Underwater Technology 36.1

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Vol. 36 32 No. No. 132 2019 2014 Vol.


ISSN 1756 0543


A Personal View... Different ways

Frank Lim


The design of an offshore aquaculture support vessel

J Collings, S Foster, A Hazeltine, AA Psarrou, J Sparks, JH Tan


Book Review Acoustic Investigation of Complex Seabeds


Book Review Submerged Landscapes of the European Continental Shelf: Quaternary Paleoenvironments


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UNDERWATER TECHNOLOGY Editor Dr MDJ Sayer Scottish Association for Marine Science Assistant Editor E Azzopardi SUT Editorial Board Chairman Dr MDJ Sayer Scottish Association for Marine Science Gavin Anthony, GAVINS Ltd Dr MA Atamanand, National Institute of Ocean Technology, India LJ Ayling, Maris International Ltd Commander Nicholas Rodgers FRMetS RN (Rtd) Prof Ying Chen, Zhejiang University Jonathan Colby, Verdant Power Neil Douglas, Viper Innovations Ltd, Prof Fathi H. Ghorbel, Rice University G Griffi ths MBE, Autonomous Analytics Prof C Kuo FRSE, Emeritus Strathclyde University Dr WD Loth, WD Loth & Co Ltd Craig McLean, National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration Dr S Merry, Focus Offshore Ltd Prof Zenon Medina-Cetina, Texas A&M University Prof António M. Pascoal, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Lisbon Dr Alexander Phillips, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton Prof WG Price FRS FEng, Emeritus Southampton University Dr R Rayner, Sonardyne International Ltd Roland Rogers CSCi, CMarS, FIMarEST, FSUT Dr Ron Lewis, Memorial University of Newfoundland Prof R Sutton, Emeritus Plymouth University Dr R Venkatesan, National Institute of Ocean Technology, India Prof Zoran Vukić, University of Zagreb Prof P Wadhams, University of Cambridge Cover Image (top): zoonar.com/syrist Cover Image (bottom): Steve Crowther Cover design: Quarto Design/ kate@quartodesign.com

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A Personal View...

doi:10.3723/ut.36.001 Underwater Technology, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 1–2, 2019

Different ways Born in Singapore to parents who migrated from mainland China, I am ethnically Chinese, but it was only in 2006, aged 50, that I made my first business trip to China from the UK, where I completed my studies and began my career. Speaking rusty Mandarin, enough to make polite conversation but at a level inadequate for technical presentations and discussion, I entered into a world familiar to me culturally, yet alien to me in working practices. Therefore, when I was asked to write this Personal View for Underwater Technology, I felt it could be useful to share with readers my experience of working with and within state-owned Chinese companies, from both Chinese and Western perspectives, and comment on some working practices they should be aware of before travelling to, or while working in, China.

Business drinking Firstly, it is important to note that the Chinese do not typically drink in pubs, but instead drink at dinners where toasting is a ritual. A unique Chinese spirit called ‘bai jiu’, with an alcohol content as high as 56 %, is most commonly served at these occasions. Traditionally, the Chinese toast by saying ‘gan bei’, meaning ‘empty the glass’, and they mean it. Not emptying the glass is deemed impolite to the proposer. In recent years, the Chinese have adapted to the Western-style red wine, which has a lower alcohol content and is hence easier to ‘gan bei’. Still, I find this custom surrounding drinking intimidating whilst attending business dinners; my colleagues sometimes

succumb to the pressure and empty too many glasses, hence allowing the challenger to achieve their motive. At business dinners, younger guests are obliged to toast the senior members in the dining room. I often observe individuals or small groups picking up the courage to perform this ‘duty’ before sitting down relieved for having done it. Some senior guests, on the other hand, show impatience to such constant interruptions to the meal, for a senior guest is expected to utter some polite words when ‘honoured’ before emptying their own glass, which is customarily filled to the rim. What I find disconcerting is that it is expected that dinner guests should not even sip an alcoholic beverage, beer included, without finding someone to toast with. Many a time I have found myself unwittingly picking up my glass of wine to enjoy with my food and seen my neighbours raise their glasses in anticipation of a toast.

Frank Lim has worked mostly in the Western world since completing his graduate study in the UK in 1983. His first job was with VO Offshore in Barrow-in-Furness, an offshoot of Vickers Shipbuilders building the Trident submarines. His offshore engineering career then took him to Scotland, Norway, USA and Brazil, working on projects for the harshest and deepest ocean environments. In the mid-2000s, as deepwater developments started taking shape in China, he began travelling to the country for business, as a director of 2H Offshore serving as a sub-contractor to offshore projects. He was then approached by China National Offshore Oil Corporation and became the subsea technical advisor to one of their subsidiaries from 2013 to 2015, working to raise their awareness and readiness for various subsea engineering issues. In May 2017, he took up a professorship at the China University of Petroleum (Beijing), and he currently spends more than half his time in China, where he is now widely accepted as the Mandarin speaking foreigner.

Old school connection In China, it is felt that those who attend the same school or university share an unbreakable brotherhood or sisterhood later in life. Similar old school networks exist in the West with graduates of elite traditional establishments such as Eton, Oxford, Harvard, etc., but in China this connection is assumed for all levels of institution. I believe this draws a parallel with the Chinese martial art tradition that all disciples learning from the same kung fu master abide by an oath never to betray

each other. This creates a situation whereby business recruitment and, in extreme cases, contract awards, can become tainted by old school favouritism because of the belief that alumni ‘siblings’ are more trustworthy and reliable.

Imitation and lack of adventure Youngsters in China are taught to score well in state examinations in order to get accepted to a good school for the next stage of their education. Passing these


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Frank Lim. Different ways

examinations requires good memory for duplication of textbook answers, and not creativity for innovation. I have worked with many graduate engineers who complete excellent literature surveys and write comprehensive reports on what has been done previously. These individuals tend to work diligently through issues that are familiar to them using proven methods, but the majority shy away from suggesting new ways of tackling problems, and rarely think ‘out of the box’. This mentality remains, even when they rise to more senior positions within a company, as there are leaders whom they continue to look up to for direction. Not challenging authority is the rule. This breeds a culture in which workers refrain from doing something extraordinary that could cause them to outshine their superiors, and they avoid approaching things differently in case it might receive criticism. To this end, a Chinese colleague admitted to me that the motto ‘better to do nothing so you can do no wrong’ is rife amongst older engineers looking for a smooth journey to retirement in state-owned enterprises where retrenchment is unheard of.

