Danish Pioneers - Building the World of Tomorrow

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5,000 DAYS TO SOLVE THE WORLD’S BIGGEST CHALLENGES! This calls for a new generation of pioneers – and a new Sustainable Development Goal

This publication is a wake-up call. The world is confronted with a challenge of a magnitude and complexity we haven’t experienced before and for which we are lacking available and proven solutions. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as agreed upon by 193 nations in September 2015, outline the battles we must win before the end of 2030 to protect and preserve the planet for future generations. But the challenges are speeding up, and we risk running out of time. As a matter of fact, we have just about 5,000 days left to implement the 17 SDGs and address some of the world’s biggest risks. This will take unprecedented efforts on all levels of society, and by all nations around the world. In short, we need to test new technologies, develop new business models, form new partnership constellations, and create new narratives. For that reason, Sustainia has launched a new and very ambitious initiative: “Sustainia Living Lab 2030.” We believe Denmark could be the first global lab exploring how a nation can turn the 17 Global Goals into a new model for the world of tomorrow and of how sustainability can reinvent what competitiveness is all about. But the project also serves another very important mission: demonstrating how to involve the people in fulfilling the SDGs by making the goals relatable. In a way, this is the world’s most urgent and critical communication venture. That calls for an additional Global Goal – number 18 – how to make people understand the existing 17 goals and help them translate these goals into concrete action.

Sustainia Living

The Sustainia Living event, to be held the 8th of February 2017 in The Royal Danish Opera House, is the kick-off to that mission. This event, and the publication at hand, focus on the importance of having pioneers inspire us all to build the world of tomorrow, and thereby hopefully create a movement that will spread, not only in Denmark, but worldwide. If successful, we can no doubt accomplish impressive results in 5,000 days. The publication also explains why we believe Denmark is the obvious choice for a global sustainability lab, and why we feel Sustainia can act as a catalyst. For seven years, we have worked intensively to turn global risks into new opportunities, and in our efforts we have reached millions of people in most countries in the world. For us, it is an obligation to demonstrate our commitment to the mission of making the Sustainable Development Goals a true “people’s agenda.” Let us all make 18 our number.

We invite you to join!



Table of contents “We believe Denmark could be the first global lab exploring how a nation can turn the 17 Global Goals into a new model - and how sustainability can reinvent what competitiveness is all about�

Make 18 your number! Creating a new inclusive language to involve people in the Sustainable Development Goals.


Denmark: the sustainable flagship of tomorrow?

Erik Rasmussen Founder & CEO of Sustainia

How to turn Denmark into one big sustainability lab.


The take-off to your sustainable lifestyle Sustainia Living kicks off a new pioneering movement!

06 How to disrupt the world of tomorrow

From opera house to greenhouse Insights from the designer behind the scenography for the Sustainia Living event.



Digital solutions will change the game of sustainable business.



Meet 10 pioneers building a competitive, sustainable Denmark Interviews with 10 Danish sustainable lifestyle pioneers.


26 For us, sustainability is a mindset and a

business driver, Grundfos 28 Let us address the challenges through urban

planning, Gehl 30 We should rethink our approach to food

production, Naturli’ Foods

Explore Sustainia A world leader in navigating the new market opportunities for the Sustainable Development Goals.


32 We lead by example on energy efficiency,

Danfoss 34 Sustainability is about enriching people’s lives,

AART architects 36 The cleanest energy is the one that is not

consumed, ROCKWOOL 38 We need to change the focus from “doing

less bad” to “doing good”, KLS PurePrint


Making sustainability your business


The Global Opportunity Report


Identifying city solutions for an urbanizing world


Explore new business opportunities with us

40 Exporting the ‘Danish way of life’ is a golden

opportunity, the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts - KADK 42 Make Denmark a testing ground

for new solutions, Realdania

Also featured: 22

44 We aim to build a bridge between great taste


and great health, Meyer’s Contract Catering


Denmark in numbers What’s your choice? The world in numbers

Editor in chief: Erik Rasmussen. Editorial team: Emil Damgaard Grann, Anders Nolting Magelund and Solveig Pétursdóttir Madsen. Design: Ángel Herrera and Linnea Rylander Hansen. Proofreading: Justin Gerdes. Reach us here: Bredgade 34, 1st floor - 1260 Copenhagen K, Denmark  www.sustainia.me | sustainia@sustainia.me |  @sustainia  |  facebook.com/sustainia  | linkedin.com/company/-sustainia-  |


ISSN: 978-87-93038-52-3


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The takeoff to your sustainable lifestyle Sustainia Living in the Royal Danish Opera House Your choice is our future. These five words encapsulate the challenges and opportunities we all face. We all have the chance to be part of the solution for creating a sustainable society for ourselves, our children, and the generations to come. This is why we have created Sustainia Living.

do so, or they find it difficult to identify sustainable solutions. To go against this tendency, Sustainia Living emphasizes the power of individual lifestyle choices and showcases how readily available innovative solutions can help us make cleaner, greener, and fairer lifestyle choices.

As we only have 5,000 days to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges – as set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – we need to put immediate action behind the ambitious goals. We can only succeed if we manage to turn fulfilling the goals into a true “people’s agenda.” With Sustainia Living, we aim for that.

On our journey, we will team up with pioneering minds who see scarcity as an opportunity to innovate and demonstrate that sustainability and a fun and fashionable lifestyle do not have to be mutually exclusive – quite the opposite.

On February 8th 2017, Sustainia Living is – together with this publication – kicking off a new movement to turn the technical language of the SDGs into an engaging and inclusive language everyone can understand and relate to. That means communicating and demonstrating how each of us through our daily choices can both create a healthy and sustainable life ourselves and contribute to fulfillment of the SDGs. This is probably the most important communication challenge of our time. While an increasing number of consumers desire sustainable lifestyles, many lack the knowledge to

To kick-off the Sustainia Living initiative, business and consumers have been invited to join us on the night of February 8th at the Royal Danish Opera House to explore how each of us through our daily choices can drive innovation for a sustainable future. On this spectacular evening, Danish and international pioneers will share stories about sustainable solutions that can create new opportunities and business ventures. The more than 1,500 tickets quickly sold out, sending a clear message: people are ready for the take-off to a sustainable future.


Meet the take-off team On the night of February 8th, 2017, these pioneers gather for the Sustainia Living event in the Royal Danish Opera House to share inspiring stories of how the choices we make every day – including what we eat, what we wear and how we live – can improve our world, not harm it.

NIKOLAJ KOPPEL Host of the evening. Danish pianist, TV-host & Tivoli Vice President





Culinary entrepreneur, food activist, author, professor & TV-host

Fmr. EU Commissioner for Climate Action & Sustainia Award Committee member

Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact




Founding Architect of BIG

CEO of Realdania

Founder & Creative Director of Eco Age




Founder of Fashion4Development

Rector of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KADK)

Founder & CEO of Sustainia

Sustainia Living

We care At Kvadrat we continuously seek to push the aesthetic , artistic and technological boundaries of textile design. We create high quality products that help architects to shape architectural spaces; designers and furniture manufactures to craft and produce furnitures; and consumers to bring tactility and colour into their private homes. This is our way of contributing to the creation of beautiful interiors that increase the quality of people’s life. At the same time, we strive to consistently reduce our impact on the environment. A responsible approach to our production and our processes is part of our corporate and design philosophy. Ever since our company was founded in 1968, we have had a strong focus on minimising our environmental impact throughout all processes from design to delivery, while ensuring a healthy working environment. We buy ‘green power’ produced from new Danish windmills, that are less than 2 years old and heat supplied from the local district heating plant in Ebeltoft that is generated using wood chips, which are CO2 neutral. Within our product development, we prioritise high-quality products with a reduced environmental impact (without compromising on design and price) by continuously searching for the best possible alternative production methods and materials. Our processes and finished products all reflect a focus on enhancing the well-being of the people involved in production, as well as those who use the finished product and eventually dispose of the product. A number of our products have been awarded an EU Ecolabel and we are carrying out life-cycle assessment on all our textiles. Until recently, we could only recommend disposing of our textiles by burning them to gather the thermal energy at combustion plants. However, we are working on different possibilities for recycling our used products. One way we recycle is by supplying ‘seconds’, which are textiles that are no longer in our standard collection, to places such as charitable institutions. There, they are used to add to ‘quality of space’. Seen from a long-term perspective, all raw materials and resources are finite. Mindful of this, we only develop high-quality products with a long life span. We also focus on finding new ways to transform our products into raw materials once they have reached the end of their life. In 2014, we acquired part ownership of REALLY and expect to launch new product categories of upcycled wool and cotton in 2017.



FROM OPERA HOUSE TO GREENHOUSE The story behind the scenography for the Sustainia Living event By Andreas Bogh

MY MOTIVATION Many people have grown tired of words like “sustainability” and “greenhouse gases.” These words and issues do not seem to have the same impact as they used to because they have been communicated in the same way over and over again. Sure, many people have become more aware of the consequences of climate change, but clearly not enough. There are still people who turn a blind eye to climate change and the many challenges the world is currently facing. Either because of information overload, or because the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are so incomprehensible people distance themselves from the goals. There is a major gap in communication to be filled, which poses a challenge given that the 17 goals have been declared “the people’s agenda” by former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. This is where art and culture become relevant. Art and culture comprise the tools and means to translate the ambitious-but-complicated goals into a language that can attract people’s attention and make them feel the 17 SDGs are something they can engage in and act upon. Art and culture can help tell the stories of our global challenges as the drama they really are, and tell it in a way so it affects us all. It has the ability to unify us all through a more appealing and global language. We cannot only rely on world leaders to create the change we want – eventually, it comes down to each and every one of us to make a difference. When I began working on the proposal for the scenography of the Sustainia Living event in the Royal Danish Opera House, it was very important for me to illustrate this story through the stage design; to try and turn these big incomprehensible goals and problems into something very near and


dear; going from the universal questions to the intimate answers. In doing so, I also strived to make people a part of the “stage” by breaking down the established barrier between stage and audience, just as I would like to break the communication barrier between scientists and people. I came up with the idea of turning the Royal Danish Opera House into the world’s biggest greenhouse laboratory for one night. The fact that the opera house, with its glass façade, itself looks like a greenhouse helped me in further developing on this premise. When speaking about climate change, a greenhouse is usually viewed very negatively, as it is also the classic metaphor for the process of how the Earth is getting warmer. But what to associate with a greenhouse is simply a matter of perspective, as a greenhouse is also a place for trees and plants to bloom and blossom – just like all the ideas and solutions that hopefully will create a brighter tomorrow. So, using Sustainia’s own words, it is all about “turning risks into opportunities.” THE NARRATIVE OF THE SCENOGRAPHY On February 8th, the plot of the scenography already begins at the opera’s foyer, as Act 0, breaking down the barrier between stage and audience. Here the “show” is kicked off with the “Universal Room,” the greenhouse, a space and image people can relate to. Here, we are met by plants and trees, but probably not in a fashion most people have seen before. Worm-shaped plant-islands, called the “Sustainia Living Gardens,” exhibit the Sustainia Living partners’ ideas, products, and solutions as if they were seeds rooted and grown out of the green landscape (see picture 1). As Act 1 begins, the “Universal Room” and the plant-designs from Act 0 continue on stage. The glass structure from the foyer

is to some extent recreated on stage with a view to the Copenhagen skyline – a view to the actual place where the change needs to happen (see picture 2). By now, the whole opera house has been transformed by melting the foyer and the stage together to create one big greenhouse (see picture 3). When Act 2 begins, the scenography moves closer to the audience, both mentally and physically, as the whole stage and the speakers direct our attention towards food, fashion, and architecture. Because it is here the ideas and solutions needs to be integrated, in our homes and in our lifestyles. During Act 3, the last part of the show, the scenography becomes even more intimate, as we are presented with a big mirror on stage that reflects the audience and reminds them they are responsible for creating change. But, as the audience looks around, they will also spot their fellow theatergoers, who will remind them they are not going to do the job alone. With the closing of Act 3, the event in the opera house is over, but the real show is actually just getting started for all of us. We are all “contagious” with the new insights, impressions, and information from the show; this means each and every one of us is responsible for spreading and transmitting the words and messages we have been exposed to. This is Act 4, and with a symbolic gift of a pencil containing seeds, we should all go home and plant our future, because now the stage is really set.

