The Silver Sword Programme

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The Silver Sword

24-26 June 2024

Adapted from the novel by Ian Serraillier

JosePh BaliCki


When I heard that we were doing The Silver Sword as our play this year, I read a lot about it I was very excited as I have always enjoyed learning about World War II. I was also very interested to find out how people coped with the hardships and tragedy during such a time of misery.

In the play, I am the father of the Balicki family, Joseph. At the start of the play, he is a teacher in a primary school on the east side of Warsaw. He then gets arrested by the secret police for reading a lesson in Polish. This is when his journey truly begins. He is then in prison for two years, too weak to move but then his life gets turned around and he escapes and tries to find his family. I have really enjoyed playing this role because of all the highs and lows my character has had to go through and always knowing I am fulfilling a quest. Those who have read the book will know that Joseph makes it to Switzerland and eventually finds the children, even though he had been told for ages that they were dead. I love how he never gives up hope of finding them and is always optimistic. It has been a great time and I am happy to be finally performing it to you.

edek BaliCki


Third Form

Our adaptation of The Silver Sword is my fourth production at SVS and possibly my last junior show.

Mrs Buckland has helped me see the production in a different light, and I have ended up not only getting a better understanding of the play but also portraying a character of a different gender at a different time.

I have the privilege of playing the role of Edek, where I get to showcase his bravery as he navigates through challenging situations during the war. A difficulty I faced was embodying the physicality and mannerisms of a male character but after much research I found myself becoming more and more like my brothers each day (to my parents’ disappointment, I am sure.)

I would like to dedicate this performance to my father, as it’s been Father’s Day recently. I can only hope to one day emulate his success on the stage as he is no mere Maths Teacher, but the proud recipient of the 2004 Duncan Rand Award for Outstanding Actor.

The final weeks have been intense, but we are all looking forward to showing you our final draft. Bring on next year’s performance!


Third Form

This year, I am thrilled to be playing Jan in the junior production of The Silver Sword. Playing Jan has been a unique and interesting experience and, despite the hardships, it has been an experience I will never forget. Even though the role of Jan is not the type of role I would usually go for, I felt captivated by his courage and bravery. Jan is an orphan, who can always be seen with his trusty treasure box, where he keeps several trinkets that he has collected. He knows how to stick up for himself, yet at the end of the play, we can see the softer side of him. The opportunity to learn from my fellow cast and crew has been a learning curve that I will never forget, and I strongly agree that everyone involved in the production has worked incredibly hard and have been incredibly supportive throughout the past few months. I hope that Jan’s journey will inspire you, as it has inspired me. I hope you enjoy the show.

IVAN kORdUBAN Third Form

In this year’s junior production of The Silver Sword, I play a Russian soldier. My real name is Ivan, as in the play, so we all already knew which role I would play! I have loved the experience of playing Ivan, as this is my first production at SVS. My character has a big heart, so I really enjoyed playing this role and seeing how he wants to help. I have loved seeing how the play and the set has evolved during the period of rehearsals, and I cannot wait for you to see the outcome of mine and the rest of the cast’s hard work. Enjoy!

CaPtain greenwood


In this year’s production of The Silver Sword, I am playing the role of an American army officer, Captain Greenwood, as well as Margrit, the mother of Ruth, Edek and Bronia. I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenges that come with multi-roling, such as having to change between genders, personalities and even accents. Greenwood’s character is strict but also warm-hearted with a desire for justice. Margrit is a motherly figure who cares for everyone, even those who are not her own children. Overall, it has been a great experience to be a part of this play as it has developed over the months. The Silver Sword

ruth BaliCki


This year I am thrilled to take on one of the lead roles as Ruth in this great adaptation of The Silver Sword. The best bit about playing Ruth is bringing her character to life on stage as I am deeply drawn to Ruth’s resilience, compassion and leadership as she navigates the mental and physical challenges of war with her siblings. I have previously been in numerous productions, including playing Grace last year in the production of Annie and recently playing Tinkerbell in the Hazlitt pantomime of Peter Pan. I have been very lucky to receive these roles, which have helped me to adapt to Ruth’s complex character, exploring her emotional depth and unwavering strength. It has been a big learning experience as the play is based on a huge storyline with the characters traveling so frequently, but this, has helped me to believe anything is possible. However, none of this would be possible without the collaborative spirit of the cast and crew, especially Mrs Buckland who herself deserves a round of applause. I hope you all enjoy the show!