Expert review panel The idea of ‘not wanting to be the one making the decision’ is widespread throughout the industry in China, from research and development, to real-life projects. This leads to the common Chinese practice of decision by committee, comprising a review panel of invited ‘experts’. These experts should ideally include someone influential or authoritative; senior technical personnel who know the subject

well; and, of course, the client/ end-users. In reality, because the invitation list is discretionary, the project organising the review meeting tends to invite ‘friendly’ experts and those who can help the project advance its course, and avoids people who may ask too many tough questions. I have been invited to be an expert in several review panels, and I have also been reviewed by such panels in the past. Although I think the system can be tightened so that it sets criteria for who qualifies as an ‘expert’, most of the time there are enough true experts on a panel to make the right judgements. What I am uncomfortable with, however, is the payment of an ‘expert fee’ in cash to each of these experts during the review meeting, the amount of which can vary according to the expert’s status. The official explanation for the paying of these fees is to thank the invitees for attending the meeting. However, the fees are extra personal income for the experts who usually have salaried fulltime jobs and attend the review meeting during his/her normal working hours. This practice would certainly be frowned upon in certain Western countries.

No variation orders Chinese procurement personnel have no concept of contract variations; the system does not allow cost to vary, despite scope changes which usually take place as a large or long project progresses. The typical procedure is that someone within the business creates a budget estimate for a scope of work and then tenders are invited. It would be a major humiliation for the responsible person if all tenders end up being substantially higher than the budget, and this

would affect her/his promotion prospect and year-end bonus appraisal. Once a contract is awarded, cost variations are not allowed, even if the scope change is initiated by the client for a better solution or to correct a mistake. The client always has the upper hand in China, as it is said that a company will be favoured in future tenders if they work to the same cost. Whilst I feel there is some merit in such an unyielding cost control method, there is a strong personal element involved, as the person in charge of the budget does not want to be accused of not having predicted it. The exception to this, of course, would be if they have had themselves covered by the expert review panel who sanctioned the original scope and cost, and in this situation it would be seen as a collective loss of face!

Conclusion These aspects of life in China are painted from my own observations and interpretations. I may sound a little negative with regard to certain practices, but it is important to note that things are certainly changing in recent years under the present government of President Xi Jinping who is phasing out, toning down or regulating certain old practices, including some of what I mention here. I believe the current trade war between the USA and China will galvanise the Chinese people to break free from the reliance on Western technologies, stop imitating and begin innovating. That is a good thing. I certainly enjoy working with most of the Chinese, and wish the country and her young generation a very bright future!


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doi:10.3723/ut.36.003 Underwater Technology, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 3–11, 2019

Technical Paper


The design of an offshore aquaculture support vessel J Collings, S Foster*, A Hazeltine, AA Psarrou, J Sparks, JH Tan School of Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom Received July 2018; Accepted October 2018

Abstract A design review is presented detailing the development of a vessel concept design to meet the needs of the European Union’s (EU’s) emerging offshore aquaculture industry. The offshore aquaculture system supported by the vessel was based on research into current inshore practice and proposals of what constitutes a viable offshore aquaculture industry. To increase the commercial viability of the farming operation, the offshore aquaculture support vessel (OASV) design utilises dead haul. This provides the OASV with multi-role capabilities that achieve the primary aim of a single vessel solution. The integration of farm consumables supply, salmon harvest and general maintenance capabilities into the OASV was considered to be essential for the concept design to succeed. Each step of the design process has been critically reviewed to identify the limitations of the concept design, and recommendations for improvement of the concept OASV have been made. Keywords: offshore salmon farming, support vessel, subsea cages, dead haul

1. Introduction In the European Union (EU), Atlantic salmon is the most valuable aquaculture product, worth approximately 700 million euros in 2015 (European Commission, 2015). Scotland is one of the main producers of salmon within the EU. Scottish salmon production by weight has been growing at an average rate of 5 % per year for the last 20 years; despite this, the EU consumed some 70 % more salmon than it produced in 2015 (Munro and Wallace, 2016). Currently, most European salmon farms are located in sheltered inshore waters. Growth within the sector is now limited owing to pollution, ecological interactions and conflicts with other water users. It is believed that moving the industry further * Contact author. Email address: sophiefoster21@hotmail.com

offshore could help to alleviate the challenges the industry is facing. The benefits of this include: • improved salmon welfare as a result of optimal environmental conditions; • reduced impact on the surrounding environment owing to increased carrying capacity; • increased space for larger farms and fewer conflicts with other water users; and • reduced disease risk resulting from decreasing the salmon’s exposure to wild species and external pollution. Initially, it was necessary to clarify what is classed as an offshore site. Fig 1 shows the Irish Sea Fisheries Board definition of inshore and offshore farm locations. This project aimed to develop a concept vessel (Fig 2), capable of servicing a class 4 farm, defined as being exposed to open ocean.

1.1. Offshore system In the UK, over 90 % of farmed salmon is produced in Scotland. Current Scottish salmon farms are located on the west coast, as the geography offers suitable sheltered locations for inshore salmon farms (Ellis et al., 2015). As a result, there is an abundance of aquaculture infrastructure and expertise present. These factors make the west coast of Scotland an ideal location for the development of offshore aquaculture. As a result, it was decided to design a concept vessel for servicing offshore salmon farming on the west coast of Scotland. As a full design of the offshore system was beyond the scope of this project, a number of assumptions were made based on research into the developments for offshore salmon farming: 1) The offshore farm will use submersible cages to avoid adverse weather. 2) The cage will have a built-in crowding and grading system. 3

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Each OASV would be required to visit its designated site once per week to harvest and perform inspections and maintenance (Cardia and Lovatelli, 2015). Therefore, it was decided that the OASV should be designed to carry out a typical farm supply and harvest operation in a single day, once per week. When supporting heavy maintenance operations, such as net cleaning or mooring line overhaul, the OASV would need to be capable of remaining on-site for up to five days.

