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Local Father in Need of Kidney Donation
from May/June 2023
VISHNU DUREDDY, a loving husband of 23 years and father to two wonderful daughters, is in desperate need of a kidney. A year ago, Vishnu’s life changed in an instant when he had to go on emergency dialysis after being diagnosed with FSGS, a rare hereditary kidney disease. He is now in endstage renal failure.
Now, the simple pleasures of Vishnu’s life have taken a back seat to finding a kidney to survive. His love for playing cricket has ceased, and activities with his family now revolve around his dialysis schedule. Instead of taking vacations this past year, Vishnu’s family filled their calendar with registering for a transplant in different states.
Also during this time, Vishnu lost his father to the same kidney condition after being on dialysis for three years. Despite a strict diet and dialysis, Vishnu’s condition is deteriorating, putting him at imminent risk for cardiac complications. Vishnu’s blood type is O, which puts the wait time for a transplant at up to eight years.
“We explored and exhausted living donor options within the family, due to health issues, no one is eligible to donate,” says his wife, Pushpa. “The words ‘the sooner the better’ from our healthcare providers are what compels me to implore for a living donor.”
To learn more about how you can help, email kidneyforvishnu@gmail.com, call 404-957-7822, or visit KidneyforVishnu.com.