Joint Dutch-Norwegian innovation opportunities in the BLUE ECONOMY

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Oslo, 05 Feb 2013"

Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs!

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“Programma Internationale Agroketens”!

Assignment Inventory of Norwegian strategies, instruments and key players that actively develop an integrated ‘BLUE ECONOMY’ and to identify areas of cooperation, potential partners and strategies that The Netherlands could follow to connect. More info at

M å k e v e i e n 2 0 , 0 1 3 9 O s l o • t e l e p h o n e : + 4 7 9 1 3 8 1 3 1 7 • w w w. s u s t a i n o v a t e . c o m

Table of content

Existing coordinated bi-lateral activities


Connecting to Norway’s blue ambitions is profitable


Norwegian approach to advance the marine sector is complementary ..............................................................................................4 Norway is among the trendsetters by implementing ‘BLUE ECONOMY INNOVATION’ .......................................................................4 Refinement of Norwegian marine products creates opportunities for foreign players.......................................................................5 Norwegian investment in new energy is to involve aquaculture and fisheries players ......................................................................5

2. Inventory of Norway’s instruments to boost the ‘BLUE ECONOMY’


Public and private business development instruments......................................................................................................................6 Political instruments ...........................................................................................................................................................................7

3. Connection strategies for the Dutch marine industry to consider


Overlapping top-sectors as potential areas for cooperation .............................................................................................................12 Identification of suggested connection strategies ............................................................................................................................12 Suggested actions on ‘hot toppics’ by top-sector..............................................................................................................................13 Cross-sector ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................13 Agrifood / Seafood ...............................................................................................................................................................................................14 Life Science & Health ...........................................................................................................................................................................................15 Marine environment ............................................................................................................................................................................................17 Maritime / high tech ............................................................................................................................................................................................18 Horticulture (and starting materials) ...................................................................................................................................................................18

4. Quick scan of potential partners


Most prominent scientific players.....................................................................................................................................................20 Innovative industry players developing cross-sector business .........................................................................................................21

6. Finance options for collaborative actions


European funding possibilities .........................................................................................................................................................29 Norwegian funding possibilities ......................................................................................................................................................31 Dutch funding possibilities...............................................................................................................................................................34



Joined innovation opportunities in the BLUE ECONOMY"


Existing coordinated bi-lateral activities Strong marine histories Norway is demonstrating that it takes the development of its marine industries seriously because marine products (both living and fossil) form the backbone of Norway's export revenues. Two reasons are given for Norway’s large scale and continuous investment in this industry:

1) Norway is the world's second largest exporter of seafood. Norwegian waters are seven times larger than its land surface, and include some of the world's richest fish stocks. In addition, Norway has a long coastline that is very suitable for a globally growing interest in aquaculture production.

2) There is a high recognition by the Norwegian political & business society that oil & gas will run out in a few decades. For that reason the country is actively developing their secondary marine industries. Even the oil & gas industry itself is investing in biofuels and seeking synergy with other blue sectors.

For many centuries Norway, like The Netherlands, has focused strongly on shipping, fishing and seaborne trade. The Netherlands is in the top 10 most important trading partners of Norway and Dutch companies have invested heavily in the Norwegian industry among other in energy, offshore activities, oil and gas, retail and fish farming. In the scientific field Norway and The Netherlands are good collaborators but limited to projects.

Joining forces on fisheries innovation In recent years captains of the Norwegian marine industries (including top scientists) are joining forces when it comes to major industry challenges. Calls for innovation are no longer limited to Norwegian players. This makes the industry more transparent and accessible to Dutch producers and solution providers.

The Royal State visit of the Dutch Queen Beatrix to Norway, early June 2010, had a focus on stronger collaboration between Norway and The Netherlands. The Norwegian bio-marine innovation network ‘MARELIFE’ was then invited to learn more about the typical Norwegian innovation approach and to the give input to an ongoing discussion on the development of a renewed Fisheries Innovation Platform (VIP) concept in the Netherlands. As a follow-up a 'Diner Pensant' was organized by Doeke Faber, the President of the Product Board for Fish, a semi-governmental organization in which participate representatives of the entire seafood chain.

The Dutch government has signaled a growing interest in teaming up with Norwegian enterprises in fisheries, biotechnology, aquaculture and seafood, mainly through branch organisations as ‘VisNed’ and ‘Vissersbond’, innovation teams as ‘Klankbordgroep Visserij Innovatie’ and ‘InnovatieNetwerk’ and other thematic activities.

Going beyond fisheries: Blue Economy Since the Royal State visit, the former Dutch fisheries attaché and MARELIFE founder Øystein Lie have suggested coordinated efforts to improve Dutch-Norwegian collaboration additional marine sectors AQUACULTURE, BIOTECH, ALGAE and MARITIME by following 4 strategies:











Joined innovation opportunities in the BLUE ECONOMY"


The exploratory character of this report makes it a starting point to further develop these 4 strategies. The information and leads in this document are a logic follow-up of bi-lateral efforts of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs through its fisheries attaché.

The following people have so far provided a dynamic foundation for moving this bi-lateral activity forward:



Reinder Schaap (Fisheries attaché) !

Øystein Lie (MARELIFE) !

Jelle Landstra (InnovatieNetwerk)!

Lars Olav Lie (Liegruppen Fiskeri AS)!

Gert Jan Kooij (Zeevisserijbedrijf Zeemeeuw B.V.)!

Olav Rune Godø (Institute of Marine Research)!

Cees van den Berg (Zeevisserijbedrijf Jan van den Berg en Zonen B.V.) !

Marit Valseth (Innovation Norway)!

Paul van der Heijden (Mature Development B.V.) !

Morten Jensen (Norway Seafoods Group AS)! Pål Korneliussen (Intrafish Media)!

Job Schipper (Hortimare B.V.)! Rob Banning (W. van der Zwan & Zn. B.V.)! Pieter Louwe van Slooten (Zeevisserijbedrijf Orion B.V.)!

Jartrud Steinsli (Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs)! Stine Hammer (Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs)!

Doeke Faber (Independent Consultant)!

Jon Aulie (Norwegian Seafood Federation, MARELIFE)!

Willem Brands (Zeevisserijbedrijf Brands en Zonen B.V.)!

Paul Mydtling (Aquamedic AS, MARELIFE)!

Rene Wijffels (Wageningen Universiteit)! Erwin Houtzager (Phycom BV)! Louwe de Boer & Jacob Kramer (Ekofish B.V.)! Rik Breur & Eric Pieters (Micanti B.V.)! Gijs van de Bent (Visserijnieuws)! Philip ten Napel (De Olde & Ten Napel consultancy)!

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Johan Williams (Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs)!



" Business

Kevin Gallagher (Oslo Teknopol)!

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" Innovation captains


" Research


Joined innovation opportunities in the BLUE ECONOMY"


Connecting to Norway’s blue ambitions is profitable Large Norwegian ambitions and associated investments and in addition a strong need for international competence and markets are the reason for the Netherlands to take advantage and connect to the Norwegian ‘BLUE ECONOMY’ strategy.

Norwegian approach to advance the marine sector is complementary In contradiction to the Netherlands, innovation in Norway is played with a hands-on approach by key players in the industry and rapidly catalyzed by the arrival of industry based networks and the influential public bodies of Norwegian Research Council and Innovation Norway. There is no doubt that both countries have a strong marine and maritime tradition and a contemporary position. Both Norway and The Netherlands understand and have the experience of collaborating across borders and sectors and have the 'know how' to exploit and multiply the marine resources in a sustainable way; They know that global leadership can only be maintained through enforced efforts into R&D, innovation and optimization of public frameworks and industrial structures on a continuous basis. As Norway, the Netherlands is rapidly implementing new concepts of marine innovation.

For example, where recently the strategic BLUEBOOK was presented to boost regional (coastal) development in Norway, the Netherlands is rolling out a similar concept called BLUEPORTS. Although the ambition seems similar, the approach is different: where the BLUEBOOK is describing roles that certain regions and keyplayers could or even should play, some BLUEPORTS, although already in operation, seem to struggle with a lack of such strategic and concrete vision.

In Norway it’s clearly the industry itself that defines hot-topics or main challenges to solve after which mini-seminars of other type of national gathering is often the first concrete step forward. In recent years the Norwegian innovation climate has developed from government driven to a strong cross-industry driven approach where it’s the industry captains that take responsibility for the BLUE ECONOMY and set the course. In the Netherlands this could be compared with a joined operation between players such as Unilever, Pelagic Freezertrawler Association, AHOLD, Wageningen UR, BLUEPORTS and branch organisations.

Norway is among the trendsetters by implementing ‘BLUE ECONOMY INNOVATION’ After having introduced the word ‘sustainability’ to the world by the Brundtland Commission now Norway, as a marine country is rolling out a new integrated approach concerning its economic activities that involve its oceans: ‘BLUE ECONOMY’. The idea behind BLUE ECONOMY is simple: Fisheries, aquaculture, shipping, biotechnology, offshore and energy all operate in the same ecosystem and could benefit from joined forces such as considerable cost-saving opportunities, new dynamics in technology development and reduction of risk of costly, unplanned and unnecessary restrictions to operate in the marine environment.

