Fern farmsook project report

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a little helps a lot

Service Design Approach

in tackling social enterprise constraints A case study to improve Thai social enterprise: Farmsook Ice-Cream Suthasina Chaolertseree l DJCAD, University of Dundee 2013/14

Acknowledgement I would like to express my greatest appreciation to my course director, Hazel White and Farmsook Ice-cream for supporting me and to make this project come true. Thank you Hazel White for your mentorship throughout the year, your prompt support and constant encouragement. And thank you Mr.Chairit Imjaroen for your valuable time and efforts contributed to this project. Many thanks go to my project advisor, Kate Saunderson, for all of the constructive feedback and faith in me. I would also like to thank the MDes faculty, Prof.Mike Press, Fraser Bruce and Catriona Macaulay for the amazing year here in Dundee.

Dig the well before you are thirsty. - Chinese proverb

I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to all the participants in this project, Farmsook stakeholders and all interviewees, your contributions have built this project. I would also like to express my appreciation to all of Design for Services, Design for Ethnography and Product design classmates. I cannot even begin to describe how amazing you all are. Thank you for making the class feels like home. My appreciation also goes to my Service Design peers – Service Design team at TCDC; and volunteer team from Service Design Global Conference 2013. Thank you for growing this community together. My highest thanks go to my family – Papa, Khun mae, J’Foam and N’Film. Your love and support for me are never wavering and never lacking. Thank you for always supporting me along my constant to and fro travels from my homeland these past years. I could never thank you enough. Many thanks to all of my friends at WWA, BBA TU, UTK, Nielsen and Ipsos family, UOD and more, for your understanding, support; and valuable feedback for this project. You all are credited greatly for the completion of this project.

Service Design Approach

in tacking social enterprise constaints [A case study to improve Thai social enterprise : Farmsook Ice-cream] August 2014

Suthasina Chaolertseree (Fern)

Master of Design for Services (MDes) Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD) University of Dundee l Class of 2013/14 Š 2014 Suthasina Chaolertseree All right reserved

Summary This master's project aims to introduce a service design approach to help the development of social enterprise (SE) in Thailand. The social enterprise community in Thailand has undergone massive growth recently, however the industry is young and struggling to settle in the Thai market. The project highlights the difficulties for social entrepreneurs in coping with the limitations of funding and resources in delivering their social aims. These are the constraints of difficult problems that drive entrepreneurs to extreme frustration. This project has worked with Farmsook Ice-cream to test the service design approach in the Thai context. Farmsook Ice-cream is a social enterprise established in 2012 that aims to enable young people who are victims of abuse and violence. Farmsook hopes to improve their lives by using an ice-cream business as a platform; Farmsook sells a homemade low sugar ice-cream that is partly produced by the children, giving them working skills and building inner security. Witnessing its dismal turnover interested me in applying a service design approach to tackle the constraints. Building on that, this project aims to facilitate Farmsook’s business to achieve its social goal by building strong business foundations in order to generate continuous and sufficient revenue. An initial research revealed the common constraints of SE such as needing business skills and an agile ability to negotiate meaningful business viability. The project was therefore keen to investigate Farmsook's business ecology further.

The project took place over 3 months in the UK and Thailand, working very closely with Farmsook Ice-cream. Different service design tools and techniques were employed to uncover different insights and experiences. The project went through several phases: research, developing ideas, prototyping, implementation and evaluation. This project will lead you through the processes and tools that social entrepreneurs can use to organise an enterprise’s challenges and prioritize their focus. Profiling the insights gained depicts a need to approach the market with a clearer business strategy. This project has demonstrated an alternative in introducing a solution on a low budget but delivers a big impact. It is imperative that the point of sale is given particular attention to ensure smoother experiences for both retailers and customers. The solution concept is an action set to help Farmsook solve pain points and build a strong business foundation, not limited to the operation aspects but also reconsidering the way Farmsook presents itself to the world. The project establishes a way of thinking about how social enterprise works, implements physical solutions such as the change of point of sale material, and envisions how Farmsook can offer practical changes for the children in the future. Thank you and enjoy. Suthasina Chaolertseree (Fern) July 2014



Methodology & Tools

Project Scoping

Farmsook Background


Why Service Design?


Contextual Research


Meet Mali


Project Methodology


Farmsook Ecology


Farmsook Stakeholders


Project Approach


Farmsook Challenges


Current Farmsook Impact Evaluation 6

Analysing Farmsook Business


Problem Introduction


Strategic Dilemmas


Project’s key client



Service Design Research

Ideas, Testing & Evaluation



Reframing The Brief




An Exploration


Prototyping, Implementation & Evaluation


Improvement Summary


Design Process Values


Activity Safaris


Mr.Chairit Imjaroen






Next Steps




Post-project Feedback






Farmsook Background Enterprise Summary Enterprise : Farmsook Ice-Cream Founded : June 2012 Product : Homemade low-sugar ice-cream Main contact : Mr.Chairit Imjaroen Background As an Ice-cream lover, Mr. Chairit Imjareon and friends had seen plenty of over-sweet ice-cream in the market. This inspired them to produce a better quality and less sweet ice-cream and combine this with helping disadvantaged children as a way to sustainably help the children. They brought these ideas together and created an economic model ‘Farmsook Ice-Cream’, a social enterprise established in June 2012 under start-up support from the Thai Social Enterprise Organisation (TSEO)





ASHOKA foundation. Farmsook aims to sell homemade low-sugar ice-cream that is partly produced by

Farmsook Model

disadvantaged youngsters. The model was

Source : farmsookicecream.com

designed to give them lives skills and help them regain their pride, giving them the opportunity to become quality workers in the market and improving their quality of life.

Remark : Farmsook is seriously aware of the public child labour concern. The children are carefully managed to participate in ice-cream production under the law and regulations, not exceeding 5 hours/ week. The production is carefully arranged not to affect teaching hours and academic performance in the shelter.


Meet Mali

A girl who joins Farmsook Ice-Cream This is the story of Mali, a girl who joins

Mali was brought to the shelter to protect her



from her father's aggressiveness. Mali has

depicts Farmsook’s social aims. Mali is 12 a

been living in the shelter for 1 year; she

year-old girl. Her father was previously a

misses her parents and is lonely sometimes

driver for the MD of a multinational company,

though living in the shelter is protective. She

but unfortunately, 3 years ago, the

feels lost and has no hope for a good future.




company’s manufacturing was severely damaged by the big flood and the company

6 months ago, Mali voluntarily joined

was immediately beset by a financial crisis.

