bacteria to live in. Low acid foods do not have this defense system, so they need to be canned at a higher temperature to reduce the possibility of contamination. For this tomato sauce, you will be using the water bath method. You first make the sauce in one stockpot. While you are doing this, you sterilize the jars and lids and bands, either in boiling water or the dishwasher. While the sauce is still hot, you funnel it into the jars. You add an acid, such a citric acid or lemon juice, to make sure the food is acidic enough to be safe to eat. You put the lids on and then lower the jars into the boiling water bath. Make sure they are not touching. You boil the cans in the water bath for the amount of time stated in the recipe. When they are done, remove them and put them in a place where they can dry and cool down, again not touching. When they have cooled, check the seals and put on the bands. You have not successfully canned your sauce! Now it is shelf-stable and can be kept in your pantry for consumption over the winter. The point of this recipe is to make a large amount at one time, when tomatoes are in season. If you’re canning it, stick closely to the recipe; adding additional fresh vegetables will change the pH so it’s unsafe for water-bath canning. If you’re freezing it, then it’s fine to throw in peppers, mushrooms, fresh garlic, whatever you like. This recipe makes 6-7 quarts—you can use a combination of pint and quart canning jars or freezer boxes.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


ECOHOUSE PROJECT ]10 quarts tomato puree (about 30 pounds tomatoes) 4 large onions, chopped 1 cup dried basil ½ cup honey 4 tablespoons dried oregano 3 tablespoons salt 2 tablespoons ground dried lemon peel 2 tablespoons thyme 2 tablespoons garlic powder (or more, to taste) 2 tablespoons dried parsley 2 tablespoons pepper 2 teaspoons cinnamon ½ teaspoon nutmeg Soften onions in a heavy 3-gallon kettle—add a small amount of water if necessary but no oil if you are canning (very important!). Add pureed tomatoes and all seasonings bring to a boil, and simmer on low heat for two to three hours until sauce has thickened to your liking. Stir frequently, especially toward the end, to avoid burning. Meanwhile, heat water in canner bath, sterilize jars I n boiling water or dishwasher, and pour boiling water over jar lids. Bottled lemon juice or citric acid—NOT optional! Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or ½ teaspoon citric acid to each quart jar (half that much to pint jars). This

ensures that the sauce will be safely acidic. When the sauce is ready, ladle it into the jars, leaving ½ inch headspace. Cap jars, lower gently into canner and boil for 35 minutes. Remove, cool, check all seals, label, and store for winter.


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


H ow To Ma ke Fresh M ozza rella

C heese

Ty pe:


Resident Name: Year: Plan:

H ann ah Si mo netti

2011-2012 My interest in making fresh cheeses began

when I read Barbara Kingsolver’s book Animal Vegetable Miracle. I highly recommend that any Ecohouse resident read this book. It is a chronicle of one year of her life with her family, during which they made a commitment to eat as locally as possible. In one chapter she describes their regular cheese making practices, and includes a recipe for fresh mozzarella. She suggests that new cheese makers visit the New England Cheese making Supply Company’s website, www.cheesemaking.com and purchase a “30 Minute Mozzarella & Ricotta Kit.” I did exactly that, and I have made mozzarella successfully several times since.

Sustainable Living:

I wanted to do this project because I like to have as much control over what

goes into the food I’m eating as possible. Making my own cheese gave me the chance to use local milk to create a sustainable, delicious, nutritious product. It’s also a really fun project to do with friends or at a potluck!

Proc ess:

Included is the recipe that came with the kit, but I

encourage you to check out the book and the website mentioned above. *Note: this is one of those recipes that you have to follow exactly or it will not work. Good luck!


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


1. Dissolve ¼ rennet tablet into ¼ of cool, chlorine-free water. Stir and set aside. Wrap the remaining pieces of tablet in plastic wrap and store in the freezer.

2. Mix 1 ½ tsp. citric acid into 1 cup cool, chorine-free water until dissolved. Pour into your pot. 3. Pour 1 gallon of milk (Snowville works wonderfully!) into your pot and stir vigorously while adding the citric acid solution.