Andreas is studying Production Design at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KADK), and has been responsible for the exhibition and scenography for the Sustainia Living event.

Sustainia Living

1. Act 0: The “Universal Room” in the foyer.

01. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

2. Act 1: The “Universal Room” at the stage.

3. A global greenhouse.

4. The narrative.

Sustainia Living


MAKE 18 YOUR NUMBER! We need a new language to communicate about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals - a language we can all speak and understand. We call this new language goal number 18. It will determine whether we can solve the world’s biggest challenges in 5,000 days.

You might have heard about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Now we introduce to you an additional goal – the 18th goal. The 18th goal holds the key to achieving the 17. It is about communicating the 17 SDGs and making people around the world adopt them as their own. World leaders agreed on a historic, ambitious global agenda when they adopted the SDGs, also known as the Global Goals. Never before have world leaders pledged common action and endeavor across such a broad and universal policy agenda. One hundred and sixty-nine targets accompany the 17 goals and set out quantitative and qualitative objectives for the next 5,000 days. The SDGs thereby represent a blueprint for the world we must build by 2030. It is an ambitious agenda spanning all sectors in society. However, despite the comprehensiveness of the Global Goals, world leaders left a major blind spot: How to communicate the SDGs and make it a true “people’s agenda”, as former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for. 5,000 DAYS TO SOLVE HUMANITY’S GREATEST CHALLENGE Achieving the SDGs by 2030 is likely to be the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. To ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all, which is just one of the 17 SDGs, requires nothing less than a fundamental overhaul of the world’s energy systems. Similarly, the goal of reducing inequality within and among countries presents an enormous and pressing challenge to the international community.


Adding to the magnitude of the challenge is the interconnectedness of the 17 Global Goals. The SDGs break with the siloed approach to global development, promoting the integration of economic, social, and environmental aspects. Achievement of one goal does therefore necessitate achievement of all of the goals. We cannot win the battle against poverty if we do not take urgent action to fight climate change and rising inequality. The challenges are, in other words, enormous. We need to take urgent action, and time is not on our side. We have only 5,000 days to ensure a sustainable future for all. It is an ambitious task and a lot is at stake. If we do not meet the SDGs by 2030, it will have incomprehensible consequences for all societies: natural disasters will appear more frequently and we will experience a larger influx of refugees, more extreme weather, rise of social unrest, and a global fight for access to natural resources. A NEED FOR CHANGE IN LIFESTYLE AND MINDSET With the adoption of the Global Goals, the world has been given an unprecedented, but needed, task. To achieve the SDGs and ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all demands a transformation of our societies, mindsets, and lifestyles. The agenda is therefore relevant to all actors in society. To change our lifestyle and mindsets, we cannot only depend on the efforts of world leaders. We all need to take action. Bridging the gap between the high-minded ambitions of the Global Goals and the everyday experience of consumers is, thus, paramount to achieving the SDGs. This is why we have developed the 18th SDG – to ensure the fulfillment of the existing 17 SDGs.

Sustainia Living

SDG 18: TRANSLATING THE SDGS INTO CONCRETE ACTIONS The SDGs represent a powerful common agenda for achieving peace, prosperity, and sustainable societies by 2030 – but they do not tell us how to do so. By communicating and demonstrating how each of us through our daily choices can contribute to the fulfilment of the Global Goals, we will turn the SDGs into a true “people’s agenda.” This is the most important communication challenge of our time!

2030. To make this scenario a reality, we will develop Sustainia Living Lab 2030. We will launch the Lab with the ambition to test, develop, and deliver the solutions and products that will enable consumers to contribute to the fulfillment of the SDGs. We invite all actors in society to take part in the Lab and through interactive and collaborative efforts develop the missing recipe for how to achieve the SDGs – first we start in Denmark then we will move on to the rest of the world!

We will never succeed with the existing 17 SDGs if we do not demonstrate and tell the story of how each of the goals resonates individually to all of us. We need to turn the technical language of the SDGs into an engaging and inclusive language everyone can understand and relate to. It is, in other words, not sufficient that only “the usual suspects” (states, IOs, NGOs, and scientists etc.) speak the language of the SDGs. The entire world needs to be fluent in this language. To mobilize people across the world, we need to make SDGs seem more manageable and less remote from people’s everyday experience. Trying to grasp and translate the 17 SDGs and the 169 targets into concrete actions is overwhelming to most people. By communicating concrete solutions in an engaging fashion, we can help people draw hope from the Global Goals, and make consumers understand how through their daily choices they have a great impact on our common future. The fundamental premise being that safeguarding the future of planet and people depends on each of us making better choices – because what we eat, how we live, and what we wear impact the planet and those we share it with. INTRODUCING SUSTAINIA LIVING LAB 2030 The 18th SDG represents a new way of thinking about the Global Goals. It is a tool to make the existing 17 goals more tangible and accessible, allowing consumers to more actively involve themselves in the creation of a better future – a future where 18 is more than just a number, but a mindset and a commitment to sustainability. However, for consumers to make better choices, we need creative pioneers to test and develop sustainable innovative solutions that make leading a sustainable lifestyle easy and attractive. So, whenever a consumer needs a service or a product there will always be sustainable options serving the SDG endpoints envisaged for

What are the Sustainable Development Goals? In 2015, members of the United Nations adopted the SDGs to guide sustainable global development towards 2030. The SDGs are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The goals are interconnected and include areas such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, and sustainable consumption.

Sustainia Living


DENMARK: THE SUSTAINABLE FLAGSHIP OF TOMORROW? Why don’t we turn Denmark into one big living lab testing how achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 5,000 days can boost sustainable competitiveness and foster more sustainable lifestyles?

Let us imagine… What if Denmark chose to strive for the world championship in building a sustainable society? What if Denmark was turned into a global lab showcasing and communicating how a country, fast and determined, could implement the 17 SDGs? What if Denmark positioned itself as the example of how bottom-up movements can make big and enduring changes? What if Denmark developed the world’s 18th SDG by demonstrating how people can be involved in the 17 existing goals? What if Denmark developed a new sustainable version of the famous Nordic Supermodel as an rolemodel for other countries to follow? The questions above are more relevant than ever, and we believe the corresponding answers are clear: Within the next 5,000 days, Denmark has a unique opportunity to reinvent the welfare model and set new standards and norms for being a modern, sustainable society. The world is searching for solutions to address the world’s biggest risks. One hundred and ninety-three nations adopted the 17 SDGs as goals that must be met and set 2030 as the deadline for implementing them. There is no doubt this is by far the biggest challenge the world has ever faced. Not just because of the time pressure, but also because of the complex and interrelated nature of the challenges. That calls for an unprecedented, coordinated effort across the globe, and that effort needs to include the real change-makers – the people. They hold the key to real breakthroughs. That challenge has inspired and prompted Sustainia to launch Sustainia Living Lab 2030 and turn the five “what ifs” of Denmark into reality. However, making Denmark a global lab for how a nation on all levels can cope with some of the SDGs will not save the world alone. But it might be one of the initiatives that could spread worldwide and be an important game-changer – documenting how far and fast the world can move in 5,000 days, and why the SDG number 18 (see page 11) can make a huge difference.


DEVELOPING SUSTAINIA LIVING LAB 2030 The mission of Sustainia Living Lab 2030 is very ambitious, but necessary. We argue Denmark is an obvious candidate for developing the first national sustainability lab. And, of course, it takes a lot of imagination and innovation to succeed. The standards and norms for the initiative are without any precedent, since we find ourselves in a unique historic situation. But its overall mission builds on the classic triple bottom-line: planet, people, and profit: 1) Accelerating the fulfillment of the 17 SDGs and the building of more sustainable societies 2) Making it easier and more attractive for people to lead a sustainable life 3) Opening new markets and opportunities for businesses This agenda requires that we will contest and rethink the models business and societies use to navigate. Sustainia Living Lab 2030 will test new technologies, new business models, new partnership constellations, and new communication strategies and storytelling. On an overarching level, our aim will be to develop methods and processes that include and understand the dynamics and speed of the changes we see on a national and global scale, and continuously identify and test new solutions to these new challenges. As a golden rule, the lab will apply “the 4 Cs”: connecting, commitment, co-creating, and communicating. Connecting: The lab connects leading sustainable pioneers, whether academic institutions, organizations, companies, investors, or foundations. All of these various actors share the ambition and vision of making Denmark a role model for implementing the Global Goals. Commitment: The participants should be committed to delivering concrete, measureable results within a given time frame. Co-creating: Ideas and solutions will be co-created in the lab, guided by the respective partners’ different mindset and experience, ensuring the lab offers a holistic, systemic approach to systemic challenges. Communicating: The impact of the lab will depend on how its progress and accomplishments are communicated. It is all about storytelling, about choosing a language and narratives that engage wider audiences – inspire them to rethink their choices and priorities and act accordingly.

Sustainia Living

Sustainia Living Lab 2030 will focus on cities, houses, buildings, transportation, food, fashion, and health and well-being, thus addressing eight of the 17 SDGs. These clusters were chosen because they represent areas where Denmark has strong competencies, and where the global markets are rapidly expanding.

The first step in building the Lab will be a mapping of Danish strengths and experiences within sustainable solutions in the various sectors in the “Sustainia Living Circle.” Depending on the lessons learned, the Lab will later expand its focus. The Lab is expected to be operating by spring 2017.

The market potentials in these sectors are well documented in the “Better Business, Better World” report initiated by Business & Sustainable Development Commission and presented during World Economic Forum’s summit in Davos, in January 2017. The report estimates that food, agriculture, cities, energy, materials, and health and well-being represent future markets worth $12 trillion per year – considered a conservative estimate. The report foresees that implementation of the SDGs will expand the potential by 2 to 3 times.