Farmsook Ice-cream; she spends 3 hours

Mali’s father lost his job. Without any degree,

each month with her friends and Mr. Chairit

her father could not find a new job during the

Imjaroen making an ice-cream mix. From

flooding recovery, so he decided to take a

this, she’s learning about time keeping,

construction work job near to their home.

collaboration, sanitation management, and money saving. Just a few months after

With a much lower income and the tiredness

joining the programme, Mali has become

from the construction work, her father became

more confident and cheerful, gaining her

a drunkard. He started to be aggressive to his

pride back and feeling much more positive

wife, hitting and abusing her badly.

about her future. She also has shown improvement in academic performance.

The situation became worse and worse and he was abusive to Mali, although he treated Mali very well when he was not drunk.



Farmsook Stakeholders 8 main parties are involved in running Farmsook's business. This stakeholder map depicts the importance and influence of each stakeholder over Farmsook.

Farmsook Stakeholder Map

The innermost circle, which is Mr. Chairit Imjaroen, represents the centre point of Farmsook's decisions and direction.

The middle ring contains stakeholders that have frequent interaction and high influence over Farmsook's core decisions and viability.

The outermost ring hosts the other stakeholders whom Farmsook connects with but do not have a strong impact or influence on Farmsook's direction.

Stakeholder Map A stakeholder map is a visual or physical representation of the various groups involved with a particular service. By representing staff, customers, partner organisations and other stakeholders in this way, the interplay between these various groups can be charted and analysed. This is Service Design Thinking (2011)


Source : https://www.facebook.com/farmsookicecream/photos_stream

Evaluation of current Farmsook impact One key success measurement of a social enterprise is the impact it delivers either to people, society or the environment. Farmsook primarily focuses its impact on people, not only disadvantaged children but also on all other stakeholders. Farmsook wants all stakeholders to gain more inner learning and grow from within due to the belief that a decent society will be made of decent people.

- Gain knowledge, skills and experiences. - Gain pride, self-actualisation, and morale. - Gain compensation in terms of money, and learn personal financial management skills.

- Discover the true value of helping others. - Gain knowledge, connections and experiences. - Enrich relationships with the surrounding people.

- Have an aspiration to run SEs in Thailand. - Have an advisor for new SE runners.

- Have quality low-sugar ice-cream, reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases. - Gain happiness and pride through creating a decent society.


Problem Introduction Since its launch, Farmsook Ice-Cream has been receiving high attention from the public, with continuous invitations for interviews covering TV programmes, magazine and radio. High praise keeps coming from audiences and customers. The disadvantage children are also very happy and enjoy engaging with Farmsook. Surprisingly, however, the growth of the business is the opposite; the sales volume is unpredictable and sluggish. It is difficult to understand why this attractive and impactful social enterprise that has been gaining high trust and attention yields such a disheartening turnover. There could be some misplacement that might not fully respond to the customers’ desires, which has prevented continuous growth. The aim of the project was to invite Farmsook Ice-cream to collaborate skills to tackle this challenge using a service design method.

Project Objective ... To look at Farmsook's service ecology; and identify challenges and opportunities for creating a sustainable business using Service Design methods.

7 Source : https://www.facebook.com/farmsookicecream/photos_stream

Project’s key client Though service design aims to utilise each stakeholder’s experiences, knowing the right person to focus on could yield a practical output for a key client of the project. But how to decide who the key client is? Determining the outcomes user is an easy, yet practical criterion. This criterion also applies to other types of project. Sometimes it is easy to falsely identify the key client, as we often out of habit aim at the end users or customers. Here, it’s clear that Mr. Chairit Imjaroen is the key client for this project, particularly as Mr. Chairit Imjaroen is also the one who can affect the most change. Identifying the key client helps to remind us that the output should be easy for Mr. Chairit Imjaroen to understand and must be practical and feasible to implement. However, the project should still cover and consider the views of each stakeholder in developing the ideas.


Methodology & Tools

Why Service Design? Service Design is a discipline, which has

The project is interested in applying the

emerged over the last 30 years from marketing,

service design approach to Thai social

business and design, using visual methods to


bring a wide range of people into the design

groups. SE tends to face the most challenges

process. It has been used across public and

in the market as it has to generate both

private sectors from companies in the financial

business and social return. It is even harder

sector, retail and airlines to academic

when the business is small.



institutions and the social sector. Farmsook is one social enterprise that is also A service design is an approach that combines

struggling in a competitive environment

elements from marketing, business and creativity

where the market capture is extremely

to help people visually develop ideas and think

dynamic. The project is interested in using a

through ideas in an iterative way. Service

service design method to approach

Design focuses intensely on designing an

Farmsook’s challenges as a way to develop

experience based on using the services. It

empathy in both the business environment

aims to enable more useful, usable and

and stakeholders. It is hoped this empathy

desirable solutions for organisations to sustain

will enable customer-centric solution design,

their business and attract/retain customers in

which will lead to more sustainable business

this information age where brand loyalty has

for Farmsook.

become fragile due to the increase in choices.


Project Methodology


This project was framed by the double diamond design process model. The double diamond design process model is a model developed by the UK Design Council in 2005 and is widely used to frame the working process of designers in different fields around the globe. Reflecting on the double diamond model, I’ve seen the journey of this project as a quadruple diamond. The project had gone through several different phases covering the discovery, definition, development and delivery phases. Within this project, I’ve seen many of these processes repeated and this diagram depicts what had happened at different stages of the project. The project had been repeated 3 times of explore and define diamond before the development and delivery phases.





1st: The first diamond is

2nd: An iteration of the

Project Challenge

Project Framework

dedicated to finding the challenges and exploring the current situation, refining and rationalising them.

discovery and definition diamond to frame the project focus, looking at the brand essences, the common challenges for SE, examining business philosophy and the business areas that are still unclear.




3rd: The start of a normal double diamond model process, where the insights have been explored, refined and the pain points and opportunities can then be identified.

Insight Exploration



Idea generation, prototyping, and an iteration of prototyping, implementation and reviewing the feedback have been carried out to invite the client to experience the live process.

Ideation + Implementation

The 'double diamond' design process model The double diamond diagram was developed through in-house research at the Design Council in 2005 as a simple graphical way of describing the design process. Divided into four distinct phases, Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver, it maps thedivergent and convergent stages of the design process, showing the different modes of thinking that designers use. - Design Council UK

Project Approach Along with the quadruple diamond, this has used the Service Design Process as a main tool for tackling the challenges. However, building from the belief that Service Design is not a magic pill, which no single discipline can actually be, collaborating tools from other disciplines can provide a more comprehensive conclusion. Defining the numbers of tools to use in the project can maintain the balance of focus between service design thinking and other relevant perspectives. Farmsook Ice-cream is a business; thus, it will inevitably have to cope with competition in the market place, so a combination of tools are used in this project consisting of the design thinking framework, service design tools, business analysis and strategic tools based on mindful practice to help establish empathy.

