18 minute read
Cheers Day
from March/April 2022
By Alicia Carter
ON APRIL 1, 2022, the community will celebrate the second anniversary of Cheers Day, a day dedicated to participating in random acts of kindness in memory of Adam Edge, who we sadly lost to cancer in 2020. Adam was a dear friend to many and a beloved member of our community who served as Suwanee’s Downtown Development Manager. Famous for his booming laugh, friends and family want to honor Adam's memory each year on his birthday, April 1, by filling the day with as much kindness as possible — a legacy fit for someone as special as Adam. Ways to Show Your Support Participation in Cheers Day is simple. The easiest way to show your support is to perform a random act of kindness on April 1. Perhaps it’s by purchasing coffee for the driver behind you in line at Starbucks. Or maybe it’s picking up a box of doughnuts for your co-workers on your way to the office. Plan ahead and clean out your closet and cabinets and then take a donation to North Gwinnett Co-op or another organization in need. It can even be as simple as calling a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while or opening the door for a stranger. Simple acts of kindness like these can add up to make a big difference in our community. And that’s the point: Cheers Day is meant to add a little cheer to someone who might be in need. If you’d like to go a step further, consider giving $40 for 40. This year, in
This year, in honor of what would have been Adam’s 40th birthday, Cheers Day organizers honor of what are asking for a $40 donation to one of a few worthy organizations that meant a lot would have to Adam, including: been Adam’s Georgia College & State University 40th birthday, Scholarship Adam was a proud first-generation
Cheers Day college student who earned two degrees from Georgia College & State organizers are asking for a University. Georgia College was a special place for Adam, and his name will now forever hold a spot at his alma $40 donation mater through this fund. Your donation will help future GCSU students fund their to one of a college education. few worthy organizations Suwanee Youth Leaders Adam was a dedicated public servant, most recently serving as the Downtown that meant a Development Manager for the City of Suwanee. In this role, he was most lot to Adam. known for his work mentoring high school sophomores and juniors through the Suwanee Youth Leaders program, which he helped create. Adam touched the lives of more than 300 students over the course of six years. Your donation will help fund an SYL project that will provide hands-on leadership experience for future generations.

HomeFirst Gwinnett

HomeFirst Gwinnett is a nonprofit headed by Adam’s good friend Matt Elder, which seeks to develop a strategic, coordinated approach to addressing homelessness in Gwinnett County. Adam was so proud of the work that his friend was accomplishing in his adopted community. Your donation will help provide a variety of resources to those who are unsheltered.
Suwanee Elementary School
Adam loved to laugh and loved kids, and was a regular participant in the Gwinnett County Public Schools’ Principal for a Day program. He became a good friend and supporter of the work being done by Dr. Mary Taylor and her staff. Your donation will help fund a project for some really incredible kindergarten through fifth grade students.

Whatever course you take, be sure to spread the love on social media on April 1 by sharing your random acts of kindness and encouraging others to do the same with the hashtags #CheersDay and #CheerstoAdam. To learn more about Cheers Day and to make a donation to the $40 for 40 organizations, visit CheersDay.org.
Raise a Toast to Adam!
➽ SUWANEE’S HOMETOWN brewery, StillFire Brewing, is honoring Adam Edge’s legacy by brewing up a memorial beer that will benefit an organization near and dear to Adam’s heart. During the month of March, head over to StillFire Brewing and purchase a 4-pack of their Cheers to Adam Pale Ale. Brewed in honor of Adam, a portion of proceeds from each
4-pack will go to HomeFirst Gwinnett to help end homelessness in Gwinnett County.
Adam passed away on March 25, 2020, shortly after the pandemic started, preventing a proper celebration of life to take place that year. To honor Adam’s memory and to give him the send-off he deserves, head over
to StillFire Brewing on Thursday, March 31, from 5-8 p.m. for a Celebration of Life for Adam event. Come out and say "Cheers" to all of the good times we had with him.
⊲ StillFire Brewing is located at 343 US-23 in Suwanee, across from Town Center Park.