With the introduction of this integrated approach to the Norwegian marine industries, Norway created the first step in a new field of cross-boundary collaboration that goes beyond the traditional trio ‘Energy, Shipping and Offshore’. Sustainovate"


Joined innovation opportunities in the BLUE ECONOMY"


The so-called ‘BLUE ECONOMY’ covers the following traditional industries: Oil /Gas / Maritime, Seafood (fisheriesaquaculture), Bio-technology and bio-prospecting and Energy (wind-wave-hydro)

Refinement of Norwegian marine products creates opportunities for foreign players Fortunately the harvest potential of the Norwegian seas are high and it should not come as a surprise that the Norwegian government's ambition for its seafood industry* is that Norway will be world leading nation in this field. Besides producing bulk seafood historically, Norway's current goal is to create even greater value based on all their marine resources through bio-refinery and bio- technology. This ambition requires foreign input, solutions and markets. Maintaining a healthy marine industry is vital for securing Norway's future. Its most important future businesses are based on living ocean resources either through fisheries, aquaculture, industrial ingredients or utilizing marine biological compounds to a number of new purposes: medicine, new materials and more.

The market pyramid reflects how the various product segments increase its value from bottom to top, where Norway’s main position is and where it wants to be (Source: exploitation of marine living re- sources, global opportunities for Norwegian expertise, 2006).

The broad spectrum approach is also one that the relatively new bio-marine network MARELIFE pursues. Th network of powerful industrial and R&D players facilitates collaboration between partners in marine industries, including fisheries, aquaculture, ingredients and marine biotech, and now even in the oil and gas, and energy sectors. Though its members are dominated by industry players, MARELIFE has tight links with academia and remains independent. It has influence at parliamentary level, for instance in budgetary and strategic decisions affecting the development of the marine sector, and recently stepped in as peacemaker in a long-standing political debate about fish stocks. MARELIFE is cur- rently expanding its activities international and embraces foreign key players.

* The term ‘Seafood industry’ is defined here as food, suppliers, knowledge, bio-economy and bio-technology."

Norwegian investment in new energy is to involve aquaculture and fisheries players Wind, wave and tidal energy have recently been added to marine resources. This makes it vital for the energy sector to engage on ocean sustainability issues with the other sectors of the ocean business community such as shipping, fisheries aquaculture and tourism.

Realizing cross-fertilizing industries is expected to challenge and strengthen both business and innovation heavily since marine industries have always operated exclusively. Norway would like to see its flagship industries to develop Sustainovate"


Joined innovation opportunities in the BLUE ECONOMY"


in harmony and cooperation that is based on the ultimate overall competence. Norway’s world-leading fisheries and petroleum industries must therefore collaborate with Norway’s top level marine research.

MARELIFE impression of the BLUE ECONOMY."

2. Inventory of Norway’s instruments to boost the ‘BLUE ECONOMY’ Public and private business development instruments Marine innovation in Norway is played with a hand-on approach with the arrival of industry based networks often initiated and facilitated by the influential combination of Norwegian Research Council and Innovation Norway. It’s the industry itself that defines hot-topics or main challenges to solve. Regional development clusters: Inspired by the theory of clusters developed by Michael Porter, a team of researchers under the leadership of Professor Torger Reve has analyzed 13 Norwegian knowledge hubs to address the main economic issue in Norway: “WHAT ARE WE DOING WHEN THE OIL RUNS OUT?” Seafood is one of the top three clusters in Norway, along with Oil & Gas and Maritime. All three clusters are backed by vital services in Oslo, including finance, law, ICT and other service industries.

Probably the most relevant for Dutch collaborative actions is the Bio-marine cluster MARELIFE. MARELIFE was established from the biotechnology cluster and is an independent science-based marine innovation network organized on a membership basis. It is one of the few networks worldwide covering all three major industrial bio marine fields: aquaculture, fisheries and marine by-products. At the same time the network is truly cross sector, embracing leading international players and trend setters from industry, finance, public and private investors, universities and a range of science and technology organizations. Stakeholders range from manufacturing and solution providers, start ups and venture companies to R&D organizations and public sector facilitators of innovation and commercialization. It has several Dutch members (see MARELIFE has recently teamed up with Biomarine Convention, an international platform that brings together executive and CEOs from marine ingredients, marine cosmetics, marine nutraceuticals, aquaculture, aquafeed, marine bio energy, pharmaceuticals and clean tech.



Joined innovation opportunities in the BLUE ECONOMY"


We b s i t e : h t t p : / / M A R E L I F E . o r g " Contact: Øystein Lie, General manager"


Storby Marin: an organization with the objective of improving the broad framework and growth of the bio-marine industries. To strengthen marine value creation, the organisation is to promote increased interaction between public and private sector and research institutions.

The organisation is a result of the MARELIFE Storby project which has put regional competence together on an aggregated national level to advance the marine sector as a whole. It represents a new type of clustering in which each metropolitan region is thoroughly inventoried: research and industry go hand in hand with project owners, city council's business plans and ambitions of the marine sector. Focusing on how Norway can communicate how to handle major marine issues:

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Ocean resource management

Sustainable aquaculture

Seafood and human health

Association general manager Tanja Hoel (CEO Fisheries Forum West).

We b s i t e : h t t p : / / w w w. M A R E L I F E . o r g / p r o j e c t s / M A R E L I F E - s t o r b y. h t m l "


Research Council funds. Always requires a strong scientific component. 50% funding (EU rules), 95% single company projects due to intellectual property rights. (Research Council collects funds by putting as levy on production & export).

Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (FHF). A funding scheme for industrial research and development work within fisheries and aquaculture, and is based on a levy of 0,3 percent on the net export value of fish and fish products. The funds shall be used for industrial innovation work for the benefit of all or part of the industry, and are distributed in the form of grants for research programmes and major projects.

Norwegian Seafood Council. Public company owned by the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs and is responsible for joint marketing measures for fish and fish products at home and abroad. The Norwegian Seafood Council has local representatives in important markets around the world (Sweden (Stockholm), Germany (Hamburg), France (Paris), Spain (Madrid), Portugal (Lisbon), Italy (Milan), Russia (Moscow), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), Japan (Tokyo), Singapore, China (Beijing) and the USA (Boston); chief of each office has diplomatic status). Funds are collected on exports of seafood (0,75% on the net value).

Political instruments Norway is tightly involved in EU policy, especially when it comes to the marine sector. The Norwegian government doing everything possible to ensure a good coordination between EU and national strategies using ‘Innovation Norway’ and the ‘Norwegian Research Council’ as its main instruments.



Joined innovation opportunities in the BLUE ECONOMY"


International playing field! In its role as a coordination platform, JPI Oceans (Joint Programming Initiative for Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans, Coordination of scientific research within EU Member States) will focus on making better and more efficient use of national governmental research budgets, which represent 85% of the marine-maritime funding within Europe. Main thinking: Stimulate interaction between operators in the oceans and try to build on existing tools and programmes in the EU framework. The platform is closely linked with HAV21, Norway’s national strategy plan in marine knowledge and management. In the research field the JPI offers an opportunity for cooperation; NL could strengthen this link by setting up a bi-lateral platform.

JPI was established in 2011 and is driven by governmental services and not by research institutes. JPI Oceans has a high-level management board: 2 people of each member country (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and United Kingdom.) The European Commission is participating as a non-voting member of the Management Board. Norway, represented by the Norwegian Research Council, Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs (FKD), has taken the initiative to start & steer JPI Oceans and is also coordinating the process together with Spain and Belgium (financing a secretariat in Brussels for the first 2 years). A strategic advisory board with 17 representatives from research; industry and government is to provide neutral and independent advice and assistance to the Management Board.

Key themes in JPI Oceans are European challenges that we face, but also the solutions that the oceans contain (e.g. transport, health, food, energy). Norway has established an interdepartmental working group which will now draw a more specific course to follow for how it involves its research, management and business into its marine strategy. The national HAV21 comprehensive approach to marine R&D spending in Norway would help prioritize spending efforts in the right directions and help it select the best strategies in international cooperation, such as JPI Oceans.

We b s i t e : h t t p : / / w w w. j p i - o c e a n s . e u "

Both The Netherlands and Norway's actively participate in EUREKA, the Europe-wide network for market-oriented industrial innovation. EUREKA’s Eurostars Programme is the first European funding and support programme to be specifically dedicated to research-performing SMEs. Eurostars stimulates them to lead international collaborative research and innovation projects. The Eurostars mission is “To support innovation-performing entrepreneurs, by funding their research activities, enabling them to compete internationally and become leaders in their sector.”

h t t p : / / w w w. e u r o s t a r s - e u r e k a . e u "

National playing field! Norway’s vision on marine resources: in the long term Norway will be the world's leading seafood nation. Therefore Norway invests in strategy development. In the past couple of years, the government has launched KLIMA21 focusing on climate, ENERGI21 for the energy sector, and most recently MARITIME21, an industry driven project for the shipping industry. National marine innovation strategy facilitated by ‘HAV21’ project that points to challenges and opportunities in the marine sector. Last year the Norwegian Government launched HAV21, a project to develop the country’s first comprehensive national research and development strategy in marine knowledge and management of its valuable marine resources and vast ocean areas.



