English Alphabet = Англиска aзбука a A (е)
b B
h H (ејч)
(би) i
o O (о)
p P w
(и) F (еф) G (џи) l
J (џеј) K (кеј) L (ел) M (ем) N (ен) q
C (си) D (ди) E j
Q (кју) R (ар) S (ес) x
V (ви) W (дабалју) X екс) Y (вај) Z (зед)
t T (ти)
u U (ју)
Numbers =Броеви 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 30 40 50 60
Cardinal numbers zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty forty fifty sixty
Ordinal numbers 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 30th
first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first thirtieth
Animals-Животни Alligator = алигатор Anchovy = сардела Ant = мравка Ape = мајмун Bat = лилјак Bear = мечка Bee = пчела Beetle = бумбар Bird = птица Boa = боа Buffalo = буфало Bumble bee = пчела Butterfly = пеперутка Camel = камила Canary = канаринец Cat = мачка Caterpillar = гасеница Centipede = стоногалка Chick = пиле Cobra = кобра Cock, rooster = петел Falcon = сокол
Crab = рак Cricket = штурец Crocodile = крокодил Cuckoo = кукавица Deer = елен Doe = срна Dog = куче Dolphin = делфин Donkey = магаре Duck = патка Eagle = орел Eel = јагула Elephant = слон Ewe = овца Feather = пердув Fish =риба Fly = мува Fox = лисица Frog =заба Giraffe = жирафа Goat = коза Goldfish = златна риба Goose = гуска snake = змија Grouse = тетреб Gull =галеб Hamster = хрчак Hawk = јастреб Hedgehog = еж
Hen = кокошка Hippopotamus = нилски коњ Horse = коњ Hummingbird = колубри Iguana = игуана Shrimp = ракчиња Jackal = чакал Jellyfish = медуза Kangaroo = кенгур Kitten = маче Koala = коала Oyster = остриги Lamb = јагне Lark = чучулига Leech = пијавица Lion = лав Lizard = гуштер Lobster = јастог Mackerel = скуша Monkey = мајмун Mosquito = комарец Moth = молец Mussel = школки Octopus = октопод Ostrich = ној Otter = водра Owl = був Ox = вол Panda = панда
Parrot = папагал Peacock = паун Penguin = пигвин Pig = свиња Pigeon = гулаб flamingo = фламинго Polar bear = поларна мечка Praying mantis = богомолка Puppy = кутре Rabbit = зајак Ram = овен Rat = стаорец crow = врана Rhinoceros = носорог Salmon = лосос Sardine = сардина Wasp = оса Sea lion = морски лав Seagull = галеб Louse = вошка Shark = ајкула Snail = полжав Snake = змија Spider = пајак Squid = лигњи Squirrel = верверица Stag = елен Starfish = морска звезда Stork = штрк
Swallow = ластовица Swan = лебед Sparrow = врапче Bug = бубачка Tiger = тигар Caterpillar = гасеница Tortoise = желка Trout = пастрмка Tuna = туна Turkey = мисирка Blackbird = кос Eagle = орел Jackdaw = чавка Wasp = оса Whale = кит Peacock = паун Wolf = волк Woodpecker = кљукодрвец Worm = црв Zebra = зебра
Family-Фамилија Adolescence = адолесценцијата Adult = возрасни Aunt = тетка Baby = бебе Birthday = роденден
Boy = момче Bride = невеста Brother = брат Еnemu,foe = непријател Child = дете Childhood = детство Christening = крштење Neighbor = сосед Cousin = братучед Daughter = ќерка Divorce = развод Divorcee = разведен Elder = старец Boy = момче Family = семејство Father = татко Girl = девојче grand-father = дедо Friend = пријател grand-mother = баба Great-grand-father = пра-дедо Great-grand-mother = пра-баба Half-brother = полубрад Half-sister = полусестра Honeymoon = меден месец Husband = сопруг Kid = дете Surname = презиме Marital status = брачен статус Marriage = венчавка Mother = мајка
Name = име Mum = мама Nephew = внук Niece = внука Pregnant = бремена Relatives = роднини Sister = сестра Godfather = кум Son = син Spouse = брачен другар Mather in law = свекрва Father in law =свекор Youth = млади Men = маж Teenager = тинејџер Twins = близнаци Uncle = чичко Women = жена Wife = сопруга
Body-Тело Allergy = алергија Ankle = глужд
