Faculty of Design Product Service System Design
Relatore : Valentina Auricchio Student : Pruksapong Suthapa Matr. : 734126 Academic year 2009/2010
We are living in a consumption society where people are less conscious about their impact to the environment. As in many fast growing cities, Bangkok is also facing the problem but most people still pay least attention to reduce plastic consumption. From the research, I came across a trend reducing plastic waste by refilling with a reuse container. This trend could have a massive impact in solving this problem while benefiting both consumers and producers. Therefore, this thesis aims to introduce a new lifestyle raising awareness and that refilling can reduce plastic waste and encouraging people in Bangkok to adhere such behaviour. As a result, I am proposing a product service system suitable for the context of Bangkok society, offering users the accessibility towards a sustainable lifestyle through the refilling system. Italian Viviamo in una società dei consumi dove le persone sono meno consapevoli del loro impatto sull’ambiente. Come in molte città in rapida crescita, anche Bangkok sta fronteggiando questo problema, ma la maggioranza delle persone continua a prestare meno attenzione nella riduzione del consumo di plastica. Dalla riempimento, mi sono imbattuta in un trend sulla riduzione dei rifiuti di plastica attraverso la ricarica un contenitore di riutilizzo. Questa tendenza potrebbe avere un impatto enorme nel risolvere questo problema apportando un vantaggio sia per i consumatori che per i produttori. Pertanto, questa tesi si propone di introdurre un nuovo stile di vita che aumenti la consapevolezza che attraverso il riempimento è possibile ridurre i rifiuti di plastica e che incoraggi le persone a Bangkok ad aderire a tale comportamento. Come risultato, propongo un sistema di servizi e prodotto adatto per il contesto della società Bangkok, offrendo agli utenti l’accessibilità a uno stile di vita sostenibile attraverso il sistema di ricarica.
In “NATURE” trash doesn’t exist
Introduction a refill service system for Bangkok’s new lifestyle towards sustainability For the past century, we cannot ignore the benefits of plastics which have been introduced in many different ways since plastics can be rapidly produced to any desired form. However, since we are living in a consumption society where people are less conscious about consuming and producing; the number of plastic waste has increased dramatically causing many severe problems to our environment. Thus, if it is us who are causing these problems by consuming and producing without awareness then it is us who have to change in order to solve this problem. The solution is not only by changing how we consume but also to find out how we can reduce plastic from production line.
Research and analysis of the Bangkok city
Case study analysis
Mind mapping & Project Development
In consideration of developing and designing the idea of refilling to match with Bangkok society, this book is divided into 4 chapters. First three chapters explain about the overall plastic problem throughout the world and in Bangkok while the last chapter shows how this new product service system meets Bangkok lifestyle. The first chapter focuses on the understanding of the global problem of plastic waste starting from the production line to the recycle bin.
Nowadays plastic waste problem is also one of the major problems in many fast growing cities like Bangkok. Nonetheless plastic waste problem is barely recognized in Bangkok.
The second chapter talks about Bangkok society and its problem which the awareness of environment and the over-consumption of the society are closely investigated.
Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to provide a service system that creates a new lifestyle towards sustainability by encouraging people to think about reusing before recycling and raising awareness in Bangkok society.
The third chapter consists of two parts; first part displays on-going trends and the enthusiasm of people in solving this problem from around the world. Second part presents case studies of dfferent refill systems that have been developed. Each case study has been intensely examined and analyzed for the purpose of developing the refill system for Bangkok society.
To begin with, I have been researching about the plastic waste problem and the reaction of people with the problem. According to the macro research, the awareness of people toward this problem is constantly growing as well as many solutions have been carried out around the world to tackle this problem. I came across this one trend called, “REFILL�, that could have a massive impact on this problem. Refilling is a new way to reduce plastic waste right from the beginning by allowing consumers to reuse their used plastic container to refill the product while brands have an alternative to offer products to their customers in a more sustainable manner.
Understanding the problem
Finally, the last chapter, using all the data gathered from previous chapters, I proposed a product service system that matches Bangkok society while offering users the accessibility towards a sustainable lifestyle. This thesis hopes to create an appropriate refill service system for Bangkok society and also becoming a trigger for people to change their life style toward sustainability.
PLASTIC WASTE Plastic waste Pollution from plastics production Disposal & Recycle Types of Plastic Bottles Where does the waste go Great Pacific Garbage Patch Reuse before Recycle Life less plastic
13 15 17 19 21 23-25 29 31
ABOUT BANGKOK Bangkok in general Bangkok waste Plastic waste in Bangkok Awareness of Thais towards plastic waste Wrong mindset of Thai campaign Plastic product in our daily life Plastic container in one household
39 41 43 45 47 53 55
TRENDS Ways to reduce plastic consumption WAY 1 : BRING YOUR OWN EVERYTHING , B.Y.O.E. Way 2 : Sell & Buy in Bulk Way 3 : Refilling, the 4th R System of refilling Packaged product system VS Refill system Advantages and benefits
4 63 65 67-69 71 73 75 77
CASE STUDIES AND ANALYSIS Unpackaged Green depot Green 11 The refill shoppe Market of choices Negozio leggero di Torino Effecorta Millebolle Simply sma Neutral Eco Goccio Punto pulito bio Ecopulito Ecologos : Reducimballi project Vomfass Comparison
ABSTRACT (ENGLISH & ITALIAN) INTRODUCTION 81 82-85 86-89 90-93 94-97 98-101 102-105 106-109 110-113 114-117 118-121 122-125 126-129 130-133 134-137 138-141 142-145
PROJECT It’s time to change change? . . . starts to rethink reuse and refill WHAT : Refilling system for household detergent WHERE : Bangkok condominium WHO : Condominium habitant HOW : System map TOUCHPOINT Brochure and member card Machine Label and Tag for reused bottle Mobile application Member Privilege : reCommend ME! service & Points Receipt and point’s rules Website Coorperate identity : Logo and its customization HOW : CUSTOMER JOURNEY New user Pre-order via mobile application Tips&Tricks , reCommend ME! service Benefits For user For brand For the Condominium
163 165-169 171 173 175 177 178-181 183
194-195 196-199
149 153 155 157 159 161
185 187 189 190 191 191
How can w thai’s awa reduce pla so they can better choi 8
e raise reness to stic waste make ces? 9
chapter 1
Plastic waste
Plastic is something we all use and so many things are neither made of it nor packaged in it. Since it is durable, versatile, lightweight, hygienic, cheap and strong: synthetic plastic is arguably one of the most useful inventions of the last century. It is essential in medical equipment, technology and thousands of devices which have increased our standard of living. But those very same attributes of durability and cheapness make plastic one of the most pervasive forms of waste on the planet, A vast amount of plastic is getting thrown away in an irresponsible way. Environmentally, plastic is a growing disaster. Plastic is the fastest-growing component of the waste stream. And because plastic essentially never biodegrades, once littered plastic becomes a permanent environmental problem. Plastic container is an enormous source of landfill waste and is regularly eaten by numerous marine and land animals, to fatal consequences. In this chapter I would again pointing out a bit more about plastic and its types, problem that is going on and why do we need to solve the problem.
Pollution from plastics production
The production and the use of plastics have a range of environmental impacts. Firstly, plastics production requires significant quantities of resources, primarily fossil fuels, both as a raw material and to deliver energy for the manufacturing process. It is estimated that 4% of the world’s annual oil production is used as a feedstock for plastics production and an additional 3-4% during manufacture.
190g 100g
CO2 container of liquid detergent has a mass of about 100 grams, equivalent to 190 grams of oil, 1.7 liters of water and 230 g of CO2
In addition, plastics manufacture requires other resources such as land, water, produces waste and emissions. The overall environmental impact varies according to the type of plastic and the production method employed. Plastics production also involves the use of potentially harmful chemicals, which are added as stabilizers or colorants. Many of these have not undergone environmental risk assessment and their impact on human health and the environment is currently uncertain. An example of this is phthalates, which are used in the manufacture of PVC. PVC has in the past been used in toys for young children and there has been concern that phthalates may be released when these toys are sucked (come into contact with saliva). Risk assessments of the effects of phthalates on the environment are currently being carried out.
