One Wales: One Planet Consultation on a new Sustainable Development Scheme for Wales November 2008
D3500809 A4 report cover.indd 1
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Please respond to this consultation by 4 February 2009 Responses can be submitted by letter, fax or e-mail to: Sustainable Development Branch Department for Environment, Sustainability and Housing Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NQ Fax: 029 2082 5008. Tel: 029 2082 3388/029 2082 6769
D3500809 ISBN 978 0 7504 4962 5
D3500809 A4 report cover.indd 2
Š Crown Copyright 2008
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Contents Page Context
Ministerial Foreword
Our Principles and Vision
A Strong and Confident Nation
A Healthy Future
A Prosperous Society
Living Communities
Learning for Life
A Fair and Just Society
A Sustainable Environment
A Rich and Diverse Culture
Annex A: Measuring Progress
Annex B: The role of others
Annex C: Key supporting documents
Context This consultation is on the draft of a renewed Sustainable Development Scheme under the Government of Wales Act 2006. It sets out how the Welsh Assembly Government intends to promote sustainable development in the exercise of the Welsh Ministers’ functions. The main aims of the Scheme are to set out: •
a long-term Vision of a sustainable Wales that is real, relevant and meaningful to the people of Wales and its organisations;
specific outcomes that the Assembly Government will seek to achieve through its main policies and programmes; and
processes that the Assembly Government will put in place to ensure its work coherently reflects the goals of sustainable development.
Your views on this consultation will be used to develop the new Sustainable Development Scheme. If you would like to get involved in providing feedback, there are a variety of ways doing this, which are set out on our website: This includes written responses to this document, participation in consultation events, and emailing your views and questions to our mailbox. We also welcome the opportunity to meet with organisations to discuss the Scheme. In particular, the Welsh Assembly Government would like to encourage you to give us your views on the following questions/issues: Q1. Is the overall purpose of the scheme, and how you should use it, clear - and if not what else should it say to reflect your input into working towards a sustainable Wales? Q2. Is the new Vision helpful to you as a long term view of a sustainable Wales that you can aim towards? Q3. Are the key outcomes sufficiently clear and comprehensive to help you align your activities as you plan and deliver your actions in support of a sustainable Wales? Q4. Are the specific actions and commitments helpful to you in demonstrating our commitment to SD and the route we will take? Q5. Is the suite of SD indicators comprehensive to act as clear drivers and provide sufficient clarity about the direction of travel to help measure progress to SD, and do they help you align the way you measure your organisation's contribution and progress towards SD?
Consultation issued: 19 November 2008 Responses to be submitted by: 4 February 2009 How to respond When responding, please state whether you are responding as an individual or representing the views of an organisation. If responding on behalf of an organisation, please make it clear whom the organisation represents and, where applicable, how the view of members were assembled. Responses can also be submitted by letter, fax or e-mail to: Sustainable Development Branch Department for Environment, Sustainability and Housing Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NQ Fax: Tel:
029 2082 5008 029 2082 3388 029 2082 6769
Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Confidentiality of Consultations The Welsh Assembly Government will publish a summary of responses following completion of the consultation process. Your response, and all other responses to the consultation, may be disclosed on request. The Welsh Assembly Government can only refuse to disclose information in exceptional circumstances. Before you submit your response, please read the paragraphs below on the confidentiality of consultations and they will give you guidance on the legal position about any information given by you in response to this consultation. The Freedom of Information Act gives the public a right of access to any information held by a public authority, namely, the Welsh Assembly Government in this case. This right of access to information includes information provided in response to a consultation. The Welsh Assembly Government cannot automatically consider as confidential information supplied to it in response to a consultation. However, it does have the responsibility to decide whether any information provided by you in response to this consultation, including information about your identity should be made public or be treated as confidential. Usually, the name and address (or part of the address) of its author are published along with the response, as this gives credibility to the consultation exercise. If you would prefer for your response not to be published, or to be published but not attributed, please include an explanation in your response.
You should also be aware that there may be circumstances in which the Welsh Assembly Government will be required to communicate information to third parties on request, in order to comply with its statutory obligations. This includes its obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998, the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and the Environmental Information Regulation 2004. For further information on the Assembly’s Code of Practice in dealing with requests for access to information it holds please visit our website:
Ministerial Foreword I am delighted to present our consultation on the new Sustainable Development Scheme for Wales, One Wales; One Planet. We are very far from living sustainably. In May this year, I launched a report that recalculates Wales’ Ecological Footprint. This shows that if everyone on the earth lived as we do, we would use 2.7 planets worth of resources. It also shows that, unchecked, our Ecological Footprint could increase by 20% by 2020. We would then be using 3.3 planets worth of resources. Climate change is the clearest example that our current lifestyles are unsustainable, but wherever we look - the amount of waste we generate, the amount we travel - we know that we are living beyond the environment’s means to sustain us. I am proud that the Government of Wales Act 2006 places the promotion of sustainable development at the heart of the Welsh Assembly Government’s work. We remain one of the few administrations in world to have such a statutory duty, and it gives us an opportunity to develop Wales, as a small, smart nation, in ways which contribute sustainably to people’s economic, social and environmental wellbeing, now and in the future. This new Sustainable Development Scheme provides an opportunity for us to confirm sustainable development as the central organising principle of public service – because public service must be about achieving benefits for the whole of society and for the long term. In this consultation document we have sought to highlight how our relevant policies and commitments will both contribute to the well-being of the people of Wales and move us towards using only our fair share of the earth’s resources. This is a tremendous challenge, and one in which we must all play our part. I hope you will aspire to Wales becoming a One Planet Nation – to achieve One Wales: One Planet. I invite you to let me have your comments about this proposed Scheme for Sustainable Development and to help us ensure that together we can deliver real and lasting changes to transform people’s live across Wales.
Jane Davidson AM
“I want a Wales fit for generations to come…What motivates me is doing my very best to ensure a brighter, sustainable future for [my grandchildren and their grandchildren] and every other child growing up in Wales today…[Therefore], top of the list… of our priorities which will continue to improve the quality of life for people today and in the future… is sustainability” First Minister, 8 February 2008.