Joined innovation opportunities in the BLUE ECONOMY"


The overall goal of HAV 21 is to deliver input to a more broad based and common strategy for marine research and development in four earmarked areas (fishing shipping, aquaculture and oil & gas in Norwegian waters). It will also point out needs for new knowledge and technology development and help create a comprehensive mindset on marine knowledge and technology efforts by bringing the public authorities, industry and research institutions closer together. HAV21 collects input from the industry, the research community and the authorities on four main themes – management, aquaculture (including marine bio-technology and production of bio mass), fisheries, and food (including bio-based industries and bio-prospecting) – for a strategic report that will form the basis for recommendations to the government’s seafood White Paper due in 2013 (see below), Norway’s engagement in international research cooperation, and other strategic work.

H AV 2 1 We b s i t e : h t t p : / / w w w. h a v 2 1 . n o " M o r e i n f o : h t t p : / / w w w. n o r t r a d e . c o m / s e c t o r s / a r t i c l e s / n o r w a y - l a u n c h e s - n a t i o n a l - r d - m a r i n e - s t r a t e g y / "

White paper on maintaining Norwegian seafood competitiveness. This whitepaper (due 2013) is a strategic document that describes a what actions are needed to maintain Norway's seafood industry competitiveness in the future. The whitepaper is 1) value chain oriented, 2) addressing new blue markets, 3), addressing research & innovation, will advise on how to attract more skilled (foreign) workers and how to interlink with HAV21 and JPI OCEANS. The document will be discussed by the Norwegian Parliament to create a broad political agreement on direction and approach. Not included are follow-ups in terms of budget allocation and launching new acts and regulations.

C o n t a c t : S t i n e H a m m e r, M i n i s t r y o f F i s h e r i e s a n d C o a s t a l A f f a i r s "

Integrated regional management plans for for example Barents Sea and seas offshore Løfoten Islands (2006). Existing research programmes will be used as tools in these areas (such as MAREANO and SEAPOP that will monitor sea bed conditions and the effects of human activities on the sea bed). North Sea regional management plan is under construction.

National strategy on biotechnology and bio-prospecting: how biotechnology and new marine elements can contribute to advance the blue sector (animal feeds, genetics, technical solutions etc.). Biotechnology is a rapidly growing industry in Norway, partly because it’s core activities concentrate in the less populated northern Norway where the Government is rolling out its Northern Area Strategy. The strategy is being followed up with more than EUR 23 million in annual allocations for research activities under the auspices of the Research Council of Norway. This includes EUR 4.7 million for marine bioprospecting. In addition the Government intends to allocate a total of EUR 15 million over the next three years for human biobanks and health data. This will support biotechnological research and the effort to promote better health and enhance health care services.

h t t p : / / w w w. f o r s k n i n g s r a d e t . n o / e n / N e w s a r t i c l e / F i r s t _ n a t i o n a l _ s t r a t e g y _ f o r _ b i o t e c h n o l o g y / 1 2 5 3 9 7 0 8 0 3 0 9 2 " C o n t a c t : M a r i t Va l s e t h , I n n o v a t i o n N o r w a y. "


A Public suggestion ‘blog’ launched by the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal affairs where seafood stakeholders can give their suggestions on how to further develop Norway’s seafood industry. Not very active (27 suggestions in 8 months).

Contact: Jartrud Steinsli, Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal affairs."

Norwegian Research Council. The Research Council is Norway's official body for the development and implementation of national research strategy. The Council is responsible for enhancing Norway's knowledge base and for promoting basic and applied research and innovation in order to help meet research needs within society. In 2012, Sustainovate"


Joined innovation opportunities in the BLUE ECONOMY"


The Research Council of Norway's total budget amounts to 1 billion EURO. The Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Trade and Industry are the most important contributors to the budget of the Research Council of Norway.

The Research Council serves as an advisory body on research policy issues, identifies research needs and recommends national priorities.

Through the establishment and implementation of targeted funding schemes the Research Council facilitates the translation of national research policy objectives into action.

The Research Council serves as a meeting place for researchers, funders and users of research findings, as well as for the different sectors and subject fields that are affiliated with the world of research.

We b s i t e : h t t p : / / w w w. f o r s k n i n g s r a d e t . n o "


The following relevant programmes are described at the website of the Norwegian Research Council: BIONAER - Sustainable Growth in food and bio-based industries. The BIONÆR programme will promote research and innovation that enhances value creation in Norway’s bio-based industries. The overall thematic area of the programme encompasses agriculture, forestry and nature-based value chains as well as seafood and marine biomass, from the time raw materials are taken out of the sea until they reach the consumer. New areas of focus under the programme are primarily linked to the concept of the bioeconomy and to achieving closed-loop systems.

BIOTEK2021 - Biotechnology for adding value. The BIOTEK2021 programme has been established as part of the implementation of the national strategy for biotechnology. The strategy identifies biotechnology as a key element in the development of the agricultural, marine, industrial and health sectors.

HAVBRUK - Aquaculture – A growing Industry. One of seven programmes under the Research Council’s Large-scale Programme initiative. The primary objective of the programme is to acquire knowledge to achieve economically, environmentally and socially sustainable growth in Norwegian aquaculture.

HAVKYST - Seas and coasts. The principal objective of the Programme is to encourage creative marine environmental research of high international quality. A broad understanding of our marine environment form a basis for longterm management of the marine ecosystems and their resources The Programme will bring about basic competence development in order to strengthen the integrated understanding of the structure, function and species diversity of the ecosystem. The main aims of the Programme are:

• to reinforce Norway’s position as a leading nation in marine ecosystem related research.

• to be a central contributor to the process of generating more knowledge of the marine environment.

• to provide a research-based foundation for long-term integrated management and a basis for wealth creation based on marine resources.

MAROFF - Maritime Activities and Offshore Operations. The new MAROFF started in 2010 and has a duration of 10 years until 2019. MAROFF will help realize the Government's maritime strategy for the promotion of innovation and environmental value creation in the maritime industries. The program will contribute to maritime companies and research institutions development of their knowledge advantage, and supports projects that are oriented towards the research challenges that are necessary to achieve the three key innovation areas. The designated areas are chosen Sustainovate"


Joined innovation opportunities in the BLUE ECONOMY"

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because they both can give rise to new business opportunities for Norwegian players, besides that they largely build on specialized expertise and experience that exists within the Norwegian maritime industry.


Advanced transport and logistics

Environment-friendly demanding maritime operations.

MILJO2015 - Norwegian environmental research till 2015. The MILJO2015 programme - Norwegian Environmental Research Toward 2015 is a comprehensive, cross-disciplinary research programme designed to generate knowledge about key environmental questions and create a foundation for designating future policy. The structure of the MILJO2015 programme consists of one overarching research area: CROSSCUT, and four specific thematic areas: SOCIETY, LAND, WATER and POLLUTION.

NORD - Research Council's High North strategy. Efforts to develop the Research Council of Norway’s Arctic and northern areas initiative began in 2005. It was shaped by factors of both national and international significance, such as climate change and a growing demand for the natural resources found in and under the ocean. For instance, estimates show that a quarter of the world’s undiscovered petroleum reserves are to be found in the Arctic areas.

NORKLIMA - Climate change and consequences for Norway. The primary objective is to generate vital new knowledge as a basis for adaptive responses by human society. The main focus is on the climate system; climate trends in the past, present and future; direct and indirect impacts of climate change on the natural environment and society.

PETROMAKS - Support for petroleum R&D. With the introduction of PETROMAKS in 2004, the Norwegian government gave a signal that strong public support of petroleum innovation was necessary. With this backing, the Research Council of Norway has an annual budget in 2009 of 30 mill US dollars for petroleum innovation.

POLARFORSKNING - Polar research. Several of the Research Council’s other programmes also deal with polar-related issues. The greatest polar focus is found under the Programme on Climate Change and Impacts in Norway (NORKLIMA), but polar research is also included in the portfolios of the Space Research Programme (ROMFORSKNING), the Oceans and Coastal Areas Programme (HAVKYST), the Optimal Management of Petroleum Resources Programme (PETROMAKS), and the Norwegian Environmental Research Toward 2015 Programme (MILJO2015).

RENERGI - Future clean energy systems. The objective of RENERGI is to develop knowledge and solutions as a basis for ensuring environment-friendly, economically efficient and effective management of the country's energy resources, a highly reliable energy supply and internationally competitive industrial development.

Innovation Norway is the Norwegian Government's most important instrument for innovation and development (including trade& investment) of Norwegian enterprises and industry. Innovation Norway is the Norwegian government's official trade representative abroad. It’s represented in more than 30 countries worldwide and is closely affiliated with the Norwegian embassies and consulates. In a joined operation with the Research Council it provides funding for innovation (see the above programmes).

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Joined innovation opportunities in the BLUE ECONOMY"

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3. Connection strategies for the Dutch marine industry to consider Overlapping top-sectors as potential areas for cooperation Norway has defined 6 top-sectors that show a surprising overlap with the 9 Dutch top-sectors. Like The Netherlands, Norway had defined nine top sectors but in 2011 Innovation Norway (being the Norwegian Government's most important instrument for innovation and development of enterprises and industry) has reduced the number of prioritized sectors from nine to six. Besides ICT, also “Culture” has been cancelled as a priority, and “Oil and Gas” has been merged with the “Maritime sector” into one priority. Below are the sectors in which the Netherlands and Norway excel globally and are a government priority. In bold the sectors that are directly relevant to the BLUE ECONOMY.