Disposal & Recycle
The disposal of plastics products also contributes significantly to the environmental impact. Since most plastics are non-degradable, they take a long time to break down, possibly up to hundreds of years - although no one knows for certain as plastics haven’t existed for long enough - when there are landfill. With more and more plastics products, particularly plastics packaging, being disposed of soon after their purchase, the landfill space required by plastics waste is a growing concern, Plastic bottles are a major contributor, followed by plastic bags, fishing line, and other plastic pieces. Moreover, Many plastic items end up in the marine environment, where they drift, become entangled, and often litter beaches. Some plastics, such as polystyrene, can fragment into smaller and smaller pellets. They may become less noticeable, but they are still present. Filter-feeding organisms take in floating pieces. Tiny plankton may contain plastic, and consumers up the food chain may Bioaccumulate much larger quantities. Larger plastics are found in marine mammals, large fishes, seabirds, and turtles, after being mistaken for jellyfish and other edible organisms – balloons are notorious for confusing animals. These indigestible pieces can lead to injury and even death, through digestive blockage, strangulation, or amputation. Although many types of plastics could potentially be recycled, the plastic recycling produces a lot of pollution and as a result it can be very harmful for the environment in which we live. Thus plastic recycling should be done in such a manner that it reduces the pollution to the minimum level.
Types of plastic container
To assist recycling of disposable items, the Plastic Bottle Institute of the Society of the Plastics Industry devised a now-familiar scheme to mark plastic bottles by plastic type. A plastic container using this scheme is marked with a triangle of three cyclic arrows, which encloses a number giving the plastic type: Plastics type marks: The resin identification code 1//PET(PETE), polyethylene terephthalate, is commonly found in 2-liter soft drink bottles, water bottles, cooking oil bottles, peanut butter jars. 2//HDPE, high-density polyethylene, is commonly found in detergent bottles and milk jugs. 3//PVC, polyvinyl chloride, is commonly found in plastic pipes, outdoor furniture, siding, floor tiles, shower curtains, clamshell packaging. 4//LDPE, low-density polyethylene, is commonly found in dry-cleaning bags, produce bags, trash can liners, and food storage containers. 5//PP, polypropylene, is commonly found in bottle caps, drinking straws, yogurt containers. 6//PS, polystyrene, is commonly found in “packing peanuts�, cups, plastic tableware, meat trays, take-away food clamshell containers. 7//Other, is commonly found in certain kinds of food containers, Tupperware, and Nalgene bottles.
Where does the waste go
Plastic doesn’t decompose or compost. The plastic that is sitting in the ocean right now will NEVER go away.
less than 50% are recycled
These lansfills are being filled too quickly and we are running out of space. Regulations now mean that new landfills have to be engineered to stop leachate (nasty liquids, juices and dirty rainwater that collects at the bottom of the pit) from contaminating underground water streams and dangerous gases (carbon dioxide and methane) from escaping into the air.
Incineration CO2
end up in landfill
drinkconteminated water
eat plastic pieces
new product
In some places rubbish is burned, usually in big cities where there is no space for landfills. Some industry officials have promoted the incineration of plastic as a means of disposal. A similar process known as pyrolysis bakes plastics into a hydrocarbon soup which can be reused in oil and chemical refineries. However, both incineration and pyrolysis are much more expensive than recycling, and each process also poses severe air pollution problems.
Marine Pollution
end up in landfill
A large proportion of plastic winds up in the ocean, where it is often torn into small particles which are eaten by marine animals. This causes a possible serious threat to the food chain, as the marine animals are eaten by other animals which eventually wind up in human diets. As the research, Lantern fish, common food for Tuna, Salmon, and Mahi Mahi, fish that you and I eat, contained plastic particles in their stomachs. The record holder had 84 pieces of plastic in its gut - and these fishes are only 2-3 inches long!
Recycle YES . . . IT COMES
Only 5% of the trash in the world is being recycled and, the plastic recycling produces a lot of pollution and as a result it can be very harmful for the environment in which we live.
Whatever goes into the ocean goes into these animals and onto your dinner plate. Dr. Marcus Eriksen, research Director of the Algalita Institute in Atlanta
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
There is a huge plastic waste dump site, the “Plastic Island”, in the Pacific Ocean that is twice the size of Texas. It is estimated that 10% of the world’s plastic waste finds its way into the sea and slowly but surely most of it ends up in the Pacific Ocean. The “Plastic Island”, it is not really a floating island. It is more like a soup of plastic pieces floating in the ocean just below the surface. It is located about 900 kilometers from California, between Hawaii and Japan. Sea currents transport the waste to the “Dead zones”, scientifically the area is known as the Northern Pacific Gyre, one of five gyres in the world oceans. They are areas of sea where water circulates clockwise in a very slow spiral. Winds are light and the currents tend to force any floating material into the low energy center of the gyre everything afloat becomes trapped. Without a doubt, these areas trap debris into one large constant mass of plastic. The pieces of plastic come from all over the world. Any country that has a shore or river, where such pieces blow or wash out to sea is a source. According to the research of the plastic dump in the Pacific Ocean, the northern Pacific plastic dump is deceptive to the eye. While it contains huge amounts of plastic waste it is not all floating on the surface. Wave action and the heat of the sun degrade the plastic into smaller and smaller particles which can form a sinking toxic soup that extends down to 6 meters below the ocean’s surface. Eventually, over 70 percent of discarded plastic sinks toward the ocean’s bottom. The Dutch researchers have counted an astounding 600 thousand tones of plastic sitting on the North Sea floor. As that ocean floor becomes increasingly smothered by descending bits of plastic sea bed organisms struggle for survival. This mass of plastic is slowly being broken down into a plastic dust that marine wildlife mistake for food. Small fishes consume tiny bits of plastic as if they were normal plankton. Those fishes are then consumed by larger species and the plastic contamination moves up the food chain. Some researchers estimate that there are over six kilos of plastic for every kilo of naturally occurring plankton in the Pacific plastic dump.
A dead bird with a stomach full of plastic-most likely it’s cause of death
The UN Environmental Program estimates that over a million seabirds, as well as more than 100 thousand marine mammals, die every year from ingesting plastic debris. Dead seabirds having mistaken plastics for food have been found with discarded plastic lighters, water bottle caps and scraps of plastic bags in their stomachs. The problem is being intensified as modern plastics become more durable and increasingly more disposable. As the Pacific plastic dump grows, and it could double in size by 2015, the effect on the human food chain becomes more toxic and problematic
This turtle experienced abnormal growth because of a plastic ring floating in the ocean 24
Reuse before Recycle
1 11
REDUCE BEFORE REUSE REUSE BEFORE RECYCLE! The recycling movement has gathered plenty of steam in recent years which is wonderful as there is far less waste hitting our landfills and far more resources being reclaimed. Many of us that wants to go greener often firstly think of recycle, as if you recycle you are doing the best thing to the world but actually recycling also causes a lot of CO2 emission, pollute the environment and some waste like plastic will never be able to fully recycle. Of course, Recycle is a good thing to do but what about reduce the consumption, and reuse what you can reuse before you throw it away? In this case, no trash will end up in the landfill and no CO2 emission will be caused in the recycle process.
Unless you’re very, very disciplined - and most of us frankly aren’t - then you’re quite likely to end up by throwing away. Dick Searle, UK Packaging Federation
Life less plastic
Could You Eliminate Plastic From Your Life?
Plastic in the house
Plastic is everywhere. Plastic is in our kitchens, our bathrooms, our offices, and our cars. It’s likely that no matter where you are right now, you are surrounded with plastic, all of which will likely find its way to a landfill for over a billion years. Who in the world would live without plastic? and How can you possibly get away from it?! There is!, there are people who tried out this action and really able to cut plastic out of their life. Jeanne Haegele,the 28-year-old Chicago resident and the blogger behind Life Less Plastic decided to try to decrease plastic’s presence in her life. Since September 2007, Haegele started to become as plastic-free as possible.