Fig 1: The Irish Sea Fisheries Board farm site classification (Ryan, 2004)

1.3. Project specification The OASV is required to support the operation of an offshore salmon farm on the west coast of Scotland with the following specifications: • The vessel will be capable of operating up to 35 NM offshore; • A single farm site will have a capacity of 10 000 tonnes; • A single farm site will have ten 1000 tonnes subsea cages fitted with copper alloy nets; and • Each cage will have a built-in crowding, grading, feeding, mortality removal and monitoring system. To support the offshore farm system the OASV must:

Fig 2: Final OASV design

3) The cages will have a remote monitoring system that will monitor the health of the salmon and integrity of the cages. 4) Cages will be connected to a centralised buoy which will house an automatic feeding system as well as a mortality collection system. 5) Cages will use copper alloy nets, which significantly reduce the net cleaning requirement.

1.2. Farm logistics It was identified that an offshore farming system would need to produce 10 000 tonnes of salmon per year in order to be commercially viable (Ryan, 2004). As salmon are produced on a two-year cycle, the farming system would require a total capacity of 20 000 tonnes. This capacity would be split between two sites operating on alternating cycles; each site will have ten 1000 tonne capacity submersible cages. These sites must be separated by at least 10 km in order to reduce the risk of disease spread between the two sites. Where possible, all equipment should be site specific; this implies the offshore system will have two sister offshore aquaculture support vessels (OASVs), each operating a single farm site (Research Services and Scottish Executive Rural Affairs Department, 2000).

• utilise dead haul in order to offer a single vessel solution; • be capable of carrying out a farm supply and harvest operation in a seven-hour period; • be capable of remaining on-site for up to five days for heavy maintenance operations; • be highly manoeuvrable in order to operate in close proximity to the farm infrastructure; • be capable of operating in the required sea state to achieve weekly farm visits; and • support as many farming activities as is practically possible.

2. Concept design and hull form 2.1. Essential activities In order to determine the activities required to be considered essential for the concept design of the OASV, the frequency and impact of each activity on the vessel was evaluated; the results are summarised in Table 1. The information presented in Table 1 was used to evaluate four concept OASV proposals, whereby each concept offers a different level of capability. The activities that each concept vessel would be equipped to support are shown in Table 2. It was decided that concept two best met the vessel specification outlined in section 1.3. The activities not supported by the vessel occur infrequently and


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Table 1: Frequency and design driving factors of the farming activities Activity


Design driving factors


Weekly (Biannual)

Consumable supply


Mortality removal


Inspection and maintenance


Anchor handling

Weekly to Annually

Net handling


Net cleaning




Delousing treatment


250 m3 refrigerated hold capacity Stun and bleed system Salmon handling system 192 m3 feed storage silos 36 m3 diesel tanks Cargo handling system 30 m3 mortality hold Mortality handling system Work boat Cranes 120 m2 working deck Anchor handing winch Crane Stern roller 40 tonne crane capacity 120 m2 working deck Net cleaning ROV ROV launch and recovery system 4800 m3 tank capacity CO2 and O2 control system Salmon handling system Specialist delousing system

Table 2: Concept design matrix Activity










Consumable supply





Mortality removal





Inspection and maintenance





Anchor handling





Net handling





Net cleaning





Stocking Delousing treatment

8 8

8 8

8 9

9 9

require specialist equipment which would be underutilised.

2.2. Initial particulars and hull form Once it had been decided which essential activities the OASV would support, a high-level concept

general arrangement (GA) of the vessel was produced. The GA is shown in Fig 3. This allowed an appropriate basis vessel to be selected in order to calculate the initial particulars. Offshore supply vessels (OSVs) were selected as a suitable basis vessel as they bear many similarities to the proposed OASV. The initial particulars used to produce an initial hull form were calculated using basis vessel data and estimations of deadweight and cargo volumes for the OASV. It was decided at an early stage in the design process that the OASV should have an X-bow design. This decision was driven by the use of X-bows on similar OSVs, the reported performance benefits in heavy weather, and a desire for the design to be novel. A number of modifications to the initial hull form were made as the design developed; the final hull form is shown in Fig 4 and the final particulars are shown in Table 3. Bridge

Working deck Crane

Anchor handling Work boat winch

Salmon processing room


Stern roller

Cargo tanks

Fig 3: Concept general arrangement (GA) for the OASV


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Fig 4: Final OASV hull form profile view

Table 3: Final hull particulars Dimension



41.9 m 11.1 m


4.5 m


2.9 m



3. Machinery and propulsion 3.1. Machinery selection A number of different powering arrangements were evaluated for the OASV. Diesel-electric propulsion was selected owing to its: (a) high efficiency under part loading; (b) flexible layout and minimal space consumption; and (c) compatibility with azimuthing thrusters. The redundancy of the system was designed to Dynamic Positioning 2 (DP2) standards, where a loss of position shall not occur in the event of a single fault in any active component or system. This was required as the vessel will be using dynamic positioning (DP) to hold station whilst carrying out operations. The power generation plant was selected by first estimating the power demands of the expected operating modes. The key operating modes are summarised in Table 4. A number of different generator configurations were considered in order to maximise efficiency in each operating condition and meet the redundancy requirements. The final configuration consisted of two 650 kW main generators and a single 200 kW in-port/backup generator. Once the main systems were designed, electrical load balances were carried out to ensure that the power demands of the two key operating modes Table 4: Total power demand for each operating mode Operating mode

Total power demand (kW)

In transit On-site maintenance On-site offloading On-site harvest In port

1030 483 453 467 157

could be met. The two key operating modes were: in transit, and on-site maintenance. Two generators will be operating when in transit and a single generator will be used when performing maintenance, operating at 87 % MCR and 88 % MCR, respectively. This is sufficiently close to the targeted optimum efficiency point of 85 % MCR.