Life Sciences & Health



Oil / Gas / maritime

High Tech Systems & Materials


Energy (outside of scope)

Tourism (outside of scope)

Chemicals (outside of scope, biotech in Life Science) Horticulture (includes seaweed) Logistics (outside of scope) Creative Industry (not relevant)

T O P S E C T O R S A S D E F I N E D B Y T H E G O V E R N M E N T S I N 2 0 1 2 . S O U R C E S : H T T P : / / W W W. T O P - S E C T O R E N . N L A N D H T T P : / / W W W. I N N O VA S J O N N O R G E . N O / "

Identification of suggested connection strategies Cooperation between Dutch and Norwegian stakeholders at different levels is commendable, but only if the cooperation at all levels starts from a single agreed point of departure. Based on ongoing collaboration initiatives we can state that the following connection strategies require input on each of the following levels:


Cooperation on INDUSTRY AND GOVERNMENT LEVEL for example by connecting national framework, funding schemes, facilitating network organisations or sector clusters. Stakeholders: So far, on Dutch side there is a clear interest in collaboration by InnovationNetwork and the Ministry of Economic affairs, on the Norwegian side The Norwegian Seafood Council, Innovation Norway and the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs would be the main stakeholders.



Joined innovation opportunities in the BLUE ECONOMY"

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Cooperation on BUSINESS COMMUNITY LEVEL that would typically include establishment and connection of reference groups, project groups (consortia), setting up bi-lateral matchmaking, building financial frameworks, organizing mini-seminars around main industry challenges, (co-) organizing business conferences, networking events etc.. Stakeholders: On the Dutch side there is an interest from the advisory board fisheries innovation (Klankbordgroep Visserij-innovatie), Masterplan Sustainable Fisheries (MDV), Maritime cluster and BluePorts. From Norwegian side there is an interest from MARELIFE bio-marine innovation network, the Industrial Biotech Network and the Maritime Network.


Cooperation on PROJECT LEVEL (Public Private Partnerships). Initiation of innovation projects should take place from a central point. Such point could easily be the business communities mentioned above. Strong scientific players in the marine playing field that would be interested in teaming up with Dutch-Norwegian enterprises are Wageningen University and Research center (WUR), The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Deltares, TNO and NIOZ. Potential Norwegian counterparts or partners are described in earlier chapters. Actions to consider: Following up industry requests that come from the business networks described above: partnership identification, fund raising. Processes could be initiated and facilitated by Dutch and Norwegian Embassies incl. Dutch fisheries attaché and advisors/network; Norwegian and Dutch branch organisations; Norwegian / Dutch business and innovation networks.

Suggested actions on ‘hot toppics’ by top-sector The following focus areas are selected based on ongoing coordinated efforts (funding/projects) by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs to strengthen bi-lateral collaboration between The Netherlands and Norway. The connection strategies that are suggested below have been initiated and are supported by the industry.



Setting up a business community for Innovation in the bio-marine industry with international focus

Top-down coordinated action on government level to promote and facilitate Dutch innovation in the entire marine industry on a national and international scale following the Norwegian success formula. This platform has the aim to fill the gap in international coordinated innovation and cross-sector collaboration, namely: • The ‘Klankbordgroep Visserij Innovatie’ is focussed on the fishing industry solely, which limits a search for partners for the typical cross-sector innovation projects that are needed. • Regional ‘Blueports’ are focussed on regional and national cross-sector cooperation, which limits international exchange of ideas, partners and project leads. Creating the environment for Dutch enterprises to either establish a new or join an existing bio-marine innovation platform. It is suggested that a small committee be formed – consisting of a limited number of high level policy/ strategy makers from Norway and The Netherlands, who will develop a long term industry plan for each top-sector that embraces the seafood industry. The plan should be approved by stakeholders (incl. governments) and actors in a half day seminar, where the plan will be presented and defended. Based on the strategic plan, projects and activities will be developed and implemented and thus be consistent with the medium and long term objectives developed in the plan.



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Bottom-up actions on business community level: Most bottom-up efforts are found scattered throughout the Dutch industry, many not knowing of each others existence and solely with the purpose to solve company-specific challenges. To advance the BLUE ECONOMY as a whole, the private sector could typically work along 4 major tracks:


Projects: Facilitating collaboration between members with emphasis on installing common research projects, addressing challenges and potentials too big to be handled by individual members


Commercialization: Assisting in the commercialization of ideas and inventions, private/public finance included. This would be a typical task for an industry umbrella organisation.


Financial framework/funds: Striving at optimizing and building frameworks for marine R&D and innovation


Business events:

• As an example the North Atlantic Seafood Forum (NASF) being the largest seafood conference in Europe. This conference took the first ideas on joint Dutch-Norwegian efforts to an international stage, facilitated by MARELIFE secretariat and several Dutch players. Around 30 representatives from Dutch enterprises actively participated in the 2012 conference including Doeke Faber, Guus Pastoor, Ekofish Group, Royal Ahold, Rabobank, Rode vis, Pelagic Freezer Trawler Association and many more. The Dutch cutter sector is looking for innovations that add value to fish products and reduction of costs and thinks it can find partners and ideas during the NASF. Another focus area can be linked to the Masterplan Sustainable Fisheries (MDV) or Blueports.

The objectives of this activity is twofold:


Using a fast growing international platform for potential partners to attract and the North Sea fisheries and aquaculture to showcase as powerful and innovative sector


Active matchmaking with potential international partners in closed business- and innovation sessions. Important is: Early involvement of stakeholders, definition of focus areas for the Dutch marine industry and connection to Dutch innovation topics that can be integrated both in the main conference as in parallel sessions. The Netherlands could take the lead in parallel sessions and can contribute to topics and speakers of the main conference in 2014. It’s important that individual industry players recognize opportunities!

Agrifood / Seafood


Joined branding strategies for sustainable North Sea seafood Relevance/need: Despite rising global demand for fish, prices of Dutch fish remain far behind. Norway has a much more sophisticated marketing system that is built around farmed fish (salmon) and more recently also for wild caught fish (cod). So encouraging a more customer-focused niche marketing and logistics around Dutch seafood, based on Norwegian models used for cod and salmon is the aim for collaboration.

! Sustainovate"


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Salma brand


" Findus brand


" Sea Fraiche brand

Suggested connection strategy: Norway has very high brand recognition for its seafood in major international markets such as the US. Exploratory Study to Norwegian marketing models applied by Aker seafoods, Leroy and several brands of fresh fish such as ‘Salma’. Focus should be on product differentiation: freshness, convenience food, logistics, own distribution, marketing, cultural values etc. In return, Norwegian partners could explore potential markets in The Netherlands for typical Scandinavian seafood. Organizing targeted meeting at North Atlantic Seafood Forum where producers, consumers (retail) and potential investors meet.

Develop pilot for new fish feeds (algae) for aquaculture to support growing need for food. Relevance/need: Production potential of the oceans are underutilized at the same time that there is a great need for raw materials for livestock and fish farming but also for the pharmaceutical- and food industries. Food is becoming scarcer worldwide and aquaculture currently imposes a heavy pressure on wild fish stocks (wild fish to feed farmed fish). In both The Netherlands and Norway, a strong activity in the field of extraction of valuable components from algae is well underway.

Suggested connection strategy: A first Dutch-Norwegian algae business meeting was held in March 2012 where the main challenge was discussed: entering the aquaculture market on industrial scale (contact Sytse Ybema, Sustainovate). Several players from that meeting have indicated the need for a more concrete follow-up. Two existing Norwegian market scans can form the next step in matchmaking with Dutch stakeholders. The Centre for Applied Biotechnology will report on micro algae strategies in Norway (contact Hans Kleivdal); this should give insight on possible funding and collaboration opportunities with The Netherlands. Blue Bio has also produced a similar market scan for (micro) algae business opportunities. This market analysis is based on a common interest from the Project “Industriell Bioteknologi” Innovation Norway (IN), the Association Storby Marin (The IN Secretariat for the analysis in Norway), the Prosject Blå Bioteknik (Interreg KASK), NIC-Project Nordic Algae Network and MARELIFE. In dialogue with Dutch players such as WUR AlgaeParc and Phycom BV a follow-up business meeting can be arranged for example during one of the algae business seminars held in Scandinavia in 2013.

Life Science & Health




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Explore overlapping areas of interest between Dutch InnovationNetwork project on seafood and health to Norwegian Bio-technology / bioprospecting from marine ingredients. Opening doors to untapped potentials and meeting Norwegian needs for developing the growing population of elderly. As stated earlier in this memo, representatives of the Norwegian Industrial Biotechnology Network have indicated that The Dutch biotech and chemical industry are extremely interesting to further develop the Norwegian marine biotechnology industry.

Relevance/need: Functional food for the older generation seems to be a niche market where much competence lies in Norway. It meets the demand in the Dutch fishing industry to increase the value of seafood. A growing number of elderly people increases the need for quality food and omega3 products. Norway invests heavily in solutions that should lead to reduce costs for the care of elderly.