Plastic from the month before Plastic from “A month without plastic”
She began eating more fruits and vegetables and began shopping at stores with bulk bins, which allow customers to refill their own containers. According to her blog, she has not only experienced significant cost savings, but her diet has become much healthier, adding two more reasons to remove some of the plastic from her life.
Habits are hard to break, but sometimes you just have to try.
As well as Beth Terry, the blogger behind Fake Plastic Fish. Nonetheless, there are some actions going on around the world to solve this problem, many people are trying out this new trend, “A month without plastic”, by this means not buying or accepting anything which contains plastic or is packaged in plastic with the aim of seeing how possible it is to live without new plastic. Christine Jeavans in UK, Cliff Nathan Hansen in Korea, Jesús García Barcala in Spain are trying out this action and posting on the socialnetwork which become a trend for the follower to do so. This actions show that people are aware of the problem and try to cut plastic out of their life. Would it be any easier way to help them cut the plastic out of their life? Life less plastic shouldn’t be that hard anymore!
Christine Jeavans’s “A month with out plastic” tally on the left, and a previous month on the right
How is th e plastic waste pr oblem in Bangkok, Thailand 32
chapter 2
BANGKOK City of angels
Bangkok in general
31 th
World biggest city
Bangkok is the capital, largest urban area and primary city of Thailand. Known in Thai as Krung Thep Maha Nakhon or Lrung Thep in short, meaning "city of angels". Bangkok has rapidly grown in recent years. With that fast growing business, populations, Bangkok is now facing a big pollutions problems. Three main problem is air pollution, water pollution and trash pollution. A lot of waste are produced uncarefully and people still unconciously polluting the city.
33,114,700 34,308,187 3,187,320
bicycle 7
1 39
Bangkok waste
3 Major
CO2 Air
tons co2 emission
Plastic waste is also one of the main problem in Bangkok but people are still lack of awarness and consciousness.
(in thousands of metric tons)
Thailand produce waste
tons/ day
3396 Plastic Factory
14% in Bangkok
only are recycled
Thailand 14.3million tons/day
Bangkok 8,835 tons/day
20%is 1,750 Plastic tons/day
Chapter 2 I BANGKOK
Plastic waste in Bangkok
Bangkok’s waste
Type of waste
Bone 0.3%
Other 7%
Fabric 5%
Rubber 0.2
Metal 1.5%
Leaf 6%
Glass 2.5% Paper 8%
Stone&Ceramic 0.5% Other 4%
Plastic waste that remains after recycling 20% of waste is PLASTIC and 35% of those plastic comes from packaging
20% is
41 5
35% Packaging
12 17
40% HDPE
30% LDPE 17% PP
20% Fiber/Textile 17% Electronic 12% Automobile Part 06% Housewares 04% Furniture 01% Footware 05% other
13% other
40% of plastic waste is a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) which is the top rank of plastic waste and commonly used as a non-solid container. This type of plastic is deficiently recycled and usually leaves some remains afterward the recycle process. LDPE is also used around 30% in shopping bag, trash can liners and food container. Another 17% is PP, commonly found in bottle caps, drinking straws and yogurt containers.
40% HDPE 30% LDPE 17% PP 13% other
Chapter 2 I BANGKOK
Awareness of Thais towards plastic waste
Do you know about Global warming? 90
yes no
Do you know abot plastic waste problem? 10
The problem is we KNOW but we are not CONCERN. Environmental concerns are still very minimal or non-existing among Thai consumers
How important to solve plastic waste problem? Extreamly
Somewhat Not too
Not at all
Awareness of Thai toward plastic waste According to the research of Ministry of Natural resources and environment, 2009 , the result on the left shows that Thai does know about the global warming and the plastic waste problem. They have in mind that they should to do something.
No opinion
The most important issue is that the service and the environment around does not encourage people to have a better choice and show them how to live better. For example, big shopping malls certainly do not take bold initiatives. At all possible occasions one is inundated by unnecessary plastic bags. Latest interesting development is the Mall department stores has started issuing biodegradable plastic bags,
What do they do with plastic bag afterwards? 70% Reuse
22% Trash
5% Sell
3% others
Besides the obligation of plastic bags, convenience stores and supermarkets automatically provide you plastic spoons when you buy a small cup of yoghurt, and straws when you purchase soft drinks or even when you buy beer cans. One example of overly unnecessary ‘service’: when you fill a container (plastic) at the salad bar of gourmet market, you are provided with paper napkins, and plastic utensils, as if you are going to eat the salad there and then at the supermarket (or do not have the necessary forks and spoons at home). We are not taking it serious enough and do not give rules that could make this issue better because in our country the convenience of the consumer comes first.
Thai campaign
Chapter 2 I BANGKOK
“The more you drink The more you give”
Each bottle , 10cents will be given to a charity “The more you drink the more you give” Thai private organization campaign. This campaign has been quite success full among Thais, as the design of the bottle is nice and people feels like they are helping others while just doing their normal habit, drinking water. But if we look from another point of view, this shows how Thais still doesn’t have a mindset on plastic waste. Instead of telling people to stop purchasing plastic bottle, like some countries encourage their citizen to bring their own bottle and drink tap water, this campaign encourage and tell people to buy more and more without conciousness of wasting more plastic bottles.
How can w thai’s awa reduce pla so they ca better cho 48
e raise reness to stic waste n make ices? 49
Let’s look i nto our daily li fe and see how m uch plastic product we have 50
Plastic product in our daily life If we look through our day, our life is full of plastic, starting from grocery bag to computer and even furniture. As you can see, plastic can be used to produce wide range of products. Seriously everything is plastic. All the containers are mostly made out of plastic. From bedroom kitchen toilet. Household product we usually use are mostly come in a container made out of plastic. However, these plastic containers are usually being thrown away after a single use even though they are still in a perfect condition. Therefore, if each of us starts to reuse these containers in our daily life, how much plastic could have been saved in each household. This could make a massive change in our life and to the world.
Plastic container in one household
Chapter 2 I BANGKOK
On the left page are pictures of plastic containers in one household of 3 people in Bangkok. Our life is full of these products from kitchen to bathroom to laundry. Here are some examples found in this house : Kitchen: Drinks Sauce Food package Oil to dish washing detergent Bathroom: Beauty products are mostly comes in plastic, shampoo conditioner mouth washing tooth paste face washing cream lotion and more Laundry and cleaning products: To clean from ceiling to floor, windows, cloths we use a wide range of product which all come in plastic. These products are mostly being bought every few months, If we can reduce the need of buying a new one or reuse all these container, this household will at least save more than 250 plastic containers a year
How can we reduce pl astic container waste? 56
chapter 3
What have been done untill now to solve this probl em ? 60
3 ways to reduce plastic waste problem
There are many actions going on around the world in order to tackle the plastic waste problem by reducing plastic container consumption. In the following pages, 3 trends about reducing plastic container consumption are being shown. First trend is “Bring your own�. Using your own container when you buy product is the main idea of this trend. This trend is mostly occurred with shopping in the supermarket, buying coffee in cafeteria, having take-away food from a restaurant and many more.
Bring your own Sell&Buy in BULK Refilling
Second trend is selling Bulk food, this trend helps both to reduce the food and container waste, consumers can buy only the amount of the product they want and reduce the packaging waste and cost. The last trend is refilling system, is another way to sell milk, detergent in bulk by reusing a glass container or even a used plastic bottle.
WAY 1 : Bring Your Own Everything , B.Y.O.E.