INTRODUCTION What is sustainable development? The goal of sustainable development is to “enable all people throughout the world to satisfy their basic needs and enjoy a better quality of life without compromising the quality of life of future generations” 1. In the context of Wales, sustainable development means enhancing the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of people and communities, achieving a better quality of life for our own and future generations. This must be done in ways which and promote social justice and equality of opportunity, and which enhance the natural and cultural environment and respect its limits - using only our fair share of the earth’s resources and sustaining our cultural legacy. Sustainable development is the process by which we reach the goal of sustainability. Our Duty In Wales, the Welsh Assembly Government is proud that sustainable development is a core principle within its founding statute. We were, and indeed remain, one of the few administrations in the world to have a distinctive statutory duty in relation to sustainable development. This duty, which was contained within the Government of Wales Act 1998 and which now falls under the Government of Wales Act 2006 (Section 79), requires Welsh Ministers to make a scheme setting out how they propose, in the exercise of their functions, to promote sustainable development. Much has been achieved since the inception of the duty through our two previous Sustainable Development Schemes: Learning to Live Differently (2000) and Starting to Live Differently (2004). This consultation document seeks to build on these experiences and set out our proposals to promote sustainable development, how we will make sustainable development a reality for people in Wales, and the benefits that people will see from this, particularly in our less well-off communities. This Scheme should be seen as a sustainable development scheme for the people of Wales. This Scheme also provides an opportunity to respond to the issues raised in the review of the effectiveness of Starting to Live Differently, and in work by Cynnal Cymru2 3 1
UK’s shared framework for sustainable development Flynn, Marsden, Netherwood, Pitts (2008), The Sustainable Development Effectiveness Report for the Welsh Assembly Government. 3 Cynnal Cymru (2008), Transformation Nation, Report from Civil Society to inform the review and re-make of the Sustainable Development Scheme, 2
The purpose of the Scheme for Sustainable Development This Schemes sets out a vision for a sustainable Wales, and the principles and actions to underpin that. We recognise that the vision will require radical change in all sectors of society, and that the timescale for this transformation will be the lifetime of a generation. The vision of a sustainable Wales, and the supporting definition of sustainable development (the process of development to achieve the vision), will be the overarching strategic aim of all of our policies and programmes, across all Ministerial portfolios. Recent commissioned work4 shows that the existing policy commitments in our programme One Wales have the potential to stabilise Wales’ ecological footprint by 2020 in the key areas of transport, food and housing. But we recognise there will be more to do, and that the required momentum of change must be faster. Whilst the vision, the definition of sustainable development, and the underpinning principles of sustainable development will remain constant, there will be a need to update this Scheme in the future to reflect new policies required to take us further down the road to achieve the Vision. We hope that this Scheme will allow organisations in Wales to align their activities to the vision and the supporting outcomes. We want the Scheme to be used actively by all organisations in Wales to help them plan and deliver their work and activities. Sustainable development represents a real organising principle, relevant to all sectors of society. It demands joined-up government with a focus on the long-term and serving the citizen, directly supporting the aims we have already set in the Wales Spatial Plan and for Local Service Boards across Wales. A framework supporting One Wales This Scheme is not separate from our One Wales agenda, nor additional to our existing policy work, but provides a unifying vision and set of operational principles that will thread through, support and drive all our policies and programmes in a joined up way to deliver sustainable development. This Scheme is a strategic framework document setting out how our policies and commitments will move closer to delivering sustainable development over this Assembly term. It emphasise the twin guiding themes of helping people – particularly those worst off - and reducing our environmental impact. To reflect these two key threads, the title of the new Scheme is One Wales: One Planet. Shared Principles The UK’s shared framework, One Future - different paths, sets out that the goal for sustainable development will be “pursued in an integrated way through a sustainable, innovative and productive economy that delivers high levels of employment, and a just society that promotes social inclusion, sustainable communities and personal well-being. This will be done in ways that protect and enhance the physical and natural environment, and use resources and energy as 4
Dawkins, E., Paul, A., Barrett, J., Minx. J. and Scott, K. (2008) Wales’ Ecological Footprint – scenarios to 2020, report to WAG, Stockholm Environment Institute, University of York.
efficiently as possible”5. This Scheme is consistent with the overarching principles of the UK shared framework. In particular, by setting a pathway to using only our fair share of the earth’s resources, and becoming a One Planet nation within the lifetime of a generation, we will demonstrate the principle of living within environmental limits. Our focus on how a sustainable approach will improve the quality of life and wellbeing of the people of Wales, and especially those in our less well off communities, will demonstrate ensuring a strong, healthy and just society through achieving a sustainable economy. EU context At the EU level, the renewal of the EU SD strategy6 in 2006 confirmed the long standing commitment to sustainable development and the support and promotion of actions to enable the EU to achieve continuous improvement of quality of life for both current and future generations. While environmental protection remains at the heart of the strategy, other guiding principles include social equity and cohesion, economic prosperity and ensuring policies are coherent with international responsibilities. The EU SD Strategy priorities are reflected in our SD Scheme. These linkages will ensure there is coherence between EU policies and coherence between regional, national, and global actions in order to enhance their contribution to sustainable development. Format of this Scheme The format of this Scheme will cover the following key elements:
5 6
Our guiding principles and a renewed vision and pathway towards a sustainable Wales, in line with our One Wales commitments (Chapter 1).
A chapter on each relevant One Wales heading highlighting the outcomes we wish to achieve through relevant commitments.
An Annex on how we will measure our progress.
An Annex on the key role of others sector in contributing to our vision of a sustainable Wales.
UK’s shared framework for sustainable development. EU Sustainable Development Strategy, available at www…..
CHAPTER 1: OUR PRINCIPLES AND VISION Principles Sustainable development should be the central organising principle for Government and the wider public sector in Wales, so that sustainable development – as the process that leads to us becoming a sustainable society – becomes the overarching aim of Government and the public sector. Such an approach will be underpinned by the following 2 core principles, and 6 supporting principles: •
Core principle 1: Involvement – people and communities are at the heart of SD, so we will be inclusive in our involvement of all our stakeholders in the development of our policies and programmes, and the identification of solutions that meet their needs, promoting innovation in the way that we deliver services.
Core principle 2: Integration – only an approach that makes the connections between, and effectively integrates, economic, social and environmental challenges will achieve sustainable development.
Supporting principle 1: Decoupling - all of our policies will show how we will reduce Wales’ Ecological Footprint to work towards our vision, initially through showing how we will reduce our CO2 emissions by 3% a year, year-on-year, from 2011 in those areas where we have devolved competence, and move towards a zero-waste society.
Supporting principle 2: Full costs and benefits – we will identify and take account of the full range of costs and benefits, including those over the long-term, those not measured in monetary terms, and those costs that are global as well as local, in our policy making. We will promote whole system thinking, taking account also of risks - especially to the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of communities - and uncertainties associated with action and inaction.
Supporting principle 3: Precautionary principle – we will use an evidenced-based approach to decision-making but we will not postpone decisions on cost-effective solutions to potential problems, in cases where there is lack of full scientific certainty.
Supporting principle 4: Polluter pays principle – we will ensure that social and environmental costs of development fall on those who impose them.
Supporting principle 5: Proximity principle - we will solve problems, especially in managing waste and pollution, locally, rather than passing them onto other places or to future generations
Supporting principle 6: Reflecting distinctiveness - our approach to sustainable development will reflect and respond to the particular needs and issues of communities in different parts of Wales, as outlined in the Wales Spatial Plan update.
Our Vision of a Sustainable Wales Through our One Wales Programme for Government we are committed to developing a strong and confident nation: living communities that fully reflect our rich and diverse culture, creating a fair and just society within a sustainable environment, generating a healthy future for all, ensuring opportunities for learning for life, and underpinned by the creation of a prosperous society. Within the lifetime of a generation we want to see Wales using only its fair share of the earth’s resources, and where our ecological footprint is reduced to the global average availability of resources – 1.88 global hectares per person, with each Spatial Plan Area making its full contribution (see Figure 1 for Wales’ ecological footprint, by theme, for 2003). To achieve this goal over a generation, we will need to reduce by two thirds the total resources we currently use to sustain our lifestyles. The figure below shows how our current footprint is made up. To reduce this we must: •
radically reduce by 80-90% our use of carbon-based energy, resulting in a similar reduction our greenhouse gas emissions. This reflects the latest estimates for action needed to address damaging climate change. It would build on our existing 3% per annum reduction target in Wales and our ambitions to make all new buildings zero carbon buildings and to move to producing as much electricity from renewable sources by 2025 as we consume;
have a radically different approach to waste management, moving towards becoming a zero waste nation. This will build on our stated goal of achieving 70% recycling of municipal waste by 2025;
organise the way we live and work so we can travel less by car, wherever possible, and can live and work in ways which have a much stronger connection with our local economies and communities;
source more of our food locally and in season; and
do all this in ways which make us a fairer society, reducing the gap between rich and poor, building on our commitments to tackling child and fuel poverty.
Private services 5%
Capital investment 4%
Other 1%
Public services 12% Housing 25% Consumer items 15%
Food 20% Transport 18% Figure 1: Ecological footprint of Wales by theme (2003)
ACTION 1: To promote a low footprint Wales, we will further extend the use of ecological footprinting by introducing a grant scheme from 2009/10.