Suggested connection strategy: A first exploratory meeting and desks study to identify areas of possible collaboration, potential partners and available fundings for bi-lateral activities. This study should focus on fish, algae, krill and other parts of the marine ecosystem.

Bi-lateral collaboration is believed to be essential on the long run and for practical reasons preferred over multinational collaboration. A suggested second step could be a 3 to 5 year assignment of a ‘knowledge broker’ or matchmaker that would be responsible for identification of national companies (database) and connection of relevant stakeholders. NB: This would be a copy of the Norway - UK approach (http://

Useful contacts: Marit Valseth from Innovation Norway, responsible for NO-UK collaboration is interested in exploring opportunities with NL. Biotechnology developments in northern Norway are lead by the Dutchman Ernst-Jan Kloosterman as employee of ‘Biotech North’. He believes the fisheries attache’s activities in Norway are interesting to the entire Norwegian biotech branch.

! Facilitation of matchmaking between Norwegian and Dutch Industrial biotech networks

Relevance/need: The Netherlands is extremely competent in vegetative biotechnology whereas Norway has a focus on marine biotechnology. Joining forces seems a logic step.

Suggested connection strategy: A connection between the Norwegian and Dutch industrial biotechnology could be realized by copying the approach that Norway is currently following with the UK.

In that case the Dutch and Norwegian biotechnology networks will have to physically meet and explore complementary expertise and industry needs.

As a second step a one full-time-position to could be funded to participate in bi-lateral meetings, to monitor the playing field from the Dutch side (actors, regulations, innovation etc.) and to initiate and follow-up Sustainovate"


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business leads. Another investment from both governments could be the build and connection of national databases that contain most important biotech players in Norway and The Netherlands making it easier to collaborate with foreign partners and participate in innovation and knowledge business development projects.

Marine environment


Cross-sector collaboration in ecosystem monitoring Relevance/need: Given the expensive R&D costs in the marine sector, there could be major savings from combining resources on infrastructure such as vessels and satellites. Norway is ahead in such developments due to the often remote areas of fisheries and offshore activities.

Suggested connection strategy: Identification of stakeholders, (potential) markets and ongoing activities in a low budget desk study. Joint stakeholder meeting to discuss concrete opportunities that are suggested in the desk study report.

Useful contacts: Espen Johnsen and Olav Rune Godø from Bergen Marine Institute in Bergen;

Ecosystem monitoring IT (oil drilling, and other activities)

Relevance/need: Norway recognizes the marine sector as major market for its IT development. Norway is currently looking at opportunities to outsource to EU countries where it can get access to EU R&D budgets! With a rapidly changing marine environment caused by climate change and human impact the need for robust and international monitoring systems is rapidly growing. Norway can be seen as world leader in such technology development but The Netherlands differentiates from Norway by its leading industry in software development and data infrastructure (IT at sea): The Netherlands ranks among the top 10 worldwide markets in terms of application software products.

Suggested connection strategy: Describing the major Norwegian challenges in ecosystem monitoring: Norwegian ambitions and demands for foreign IT expertise. Identification of current software suppliers for such mega projects (fisheries research, oil industry, government obligations, European projects etc.).

Useful contacts: Bjarte Frøyland, Special advisor on Inward investment at The Oslo Region alliance; Peter Thorner, Manager of the Wireless Future Program, Christopher Giertsen, vice president, business development at CMR.




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Maritime / high tech


Developing multi-functional fishing vessel or ‘future’ fishing vessel Relevance/need: This is to broaden the economic base of the marine fisheries (EU fisheries policy limits the number of days to about 200 per year). Learning from Norwegian developments in this area (including bi-lateral cooperation with Sweden, Iceland and Denmark). The new Fisheries Policy (CFP) has a strong focus on sustainability (less damage to ecosystems, efficient fishing techniques and use of vessels for nonfishing purposes). This requires a different type of fishing vessel and novel technologies. Both in Norway and the Netherlands initiatives are being developed in public-private partnerships (in The Netherlands Ekofish BV, Quotter BV, MDV etc.)

Suggested connection strategy: A first Dutch-Norwegian business meeting was held in March 2012 where the Dutch idea of a multipurpose fishing vessel was discussed with representatives from Aker Seafoods, DNV, Rolls Royce and STX shipbuilder. The Norwegian approach seems to differ significantly from the Dutch approach. Therefore the Dutch initiatives should remain in close communication with Norwegian stakeholders so that best practice developments are followed.

Horticulture (and starting materials)


Macro-algae (seaweed) production and integrated fish farming (including sea farms) to develop sustainable aquaculture and pioneer on this new food and energy source. Relevance/need: Rather unknown in the Dutch marine industry but responsible for 25% of the world aquaculture biomass. Seaweed does not only purify the water around fish farms in open sea, it also produces valuable protein and other compounds and gives a home to natural predators of sealice, the biggest threat in the salmon industry. Norway with its well sheltered fish farms could be a large potential market for integrated farming.

Suggested connection strategy: Starting a pilot project using current expertise from ‘Northseafarm foundation’ (Stichting Noordzeeboerderij) and Hortimare BV. The foundation is currently developing a test farm at sea that produces seaweed and combines this with other activities. Hortimare BV is the main supplier of seaweedseed in this foundation and is currently collaborating with a Norwegian fish farmer on joined production.



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Useful contacts: In the Netherlands: Job Schipper from Hortimare BV and Stichting Noordzeeboerderij, producer of seed, knowledge on seaweed farming and technology. In Norway: Fjord Forsk Sogn AS provides R&D within the farming of marine species (fish and shellfish). It provides services within aquatic issues (environment, farming, sealice, etc). Salmon Group AS shows interest in testing integrated aquaculture with Dutch seaweed know-how on large scale (

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4. Quick scan of potential partners Most prominent scientific players The following scientific players are involved in science-based innovation and can be linked to ongoing coordinated activities between the Netherlands and Norway. Institute for Marine Research (IMR) - Marine research

With a staff of almost 700 the Institute of Marine Research is Norway's largest center of marine science. Its main task is to provide advice to Norwegian authorities on aquaculture and the ecosystems of the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea, the North Sea and the Norwegian coastal zone. For this reason, about 50% of its activities are financed by the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs. IMR has signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) with Wageningen IMARES from the Netherlands.

Det Norske Veritas (DNV) - Research on improvement of business performance

As independent foundation DNV is a global provider of services for managing risk, helping customers to safely and responsibly improve their business performance. Its history goes back to 1864, when the foundation was established in Norway to inspect and evaluate the technical condition of Norwegian merchant vessels. Since then, its core competence has been to identify, assess, and advise on how to manage risk. One of the most important competitive advantages of DNV is its investment in research and innovation. Since 1954 DNV has had a dedicated research department that has enhanced and developed services, rules and industry standards in multiple fields. Many of the technology solutions developed by DNV have helped define internationally recognized standards. Relevant project: DNV’s future fishing vessel concept, Fish_2015 : Catchy.

SINTEF - Technical research

SINTEF is the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia. The SINTEF Group is structured into several research institutes, which have been defined in terms of value chains and industrial market clusters. Relevant to the BLUE ECONOMY:


MARINTEK (Marine Technology Research Institute)

SINTEF Fishery and Aquaculture

SINTEF Energy Research (focus on finding solutions related to power production and conversion, transmission / distribution and the end use of energy both onshore and offshore/subsea including bioenergy and technology for the food and nutrition industry.)

SINTEF Petroleum Research

NIVA - Water (environmental) research

NIVA is Norway’s most prominent environmental research organisation committed to research, monitoring, assessment and studies on freshwater, coastal and marine environments in addition to environmental technology. In contradiction to IMR (see above) NIVA is not financially supported by the government. In case of for example an oil spill, Sustainovate"


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IMR would get the task from the government to start investigating the area and potential threats to marine life whereas NIVA would typically be asked by commercial players to perform special seawater monitoring tasks.

NOFIMA - Seafood research

Nofima was established on January 1, 2008, and is Europe’s largest institute for applied research within the fields of fisheries, aquaculture and food. Shareholding:


• • •

State (Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs): 56.8 %.

The Agricultural Food Research Foundation: 33.2 %.

Akvainvest Møre and Romsdal: 10.0 %.

BIOFORSK - Horticulture research

Also known as the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, Bioforsk conducts applied and specifically targeted research linked to multifunctional agriculture and rural development, plant sciences, environmental protection and natural resource management. International collaboration is given high priority.

Universities with marine programmes

• • • • •

Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Åss)

University of Bergen

University of Oslo

University of Stavanger (petroleum)

University of Nordland

Innovative industry players developing cross-sector business The following industry players are involved in science-based innovation and can be linked to ongoing coordinated activities between the Netherlands and Norway. Oil & Gas Norway’s hunger to learn from different industries and develop renewable energy projects has lead to a strong focus on bridging the gap between the bio-marine and petroleum industry. StatOil is working on concrete projects (fisheries, aquaculture and macro-algaeproduction) where the marine and offshore sectors can create totally new dynamics for innovation, technology development and smart sustainable solutions.