I’ll lead you the way. Follow me !!!

I’ll tell you what to look for !

Design Thinking Framework (Double Diamond)

Business Analysis and Strategic Tools

Frame the process of the project

Organise the areas to work on

Ok ! Then I’ll tell how to extract those out !

I’ll help you better connect with every stakeholder.

Service Design Tools

Mindfulness Practice

Facilitating the research and insight discovery

Enhance the level of trust, empathy, understanding and relationship


Project Scoping

Contextual Research Once the project challenge is set, the next move is to explore and understand the context of the challenge. The core essences of Farmsook had been identified, which are:

Social Enterprise Disadvantages Children Proceeding from this, research has been conducted starting from social enterprise, which is a significant element of Farmsook. An interview was conducted with many proficient professionals in the SE field both in the UK and Thailand. The findings from the interview together with secondary research into a general overview of the social enterprise industry firmly indicate the critical indicator of enterprise’s success is ‘an agile ability to negotiate business viability with a social impact’ (Phonchan Kraiwatnutsorn 2014, Thanapon Sreshthaputra 2014). This refers to the willingness to accommodate the business within the given circumstances, such as economic conditions, consumer readiness, the market competition, the skills of SE runners themselves and more. The social impact can be delivered only when the business still exists. However, from the research, many SE runners are trying too hard to maintain the initial impact they wish to deliver despite the low business viability, which often leads to a business breakdown.


An Ice-cream Aside from this, when running a business it is inevitable to have to cope with mass-market competition from not only the SE market alone. An acceptance of this fact could very much help the runner to not overly rely on selling the social impact their business provides, but also to make a sound product justification in the eyes of customers. The right products/services that fit with customer needs and desires is an order qualifier that social enterprises must be able to exhibit in order to sustain the business. Looking back to Farmsook, as a social enterprise there are 2 core focuses it should deliver to maintain the enterprise: the business and the social impact. Currently, Farmsook is successful with the social impact in maintaining the help for the children. On the contrary, the business side is struggling to survive. This has interested the projecy to look at the overview of Farmsook business practice to proactively keep Farmsook on a competitive track.

“Social enterprises are businesses, so they must aim to generate the majority of their income through trade rather than from donations”. Social Enteprise UK

Source : https://www.facebook.com/farmsookicecream/photos_stream

Farmsook Ecology Building on the contextual research, in this stage we will look deeper into Farmsook's business structure. A good start to the review is to look at Farmsook's ecology. The diagram depicts Farmsook's ecology, portraying the relationship between Farmsook's stakeholders. From the diagram, Mr. Chairit Imjaroen is the hub of the stakeholders and there are few connections among them; most tend to interact only with Mr. Chairit Imjaroen.

Sources of equipments, materials, ingredients who largely impact production line efficiency.

Supporter of the start-up and growing of SE in Thailand

Production Line


Partly produce an ice-cream, impact target

Process an ice-cream mix to be an ice-cream and stocking

Potential group to hear about/ purchase Farmsook.

Runner, Stakeholders hub, final decision maker.

Idea sources, revenue root, brand spokesperson.

Selling Activities Distributors and brand spokesperson.


Farmsook Challenges The biggest concern for Farmsook is the current business performance. The turnover is just enough to cover the cost, but not sufficient to hire staff to make it a proper business. Mr. Chairit Imjaroen currently runs Farmsook free of charge. Exploring the business structure in more detail exposed a number of constraints that Farmsook is facing. Running in a small scale, Farmsook is coping with common challenges just as other small businesses do: the challenges of having a wicked problem that cannot be unlocked by a linear approach, an interweaving of causes and effects that have no definitive starting point.

Farmsook Current Focus To achieve a sustainable business while also being able to maintain the impact for the children.

Small Business Size

Customer Satisfaction

Due to the small production volume, Farmsook tends to have low bargaining power over suppliers and retailers, give a limited choice of procurement and product placement.

Due to the low bargaining power, it takes so much time, energy and money for backstage operation, which makes the production line inefficient.

Even though customers appreciate Farmsook's concept in the market, there are reasons preventing purchasing, including high price perception, hard price negotiation, and limited access to the product.

Selling Operation In addition to an inefficiency production line, when it comes to onstage, it is very difficult to manage as it involves external parties. The challenges vary from the difficulty to control service quality at points of sale (POS), an unclear target group, and the constraint of one manager, which limits the ability to complete many tasks in the same day.


Production Line

Source : https://www.facebook.com/farmsookicecream/photos_stream

Analysing Farmsook Business Proceeding from Farmsook's current focus, the business analysis tools have been used to examine how the business approaches the market currently. The examination was conducted at 3 different business layers, the macro level (business philosophy), the meso level (business structure) and the micro level (marketing mix). The examination aimed to identify the business’s pain points and unclear areas.

Business Layer Macro Level Philosophy

Meso Level Business Structure

Micro Level Marketing Mix



White Ocean Strategy

Business Model Canvas


To Review

Business Core Values

Backstage structure

Onstage Offerings

White Ocean Strategy was proposed by Danai Chanchaochai, chief executive at DC Consultants and Marketing Communications, in 2009. It is an integrated organisational management approach covering business vision, policy and operational trategies, as well as practice in each unit of the organisation. Businesses following the White Ocean Strategy will not only consider their organisation's interests but those of society as a whole. Business Model Canvas was proposed by Alexander Osterwalder in 2008. It is a template for designing new businesses or reviewing existing businesses. The template covers 4 main areas of the business: infrastructure, offerings, customers and finances. This makes it easy for the user to visualise the enterprise and see connections in the business structure. 7Ps is a marketing tool that is widely used in the service sector. It is an extended marketing mix that builds on the traditional 4 Ps of Product, Price, Place and Promotion by adding People, Process, and Physical Evidence to create a more comprehensive view.

Macro Level

Meso Level

Micro Level


Business Structure

Marketing Mix

White Ocean Strategy by Mr.Danai Chanchaochai

Business Model Canvas


The White Ocean Strategy philosophy is aligned to the service design principle in terms of supporting sustainability, and at the same it promotes the triple bottom line (economic, social and environment), which is what Farmsook is trying to do. So, WOS should be a good system for reviewing whether the enterprise is built on sustainable ground.