CHAPTER 2: A STRONG AND CONFIDENT NATION Sustainable development should be the central organising principle for the whole of the public sector, to provide the strong sense of purpose and direction necessary to deliver the real and lasting changes to transform people’s lives all over Wales. The Welsh Assembly Government aspires to become an exemplar organisation and has a key role in leading change in Wales and encouraging and enabling others to do so. The steps we are taking to meet this aspiration, and additional actions related to the key outcomes, are set out below. KEY OUTCOMES AND ACTIONS: •
The Welsh Assembly Government, as an exemplar organisation, demonstrates leadership on sustainable development, and encourages and enables others to embrace SD as the central organising principle.
ACTION 2: We will benchmark our progress on sustainable development in our operations against other Government departments using the Sustainable Development Commission’s Sustainable Development in Government (SDiG) reporting process, from spring 2009.
Sustainable development considerations are at the core of the evaluation and development of our policies and our new and existing investment proposals.
ACTION 3: Through our Policy Integration Toolkit, we will identify how each new initiative can best contribute to sustainable development and we will use the Resources and Energy Analysis Programme (REAP) to identify the contribution of these to reducing Wales’ Ecological Footprint.
There are effective and participative systems of governance in all levels of society.
KEY ACTION 4 We will develop a strategy to reduce each Wales Spatial Area's ecological footprint across the range of its activities, and set this out in the Area's delivery framework. As part of this, we will define the concept of low-carbon regions and how this can be achieved in each Spatial Plan Area.
How our work will improve the lives of communities •
Business decision-making - All of our business decision-making will support sustainable development as the central organising principle. Using our new IDEAs management system, we will measure our performance coherently against a few key outcomes so that we are clear how our work is contributing to achieving lasting change. We will look to improve our planning and budgeting processes through the Managing for Delivery Project. This will help ensure that resources are aligned closely with policy objectives. We will work towards embedding Wales Spatial Plan (WSP) priorities in our business planning and project approval processes, aiming towards ensuring Assembly Government budgets are aligned with the WSP. 15
Procurement - We will use our buying power to raise our performance in sustainable procurement by benchmarking, continually improving and becoming an exemplar for the Welsh Public Sector. A Sustainable Risk Assessment (SRA) will be applied to all competitively tendered contracts over £25k. There will be more training and advice, encouraging the wider public sector to benchmark its performance and produce action plans for improvement, whilst encouraging the use of the SRA on all contracts over the European procurement threshold.
Policy making - We will update the Policy Gateway Integration Toolkit to ensure that sustainable development is the central organising principle of policy development. Our Equality Impact Assessment will further ensure our policies, strategies and programmes meet the needs of all people and communities in Wales.
Training - Training programmes will be developed to raise awareness, promote know-how, develop skills and change behaviour on sustainability issues. A programme of events/awareness raising for the wider public sector will be developed alongside Public Services Management Wales (PSMW), building upon the success of the One Planet Leadership Programme.
Governance and partnership - Through our WSP Area Delivery Frameworks, we will focus on delivering the strategic regional priorities that have been identified in partnership through the work of the Spatial Plan Groups and testing the spatial impacts of policies on the ground. The Advice Note on Sustainable Development for Community Strategies, supporting the statutory guidance, will guide local authorities and their partners in developing Community Strategies which contribute to our vision of a sustainable Wales. Local Service Boards (LSBs) will provide collaborative leadership at a local level to enable a focus on partnership action through the delivery of projects, captured in a local delivery agreement.
Improving local sustainability - Until now the law7 has required local authorities to demonstrate continuous improvement each year in terms of the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of their operations. This neglects the broader and longer-term effects – positive and negative – that they can have on the areas and communities that they serve. Accordingly, we have brought forward a draft Assembly Measure to reform the law in this area; it would provide that improving the sustainability of a local authority’s operations and taking action to deliver community strategies are as important as improving the measured quality or efficiency of local authority services.
Section 3 of the Local Government Act 1999.
How our work will contribute to reducing Wales’ ecological footprint •
Greening operations - Within the Welsh Assembly Government estate, we will minimise our own ecological footprint by engaging with all individuals to change their own working practices in order to reduce resource consumption, waste and transport use for commuting, prevent pollution and comply with environmental legislation. We will continue working to extend Level 5 of the Green Dragon Standard to the entire core WAG administrative estate, and achieve “excellent” standard under BREEAM for new buildings.
Financial scrutiny - We will ensure that scrutiny of expenditure plans (including grant applications) tests whether the expenditure supports policies effectively. We will demonstrate that sustainable development considerations have been included as part of this.
Partnership - The partnerships and processes set up under the Wales Spatial Plan will be key to ensuring the integration, at a regional level, of many of the strategies and programmes referred to within this Scheme. The WSP Area Groups will provide the leadership for this process. This will be especially important to achieve the outcomes in Chapter 8 of the Scheme, A Sustainable Environment.
Measuring our progress •
Indicators - We will use our sustainable development indicators to drive our policy development by ensuring that our policies are aligned with the “direction of travel” provided by the indicators, as part of our Policy Gateway process.
CHAPTER 3: A HEALTHY FUTURE A strong, healthy and just society, while living within environmental limits, is key to sustainable development. Poor health constrains people’s lives and reduces the vitality and prosperity of the community. It can be tackled by influencing people’s behaviour, improving their natural and built environment, and by imaginative investment in education, social development and other services. A real commitment to good health for all is the basis for a strong, prosperous and caring community. We want to see significant improvements in the health of all of the people of Wales – this is a key challenge, and to make progress we set out the actions we are taking. KEY OUTCOMES AND ACTIONS: •
A nation that values and promotes healthy living and improves the quality of life for all;
ACTION 5: We will invest £190 million in public health and health improvement through the Public Health Strategic Framework for Wales, ‘Our Healthy Future’ which will improve the quality and length of life and improve equity in health.
An NHS that leads on low carbon and sustainable development best practice and health services that focus on successful outcomes.
ACTION 6: We will ensure that sustainable development will be made a core objective for the restructured NHS in all it does by giving clear duties to the new bodies to demonstrate best practice in planning and design, building, transport and waste management, and in use of energy and water.
How our work will improve the lives of communities •
More exercise - We wish to see more people walking and cycling as a result of the Wales Transport Strategy and other relevant programmes such as the Coastal Access Improvement Programme and implementation of the Assembly Government’s Walking and Cycling Action Plan.
Better health - We want to see fewer people smoking, especially amongst children in Communities First areas through our ASSIST initiative. Through development and implementation of a Rural Health Plan and Health Inequalities Strategy there will be fairer access to health services for all and targeted actions to reduce health inequalities. There will be more emphasis on preventing ill health through Health Challenge Wales and we want many more organisations achieving excellence in workplace health schemes alongside improved access to occupational health services, particularly for those employed in smaller businesses and low paid workers.
Healthy eating - Through our Quality of Food for All Action Plan we want to see a strong, healthy food culture in all parts of Wales so that all people’s diets are safe, nutritious, balanced, and contribute actively to positive physical health and wellbeing. We want everyone to have access to affordable, diverse, locally supplied food, for a healthy balanced diet.
Stronger NHS - There will be stronger NHS engagement with the public and communities on planning and accessing health services, with sustainable development principles at the heart of the planning process of the restructured NHS. There will be, where it is clinically appropriate and sustainable to do so, more health services located closer to home and communities, improving access and reducing the need to travel.