2022 GUIDE
Take Flight with Aviation Summer Camp

Introduction to all things aviation with hands-on projects and experiences. Their professional pilots, engineers and educators provide a rewarding experience for any youth interested in aviation. June 13-17. Open to youth ages 12-18. 770-630-8567 EAA690.org Email Gay Roberts at: summercamp@eaa690.org

Welcome to Summer Fun

Greater Atlanta Christian School camps are where active play, enriching experiences, and true relationships meet. Summer is coming, and holds so much potential for your children. At GAC summer camp, children experience the right balance of play and learning, meeting their need for downtime and time with peers in a safe, nurturing environment. 770-243-2275 Email summercamp@ GreaterAtlantaChristian.org

Empower Kids to Gain Valuable Tech Skills
Transform your child's love for technology into an exciting learning adventure. Guided by Code Ninja’s team of Code Senseis, Code Ninjas Camps empower kids to gain valuable tech skills and make new friends. This summer, Ninjas ages 5-14 will explore a variety of topics including game design, Roblox, Minecraft, 3D Modeling and more! Learn more at CodeNinjas.com/ga-suwanee/camps. Inspire your kid’s creativity and confidence with the new Camp Invention® program! Children in grades K-6 will collaborate in fun, hands-on STEM adventures. They’ll adopt a robotic fish, develop inventions for space exploration and more! Visit invent.org/local to secure your spot!
770-353-9946 Suwaneega@codeninjas.com
Your Child will Flip Over GGA Summer Camp
Open to boys and girls ages 4 to 13. Camp will run Tuesday, May 31st through Friday, July 29th (closed Monday, July 4th and Tuesday, July 5th). The GGA camp experience includes structured gymnastics instruction and recreational games and activities. Half-day and full-day sessions are available.
770-945-3424 GGAcademy.com New 2022 Camp Invention® Program: Explore!

800-968-4332 Invent.org/local

Create One-Of-A-Kind Projects
Join Eye Candy Art Studio for their summer Art Camp for a fun exploration through different art mediums, such as clay sculpture, glass fusion, tie-dye, canvas and pottery painting, and much more! Located in Historic Downtown Duluth. Perfect for ages 6+, $225/week or $55/day. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free Eye Candy shirt with full week enrollment.
i9 Sports, The Way Youth Sports Should Be®

Offering summer morning multi sport camps, as well as summer evening and Saturday leagues, i9 Sports focuses on FUN! i9 Sports will exceed your expectations by providing convenient, organized, safe sporting opportunities in a friendly atmosphere that teaches sportsmanship and increases self esteem. Promo code - SUWMSUM22, code expires July 25th! ITC is a place where kids and tweens create lifelong friendships, go on adventures, and form a love of Judaism. At Kids Camp (entering K – 5th), campers choose activities DAILY—basketball, water park play, art, dance, hockey, cooking, talent shows, and more! At Tween Academy Camps (entering 6th – 8th), middle schoolers explore areas of interest (from sports to arts to innovation) in a state-of-theart high school with excellent athletic facilities.
North Gwinnett Lacrosse Association Summer Camp is the perfect solution to give parents a break and let kids have fun in a safe, enjoyable environment. NGLA Lacrosse summer camps are for girls and boys, with all ability levels, brand new and existing lacrosse players. Equipment available for new players on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis. Ages: K-8th grade. Girls and boys camps will be held in the month of June.470-655-6370
leagueoffice130@i9sports.com i9sports.com
Where Love for Judaism Takes Root Build Skills, Make Friends and Have the Best Time

For details and to register, visit InTheCityCamps.org

Visit for details and to register, visit Northlax.com

Enjoy an Action-packed, Fun-Filled Day at Silverbacks Indoor

Youth indoor multi-sports camp kicks off on May 31st. Your child may be a superstar soccer player or a recreational whiffleballer. They cover all ability levels and wrap it up in an action packed, fun-filled day. Cost: $225 (field trip included). Early registration discounts are available. Hours: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. *Extended hours $25 more (7:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.) Ages 5-13.
678-714-7454 SilverbacksIndoor.com Raising The Barre In Dance Education at Sugarloaf Performing Arts