Bring Your Own trends urge you to consider this fact and take a few quick ‘n easy steps to reduce the flood of plastic into the waste stream by avoiding disposables for everyday things, and kicking some serious plastic. At the top of the list: BRING YOUR OWN SHOPPING BAG is being a hit for a while. Many people is doing this as their regular behaviour. Now coffee shop such as starbucks also encourage people to BRING YOUR OWN MUG, as they will get discount every time they bring their own. Next is BRING YOUR OWN BOTTLE, as to reduce plastic waste that comes with the plastic water bottle, USA and UK started to encourage their people to drink more tap water by bring their own bottle and refill at the point they provide around the city. The trend also spread to fast food company, KFC,BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINER, has begun rolling out its new reusable polypropylene container and lid to replace their former single-use foam container for side dishes. The trend doesn’t stop there, there are many more bring your own whatever, such as FOOD, Restaurant in NY started to provide a space where people can come and order just a drink and enjoy their own food. TOWEL, new trends that promote people to bring their own towel to reduce toilet paper waste.
Way 2 : Sell & Buy in Bulk Sell in Bulk are a way of selling consumables by weight. A customer can measure out an amount of product to be later weighed at the point of sale. The product is usually less expensive per unit compared to pre-packaged items. The customer is able to choose exactly how much product they want and will go home with less packaging. Not only will you be reducing the world’s trash load, you will also be saving money. Since a retailer saves money buying in bulk (paying for less packaging), those savings are passed down to you. Bulk food is always cheaper per pound than packaged food.
M&M in Las Vegus 66
Many supermarket in Italy are offering this kind of selling in bulk. You can find an Eco-Point where they sell dry food in bulk. The steps are easy. Just fill up products into the provided bag, as much as you wish. then weigh it, put the lebel on and pay normally at the cashier.
1 11 1 11 LEVER DOWN fill up desired LEVER DOWN product fill up desired product
price is calculated gram priceper is calculated per gram
LABEL stick on LABEL
price(barcode) stick on price(barcode)
price is reduce to 20-70% price is reduce to 20-70%
Way 3 : Refilling, the 4th R REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE
3rd way is another trend that can reduce plastic waste by refilling a detergent with a reuse container. I find this trend could have a massive impact in solving this problem while benefiting both consumers and producers. Refilling system is a new way of purchasing detergent. Instead of buying a new plastic bottle every time, you can bring your own bottle to refill or you can buy a new bottle for the first time and then bring it back to fill it over and over again which reduces the amount of plastic waste that will end up in the landfill.
System of refilling
Their main characteristic is to sell products in bulk, so no package. The customer will buy the amount of product they really need is erasing waste or the cost of other packages that typically prove particularly polluting. Container will be reuse and brought from home.
// Start off with an offered bottle or bring-your-own-bottle (BYOB) // Reuse the same plastic bottle over and over...and over again // Save monet and save environment! Sustainable Cycle *buy a new bottle(1st time) / reused bottle(from 2nd time)
A small gesture that helps to reduce waste
enjoy product
refill desired product
*In some cases, users can bring their own bottle but most of the service now ask customer to buy new bottle.
Easy steps to refill
nonono ononon ononon
bring your own bottle / purchase the new one for the first time
choose product and refill amount as desire
price is calculated per liter
stick on labels/ price(barcode)
1 11 PAY
save up to 40% of market price
Refiller water, milk, detergent are going on a rise and needs of the customer. Many supermarket in Italy provides a corner of refill detergent.
Typical Pakaged-Detergent’s long journey VS Tap-Detergent’s short journey
Packaged product system VS Refill system
Different between 2 system
Packaged-Detergent’s complex journey
VS The packaging of detergent represents a key component of the total quantity of waste we produce. For this reason the proposal of refilling is to reduce the containers needed, simply by allowing custumer to reuse their bottle. Refilling system is a new way of purchasing detergent. Instead of buying new plastic bottle everytime, you bring your own bottle to refill or you can buy the new bottle for the first time and then bring it back to fill it over and over again which save the amount of plastic waste that will end up in the landfill.
Refill-Detergent’s simple journey
Their main characteristic is to sell products in bulk, so no package. Customers will buy the exact amount of product they really need which help to erase waste and the cost of package that typically prove particularly polluting.
Packaged detergent
x 25
pallet transport
Less energy, packaging and space are required to ship product to retailers.
Less energy is required to produce
Refill detergent
plastic film
x1 Only one tank for the transport of several liters of product.
As you can see on the left, a packaged product cycle and a refill product cycle are being compared starting from production line until recycle bin to shows advantages and disadvantages. Both cycles are divided into 5 steps;
Advantages and benefits
Packaged detergent involve the use of
1) Production Plastic containers are being produced individually for a packaged product while for a refill product; only a tank is being used to fill product in large amount and being used again for the next time. Therefore, a refill product reduces the amount of plastic container. 2) Transportation With a refill product, only a tank is stored in a truck for the transportation while a packaged product requires several elements such as paper box, transparent film and other element to be transported. Thus, a refill product cycle saves not only materials and time but also man-power. 3) Consuming A packaged product price is divided into a product and a packaging, thus buying a refill product by using your own container saves up 40% from a packaging price.
CONSUME save up to 40% comparing to the price of packaged product sold in supermarket.
4) Waste Most of a plastic container usually ends up in a landfill in the packaged product cycle while the refill product cycle eliminates this step by reusing the container to fill the product. 5) Recycle One possible solution of reducing plastic container in a packaged product cycle is recycling. Although, recycle process may eliminate plastic container but it creates a great deal of pollution and consume massive energy.
WASTE Reduce plastic waste Save the landfill.
Refilling creates no waste
RECYCLE Require energy and cause emissions.
No energy required and no emissions caused
From the analysis, there are several advantages from a refill product cycle which are; - Save non-renewable resources - Reduce energy consumption - Reduce carbon dioxide emission - Less weight - More space - Less material being used - Manufactured with high quality at low cost Refill product cycle involves fewer steps, lower energy consumption, lower resources consumption and most importantly reduce plastic waste problem
13 Case stud 04 Countries 05 Different 04 Different 02 Different 78
ies products types of store systems 79
1 UK
Case studies
13 Case Studies
4 Types of shop
Products Brand
mono brand
Payment system
multi brand
digital barcode
5 Types of product
In this chapter, I have analyzed 13 case studies that have the concept of bringing your own and refilling system. Each case study has different system structure and approach to customer. Each one offers different product, way to refill, the machine and the payment system.
Fresh Food
Dry Food
Analysis of each system has been carried out to understand each case’s strong and weak points in order to be adapted later on the project.
Chapter 2 I What has been done in the world to approach the problem
Beginning life as a market stall in 2006, Unpackaged is a unique and brilliant concept that is so simple, especially considering the sheer amount of packaging waste that is ridiculously filling our planet’s landfill sites. Within the beautifully designed shop, organic whole foods, dried fruit, nuts and seeds, herbs and spices, even refillable oils, vinegars and wines are all available to place straight into your own refillable containers, that you will have brought along with you.Those who forget to bring their own containers are furnished with durable, resealable plastic bags that they can reuse during their next trip, but thanks to the package-free environment, the owner claims that each year Unpackaged generates 1.5 tons less carbon than traditional food stores.
visibility of product steps are clearly shown before entering the shop
weighing system : can’t refill when the container is not empty
well designed coorperate brand
low position makes it harder to refill
GREEN DEPOT Green building solutions retailer Green Depot has recently opened a flagship store in Manhattan that is designed to demonstrate the high-performance eco building materials in action. A light booth made of recycled resin materials, for example, helps shoppers compare light bulbs and paint colors in a controlled setting, while the Zero-VOC Paint Bar serves up a line of paints free of volatile organic chemicals. The new flagship store on Manhattan’s (in)famous Bowery is the company’s first lifestyle-oriented LIVE store where consumers are able to get a piece of the action
well-organized and easy to approach
Product are stored in visible glass tank
Attractive : Design as a Beer Brewer
Cleaning agent refill bar Anyone can bring a bottle in and have it refilled with glass/tub & tile/all purpose cleaner or dish soap. Labels are avaialable to be stick on the reuse bottle. The cost is 12 cents an ounce, which works out to be less than a new bottle.