Healthy food procurement - There will be greater proportion of publicsector procured food sourced from within Wales, through the forthcoming Local Sourcing Strategic Action Plan. Organisations’ procurement strategies and specifications will be reviewed to ensure sustainable development is built into the process and fresh food specified wherever possible. Whilst action will be taken to improve the nutritional quality of food supplied in public settings, there will also be a focus on community groups in targeted areas of socio-economic deprivation to improve access to healthy food. In hospitals, for example, health promoting vending machines will make it easier for people to make healthier food choices.
Through our work we will contribute to reducing Wales’ ecological footprint by ensuring: •
Energy and waste - We want to see energy use and carbon emissions in the NHS Estate driven down, with more NHS bodies attaining a BREEAM for Healthcare rating of EXCELLENT for all construction projects funded using Welsh Assembly Government monies. There will be decreased waste in the NHS Estate by achieving the targets contained within the Healthcare Waste Strategy for Wales.
Travel - NHS Trusts are required to develop and implement a sustainable travel plan for their major hospital sites by 31 March 2009 to increase walking, cycling and the use of public transport and to reduce traffic congestion. A travel plan toolkit has been developed to assist in the production of these plans.
Local food - Through our Food and Drink from Wales Strategy, there will be a much lower food ecological footprint & much lower CO2 emissions associated with production, processing, distribution and consumption of food in Wales, with minimum generation of food waste, and maximum composting. We want to see widespread business skills in resourceefficiency and environmental management in these areas. Progress will be needed so the labelling of Welsh food and drink reflects its full costs and its health potential. We want people to only buy the food they need, and to reduce the amount of food waste households, as well as from retailers and food outlets. 20
Measuring our progress Within our current Sustainable Development Indicators, we report on progress under this heading using: •
Health inequality: infant mortality and life expectancy;
Benefit dependency: percentage of people on key benefits.
CHAPTER 4: A PROSPEROUS SOCIETY The role of business within a prosperous, sustainable economy is central to the generation of wealth and to the achievement of our vision. Local businesses can be central to community wellbeing, in a variety of ways. Through continuous innovation and technological advances, businesses must produce goods and services with much greater resource efficiency. Much more needs to be done. The purchasing power of the public sector, and the influence of business supply chains, will be a powerful influence. The direction provided by business leaders who are committed to sustainable development must become a catalyst for other businesses, shareholders and customers. We recognise that more needs to be done to achieve progress, and our approach is set out below. KEY OUTCOMES AND ACTIONS: •
A strong, stable and sustainable economy for Wales that is able to develop whilst stabilising, then reducing, its use of natural resources and mitigating its impact on climate change. This will follow the core sustainability principles and be based on the following objectives: o where we move decisively and progressively to a low carbon, low waste economy; o a low carbon lifestyle is considered in the workplace as well as at home; and o regeneration involves and engages with local communities and is firmly based on sustainability principles, with zero carbon buildings at the heart of that goal.
ACTION 7: In our regeneration work we will encourage our partners to adopt similar principles to ours, integrating social, economic and environmental considerations, and seeking to maximise the benefits to the local community and economy from the way regeneration takes place.
How our work will improve the lives of communities •
Best practice - We will encourage a pro-active approach by business to Corporate Social Responsibility and community health and wellbeing, including use of relevant standards such as the Corporate Health Standard, including issues such as people’s work-life balance, and the embedding of equal opportunities. Training, skills and capacity building will be tuned to the new challenges of sustainable development.
Tackling disadvantage - Our Communities First programme will enable local people in the most disadvantaged areas to work together to develop community-based, sustainable solutions which tackle the economic and employment issues in their areas. Economically inactive and unemployed people, especially those in disadvantaged groups, will be able to access
greater training opportunities and recruitment through social clauses in our procurement policies. •
Public procurement - Businesses and third sector organisations across Wales will have the opportunity to compete for public sector contracts through the adoption by the Assembly Government of a purchasing code of practice. Public procurement will contribute to key regeneration programmes, for example, in the Heads of the Valley and Mon a Menai.
Sustainable tourism - Through our Sustainable Tourism Framework we will maximise the contribution of tourism to the sustainable economic prosperity of the host destination, including the proportion of visitor spending that is retained locally.
Structural funds - Through mainstreaming environmental sustainability, equal opportunities and diversity across all projects, WEFO will ensure that structural fund programmes contribute to the economic, social and environmental well-being of Wales.
How our work will contribute to reducing Wales’ ecological footprint •
Green Jobs Strategy - Through our Green Jobs Strategy we will aim to encourage businesses in Wales to adopt resource efficiency in all aspects of the production and supply of goods and services. We want businesses in Wales to be low-carbon, low-waste businesses so they are “future proofed” against the challenges of energy security and the scarcity of natural resources, particularly oil. We wish to see sustainable development as the key lens through which business risks are identified and managed. We will encourage active links between businesses and the Welsh Universities to take to the market place cutting edge sustainable technologies in low-carbon resource-efficient design.
Best practice - We will encourage businesses in Wales to involve their work force actively in the preparation and delivery of “future-proofing” plans and the drive for carbon reduction and resource efficiency. Where appropriate this will include working to certification under an appropriate Environmental Management System. We will work with partners to identify possible new approaches to sustainability management systems.
Masterplanning - We will aim for a holistic approach, embracing social, economic and environmental considerations, in all our work to regenerate places. We will use a sustainable masterplanning approach to set the path towards net zero carbon/zero waste, and give weight to other issues including accessibility and biodiversity.
Sustainable transport - Working with our partners and the transport and tourism industry, we will inform visitors to Wales of sustainable transport options, so that more visitors able to travel to, and within, Wales by sustainable means. Through our Wales Freight Strategy, we want to see 24
more freight moved in and out of Wales by rail and coastal shipping, and overall a more efficient and reliable use of existing infrastructure. •
Public procurement - Through Value Wales we will make use of procurement to purchase goods and services which reduce energy usage, reduce water usage and minimise waste production. We will use the Sustainable Risk Assessment Template.
Measuring our progress Within our current Sustainable Development Indicators, we report on progress under this heading using: •
Employment – percentage of people of working age in work;
Resource efficiency – the ratio of CO2 emissions to Gross Value Added (GVA); and
Resource use – Wales’ Domestic Material Consumption.
CHAPTER 5: LIVING COMMUNITIES Where we live is central to our quality of life and our wellbeing. A sense of shared vision and values, embracing equality and diversity, underpins a sustainable community. Empowering people and fostering community leadership is also critical to achieving sustainable communities. The needs of different communities will differ according in particular to their location. In rural areas, agriculture will remain at the heart of rural communities. Through the Wales Spatial Plan process we will continue to improve our understanding of the roles of settlements in Wales so that all parts of the community, including rural areas, have effective access to services and opportunities. Decent housing for all, along with the ability to easily access jobs and training, services such as health and education, and shopping and leisure facilities, are vital. Transforming all of our housing and our transport system, so that both become sustainable, remain key challenges. We will seek, through the planning system, to regulate the development and use of land in the public interest. We want to see thriving local communities in all parts of Wales, and the steps we are taking towards this are set out below. KEY OUTCOMES AND ACTIONS: •
We have a low carbon transport network which promotes access rather than mobility so that we can enjoy facilities with much less need for single occupancy car travel.
ACTION 8: We will work with the Regional Transport Consortia to deliver a series of Sustainable Travel Communities.
All have access to better homes so that we reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty, and new homes and community facilities are sited in sustainable locations, free from the risk of flooding.
ACTION 9: We will initiate, in consultation with local government, a strategic monitoring framework to measure key SD outcomes delivered by the planning system.