Arm = рака Armpit = пазуви Back = грб Belly = стомак Brow = веѓа Bone = коска Brain =мозок Breast = гради forehead = чело Buttock = задник Cheek = образ Chest = граден кош Chickenpox = сипаници Chin = брада Cough = кашлица Cuticle = живец Ear = уво Elbow = лак Eye = око Eyebrow = веѓа Eyelid = очен капак Face = лице Finger = прст Fist = тупаница Flu = грип Foot = нога Forearm = подлактица Genitals = гениталии Hand = рака
Head = глава Headache = главоболка Health = здравје Heart = срце Heel = пета Hormone = хормони Ill = болен Illness = болест Injury =повреда Kidney = бубрези Knee = колено Knuckle = зглоб Large intestine = дебело црево Leg = нога Lip = уста Moustache = мустаки Liver = црн дроб Lung = бели дробови Medicine = мелицина Bosom = дојки Mouth = уста Muscles = мускули Nail = нокт Nape = врат Navel = папок Neck = врат Nipple = брадавица Nose = нос Nostril = ноздра
Jaw = вилица Palm = дланка Penis = пенис Pore = пора Tongue = јазик Toes = прсти Shoulder = рамо Skeleton = скелет Skin = кожа Skull = череп Hair = коса Spine = рбет Stomach = стомак Sweat = пот Syringe = шприц Legs = нозе Forehead = чело Thigh = бут Throat = грло Thumb = палец Toe = пета Toenail = нокт Tongue = јазик Tooth = заб Wrist = зглоб
Food-Храна Acorn squash = тиквички Almond = бадем Apple = јаболко Apricot = кајсија Artichoke = артичок Aubergine = модар патлиџан Avocado = авокадо Banana = банана Basket of fruit = кошница со овошје Beef = говетско Beetroot = цвекло Bitter = горчливо ripe = зрели Bean = грав Blueberry = боровинки Bread = леб boiled eggs = варени јајца Broccoli = брокула Brown rice = кафен ориз green beans = боранија Cabbage = зелка Carrot = морков Cream = павлака
Cauliflower = карфиол Hoddog = ходдог Celery = целер Cereal = житарици Cheese = сирење Cherry = цреша Toast = тост Chestnut = костен Chicken = пилешко Chicory = цикорија Chocolate spread = еурокрем fried eggs = пржени јајца Hamburger = хамбургер Cookie = колаче Coconut = кокос Coffee maker = кафемат Ham = шунка Eg = јајце Corn = пченка Chocolate = чоколада Cake = торта Cucumber = краставица Dairy produce = млечни производи Dandelion = глуварче Date = урма Grill = скара Fennel = анасон Stew = чорба Vermicelli = фиде
Flour = брашно Flesh = месо Food = храна Ground meat = ќофте Fresh = свежо Frozen = замрзнато Icecream = сладолед pea = грашок Garlic = лук Ginger = ѓумбир Grapefruit = Грејпфрут Grapes = грозје Hazelnut = лешник spicy = зачин Jam = џем Honey = мед Sandwich = сендвич Juice = сок Juicy =сочно Ketchup = кечап Stiffed cabbage = сарма Kiwifruit = киви Leaf = лист meat = месо Leek = праз Lemon = лимон Lettuce = марула Lime = цитрон Lentil = леќа
Mango = манго Margarine = маргарин Mayonnaise = мајонез Meal = оброк Meat = месо Melon = диња Macaroni = макарони Milk = млеко Mince = мелено месо Mushroom = печурки Mustard = сенф Nectarine = нектарина Oats = овес Olive = маслинка Onion = кромид Orange = портокал Pancake = палачинка Pretzel = ѓеврек Peach = праска Peanut = кикирики Pear = круша Parsley = магданос Pepper = бибер Pepper = пиперка Pickled gherkin = кисека краставица Pie = пита nut = орев Pineapple = ананас Pistachio = фстаци
Pizza = пица Plum = слива Pork = свинско Potato = компир pear, fig = круша Popcorn = пуцки rice = ориз Pumpkin = тиква Poppy = афион Quince = дуња Radish = роктвица Raisin = суво грозје Rasher = сланина Raspberry = малина Raw = суровини Red meat = црвено месо Redcurrant = црвена рибизла Youghurt = јогурт Soup = супа Rice = ориз Root = корен Rotten = скапано Sausage = салама Salt = сол Sauce = сос Seed, pip = семе Sugarbeet = шекерна репа Susame = сусам Semolina = гриз