3.2. Propulsion system The OASV specification states that the vessel should be highly manoeuvrable to allow it to operate in close proximity to the sea cages and other farm infrastructure. The vessel also requires DP2 to allow it to hold station during transfer operations such as harvesting and resupply of the feed buoy. The DP2 criteria require that the positioning system comprises two independent systems, such that the vessel’s position can be maintained in the event of a failure within one of the systems (Det Norske Veritas AS, 2014). Therefore, the propulsion system must be twin screw, each powered by an independent system. Given these criteria, there were two main propulsion configurations that could be used to meet the manoeuvring and DP requirements: conventional propeller arrangement, or azimuthing thrusters. There were also a number of novel solutions that could be used, for example Voith Schneider propellers or water jets. However, these novel systems were discounted because of the limited application on existing vessels of a similar design (Deter, 1997), and it was decided to use an azimuthing thruster arrangement. 3.2.1. Azimuthing thrusters The propeller in an azimuthing thruster is able to rotate 360° about the vertical axis, and as a result can deliver thrust in any direction. Azimuthing thrusters are more complex than conventional propeller systems owing to the right-angle gear drive required to deliver power to the propeller, and to the rotating machinery required to steer the propeller. The use of azimuthing propellers removes the need for a rudder, or stern thrusters for DP. The key advantage of this system is the


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increased manoeuvrability and dynamic positioning performance resulting from the 360° thrust. Azimuthing thrusters are also more efficient during DP than a conventional system. The disadvantage is that they are more expensive to install and harder to maintain. As the manoeuvrability of the OASV was a key criterion in the specification, and as the vessel is expected to be on-site at least 50 % of the time, the increased performance and efficiency of the azimuthing thruster are very important design factors.

4. Equipment 4.1. Salmon support equipment It was specified that the salmon would be transported as dead haul, and as a result, a fish slaughtering plant was required. In order to process salmon at the rate required (approximately 20 000 salmon per hour), an automated processing system was required. The BAADER 101 automated swimin system was found to be a suitable system because of its processing capacity. In order to preserve the quality of the salmon it must be chilled immediately upon slaughter. The two main methods of achieving this are: refrigerated sea water (RSW), which involves the use of a large-scale refrigeration plant to cool seawater, or chilled sea water (CSW), which cools seawater by mixing in ice to create an ice slurry. The RSW method was discounted owing to its comparatively high cost and complexity, as this type of system would require nearly constant long-distance dead haul operations to be justified. Furthermore, as the OASV will be operating out of a fishing port, ice will be readily available in bulk. A circulation pump was required to promote an even temperature. As a swim-in type fish processing plant will be used, a live fish pump was required. Two pumps will be used for system redundancy in order that fish can continue to be harvested in the event of a pump failure. Pumps capable of a rate of 100 tonnes of fish per hour were selected. Diesel was required by the generator onboard the centralised farm buoy to power the feed and mortality systems. The buoy was found to require a diesel capacity of 30 tonnes by looking at similar systems; this accounts for periods of poor weather during which resupplying is not possible. A pump with a flow rate of 36 m3 per hour was selected to enable the buoy to be resupplied from empty within an hour. An auger-style feed transfer system was identified as the most appropriate solution when compared with the alternatives of vacuum and compressed air systems.

4.2. General maintenance and equipment selection To ensure that the correct equipment was selected for the OASV, the following topics had to be researched: (a) geographical farm location; (b) farm components; and (c) required maintenance schedule. When conducting the research general maintenance was defined as work that is required to keep the offshore farm operational and safe for both workers and the environment. The tasks of farm installation, removal and relocation were not considered as they would have an unacceptable impact on the vessel’s design and total cost; an external company would be hired to conduct these tasks. When the research was conducted, two documents stood out as valid and reliable sources to use for developing the OASV’s general maintenance capabilities. The first was Aquaculture Operations in Floating HDPE Cages: A Field Handbook (Cardia and Lovatelli, 2015). The guide sets out clearly both farm components and the required general maintenance cycle for inshore farms. The second document was Farming the Deep Blue, which provided a definition of offshore in the context of aquaculture, as well as specific recommendations for offshore farms (Ryan, 2004). 4.3. Deck equipment selection From research and calculations, the following general maintenance capabilities were selected for incorporation into the OASV concept design. The only capability that was not included from the research was the ability to lift and change the cage nets. This decision was made as this task would require large cranes that would have a significant impact on the vessel design, yet would be required infrequently. 4.3.1. Winch It was determined that the OASV would need to have the ability to lift and reset the farm mooring lines. This decision was made because the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations states clearly that if an issue were to be found it must be dealt with immediately. Therefore, for the relaying and lifting of the mooring lines an anchor handling winch with a minimum lifting capability of 30 tonnes was selected. 4.3.2. Mooring line deck handling To ensure that the lifting of the mooring lines remains a controlled and safe operation, both chain guides and chain stoppers should be fitted. The chain stoppers were placed close to a transverse bulkhead for structural strength. In order to handle


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the mooring lines, a stern roller was integrated into the stern of the OASV.

5. General arrangement The purpose of the GA is to present the overall composition of the vessel, whilst considering constraints placed on the design (Watson, 1998). The GA has been an interwoven and integral part of the project since the driving design requirements were established. The primary aim whilst developing the GA was to optimise the OASV layout for the crew, allowing them to carry out their roles in servicing the offshore farm as efficiently as possible. However, this was continuously counterbalanced against the required impacts of trim, stability and seakeeping to ensure a safe working design.

4.3.3. Deck cranes For the OASV’s deck cranes, careful consideration was taken to achieve the desired safe working load (SWL) capacity whilst also ensuring crane redundancy was minimised. It was decided that a telescopic boom crane would be well suited for the OASV. The specification of the cranes selected for the OASV is presented in Table 5. 4.3.4. Work boats Four workboat options were examined. The boats were assessed on crew capacity, maximum payload and impact on the OASV. The Palfinger RSQ 475 G was chosen because of its maximum payload of 1565 kg and its superior handling in inauspicious environments (Palfinger, 2017).