How our work will improve the lives of communities •
Housing - Through our National Housing Strategy we will ensure that social housing will continue to provide high quality, affordable homes that meet the needs of people on low incomes, with more opportunities for tenants to engage and participate with local authorities in the supply and quality of social housing. Guidance will be developed on opportunities to improve environmental standards as part of investment to meet the Welsh Housing Quality Standard. Housing will be a key lever for stimulating private investment which will contribute to the sustainable regeneration of communities. Through our National Energy Efficiency and Savings Plan and a much greater improvement in household energy conservation, we want the incidence of fuel poverty to be greatly reduced.
Transport - Through our Wales Transport Strategy, and working in partnership with Regional Transport consortia, we want to see many more people, especially in the more built-up areas, having opportunities for safely walking and cycling for trips under 5 miles. Through our Safe Routes in Communities programme, and school travel plans, we will work to reduce traffic speeds near to schools. We want less congestion in towns, and lower levels of noise and pollution from cars and freight. Our plans for Sustainable Travel Towns will be a key ingredient for reducing CO2 emissions and for supporting more active lifestyles. We will work with the Regional Transport Consortia to deliver a series of Sustainable Travel Communities. The aim is to enable a number of towns to become exemplars of sustainable travel, with greatly enhanced opportunities for walking and cycling, improved public transport and better travel planning. Longer term, we will better plan and manage new and existing transport routes, and ensure that more of the transport network is be protected against future flood risk.
Planning - Working with our partners in Local Government, there will be a strong plan-led system across Wales, reflected in adopted Local Development Plans (LDPs) to assist in delivering more sustainable communities, with local communities sharing a greater sense of ownership and influence. In the most disadvantaged areas, mechanisms will be in place to ensure Communities First Partnerships are able to inform the work of the Local Service Boards and the Community Planning process.
Rural sustainability - In rural areas, local partnerships representative of geographic and sectoral interests, will inform the local actions that deliver sustainable development as part of the Axes 3 and 4 of the 2007-13 Rural Development Plan for Wales. In particular, Axis 4 – Leader – will trial new approaches, products and techniques that will contribute to the sustainable development of rural communities.
How our work will contribute to reducing Wales’ ecological footprint •
Transport - Through our Wales Transport Strategy, and working in partnership with Regional Transport consortia, we want to see many more people, especially in the more built-up areas, having opportunities for safely walking and cycling for trips under 5 miles. Through our Safe Routes in Communities programme, and school travel plans, we will work to reduce traffic speeds near to schools. We want less congestion in towns, and lower levels of noise and pollution from cars and freight. Our plans for Sustainable Travel Towns will be a key ingredient for reducing CO2 emissions and for supporting more active lifestyles. We will work with the Regional Transport Consortia to deliver a series of Sustainable Travel Communities. The aim is to enable a number of towns to become exemplars of sustainable travel, with greatly enhanced opportunities for walking and cycling, improved public transport and better travel planning. Longer term, we will better plan and manage new and existing transport routes, and ensure that more of the transport network is be protected against future flood risk. 28
Measuring our progress Within our current Sustainable Development Indicators, we report on progress under this heading using: •
Housing – percentage of unfit dwellings;
Accessibility – percentage of households where the time taken to reach local facilities on foot or by public transport is 15 minutes or less;
Crime – recorded crime figures for vehicles, domestic burglary and robbery; and
Mobility – number of trips per person per year by main mode, and distance travelled per person per year by broad trip purpose.
CHAPTER 6: LEARNING FOR LIFE People, particularly children and young adults, have a right to understand the crucial issues facing the planet and to know how they can personally play a part in helping shape the future. We want to inspire and educate people to develop their knowledge, values and skills so they can participate in decisions about what affects them, and live more sustainably. A key opportunity and challenge is for the education system at all levels to play a full role in this. Similarly, skills and employment are the foundation of a successful life, and they are essential for a more prosperous and more equal Wales. One Wales aims to create a strong economy based on full employment and high-quality jobs. A key challenge is to equip more people with the skills needed to get into work and for them to make the most of opportunities. Our skills and employment strategy, Skills That Work for Wales, describes how we are working to integrate approaches to skills, employment and business development. We want to ensure education brings empowerment which delivers a better future for the people of Wales, in particular, where high quality lifelong learning helps people reach their goals, creates better opportunities, empowers communities and helps provide the jobs and skills that people need. KEY OUTCOMES AND ACTIONS: •
Every learner is actively involved in a variety of sustainable development and global citizenship initiatives. These may be through school, college or via youth work. They could be part of work based or community based learning;
ACTION 10: We will intensify our support for Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship initiatives across all learning sectors, focusing on enabling greater access for learners; the establishment of support networks within each sector; production of best practice, training and resources; and, the development of the social justice aspects of ESDGC.
Every educational institution is embedding sustainable development and global citizenship within its education programmes and way of working.
ACTION 11: We will deliver against all priority actions in the Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Action Plan by the end of 2009 and from this, we will update and review the plan to provide a renewed focus from 2010-2014.
How our work will improve the lives of communities: •
Young children - Young children in the Foundation Phase will be given more opportunities to gain first hand experiences of their world through play and active involvement. They will be able to take part in activities, indoors and outdoors, where they will have first-hand experience of solving real-life problems, learning about conservation and sustainability. 31
Schools - The revised school curriculum for Wales places sustainable development and global citizenship as a cross curricular theme and all schools, colleges and other educational settings are encouraged to become involved in a range of schemes covering issues as diverse as Fair Trade, international partnerships and equality and human rights. Eco Schools, global schools partnerships, healthy schools, forest schools and fair trade schools will be developed, with community focussed schools – linking all schools and educational establishments with their local communities – being a focal point for community-based learning and activities.
Young people - There will be a wider range of learning experiences to encourage young people to continue in education or training beyond 16 through the Learning Pathways 14-19 whilst our adult community learning policy will include support for the development of skills for individuals and communities to take a more active role in society.
Skills and training - Skills training will be aligned with the sustainable development agenda, encompassing both vocational and academic sectors. Through this, there will be more opportunities for adults to build a basic platform of skills including the development of short, intensive basic skills courses in eight key sectors by 2010 and the full range of sectors represented by the Sector Skills Council by 2012. More people will therefore be able to gain the training and support they need to move from benefits into work with additional support being provided to support benefit claimants who want to find a stable job, with an improved job matching service enabling people from disadvantaged groups to access employment within a reasonable travel to work area.
Work-based learning - A tool-kit will be developed for providers that are funded by the Assembly Government to deliver work-based learning, to measure and monitor their progress in addressing the ESDGC agenda.
How our work will contribute to reducing Wales’ ecological footprint •
BREEAM - We have introduced the requirement that BREEAM ‘Excellent’ or equivalent should be achieved as a condition of grant for all brand new school buildings and stand-alone extensions supported by the School Buildings Improvement Grant. We will continue to promote the BREEAM environmental assessment framework method to Local Education Authorities. We want all educational establishments to work towards obtaining environmental management systems for their own business premises such as EcoSchools or Eco Campus, Green Dragon or ISO140001.
Zero carbon buildings - We will look to understand and examine the potential for applying the principles of ‘zero carbon building’ developments into school capital investment.
Measuring our progress Within our current Sustainable Development Indicators, we report on progress under this heading using: •
Education - percentage of people aged 19-21 with at least a National Qualification Framework level 2 qualification; and
Education – percentage of adults of working age with at least a National Qualification Framework level 4 qualification.