BUILDING THE LAB – NEXT STEPS Sustainia Living Lab 2030 is not just a vision; it is work in progress. Sustainia has initiated a dialogue with leading companies, institutions, and organizations that have expressed considerable interest in joining the project. The focus is to develop a shared game plan, ensuring all partners agree on the terms and expectations. The first partner and co-founder of the Lab is the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KADK). In the spring of 2016, KADK made the decision to devote the next three academic years to develop design and architecture that can contribute to the 17 SDGs. That makes KADK a global role model and pioneer in the field of sustainability and a great example of how academia, such as an architecture and design school, can play an active and important role in solving some of the biggest challenges ahead.

Sustainia Living

We believe there are several convincing arguments for selecting Denmark as the obvious candidate for hosting such a global sustainability Lab for testing how we can accelerate the implementation of the 17 SDGs. To start with, Denmark is one of the countries furthest along in fulfilling most of the Global Goals. According to the “SDG index & Dashboards,” made in 2016 by Bertelsmann Stiftung and Sustainable Solutions Network, Denmark is the second-best performing country in these matters, after Sweden. The Nordic countries are all well-placed in the top. This might be due to a unique combination of three factors: trust, the business environment, and the economy. The trust factor: The high level of trust and general life satisfaction is an integrated part of the DNA of Danish culture. Some examples: 96% of Danes believe they know someone they could rely on in time of need, which is higher than the OECD average of 88%, and one of the highest figures among OECD countries. According to the World Happiness Index, Danes are the happiest people in the world, and, add to that, Denmark also has the highest life satisfaction among OECD countries. Denmark’s income taxes are among the highest worldwide, but most Danes regard this as investing collectively in a better society.


The business factor: The business factor is highly important as well. Denmark ranks 12th in the global competitive rankings for 2016-2017, according to World Economic Forum. Denmark is an innovation leader and ranks as one of the best performing EU member states in the 2016 European Innovation Scoreboard. In terms of sustainable business, Denmark has a long and rich history of green energy solutions, which places the country fourth on the Sustainable Competitiveness Index. The economic factor: The third factor deals with the unique economic profile of Denmark. We have the 9th largest GDP per capita globally, despite having one of the lowest numbers of working hours in the world. Our level of income inequality is the third-lowest in the world, due to a very efficient and well-functioning welfare system. Most Danes favor that quality over lower taxes. Welfare services like health, education, and care for the elderly are paying off in the long term, since this has resulted in one of the strongest economies in the world. Together these factors may comprise a strong parameter for global sustainable competitiveness and growth. THE RISK FACTOR: But these three factors alone do not guarantee sustainable success. There are also challenges. Denmark has renewed itself during generations via the mobilization of broad movements – movements like the cooperation movement or the folk high school movement engaged people and were some of the secret drivers of the Danish welfare system. But the Danish way might be disrupted by new realities in the future, demanding faster actions than movements can deliver. Denmark’s resilience to systemic challenges will be determined by our ability to take advantage of the strengths of the three unique factors mentioned above. One disruptive force we need to address is digitalization, which presents Denmark with a major challenge – and opportunity (read more on p. 18) WHY SUSTAINIA? – A GLOBAL OPPORTUNITY LEADER Sustainia has seven years of experience in turning global risks into new opportunities, and will in 2017 take new ambitious steps to consolidate its strong global position. In close partnership with the UN Global Compact and the leading Norwegian corporation DNV GL, and supported by Realdania, Sustainia launches the “Global Opportunity Explorer,” in April 2017. It will be the world’s leading platform for sustainable opportunities and solutions. It will also feature pioneers from all parts of the


world – and include a group of international corporations and CEOs as strategic partners and co-founders. The overall focus is to explore the benefits of turning the 17 goals into new economic, political, social, and business ventures. the “Global Opportunity Explorer” will be the place to go for anyone looking for new partners, new investments, new pioneers, and new ideas. Among others, our various platforms have published: - Three editions of the Global Opportunity Report – analyzed how 15 major global risks can be transformed into 45 market opportunities. This work is based on insights from 18,000 business leaders from around the globe. - Five editions of Sustainia100 – identified 4,500 sustainable technologies, projects, and business models deployed in 188 countries around the world. - Two editions of Cities100 (and a third in the making) – containing hundreds of examples of climate action in cities. - Creation of a global network of media partners that ensures a potential outreach to more than 100 million people worldwide, including a dedicated global community of more than 60,000 people in the sustainability field. An obvious next step for Sustainia is to involve the real game-changer – the people. As previously outlined, Sustainia Living Lab 2030 will focus on how the producers of sustainable products and services can make it easier for the users to live sustainably. AN EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW Our world must be changed, and someone must show the world the SDGs can be achieved while improving quality of life. We believe Denmark has the unique prerequisites for becoming such a point of reference when it comes to any successful implementation of the Global Goals. Ultimately, Sustainia Living Lab 2030 wants to transform the 17 SDGs into one living model based on Danish values and Denmark’s historical competencies to showcase and communicate what kind of society the goals create, and why it can become an attractive option for all levels in a given society. In fact, we claim Denmark as a country is too privileged not to pursue this ambitious undertaking. By launching this living lab we will make transformations happen, and we will hopefully create a movement centered on the belief that solutions can be found. But we cannot do this alone. We need unique pioneers to join forces.

Sustainia Living

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Nopa Nordic


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Through our business we contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals





The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to achieve three extraordinary challenges by 2030; end poverty, combat climate change, and fight injustice and inequality. Title here Title here Title here Throughout our whole value chain we at BASF strive to contribute to the achievement of Description here Description here Description here these goals with our innovations and solutions.








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For each SDG, there are examples of BASFs contributions. From a global perspective BASF sees its main contribution in the SDGs above.

“The global challenges we face to keep the earth healthy, creates enormous demands on all of us, not least us at BASF, as we are a supplier and partner for almost any industry in the world. As a result of this we see innovative solutions from the chemical industry as an important contributor to a sustainable future. At BASF sustainability is a driving force in everything we do as we see it as a starting point for the development of new business opportunities and therefore as an important growth driver.


UN Goals

One example of how BASF actively can contribute to the achievement of the UN SDGs is the way in which we systematically steer our entire portfolio towards more sustainable solutions Waste Reduction UN Goals supporting our customers’ needs. In this context we have screened more than 60,000 of our solutions based on a series of sustainability criteria to guide innovation and product portfolio management.”

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Mark Meier, Managing Director BASF Nordic/Baltic.


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For more information about Sustainable Solution Steering® please visit:


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UN Goals

UN Goals

Waste Reduction

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UN Sustainable Development Goals


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HOW TO DISRUPT THE WORLD OF TOMORROW Digitalization is a possible game-changer for how to successfully implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. But Danish companies are lagging behind and that challenges Denmark’s position as a sustainable frontrunner. We need bigger digital ambitions, and we need faster implementation.

In some respects, Denmark is also last in class. The sheer facts speak their irrefutable truths. In Denmark, every person leaves a waste footprint of 27.1 tons annually.1 We should be leaving half as much by 2030, according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our renewable energy share of the total energy consumption is 28%. Still way behind the target of 65%. Our CO2 emissions of 7.1 tons per capita are far from the targeted 4.2 tons. All this is contributing to putting Denmark on an unflattering 4th place when it comes to the ecological footprint. There is a strong and urgent need for decarbonizing and dematerializing production and consumption in Denmark. For this reason, Sustainia Living Lab 2030 will be teaming up with Accenture under the preliminary headline “sustainable disruption” to map and explore the opportunities within the new exciting crossroads between sustainability and digitalization. “There is a huge untapped potential here,” Kristoffer Hvidsteen, Sustainability Lead at Accenture, says. “But in Denmark we are coming up short when it comes to innovating digital solutions to improve our competitiveness and sustainable performance,” he adds. “We need to move from incremental improvements to step change, with 10x improvements that the new technologies enable.” The digital transformation is a pivotal enabler for sustainable value creation. While it may appear as a relatively marginal factor now, it will become an immense challenge in the near future if Denmark does not set up a strategy for transition now. Again, we are reminded of the mantra of digitalization: inaction is the greatest threat. GeSI and Accenture Strategy recently published the joint report #SystemTransformation that demonstrated how digital solutions can close the SDGs achievement gaps by transforming how we live, work, and produce. In fact, the report states that every country has achievement gaps in more than half of the SDGs,

Sustainia Living

and more than a quarter of countries have achievement gaps in all 17 SDGs. It furthermore found that digital solutions from all areas of life could directly contribute to SDG achievement: to all 17 goals and more than 50% of the 169 underlying targets. One of the strengths of digitalization is that digital solutions can diffuse extremely quickly across all aspects in society and reach a large majority of the world’s population. Interestingly, the report also gives examples of how digital solutions drive business value by addressing SDG 5, 7, 12, and 13, which are the ones Denmark is falling behind on. WHY LIVING UNWORRIED IS LIVING SUSTAINABLE One obvious example of drawing sustainable benefits from digital solutions is setting up LED and light sensors that would enable up to 90% energy savings from lighting. But that just scratches the surface. Companies can benefit in so many other ways from incorporating digitalization in their business strategies to make them sustainable and create customer-centered win-win scenarios. “Let me give you an example,” Kristoffer Hvidsteen says. “Michelin chose to have a service-oriented approach to their tires instead of an ownership-oriented approach. In reality, their clients didn’t want to pay for the tires, but rather for the kilometers they drove. The French tire giant started to incorporate new technologies like sensors in their tires to measure, control, and improve performance. If the tires were losing air or needed to be repaired or replaced, the sensors would inform Michelin and they would take care of it.” Customers would save fuel, all while not having to worry about all of the headaches related to tire ownership like maintenance and repair. The approach also gave Michelin an incentive to produce better end-to-end performing tires, to save on total life-cycle costs. ”The sum total of all these changes is actually a better, cheaper, and more sustainable

“In Denmark we are coming up short when it comes to innovating digital solutions to improve our competitiveness and sustainable performance”


performance! All by harnessing new digital solutions to provide tire-as-a-service.” ‘AMP UP THE POWER’ IN THE FOOD CLUSTER But Denmark is not yet seizing the large spectrum of these opportunities, Kristoffer Hvidsteen emphasizes. “One reason could be that Denmark traditionally has looked at solutions in a certain way with a certain mindset and historically been extremely successful at it. Unfortunately, that has also diverted focus from new innovative and customer-centric digital business models. Are wind mills the main energy solution? There is evidence that storage, PV, and digitalized smart microgrids is another way ahead. In fact, some predict energy will be a free commodity – what happens then to our current long-term investments?” Kristoffer believes the biggest opportunities in Denmark right now are to be found in the food and clothing clusters. “The ‘stop food waste’ movement can make a step change by embracing more ‘digital’ approaches. But we need to ‘amp up the power’ in the food cluster.” Smarter digital solutions can make us reduce waste in everything from our daily consumption to crop production and

“Some predict energy will be a free commodity – what happens then to our current long term investments?” processing. The solutions prevent waste and will permit the food cluster to become more customer centric, more competitive, and more sustainable. “Once the dairy producer understands, how I prefer to consume, then I can get better and cheaper milk without waste and hassle. I hate running out of milk and I hate wasting it, too. It’s not easy but doable to get a good fit through technology,” Kristoffer says. “Systematically understanding individual customers’ behaviors enable producers to tell you more about your preferences and patterns than you would ever be able to do yourself!” But all this requires that consumers have trust in companies collecting their data, which might represent a psychological and ethical barrier.

tion to the circular economy, resulting in a staggering 20% food waste savings by 2030, according to the GeSI-Accenture Strategy report. Likewise, with regards to combating climate change, energy savings can be realized by a complete Internet of Things (IoT) smart grid. An intelligent combination of smart cities, smart building, smart energy, smart manufacturing, smart mobility, and so forth would enable a 20% cut in global carbon emissions by 2030. If all this sounds like a science fiction novel, Kristoffer believes this is wholly feasible. “We do have the financial capacity and a healthy level of trust to do this in Denmark. In fact, we could do it quicker than others, but we need political will and corporate courage as well as a shift in mindset.” Denmark scores very high in digitalization generally speaking, but we need to bridge this dexterity more intelligently to the sustainability and the competitiveness agenda. Simply because there are obvious economic gains in it. “This should be a strong motivator. Because there is nothing the Danes like more than a good deal.” Kristoffer concludes: “You know: Somewhere somebody else is already doing these things. We need to act now if we don’t want Denmark to lose out on the next industrial revolution.”