Bronia BaliCki


Third Form

After joining the School in September, I was extremely keen to get involved with the junior production having watched the latest senior production – Little Shop of Horrors. I went into the whole process very open-minded, and I was ecstatic when I got the role of Bronia, the youngest in the Baliki family. During the making of this production, I have been able to form stronger bonds with my existing friends and form new friendships, especially with the younger members of the cast. Bronia is a caring, excitable little girl who I am over the moon about being able to bring to life for you. My fellow cast members and I have worked tirelessly to bring this play to life and I am so happy that we finally get to share our hard work with you tonight. Enjoy!

lieutenant James


In this year’s play, The Silver Sword, I am playing Lieutenant James, and a Nazi guard. As James, I have to speak in an American accent which I have already practised as I was an orphan in the musical Annie last year. I really enjoy playing this part because I learnt how American army officers interrogated people. The Nazi guard is only a small part but it is still enjoyable. This year’s play has been very fun and I am sad that this is my last year doing it.

suPPorting Cast


Second Form


Second Form


Second Form


Second Form


Second Form


Third Form

suPPorting Cast


Second Form

POwELL Third Form


Third Form

Second Form




narrators and Chorus


First Form


First Form


First Form


First Form


First Form


First Form

The Silver Sword

narrators and Chorus


First Form

mOLLy kOLEk First Form


First Form


First Form


First Form

First Form

First Form

First Form


ProduCtion team

director Mrs Katie Buckland

Stage manager Mr Ben Fewson

Assistant director Jago Ongley-Dellar

Set Creation and Mr James Mitchell

Technical manager

Technical Assistant Mr Oliver Haig

make-up Elizabeth Penfold and team

Backstage Crew Olivia Hennell Ip Ling Charlotte Ludden

assistant direCtor


Ihave been so grateful to be a part of the junior production of The Silver Sword. This process of creating the play as the co-director has taught me many things as an A-level theatre studies student; it has allowed me to have a better understanding of how to direct a production, and it has given me more insight into what the drama department have to do during the weeks leading up to a performance. Working on this production has allowed me to connect with the students, who I look forward to working more with in the future. I have greatly enjoyed being in the production, whilst also rushing about behind the scenes in order to support the drama staff.

Front of House

Mr Max Braddick

Mrs Elspeth head

Mrs Jo Head

Miss Julie Manning

Miss Molly Pitcher

Mrs Fiona Porter

Mr Will Radford

Ticketing and Publicity

Mr Will Radford

Programme manager Mrs Jess Stephens

Programme Photography Jonathan Lockwood

Programme design and Print Stagg Creative Ltd

Medical Life Lines Ukraine has delivered 52 ambulances to war-torn areas of Ukraine since the 24 February 2022 invasion. Russia continues to target civilian infrastructure including apartments, hospitals and electricity generation.

The demand for humanitarian aid, civil defence support and medical supplies is unrelenting. We focus on three key areas:

• AmbulAnces for hospitAls

• civil defence

• delivering Aid

direCtor’s notes

Good evening and welcome to our production of The Silver Sword.

Bringing this poignant story to life with our talented young cast from Forms 1-3 has been an incredibly rewarding journey. The Silver Sword, adapted from Ian Serraillier’s timeless novel, is a tale of courage, hope, and resilience in the face of adversity. It follows the journey of three siblings-Ruth, Edek, and Bronia - and their friend Jan, as they navigate the challenges of war-torn Europe in search of their parents.

I first encountered this story as a child when it quickly became a favourite of mine, leaving an indelible impression on my developing mind. After coming across a dramatisation of this powerful tale, by chance, I was determined to share it with a modern audience.

Throughout our rehearsals, I have been continually amazed by the dedication, creativity, and maturity displayed by our young performers. They have embraced the emotional depth and complexity of their characters, bringing a profound sense of authenticity and empathy to their roles. This production is not just a retelling of a historical period, but a powerful reminder of the enduring human spirit and the bonds of family and friendship that can sustain us even in the darkest times.

The process of staging The Silver Sword has been a collaborative effort, involving not only our cast but also a dedicated team of teachers, and backstage crew who have contributed their time and talents to make this production possible. From set design and costume assembly to lighting and sound, every detail has been carefully crafted to transport you to the world of the Balicki children and their journey.

I am especially proud of how our students have handled the sensitive themes within this play. They have shown great respect for the historical context and have approached their roles with thoughtfulness and sensitivity. This production has been an educational experience, fostering a deeper understanding of history, empathy, and the power of storytelling.

To our audience, thank you for joining us. Your support means the world to these young performers. We hope that The Silver Sword resonates with you, sparks meaningful conversations, and inspires you as much as it has inspired us.

Sit back, and let the courage, hope, and resilience of our characters guide you through this unforgettable journey.

Sutton Valence School North Street, Sutton Valence, Maidstone, Kent ME17 3HL

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