CHAPTER 7: A FAIR AND JUST SOCIETY The pursuit of equality of opportunity is a continuing challenge to achieve a sustainable Wales - where every individual has equal rights, respects each other, and plays a role in which they can fulfil their potential within an inclusive society. This approach, where people living in Wales are confident in all aspects of their diversity, will result in a fairer, more prosperous, healthier and more sustainable country. But there is much to be done. The challenges of sustainable development mean that we need to engage with, and empower, all groups within society, to make the fullest use of their talent, knowledge and enthusiasm. We need to regenerate our communities, and tackle the causes of problematic behaviour, ensuring we protect the vulnerable. Our commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child ensures that children and young people are regarded as citizens too. Our actions below are aimed at making decisive progress across this agenda. KEY OUTCOMES AND ACTIONS: •
A fair and just Wales, in which citizens of all ages are empowered to determine their own lives, shape their communities and achieve their full potential. In particular, where equality for all is a core value to all our work, and the six equality themes of age, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation and religion are actively promoted; child poverty is eradicated and more broadly a real translation of wealth and power in our poorest communities has been achieved; and active citizenship is encouraged, with everyone meeting their personal and community responsibilities, both as a national and global citizen.
ACTION 12: Our flagship programme, Communities First, will be reconfigured to ensure it will be more focussed on sustainable outcomes for local people and communities whilst tackling economic inactivity, child poverty and promoting income maximisation.
How our work will improve the lives of communities •
Single Equality Scheme - The promotion of equality, diversity and human rights will continue to be central to the way we work, fully reflecting the potential of all individuals, and reflecting too the commitment of employees to a fair and just society and to community wellbeing. Through our Single Equality Scheme we will identify and tackle the barriers that people may encounter in their everyday lives. Public services will be fit for purpose for all the people of Wales, taking full account of equality, and fully reflecting the needs of different groups.
Communities First - Living conditions and prospects for people will be improved in our most disadvantaged communities across Wales through Communities First. Through this long-term programme, local people themselves will be actively involved and decide what is needed and will be helped to make it happen. Communities First now covers over 160 areas and some 20% of the population of Wales; every Communities First area 35
has a local partnership which brings together the local community with representatives of the statutory, third and private sectors. Key services will be organised and delivered with the interests of the people and communities they are serving at the heart of all they are doing. •
Child Poverty Strategy - We want children and young people to be free from the fear of poverty and abuse, are treated with respect and have access to services which will help promote their development, health and well-being. Through our child poverty strategy, we will continue to play a full and active role in reaching our commitment to halve child poverty by 2010 and eradicate it by 2020.
Post Office Development Fund - We recognise the important role post offices have in our communities – especially in our most deprived or isolated communities. The Post Office Development Fund aims to provide grants to enable sub-post offices to diversify their businesses and offer new services to the communities they serve.
Community organisations - Social enterprises can be found throughout Wales, working across a number of diverse areas. They are key players in community regeneration and public service delivery. The Social Enterprise Action Plan 2008 supports social enterprise development throughout Wales A successful and sustainable Welsh credit union movement across Wales will be established to provide core financial services and education about managing finances to community based organisations. We will also be establishing a Community Asset Transfer Fund to help sustain community organisations The role and contribution of the voluntary sector will also be enhanced. Many more people will be engaged in formal and informal volunteering.
Community Cohesion Strategy Through our Community Cohesion Strategy, communities will be more integrated and all sectors of the community are treated with respect and tolerance and do not fear for their personal safety. By working with the police, Home Office, Community Safety Partnerships and others, we will help people feel safer in their communities, reduce crime and the fear of crime.
UN Millennium Development goals - More people will have opportunities to be involved in work to address global poverty, environmental protection and tackling of disease, which causes so much human suffering across the world. This will engage all parts Welsh society to actively contribute to the United Nation Millennium Development goals to halve global poverty by 2015.
How our work will contribute to reducing Wales’ ecological footprint •
Engagement - We want all groups in society to understand, and be fully engaged with, the move to a low carbon, low waste society, and facilities and services to enable this will be designed and delivered with the needs of all users in mind. 36
Measuring our progress Within our current Sustainable Development Indicators, we report on progress under this heading using: •
Childhood poverty – children in relative low-income households;
Pensioner poverty – pensioners in relative low-income households;
Workless households – percentage of children and of all working age people living in workless households; and
Active community participation – percentage of people volunteering on a formal and informal basis.
CHAPTER 8: A SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT The natural environment is the ultimate source of the primary resources we use to develop our economy, it is a source of enjoyment and inspiration, underpins our culture, and provides a very deep contribution to our own sense of place and our identity. The variety of life of earth has its own intrinsic value and worth. For all these reasons, the overall health of the natural environment is key to our physical and mental wellbeing. Wales’ ecological footprint is an indicator of the stresses and strains we are putting on the natural environment through our overuse in Wales of the earth’s resources. Climate change is the most obvious demonstration that our current pattern of development is unsustainable. Key challenges remain in dramatically reducing our use of carbon-based energy, reducing our use of materials and waste, increasing our recycling and composting rates, and in better managing our land and seas so they can sustain a wide variety of ecosystem services. KEY OUTCOMES AND ACTION: •
We are self-sustaining in renewable energy, more energy efficient and are producing more of our energy at a community level, close to where it is used, and every community enjoys better local environments which contribute to health and wellbeing, and local people are involved to promote low carbon, low waste living as part of a One Planet nation;
ACTION 13: We will have a National Energy Efficiency and Savings Plan that will better target our energy efficiency investments at the fuel poor, whilst promoting improvements for all households.
Our land, freshwater and marine environment is best managed to provide the services of food, wood, water, soil and habitats and recreation.
ACTION 14: Following a review of Axis II of the Rural Development Plan for Wales we will set in place a structure of support for environmentally sustainable land management, including support for land-based carbon management through best practice management of soils, and management for water quantity and quality, biodiversity, woodland, landscape, heritage and access.
How our work will improve the lives of communities •
Energy efficiency - Through our National Energy Efficiency and Savings Plan we want the energy efficiency and conservation performance of the existing housing stock, including social housing, to be far higher, helping to eradicate fuel poverty, and ensuring that all households have affordable warmth. People will have more information and support to reduce their resource use and household energy bills, through our Climate Change Community Packs and our communications campaigns on climate change and waste. We aspire to all new homes being zero carbon from 2011. 39
Waste - Through the introduction of local authority schemes that are both easy to use and involve frequent collections, we aim for 70% of household waste to be recycled by 2025, as a move towards a zero waste society. We will support strategic work on Regional Waste Plans to ensure acceptable locations for the new waste facilities required to secure the diversion of waste from landfill. Through our new waste strategy, commercial sectors will see more support for reduce, re-use and recycle.
Biodiversity - Through our Environment Strategy and its Action Plans there will be increased work in partnership with all sectors to achieve a better environment whilst using fewer resources. Biodiversity will be built in to everything that we do, and alongside work of other partners such as local authorities, people and communities will have more opportunity to take action to help biodiversity. We want more wildlife areas and conservation areas to protect our rarest and most precious species for people to appreciate and enjoy.
Water - The forthcoming Strategic Policy Position Statement on Water will ensure a clean affordable drinking water to the people of Wales, better water quality and increasingly robust water resource management. There will be plans in place to manage the impacts of climate change on this vital resource, and water will be used much more efficiently.
Flood risk - There will be much greater emphasis on flood risk management, alongside better awareness of and protection from flood risk through the expansion of floodline and flood defence schemes and more information and guidance will be given to householders in relation to floodproofing their properties.
Local environment - People will be engaged and involved in making their communities tidy, clean and safe through the Tidy Towns initiative. There will be greater awareness of the impact of litter and waste on community safety and wellbeing, and the use of green volunteers will raise understanding and engagement on wider environmental issues. There will be more access to green space particularly in less well-off communities.
Planning - Through the planning system, we will regulate to deliver more sustainable buildings, secure from the risk of flooding. We will embed climate change policies within Planning Policy Wales - such as “Mertonplus type policies”, supplemented by revisions to TAN 12 ‘Design’ - so that all new buildings will incorporate sustainability measures reflecting the best European practice, using the Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM standard. In housing this will be reflected through our National Housing Strategy.