4. Heat the milk to 90 degrees F while stirring. 5. Remove the pot from the burner and slowly stir in the rennet solution with an up and down motion for approximately 30 seconds.

6. Cover the pot and leave it undisturbed for 5 minutes. 7. Check the curd. It should look like custard, with a clear separation between the curd and the whey. If the curd is too soft or the whey is milky, let set for a few more minutes.

8. Cut the curd into one-inch squares with a knife that reaches the bottom of the pot. 9. Place the pot back on the stove and heat to 105 degrees F while slowly moving the curds around with your spoon.

10. Take off the burner and continue slowly stirring for 2-5 minutes. (More time will make firmer cheese).

11. Pour off the floating whey. 12. Ladle your curds into a large microwaveable bowl and drain off as much of the whey as you can without pressing the curds too much. Put on your rubber gloves.

13. Place the bowl in the microwave for 1 minute. 14. Remove and rain off the whey as you gently fold the curds in to one piece. Add 1 tsp. salt (optional).

15. Microwave for another 30 seconds. Drain again and stretch the curd. It must be 135 degrees to stretch properly. If it isn’t hot enough, microwave for another 30 seconds.


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


16. Stretch the cheese by pulling like taffy until it is smooth and shiny. The more you work the

cheese, the firmer it will be. (Take a taste!)

17. Now form your cheese into a log or ball or braid it, make it into bite-sized morsels or even make it into string cheese. At this point we usually slice off a few pieces of the warm cheese for

immediate consumption. Yummmm!

18. When finished submerge it in 50 degree water to cool for 5 minutes and then in ice water for

15 minutes. This will cool it down and allow the cheese to hold its shape. This step is critical as it

protects the silky texture and prevents it from becoming grainy.

Options for your cheese: After stretching you can roll the cheese out and add a layer of herbs, pesto, etc. Then roll it up

into a log and plunge it into ice water. Cheese can be stored in the fridge for two weeks. It can also be

frozen and reheated.

*Note from Hannah: I encourage you to look up fun projects to do with your new whey! You can actually make ricotta cheese from just the whey, and you can use it as a nutritious addition to

soups, breads, and smoothies. You can also make healthy drinks from it. Explore your options! Make sure to refrigerate it in the meantime.


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


Nutri ti on al Y ea st


Resident Name: Year:

Kyl ie J oh nso n


Plan: Tired of eating the same meals all the time? Looking for new ways to spice up boring dishes? If so, nutritional yeast is the answer for you! Not only does nutritional yeast add flavor to your food, it provides you with tons of essential nutrients (I know, the name gives it away). So what exactly IS nutritional yeast? Nutritional yeast, or as we lovingly like to call it "flakes," is a yeast that is produced specifically for its nutritional value and is grown by culturing yeast with a mixture of beet molasses and sugarcane. After the yeast undergoes the fermentation process, it is harvested, washed, and dried. The result is a delicious substance that slightly resembles fish food, but don't let its flaky appearance fool you. Once you add flakes to your meals, you will never turn back! Mary Leciejewski, Environmental Studies grad student and Ecohouse friend says, "Nutritional yeast is delicious and nutritious. I use it on everything. Honestly, I don't know how I lived without it!" Nutritional Value: In addition to being naturally low in fat and salt, nutritional yeast is an excellent source of protein, dietary fiber, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. It is an especially good source of the B-complex vitamin, which is important in promoting healthy skin growth, increasing metabolism, immune and nervous system functions, as well as reducing the risk of pancreatic cancer. Two heaping tablespoons of flakes contains 8 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber at just 60 calories! What does it Taste Like? Nutritional yeast has a strong cheesy or nutty flavor, which makes it popular as a cheese substitute among vegans and vegetarians. It can be paired with almost any dish, including stir-fry, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, pasta dishes, garlic bread, and so many more. My personal favorite use for flakes is as a popcorn topping. Some movie theaters offer nutritional yeast in addition to salt and butter, and once you try it you will understand why!