The Business Model Canvas can only use for business design but also gives a comprehensive review of business structure; it quickly gives a visualisation of how the enterprise is constructed.

7Ps is widely used to review and design product and service offerings. It is used in this project to analyse the product and service component, to identify pain points and find a way to negotiate offering combinations.

A good will yields a good result Concern of Triple bottom line: People, Planet, Profit Long term goal, macro view

Vague strategic planning

Value propositions


Customer segments

Unclear target segment


Service quality rely on retailers

Customer relationship

Can build trust and have good relationship with customers Fully utilized of passion, skills, and recipe.

Key resource

Act of sharing and kindness Key activities Authentic act Decentralised management

Not there yet, high centralised degree right now


(Individual Social Responsibility)

- Create long-term plan -Leverage governance

Well management and balance of production, selling, media interview, activities hosting.

Key partners

8 main parties

Cost structure

Unhealthy cost structure, high cost due to inefficient production model

Revenue stream

Cash only, no credit term

- Cost and model analysis - Identify target group - Decide aimed scale


Good quality but misperceived by customers


Perceived to be high (40 baht/ cup)


Very limited access


Price discounted by volume, no promotional campaign, but have activities that connect customers with Farmsook’s will in building inner security.


Sole runner, centralised


Time, energy and cost consuming

Physical evidence

Can be a more support to the business

- Review communication strategy - Explore customer experience - Review the gap of pricing and satisfaction - Review point of sell standard/ practice


Proposed areas to explore ...

Organizing the research ...

From the examination, these areas are those that are either not well settled yet, still unclear or need some refinement.

Once the areas to tackle were identified, I collected the specific information I required from each stakeholder. The visualisation straightforwardly shows the influence of each stakeholder over different layers of the enterprise, where the bottom line falls under Mr. Chairit Imjaroen and the children. While the backstage is solely under Mr. Chairit Imjaroen's management, the navigation of product and service offerings predominantly comes from retailers and customers.

Business Layer Macro Level Philosophy

Meso Level Business Structure

Micro Level Marketing Mix

Impact Analysis

Cost & Model Analysis

Explore customer experience

Governance Governance

Decide on aimed scale

Pricing and satisfaction gap

Cost & Model Analysis

Define target group

Review communication strategy

Review point of sell standard & practice


Decide on aimed scale

Define target group

Impact Analysis

Explore customer experience

Explore customer experience

Pricing and satisfaction gap

Pricing and satisfaction gap

Review communication strategy

Review communication strategy

Review point of sell standard & practice

Review point of sell standard & practice

Strategic Dilemmas The project challenge of developing a sustainable business for Farmsook was very broad with many possibilities. At this point, there was a question raised as to whether the project wanted to innovate Farmsook to create a brand new product/service sphere or to simply make improvements to the current business. It was critical to scale down the focus at the beginning to prevent a vague and unfocussed conclusion. In a discussion with Mr. Chairit Imjaroen, from the given circumstances, it was agreed that the project will aim to do the best try to improve the current product/service before moving on to try other new business ideas.

The most likely to be in some way sustainable, were those that worked to enhance an existing system/ organisation, or help bring out a latent social innovation. Those projects that were largely the invention , or relied on entirely new configurations of people, organisations and resources – even when they were great ideas – seemed least likely to make it to real implementation. Jocelyn Bailey (2014)


Service Design Research

Reframing The Brief

An Exploration

From the contextual research, the project had come to a more specific project brief, which is to help Farmsook create a sustainable business using the service design method, looking for refinement rather than inventing an innovation. As we are approaching the design process, there are numbers of conditions to bear in mind for this project;

The exploration phase will engage with real stakeholders of Farmsook, covering 4 main stakeholders: Mr. Chairit Imjaroen, the children, the customers, and the retailers. Therefore, from this stage, the project was carried out in Bangkok, Thailand.

- The design process is 2 months time. - The project has very limited funding and resources. - The project’s client is new to Service Design Process. - Donation is not an option for an outcomes. - Product type/ features and pricing are not subjected to change. - An outcomes are suppose to be implemented by 1 runner.

The exploration phase was designed in the form of workshops and interviews. The workshop focuses on journey mapping and the experiences of each stakeholder to visualise the overall picture of Farmsook’s product and services experiences.

The workshops and interviews began with the most significant stakeholder, Mr. Chairit Imjaroen as he is the one who dictates the core direction of Farmsook. This was followed by the children, customers, and retailers to explore their experiences with Farmsook. The exploration phase lasted 4 weeks, including designing the tools, preparating the tools, conducting the workshop, and documenting and reflecting on the insights obtained from the exploration.


Pun-I-Tim Chim-Kwam-Sook

Activity Safaris One of the best ways to nourish empathy in Farmsook is through utilising Farmsook’s ecology. Besides selling an ice-cream, Farmsook has been providing tools and spaces for stakeholders to learn and develop peaceful relationships, not only with the surrounding people but also with themselves. These activities are examples of those platforms Farmsook provides to initiate an inner transformation among its stakeholders.


(Make an ice-cream, Taste the hapiness) 12 May 14 @ BIA

Farmsook hosts this activity monthly at BIA, and it is available for up to 6 families to participate. It teaches them how to make an ice-cream with hands-on opportunities for children, led by Mr. Chairit and facilitated by Farmsook's volunteer team. This activity aims to reduce the chances of violent and aggressive relationships; open communication clearly nourishes relationships in a family.

What I hear I forget. What I see I remember. What I do I understand. - Lao Tzu Charity Concert Event

7 June 14 @ Major Ratchayothin The concert event exposed a direct experience of the difficulties in selling the product, especially to the price-concerned group. Clearly, positioning the brand and finding the right target group could be a great help for Farmsook in highlighting what is worth the effort and investment and what is not.


Mr.Chairit Imjaroen

Visual relationship building

The exploration started with Mr. Chairit Imjaroen. ‘Empathy’ is a key in delivering impactful outcomes, so the workshop did not rush into an exploration of Farmsook, but rather spent some time listening to his values and expectations from the project to develop empathy. This was followed by those identified areas that the project wanted to learn about from him.

At this stage of the project, I decided to have a visual relationship building date; we used a range of different tools to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and issues, to share the different perspectives and to find out what our values are. We both new to each other's field of expertise.

We had 3 intensive days, which started off with looking at values, then the operational elements and finally we explored the journey of a producer from the very start point to the end of the sales process.

Customer pain points are more important than my own pain points.

On Day 1, we spent the day debriefing the project objective, exploring and sharing our personal values, and managing our expectations. We also reflected on the Farmsook journey. We used the service design tools to visually express and share those insights.