Seafood (fisheries-aquaculture)

Fisheries: As a globally integrated pelagic fishery and seafood specialist, Austevoll Seafood ASA (Stock listed) operates through subsidiaries and associated companies, fishing vessels with licensed quotas in three of the world’s most important fishery countries - Norway, Chile and Peru. Main activities are in fishing fleet, fishmeal and oil plants, canning plants, frozen fish plants, salmon farming and sales. Pelagic trawlers such as Eros, Gardar, Brennholm, Christina E, and Libas are owned by trendsetting Norwegian fishing company that rents out their ships for a number of marine and maritime assignments such as environmental monitoring, offshore assistance, fisheries surveys etc. Driven by the recent economic recession and reduced fishing quota, new partnerships between commercial players and fishing vessel owners in Norway have emerged over the last few years. It quickly turned out that fishing vessels can perform at much lower



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costs (even up to 50%) than dedicated offshore and specialized research vessels; Norway Pelagic ASA is a producer and exporter of pelagic fish, caught in the seas close to Norway. Total raw material processed is on annual basis about 50% of total landings of pelagic fish in Norway processed for human consumption. Norway Pelagic ASA is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange; Fiskebåt or Fishing Vessel Owners' Association is a professional body and employer's association for the Norwegian fishing fleet. About 90% of all fishing vessels over 27.5 meters are a member of the association. Since January 2012 Aker Seafoods was restructured into two separate companies; Aker Seafoods ASA and Norway Seafoods Group AS. Aker Seafoods is now a solely harvesting company and is the largest trawl company in Norway. Norway Seafoods Group is a processing and sales company.

Aquaculture: Norway hosts many fish farming companies but a few large one stand out: Marine Harvest ASA, once founded by Unilever, produces Atlantic salmon, halibut and white fish. The group has a share of between 25 and 30% of the global salmon and trout market, making it the world's largest company in the sector. The company has an integrated value chain, with the company making its own broodstock in freshwater, followed by growth and maturing in seawater, harvesting, manufacturing in processing plants and distribution. Marine Harvest also owns a 'value added processing' unit, which prepares and distributes a range of seafood products, and a number of smaller divisions; Lerøy Seafood Group is a leading exporter of seafood from Norway and is in business of meeting the demand for food and culinary experiences in Norway and internationally by supplying seafood products through selected distributors to producers, institutional households and consumers. The Group's core activities are distribution, sale and marketing of seafood, processing of seafood, production of salmon, trout and other species, as well as product development. The Group operates through subsidiaries in Norway, Sweden, France and Portugal and through a network of sales offices that ensure its presence in the most important markets; Cermaq ASA is a Norwegian fish farm and fish feed company. The company is owned 43.5% by the Government of Norway and is listed on Oslo Stock Exchange. With the brand name EWOS Cermaq produces fish feed in both Norway, Canada, United Kingdom, Chile and Vietnam.

Feed companies: Skretting is the world’s largest producer of feeds for farmed fish. Skretting is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Nutreco feed group, which is listed on the stock exchange in the Netherlands; The BioMar group is one of the leading suppliers of high performance fish feed to the aquaculture industry. Its main business areas are feed for salmon and trout in Norway, the United Kingdom, and Chile, and feed for trout, eel, sea-bass, and sea-bream in Continental Europe. Roughly one out of four farmed fish produced in Europe and Chile are fed with BioMar fish feed. Worldwide the BioMar Group supplies feed to around 60 countries and to more than 25 different fish species. BioMar fish feed types cover the full life cycle of the fish including larvae feed, fry feed, smolt feed, grower feed, and brood stock feed; EWOS is a business division of Cermaq ASA.

Marine ingredients/ Bio-technology and Bio-prospecting (Marine ITP) Dozens of companies and institutions in Norway deal with marine ingredients one way or another. The Norwegian Industrial Biotechnology Network (currently 36 members) is an answer from the government to create structure in this labyrinth.



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The Network aims to stimulate innovation and knowledge sharing in the area of industrial biotechnology* and bio-refining. Its activities bring together academia and industry across research disciplines, industry sectors and geography.

In February 2011, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Innovation Norway and the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) in the UK. This agreement intends to foster transnational collaboration between industries and research institutions in the area of industrial biotechnology and bio-refining where the bi-lateral approach is pre-

How Innovation Norway would like to facilitate Nor-

ferred over international collaboration.

wegian industrial Biotech

* Bio-technology is defined as the search for useful products derived from biological resources whereas bioprospecting describes the systematic search for and development of new sources of chemical compounds, genes, micro- and macro organisms, and other valuable products from nature.




Facilitated by the government


" Bi-lateral


" Multi-sector approach

Other networks that focus on Marine ITP are:

BioTech North is an emerging biotechnology cluster of enterprises and R&D organizations, which cooperate closely with regional funding and development actors. As bioactive molecules and compounds from Arctic marine resources form the basis of activities for the majority of the cluster members, BioTech North serves as a marine biotech cluster. The majority of BioTech North’s enterprises are active within life science applications and markets. To date the cluster contains around 30 organizations from both the private and public sector.

Omegaland network objective is to develop the great potential of Omega-3 products. Through collaboration, innovation and commercialization, the industry situated on the north-western coast of Norway aims to strengthen its position as world leader within processing of marine oils for human consumption and health products.

FHL Maring is a cluster for the bio-marine ingredient industry based production of by-products from the fishing industry. This is the raw material that is used both for feed production and specialized products that apply in areas such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics production.

The Nordic Lipid Forum (1969) is a professional arena for people interested in lipids in the five Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland. The forum should benefit both scientists and companies involved by having a common meeting place and a system for exchange of knowledge. Key points in the Nordic LipidForum activities are:

• Organize a contact network for a Nordic collaboration in the lipid area



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• Promote applied research and technology for industrial application of lipids, fats and oils with a special focus on the Nordic raw materials such as fish and other marine oils, rapeseed, camelina and flaxseed oil.

• Provide information network playground for Nordic and international meetings, job opportunities in academia, research institutes and/or industry, etc.

• Provide a forum for exchanging of ideas and information

• Increase international visibility of Nordic research and industry in the lipid field.

• To inspire talented employees to increase their competence in lipid science and development

Aker Bio-Marine ASA is an integrated biotechnology company – positioned to create value from krill harvesting and processing. Aker Bio-Marine co-operates closely with CCAMLR and WWF to ensure sustainable harvesting.

Algae (micro-algae and seaweed) The main challenge regarding the marine sector is: Opening the aquaculture market for algae products. Algae are seen as the largest un-exploited biomass resource, which possess vast potential as resource for an array of different applications including ingredients for the food and feed industry.

Micro algae The image below visualizes the micro algae playing field as suggested by key algae players in Norway. The BlueBio project clearly focusses on commercializing scientific expertise.

Illustration by Sustaino-

At the time of writing there are three desk studies commissioned on the potentials for using micro algae in a Norwegian bio-based economy: Sustainovate"


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- Microalgae, a market analysis carried out as part of the Interreg KASK IVA project: Blue Biotechnology for Sustainable Innovations, “BlueBio”, January 2013. - ProAlgae, Industrial production of marine microalgae as a source of EPA and DHA rich raw material in fish feed – Basis, knowledge status and possibilities. FHF project no. 900771 (expected publication in June 2013). - Joined Dutch-Norwegian Business opportunities in Micro algae and Nordic Aquaculture. Sustainovate AS, May 2013. Blue Bio commissioned this study to get a picture of the microalgae players for the Nordic countries. A brief analyses has been performed on how the Nordic countries best can capitalise on its strengths in the light of current and emerging opportunities for algal R&D, and in the context of international competition. Based on analyses, there are 25 universities and R&Ds identified working on algal topics while only 7 companies are working on commercial algae projects in the Nordic countries. Despite the increasing demand for algae in the (shell)fish farming industry and the increasing number of breeding initiatives it appears difficult to set up business that produces high quality algae on an industrial scale.

The aquaculture sector recognises that algae play a potential important role, but neither party wants to become problem owner or develop solutions for the entire sector. Thus, vital pilots that are needed for maturing this market are being postponed. To attract funding, a significant number of the new companies that have been formed make unrealistic claims about productivities and profits; this threatens the credibility of the field in general. Instead a long innovative process is necessary to be able to scale up the algae production to meet the increasing demand for aquaculture biomass for many different purposes. It includes technical innovations to reduce costs and increase volumes significantly but it also concerns market uncertainties and commercialisation.

There might be several reasons for the lack of commercialisation of this wealth of algal expertise in the Nordic Countries:

Although aquafeed companies are willing to explore including algae (components) into their aquafeed they often do not have the in-house competence to judge which technology or algae producing company is future proof. In this case neutral institutions such as the Norwegian ‘Lipid Forum’ or ‘Algae Network’ might take a guiding role.

Another bottleneck in the Nordic countries put forward in the Blue Bio report is presented by the fact that researchers often are still not too familiar with how to take brilliant ideas, inventions and developments further

Recent Norwegian initiatives and contributions to open the market are the development of ‘Knowledge Networks’ such as the Nordic Algae Network and Algae commercialisation efforts as in the EU funded project Blue Bio and the Nord-Østron project. In addition, numerous conferences and workshops and other business meetings actively put the algae topic high on the agenda.