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide


Where to Find Flakes: Nutritional yeast can be found in most natural foods stores. The Nature's Market section in Kroger also carries this tasty kitchen must-have. If shopping locally at the Athens Kroger, you can find flakes packaged in a pound container and a pint (quarter pound) container.

Proc ess: Ok, so you bought some flakes but aren't sure how to incorporate them in your diet. Try one of these delicious recipes and you will be hooked! For the best popcorn you've ever tasted: Ingredients: •

Organic popcorn

Extra virgin olive oil

Nutritional yeast

Salt, pepper, garlic powder (optional)

STEPS 1. Cover the bottom of a medium saucepan with a layer of extra virgin olive oil 2. Turn the heat on the stove to medium-high and add a few kernels of popcorn 3. Cover with lid 4. When the kernels have popped, the pan is hot enough to add the amount of popcorn you want. 5. Wait for popcorn to pop and remove from heat so that it doesn't burn 6. Pour popcorn in a bowl and sprinkle with a generous amount of nutritional yeast 7. Add salt, pepper, and garlic powder if desired and enjoy! Delicious Pasta and Greens Ingredients: •

Pasta of your choice (We recommend vegan pasta from Crumbs Bakery in Athens)

Greens of your choice-broccoli, collards, kale, etc.

Nutritional yeast •

Butter (to help yeast stick to pasta)

While it is warm, add a generous amount of nutritional yeast to the dish


*Remember, you can never have too much nutritional yeast, so don't be afraid to use a lot. Well, at least that's our philosophy at the Ecohouse!

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Ecohouse Events Ecohouse events are a great way to promote sustainable living within the Ohio University student body and Athens community. Ecohouse open houses are to allow the public to view and learn about the latest developments in green building and technology. Participants will also learn about how to apply these innovations to their own homes and gardens. Student patrons who attend are also encouraged to apply to be a resident in the Ecohouse the following year, so show off the wonderful environment that the Ecohouse is, and talk it up to the best of your ability! The more people you can enthuse, the more students are interested in applying to become a resident. Hand them a spare application, located in the administrative section of this binder. Ecohouse open house events are a great for starting the new school year off right. It is encouraged to hold an open house during the beginning of the fall semester when students look for new housing situations for the subsequent year.

As a Community Space Why not make the Ecohouse an enjoyable community space for Ohio University students and Athens residents. The Ecohouse has hosted potluck dinners in the past where the public is welcome to join the residents for food, music and conversation. Guests are encouraged to bring a dish to share, and a musical instrument if so inclined.

Ecohouse Projects/Workshops Ecohouse workshops are designed to create spaces for sharing information and experiences dealing with environmentally-friendly, green home skills and techniques. All are welcome! Why not make an event out of a workshop and share your skills with the entire community? Residents in the past have had community garden workdays to prepare for fall harvest and to make new friends. Get creative with your event/workshop and brainstorm how you can inspire the community with sustainability. Don’t forget to partner up with the Office of Sustainability, they would be happy to help with preparations!

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Request a Plot In 2005, the Ohio Ecohouse was created as a sustainable living example on campus. In 2012, the Ecohouse project was expanded by inviting Ohio University campus community members to participate in the Community Garden Program. The garden has been be parceled into ten plots for others to grow food in chemically-free, environmentally sound ways. Gardeners are asked to donate a tithe of their harvest to local food pantries or others in need. The Community Garden initiative is a part of a larger food security movement at Ohio University and in Athens county. In alignment with the Sustainability Plan, a garden open to the campus community fosters citizenship, stewardship and justice. Gardeners will engage in a healthy lifestyle change, forming harmonious relationships with the natural world and other community members. Gardening is a great way to save money, enjoy local food, and build knowledge of sustainability. A community garden plot may be adopted by a student group, a department, or an individual at no cost. Tools, resources and education will be provided to any who request it. Anyone interested in reserving a plot at the Ecohouse Community Garden for Spring 2013 may fill out the application form at http://www.ohio.edu/ecohouse/community-garden/request-plot.cfm