Access to the environment - People and communities will have more, and nearer, access to green spaces in rural and urban areas, such as through the creation of the All-Wales coastal path with specific provision for different types of user, and through the Water Recreation Strategy. Through a revised Woodlands for Wales Strategy, more people will have 40
the opportunity to have more involvement with their local Forestry Commission Wales woodland to pursue social and economic objectives that benefit themselves and the wider community. How our work will contribute to reducing Wales’ ecological footprint •
Climate change - We will achieve an annual 3% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in areas of devolved competence from 2011. We aspire to ensure that all new buildings constructed in Wales from 2011 should be zero carbon.
Renewable energy - Through our Renewable Energy Routemap and Microgeneration Action Plan we aspire to see Community-scale renewable energy installations, and the use of household-level micro-generation, marine renewable energy and biomass energy become more common. Our aim is to generate annually more than 30TWh of electricity from renewable sources by 2025 and 3 TWh of heat, mainly from biomass. Our aim is to produce more electricity from renewables than we consume as a nation within 20 years. The planning system, which fully recognises the implications of climate change, will facilitate the uptake of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures and avoid siting new developments in areas of known flood risk.
Marine management - The Welsh Assembly Government shares in the UK vision for all our seas - for them to be clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse. The Marine Bill will give us the opportunity of better regulation, better protection for marine life, integrated planning and management of the sea, estuaries and coast. This strategic approach will benefit all who use the sea to maximise sustainable benefits including potential marine renewable energy sources, while protecting precious resources. We need a range of tools to manage our seas sensitively and the Marine Bill adds to our tool kit, which includes giving us the ability to plan more strategically, protect important conservation areas and update our fisheries management and licensing systems.
Fisheries management - The Wales Fisheries Strategy will continue to support the development of viable and sustainable fisheries in Wales. The strategy will emphasise the important progress and continuing work to date to develop and manage fisheries in a sustainable way as a part of healthy and productive ecosystems.
Land management - Through our approach under Wales’ Rural Development Plan 2007-13, land will be managed in an integrated way, providing food and fibre at the same time as providing a wider range of ecosystem services. We wish to achieve a more profitable future for farming and its associated food processing industry which will sustain farming families while safeguarding the environment, mitigating climate change and maintaining the vitality and prosperity of our rural communities. It recognises the crucial role of rural land managers in helping to deliver carbon and water management, soil conservation and 41
biodiversity. Resource use on farms will be reduced, and there will be improved management of farm level waste. Measuring our progress Within our current Sustainable Development Indicators, we report on progress under this heading using: •
Biodiversity conservation – population of wild birds;
Ecological impacts of air pollution – areas of sensitive habitats exceeding critical loads for acidification and eutrophication;
Air quality – days when air pollution is moderate or higher;
River quality – percentage of river lengths of good quality;
Soil quality – soil organic carbon;
Waste – waste arisings by sector, and by disposal;
Household waste – household waste, and amount recycled or composted per person per year;
Sustainable water resource management – percentage of resource zones reporting target headroom deficits;
Greenhouse gas emissions – emissions of greenhouse gases; and
Electricity from renewable resources – percentage of electricity produced in Wales generated from renewable resources.
CHAPTER 9: A RICH AND DIVERSE CULTURE A rich and diverse culture, supporting and sustaining our traditions, languages and heritage, is a crucial element of a sustainable Wales. Our historic landscapes and buildings are vital to our sense of place, identity and belonging. Using heritage and culture as a force for sustainable regeneration has the capacity to engage local communities, improve their wellbeing, and enhance the natural and built environment as a resource available to all. Wales’ approach to sustainable development is based on the contribution of its people and rooted in its culture. The leadership that Wales can offer is recognised internationally. Wales is a founder member of the network of regional governments for Sustainable Development nrg4SD. We will continue to work with United Nations agencies and, in particular, regions in Africa which have been amongst the first to suffer the effects of climate change. We are also keen to ensure Wales continues to be a leading sustainable tourism destination that promotes local sustainable economic prosperity, supports community wellbeing and engagement, enhances the natural environment and culture, and delivers a high quality experience to visitors. KEY OUTCOMES AND ACTIONS: •
Wales’ rich culture, values and traditions are celebrated, particularly through encouraging diversity, distinctiveness and promoting the Welsh language; caring for our heritage and fostering local distinctiveness and a sense of place.
ACTION 15: We will secure the conservation of a range of iconic Welsh cultural and heritage sites using sustainable techniques and traditional skills as well as achieving improved public access.
Improved global impact by ensuring that Wales is an international exemplar of sustainable development; leading the world in promoting Fair Trade; and delivering strong community partnerships with sub-Saharan Africa.
ACTION 16: We will ensure that every community in Wales is encouraged to join the Gold Star Community scheme to link with a community in subSaharan Africa, and will support them in helping to deliver the UN Millennium Development Goals to halve global poverty by 2015 whilst building community cohesion at home.
How our work will improve the lives of communities •
Welsh language - We want more people to be able to learn Welsh and to encourage it to thrive as a language of many communities all over Wales. We will seek enhanced legislative competence on the Welsh language, and expand the funding and support for Welsh-medium magazines and newspapers. We aim to place a statutory duty on local authorities to promote culture and encourage partnership to deliver high-quality cultural experiences for their communities.
Access to heritage and culture - Through our arts and culture programme, we will widen access to Wales’ many heritage and cultural activities so that they are available to all people, irrespective of where they live, their background or their income. This will include the introduction of free entry to Assembly Government funded heritage sites for Welsh pensioners and children. We wish to see a smaller number of listed buildings ‘at risk’, with more historic buildings and ancient monuments in stable or improving condition.
Fair Trade - We want more individuals and organisations to understand the benefits of buying Fair Trade, building on our achievement of becoming the world’s first Fair Trade Nation.
Wales for Africa - Through our innovative Wales for Africa programme there will be more opportunities for communities in Wales to link with communities in sub-Saharan Africa and work on mutual development, through the Gold Star Communities project. We will continue to provide opportunities for skilled professionals and managers from the public sector and public service organisations in Wales to undertake work placements in sub-Saharan Africa. We will work with diaspora communities in Wales to increase their positive impact on their homelands.
Sustainable tourism - Through our Sustainable Tourism Framework we will ensure that tourism maintains and strengthens the quality of life in local communities, through engaging and empowering local communities in planning and decision-making. We will continue to support the Sustainable Tourism Forum, as a key opportunity for stakeholders to share best practice in sustainable tourism and advise Visit Wales on key sustainability issues.
How our work will contribute to reducing Wales’ ecological footprint •
Maintaining a sense of place - We will promote master planning skills, so that regeneration plans are based on an understanding of all the environmental components of the area, enabling us maintain our cultural distinctiveness and sense of place. We will continue to provide financial support and advice to the owners of historic assets, to sustain a well protected historic environment.
Carbon offsetting - We will explore the opportunities for off-setting our carbon use and helping contribute to the development of renewable technologies and energy production in sub-Saharan Africa.
Sustainable tourism businesses - Through our Sustainable Tourism Framework we will mainstream sustainability within the Visit Wales Grading Scheme, and this will help tourism enterprises and visitors to minimise the use of scarce and non-renewable resources, and minimise pollution of air, water and land and the generation of waste.
Measuring our progress Within our current Sustainable Development Indicators, we report on progress under this heading using: •
Welsh language – end of Key Stages 1,2 and 3 teacher assessments in the subject of Welsh first language.