The main questions regarding opening the aquaculture feeds' market for algae derived products are:


• Which ingredients can be sourced from industrial micro-algae production? • Which barriers and challenges need to be resolved to secure market entry both technical and business-wise? • How to develop the market to algal ingredients? • What is needed to start commercial algae production for use in shellfish and fish farming • Who are potential investors in this field? • How to reduce delay due to registration and legislation? This route is costly ad time consuming. Sustainovate"


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! See the report ‘Joined Dutch-Norwegian Business opportunities in Micro algae and Nordic Aquaculture’, Sustainovate AS.May 2013 for more detailed information and an overview of the playing field.

Useful contacts: - Jon Aulie (MARELIFE innovation network) - Pål Myhre (Marine Design AS)


- Hans Kleivdal (University of Bergen)

Macro algae Norway has rich coast with many opportunities and seaweed cultivation has the potential to become an important coastal industry in Norway. Nowadays 180 people are working in the seaweed industry. Around 45 persons harvest seaweed, either self-employed, working for a boat owner or processing company. Why is there no commercial cultivation of macroalgae in Norway today, when harvesting of natural macroalgae resources constitute a well-functioning industry? The established algal industry is based on harvesting natural resources of seaweeds for the production of alginate, seaweed meal and extracts for use in food processing, pharmaceuticals and agriculture. Cultivation of seaweed opens several opportunities to produce food, fatty acids, plastics, medicine and bioenergy in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. To develop a functional industry for processing of seaweed products, a sustainable production of seaweed must be developed in addition to the harvesting of natural resources.

Seaweed Energy Solutions AS (SES) is a pioneer in the development of cultivated seaweed as an alternative energy source, the cornerstone of its technology being the patented Seaweed Carrier, a large purposebuilt underwater structure for cultivating seaweed for mass production.

Statoil has agreed to co-fund SES for ongoing technology development. The agreement includes plans for a large-scale demonstration project. SES is currently carrying out cultivation tests at various locations off the coasts of Norway and Portugal with the support of Stolt Sea Farm, a leader in aquaculture, and Aqualine, a major global supplier of flexible aquaculture structures. It also has partnerships with a number of scientific institutions in Norway and Portugal.

h t t p : / / w w w. s e a w e e d e n e r g y s o l u t i o n s . c o m "


Bioforsk and Salmongroup are Norwegian companies collaborating with the Dutch seaweed producer Hortimare.



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FMC biopolymer wants to see farmers increase productivity, produce seaweed in an environmentally sustainable manner and work safely. FMC has worked closely with farmers to boost their productivity through training in Best Farming Practices, improved farming systems, developing technology and safety/health awareness. This has led to a dramatic rise in production and productivity. FMC biopolymer that has an office in Norway. Image: Large scale seaweed production (source FMC biopolymer)

Collaboration networks around micro- and macro algae have only emerged recently and Nordic countries make an effort to join forces:

Nordic Algae Network (DK, NO, SE, IS)

This project is a network project with focus on a majority of industrial partners in dialogue with research institutions. The network will increase the ability of the involved industries to evaluate their business opportunities for production based on algae raw materials, and the network will strengthen the cooperation and sparring between the Nordic partners. In addition the newsletters and the website will give a large network for algae activities in the North Atlantic hemisphere including England, Scotland, Ireland, Faroe Island, Greenland and the east coast of Canada.

Nord-Ostron project is a cooperation between Universitet i Gøteborg, Skjellsenteret i Danmark , Norwegian University of Life Sciences and an oyster producer. Its task is to find a good way to produce micro-algae as food for oyster larvae.

Relevant Events: • ‘Alger 2012’ in Bodø, May the 23rd -24th 2012 (

Useful contacts:

- Øystein Lie (MARELIFE innovation network)


- Ole Jakob Sørdalen: former sector head of Energy and Environment at Innovation Norway.

Marine renewable energy (wind-wave-hydro) SINTEF is by far the most important player when it comes to R&D and innovation in marine renewable energy. It operates in several energy sectors:



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Solar energy: Among important areas of utilization is drying agriculture/seafood products

Wind power: The wind power industry has changed considerably in recent years. The direction of development is towards larger wind turbines and larger wind parks. The development of ever-larger wind turbines is likely to continue, and the biggest turbines and parks will be erected oshore. This large scale development potentially creates opportunities for integrated fish farming/seaweed farming.

Ocean energy: Not relevant yet for fisheries or aquaculture; factors like immature technology, large technological challenges and high costs mean that no commercial ocean based power plant can compete with conventional power production without strong support. Other important shortcomings are value chain functions, infrastructure, legislation and standardization.

An overview of markets and stakeholders can be found at The purpose of this site is to present a concise overview of the progress of technology, economy and market in relation to renewable energy. It will also present examples of Norwegian companies that deliver relevant technology.

Useful contacts:

- Bergny Dahl (Innovation Norway) : responsible for environmental technology programme (energy from waves, wind & biomass)

- Ole Jakob Sørdalen: former sector head of Energy and Environment at Innovation Norway. 



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6. Finance options for collaborative actions

! The implementation of the integrated concept of BLUE ECONOMY in Norway gives Dutch enterprises easier access to Norwegian industries and funding sources that come with this cross-sector concept. For example, a Norwegian oil company will be encouraged to obtain non-oil related EU funding to develop a pilot project with a Dutch seaweedor fish farming company that looks for sustainable applications of their production.

European funding possibilities The European Union possesses four key funding opportunities to support BLUE ECONOMY innovation: the 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration activities (FP7), the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), the Structural Funds (SF) and the European Fisheries Fund (EFF). SF - Structural Funds Structural Funds (SF) are the European Union's basic instruments for supporting social and economic development in EU member states. They account for over a third of the European Union budget. A good example is the Interreg initiative that is designed to strengthen economic and social cohesion throughout the European Union. Typical projects under INTERREG would be the formation of frameworks or BLUE ECONOMY stakeholder networks."


FP7 - The Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) and Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) FP7 with a total budget of over €50 billion for the period 2007-2013 is the EU instrument specifically targeted at supporting research and development. Norway can participate in FP7 programs on equal terms with EU member states.

It provides funding to co-finance research, technological development and demonstration projects based on competitive calls and independent peer review of project proposals. It is important to underline that FP7 is not just for researchers in research entities or the education sector. Across the range of activities supported by FP7, companies may also participate (see: The Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) scheme is specifically designed for commercial enterprises. Enterprises are also the main players in the European Technology Platforms (ETP - http://cordis. and Joint Technology Initiatives (JTI - http:// ).

Horizon 2020 is the name of the follow-up programme of FP7 (Framework Programme 7). It addresses the economic crisis and people’s concern about the environment. The aim is to simplify and increase SME participation, which opens up new possibilities for cross-sectoral collaborations and possible financing. The new programme for research and innovation will run from 2014 to 2020 with a total foreseen budget of € 80 billion. On 30 November 2011 the European Commission released their proposal for this new programme. According to this document a budget of Sustainovate"


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€ 4,1 billion is earmarked for food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio- economy.

Practical guide:"


CIP - The competativeness and innovation framework programme (2007-2013) The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) aims to encourage the competitiveness of European enterprises. With small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as its main target, the programme will support innovation activities (including eco-innovation), provide better access to finance and deliver business support services in the regions. It will encourage a better take-up and use of information and communications technologies (ICT) and help to develop the information society. It will also promote the increased use of renewable energies and energy efficiency. CIP will last from 2007 until 2013 and has a total budget of over €3.6 billion: €2 .170 million for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP) (of which more than €1 100 million for financial instruments and €430 million for promoting eco-innovation). Calls for proposals: The IEE programme and the ICT-PSP programme allocate their funds mainly through calls for proposals."


EFF - European Fisheries Fund (2007-2013) The European Fisheries Fund (EFF) aims to support the common fisheries policy. Although Norway cannot participate in the EFF it can be partner of EU member state projects.

Funding is available for all sectors of the industry – sea and inland fishing, aquaculture (the farming of fish, shellfish and aquatic plants), and processing and marketing of fisheries products. Particular attention is given to fishing communities most affected by recent changes in the industry. The EFF has a budget of €4.3 billion for 2007-2013. In this framework, a limited number of projects can include research and innovation.

The Member States decide how to allocate the financial support between the priorities of the fund. Each Member State creates a National Strategic Plan regarding the implementation of the EFF, presenting an overall strategic vision and the medium term development policy of the fisheries and aquaculture sector. It also handles applications:


h t t p : / / w w w. h e t l n v l o k e t . n l / o n d e r w e r p e n / s u b s i d i e / d o s s i e r s / d o s s i e r / o p e n s t e l l i n g e n - s u b s i d i e s "

Applicants should carefully read the instructions published in the National Administrations websites, fill the prescribed forms and present them and the requested accompanying documents within a set deadline to the National Authorities of the Member State in which they are established.

The EU-funding-guide provides a good overview of typical topics, principles and example projects that can be funded through the Fund.