Smart solutions Smart digital solutions hold enormous potential to decouple emissions and resource use from economic growth. Relying on digital data smart solutions provides meaningful and actionable data that allows customers and producers to use resources more efficiently. Smart solutions work across all sectors. Within agriculture, the recent development and dissemination of advanced technological tools allow farmers to get better weather and climate data, which improves farmers’ ability to know which crops to plant, when to harvest etc.

SENSORS EQUAL SAVINGS In terms of industrial production, the new digital era presents us with a plethora of smart solutions. One example being smart farming or “precision agriculture”: Smart solutions can greatly optimize farm management by using automated irrigation systems, soil sensors and satellites, and integrated real-time weather information, traceability and tracking systems. This can improve production and consumption patterns, enabling the transforma-


1 Numbers according to underlying data of the GeSI – Accenture Strategy Report #SystemTransformation, 2016.

Sustainia Living

sweet dreams are made of this...

Who ARE WE to disagree? travel the world with the 17

Goodwings is a unique online hotel portal with more than 250.000 hotels worldwide. We have teamed up with leading charities and every time you book at Goodwings.com, we donate money to a charity who are working in support of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Combine your love for travel, with your passion for making a positive impact at www.goodwings.com



Denmark in numbers



is Denmark’s global rank on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 1

of Danish consumers find it difficult to identify climate friendly products 5



of Denmark’s total electricity consumption was produced by wind power in 2016 2

is Denmark’s global rank regarding highest ecological footprint per capita 6



of Copenhageners ride their bikes to work or school 3

is the weight of clothes a Dane buys a year, of which 50% never gets reused or recycled 7



of Denmark’s food market consists of organic products. This gives Denmark a world record 4

is the total cost of food waste for Danish consumers per year 8

Sources: 1. Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2016. 2. Energinet.dk. 3. Municipality of Copenhagen.4. Økologisk Landsforening. 5. Concito, 2016. 6. WWF Living Planet Report, 2014. 7. Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark, 2014. 8. Danish Agriculture & Food Council, 2014.

Sustainia Living




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10 pioneers building a competitive, sustainable


On the following pages, executives from 10 successful Danish businesses and organizations explain how sustainability drives their business and boosts their competitiveness. These pioneers show the way in how to design greener buildings, create more livable cities, produce healthier food, and create more efficient and circular business models. The pioneers are good examples of the Danish mindset that always places quality of life at the center of any business, which is also why Sustainia is proud to count them as kindred spirits and partners in our sustainable

Meet the pioneers

lifestyle movement. Each of these people and companies forms pieces of the puzzle we need to solve in order to bridge the gap between the high-minded ambitions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the everyday life of consumers. Join us on the pages to follow and get inspired learning how these companies create value from sustainability, how they plan to deliver on the Global Goals, how they will overcome the challenges ahead, and their secrets for how Denmark will become the global front-runner in sustainable lifestyle products and solutions.


Pumps use

at least 10% of the world’s total electricity.

We can reduce almost half of that with energy-efficient pumps.


FOR US, SUSTAINABILITY IS A MINDSET AND A BUSINESS DRIVER Sustainability is not only a department or a word written in a fancy report, but something deep within the DNA of Grundfos. Efficiency in material and energy use is a prerequisite for doing business, according to Kim Nøhr Skibsted, Group Vice President.

— What does commitment to sustainability mean to Grundfos, and how does it create value? We consider sustainability to be a prerequisite for operating our business. In fact, we see sustainability as our core value and a business driver. Sustainability is not a goal in itself but an integrated component of our self-perception and the way we do business. The ideal that there needs to be something left to our successors and generations to come is something to be found deep within the “DNA” of Grundfos. We usually say that “sustainability is not a department or a report” – but it is rather a mindset and a business driver that should pervade all parts of the company. This implies that our sales personnel, engineers, researchers, scientists, business development crews, production teams, logistics, supply chain, financial department, IT-people, marketing, communication, and HR department, should all have – not a complete overview – but basic knowledge of operating and selling sustainably. — How can Grundfos help the 17 Sustainable Development Goals become “a people’s agenda”? It’s not easy. But it is about being on par with people so they themselves feel they can take an active role. We have employee-driven programs such as “Water2Life,” where our employees can donate and provide clean water to hundreds of thousands of people in the world. SDG 6, providing clean water and sanitation, is an obvious goal for us, along with SDG 13 on taking action to combat climate change. With these programs, we want to show it is crystal clear you can make a difference as an individual. Every year we also give an award to employees who come up with new innovative ideas that can make us even Meet the pioneers

more sustainable in our own production. “Good green ideas” will be awarded, and demonstrate that employees come up with ideas that the C-suite never would. By that we encourage “green common sense.” Is it too cold in one end of the room and too hot in the other – maybe we can do something here? Are there any materials we could make money on instead of just discarding them? This way of thinking has always been deeply integrated in our way of operating – it’s just a matter of maintaining it.

“We need to see opportunities and solutions instead of only seeing barriers and limitations” — Towards 2030, what will be the biggest sustainability challenges for Grundfos and the sectors you operate in? Strategically speaking, it is a challenge to convince customers and consumers that we as a company really have the solutions at hand. Thus we try in our general dialogue to encourage our partners and customers to take action, to invest strategically in energy or water efficiency schemes or systems. We also try to encourage the world community to provide universal access to water, so all get equal rights to it. We believe that SDG 6 – water and sanitation – is a key to fulfilling the remaining 16 SDGs. — How can Denmark become the global front-runner in sustainable quality of life and lifestyle products? We need to maintain ourselves as a front-runner and demonstrate we have

Kim Nøhr Skibsted

Group Vice President, Grundfos

the right solutions when it comes to, for example, the climate crisis. It is important we do not resign and say what we do not want to do, but rather show the world what we can do. We need to see opportunities and solutions instead of only seeing barriers and limitations. We Danes used to be really good at this. We need to put a global spotlight on this cluster of highly competent companies so Denmark can become a showcase for sustainable solutions. We have exceptional competencies within water and waste management, energy supply and efficiency. And this also goes for urban planning, where we integrate sustainability at a much earlier stage. Lastly, we need to invest strategically in research, education and business life to maintain our front-runner position within sustainability. — What do you do in your private life to achieve a sustainable quality of life? I have of course replaced my own pump with a pump from Grundfos! But both as a human being and private person I always buy what is most energy efficient, and if I can get something made of sustainable recycled materials, then I buy that. I buy organic food if possible and I am also ready to pay a higher price for these concerns, if necessary. And due to my upbringing in the Danish society, I am very concerned with water and energy efficiency. I don’t think I differ from so many other Danes in that matter; it is just about being conscious.

About Grundfos Grundfos develops water solutions which impact millions of people every day. The Danish pump company employs more than 18,000 people globally and produces more than 16 million pump units per year.


Making Cities for People Gehl works to ensure that the public realm is a pillar of urban democracy for all people. From urban strategies to public space design, we make people visible. We believe that by putting people first in the way we plan, design and govern our cities, we will ensure that cities are the platform to develop a stronger sense of community and greater trust.

gehlpeople.com #citiesforpeople


LET US ADDRESS THE CHALLENGES THROUGH URBAN PLANNING We should not underestimate the extent to which our physical environment affects our public health and quality of life. Denmark remains a frontrunner on urban sustainability, but slacking off on the green agenda will make it less competitive, according to Helle Søholt, CEO and Founding Partner at Gehl. — What does commitment to sustainability mean to Gehl, and how does it create value for you? Sustainability is at the core of what we do, but, first and foremost, we focus on social sustainability. This is our “uniqueness factor.” It is our belief that urban planning is crucial when it comes to addressing challenges like health and poverty. Coming up with new medical innovations or new technological devices is great, but in parallel we also need to understand which factors in our physical environment make people unhealthy or behave in a non-sustainable manner. Therefore data about people’s use of cities and their behavior in an urban context is as important when it comes to sustainability as economic projections or traffic forecasts. — How can Gehl help the 17 Sustainable Development Goals become “a people’s agenda”? We are working a lot with citizen engagement and democratic processes, which is of course important all over the world. But there is a specific demand for this in countries where historically there has been a shortage of democratic participation. There is an enormous need for social involvement and inclusion in, for example, relatively new democracies like some nations in South America that until recently were military dictatorships. The way we face these challenges is to focus on social sustainability. For instance, we look at resident compositions or how we can make new city areas connect better to the existing city. Thus, SDG 11 on making cities sustainable is our primary focus. We are also trying to make green transportation easier by making strategies for better planning. By focusing on bikes and “soft” road users, but also public transportation, we can avoid traffic jams, and in that way Meet the pioneers

reduce air pollution and dramatically increase people’s health, mobility, and quality of life. — Towards 2030, what will be the biggest sustainability challenges for Gehl and the sector you operate in? Although we are extremely good at integrated planning in Copenhagen, we still have institutional silos when it comes to city planning. We have one silo concerned with water, one with traffic planning, one with public health, and so forth. The difficult thing is to

“Cities are growing at an immense scale, and the bigger they become the more divided they also become” work across all sectors that are usually only concerned with their specific remit in the city. Also, cities are growing at an immense scale, and the bigger they become the more divided they also become. This is why we are so passionate about obtaining a democratized public space. Unfortunately, many countries don’t have politicians prioritizing investment in our common space. And this undermines the opportunities for democracy in society. — How can Denmark become the global front-runner in sustainable quality of life and lifestyle products? Denmark must continue to be the amazing “showcase” it currently is in terms of displaying the newest solutions and technology. We often invite our clients to Denmark. It is absolutely mind-blowing for an architect working in Chile or Malaysia, or for a mayor

Helle Søholt

CEO & Founding Partner, Gehl

from the Southern United States, to experience the level of security in Copenhagen; the fact that you can actually walk around in the streets at night without fearing for your life. It is mind-blowing for them to see you aren’t forced to use a private car to get around in Copenhagen, and to see an old shooting range at the Copenhagen district Vesterbro transformed into a children’s playground. We also need to think more in terms of networks instead of conventional competition. As a good example, our company gets 90% of our contracts through our global network of municipalities, NGOs, and other professionals. So to think in networks and partnerships enables growth and export instead of thinking in traditional terms of developing and launching a product and then exporting and selling it to the rest of the world. We should make sure that from the political end we are not slacking off on the green agenda. Otherwise we will lose Danish jobs and competitiveness. — What do you do in your private life to achieve a sustainable quality of life? Recently, my family and I moved from a Copenhagen suburb to a more central part of the city. I can now walk and bike to work and use public transportation in my everyday life! So can my kids, even though they are 10 and 14 years old. My husband is a tech freak, so we also have an electric car now. Finally, we have installed a smart heating system in our home that is self-regulating and with sensors on the wall!