Superhero Camp June 6-10 Join Sugarloaf Performing Arts for a week of exploration into the world of Superheroes through ballet, creative movement, and tumble. Young dancers will get excitement and thrills with dance classes, crafts, videos, snacks and more activities all about the world of Superheroes! Ages: 3-7 (Pre-Ballet Levels 1-3) June 6-10 Full Day: 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (Dancers required to bring lunch) Half Day: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Cost: $225 (full); $110 (half-day). Camp Encanto July 11-15 Join Sugarloaf Performing Arts as they dive into a magical week in the world of Encanto through dance and creative movement. This camp experience will be filled with dance classes, crafts, videos, snacks and more activities your dancer is sure to enjoy! Ages: 3-7 (Pre-Ballet Levels 1-3) July 11-15 Full Day: 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (Dancers required to bring lunch) Half Day: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Cost: $225 (full); $110 (half-day).
1070 Northbrook Parkway, Suwanee, GA 30024 SugarloafPerformingArts.com
"The Best Summer Camp in Gwinnett.
Rates as low as

• Fun Field Trips Daily • Sports • Arts & Crafts • Optional Martial Arts • Group Games Register now at LegacyMMAClub.com

Summer Camp Adventures with Suwanee Academy of the Arts
Bodacious Burger Camp June 13th-June 17th, 9am3pm. Price $199. Extended childcare options available. Where campers will accept the challenge to be Bold, Brave and Bodacious as they explore their hidden potential through singing, dancing, acting, games and some special sauce! An “All-Swim” for budding young artists ages 6-12, with no experience necessary. Campers will rotate between singing, dancing, acting, games, and a surprise session. Each day will end with time on stage. The week concludes with a performance on stage for family and friends.

Making Summer Memories for Over 20 Years

For over 20 years, Wesleyan Summer Camps have made summers fun for all children ages 4-14! Join them for day camp or a specialty camp. Camps include arts, athletics, and STEM, and they offer morning, afternoon, and full day programming. For info contact Kelly Weatherly kweatherly@wesleyanschool.org WesleyanSchool.org/Programs/Summer-camps

By Angela Veugeler, Photos Courtesy Valley View Ranch Equestrian Camp
UMMER CAMP is an opportunity for kids to make new friendships, develop new skills, become more independent and confident, and make memories that will last a lifetime. Growing up, I was absolutely obsessed with horses. I was very fortunate to be able to take riding lessons near our home in Michigan and have the opportunity to attend a weeklong overnight horse camp during the summer, where my older cousin had gone for several years. I was only seven years old my first year as a camper there, and I still remember the name of the horses I rode each year. We put on a show for our parents at the end of the week and I remember getting to lead the drill team as we broke free of our side-by-side pinwheel formation and performed the next pattern on a bay Quarter horse named Kraut. I loved that horse and every horse I rode there, and I loved every minute of camp. It was one of the best experiences my parents could have given me growing up.
Located on 600 acres atop Lookout Mountain in northwest Georgia, Valley View Ranch Equestrian Camp for Girls offers campers the full opportunity of horsemanship through instruction in the ring, time in the saddle on trails, and the care and responsibility of having their very own horse. They offer the opportunity to participate in several riding styles: English and Hunt Seat, Western Stock Seat, Barrels and Gymkhana, Trails and Vaulting. At the end of the twoweek session, campers can show off their skills on horse show days. Advanced riders ride over fences on a cross-country course while beginner and Vally View Ranch Equestrian Camp for Girls offers campers the chance to care for their very own horse during camp. intermediate riders participate in a flat or jumping show in the ring. On rodeo day, campers dress up themselves and their horses and cheer each other on as they race against the clock to perform the tightest turn and compete for the fastest time. There are some

riders who may perform a synchronized riding drill team demonstration, and vaulters get to show off their newly acquired gymnastic techniques performed on horseback.
While the focus is certainly horses, they also offer lots of recreational opportunities including eco-education, canoeing, swimming, crafts, pottery, archery, group games, theater and dance. Camp is available for girls ages 8-17 and enrollment is limited to 50 campers each week.