5.1. Interdependency diagram To initiate the GA, it was vital to gain a clear understanding of how the OASV’s compartments and required equipment was to be distributed throughout the design to ensure efficiency and practicality. For this reason, an interdependency diagram was produced, as shown in Fig 5. It can be seen from Fig 5 that the OASV’s design is centralised around the accommodation block; from this area of the vessel the engine room, locker/shower room, fish processing, mess, galley, bridge, working deck, anchor room and all supporting tanks can be accessed. For this reason, it was decided that the accommodation block and its links to these areas must work in the most ergonomic

4.3.5. Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) It was decided that the vessel should include ROV capability, as this would be vital in order to perform subsurface farm inspections and for cage net cleaning. To minimise the impact on the OASV, it was decided that a modular deck-mounted ROV setup should be used. This modular system would be lifted on to the vessel when required and fastened using retractable container studs in the deck.

Table 5: Crane capability summary Purpose


Max reach (m)

Lift capacity at max reach (kg)

Heavy lifting Light lifting

HS.Marine AKC 370/20 HE3 HS.Marine AK 25/14 HE4

20 14

10 000 920

Height above keel Bridge



Work boat Accommodation Deck equipment Fish processing Working deck

Anchor room

Locker / wash room Fresh water

Mortality tanks

Harvest tanks

Feed tanks

Grey & black water

Engine room

Propulsion Fuel Bow thrusters Water ballast



Fig 5: Interdependency diagram for the OASV


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Underwater Technology Vol. 36, No. 1, 2019

way possible. The second most important aspect for the GA was the links between the cargo tanks, working deck and deck equipment. The deck and supporting equipment were required to be positioned as closely as possible to the cargo tank and the onsite operations they were supporting.

5.2. Bulkheads As a result of the findings of the floodable lengths calculations and the requirements for the OASV’s trim and stability, transverse bulkheads were placed to form the watertight hull. All compartments except the engine room passed the floodable lengths criteria for the three main load cases. The margin line was set below the working deck and rose at the accommodation block bulkhead to include the working deck accommodation, as this was also watertight. The results of the analysis showed that the maximum allowable bulkhead spacing was 7 m in the engine room location for the arrival load case. At this stage of design, the length of the engine room was estimated from similar vessels. 5.3. Accommodation block When developing the accommodation block the following three main objectives were prioritised (Watson, 1998): (a) the comfort and well-being of the occupants; (b) the ease of maintaining the accommodation; and (c) the cost of the construction kept as low as possible. From evaluation of the general maintenance and fish harvesting missions the OASV would undertake, it was concluded that during periods of peak utilisation the OASV would need a complement of fourteen crew members. The accommodation block is divided over two decks: the lower on the working deck, and the second on the accommodation level 1. When devising the layout for both decks, decisions were checked against the Maritime and Coastguard Agency regulations for small fishing vessels (The Maritime and Coastguard Agency, 2017). 5.4. Unique design aspects The OASV is a unique design; therefore, two key aspects of the GA that required careful consideration are as follows: 5.4.1. Deck equipment layout The aft crane in Fig 6 is positioned on top of the mortality bulkhead, and is designed to lift items such as mooring anchors and chains on to and off of the deck. The light crane on the aft port corner of the fish processing house has been placed here to minimise the reach required to launch and recover the work boat. The arrangement of the two

Fig 6: Deck equipment layout

cranes enables them to cover the whole working deck whilst keeping the deck uncluttered for crew working in this area. 5.4.2. Fish processing house The fish processing house is 10 m in length, 8 m wide and 2.5 m in height, and is positioned just forward of the general maintenance area of the working deck. The housing has been divided into three sections: the main space is the area where the BAADER fish stunning machinery is positioned; the second is the pump room to bring farm consumables and harvested fish up to the working deck; and the third is a small workshop where crew can store tools.

6. Discussion 6.1. Concept design At the close of the concept design stage it is believed that the overall premise and feasibility of an OASV has been successfully demonstrated. Nevertheless, there remains one main commercial challenge that the OASV design must overcome. Currently, one OASV services one offshore site, resulting in a low vessel utilisation. When carrying out routine operations the OASV is only expected to be on-site twice per week, with longer periods of operations only expected to occur every two to three months. Furthermore, the specialist equipment for harvesting the salmon will only be in use every other year owing to the twoyear production cycle. This low level of utilisation is likely to render this concept commercially challenging. The obvious solution to increase the utilisation of the vessel is to use a single vessel to operate both farm sites; this would increase routine operations to a minimum of four days per week and utilise the harvest equipment continuously. However, this solution was initially discounted owing to the requirement to use site-specific equipment to 9

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Collings et al. The design of an offshore aquaculture support vessel

reduce the risk of disease spread (Fisheries Research Services and Scottish Executive Rural Affairs Department, 2000). Further research is required to identify if practical procedures for decontaminating the OASV and equipment between sites can be established. Other solutions may include modularising the harvest equipment, to allow it to be deck-mounted and interchangeable between the two OASVs. 6.1.1. Bow design The decision to use an X-bow on the vessel was taken at an early stage in the design, and was driven by the requirement for the concept to be novel. However, a number of challenges were encountered throughout the design iteration as a result of selecting the X-bow design. The X-bow is an expensive design to manufacture because of the complex curvature and high licencing fees. Furthermore, the OASV may not derive all of the benefits of the X-bow owing to its operating profile. The OASV is expected to spend the majority of time holding station whilst carrying out operations on-site, and will have a maximum operational significant wave height of 2 m; these are not the conditions the X-bow is designed to improve performance in. Further time would be allocated in subsequent design stages to establish if the increased expense of the X-bow can be justified by increased seakeeping performance. 6.1.2. Longitudinal centre of floatation The final challenge of the hull form encountered in this first design iteration was linked again to the X-bow design, causing the longitudinal centre of floatation (LCF) to be further aft than anticipated. The LCF of the final hull form was 10.5 % aft of amidships, and as a result tanks or equipment located far forward of amidships were found to cause excessive trim. This caused a number of challenges, most notably for the floodable length calculation, discussed in section 5.2.1 of the present paper. The large forward engine room was found to cause excessive forward trim, and as a result failed to meet the floodable length criteria. Moving forward in subsequent design stages, time would be allocated to assess methods of resolving the location of the LCF. This work would merge with the feasibility study of the X-bow for the OASV.