About Gehl With studios in Copenhagen, New York and San Francisco, Gehl is making 'cities for people'. Their people-centered urban design services span from strategic visions to design and implementation. 28




WE SHOULD RETHINK OUR APPROACH TO FOOD PRODUCTION Global food consumption has a massive impact on our climate and environment. Luckily, we can all make the choice to take care of the environment and eat healthier at the same time – and plant based products are a great way of doing both, according to Henrik Lund, Director of Sales at Naturli’ Foods. — What does commitment to sustainability mean to Naturli’ Foods, and how does it create value? We have been in the plant-based category since 1988, where we launched the first alternatives to dairy products, starting with soy products. The core was to offer organic protein alternatives with a more sustainable footprint. In later years, we have tried to expand this idea by embracing even more types of products. Another ambition is we want to restore the balance between humans and nature. This is not something you do overnight. But, we believe, we can help here by making our products easy to integrate in people’s daily lives, besides having a great taste. If we live up to these ambitions, we have even better chances of selling our products, while the sustainable bottom line increases globally. — How can Naturli’ Foods help the 17 Sustainable Development Goals become “a people’s agenda”? On a daily basis, we hear in the media about floods in Southern Jutland, ice melting on Greenland, biodiversity loss, plastic waste contaminating the oceans. The bad news today almost always has a relation to the environmental crisis. In our communication we try – without pointing fingers – to show you do have a choice of taking care of the environment and eating healthier at the same time. Our communication is enlightening and positive, telling people that choosing green must be a positive thing instead of saying something negative about traditional food. Moreover, we have launched “Plantebevægelsen” on Facebook, which is an inspirational site for living a plant-based life. It has around 35,000 followers, and we reach 1 million people every month. People would not embrace this unless they find it interesting and important. There is no doubt Meet the pioneers

a movement is on its way. We want to make sustainable plant-based products even more accessible to the consumers. For every plant-based product they choose – they are doing us all a favor.

“We see that customers and wholesalers to an increasingly degree demand alternatives to meat and dairy” — Towards 2030, what will be the biggest sustainability challenges for Naturli’ Foods and the sector you operate in? Sixty-five percent of all EU funds end up as subsidies for conventional agribusiness. Lobbying and resistance against making things change is a challenge for a small niche like us in a big industry. This is by no means an elegy, but whereas the traditional food industry has a very large political support for promoting conventional thinking, we at Naturli’ only have a handful of people to spread the word, which makes it quite an unequal battle. This is of course a challenge. On the other hand, we see customers and wholesalers to an increasingly degree demand alternatives to meat and dairy. In Germany, they debate whether it should be illegal to label a plant-based steak a “steak,” indicating it is meat, and in USA they are considering to rename “almond milk” to “almond drink,” to protect the word “milk.” This is also making it more difficult to break through with our message.

Henrik Lund

Director of Sales, Naturli’ Foods

— How can Denmark become the global front-runner in sustainable quality of life and lifestyle products? Denmark has all of the necessary requirements. But are we taking advantage of them? We have very clean drinking water in Denmark – why don’t we do more to protect this? Maybe we should also rethink our approach to food production: Is large-scale factory farming really the way forward? Would we not be better off not producing so much meat and instead focus on plantbased protein? We believe that. We would even go so far to say: Why don’t we make milk directly from oat, soy, and rice instead of using it as livestock feed, and thereby save up to 90% water and reduce pollution considerably? — What do you do in your private life to achieve a sustainable quality of life? Our mission is to present a choice to people who want to go all-in on the sustainability agenda. Personally, I do not use any dairy products. This is due to several concerns. I think there is a tendency to embellish the benefits of dairy products. A lot has happened within the last two years or so. We see a lot of new exciting plantbased products with great taste on the shelves. Generation Y, people from 21-37, are front-runners here and are making things move. And when they have children, it will become common sense and part of everyday life for these kids. My children are going to have a completely different selection of food on the shelves.

About Naturli’ Foods Naturli' Foods is a pioneer in plantbased organic foods that offer an environmentally friendly alternative to meat and dairy products.


Engineering tomorrow’s supermarkets into giant batteries Building future-proof energy systems for our cities relies on solutions that can provide flexibility and drive the efficient uptake of renewables. Smart Buildings hold the key and the technology to unlock their potential is already available. All we need to drive the transition is an open mindset and innovative business models. Discover how Danfoss is enabling efficiency, energy storage and demand-response in tomorrow’s buildings at www.danfoss.com

70% excess capacity of supermarkets to make energy systems more flexible


WE LEAD BY EXAMPLE ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY Danfoss innovates and creates new opportunities through energy efficiency and digitalization. The company is optimistic about the future since we already have the technology necessary to accelerate low-carbon development in the world’s cities, according to Flemming Lynge Nielsen, Director, Energy Efficiency & Sustainability at Danfoss. — What does commitment to sustainability mean to Danfoss, and how does it create value for you? Danfoss is an active player when it comes to living up to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We lead by example by combining digitalization, innovation, and energy efficiency to create sustainable solutions. This not only improves our environmental footprint but also frees money to be spent elsewhere. An example is SDG 7 – “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.” This is at the core of what we do in Danfoss – saving energy. Energy efficiency and sustainability are not about limiting

“One of the major challenges is to successfully unlock the vast potential in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Internet of Things” our options or comfort. On the contrary, they are about innovation and creating new opportunities. The Danfoss Group’s sustainability program continues to be the foundation for our in-house focus on sustainability by providing guidance within our defined focus areas: ethical behavior; product compliance and transparency; energy efficient Danfoss; and, finally, environment, health, and safety. We see sustainability and the SDGs as an integrated part of our business and the way we voice our commitments. We engage with many different stakeholders and we communicate the SDGs and our position to them through thought leadership articles, blogs, social media, and face-toMeet the pioneers

face meetings and events. “Engineering Tomorrow” is the essence of Danfoss' identity – coupling Danfoss' innovative engineering and quality and reliability with a constant desire to drive growth and realize the potential of tomorrow. — How can Danfoss help the 17 Sustainable Development Goals become “a people’s agenda”? We do this by continuing our approach to voicing our efforts and good results towards our stakeholders through our Public & Industry Affairs staff, our dedicated sales organization, and corporate communication on social media, webpages, brochures, infographics, and articles. We actively participate in the UN Global Compact Nordic Network and have just become a member of a steering committee for UNESCO Sustainable Learning Cities in Sønderborg. We lead the way by example and demonstrate that we have the technology available today that enables us to save energy and reduce food waste. — Towards 2030, what will be the biggest sustainability challenges for Danfoss and the sector you operate in? One of the major challenges is to successfully unlock the vast potential in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Internet of Things – to connect buildings with efficient infrastructure enabling us to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees. The efficiency of buildings will set and lock the world’s trajectory for greenhouse gas emissions for a century or more to come. Improving building efficiency presents a major opportunity, if cities are to move to low-carbon development paths curbing greenhouse gas emissions while saving money and improving quality of life. Efficient cities can generate growth and create jobs, reduce greenhouse

Flemming Lynge Nielsen Director, Energy Efficiency & Sustainability, Danfoss

gas emissions, and improve quality of life and the health of the world’s population. The good news is we have the technology necessary to accelerate low-carbon development in the world’s cities. Any city can do it, by improving both new and existing buildings; introducing more district energy systems; cleaning water and producing energy at the same time; increasing the uptake of energy efficiency in the industrial sector; and investing in efficient infrastructure to feed the growing urban population. We will need to cooperate across sectors and industries to make this work. We need to engage not only institutional investors and industry but also civil society and the population at large for all of us to succeed in making the planet a livable place for many generations to come. — How can Denmark become the global front-runner in sustainable quality of life and lifestyle products? As a country we can, to an even greater extent than before, promote the practical, sustainable solutions that already exist, and we can use our good reputation as a nation to set the path for future generations to follow. There are so many areas where we demonstrate that we can make a change if we want to. We shall make Denmark one big “demonstratorium” of sustainable lifestyles and solutions to inspire others to set ambitious targets and say “yes, we can and we will do it.”

About Danfoss Danfoss engineers products and services used in areas such as refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, motor control, and mobile machinery. The company employs more than 23,000 people and serves customers in more than 100 countries. 32

BRINGING OPPORTUNITIES TO LIFE Building a more sustainable society starts with people who look at the world from an opportunity perspective. It starts with people who put themselves in the right position to see today’s challenges in a new perspective, turning them into tomorrow’s opportunities. At AART architects, this is at the heart of everything we do. We see opportunities and create the perfect settings for bringing them to life – all with a focus on showing that buildings and public spaces can benefit the young and elderly alike while also benefiting the climate.

Nicolinehus / Aarhus / Denmark

Learn more about how we bring opportunities to life at www.aart.dk


SUSTAINABILITY IS ABOUT ENRICHING PEOPLE’S LIVES Architecture can provide new perspectives on how to build better lives and make the Sustainable Development Goals relevant for the average consumer, according to Anders Tyrrestrup, Partner and CIO, AART architects.

— What does commitment to sustainability mean to AART architects, and how does it create value? Sustainability is more than just a commitment, it is an integral part of our business, as we strongly believe buildings and public spaces should provide people with the opportunities to live healthier and more sustainable lives. This is at the heart of everything we do. We work with architecture to provide new perspectives on how to build better lives – all with a focus on showing that buildings and public spaces can benefit the young and elderly alike, while at the same time reducing our environmental impact. Thus, we want to show that sustainability is not about making compromises; it's about enriching people's lives. This is how we create value for our stakeholders and society in general. — How can AART architects help the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to become “a people’s agenda”? Many take for granted the impact architecture has in our lives – but, in reality, nearly every moment of every day is influenced by it. We are constantly inside and surrounded by buildings. Alongside this, we should consider that buildings account for about 40% of the energy used globally. Thus, architecture offers a unique opportunity to help the Sustainable Development Goals become relevant for the average consumer. Architecture is all about setting the stage for our lives. It is about building the world we want to see for ourselves and for our children – socially, sustainably, and aesthetically.