At the end of the day, we found that we share several mutual values such as ‘learning by doing’, 'respecting others involved in a business’, ‘continuous learning’ and we are also both interested in mindfulness practice. Mr. Chairit Imjaroen helped me manage my expectations by expressing his concern about always having new ideas and thinking which might have caused me to find it difficult to follow the Farmsook plan. I also gained empathy regarding the shelter after being told the reason why the children cannot improve their lives after leaving the shelter; there are many constraints especially in the funding and resources which make the shelter unable to provide and support good education to the children. This inspired Farmsook to go innovate by providing ice-cream making skills, and practical lessons should be provided to make a change.

Refinie enterprise’s goal and impact Negotiate values

Producer Journey Map

Operational shadowing On Day 2, we touched a lot on the operation including buying, packaging and storing materials. Direct experience is the best way to build empathy, while shadowing experiences demonstrated the agile management in the business. Empathy was built by having limited bargaining power as a small business, which also increased the difficulty in procurement and service delivery.

Visualizing intangible

On Day 3, we visualised intangible things: the producer's journey, seeing a flow from production to selling, and also guesstimated the feelings of each stakeholder group towards Farmsook. According to the visualisation of the producer journey map, the production process right now is very time, effort and money consuming due to 2 main causes: the willingness to maintain the Farmsook model and the limited bargaining power due to the small size of the business. The pain points of Mr. Chairit Imjaroen were also identified; most are the onstage touchpoints such as at the order taking stage, the procurement of ingredients, or the long waiting time at the ice-cream factory.

Develop Empathy

Mr. Chairit Imjaroen wants to give good experiences to the customers, such as an order taking touchpoint where currently lots of product details and delivery conditions are transferred through a phone conversation. The backstage pain points such as the procurement are less prioritised. Moreover, the stakeholders still do not have a comprehensive view of the actual Farmsook business, perceiving only their specific area.


Producer Journey Map Producer Journey Map illustrates a journey of Mr.Chairit Imjaroen as a Farmsook runner; from production, marketing, selling to the public relation. This journey map depicts 5 main pain points; the most urgent one is the order taking touchpoint where the info is inconveniently transferred through a phone conversation.



Media Interview

Share experiences with those who interested in SE

Project sales + Calculate ingredients

Procure ingredients



Driving back home

Take an ice-cream from the factory

Waiting for an ice-cream

Hand-in an ice-cream order

5 Stocking an ice-cream Driving to buy foam box + dry ice


Buy foam box + dry ice

Prepare for delivery


Driving to the shelter

Make an ice-cream mix with the children

Driving to an ice-cream factory


Driving to an ice-cream factory

Driving to customer’s site

Issue an invoice

Deliver an ice-cream

Taking order from customers


Pass an ice-cream mix to an ice-cream factory

Support volunteer class

Communication Management


Mom loves you very much.

Love mom and May very much.


Children This phase is about engaging with and understanding the children. The children are the reason that Farmsook exists, so developing empathy in them could very much lead to a sustainable direction. The process at this stage did not make any formal workshops or interviews with them due to the limitations of their sensitivity; however, I engaged with them through being a part of Farmsook's volunteer team to teach them English and Arts. Insights were gained from an informal conversation with the children to authentically capture their thoughts. Through activities in the class, the children tend to hold low confidence in themselves, especially in academic capability. They want to pursue a decent career, but they think it is impossible to reach that point due to a lack of academic skills.

Regardless of their different backgrounds, the children are in high need of love and attention; many ‘love’ words appeared in drawing and writing activities, reflecting how they focus on love. One important fact is that living in the shelter is not easy when there is no family member around; the children need to be responsible and protect themselves to remain well. Regardless of how fragile their inner self is, they tend to shield themselves with confidence and defensive behaviour. They are actually even stronger than everyday people who live outside, but unfortunately they do not see this strength they hold.

Shield myself with confidence and defensive behaviour regardless of how fragile my inner self is. 32

Develop Empathy ...


Visualizing intangible

Farmsook currently has two types of customers, retail customers and wholesale customers, which includes the retailers group, and wholesale customers that order Farmsook for special events. The customers are vital for Farmsook’s viability. The project engaged with many customers, both retailers and wholesale customers. The workshop was intensely conducted over 2 hours for each one, focusing on their product and service experiences. From the findings, the positive thing is that customers have a high level of trust in Farmsook. Farmsook has a high willingness for support among its customers, however the critical pain point is the point of sale (POS). Quality control is unstable and varies among retailers (POS media was varied, a lack of flavour label, a texture that is too hard). The POS is where the brand impression is made; a lack of brand recognition and confusion regarding flavour recognition has caused customers to have little brand perception in Farmsook.

More importantly, it is hard to achieve a good impression through the product itself, rather the focus has been pushed on the concept of helping society. Customers buy Farmsook because they want to help and support Farmsook and the children, however they think the product is good but it’s not unique or outstanding enough to induce a next purchase. Without the benefit of helping society, they think the current price is too expensive. This revealed the gap between what they pay and what they think they should receive. Besides, access to the product is also very limited and uncertain, with only around 5-8 outlets around Bangkok. Purchase intentions could drop due to the lack of accessibility.

I want to help and support Farmsook and the children, , the product is good but not unique or outstanding enough to induce my next purchase. An access is also very limited.


Customer Journey Map The journey map demonstrate different pain points between wholesale customer and retail customer.

Wholesale customer

Aware and hear about Farmsook Ice-cream

Order an ice-cream

Take an ice-cream


Having an ice-cream

Stay updated via press/media

Retail customer

Aware and hear about Farmsook Ice-cream

Access Farmsook POS

Buying decision experience @ POS


Having an ice-cream

Stay updated via press/media


Retailers Retailers play a big part in representing and promoting the brand for Farmsook. The overall experience as a customer is very good. Retailers also have an independency in setting their own selling price. Farmsook is strong in building relationships with retailers due to the good and reliable service from Mr. Chairit Imjaroen.

I’m happy have a business with Farmsook, however, it’s the fact that viability and ease of execution directly facilitate the continuous partnership.

Develop Empathy ...

The overall experience as a seller still has some inconveniences such as managing take-home purchases as Farmsook does not have cooler bag service at the moment, or informing customers of ice-cream flavour as there is no labelling in most of the selling points. There are also some technical concerns for ice-cream products such as temperature adjustment or power outages that could significantly affect the product’s quality. Though most of the sellers want to support Farmsook, the viability and ease of execution directly dictates the continuous partnership.

Retailer Journey map The journey map demonstrate an impressive experiences along the journey.