Able to see the product clearly
Able to use any kind of bottle to refill
GREEN 11 Green 11 sells organic beauty products and household cleaners that you can buy and take home in your own reusable containers, but also avialable for purchase. Another store that has the same concept, located in San Fracisco where many chic, unique shops are lining up. Green11 is a new concept in retail and supply chain distribution. We are about redefining old antiquated concepts that are no longer meaningful in today’s world and is in dire need of revolutionizing. Product ranges are from shower gel to detergent to pet’s soap.
3980 24th Street (x Noe) San Francisco, CA ph: 415.425.5195 info@shopgreen11.com www.shopgreen11.com 90
hard to differentiate between product weighing system : can’t refill when the container is not empty
pump bottles : difficult to refill
unorganized : too many products and messy space
using more small plastic bottles instead of using a big tank in bulk
THE REFILL SHOPPE The Refill Shoppe is the actualization of an idea to create a more practical means for consumption. A return to the days before “disposibility�. Combining this mentality with wonderfully natural and organic products. The Refill Shoppe is an eco-conscious store challenging the standards of consumerism by offering quality bath, body, home and cleaning liquids in bulk. By allowing you to refill your own bottle or one of the many that the shop provided.
Variety of products
limited choice of products offer non plastic container
unpractical display container : difficult for maintenance and refill
pump bottles : difficult to refill
MARKET OF CHOICES Market of choice is located in oregon, USA, where there are many store that sells in bulk. Market of Choice offers an extensive selection of the finest and freshest conventional, natural, organic, and health conscious products at affordable prices. They strive for a relaxing and enjoyable shopping experience with truly friendly people who care about the communities where they live and work. In the store, there are aisles and aisles of bulk bins full of anything from pasta and cereal to honey and sesame oil.
weighing system : the price include the weigh of container
well-organize andclean
specific container for some product
all product are visible provides non-plastic container
Chapter 2 I What has been done in the world to approach the problem
The first stores devoted to this curious kind of spending: the company began "Shop light" of Turin, where all products are sold in bulk strictly without packaging. Among the best-selling foods, milk, cereals, pulses, coffee, eggs and flour, while among non-food products are great for home and shaving cream. That of Turin is perhaps a limiting case, but also major distributors over the years are organized to let at least some of their products (especially fruits and vegetables) would remain outside of the packaging, so that each customer can use freely as he wishes .
weigh system : users can refill only if they have finished the product variety of products are available
all products are visible
hard to differentiate between products
risk of mixing between product
EFFECORTA Business idea based entirely on service innovation aimed at environmental sustainability and cost savings. Opened in August 2009 near Lucca, is a store “on tap”, which is based on the principle of short chain. Are sold more than 100 local products - wine, olive oil, pasta, flour, vegetables, detergent and more - in large prevalence from a maximum of 100 km from the point of sale and proposed only in bulk. To do shopping using reusable containers and “Sport Lucca” in place of plastic bags. It ‘interesting that a shop of this type is able to meet the needs of a charge of full quality and not just a product category, as often happens
well organised and nice display
difficult to add new liquid product due to the limited taps
all products are visible
easy to use
can only use the provided plastic bottle
attractive display containe
MILLE BOLLE The aim of this new thrust is to reduce drastically ecologist 11 million tons discarded in rubbish bins each year in Italy. Recently some supermarkets are adopting this system, in Piedmont, but also in Tuscany and Lazio. Well, even Campania, battered by the emergency waste, wants its products to plug it and created a petition calling for this to large retail chains to supply detergent to plug into their outlets.
The aim of this new retail is to reduce drastically ecologist 11 million tons discarded in rubbish bins each year in Italy. Recently some supermarkets are adopting this system, in Piedmont, Tuscany and Lazio. Campania also wants to enlarge this kind of retail chains that supply a refilling system of detergent into their outlets.
full of plastic bottles
badly unorganize
users have to hold the bottles while refilling the product
can use only provided bottle
messy refilling area
SiMPLY Sma Supermarket Simply SMA provides Tap-detergent made from Simply SMA with the support of Regione Lombardia, A2A SpA Aprica and the Municipality of Brescia, in the PARR (Action Plan for the Reduction of Solid Waste in the Region of Lombardy). The sale of products on tap offers customers the opportunity to purchase the desired quantity at lower prices by an average of 50% compared to products packaged in an environmentally safe due to the absence of the pack.
Dirty refilling space
bad quality of display container
all products are visible
funnel is needed for refilling
full of plastic bottles
NEUTRAL Products with surfactants of vegetable origin derived from rapidly renewable sources with a high cleaning performance equal to the corresponding products in the market with raw materials derived from petroleum. products available: washing machine, Softener, wool and delicate, dishes
monitor showing how much the plastic waste have been saved which encourage people to do good cleary see the product can use only provided bottle
attractive and colorful display
easy to differentiate between product
accesibility : located in supermarket
automatic : easy to refill by just pushing the button can refill only when the bottle is empty the quantity to refill are fixed
ECO GOCCIO The Solbat promotes and actively participates in projects that target the development of processes and products safer and more environmentally friendly, aimed at redu cing emissions and waste production. For sustainable development in respect of Health, Safety and Environment. The service are available in Piedmont - Tuscany - Toscana Tuscany - Umbria - Sardinia - Southern Italy
give a knowlege on how many plastic has been avoided
barcode system : don’t have to weigh
proper refill machine : safe product
barcode system : don’t have to weigh
machine is not inviting to refill
can use only provided bottle
PUNTO PULITO BIO The shops POINT CLEAN BIO offer the consumer the opportunity to buy detergent in bulk and save money while protecting the environment. Buying once the empty bottle and reusing it the next time will be reduced significantly reducing packaging waste caused by disposal of plastic significantly. POINT CLEAN BIO SICLY distributes products that vouches for the quality of being right because of ingrained dirt should not prevent us from preserving our environment. The SICLY for over 20 years produces detergents for professional use and in recent years has invested its resources for eco-friendly detergents. The new project POINT CLEAN BIO distribution of detergents in bulk and Self Service contributes to sustainable development.
can use only the provided bottle
seperated cashier machine
machine is not inviting to refill
accessibility: located in a laundry
ECOPULITO Ecopulito is a franchising started out from napoli that offers 3 types of priduct. First is household detergent, secondly is a cosmetics such as handsoap, shampoo and body soap an the last one is dry food.
all products are visible A Van : easy to approach users
difficult to open and refill
not attractive
can refill only when the bottle is empty
Before half of the sale, is a very powerful communication tool as in direct contact with citizens and becomes a vehicle for information on waste reduction and initiatives across the City involved in the project.
It ‘s a van which provides the bulk detergent and offers the opportunity to purchase products directly.
The van in fact, participating in events such as the square of markets or fairs, allows citizens to buy detergent and to be informed on the initiative, the days will be advertised to the whole community and the Administration through the portal Riducimballi. The experience of the van is paying an incentive for businesses to join the project and begin the sale of the products in your store. In this way you will not want to create competition, because the van will only be present during the launch of the initiative, but we aim to disseminate information on the importance of measures to reduce waste at source and create an action and consciousness.
accessibility: approach the community
unorganized didplay space
VOMFASS Vom Fass is a multinational franchise that now has more than 240 stores in 20 states of the world. His slogan “Look, Taste, Enjoy!” In Italian becomes a fun “Look, Taste, Enjoy!”, Sounds familiar to millions of customers who have discovered how to buy a multitude of products directly from the tap is a fun more than a necessity. A look at the health never hurts, and walk into a store Vom Fass become a pleasant sensory experience. A festival of colors and flavors on hand, or rather, mouth, eyes and delight the palate of all those who want to discover dozens of varieties of oils, vinegars, balsamic vinegars and astonished by the colors of the bulbs of liquors, schnapps, whiskey .
clearly see the product high level : hard to be refill welcoming atmosphere
variety of the bottles
hard to differentiate betweeen product
hard to open and refill products are well store in different display container
Comparison of case studies
Some shops provide a wide range of product by many producers. While some shops, mostly are the corner in supermarket, offer product from only one producer.
products varietion
“System� covers from how customers approach products, how to refill until the payment system. Private retailers are still poor on this point while corners in the supermarket provide more convenient system, such as automatically refilling system and bardcode payment system. sytem
Corner in the supermarket are getting wider range of the market while the private retails gets only some target group that are aware of the environment and willing to give an affort to live more sustainable. Another good way to attracts more customers is to approach them like in the case of Ecolologos, that goes directly to the community with the van.
putto pulito bio
simply sma
mille bolle
Negozio leggero
Market of choices
The refill shppe
Green 11
Green Depot
refill system
Refill system mainly devided into manual and automatic. Private retails are mostly use pump bottles while corners in supermarket that are supported by some producers has an automatic system which makes it easier and faster to refill and more hygiene. unpackage
Esthetically, some of the shops such as unpackaged and Green depot has well-designed space which attract users and welcome them to enter the shop, while some shops are unorganized and unwelcome.