Gardening Tips Ecohouse Garden Manager, Markie Miller, provides gardeners with resources and support as they navigate gardening at the Ecohouse Community Garden. Follow Markie's adventures at the Ecohouse Community Garden through her gardening blog, The Garden Shed.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

Rules of the Garden Ecohouse Community Garden Guidelines . Each gardener is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their garden plot. Watering, weeding, harvesting and any other garden related maintenance are all the responsibility of the gardener. Gardeners may arrange for other gardeners to water their plots. The Ecohouse Community Garden will utilize organic principles. . Gardeners will not use synthetic fertilizers, insecticides or weed repellents. . If a gardener must abandon a plot for any reason, he/she will notify the Garden Coordinator immediately. . If a plot becomes unkempt, the gardener associated with that plot will be given 2 weeks' notice to clean it up. At that time, if no action has been taken, the plot will be re-assigned or tilled in. . Gardeners will keep weeds at a minimum and maintain the areas immediately surrounding their plot(s), if any. . Gardeners will keep trash and litter out of the plot, as well as from adjacent pathways and fences. . Gardeners will clean and return borrowed tools to the storage area when done. If any are damaged, the gardener will notify the Garden Coordinator. . The OHIO Ecohouse is a student residence and, as such, gardeners agree to respect the space and privacy of those living in the house. Therefore, gardeners will use the compost bin and rain barrel that belong to the garden, not the personal ones of the household. If a gardener needs a restroom while gardening, they are asked to use the public one provided at Southside Park. . Gardeners may only garden during daylight (dawn to dusk). Being on the Ecohouse property outside of daylight hours is considered trespassing. . Gardeners are required to attend at least one of the Community Garden workshops/workdays. There are no other costs associated with adopting a plot. Neither the garden group nor owners of the land are responsible for gardeners' actions. Gardeners must therefore agree to hold harmless the garden group and owners of the land for any liability, damage, loss or claim that occurs in connection with use of the garden by the gardeners or any of their guests.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Permaculture for small spaces, Ohio University April 14th, 15th, & 22nd 2012

Session: Introduction & Personal Goals

April 14th, 9:00am – 9:30am **Pre-­‐start activity: Name tags with pictures depicting something unique about you and a place you have or would like to travel to. Course Objectives: 1. Participants gain a basic understanding of permaculture principles 2. Participants learn a process for designing permaculture based landscapes 3. Participants are empowered to design their own permaculture landscapes Session Objectives: 1. Introduce the course 2. Introduce each other 3. Establish personal goals for the workshop Time



9 – 9:15

Introduce the course

Thank you. Instructor quick intro. Goals for this


Workshop, How we are going to do this (course schedule written up – explain progression to development and installation of design)

9:15 – 9:20 Establish personal goals for

What really matters is what you want to get out of

(4 min)

the workshop

this. So we will take 4 min to write your own goal in

the blank third label (active voice).

9:20 – 9:25

Find the person in the room you know the least. You


will spend 2 minutes telling them name, goal, how got to Athens and anything else you have time for. You will then switch. Your partner is then responsible for introducing you and your goal

9:25-­‐ 9:30

Introduce each other

30 sec. intros of each other

(5min) Materials: Weekend Schedule posted in the room Markers/colored pens, sticky name-­‐tags, Fun cards for goals – bring in my box of scrap paper.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Permaculture for small spaces, Ohio University April 14th, 15th, & 22nd 2012

Session: Pc Overview w/ emphasis on small spaces April 14th, 9:30am – 10:00am Inside

Course Objectives: 1. Participants gain a basic understanding of permaculture principles 2. Participants learn a process for designing permaculture based landscapes 3. Participants are empowered to design their own permaculture landscapes Session Objectives: 1. Understand a basic definition of Permaculture 2. Understand what components we address in this workshop 3. Identify small space adaptations for growing food a. Containers b. Rooftops c.