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! Norwegian funding possibilities The Norwegian funding system is mainly made for funding companies registered in Norway. Applicants from abroad must as a rule have a formal affiliation with a Norwegian institution to be eligible to seek Norwegian funding. The main public/private funding opportunity is the 1) The Norwegian Seafood Research Fund, a funding scheme for industrial research and development work within fisheries and aquaculture, and is based on a levy of 0,3 percent on all exported fish and fish products. The three main public actors are 2) Innovation Norway, the 3) Industrial Development Corporation of Norway (SIVA) and the 4) Research Council of Norway. Funding instruments provided by Innovation Norway seek to promote industrial development that is profitable in both commercial and socio-economic terms. The focus is on entrepreneurial activities, growth in companies and innovation communities. SIVA’s instruments are designed to promote industry incubation and to create viable value-creating communities based on national and international infrastructure for innovation. The Research Council’s innovation-oriented instruments are designed to realise the potential for value creation of R&D activities and to use research to promote innovation. There are also possibilities to get funding from the Counties (along the coast line of Norway) – some of the counties are doing coop very well with Innovation Norway and Research Council of Norway and SIVA, a few of the counties might improve their coop for optimal use of governmental money.

The Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (FHF).

The funds shall be used for industrial innovation for the benefit of all or part of the industry, and are distributed in the form of grants for research programmes and major projects. The fund is organized as special entity under the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs but financed 100% by the industry. It takes 0,3% duty on export and had 214 MNOK (about 28 mill EUR) budget in 2012 .

Strategic focus areas:


• Sustainability

• Quality

• Documentation of health effects (human nutrition)

• Market research

• Use of total marine raw materials (bi-products)

• Insight into framework

• Competitiveness and efficiency

• HSE (Health and Safety)

Innovation Norway IFU. In 2012, Innovation Norway invested over NOK 300 million (40M EUR) in new industrial and government research and development contracts (IFU/OFU). For Dutch -Norwegian business relations the so called ‘IFU’ program is relevant. Important priority areas are offshore oil and gas, environment, maritime business development, as well as marine business development and energy. There is also a considerable focus on the health sector and other areas that involve large-scale public procurement

Innovation Norway offers this support program that makes grants available to Norwegian companies (especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)) that are developing new products or services for foreign (or other NorSustainovate"


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wegian companies). The support program may cover up to 60% of the development costs incurred by the Norwegian companies.

The outcome of an IRD project may vary, but these results are typically:

• A product or prototype as the first version of a unit that can either be marketed as a product in its own right or as a component of a larger system.

• Software for which there is an independent business idea and that can be marketed as a separate product or service.

• A system integration, with significant new capabilities.

• A new production process.

The IRD program can support development projects from the pre-study phase up to and including the industrial prototype/pre-commercial phase. It may also include testing and monitoring of whether the prototype meets specifications, including a 0-series production. This is in accordance with European Union (EU) regulations for research, development, and innovation.

More info at ‘2012 Guideline for IRD cooperation’ available on the Innovation Norway website. Marine Value Creation Programme. With marine wealth creation program, we want to raise the competence of Norwegian seafood producers, and ensure that they deliver what customers want. The goal is to increase profitability for businesses and industry through market-business networks and supply of market expertise and strategic competence.

This program helps with:

Grants for networking. Do you want to go into a committed relationship with other seafood businesses? We give grants to promising projects. Grants for market orientation. Planning a market-led development of seafood your company? We provide grants to projects that can give your company lasting competitive advantage. Courses - market expertise for Norwegian seafood industry. Norwegian seafood companies can increase profitability by better knowledge about the market. Interesting? Join our practical courses on strategy, marketing, branding and communications. Trainee - learn about the market, the market. Want to learn more about the market around the world so that you can help to improve profitability in your business? We offer young people in the seafood business a stay of 4-12 months as a trainee in an international market. Build networks abroad FRAM Seafood Market. Will you sell seafood on the international market? We provide strategic assistance and networking in multi-business program "FRAM Seafood Market".

Aquaculture programme. Innovation Norway can help fund projects that are innovative and tailored to market needs. It also advises on marketization and internationalization. When it considers the projects, it emphasizes that the Norwegian applicant thinks holistically, and look the project location in the value chain.

Projects of the following type are given priority:



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Salmon and trout 
 “We give priority to projects that increase the product's value through the supply chain, often by building brand or product differentiation. We also fund good projects in areas such as sustainability and technology.”

Cod and new marine species 
 “Norway should be a custom provider of fresh Atlantic cod, given our great natural advantages in fisheries as well as aquaculture and capture-based aquaculture. We are looking for projects with profit potential, with solid ownership, competence and equity. In projects involving aquaculture and capture-based aquaculture requires a substantial commitment from owners and substantiation of market relations and agreements.”

Crustaceans and molluscs 
 “Here we assume that the project is located in the regions with the best natural conditions, including with respect to toxic algae. New reception will be evaluated against already established receiving structure.”

SIVA - The Industrial Development Corporation of Norway Is the governmental corporation and national instrument founded in 1968. SIVA aims to develop strong regional and local industrial clusters through ownership in infrastructure, investment and knowledge networks as well as innovation centres. The goal is improvement of national infrastructure for innovation. SIVA’s main objective is to contribute to the achievement of the Norwegian government's policy goals in remote areas, and within this framework contributes to unleash innovation capability and increase wealth creation in all parts of the country. The enterprise is organized in main areas Real Estate, Innovation, Industry and International.

Research Council of Norway (RCN) The Research Council occupies a key position in the Norwegian research and innovation system as an advisory body on research policy issues and a research funding agency. The Research Council seeks to promote research and innovation in all types of enterprises that have R&D potential. Funding enterprises from abroad will only be available when these enterprises take part in joint R&D projects where the research component is purchased from a approved Norwegian organisation.

Under the SkatteFUNN scheme, business enterprises engaged in research and development activity on their own or in collaboration with others may apply for a tax deduction. The scheme is legal-right based and regulated in the statutory framework, and is open to all branches of industry and all types of companies - regardless of size. To be eligible for a tax deduction, business enterprises must be subject to taxation in Norway, although they do not have to be currently liable for taxation. SkatteFUNN not support operations or investments.

The project must be targeted and limited, so it is possible to distinguish the project from the company's normal business; aim to generate new knowledge or new skills or use existing knowledge or skills in new ways or areas, and the development of new or improved goods, services or production processes; benefit the company and buy services from from a research institution that is pre-approved by Innovation Norway and Research Council.

M o r e i n f o : h t t p : / / w w w. f o r s k n i n g s r a d e t . n o / e n / F u n d i n g / S k a t t e F U N N / 1 2 1 0 0 4 6 4 9 6 8 1 2 ? l a n g = e n " A p p l y f o r f u n d i n g : h t t p : / / w w w. f o r s k n i n g s r a d e t . n o / e n / A p p l y _ f o r _ f u n d i n g / 11 3 8 7 8 5 8 3 0 9 8 5 " Sustainovate"


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! Dutch funding possibilities The information below is incomplete; the focus has been on mapping Norwegian funding options. The below mentioned Dutch public bodies have (limited) financial resources available to initiate or facilitate collaboration with Norwegian counterparts although that does not belong to their core business. As soon as there is a Norwegian counterpart that expresses the need and willingness to co-finance such collaboration any of the Dutch public stakeholders could fund a strategic business meeting. EFF - European Fisheries Fund (2007-2013) Two main innovation funds are currently in place that aim at strengthening the Dutch fisheries and aquaculture industry.


‘Collectieve acties in de visketen’; Within these projects the fishing industry works together and in many cases also include a social organization.


‘Innovatie in de visketen’; Projects should focus on the development and testing of innovative techniques of fishing and aquaculture more sustainable and economically more profitable.

Innovation Network Innovation Network does not provide funding but it can facilitate in the development and implementation of groundbreaking ideas. This usually happens in the early stages of the development of an idea. For the implementation of already well developed ideas it would be more relevant to use innovation instruments of the Ministries of Economic Affairs. When knowledge must be developed, Transforum Green could be an interesting partner.

More info:"


Innovation Credit A scheme of the Ministry of Economic Affairs performed by NL Innovation. In 2012, the budget for the Innovation Credit was around EUR 95 million. Applications can be submitted throughout the year. They are assessed in order of receipt.

The money is a risk loan, on which interest is calculated. The rate depends on the risk profile and is 4, 7 or 10%. The loan is intended to finance promising innovative projects that lead to new products within a few years. This may relate to the technical development of a new product or a project where a pilot study is required. With the Innovation Credit up to 35% for SMEs and 25% for non-SMEs of the development costs of a project (own labor, materials, subcontracting costs, patent costs) are funded to a maximum of 5 million euro. If the project fails in a technical sense, the money provided can be waived. If the project succeeds then the loan including accrued interest is to be repaid within ten years.

M o r e i n f o : h t t p : / / w w w. a g e n t s c h a p n l . n l / p r o g r a m m a s - r e g e l i n g e n / i n n o v a t i e k r e d i e t



Programma Internationale Agroketens (PIA) Sustainovate"


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A scheme A scheme of the Ministry of Economic Aairs performed by the fisheries or agricultural attachÊ. Limited funding is available for improving the competitiveness and innovativeness of Dutch agribusiness structurally by further expanding international, sustainable food supply chains (production and trade). A clear condition for getting access to this funding is that the demand follows a certain pathway:



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