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Methodology sourcing Climate Actions from Cities in Asia and the Pacific
This publication has come to life as a result of a multistep process involving ADB, Sustainia, and on-the-ground sustainability experts from cities across Asia and the Pacific.
Finding the solutions: Local consultants with expertise in sustainable urban development completed initial research on city projects and solutions. With guidance from ADB and Sustainia, the local experts then gathered information and data on the solutions from across Asia and the Pacific to aid the assessment and selection process.
Assessing and selecting the solutions: Upon submission of the solutions, ADB’s urban experts assessed each case based on the five selection criteria. With guidance from Sustainia, the solutions that best met the criteria were put forward to be featured in this publication.
Each case has been assessed on the following five criteria:
ClIMATE ACTION The expected or achieved CO₂ reduction and/or climate risk mitigation of the project
CO-BENEFITs The extent to which the project has positive cobenefits (economic, environmental, health, and social) in addition to its climate change mitigation and CO₂ reductions
INNOVATION The extent to which the project takes an entirely new or groundbreaking approach to address major environmental issues
GOVERNANCE How well the project is incorporated into larger city plans, collaborates with other entities in the city, and engages citizens in the project’s development and implementation
shARING ANd sCAlING The extent to which the project experience is shared with other cities and regions, and the future potential to scale the project within the city