Meet the pioneers

— Towards 2030 what will be the biggest sustainability challenges for AART architects and the sector you operate in? Developing 360-degree sustainable solutions and documenting their impact is our main goal – and an ongoing key challenge. We continuously strive to make sustainability attractive and accessible for everyone, from our clients or the actual users of our buildings and public spaces, and to succeed with this we must constantly strive to develop projects that bring together the “hard” economic values with the “soft” social and environmental values.

“Architecture is about building the world that we want to see for ourselves and for our children” — How can Denmark become the global frontrunner in sustainable quality of life and lifestyle products? For many years, Denmark has been known as an innovation leader within several industries that have a significant sustainable impact. However, ongoing globalization and digitalization continue to disrupt many traditional industries. Thus, to stay in front, Denmark must promote new kinds of partnerships and new ways of sharing knowledge – and Sustainia Living is an excellent example of how to transcend traditional barriers and give like-minded partners a common setting for exploring the sustainable opportunities of tomorrow.

Anders Tyrrestrup

Partner & CIO, AART architects

— What do you do in your private life to obtain sustainable quality of life? I believe the notion of “presence” is a key factor in achieving a sustainable quality of life. This feeling is found in the small communities of our families and friendships. All of us strive for balance in our daily lives, and we usually

“To stay in front, Denmark must promote new kinds of partnerships and new ways of sharing knowledge” best find this through our experiences of culture and nature. Both worlds are key factors to feel alive – to be in the present and inspired to live a sustainable life. Personally, when my family and I plan our vacations, we thus usually follow the footsteps of my children's ancestors, whether that is New York or Laponia.

About AART architects AART architects is a Nordic architecture firm with offices in Aarhus, Copenhagen, and Oslo. For more than 15 years, they have used architecture to open up opportunities to build better lives and create positive change for communities.


40% Buildings account for 40% of the energy used globally.

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11/01/2017 14.54

THE CLEANEST ENERGY IS THE ONE THAT IS NOT CONSUMED If the world is to stand any chance of meeting the agreement made in Paris during COP21, we need to tap into the profitable energy efficiency potential of renovating our existing building stock at a much faster pace, according to Jens Birgersson, President and CEO at ROCKWOOL. — What does commitment to sustainability mean to Rockwool, and how does it create value for you? At the ROCKWOOL Group, we take pride in being the best stone wool company in the world. We measure our success through our customers’ feedback, our employees, our shareholders and by the impact we have on our physical stakeholder, the planet. We have been working with sustainable products since the founding of the company 80 years ago, when climate change and global warming was not yet on the global agenda. At the time, we did not call it sustainability. However, we produced stone wool solutions that save 80 to 1,500 times the amount of CO2 generated when producing them. The more stone wool sold, the more energy and CO2 saved. Making a profitable business, while at the same time positively impacting our customers and the environment, is of great value to us and motivates our work.

“Our view is that the energy efficiency opportunity in the building stock is immense, that it is profitable, and that the required technologies and policy solutions are largely known”

Meet the pioneers

— How can Rockwool help the 17 Sustainable Development Goals become “a people’s agenda”? As a company, we have developed six goals that directly support the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. However, I believe our biggest contribution to the goals comes from the solutions we offer. The more stone wool we produce, the more energy we help building owners save. So, the best way for us

“The best way for us to support the SDGs is by prioritizing the most important stakeholders in the sustainability equation – the end consumer” to support the SDGs is by prioritizing the most important stakeholders in the sustainability equation – the end consumer. We need to convince more people to consider the benefits of energy renovation and guide them to make better choices. Hopefully, this will strengthen consumers’ chance of leading the charge and advocate for a greener world. — Towards 2030, what will be the biggest sustainability challenges for Rockwool and the sectors you operate in? “The cleanest energy is the one that is not consumed.” In this quote, one of the biggest challenges within sustainability is hidden. Our view is that the energy efficiency opportunity in the building stock is immense, that it is profitable, and that the required

Jens Birgersson

President & CEO, ROCKWOOL

technologies and policy solutions are largely known. Specifically, there is a major opportunity in the existing building stock. A recent study found that if the renovation rate in Europe was increased from 1% to 3% it would, compared to 2005 levels, reduce the energy demand from existing buildings by 80% until 2050. If the world is to stand any chance of meeting the Paris commitment, we have to collectively address such opportunities much more effectively than we do today. — How can Denmark become the global front-runner in sustainable quality of life and lifestyle products? Denmark is already a global front-runner with a unique cooperation between authorities, green companies, and NGOs. We have several larger companies that contribute to a more sustainable world, while they at the same time strengthen Denmark’s global brand and competitiveness. However, Denmark needs to continue its work to constantly strengthen its green position. Within the construction sector, we need not only to consider energy efficiency, but also the sustainability of buildings in general. This is why we give the ROCKWOOL Award to a project that is working to establish a system for rating the overall sustainability of a building.

About ROCKWOOL The ROCKWOOL Group is a world leader in stone wool solutions. The Group is amongst the global leaders within the insulation industry, with products and solutions for all major application areas in both residential and non-residential buildings. The company has more than 10,500 employees in 37 countries.






SUSTAINABLE WORLD This catalogue is a Cradle to Cradle Certified product.

This means that you are sitting with a guaranteed sustainably printed product, which is 100 % biologically decomposable and totally free of harmful chemicals and heavy metals. It also means that in producing this catalogue, we have reused the resources of the earth in a natural circular process, leaving no harmful waste materials poisonous for people or the environment. The Cradle to Cradle certification is the world’s strictest environmental certification which guarantees that a product does not pollute or uses the Earth’s limited resources, but enters in nature’s own circuit. It also ensures that the printed products are produced in as environmentally friendly conditions as possible, e.g. completely CO2 neutral by exclusively using renewable energy from wind power. Only two printers in the world can offer Cradle to Cradle certified printed products. KLS PurePrint is one of the two!



































KLS PurePrint A/S, 2650 Hvidovre · KLS PurePrint A/S, 8230 Aabyhøj · www.klspureprint.dk


WE NEED TO CHANGE THE FOCUS FROM “DOING LESS BAD” TO “DOING GOOD” In a declining printing market, KLS PurePrint is experiencing an increasing demand for their biodegradable products. According to KLS Chief Commercial Officer, Kasper Larsen, sustainability is not costly, but rather a business opportunity for Denmark to create jobs, increase exports and improve quality of life. — What does commitment to sustainability mean to KLS PurePrint, and how does it create value? We have spent the last ten years working on our vision of becoming the most sustainable printing company in the world. At first, our strategy was to focus on our climate impact and reducing our carbon emissions by changing the company’s gasoline cars to electric cars, investing in a wind turbine, replacing the old roof on our building with a new white climate-friendly roof, and guiding our customers to use paper with the lowest carbon footprint on the market. In 2009, we became the first carbon-neutral printing company in Scandinavia. In the process, we have reduced our water use by 59%, electricity consumption by 28%, and heating by 64%. Over the last five years, we have focused on making our printing 100% biodegradable by developing new raw materials without any harmful chemicals for people or the environment. This new print product – PurePrint – is Cradle to Cradle certified and 100% circular. There are currently three print companies in the world with this status, and we hope to inspire more companies to follow our “sustainable print revolution” in the graphic industry. In a declining market, we actually experience a lot of new customers requesting our PurePrint products and a solid growth in PurePrint. — How can KLS PurePrint help the 17 Sustainable Development Goals become “a people’s agenda”? We try to inspire our customers to work on formulating specific action points addressing one or more of the SDGs. As an example, we show our customers how removing hazardous chemicals from the print with PurePrint is a step in the right direction. This makes it possible to reuse all nutrients by simply Meet the pioneers

composting the print. Internally, we inform our employees about our sustainability efforts and how it is possible for everyone – both individual consumers and us as a company – to contribute to achieving the SDGs.

“It is fundamentally up to us as both private consumers and in our company or public procurement to drive sustainable change” — Towards 2030, what will be the biggest sustainability challenges for KLS PurePrint and the sector you operate in? We need to change the focus from “doing less bad” to “doing good” in production. PurePrint is a perfect example of this strategy, and by developing 100% biodegradable print we have shown the entire graphic industry it is possible and it is good business. — How can Denmark become the global frontrunner in sustainable quality of life and lifestyle products? The “old” industrial way of thinking procurement as just going for cost-cutting and buying the cheapest product has to be replaced with the belief that by working closer together and adding sustainable solutions to the value chain, we can build a lot more value for each other. We need very ambitious sustainable goals that we need to work hard to reach, and in this process we will be able to find new possibilities. Look at the example where the retail company

Kasper Larsen

Chief Commercial Officer, KLS PurePrint

Coop Danmark removed all microwave popcorn packages from the shelves due to hazardous chemicals in the packaging. Shortly after, the producers could suddenly produce the packaging without these chemicals. This example shows it is fundamentally up to us as both private consumers and in our company or public procurement to drive sustainable change. If we demand sustainable solutions in the market, we can make the change and by example show our politicians that sustainability is not costly but a business opportunity for Denmark to create new green workplaces, export, and better quality of life. — What do you do in your private life to obtain sustainable quality of life? Privately, we have reduced our energy consumption and we purchase organic food whenever possible. We try to raise our children with the mindset of protecting the environment and respecting there is a limited amount of resources. I have driven an electric car for the past four years, and I drive more than an average person with more than 25,000 yearly kilometers. My example has shown friends and family that driving an electric car is possible if you want to, despite the short range in the first generations of electric cars.

About KLS The Danish company KLS PurePrint is one of the first printing companies in the world to offer 100% biodegradable printing products and packaging that are Cradle to Cradle certified. The company has a vision of becoming the world’s greenest printing house.


EDUCATING THE DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE PIONEERS OF TOMORROW As part of the Sustainia Living initiative, the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KADK) will devote the next three years to developing design and architecture that can contribute to a more sustainable world. In collaboration with Sustainia, KADK intends to show how the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be realized in practice, whilst creating the basis for a new era of growth within Danish design driven by innovative solutions that respond to national and global problems. Over the next three years, KADK’s staff and 1,600 students will concentrate on one unifying mission: to develop solutions for the UN’s 17 Global Goals for sustainable development, while establishing the foundation for a new era of growth within the Danish design sector. The demand for sustainable solutions is growing throughout the world, and architects and designers possess the creative and innovative skills needed to accommodate this trend. That is why KADK is leading the way in Denmark and devoting the next three years to developing innovative ideas for a better world. The challenge of developing new, sustainable solutions and products is obviously an opportunity for the students and the Danish business community, but it is also an obligation for the institution to ensure their graduates are equipped with the competencies to contribute to a more sustainable world. KADK’s students are already working on projects that relate directly to the SDGs when they develop designs and architecture, which, for example, can enhance health and welfare, create sustainable urban development, and reduce pollution.

Kasper Jensen: ”Elmo,” 2016

One example is “Chemo to Go”: a specially designed bag, complete with chemotherapy solution, pump, and catheter, which makes cancer patients more mobile and thus enhances their welfare and health. The streamlined design of the “Elmo Electric Moped” appeals to style-conscious, green consumers and paves the way for less-polluting transport. A “sustainable brick” has also been developed. Based on sand from China’s Gobi desert, it can be used as an alternative to the environmentally unfriendly concrete buildings in the region.