Interesting points
Refill system //Hard to refill and gets dirty easily //Some machine even leak
Refill system //Automatically refilling machine, easy, fast and clean
Refill system //Pump bottles, difficult and take time to refill
Refill system //The machine also indicates how much users has saved the environment by using the service
Refill system //Users can’t choose only the exact amount they need
Plastic bottles //Users can use any bottle they have
Weighing system //Users can’t refill unless they completely finished the product. // weighing system also includes the weight of bottle, even it’s very light but still make it cost more than it should.
Retail //Directly approach to users’ community
What could be improve
Weak points
Retail area //Unorganized area, full of provided bottles Plastic bottles //User has to use only the prepared bottlle
chapter 4
It’s time to change
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself
Bangkok really lacks of the general public’s awareness of how to manage the waste thats thrown into the garbage bin. While I see that Thailand has in many ways imbibed many western traits like good roads, decent travel & commuter services for the average person, it surely lacks the civic sense of how to recycle waste. At the rate at which the urban population is growing, the people of Bangkok too needs such civic knowledge to ensure that their carbon footprint does not pose a threat to the environment. This knowledge & responsibility should obviously start inside every household and every school that educates the children who are going to be the pillars of the society tomorrow.
Andy Warhol
Since the availability of garbage dump sites is a major problem for the country, garbage disposal is a pressing issue and the issue cannot simply be left for the authorities to handle. All city dwellers must consider changing their consumption patterns in order to reduce the quantity of garbage being generated. Yes, IT IS TIME TO CHANGE I hope this activity will motivate people to realize the importance of reduce waste by reusing and rethink before they throw away things.
How can w new lifesty sustainabi raise awar Bangkok s 150
e create a le towards lity and eness of ociety. 151
change? . . . starts to rethink reuse and refill !
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
provides a complete refill-service system that is embeded in your community which mainly aims to reduce plastic container waste in a daily life and also to encourage people in a community to concern more about the environment by starting from small changing of their behaviour. Vision // The world with less plastic waste. // People concerns more about plastic waste problem. PSS // Provides refilling system for a community, a new way of buying household cleaner // Provides activity for community Aim // To reduce amout of plastic container waste in Bangkok // To gain more attention to plastic waste issues from Thais // To encourage reusing befor recycling // To encourage brands to start thinking of selling in bulk.
That is why this project aims to solve the plastic container waste problem.
What : refilling system for household detergent
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
From the research, we have found that there are many plastic containers in one household and that shouldn’t be thrown away after one-time-use. Even the refill pouch, it creates big amouth of trash.
offers users a new way of buying household detergent and provides producers a new platform to sell products in bulk. Moreover, the service also encourages people in a community to concern more about the environment by starting from small changing of their behaviour.
Where : Bangkok condominium
Like other modern cities in the world, Bangkok boasts lots of massive building as it is becoming more and more populated. The urban structure in the inner city district is characterized be densely populates areas with little vacant land. Because of very limited supply of land, land prices are very high. Most of the land has already been occupied for commercial purposes, goverment offices, educational establishment, transportation infrastructure. The land usage in this area can be illustrated as vertical devoelopment in the form of high-rise offices, residentail buildings. The amount of condominium dramatically increases over a few year in order to support the demand of the habitation and several more factors supported the growth of condominiums, including smaller family sizes of 2.5 persons per household on average, down from seven a decade ago. Condos are also popular as second homes. As predicted, the condominium market will continue rising and reach its peak from 2015 onward. I am targeting a condominium community which offer them a service that help them to have a more sustainable lifestyle.
Who : Condominium habitant
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
In condominium, you can find various types of people from granny to baby, from and family to single and from designer to doctor, all living together under one roof. Therefore the service found that this incident could be a great opportunity to widely spread a new lifestyle to the urban society and lead to more awareness of Thai people towards environmental problem. Imagine, starting from one community and spreading to hundreds, this will surely impact the Bangkok lifestyle and will gradually improve the environmental awareness. Second, because the condominium is always seeking for a new service to offer their habitants in order to provide them an alternative that leads to a more convenient lifestyle.
How : System map
USER Learn
Register/ Questionair
Tip /Trick Website
Attend Workshop
organize workshop
Become a member
pre-order iPhone Machine indicate when product is running out
Recycle company
Support workshop activities
Delivery product
Promote the service Help with recycling
Give Tips/ workshop
Brochure and member card
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
Find an empty bottle in your house *We also provide you a bottle at the machine but it’s better you bring your own!
Member Privilege
Points Go to the reFill point
Member card
Welcome to our community! Enjoy your new whole experience of buying household detergent for your home!
Enjoy our selected product! Since there is no package, you save the hidden cost that you usually pay when you buy packaged product in supermarket
Account :
After the product is finished, go back to the reFill point and reFill it again!
Password :
Rules! Comment/Rate
5 Give Tips&Trick
Organize/Attend workshop
10 20
. . . .as simple as that!
At the machine, scan your member card and follow the instruction on the screen and select your desired product
Each product can be purchased by points. Learn how to collect your points . . .
Buy a bottle
Check out more about our service! www.refillyourown.com
Touch point : Machine
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
Component of the refilling point is machine+recyclebin+infomation board Condominium can choose how machine they want to put in their condo, depends also on the needs and available space. Moreover, Machine has designed to be able to change the color of the surface so the each condominium can choose the colore that suit their interior the most.
166 167
Touch point : Refill point
refill your own Logo
Touch point : Machine
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
Real time resource-saving : Machine indicates how much resources the community have saved. (water,energy,CO2 smission)
ID scanner
refill cavity Community board :
Where user can find out about activities and workshop. Also producers can use this board to promote the brand.
recycle bin
Label and Tag for reused bottle
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
Instead of producing more plastic bottle to suply to users, the service decided to have recycle company as a partner to clean usedplastic bottles. This way not only reduces amount of plastic bottle but also giving a new life to old bottles. The service will put a tag to show that each bottle has been cleaned through a right process and that user can be sure and feel secure to reuse the bottle. Also the service will put the label on each bottle to show how much it can contain, users can write on the lable the name of the product they have refilled.
choose catagory
choose product your want
select product from the list
insert desired amount and bottle if needed
choose how you want to pay
reCommend ME! service with customer’s room plan
search engine for tips and product
Mobile application
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
choose refillyourown application
Other pages
Personal accout page
Another way to choose the best product for your room
Member Privilege
Each product can be purchased by collected points. Learn how to collect your points now!
Rules! Comment/Rate
5 Give Tips&Tricks
Organize/Attend workshop
10 20
Buy a bottle
reCommend ME! is a special function from the service, it helps the customers to choose product that suites with their room’s material. The programme will show your room’s plan which customers can select area of the room they want to clean then service will reCommend them with the product that suits the best to their room’s material.
The service provides a special way of purchasing product for user by collected points. User can gain points by commenting or rating on the purchased product, give tips and tricks to other users, organize or attend workshop but also users will loose their point everytime they purchase a new plastic bottle in order to encourage them to think first of reusing their old bottle.