6.2. Propulsive system machinery It has been stated in sections 2 and 3 of the present paper that the concept design for the OASV was to be novel and should focus on meeting future requirements of the offshore industry. However, the decision to use a conventional diesel electric system over a more novel system such as liquefied natural

gas (LNG) or a hybrid system was driven by the need for the vessel to be able to operate out of remote locations where fuel and technical support for such systems are currently unavailable. This decision presents limitations for a vessel which will have a design life of 25 years; during this time period emission restrictions will increase, and this should have been considered in greater detail at the initial stage of the design. During the next design iteration the propulsion system selection should be reviewed, with a particular focus on systems such as dual fuel which will allow the vessel to be ready for LNG when the infrastructure becomes available.

6.3. Harvesting equipment selection The salmon harvesting equipment selection and system architecture implemented into the OASV concept design were seen to be adequate at the conclusion of the concept design phase. Nevertheless, technical commercial data is required to improve utilisation and efficient use of the equipment proposed. Within this concept design iteration, the required data was not attainable, and therefore assumptions were necessary to ensure concept completion. With the acquisition of technical commercial data, it is hoped that a more efficient system can be developed. 6.4. Deck equipment selection The equipment specified for the general maintenance requirement of the OASV is acceptable at the concept design stage. However, for the proceeding design stages, the focus will be to ensure equipment downtime and impact on the design is minimised. The maintenance schedule and components required for a category four farm site need to be established in greater detail. With a more detailed maintenance schedule and exacting set of general maintenance tasks, the vessel requirements could be established more specifically. Furthermore, full technical specifications for the selected equipment need to be acquired. At this stage of design, this data was not available for most of the equipment, and thus the detail with which the vessel could be designed was limited. 6.5. General arrangement The current GA is felt to be of an acceptable standard for the end of the concept design stage. The primary aim in developing the OASV’s GA was to allow the crew to operate in the most efficient way possible. This has been achieved via the adherence to the objectives stated in section 5.3 of the present paper, and the continuous cross-referencing of other relevant OSV GAs and UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) standards. The


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Underwater Technology Vol. 36, No. 1, 2019

information developed for the interdependency diagram has been successfully implemented throughout the design, bringing the realisation of a unique vessel type with its own individual requirements and capabilities. Nevertheless, there is still opportunity for optimisation in subsequent design stages. The deck and bulkhead alignment of the accommodation and engine room bulkhead would structurally improve the design. The alignment of these two bulkheads would also aid in solving the engine room’s floodable length challenge. To achieve the alignment two solutions are presented. Firstly, the engine room could be laid out in an asymmetric fashion, allowing the engine room bulkhead to be moved 3 m forward, therefore making the engine room 7 m in length. However, care will need to be taken in the new engine room layout to ensure the transverse centre of gravity remains on the OASV’s centre line. Secondly, the accommodation bulkhead could be moved aft to line up with the engine room bulkhead. This would raise the vessel’s margin line over a longer proportion of the hull, enabling a larger engine room to be accepted. In practice it is probable that a combination of the two solutions above would deliver the best result. Finally, it was stated in section 5.4.1 of the present paper that utility crane position was key to achieving a design that works for the crew. This requirement was achieved, but at the expense of the structural validity of the GA. Currently the light utility crane is placed between the feed and harvest bulkhead, which requires extensive local structural deck support to address the large local deck stresses. Whilst an effort to mitigate these effects has been made by integrating the crane trunk into the fish processing room, there is still potential to find a more structurally viable design solution. Care should be taken to ensure that the clear open deck for general maintenance operations is maintained.

7. Conclusion The present paper has presented the concept design of a specialist vessel, which is capable of meeting the requirements of an offshore salmon farming operation. The concept vessel is unique, as it uses dead haul to combine both harvest and maintenance operation in a single vessel solution. The design reported in the present paper proves the feasibility of such a vessel and demonstrates how this vessel could be used to stimulate growth within the sector. Throughout the design process a number of challenges have been identified, and solutions have been proposed for subsequent stages

of design. The result is a novel vessel which is capable of unlocking the full potential of the emerging industry.

References Cardia F and Lovatelli A. (2015). Aquaculture Operations in Floating HDPE Cages: A Field Handbook. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper 593. Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and Ministry of Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 152 pp. Available at: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4508e.pdf, last accessed <16 February 2019>. Det Norske Veritas AS. (2014). Dynamic Positioning Systems. Rules for Classification of Ships, Part 6, Chapter 7. Hamburg: Germanischer Lloyd, 53 pp. Available at: https:// rules.dnvgl.com/docs/pdf/DNV/rulesship/2014-07/ ts607.pdf, last accessed <16 February 2019>. Deter D. (1997). Principal aspects of thruster selection. In: Proceedings of Dynamic Positioning Conference, 21–22 October, Houston, USA. Available at: https://dynamicpositioning.com/proceedings/dp1997/prop_deter.pdf, last accessed <16 February 2019>. Ellis T, Gardiner R, Gubbins M, Reese A and Smith D. (2015). Aquaculture Statistics for the UK, with a Focus on England and Wales 2012. Weymouth: Cefas, 18 pp. Available at: https:// assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/405469/Aquaculture_ Statistics_UK_2012.pdf, last accessed <16 February 2019>. European Commission. (2015). Facts, Figures and Farming. https://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/cfp/aquaculture/facts_ en, last accessed <16 February 2019>. Fisheries Research Services and Scottish Executive Rural Affairs Department. (2000). A Code of Practice to Avoid and Minimise the Impact of Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA). Edinburgh: The Crown Estate, 16 pp. Available at: https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/marine/science/Publications/FRS-Reports/External/ISACodeOfPractice, last accessed <16 February 2019>. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency. (2017). The Code of Practice for the Construction and Safe Operation of Fishing Vessels of 24m Registered Length and Over. MSN 1873 (F). Southampton: The Maritime and Coastguard Agency, 158 pp. Available at: https://assets.publishing.service. gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/652800/MSN_1873_Complete.pdf, <last accessed 16 February 2019>. Munro LA and Wallace IS. (2016). Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey 2015. Marine Scotland Science technical report. Edinburgh: The Scottish Government. Available at: https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-fish-farmproduction-survey-2015-9781786524270/, last accessed <16 February 2019>. Palfinger. (2017). Life and Rescue Boats. https://www.palfingermarine.com/en/products/life-and-rescue-boats, last accessed <16 February 2019>. Ryan J. (2004). Farming the Deep Blue. Mills G and Maguire D (eds.). Irish Sea Fisheries Board and Irish Marine Institute, 75 pp. Available at: http://www.bim.ie/media/ bim/content/downloads/Farming,the,Deep,Blue.pdf, last accessed <16 February 2019>. Watson DGM. (1998). Practical Ship Design. Elsevier Ocean Engineering Book Series, vol. 1. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 558 pp.