How KADK will tackle the SDGs: • Between 2016 and 2019, all degree projects in the architecture and design programs will relate to the Global Goals. This will also contribute to closer dialogue across institutes and disciplines at KADK. • Arrange workshops and activities across KADK to support the students’ work on relating their projects to the SDGs. • From 2016 to 2017, KADK expects 150 degree projects to focus on the SDGs. • KADK and Sustainia Living will establish a digital platform, where new sustainable solutions, strategies, and products can be presented, paving the way for collaboration with businesses and industries.


Isabel Aagaard og Rie Maktabi: ”Chemo to Go,” 2016

Meet the pioneers

EXPORTING THE ‘DANISH WAY OF LIFE’ IS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Danish design and architecture have important roles to play in addressing the global challenges we face. They also provide Denmark with a golden opportunity to export sustainable architecture and design solutions, according to Lene Dammand Lund, Rector of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, KADK. — What is your motivation for entering the collaboration with Sustainia and KADK’s three-year commitment to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Given our responsibility for the education of future generations of architects and designers, we feel compelled to ensure our graduates are equipped with the competencies to contribute to a more sustainable world. KADK aims to be a laboratory for the development of new, sustainable solutions and products. Hopefully, we can thereby also inspire the business community. That is why we are also aiming at closer interaction with interested companies to create discussion and collaboration for new solutions and opportunities. — What more do you hope for and expect from the collaboration with Sustainia and your commitment to the SDGs? I expect the outside world will become aware, in no uncertain terms, of the enormous potential design and architecture have in terms of tackling the major challenges we face. It is the nature of designers and architects to come up with new, innovative solutions to complex problems. We – and the world – need those solutions. — How do we make the 17 SDGs “a people’s agenda,” and what contribution can KADK make? People do not choose the right solutions because they are told they have to, but because they actually prefer those specific solutions. This is where designers and architects play a crucial role. Not only do they design new solutions and products. They also invest them with a look and a practicality that appeal to us and make us want to use them. In other words, architects and designers can persuade consumers – all of us – to favor and choose products and solutions that benefit us, our fellow human beings, and our planet. Meet the pioneers

Lene Dammand Lund Rector of KADK

“People do not choose the right solutions because they are told they have to, but because they actually prefer those specific solutions”

— What do you do in your private life to achieve a sustainable quality of life? One of the main things I do is very Danish. Ninety percent of my transport is done on my bike. I also often buy second-hand furniture and second-hand clothes, and my family and I eat vegetarian food most days. A vegetarian box from "Aarstiderne" is a huge help. This food delivery service takes care of both shopping and recipes. That makes eating vegetarian food appealing. It’s also sustainable!

— In what way are Danish design, sustainability, and quality of life historically intertwined? What characterizes the Danish design and architectural tradition is its socially responsible approach. There is just as much kudos involved in creating low-income housing as in producing an opera, or in selling a chair in a supermarket as in a high-profile interior shop. Basically, it is all about improving everyone’s quality of life and looking holistically at the challenges that exist. By working together with Sustainia, this holistic way of thinking will acquire a greater global perspective.

“Compared with much of the rest of the world, we are exemplary when it comes to applying sustainability to design”

— Can design and architecture help us achieve the SDGs in a Danish context? And in what way can this drive Danish competitiveness? Danish design and architecture have had, and continue to have, huge significance for Denmark’s position as a democratic, progressive, pioneering country. Compared with much of the rest of the world, we are exemplary when it comes to applying sustainability to design. This provides us with a golden opportunity to export Danish sustainable solutions and products. In one sense, it is to export “The Danish Way of Life.”

About KADK The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation (KADK) is the leading academy in Scandinavia in the fields of architecture, design and conservation. Their core activities are rooted in seven institutes, which generate education, research, consultancy and innovation. Today KADK has around 2,000 students enrolled in their various education programs.


What’s your choice? Make a choice and

share it with us

Each and every one of us is part of the solution to our global challenges - because the choices we make every day, including what we eat, what we wear, and how we live, all have an impact on the planet and its people.

choices for a greener and fairer future. Check out some of the inspiration from people around the world on #SustainiaLiving, and share with us your very own story with the hashtag #SustainiaLiving on Instagram and Twitter.

In the lead up to the Sustainia Living launch event, we have invited our digital community to share with us how they are making better


Meet the pioneers

MAKE DENMARK A TESTING GROUND FOR NEW SOLUTIONS As a small, open economy, Denmark is an ideal place for international companies to test new sustainable technologies in areas such as smart cities, healthcare and autonomous transportation. Copenhagen, in particular, can benefit from this, according to Jesper Nygård, CEO in Realdania. — Towards 2030, what will be the biggest sustainability challenges you are working to address and solve at Realdania? Realdania’s strategy cycle runs for four years at a time, within which we assess whether we have made progress towards our strategic goals. As such, we do not have an explicit 2030 goal. However, within our current strategy, we address a number of sustainability issues like the economic sustainability of smaller towns in rural areas, green growth in cities, social sustainability in distressed suburban neighborhoods, climate sustainability in cities, and environmental issues like indoor pollutants and noise pollution. — How do we make the 17 Sustainable Development Goals “a people’s agenda,” and where can Realdania contribute on this matter? To make the SDGs a people’s agenda we need to work out how the goals relate to people in their communities and perhaps even at a household level. An ambitious project like the coming UN Live Museum – to be placed in Copenhagen – can become an important forum for discussing the SDGs globally. This is also why Realdania helped finance a feasibility study and business plan for the museum. As a whole, I think Realdania – through our efforts in cities on climate, household air quality, and other areas – will be able to contribute to at least a handful of the goals. — How can sustainability drive competitiveness, and where do you observe the most obvious opportunities in this area? I strongly believe that in an increasingly open and connected world, the private sector and local authorities have to compete harder and harder for resources, customers, and talent. To do so, they need to continuously increase efficiency and public image and reduce their environmental impact. I think Meet the pioneers

Jesper Nygård CEO, Realdania

sustainability – particularly environmental and social – provides an answer to these challenges and will help companies and cities maintain their competitiveness. Not doing so is in my view not only ignoring your responsibility to society, but also your medium to long-term fiscal responsibility.

for innovative sustainable urbanization. As a small nation with an open economy, we are an ideal location for international companies to test their new technologies. I think we should do even more to become a testing ground in areas such as healthcare, smart grid, smart cities, and autonomous mobility.

— What does it take for Denmark to become a global lab and role model in the art of combining sustainable products and quality of life with competitiveness? To a certain extent, I think we already are a global laboratory, but we still have room for improvement. This is why Realdania launched BLOXHUB in June in partnership with the Ministry of Industry, Business, and Financial Affairs and the Municipality of Copenhagen. BLOXHUB is an innovation and growth hub with the mission of contributing to sustainable urbanization globally by developing innovative solutions that combine the best Denmark has to offer within architecture, design, construction, and digitalization. I also consider participating in global networks like C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group as very important. Global networks provide Danish cities with an international platform for exchanging knowledge with cities from all over the world, but also with a massive audience for showcasing our solutions and projects worldwide. Take the City of Copenhagen which – not least through its activities in the C40 network – has gained international status as a global center

— What do you do in your private life to achieve a sustainable quality of life? Through our specific daily choices my family and I try to live both modern and sustainably; for instance, I drive an electric car. We use intelligent heat management and heat recovery throughout our house and can regulate both light and heat digitally. We also are almost finished with a total replacement to LED lighting. Since we live in a house from 1870, it is not always easy to take the right and most sustainable measures, but we do our best. Generally, I think the sustainable lifestyle agenda will affect us in a greater and greater extent – just as it will do for many others.

About Realdania Realdania is a Danish philanthropic association providing financial support to various projects and initiatives that benefit the common good by increasing sustainability and quality of life in the built environment. Realdania has supported Sustainia since 2012.

Why do you support Sustainia and our efforts to promote and create a more sustainable world of tomorrow? We support Sustainia as we believe the founding idea is still relevant: to provide the world with a positive view on the opportunities that emerge from global risks. We also believe there is a niche for a forward-thinking media house to collect and disseminate all the great stories of innovative people who seize on those opportunities to create real solutions that will enhance the quality of life for everyone. 42

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23/01/17 14.45

WE AIM TO BUILD A BRIDGE BETWEEN GREAT TASTE AND GREAT HEALTH A holistic approach, with a focus on sustainability and quality, is key for Denmark to become a front-runner in sustainable lifestyle products. Accordingly, ethics and idealistic product innovation are integral parts of the Meyers' DNA, according to Merete Holst, CEO, Meyers Contract Catering. — What does commitment to sustainability mean to Meyers, and how does it create value? Ethics, social responsibility, and idealistic innovation in products, menus, actions, and services are part of the fabric of the Meyers DNA. We aim to deliver innovative food products based on original and artisanal craftsmanship, preferably sourced locally in Denmark. Our way of working is to set an agenda that goes way beyond the product itself and makes a deep commitment to master the value chain. We are driven by uniting unique and diverse tastes with health and sustainability, and we have an ambition to be more than 90% organic. CSR is a core part of our business strategy, and we aim to have a go-to-market-strategy that at all levels reflects a high degree of environmental responsibility, public health, local responsibility, and animal welfare, all of which are values deeply entrenched in our company spirit and ambition. — How can you as a company help the 17 Sustainable Development Goals become “a people’s agenda”? We all need – in all countries, in all industries, and in all parts of the value chain – to find new ways of producing and consuming if we are to secure the future of the planet and its inhabitants. For our part, we work with food, and it is estimated that 30% of greenhouse gases in Europe originate from the production and consumption of food. In Denmark, this number is estimated to be approximately 25%. Our contribution to the 17 development goals is therefore to be found in goal numbers 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Serving around 9 million meals a year, our potential for impact is substantial. And to this end, we operate in alignment with our “Professional Code of Conduct,” with tangible targets for Meet the pioneers

quality, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability. Specific examples include our measurable targets for Danish and organic produce. At present, we use 46% organic produce, on average, and bake our own line of signature breads, which are 100% organic and based on old Danish grain types with high nutritional value. However, our main goal is to build a

“We want to create a preference for the healthy choice based on nothing but taste” bridge between great taste and great health in an enjoyable and sustainable way. We want to create a preference for the healthy choice based on nothing but taste, and encourage innovation that promotes an increased intake of fruit and vegetables and a reduced intake of meat. Furthermore, we have concrete activities and targets promoting animal welfare, sustainable fish, and minimizing food waste. — Towards 2030, what will be the biggest sustainability challenges for Meyers and the sectors you operate in? The impact of climate change is already critical. However, the situation is compounded and made even more urgent due to the world´s growing population and consequent food security and supply issues. Demand for food will rise by 50% by 2030. In our company, we serve more than 25,000 meals per day, and we must do our part to secure the future of the planet, which also is our own supply chain. We are all inhabitants of the very same ecosystem, and changes in one dimension or

Merete Holst

CEO, Meyers Contract Catering

aspect will eventually affect us all. The only response to this seems to be to stimulate changes in our behavior and preferences, whilst simultaneously emphasizing innovation – we are experimenting with a variety of plantbased cuisines and have also introduced alternative animal protein in our diet in the form of insects. — How can Denmark become the global front-runner in sustainable quality of life and lifestyle products? I believe a holistic approach is key to achieve this. Sustainable products are integral – they must not only be environmentally, socially, and ethically responsible, but they must also be qualitatively excellent. And sustainable businesses must also be financially viable and sustainable in order to succeed and persevere in the market, thus creating lasting change. We have to prove that new sustainable business models can make good old-fashioned business sense. Being profitable is not only okay – it is a requirement. — What do you do in your private life to achieve a sustainable quality of life? I have the same values as Meyers in my private life, and my family and I buy organic, sustainable, and free-range products. We have to demand the types and grades of products we wish to see on our shelves, and the first, lasting changes are always the ones we manifest and live in our own households. My family and I eat more and more vegetables and less meat – and seek non-animal sources of protein.