Member Privilege : reCommend ME! service & Points
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
Another way to choose the best product for your room
Receipt and point’s rules
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
Refilled list
Points Detail
Everytime you refill, your movement will be recorded in your account and the payment will be shown in your credit card bill. The receipt will come seperately at the end of the month with other condominium’s service’s bill and in the receipt you will see your refilled history, points and how much resources you have saved.
Saved resources
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
fill your own
welcome to our community
account name Visiter click here
Log in
Another touchpoint is WEBSITE. Non member users also can check out our service and activities, also can attend some open-to-public workshop. In the website users can learn more about the problem of plastic waste and how to reStyle their life to live better.
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
Tips&Tricks Page
Workshop Schedule
Check out and learn more about Participating Brand
Organize a workshop
Logo and its customization
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
010 EC 2 inium
D 12th
m loor ndo T Co m, 5th F o NEX The mon Ro om C
ur own fill yo com urown.
efillyo www.r
Logo can partially be customized by users, to use it in different occasions. Users can fill in the blank (instead of fill your own) to promote their workshop activities, such as remake, a workshop of remaking their old cloths & stuff instead of throwing away things. examples :
12th DEC 2010 The NEXT Condominium Common Room, 5th Floor
12th DEC 2010 The NEXT Condominium Common Room, 5th Floor The next
fill your own
fill your own
account name
NEWS COMMUNITY Who is joining our service? Community List
your life
reUse yo
Learn how to live more sustainability ?
ur bottle
fill your own
ReLifestyle yourself
Tips & Trick Learn new tips
Attend or Offer workshop? Workshop
provides a complete refill-service system that not only aim to reduce plastic container waste in a
fill your own
daily life but also to encourage people in a community to concern more about the environment .
Old plastic bottles? Don’t throw away ! Give it to us :)
re Check our Donation Point!
she visits the website to learn more about how she affects the environment with her daily life and what can she do to help the environment.
fill your own
Suthapa Pruksapong The Next Sukhumvit 52 1806
Check out Workshop calender
Click on the date to see details of each workshop
Check out Workshop calender
Click on the date to see details of each workshop
Who is joining our service?
Become a workshop organizer
Become a workshop organizer
Community List
fill your own
Learn how to live more sustainability ?
PARTY !!!!!!!
reORKSreHOP Mak e
ReLifestyle yourself
Later that evening, She starts out this wonderful experience by filling up detergent with the bottle that comes with the kit. She finds the service very convenient, economy and eco-friendly. After she read the instruction, she found the service very interesting and useful. She’s glad of being a part of the community and can’t wait to have this new experience.
While she is refilling, the machine indicates how much she has helped the nature. So she feels even better because not only she spends less time and money but she also plays a role in helping environment.
New users
The service provides user a member card and a brochure which guides how to use the service.
In this story, a girl just moved into the condominium, she receives a member card and a brochure which explain about an entire service. She finds the service to be profoundly useful and she decided to experience the service directly at the machine. Later on she checks out the website and become an active member in the community, she organizes and attends workshops and gets to know her neighbor more.
5 7
Later she found out about the workshop that organize by the community about remaking cloths and furniture.
Check our Donation Point!
fill your own
She click to see the detail and about the workshop and decided to attend.
0 EC 201 12th D ndominium
Floor XT Co The NE Room, 5th on
Attend or Offer workshop?
Old plastic bottles? Don’t throw away ! Give it to us :)
inium connect T Condom Floor PARTY !!!!!!! Room, 5th
Tips & Trick Learn new tips
12th DEC
Customer journey : NEW USER
Sarah is a new member of the condo. Once she becomes member of the condo she is automatically registered for the service. On the first day she will be asked to do the questionaire about her household cleaning habit and choose the password for her account that has been created, after she will get the brochure and member card.
fill your own
wn.com www.refillyouro
On the 12th Jan 2010, She attend the work shop and knows more people and get all the cloths remake. . . perfect community!
At the end of the month, the bill comes with the credit card bill. It shows your refill history, points amd also how much she has helped the environment. 185
She asks her son to go down to refill it for her. She gave him an empty bottle in the house.
Yani is an old user to the service One day while she was cooking and suddently she realises that she ran out of detergent, she remembers seeing the poster about refillyour-own mobile service, She decided to try.
Luckily the service provide the mobile application., she quickly orders by the iPhone Application while preparing dinner.
Mobile Application The service provides also a mobile application for user who usually prefers to pre order products and has limited time. The service will reserve products from pre order’s user for 24 hours so that whenever user is available, user can go to refill without having to worry about wasting time choosing what to refill in front of the machine or even if product will be finished or not. This service is designed to fit a complicated city lifestyle.
Scenario In this story, while the mother is preparing dinner, she needs to clean the pot to use for cooking but suddenly she realizes that the dish washing detergent already ran out. Instead of stop cooking and go down by herself she uses the mobile application to order the product she wants and she asks her son to go down and refill it for her. Her son goes down to refill at the machine and comes back within 5 minutes...life couldn’t be more simple! In this way she saves her time and also spreads a new experience to her son.
He goes down with the bottle to refill. There were somebody using the machine so he used the fast track path. Without waiting he easily scan the card and the machine read the order and start to refill the bottle automatically.
2 hmm that seems easy....let’s try!
oing m I g his!!! a w Ho ll t ean a to cl
3 she goes down to buy a cleaner. At the machine she uses the recommend me! service to help her choose the best product for her for her room’s material She order the product with the bottle this time and loose 5 pts for buying the bottle. Since she doesn’t often use this detergent, she refills just a small amount of it. Therefore she reduces an unescessity perchase to saves up some money and resources
Jill has her 21th Birthday party last night. In the morning she found her room extremly dirty. Many stains are on the floor which she has no clue how to deal with it.
reCommend me! &
Tips and Trick service The service provides the reCommend me! function that help users to find the suitable product for their room. Registered users will find their room’s plan with all the material’s detail. In this way when users choose any area of the room they want to clean, the service will automatically recommend a suitable product for each material. Also in the website there’s a platform where users and brands can exchange their cleaning tips. 188
Jill checks out the website and learn the tips on how to clean out the stains.
Scenario Each material needs a suitable product; the story begins with a young girl who last night hosted a party in her own room. When she wakes up she finds her room very dirty and her biggest concern are strains on a ceramic floor. She remembers that the service provides a recommend me! function and a tips of the website which could walk her through a cleaning process from choosing a suitable product until how to clean her ceramic floor.
She rushes back to her room to clean, the product works very well, thanks to the tips and the recommend me! application:)
5 Rate& ent re Comm
fill your own
Rate and comment Read comments Find product Product ranking
Suthapa Pruksapong The Next Sukhumvit 52 1806
Rate and comment on your product! Product
COMMUNITY Who is joining our service?
Duck tile turbo Rate your product Comments
Learn how to live more sustainability ?
suuuuuuper clean and suuuuper easy to use!
Customer journey : TIPS & RECOMMEND ME! FUNCTION
Tips & Trick
stain on wooden floor
Share your experience with us!
Attend or Offer workshop?
Old plastic bottles? Don’t throw away ! Give it to us :)
she comment and rate the product and gain 5 pts 189
Benefits for user, producer and condominium
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
For user
For Producer //Have a great image return, much higher than that obtained through an expensive advertising campaign or the use of environmental certification that is useful, but poorly received by consumers.
WITHOUT refill system
//To help play their part in promoting sustainable behaviour. //A new platform to get closer to users through website community and workshop. Bring nothing
Loose time in the car and cause an co2
Buy a product + hidden cost of packaging
Loose time in the car and cause an co2
Loose time to fill up the bottle & maybe get dirty
refill pouch is still TRASH!
//It’s an excellent way to show that they care by taking the lead with innovative “giving back” schemes. //Less energy is required to produce.
//Less energy, packaging and space are required to ship the product. WITH refill system
Bring your own bottle
Take just a few second by an elevator
Refill a product + NO hidden cost of packaging
refill system cause NO TRASH!
For Condominium //Giving new image to the company //Creates a closer relationship between habitants
What’s next
Chapter 4 I PROJECT
Product range After people get used to the system,not only detergent and household product, but could possibly expand the range to personal care and beauty product.