Dimensions – growing vertically

d. Stacking functions e. Taking advantage of microclimates – the Fig. Time



9:30 – 10:00 (see pp for


Now we know each other, we


know what we want to do, so what is Pc? Does anyone already know what Pc is?




Now we know what we want to learn from this

People shaking hands,

workshop, we know each other,

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

and it’s time to introduce ourselves to Pc

people shaking hands with Pc

When you hear Pc what do you think of?

(write words on flip chart)

Maybe that’s a little too much too soon. How do the

Describes an “integrated,

experts define Pc? First coined by Mollison and

evolving system of perennial or

Holmgren as (Holmgren, Mollison). Please note,

self-­‐perpetuating plant and

this is not entirely new, perhaps newly defined but

animal species useful to man.”

there are cultures who reflect this.

(Mollison & Holmgren, Permaculture One. Corgi, 1978

Evolved to….

“Consciously designed landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature,..click

while yielding an abundance of food, fibre and energy

So, providing for our needs by consciously

for provision of local needs.”

designing our landscapes to mimic elements of

(Holmgren, Permaculture:


Principles and pathways beyond sustainability. 2002

Another definition,

“Permaculture is about designing sustainable human settlements through ecology and design.(click). It is a philosophy and an approach to land use which weaves together microclimates, annual and perennial plants, animals, soils, water management and human needs into intricately connected productive communities’ (Bill Molison & Reny Mia Slay, Introduction to Permaculture)

Permanent Culture / permanent agriculture

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide

I like to think of it as applied systems thinking, and

in this way, I see Permaculture as a tool for creating sustainable lifestyles.

Sustainability emphasizes People, planet, profit

Ven D

While Permaculture is framed around the ethics of

Ven D

people care, earth care and resource share (distribute surplus, examine consumption). Permaculture goes a step further than sustainability and actually provides principles, ethics and methods for designing systems that enhance and support positive interactions among components of the system so all elements, and the whole system thrives, not just one piece.

There are many components to the system and we

Permaculture Flower

have a short amount of time so will only be looking at one element – provide for some food needs from small spaces.

How can we do this?

Think in dimensions

Herb spiral, vines, multiple tiers, roof tops and guinea pigs or rabbits

Know your microclimate

Figs, mints or other spreaders,

Multipurpose/ stack functions

Worm bench


Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Permaculture for small spaces, Ohio University April 14th, 15th, & 22nd 2012

Session: Overview of Design Process April 14th, 1:15 – 1:30 Outside?

Course Objectives: 1. Participants gain a basic understanding of permaculture principles 2. Participants learn a process for designing permaculture based landscapes 3. Participants are empowered to design their own permaculture landscapes Session Objectives: 1. Understand basic design Process steps. Time


1:15 – 1:17 (2

Explain directions, Divide into small groups, hand out cards

min) 1:17 – 1:25 (8

Groups arrange cards in ‘appropriate order’

min) 1:25 – 1:30 (5

Go over process as a group –What steps normally get skipped? Why do we need


all these? look at live examples or pp examples of each stage (have ready on flip chart so it can be hung up and people can see the progression.

Materials: Tape to hang flip charts, display board? Design process cards (as per Dave Jacke and Eric Toensmeier in Edible Forest Gardens) -­‐

Goals articulation: Define what you want the space to yield – tangible and intangible


Site analysis and assessment: Make a map. Identify permanent features of the space (sun, wind, water, paths)


Design concept (general bubble diagrams)


Design (plant specifics, successional designs): Schematic, detailed, Patch





Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Permaculture for small spaces, Ohio University April 14th, 15th, & 22nd 2012

Session: Articulating Goals April 14th, 1:30 – 2:15 Outside?

Course Objectives: 1. Participants gain a basic understanding of permaculture principles 2. Participants learn a process for designing permaculture based landscapes 3. Participants are empowered to design their own permaculture landscapes Session Objectives: 2. Understand importance of establishing goals 3. Know what questions to consider 4. Consider all stakeholders

What happens w/o goals

Why goals?