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CALL FOR PAPERS Underwater Technology: InternaƟonal Journal of the Society for Underwater Technology The Society for Underwater Technology is calling for papers for its internaƟonal journal, Underwater Technology. The journal publishes peer-reviewed technical papers on all aspects and applicaƟons of underwater technology, including: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

diving technology and physiology environmental forces geology/geotechnics marine polluƟon marine renewable energies marine resources oceanography subsea systems underwater acousƟcs underwater roboƟcs underwater science underwater vehicle technologies salvage and decommissioning

Original papers on new technology, its development and applicaƟons, and papers covering new applicaƟons for exisƟng technology, are parƟcularly welcome. Submissions should adhere to the journal’s guidelines available at www.sut.org/publicaƟons/underwater-technology/guidelines-for-authors/ For more informaƟon or to make a submission, please contact the Assistant Editor, Elaine Azzopardi, at Elaine.Azzopardi@sut.org

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Acoustic Investigation of Complex Seabeds Jacques Yves GuignÊ and Philippe Blondel Published by Springer International Publishing

E-book edition, 2017 ISBN 978-3-319-02579-7 108 pages

The title of this book seems to suggest that it will present a multitude of acoustic methodologies, such as multibeam bathymetry and backscatter, side-scan sonar and single beam echo sounder, to examine the interpretation of the seabed for geographical mapping. However, the book does not examine any of these methods; it instead aims to explain the use and interpretation of a new instrument called an acoustic corer for

investigation of subsurface layers of the seabed. The acoustic corer is a large instrument which sits on the sea floor on a tripod. It comprises a 12 m diameter boom with hydrophone arrays and transmitters which rotate on the tripod. Data processing allows interpretation of the acoustic responses many metres below the surface. The instrument has high- and lowfrequency transmitters, and the combination of these transmitters with different beam patterns allows mathematical interrogation, leading to improved interpretation. The acoustic corer can also be deployed in mid-water to image the subsurface structure, but in this mode the instrument does not always show local heterogeneities. The book suggests that the acoustic corer fills the gap between the scale of traditional hydrographic mapping systems and ground-truthing methods such as coring. The instrument is presented as providing decimetric-scale resolution for a volumetric wide-area coverage for areas 12 m wide and 40 m deep.


Book Review

doi:10.3723/ut.36.013 Underwater Technology, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 13, 2019

The book explains the evolution of the acoustic corer and its current capabilities. It then looks forward to possible applications with other vehicles such as a seabed crawler and other seabed equipment. The authors show that the technique used for the acoustic corer is applicable beyond underwater investigations, and has been transferred to land modelling using receivers in a new system called acoustic zoom technology. However, it is noted that the key to data acquisition is adequate processing, now commercialised by PanGeo Subsea. This book is designed for experienced investigators, and comprises complex ideas where it is assumed that the basics of underwater acoustics, seismic prospecting and geophysics are known by the reader. It presents an intriguing subject, and may point the way to filling the gap of mapping scales from bathymetry and topography maps to a subsurface and more volumetric understanding. (Reviewed by Dr Tim Le Bas, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton)


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SUT Publications The SUT publishes a peer-reviewed technical journal Underwater Technology; a quarterly magazine UT2 and e–magazine UT3; a series of conference proceedings Advances in Underwater Technology, Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering and The Operation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles; and in–house conference proceedings and collected papers from seminars. All SUT books and conference proceedings are available to purchase from the SUT website www.sut.org/publications/books-and-conference-proceedings/ This is a selection of the larger collection of the Society’s books and conference proceedings available to purchase online.

Can a Lobster be an Archaeologist? Quirky Questions and Fascinating Facts about the Underwater World From exploring lost treasure to sea monsters, ocean rubbish and how to build your own ROV, the book is packed with factual and fun illustrated stories.

Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics: Integrated Geotechnologies – Present and Future Proceedings of the international conference held in September 2012

Price: £220

Price: £12.99

Order Ref. C42

ISBN 978 0 906940 55 6

Hardback; 2012

Paperback; 2015

674 Pages

ISBN 978 0906940532

152 Pages

Subsea Control and Data Acquisition 2010: Future Technology, Availability and Through Life Changes Guidance Notes for the Planning and Execution of Geophysical and Geotechnical Ground Investigations for Offshore Renewable Energy Developments

Price: £15 ISBN 978 0 906940 54 9 Paperback; 2014

Proceedings of the international conference held in Newcastle, UK, 2-3 June 2010 Proceedings of the International Conference

Price: £95

2–3 June 2010 Newcastle, UK

Order Ref. C41


ISBN 978 0906940525

Future Technology, Availability and Through Life Challenges

Hardback, 2010 176 Pages

48 Pages

The Operation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Volume One: Recommended Code of Practice for the Operation of Autonomous Marine Vehicles, Second Edition