Established in 1954, Valley View Ranch was a cattle farm Jack and Olive Jones purchased with the dream of building an equestrian camp for their four daughters. The four sisters grew up at the camp and it is still owned and directed by one of the daughters, Nancy. Three generations of horse lovers manage Valley View Ranch, with several of the grandchildren helping to run the camp and manage the property.
According to Valley View’s website, “Only women of high ideals, strength of personality, and integrity of character are chosen as counselors. Almost all of our counselors have come to VVR as campers and return year after year to carry on the legacy and traditions. One wrangler is assigned as the immediate counselor to a group of five girls, with at least two counselors in every bunkhouse. Naturally, the counselor who spends time with a group of girls has the opportunity to become well acquainted with them. She gains the friendship, admiration, and confidence of each girl. She is able, by example and advice, to encourage self-confidence and personal growth.”

Kris Hall, a previous camper turned counselor, shared of her experience at Valley View growing up, “Lifelong friendships begin at Valley View Ranch! I attended VVR as a camper, and then worked as a counselor and program director for a total of 12 years as a child and young adult. It had such a positive and lasting impact on my life that I can't imagine not having this wonderful experience. As campers, girls learn horseback riding (of course!), independence, teamwork, self-reliance, a love for nature and animals, respect for themselves and others, and so many other valuable life skills they will carry forever. The skills and work ethic I learned at VVR have been of great influence in my personal and professional life! Now in my 40s, I still maintain close friendships with several of the girls I met at VVR. We visit each

Located on 600 acres atop Lookout Mountain, Valley View teaches horsemanship through instruction in the ring and time in the saddle on trails.

other across the country, have epic road trips, and meet every year at camp for reunions where we revert to horse-crazy campers for a weekend. I'm so thankful that my parents found VVR and made it possible for me to be a camper there. It truly is my ‘home away from home’ no matter where I am!”
Chelsea C. Manning, Assistant Director of Valley View shared, “We are looking forward to welcoming campers back this summer and seeing them be reunited with their favorite horse. Watching the personal growth that happens in these girls and the tremendous fun they have here, while at the same time greatly improving their riding abilities is so rewarding.”
For more information on Valley View, visit
valleyviewranch.com. ■

Train with Elite Coaches for Both Girls and Boys Lacrosse

UGA Boys Lacrosse Clinic: June 21-22, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. UGA Men’s Head Coach Colin Axley, staff, and players will come together to teach next level offensive and defensive skills. Boys and Girls reLAX Summer Camp: July 11-13, 9 a.m.-noon Learn new skills and drills while having fun playing lacrosse. Bring a friend and get ready to reLAX in this fun summer camp setting. ELEVATE Boys Lacrosse Camp: July 25-27, 9 a.m.-noon Coach Will Munley will lead this camp designed for next level skills training, game and field awareness, and much more. ELEVATE Girls Lacrosse Camp: July 25-27, 1-4 p.m. Coach Monti Hendrix will lead this camp designed for next level skills training, game and field awareness, and much more. 804-497-6747 ElevateLacrosseAcademy.com

Summer Just Got More Fun at The Actor's Scene

TAS Summer Acting Camps provide an opportunity to learn various aspects about acting, film, improv and comedy. Students build confidence, focus, presentation and team work skills through fun acting games and exercises! 4484 Commerce Drive, Suite A Buford, GA 30518 770-904-6646 TheActorsScene.com
Dreams Come True at Overnight Equestrian Camp

Horse lovers’ paradise since 1954! Overnight camp for girls ages 8-17. Located on 600 acres offering riding in English, Western, Barrels, Vaulting, and Trails. CHA instructors teach beginner to advanced riders. Spend up to six hours a day riding and caring for your OWN camp horse. The Jones family are third generation horse lovers, camp administrators, and equine educators making girls’ dreams come true!
Cloudland, GA 706-862-2231 ValleyViewRanch.com Enjoy Hands-On Learning This Summer at INK

Visit a hands-on learning environment at Interactive Neighborhood for Kids (INK) in Gainesville, GA. Museum admission is $9/person and is good for the entire day. Check out their gift shop and pottery studio. INK offers scheduled group rates and birthday parties. Monday through Saturday with 2-hour play time blocks: 10 a.m.-12 p.m., 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m., and 3 p.m.-5 p.m. Sunday with 2-hour play time blocks: 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. and 3 p.m.-5 p.m. 999 Chestnut St. SE, Gainesville, GA 770-536-1900 InkFun.org