Aware and hear about Farmsook Ice-cream

Order an ice-cream

Take an ice-cream


Stocking an ice-cream

Stay updated via press/media



Profiling Insights

After profiling the insights gained, they can be grouped into 8 issues: Product pricing - Customers want it to be cheap or not exceed the current price. Most of customers think the price is too high, while some customers think this price is reasonable for the quality. Product features - The ice-cream taste and flavour are good but unremarkable from other brands. Customers can perceive good quality but do not know that it is a premium product. Point of Sale experiences - Many of the unimpressive experiences are concentrated here. Though these inconveniences did not make retailers and customers quit the business, they do impact on the customer retention rate in a long run. Some of the inconveniences at POS are the lack of a take home service, the fact that the ice-cream texture is sometimes too hard, retailers not making temperature adjustments because they have concerns regarding the product’s quality, concerns from sellers about an outage, the POS media being unclear to read, and a lack of flavour labelling. Mr. Chairit Imjaroen recognised the urgent need to improve POS. Communication - Customers hear a lot of Farmsook stories and fully trust in Farmsook. Customers do not hear the stories of the children much, but they want to see photos of the children or activities.


Impact measurement - The relationship between Farmsook and the children has progressed very well. However, Farmsook found out that most of the children go back to the same life environment and do not pursue a better life. This has made Farmsook reconsider what it could do better to provide sustainable change for the children. Brand awareness/ Attitude - All stakeholders have a good impression toward Farmsook; they think it is an innovative way to help society and they want to give support at a plausible level. However, some customers cannot recognise the name Farmsook and the perception of being a premium/ homemade and low-sugar ice-cream is still weak.

Product accessibility - Access for retail customers is pretty limited, it would be good if Farmsook were available at more outlets such as modern trader, or the shop near to their home. Customers don’t have a chance to repeat purchases due to limited access.

Operational line - The current model is not economically efficient. The bargaining power is a big issue that will need many supporting factors such as higher production volume or more operators to gain bargaining power and manage the production line.

Profiling Insights ...

Realization From the insights, the project has highlighted some opportunities to close unmet gaps. Social impact over viability

‘One-third of social enterprises are in their first three years or trading, a period which many small businesses describe as a make or break period. … The more sustainable and successful the enterprise is, the more sustainable and successful the social aspect will be. Social enterprises must not prioritise social aims over viability.’ (Dan Zastawny, 2014) Social impact is the bottom line of Farmsook, however without an enterprise the impact cannot be delivered. A sustainable business will only derived from sustainable purchases from customers. Analysing Farmsook, the motivation to buy Farmsook right now is driven by the halo effect more than the need in a product, which leads to passive purchasing behaviour. By turning the rationale behind the purchase from 'a sense of helping' into 'the need for a product that also helps others' shows a strong chance of more active and sustainable purchasing.

Ice-cream purchasing enabling factors

The profiled insights straightforwardly demonstrate what makes people buy Farmsook and what doesn't, introducing an understanding that there are 6 key aspects that customers bring into consideration when making an ice-cream purchasing decision. From the customers’ insights, roughly 3 out of these 6 aspects, in other words at least half of them, should have been met to enable a purchase. Considering these enablers, Farmsook meets the brand image enabler one. However, the rest of the enablers are not currently evident.

Farmsook gains very high trust from the customers; their story has been widely told and recognised, however there is still little proof of an impact. Evidence that proves an impact could make the brand much more compelling.

A call for order qualifier

The process revealed opportunities for Farmsook to provide an order qualifier as an ice-cream business at POS. For example, an absence of flavour labelling, the ice-cream texture being too hard, and the lack of a cooler bag for take-away purchases.

A first mover

Farmsook is currently a first mover as a social ice-cream enterprise, having no direct competitor in the market. But the competition will be more challenging when the next players arrive. Turning passive purchasing into active ones will also increase the competitiveness in the mass-market in the long run.

Farmsook is now stepping into the third year of operation, a critical year in which the enterprise will succeed or fail. An urgency to take an action is evident, therefore Farmsook needs to turn the enterprise around to make the business firmly established in the marketplace. Being a first mover does not guarantee future trade.

Proof of impact


All decisions and internal connections are centralised by Mr. Chairit Imjaroen. This somehow makes stakeholders unable to depict a comprehensive picture of Farmsook and they do not have internal connections.

Rationalize ...

Dig the well before you are thirsty - Chinese proverb 38

Ideas, Testing & Evaluation

Ideation At this stage, we will look at possible alternatives for Farmsook to create a sustainable business based on the understanding from the exploration phase. This stage involves an ideation of possible solutions, refining the high fidelity ones to rationalising the most appropriate selection. An ideation was carried out in 2 days, generating possible ideas and makes a justification on the first day, and performing a rationalisation on the next day to make a decision to move forward.

Generating Possibilities

Managing Focus

Day 1 of ideation involved going through the generation of many possible alternatives. It happened that most options pointed towards new selling strategies, signifying more elasticity and opportunities to play around with than the production side, and probably also reflecting the authentic interest of Mr. Chairit Imjaroen regarding the downstream than the upstream.

On Day 2, the brainstorming built on the observed dilemmas from Day 1, and inviting Mr. Chairit Imjaroen to make a decision on each pair helped reveal the genuine preferred choices. A set of selected choices acted as triggers for Farmsook to take action. An example of the choices are: - Set the aimed scale at 10,000 cups/ month - Define a clear target group and focus on the target - Improve the current POS

The discussion, through each alternative, of what it could look like and how to enable them to happen highlighted many dilemmas Mr. Chairit Imjaroen has in mind, such as whether to focus on production line refinement or improving the selling strategy. Mr. Chairit Imjaroen saw many opportunities from the process to improve the business, but was still indecisive in some areas. The project came to the realisation that having a clear decision over these dilemmas will probably be a good enabler for the solution development to proceed further‌

Managing Focus & Dilemmas...


Navigating complexity and rationalizing Now we have a set of actions that Farmsook wants to take. However, looking back to the project’s constraints, Farmsook only has one main runner and has very limited resources and can therefore only take one or two actions at a time. Managerial focus is required to provide a strategic move. The set of actions were prioritised in order based on 3 criteria:

- the sense of urgency, - the feasibility, and - the impact yielded. We had an action plan for Farmsook to establish market penetration and build a strong customer base. A short-term action plan aims to refine POS experiences for fix retailers and customers pain points, and at the same time reconsider how Farmsook should present itself both internally and to the rest of the world. POS refinement aims to maximise the utilities and capacity of POS to strengthen the customer retention.