They help us create spaces that meet our

needs. Simplify our job of designing, save us time, provide direction

Whose goals?

Stake holders – OoS, Grounds, Ecohouse

residents, public viewing the house

Where to start/ What questions to ask

Go through cheat sheet, give examples of


ID key components

So, I’ve spoken with the stakeholders with the exception of the public. I basicly want to relay the information to you so you can grab key important elements and use that information to create a written summary. 1. Susan – deer, mowing, will provide seasonal maintenance such as

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide pruning if given instructions, but the space is yours. Moving away from ground covers on campus 2. OoS – aesthetics, native, if non-­‐ native must not spread and must explain why it is important, adapted to local conditions, minimal maintenance 3. Residents – (9 min)

Interview tactics – you don’t have to be an

What questions did I ask, what actually got

expert Breakdown goals as interview is

a response?

playing and write them on the board.

Written summary – mission statement

Anything I didn’t ask about? EDU! Here’s the fun part, compiling it all into an active, present tense statement.


Different levels of detail. Goals may evolve during the design process

The Pc garden at the Ecohouse is an inviting, aesthetic, low-­‐maintenance garden ecosystem yielding a seasonal variety of color, useful herbs, food and educational opportunities.

Materials Voice recorder & speakers. Goal Sheet, flip chart,

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Permaculture (Pc) Workshop: Report Jessica Bilecki 5/29/2012 Overview The purpose of running a permaculture workshop at the EcoHouse was to educate and empower community members to design their own permaculture landscaping while transitioning EcoHouse landscaping to be more productive, ecologically sound, aesthetic and low-­‐maintenance. This not only educates participants, but EcoHouse residents and future tour groups. The workshop occurred Saturday April 14th, Sunday April 15th, and Sunday April 22nd, 2012. Building 21 at the ridges was reserved for the first weekend. A total of 8 ± 2 people on any given day participated. Sessions were taught by myself, Weston Lombard and Kurt Belser (See Staff Bios for more information). The first weekend focused on introducing principles of permaculture and learning the design Process. The second day participants spent in small groups coming up with their own designs, and the third day was a work day to install plants (See the schedule for full details). A detailed map of what is planted where is in the Pc Workshop file. Essential Implementation elements and processes One main coordinator from the Office of Sustainability – This person was responsible for all logistics, renting the classroom, purchasing food, putting together a flyer, coordinating registration, corresponding with participants, establishing a budget and organizing meetings with co-­‐teachers. Co-­‐Teachers – Having two local professionals from the region was essential. It helped with the OoS person’s work load, helped students realize there is a town outside of the campus and provided participants with a variety of teaching styles. Each co-­‐teacher received a $1,000 stipend for their time planning and implementing the workshop. Kurt Belser: growlerinthegarden@gmail.com 440.865.6305 Weston Lombard: westonlombard@gmail.com 740.856.6299 Marketing – Flyers were posted on campus and around town. The workshop was featured in Routes, it was posted on the OoS website, and a few select emails to teachers were sent. This part could definitely be expanded.