ANNEX A: MEASURING PROGRESS Delivery Plan We have published a Delivery Plan showing what progress we have made on meeting our One Wales commitments and describing the further action we will be taking. This Plan is updated quarterly. SD Annual Report Once this scheme has been produced we will keep it under review, and publish a report each year on how its proposals have been implemented. This report will be laid before the Assembly. We include some independent commentary from the Sustainable Development Commission on how our Scheme has been implemented. We will also report against its effectiveness in promoting sustainable development after each election to the National Assembly. SD Indicators We will continue to report our progress towards sustainable development annually, using our Sustainable Development Indicators. This consultation has listed the current indicators we use to measure our progress towards sustainable development. They are available on our web site at: ors/?lang=en Under the previous sustainable development scheme it was proposed that progress be reported using 5 headline indicators of sustainable development. The headline indicators, when considered collectively, are intended to give a high level view of progress towards sustainable development. At the moment we currently report only on four headline indicators, and we set out proposals for developing the fifth headline indicator below. The current headline indicators of sustainable development are: •
Economic output - Gross Value Added (GVA) and GVA per head;
Social justice – percentage of the population in low-income households;
Biodiversity conservation – percentage of Biodiversity Action Plan species and habitats recorded as stable or increasing; and
Ecological Footprint - Wales Ecological Footprint.
The fifth headline indicator was originally proposed to be “genuine economic progress, taking account of environmental factors, resources, and well-being”. It has proved impossible to develop such an all-encompassing indicator, so we propose to replace this with a headline indicator:
Wellbeing – the wellbeing of the people of Wales.
Wellbeing is defined8 as a positive physical, social and mental state; it is not just the absence of pain, discomfort and incapacity. It requires that basic needs are met, that individuals have a sense of purpose, that they feel able to achieve important personal goals and participate in society. It is enhanced by conditions that include supportive personal relationships, strong and inclusive communities, good health, financial and personal security, rewarding employment, and a healthy and attractive environment. This would reflect the use of wellbeing within the suite of indicators included in the UK Framework on Sustainable Development, and would also serve to tie in the overall purpose of sustainable development to the wellbeing of the people of Wales. We intend that the development of an overall wellbeing indicator would be one of the key actions that fall under this Scheme. ACTION 17: We will develop a measure of wellbeing in Wales, and report it as a 5th headline indicator of sustainable development. Performance indicators To reflect the key role of local authorities in delivering the sustainable development agenda, we will ensure that those indicators within the performance measurement framework for local authorities that clearly contribute to Wales’ sustainability are clearly identified within the framework.
DEFRA (2008) Sustainable Development Indicators in Your Pocket
ANNEX B: THE ROLE OF OTHERS We are committed to working in partnership with others to deliver real change and will actively encourage others to do the same. Businesses Businesses have crucial role in contributing to a sustainable Wales, In particular, they can: •
Develop resource efficiency within the organisation and through supply chains, improving productivity and competitiveness;
Reduce waste;
Develop environmental and sustainability policies and targets;…
Monitor performance and resource use and report publicly on them;
Engage with the workforce in both adopting sustainable practices and encouraging employees to become sustainable champions in their own communities; and
Engage with and support local communities.
Local Government We will continue to work with local government and National Park Authorities to promote sustainable development. In particular, the active use and mainstreaming of the WLGA’s SD Framework for Local Government will continue to assist authorities on their journey to sustainability by interpreting what SD mean in practice for key service areas, highlighting examples of good practice and identifying further areas of work. Third sector The Third sector continues to be a key partner in promoting and delivering sustainable outcomes, particularly through the delivery of public services, using their powerful channels to reach out to people an encouraging them to act, and as a key method of communication to its members to encourage behavioural change. The work of such organisations involves a wide range of activities which aim to improve and protect our natural and built environment and improve communities. In particular, the third sector's special ability to work at local and community level means that it is also well positioned to promoting sustainable forms of development. At the community level, it is often at this very local, neighborhood and family level that third sector organisations can make the greatest difference, with their accessibility and responsiveness to individual and group needs being a key strength. Community organisations can help to build people’s confidence, especially among those less likely to participate, and can increase civic participation whether into more formal institutions or in the wider community, building social networks and cohesion. 49
Community Strategy Partnerships The community strategy is the overarching strategy for each local authority area, providing a long-term strategic vision, based on a set of shared ambitions and values, discussed and negotiated with local citizens, communities and their leaders. WAG has issued statutory guidance, "Local Vision", on developing and delivering community strategies. This emphasises the statutory purpose of Community Strategies – to promote economic, social and environmental wellbeing, and to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in the UK. Accompanying “Local Vision” are a series of non-statutory Advice Notes, including those on Sustainable Development, Climate Change and the Environment. The SD Advice Note emphasises sustainable development as the overarching policy framework which integrates social, economic and environmental actions to achieve a common vision for the area. It advises that community strategy actions should be “joined up” in a way which actively help and encourage people to change their behaviour so that their lifestyles become more sustainable. Individuals and Households Through our climate change communications campaign we are encouraging people and households to take practical steps to reduce the size of their carbon footprint. We have published “Tips to reduce your carbon footprint” showing the steps you can take at home, at work, when travelling or shopping. We have also produced a booklet for householders considering improvements to their homes, available from local planning authorities, entitled Improving Your Home: A Climate Change Guide.
ANNEX C: KEY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Assembly’s code of practice in dealing with requests for access to information ( Wales’ Ecological Footprint lang=en One Wales Programme for Government One Future – different paths EU SD Strategy 2006 Wales Spatial Plan update Advice note on Sustainable Development for Community Strategies sustainable/?lang=en Health Challenge Wales Green Dragon Standard Sustainable Development Commission’s Sustainable Development in Government report Communities First lang=en ASSIST initiative Quality of Food Strategy lang=en BREEAM for Healthcare rating of Excellence 51
Healthcare Waste Strategy for Wales lang=en Sustainable Development Indicators Heads of the Valley Mon a Menai Sustainable Tourism Strategy lang=en Wales Freight Strategy Sustainable Risk Assessment Template performancemonitoring.html Wales Spatial Plan National Housing Strategy betterhomes/?lang=en Welsh Housing Quality Standard National Energy Efficiency and Savings Plan lang=en Wales Transport Strategy Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-13 evelopment/20072013ruraldevelopmentplan/ruraldevelopmentplan4wales2007/? lang=en Planning Policy Wales
Foundation Phase early-wales/foundation_phase/?lang=en Eco schools Global Schools Partnerships Forest schools Fair Trade schools Learning Pathways 14-19 learning_pathways/?lang=en Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Action Plan sustainabledevelop/?lang=en ISO140001 Single Equalities Scheme Post Office Development Fund Social Enterprise Strategy for Wales socialenterprisestrategy?lang=en Community Safety Partnerships United Nations Millennium Development Goals Climate Change Community Packs help/communitypack/?lang=en Environment Strategy lang=en 53
Environment Strategy Action Plan _e.pdf?lang=en Floodline New Approaches programme lang=en Regional Waste Plans Code for Sustainable Homes BREEAM standard TAN12 Design All-Wales coastal path countrysidecoastalaccess/?lang=en Water Recreation Strategy Agency%20Wales Renewable Energy Routemap /?lang=en Integrated Coastal Zone Management fisheries/integratedcoast/?lang=en Sustainable management of fisheries Water Resources Strategy
Aggregates Levy Fund levy/?lang=en Fair Trade UN Gold Star Communities Sustainable Tourism Framework Visit Wales Grading Scheme A revised curriculum for Wales curriculumforwales/?lang=en Biodiversity Action Plan conservation_biodiversity/walesbiodiversitypartnership/?lang=en SD Framework for Local Government Regional Transport Consortia;;; Tidy Towns initiative Menu= Local Service Boards PSMW’s One Planet Leadership Programme Opening doors – the charter for SME Friendly Procurement