Price: £75 Order Ref. C40 ISBN 978 0906940518 Paperback, 2009 78 Pages

The Collaborative Autosub Science in Extreme Environments: Workshop on AUV Science in Extreme Environments Proceedings for the international science workshop held at the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, 11-13 April 2007

Price: £95 Order Ref. C39 ISBN 978 0906940501 Hardback, 2008 202 Pages

For orders and enquiries, please contact: Cheryl Ince, Society for Underwater Technology, Unit LG7, 1 Quality Court, London WC2A 1HR t +44 (0)20 3440 5535 e cheryl.ince@sut.org Books advert 2015.indd 1

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Submerged Landscapes of the European Continental Shelf: Quaternary Paleoenvironments Edited by: Nicholas C Flemming, Jan Harff, Delminda Moura, Anthony Burgess and Geoffrey N Bailey Published by Wiley-Blackwell

Hardback edition, 2017 ISBN: 978-1-118-92213-2 552 pages

This handsome volume is one of the results to emanate from a European research network named ‘Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology and Landscapes of the Continental Shelf’ (SPLASHCOS). This network was financed by the Co-operation in Science and Technology (COST) office in Brussels. COST actions are aimed at developing research networks that promote researchers and experts to form new collaborations whilst cultivating their research initiatives. The contents of this volume are very well thought out and organised in a logical manner, permitting the reader (or user) to approach the chapters in various ways. Those wishing to acquire a better grasp of the fun-

damentals of the subject may start with the first four chapters that introduce the reader to aspects such as sea level and climate, site formation processes, and an overview and assessment of sources used for the study of submerged landscapes (Chapter 4). Contents of this last chapter will interest many readers of Underwater Technology owing to the diverse sources (sub bottom, bathymetry, sediments, etc.) discussed. Of the 14 chapters that make up the book, the last ten tackle the subject of submerged landscapes in various areas of Europe. This regional approach increases the utility of the volume’s contents as it provides students and researchers working in a specific area the possibility of going directly to a relevant chapter. It also lends itself to comparative studies. Individual chapters have been written by groups of researchers, an approach that certainly enriches the contents which are clear and well laid out. The flow of each of these chapters is such that the quaternary geology of the region being discussed is explored and explained. Climate and its impact on humans are also discussed. Submerged features (such as paleochannels and paleoshorelines) that may be associated with human occupation provide an interesting perspective on the activities of past populations. In addition to being well written, all the chapters are supported by high-quality maps, data imagery, sea level graphs, photographs and tables. Of note is the fact that each chapter contains an assessment of the archaeological potential of the area described, making the book not just an end in itself but also a means through which future research avenues and ideas may be spawned.


Book Review

doi:10.3723/ut.36.015 Underwater Technology, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 15, 2019

Furthermore, each chapter is exceptionally well referenced with authors using the latest research to support their work. Authors and editors have done a commendable job in gathering the book’s figures and illustrations from sources that are as varied as they are numerous. One may only admire the hard work that must have gone into obtaining the rights and permissions for such use – a seemingly negligible fact, but one that deserves mention as it helps to elevate the status of this publication. The twelve-page index could have been more exhaustive, but it more than serves its purpose. Although it may be argued that the volume could have done with a concluding chapter, the absence of the latter does nothing to detract from the overall quality and academic value of the book. Indeed, the importance transcends academic boundaries. It would be at home on the shelves of the marine geologist, as it would be in the library of the underwater archaeologist. Likewise, it is certainly a must for all those interested in human activities that occurred prior to the end of the last glacial maximum, as well as human reactions to such climatic and environmental changes. Besides a tangible and physical ‘deliverable’ of the SPLASHCOS initiative, this volume must also be considered as a testimonial to the success of this COST action. The variety of nationalities and divergence in academic disciplines of the authors bear witness to the success of the project organisers in delivering COST’s vision of creating multi-/interdisciplinary and pan-European research networks. (Reviewed by Professor T Gambin, Department of Classics and Archaeology, University of Malta)


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Society for Underwater Technology

Educational Support Fund Sponsorship for Gifted Students in Marine Science, Technology and Engineering to meet industry’s critical shortage of suitably qualified entrants.

SUT sponsors UK and overseas students (studying in the UK and abroad) at undergraduate and MSc level who have an interest in marine science, technology and engineering. Students are supported who are studying subjects such as:

Offshore and Ocean Technology Subsea Engineering Oceanography Marine Biology Ship Science and Naval Architecture Meteorology and Oceanography The SUT annual awards are £2,000 per annum for an undergraduate, and £4,000 for a one-year postgraduate course. (Part-time postgraduate studies funding available.) As one of the largest non-governmental sources of sponsorship, the SUT has donated grants totaling almost half a million pounds to over 270 students since the launch of the fund in 1990.

For further information please contact Society for Underwater Technology, Unit LG7, 1 Quality Court, London WC2A 1HR UK t +44 (0)20 3440 5535 e info@sut.org or please visit our website

www.sut.org 04-SUT314-36(1)_Color.indd 16

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UT2 and UT3 The magazines of the Society for Underwater Technology

UT2 Issue O

UT2 Issue O

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UT2 Iss ue 1 Ma rch 2018


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Issue Tw

The magazine is represented at all the many exhibitions around the world at which the Society both co-organises and attends.


UT 2016

UT2 covers a focused range of underwater subjects including offshore, marine renewables, subsea engineering, ocean resources, diving and manned submersibles, underwater science and robotics.

Furthermore, the magazine is distributed at the many subsea training courses that are organised by the Society, ensuring it reaches tomorrow’s engineers and technologists.

o 2018

UT3 is the online magazine of the Society for Underwater Technology, and covers the subsea industry.







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Subsea Mi ning Underwat er Vehicles





AUVs Cables Unmanne d



UT2 Iss ue 2 Ma y 2018

It consists of the content of the print magazine UT2, greatly expanded with other information.

UT22 and UT33 are available online at http://issuu.com/ut-2_publication http://issuu.com/ut 2_publication www.sut.org 05-SUT-36(1)-IBC.indd 1

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