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Registration – To register, participants simply sent an email to sustainability@ohio.edu expressing their interest. All Pc emails were forwarded to me. I then recorded the person’s name and email in an Excel spreadsheet and sent a confirmation email explaining that they were registered and would receive detailed information closer to the day. Orientation Materials – This is an essential document that reminds people they are signed up for the event, explains where to meet, where to park, what to bring and what to expect. Building and Parking – Contact the Management Service Coordinator for the Voinovich School,Trenia Tyman to reserve a room in building 21. The Telephone number is 740.597.1460. A building walkthrough is required before the event. If the workshop occurs during non-­‐business hours you will also need to pick up the key. You could call parking services to verify that parking rules have not changed. Parking was allowed on the weekends in the larger parking lots to the buildings left. Food: I only ordered food for the first weekend. There were mini-­‐muffins and fruit in the morning and a veggie tray in the afternoon. Culinary Services offers an entire catering menu which is online. If you want food from the farmers market, I’m not sure what the proper avenue is, but I do know it may take a bit of time to figure out so start early. (I asked about it but was told there was “nothing in season” even though I also supplied a list of vegetables and fruit that were in deed in season and available at the Farmers Market) Also, there was Equal Exchange tea, coffee and pitchers of water NOT bottles. Waste: Participants were told this would be a zero waste event and instructed to bring their own cloth napkins, cups and dishware. Catering Services did supply us with compostable plates and utensils the second day. However, the event organizer needs to arrange where compost will go. In this case, Weston took it back to his farm. Ordering Plants: I would not necessarily repeat this (read ‘What I learned’). Three different groups of students all came up with designs for the space. Then, Monday and Tuesday, before Market on Wednesday, teachers looked over the designs and tried to make one master design for the group to install the following Sunday. We tried to incorporate elements of everyone’s design, particularly the ones all students responded positively too. The largest limiting factor was plant availability for the time of year. If we had a design ahead of time we could have ordered accordingly, but then we wouldn’t be installing student designs.*

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide Tools -­‐ Grounds and Maintenance lent us a wheel barrow, shovels, short-­‐tined rakes, trowels and potting buckets. I asked the head of Grounds about this well in advance and then 1 week prior to the event sent a tool request. We needed to coordinate drop off and pick up on Friday and Monday as the tools need to be locked in the EcoHouse shed. What I learned •

*As the program continues it may be worthwhile to have one area planned out before the course, and have students design a second area. Then you could order plants ahead of time for the predetermined design, and implement student designs the next time around.

Based on comments from other people it seems like there would be general interest in an evening talk/lecture about Permaculture

3 Days really is a long time for people to commit to, granted it is very short for a permaculture course.

Students enjoyed mixed teaching methods, See student evaluations for more comments

The event being Free was key

Students were very excited that the course incorporated both design and implementation

It is hard to get students back the second weekend for planting

Not all who registered showed up. Either expect this or have people place a deposit on their registration

Students do not have a lot of time. While it is nice to have all of them think about designing a large space, you will get more detailed designs the smaller the space you give them to design. Perhaps each group designs a separate patch

Installation & Maintenance There is now a map that is to scale of the front of the EcoHouse. In addition, I have created a map of all the plants we put in. Circles represent plants at their mature widths. Essential Maintenance: •

Move the pear tree THIS FALL (2012). It will get huge and shade out the front of the house

Sheet mulch twice a year. Sheet mulching suppresses weeds (without the use of chemicals) and adds nutrients and organic matter to the soil. To sheet mulch: o

Do not weed


Add a thin layer of compost, 1 – 2 inches

Ohio University Ecohouse Residential Guide o

On top of this add a layer of cardboard. Make sure layers of cardboard overlap to avoid weeds coming up through the cracks


If it is windy, wet down the cardboard to keep it from sliding and blowing away.


Add a thick layer of wood chips. If weeds are bad add a layer about 6 inches thick, if they are not bad, 2 – 4 inches should be fine.

Spot weed as needed, though if the mulching is done properly it won’t be too difficult.

Water as needed. Once plants are well established this should be done more on a weekly basis than a daily basis. Though who knows with the weather.

Eventual Maintenance •

Prune the service berry if it gets too tall

Gooseberries may need to be thinned and their canes pruned.

For specific pruning tips simply google ‘pruning gooseberries’ for more details and pictures.

Branches of the Goji will root where they touch the ground. If you don’t mind it spreading let it be. If you don’t want it to spread out you can trellis the branches so they stay off the ground.

If the bare spaces are getting weedy consider planting more to fill in the space for the time being and removing it or letting it die when it gets crowded out.

Moving forward •

Repeat with a different space and keep pushing those edges!

Create an EcoHouse Landscape Guide eBook (Like Weston’s slideshow) that give necessary details for each plant. Information should include: picture, common name, Latin name, sun requirements, water requirements, maintenance tips, uses & suggestions of additional plants for appropriate areas: Multipurpose fruit , culinary, tea & medicinal.

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