Moreover, building on an understanding of ice-cream purchasing enabling factors, under the condition that the product is not subjected to change, communication can help in raising awareness of the product understanding. Besides, the communication will also help Farmsook to clarify its positioning. Once the positioning is clear both internally and externally, it will be easier for Mr. Chairit Imjaroen to define a clear target group and be able to choose the right distribution channel to fit with this target.

Why branding and POS? - They are critical pain points according to insights. - They are low cost and small effort but make a big impact. - They have low risk of negative impact compared to other big changes.

Enterprise Architect . . .

Focus Effort . . .

Farmsook Short-term Action Plan FARMSOOK ULTIMATE GOAL

Farmsook’s training program for practical working skills & inner security

Farmsook’s training program prototyping and refining

Short-Term Market Penetration

Build strong ground for Farmsook & define true potential target group Improve customers’ experiences

1st Step

-Redesign POS media that is more engaing -Place a leaflet (FS model and info.)

-Develop order handout to improve wholesale purchasing experience -Add flovour label at POS -Freezer odour eliminator

+ Refine branding

2nd Step

POS product/ service quality

POS Media

Refine the right distribution channel and focus

Define target group Customize message and test if it is the viable target.

Strategic communication -Comprehensive message -Product & Social leverage

Intermal Marketing For stakeholders to be clear about their position and see a connection with other stakeholders

Refine the right distribution channel Macro layer > Wholesale, Retail, Event? Meso layer > whom to target - Corporate, School, Office, Non-profit, etc.

Prototyping, Implementation and Evaluation At this stage, we turn our ideas into a tangible piece of work. Building on the short-term action plan, many POS elements have been refined to enhance the experience of customers and retailers. Mr. Chairit and myself have collaborated our skills in designing order handouts and a light box poster. After prototyping, Mr. Chairit Imjaroen applied the prototypes in a live context. At POS, the flavour label had been added, and the freezer sticker had been renewed. An odour eliminator was also added to the freezer to ensure good product quality. Apart from these tangible changes, there is also a change in communication strategy with the intention of making communication clearer, concise and memorable for customers. Mr. Chairit Imjaroen launched many communications that depicted the enterprise’s core values in helping and working with children. A clarification was also circulated regarding the reason Farmsook cannot share much activity evidence due to the law and regulation to protect the children.


Moreover, proceeding from a lack of brand recognition and the link to the product comes the new and conspicuous Farmsook logo design in Thai, addressing the 'concise' and 'go to the point’ product features below the logo. This logo aims to build compelling brand recognition and to create a communication balance between the product features and the impact Farmsook offers. Feedback for the tangible changes such as POS media was collected from a group of potential customers, covering mixed genders, different occupations, and those with A class income, which is a group that have purchasing power. The age ranged from 22 - 40 years old. Most of the respondents like the changes, with some comments about improving the work. Many mentioned about defining target group, meaning that Farmsook could better design the work corresponding to the target’s need and preference. The feedback has been passed to Mr. Chairit Imjaroen for future iterations and refinements.

Wholesale Order handout The order handout aims to fix the issue at the ordering touch point. It contains delivery conditions, pricing, and ice-cream flavours. It is designed for Mr. Chairit Imjaroen to give to new wholesale customers; it gets rid of inconvenient information transferred through a phone conversation. It has also been shared on the Facebook page as a promotional tool, gaining good response from the followers by gaining high post shared.

Co-create ! 1.





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Redesign POS media (freezer sticker)


This makes physical evidence (the freezer) better represent the brand and to work as a communication channel. The new version is much more attractive and better represents the brand with up to 70% preference. The colour is conspicuous and the pictures of children relate to the brand. The information contained is a bit too much though; the old version better presents a sense of premium and high quality ice-cream.

'The white version has a clean look to it, and it does say luxury more than the turquoise version. It almost has a kind of Haagen-Daz feel about it.'

Implementation & Evaluation


' It is very attractive. This one says to me 'I'm more than just ice cream, something is going on here.'


June 2014

Remark: The feedback was collected from 20 potential customers, covering mix genders, occupation, with A class income, age covered from 22 - 40 years old during July 2014.

Place a flavour label at POS This small change can make customers clear about what they eat and have a better impression of Farmsook; it will also be more convenient for retailers as they do not have to answer customers all the time.

Develop English version of Farmsook Model An English version of Farmsook model was developed to penetrate foreign customers that are a maintarget group at some retailers. It is also used as a cover photo on a facebook page to communicate brand concept to international page visitors.


June 2014

Implementation ...

Captured July 2014


Refine Branding and Communication

June 2014

Thai logo

Farmsook Ice-cream Less sweet - Good taste - Do a good deed

April 2014

Product features

Mr.Chairit Imjaroen developed this Thai logo to do a role in brand communication. It aims to solve weak brand recognition among new customers. Most respondents like the conciseness of it. The Thai font also enhances a sense of being a local brand, creating uniqueness from other players in the market. On the other hand, a less sweet word might create concern about whether the taste will be good. The mention of ‘good deed’ might connect the brand closer to the halo effect rather than the product itself.

Building from the primary research. There is a need in connecting customers to the product. This infographic illustrates a comparison of sugar contained between Farmsook Ice-cream and other sweetened beverages.

The children exposure Building on the request to hear more about Farmsook activities with the children, Farmsook refined an understading by making a clarification to the customers. The reasons declared are the protection for the children, and the sanitary control during an ice-cream production. June 2014

Implementation ... 47

July 2014

Pricing communication Farmsook come up with this graphic depicting the relationship of business size and the pricing. Farmsook aims to communicate the values of Farmsook that go beyond the tangible price.

Implementation Summary At this very first stage of short-term action plan, Farmsook had fixed some of customers’ pain points and strengthen brand understanding and perception.

Fix customers and Mr.Chairit Imjaroen pain point at the order taking touchpoint

Nonetheless, apart from this prototyping and implementation, there are more actions Farmsook also plans to implement within the short-term timeframe to support their market penetration. Internal marketing : Farmsook aims to do more internal marketing. Internal marketing is as important as external marketing and can enable stakeholders to visualise their role and position in Farmsook in a deeper sense where they can realise their contribution and impact on other stakeholders. Proof of impact : Making a brand more compelling through a providing proof of impact. For example, a successful case of a girl who is admitted to university or a girl who can get a job in a well-known company. This evidence will be much more powerful in strengthening the brand than the story of Farmsook alone. Moreover, for a better result, Farmsook can consider to define target group and the profitable distribution channel to focus.