About Meyers Contract Catering Meyers Contract Catering is an umbrella organization for Meyers’ customized Food & Beverage solutions and is a part of Løgismose Meyers. 44


Beyond Coffee is collecting coffee grounds in Danish cities and turning the waste product into eatable mushrooms. Today, 1.5 tons of coffee grounds are collected (fx from the canteen at the University of Copenhagen) and turned into 250 kilos of oyster mushrooms every month. Later in 2017, we will begin to collect coffee grounds from our first C20 company, Coloplast in HumlebĂŚk. As the first in Europe (and possibly, the world) Beyond Coffee will begin a professional urban food factory model, where the spent coffee grounds after mushroom harvest will be used as insect feed to grow insects in cities. This endavour is happening in close partnership with Insekt KBH and Bugging Denmark.

Website: www.beyondcoffee.eu Facebook: www.facebook.com/beyondcoffee.dk Email: mikkel@beyondcoffee.dk




Sustainia is an international sustainability think tank and consultancy working to accelerate action towards a sustainable future. Through seven years of comprehensive experience with mapping solutions to global risks, Sustainia has become a leading provider of sustainable business solutions worldwide. We identify readily available sustainability solutions across the world and demonstrate their potential impacts and benefits in our work with cities, companies, and communities. Sustainia has a database of more than 4,500 cuttingedge innovations and is a world leader in

Explore Sustainia

navigating the new market opportunities for the Sustainable Development Goals. In the following pages you will get a glimpse of our global activities, including how we deliver sustainable innovation, consult with tens of thousands of business leaders on how to turn specific global risks into opportunities, and identify hundreds of solutions for climate action in cities. Much of this work will culminate in the launch of the “Global Opportunity Explorer� – an upcoming focal point for a global movement of sustainable business.



sustainability your


Sustainia partners with companies, cities, and organizations to map their position, navigate the changing landscape, and communicate with impact. We have been unearthing sustainable solutions for more than seven years, so we know it’s possible to build the world of tomorrow with the solutions of today.


INSIGHT Mapping & analyzing


The world is changing fast and all organizations are struggling to stay ahead. Our research gives us insights into emerging sustainability markets and new business models, policies, and partnerships. We can help you: Map and identify sustainable solutions Prepare for the future with trend analysis Over the past seven years, we have tracked more than 4,500 solutions from all over the world through our flagship Sustainia100 publication. In April 2017, we will launch a new online solutions platform, the Global Opportunity Explorer, to make it even easier to find inspiring solutions for a cleaner, greener, and fairer future.


Explore Sustainia

INVOLVEMENT Navigating & collaborating


Beyond every risk sits a new opportunity. We apply this mindset to explore new markets through our networks with hundreds of experts, thought leaders and business pioneers. We work with you to develop a new approach – your navigation tool – to tackle your most pressing challenges and find your way in an increasingly complex landscape. We can help you: Turn your risks into business opportunities Co-create and innovate through our Opportunity Services

IMPACT Communicating & influencing


Powerful storytelling and captivating visuals drive influence and impact. We’re shifting the narrative on sustainability by making it inclusive, positive, and compelling. We can help you: Bring your sustainability agenda to life Create events with impact Inspire your audiences through multi-channel campaigns Based on the latest research and knowledge, combined with specific examples from available technologies, solutions, and products, Sustainia specializes in creating sector-specific studies and analyses, trend reports, visual conceptualization and strategic communication, such as Eat in Sustainia and The State of Healthcare.

Explore Sustainia


The Global Opportunity Report More than 18,000 business leaders from all parts of the world have taken part in co-creating the Global Opportunity Report and turning 15 major global risks into 45 opportunities for economic, social and environmental prosperity.

“The Global Opportunity Report is an important contribution as it shows how responses to current risks and challenges can also be business opportunities contributing to sustainable development” Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway

As a GPS system for global change makers, the Global Opportunity Report turns major global risks into sustainable opportunities for businesses to seize - opportunities to innovate markets and business models. In addition to mapping a wide range of opportunities, the Global Opportunity Report provides an updated insight into the key drivers of a new solution economy. The report addresses questions, such as: •

What countries and sectors seem to have the most innovative mindsets? • How do different business sectors prioritize opportunities? • What demographics have the greatest confidence in our opportunities for a safe and sustainable future? Each year’s Global Opportunity Report is the result of an international endeavour, created based on workshops held across the 49

globe. A global survey of professionals and influential thinkers measures the attractiveness of key opportunities to the people who shape decisions in different regions and sectors. In all, the reports constitute a significant contribution to the dialogue on how we address the sustainability challenges ahead. The report is a collaboration between Sustainia, DNV GL and the UN Global Compact.

The opportunity mindset The opportunity mindset is the methodology used to create the Global Opportunity Report. It is a structured process designed to create momentum for change and to discover and prioritize strategy choices. It does this by uncovering opportunities for growth and development. In the process the opportunity mindset engages a wide range of an organization’s stakeholders, resulting in both better insights into the potential of the opportunities and stronger relations to crucial stakeholder groups. Explore Sustainia

es are linked based on their common contribution to a Sustainable Development Goal e opportunitty indicates how many SDGs it have impact on. The thickness of the lines indicated the number of shared.

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From 15 leading global risks to 45 opportunities In every risk lies an opportunity. The three publications of the Global Opportunity Report are a showcase of how leading global risks can inspire to identify global opportunities.   What

is a global risk?

To be included in the report, a risk must be global in nature. It is risks with the ability to break down an entire system as opposed to only impacting individual parts or components of it. The risks discussed in the report were selected based on a number of criteria. They have to be global in reach, which means they are significant enough to make headlines everywhere. In addition, a risk must be felt by multiple stakeholders as well as being both timely and actionable.

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is a global opportunity?

Opportunities are sustainable avenues of action for systemic change that stakeholders in business, politics, finance, and civil society can choose to pursue when addressing global risks. They create value for societies and the planet, not just for individuals or businesses. An opportunity is different from a single business solution, because it creates systemic change via multi-stakeholder collaboration.


Eyewear for the conscious consumer



city solutions for


an urbanizing world As the world continues to rapidly urbanize, Sustainia is committed to finding and showcasing the sustainable city solutions that will power the future of urban growth and development. The centerpiece of our work within the sustainable city agenda is Cities100, a yearly project we undertake in collaboration with C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group and Realdania to identify the 100 leading city solutions to climate change from around the world.

It is obvious cities play a critical role in adapting to climate change and delivering on the ambition of the Paris Agreement. Urban areas account for most of the world’s carbon emissions, and that share will continue to increase as two-thirds of the global population will call cities home by 2050. Such booming populations bring with them challenges, but also myriad opportunities to adapt and grow sustainably. Sustainia is committed to finding and showcasing these opportunities, through our collaborative reports, keynote talks, and consultancy work.

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As one of our flagship reports, Cities100 identifies the 100 leading city solutions to climate change and highlights them to inspire other cities and changemakers across the globe. Cities100 is a testament to the fact that local governments are leading the global movement toward a low-carbon future by employing local solutions that not only reduce CO2 emissions and boost resilience, but also promote health, bolster economic vitality, and alleviate social inequities. After two successful editions, in 2015 and 2016, Cities100 is gearing up for a new release in September 2017. Stay tuned for more information!


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them document CSR goals on climate change, deforestation, equality and poverty.


Explore new business

opportunities with us

As a GPS for global opportunity leaders, Sustainia turns the biggest global risks into sustainable opportunities for your organization. We have during the past three years consulted 18,000 experts to identify the biggest business opportunities in the world today. In parallel, we have for the past seven years researched thousands of sustainable solutions that respond to new market opportunities. Every market opportunity and every solution is now being made available at your fingertips in one digital space – the Global Opportunity Explorer. It is a digital platform to be launched in April 2017 in collaboration with Sustainia’s partners, the UN Global Compact, Realdania and DNV GL.


new inspiration, and new business opportunities. It will be the world’s largest platform for open innovation. Already today, our team of experts and business advisors looks forward to collaborating with and helping you navigate the changing market landscape and explore new business opportunities. Get in touch with Sustainia and learn how to benefit from the Global Opportunity Explorer. Join the movement!


The Global Opportunity Explorer will be the focal point for a global movement of sustainable business. It will connect opportunity leaders and front-runners. It will be the place to find new partners,

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SISSEL EDELBO THE STORY CONTINUES SISSEL EDELBO is a danish fashion brand that upcycles Indian vintage saris. The saris are handpicked by the two owners in India. Despite India’s rapid development, the traditional sari has survived the tides of change throughout Indian history. Today women are still wrapped in saris that proudly display dreamy colors, patterns and beautiful craftsmanship. The playful mix of prints and colors in SISSEL EDELBO’s collections give their clothes a unique character and the reuse of the Indian vintage saris help us connect to a feeling of global unity. The story of the saris continues in each garment that is made with love and respect for people and the environment. www.sissel-edelbo.com



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The world in numbers



of the world’s 2.5 billion consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products 1

of global food production gets lost or wasted annually, which amounts to about 1.3 billion tons per year 5



is the amount of CO2 emissions digital solutions can cut by 2030 2

of global CO2 emissions stem from the transportation sector 6



new jobs can be created by meeting the Sustainable Development Goals 3

of the world’s population will be trapped in some sort of water scarcity by 2025 7



billion can be gained in savings by companies in the EU if they transition to more circular business models 4

is the amount by which the global electricity demand will increase by 2040 8

Sources: 1. Nielsen. 2. Accenture and GESI, 2016. 3. Business and Sustainable Development Commission, 2017. 4. Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2013. 5. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 6. World Bank, 2012. 7. World Health Organization, 2014. 8. IEA, 2015.

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Meet the partners behind Sustainia Living

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Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering

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Lifestyle providers

This publication has been produced on FSC approved paper by KLS Grafisk Hus A/S

Be a pioneer, be number 18 The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are a story about your future - what the world could look like in 2030. We urge you to learn about the goals, and decide what you can do to build the world of tomorrow. Share your choices with your family, friends and Sustainia’s global community. That makes you goal number 18. Join the movement #Iamnumber18

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