Community Not only condominium but also other community can adopt this refilling system.
Retail revolution I hope that this activity will become a trigger for people to change their lifestyle toward sustainability. Which will show the producer that people are willing to refill and refuse to be a part of producing waste system. Also from the economical point of view, profit that will come from a refilling system can lead to a revolution of how all the big brand sell the product in the future.
P.2-3 P.12 P.22 P.24 P.24 P.25 P.26-27 P31 P.36 P.38 P.40 P.46-47 P.52 P.54 P.64 P.64 P.64 P.64 P.66 P.68-69 P.70 P.72 P.150-151 P.146 P.154 P.156 P.158
Waste Jerrycan, http://www.anoizes.com/ Colorful plastic bottles, http://www.earthfriendlymoving.com/pr_media_recycle.php trash-floating-garbage-in-gyre.jpg, http://chowmut.posterous.com/ A dead bird with a stomach full of plastic, http://www.localphilosophy.com/ Turtle with plastic ring, http://www.localphilosophy.com/ The pacific garbage patch, http://upload.wikimedia.org/ Through the gyre, http://2012forum.com/ Transparent plastic, http://www.flickr.com Polluted Bangkok, http://www.flickr.com Bangkok highway, http://www.flickr.com Bangkok garbage, http://www.flickr.com TannumJai, http://www.tannamjai.com Colorful container, http://www.flickr.com Plastic container in one household, personal picture Reusablebag, http://www.reuseit.com Tap it bottle, http://www.tapitwater.com/ KFC reusable container, http://plasticsandtheplanet.com/ Starbucks travel mug, www.starbucks.com/ M&M Las vegas, , http://www.flickr.com Ecopoint crai, http://www.pricesharing.it/ Detergent, http://www.flickr.com Detersivi alla spina, http://www.nonsprecare.it/ Bangkok buildings, http://www.flickr.com Mingmapping, Personal photo Detergent bottle, Green living image galleries Bangkok condominium, http://www.flickr.com Thai condominium L.P.N, www.happinessofcaring.com
P.82 P.84 P.85
Case stadies Unpackaged Unpackaged, London, http://www.monocle.com/ Unpackaged, London, http://inhabitat.com/ Catherine Conway, http://www.life.com
P.86 P.88 P.89 P.89
Green Depot http://www.flickr.com http://www.thedailygreen.com http://www.toolazytodoit.com http://alessandropoddie.blogspot.com
Green11 http://lifelessplastic.blogspot.com
The refill shoppe http://therefillshoppe.com/about_us
Market of choices lifelessplastic.blogspot.com
P.102 P.104-105
Negozio leggero di torino http://www.negozioleggero.it/ http://www.greenme.it
P.106 P.108 P.109
Effecorta, http://www.effecorta.it http://www.donnadiservizio.com http://servicedesignblog.wordpress.com
P.110 P.112 P.113
Millebolle http://www.multipratica.com/ http://www.general-store.it/ConosciLaNostraStruttura.aspx http://millebolle.iport.it/
P.114 P.116-117
Simply Sma http://www.100ambiente.it http://www.gsanews.it/
Neutral http://www.alternativasostenibile.it
P.122 P.124-125
Ecogoccia http://www.solbat.it/ecogoccia http://www.giacomoserci.it
Punto pulito http://www.puntopulito.it
P.130 P.132-133
Eco pulito www.ecopulito.it/ www.riducimballi.it
Ecologos http://www.riducimballi.it/Sito/images/varie/furgone.jpg
P.138 P.140-141
Vomfass http://www.vomfass.it http://www.camemberu.com
Image index
Image Index
Brown, Tim. “Change by design”, HarperBusiness, 2009 Chapman, Jonathan & Gant, Nick. “Designers, visionaries + other stories: A collection of sistainable design essays”, Earthscan Publications Ltd, 2007 Mau, Bruce & Leonard, Jennifer & Institute without Boundaries. “Massive Change”, Phaidon Press, 2004, Market Economies, Corperate accountability, P130-133 Mau, Bruce & Leonard, Jennifer & Institute without Boundaries. “Massive Change”, Phaidon Press, 2004, Manufacturing economies, Cycle to cycle, P181-187 Heath, Chip & Heath, Dan. “Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die”, Random House, 2007 Heath, Chip & Heath, Dan. “Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard”, Crown Business, 2010 Rogers, Heather. “Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage”, New Press, 2006
Documents Product-Service Systems and Sustainability, Unep-imp, Allegrini Casa quick, P11 System D. Ecoefficiency Guidelines Vezzoli Polimi 07 08 3.11, P9
>>Plastic waste problem Story of stuff, http://www.storyofstuff.com/ Month without plastic, http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/monthwithoutplastic/ Pacific ocean plastic waste dump ecology today, http://ecology.com/ecology-today/
Plastic- Sustentator in English, http://sustentator.com/blog-en/tags/plastic/ Sea of trash-pollution in the world’s oceans, http://www.nytimes.com/ Wikipedia : Great Pacific Garbage Patch, http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastic_Island Reuse vs Recycle, http://www.greenlivingtips.com/articles/100/1/Reuse-vs-recycle.html Lifelessplastic, http://lifelessplastic.blogspot.com Seventh Generation - Kaplan EduNeering, http://www.institutesustainability.com/ An environmental mark. A better way of living, http://www.planet-positive.org/ Rise above plastic, http://www.riseaboveplastics.org/ Waste Online Homepage, http://www.wasteonline.org.uk/index.aspx Mission and Goals, Plastic Pollution Coalition, http://plasticpollutioncoalition.org/ UNEP DTIE SCP Branch http://www.unep.fr/scp/ The Local Philosophy , http://www.localphilosophy.com http://www.algalita.org/index.php Green Festival , http://www.greenfestivals.org/ Be Wise With Plastics, Healthy Child Healthy World, http://healthychild.org/5steps/ Tipton: Think Before You Throw | Sustainable Cities, http://sustainablecities.dk/en/city-projects/ TakeOutWithOut, http://takeoutwithout.com/ TapIt Water, http://www.tapitwater.com/
Mail Online, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1191954/Refill-coffee-jars-supermarket-cutneedless-packaging-says-minister.html Detersivi Sfusi, http://www.detersivisfusi.it Detersivi alla spina A.Q.system, http://www.detersiviallaspina.it/ Aprire un negozio di prodotti sfusi alla spina, http://www.creaimpresa.it/ Produttori Detersivi, http://www.ecospesa.com Shoppers to get coffee jar refills at supermarket, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/greenerliving/ Green Living, Environment, http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/green-living/ Month without plastic, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Life-Less-Plastic/
>>Case studies Unpackaged : http://beunpackaged.com/ Catherine Conway (Unpackaged) on Twitter : http://twitter.com/unpackaged Should supermarkets be made to refill, Life and style | guardian.co.uk http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2009/ Store visit , http://www.thegrocer.co.uk/ http://www.hemispheresmagazine.com/ Green11 : http://shopgreen11.com/ Effecorta, http://www.effecorta.it/prodotti/
>>Bangkok Bangkok Metropolitant Administrator, http://city.bangkok.go.th/en/index.php Bangkok’s urbanization issues: Population, trash, and sex in the city Life in Thailand http://www.thaiasiatoday.com/ Pollution Control Department, Bangkok, Thailand, www.pcd.go.th/ State of Waste Management in South East Asia, www.unep.or.jp Thailand Fights Addiction to Plastic Bags, http://worldenvironment.tv/ Thai plastic waste : http://guru.sanook.com/pedia/topic/
Detersivi alla spina Millebolle Point, http://millebolle.iport.it/index.html Ecopulito, www.ecopulito.it/ Punto Pulito, www.puntopulito.it/ Market of choices, www.ecopulito.it/ Vomfass, www.vomfass.it/ Green depot, il nuovo retail eco-friendly a Manhattan, http://www.designerblog.it/ Simply Sma, www.simplymarket.it/ Eco supermarket, http://servicedesignblog.wordpress.com/