Enhance customers and retailers experiences at POS

Improve brand understanding and turnaround the purchasing rationale to be more product-focused


Design Process Values

Service Design Research

Profiling stakeholders Negotiating values


Visualising intangible Refine enterprise’s goal and impact Gathering insights


Profiling insights Rationalise the insights


Ideas, Implementation & Evaluation

Managing focus and dilemmas


Enterprise architect

Navigating complexity

Implementation & Evaluation

Focuses effort


Synthesising strategy Prototyping


Next steps ... This project provided an initial ground for Farmsook to tackle challenges. The project has highlighted the value of a client realising empathy in their situation. It is how worthwhile relationships are built. Longer relationships can enable the achievement of more powerful and meaningful transformation. A true transformation takes a longer time than the project timeframe, so a continuous iteration of the service design process is key to help Farmsook achieve its goal. Apart from the short-term action plan, the lower priority actions become a medium-term plan, which aims to create market development. Once the positioning and target group are clear, Farmsook will be stronger and be able to reach a larger market caption. The feedback gained from potential customers can be employed for the market development phase. However, the short and medium plans alone cannot generate a sustainable business for Farmsook. Moreover, the project revealed many interesting areas to work on further. Mr. Chairit Imjaroen can consider iterating the design process on these critical issues at a suitable time and in the right circumstances.


The cost and model analysis is in need to go deeper. The resources and the readiness of alternative models to help children are an essential enabler for the model review and refinement; Farmsook now has a plan to provide a new platform to build skills for children other than making an ice-cream, which could cover a wider range of skills. Collaboration from many parties such as the shelter, the volunteer team or the retailers can increase the possibility of this being successful. In addition, when Farmsook is more settled, it has a higher possibility of building a Farmsook team, thus enabling Farmsook to leverage the governance. Centralism benefits an enterprise in the short run, providing clear settlement and quick reactions to circumstances. However, it nurtures the risk for the brand in the long run when customers rely heavily on the original founder. The proposed long-term solution is therefore able to test the new model parallel with the implementation of the short and medium-term plans. The short and medium-term plans will help establish Farmsook more firmly in the market while the testing of new platform is underway.

Farmsook Strategic Pathway FARMSOOK ULTIMATE GOAL

Farmsook’s training program prototyping and refining

Short-Term Market Penetration



Farmsook’s training program for practical working skills & inner security

Medium-Term Market Development


Self-sustained and give sustainable help

- Build strong ground for Farmsook - Define true potential target group

- To adjust production line to be more stable and manageable - To expand market base

- Systematic management/ control - Integrate with social goal of giving skills and inner security to children

Improve customers’ experience -POS media -POS product/ service quality

Review production line and adjust to fit with chosen distribution channel -Procurement management

Cost and model analysis Adjust the model to align with Farmsook’s resources to serve ultimate goal of giving practical working skills and inner security.

Refine communication -Define target audience -Brand communication -Internal Marketing

Refine marketing mix (if needed) Penetrate target group to widen customer base

Refine the right distribution channel and focus

Post-project feedback from Farmsook Ice-cream The post-project evaluation was conducted to review the values of the process. Overall, Mr.Chairit Imjaroen found the service design approach useful in finding a comprehensive solution for the enterprise by involving and integrating stakeholders’ experiences in the design of a solution. However, it will take time to evaluate the impact on customer loyalty. There are also opportunities to work more on customer motivations. Despite these evaluations, the project found itself success in developing empathy, which is the most important piece in the service design process, as perception and understanding in a project are the basis for a solution. Mr. Chairit Imjaroen liked the way the service design process helped him to reflect and have a constructive conversation around the business practice and strategy.

‘You are the one who has understood Farmsook the most . The process helped a co-partner deeply understand Farmsook’s situation, which is different from all other people who come to me and abruptly throw me solutions without knowing the limitations or conditions of Farmsook. I think the process helps the designer and myself to reach a mutual understanding, which will ensure that the designer will not propose infeasible solutions to me.’ Mr. Chairit Imjaroen


Farmsook Post-project Evaluation Form

An evaluation form was developed based on service design definition of leading professional and institutions

What is Service Design? sTeFAn MoriTz, 2005 Helps to innovate (create new) or improve (existing) services to make them more useful, usable, desirable for clients and efficient as well as effective for organisations. The coPenhAgen insTiTUTe oF inTerAcTion Design, 2008 Using a combination of intangible and tangible mediums engine service Design, 2010 Service design projects improve factors like ease of use, satisfaction, loyalty and efficiency right acrossareas such as environments, communications and products - and not forgetting the people who deliver the service.

The process had worked across ... Service Environments Communication Products People who deliver the service

Outputs ...

Are customer-centric Understand customer behavior Understand customer need Understand customer motivation Are user-friendly

The process and output help improve ... Ease of use Satisfaction Loyalty Effectiveness Efficiency

Mindfulness Practice ...

was inserted properly in the process made the design process empathetic 54

Bibliography - T. Brown. Design Thinking definition. http://www.ideo.com/about/ [Accessed 5 July 2014] - Design Council UK. The Double Diamond Process Model. 2005. http://www.designcouncil.org.uk/sites/default/files/aset/document/ElevenLessons_Design_Council%20(2).pdf [Accessed 20 January 2014] - D. Chanchaochai. White Ocean Strategy. DMG BOOKS. 2006. http://www.dmgbooks.com/site/email/white_ocean_strategy_01.html [Accessed 27 February 2014] - Stickdorn and Schneider. This is Service Design Thinking. WILEY. 2011 - Social enterprise UK. About Social Enterprise. Socialenterprise.org. http://www.socialenterprise.org.uk/about/about-social-enterprise/faqs [ Accessed 2 February 2014] - J. Bailey. Review: (Social) Service Design at the RCA. 2014. http://mappingsocialdesign.org/2014/06/25/review-social-service-design-at-the-rca/ [Accessed 11 July 2014] - D. Zastawny. Social enterprises must not prioritise social aims over viability. The Guardian. 2014. http://www.theguardian.com/social-enterprise-network/2014/feb/17/social-enterprises-must-prioritise-viability [Accessed on 23 March 2014] - P. Kraiwatnutsorn. Social Enterprise overview interview. 25 February 2014. - T. Sreshthaputra. Running SE in Thailand interview. 24 February 2014.


Thank you for sharing us skills and knowledge. We love you all !

“ The ultimate drive for running Farmsook is to keep doing the self-learning, to change and improve myself, and once everyone around me and stakeholders of Farmsook can feel my changes, they will change accordingly. I want to prove to everyone that change can happen.� Mr.Chairit Imjaroen Farmsook Ice-cream Founder

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