Chips = чипс Slice = парче Smoking = пушење Sour = кисело Spice = зачин chilli = чили Spinach = спанаќ onion = кромид Fig = смоква Strawberry = јагода Sunflower = сончоглед Sweetcorn = клас од мумуруз Sweet = благо Tangerine = мандарина Tea = чај Tomato = домат Truffle = тартуфи Turnip = репка Veal = телешко Vegetables = зеленчук Vinegar = оцет Walnut = орев Garden = градина Watermelon = лубеница Wheat = пценица White rice = бел ориз Pomegranate = калинка Zest = кора од лимон Zucchini, courgette = тиквички
alcohol apple juice beer bottle brandy champagne water cocktail coffee Coke drink to drink fizzy, carbonated fruit juice gin glass vine instant coffee herb tea hot chocolate ice cube lemonade liqueur milk mineral water orange juice rum Sparkling water vodka
алхохол Сок од јаболка пиво шише ракија шампањ вода коктелe кафе кока пијалок пие газиран Овошен сок џин чаша вино Истант кафе Чај од билки Топло чоколадо Коцка мраз лимонада ликер млеко Минерална вода Сок од портокал рум Газирана вода вотка
whisky, whiskey виски to be thirsty жеден Steak = стек Lollipop = лижавче Pudding = пудинг Biscuits = бисквити Bleach = кајгана Canned = конзервирана Breakfast = појадок Lunch = ручек Snack,repast = ужина Dinner = вечера Sugar = шеќер Salt = сол cooking oil = зејтин Vinegar = оцет yeast = квасец Eat = јаде
House-Куќа Alarm clock = будилник Armchair = фотеља Attic = таван
Balcony = тераса Bathroom = купатило Bed = кревет Bedroom = спална Block of flats = стамбена зграда Carpet = тепих Ceiling = плафон Chair = стол Chest of drawers = комода Chimney = оџак Clock = часовник Corridor = ходник Curtain = завеза Cushion, pillow = перница Dining room = трпезарија Dishwasher = машина за садови Door = врата Brush = четка Comb = чешел Fan = вентилатор Fireplace = камин Flat = стан Floor = спрат Freezer = замрзнувач Home = дом House = куќа Intercom = интерфон Razor = жилет Ironing board = даска за пеглање Kitchen = кујна Lamp = ламба
Shaving foam = пена за бричење Lawn = тревник Light bulb = сијалица Living room = дневна соба Padlock = катанец Path = патека Toothbrush = четка за заби Hairdryer = фен за коса Roof = покрив, кров Rug = килим Showerhead = туш Cellar = визба Sink = мијалник Basement = подрум Sofa = фотеља Staircase = скали Stool = столче Table = маса Tap = чешма Tile = плочка Vacuum cleaner = правосмукалка Wall = зид Wardrobe = гардероба Washing machine = машина за алишта Water closet = веце Window = прозор Workshop = работилница
Kitchen -Кујна кујна
мијалник чешма чешма фридижер ладилник Машина за садови стаспиратор шпорет микробранова миксер блендер машинка за месо тостер кафемат чајник чајник сито фритеза тава чинија чаша чаша Длабока чинија Нож за лупење нож печка вилушка лажица
sink tap faucet fridge freezer dishwasher cooker hood oven microwave oven mixer blender meat mincer toaster coffee maker kettle teapot colander deep fryer frying pan plate glass cup bowl vegetable peeler knife stove fork spoon
Clothing-Облека Boots = чизми Backpack, rucksack = ранец Blouse = блуза Belt = каиш Tie = вратоврска Shorts = шорцеви Bra = прслок Briefcase = ташна за документи Brooch = брош Brush = четка Cap = капа Cleanser = чистење Coat = капут Comb = чешел Button = копче Zipper = патент Bracelet = нараквица Disrobe = се соблекува Dress = фустан Dressing gown = наметка Dungarees = комбилизон Dressing = облекување dress up = се облекува Undress = соблекува Gel = гел Glasses = очила Gloves = ракавици Hairdryer = фен hanger = закачалка Hairspray = лак Handbag = ташна
Handkerchief = марамица Hat = шапка Raincoat = мантил Jacket = јакна Jumper = џемпер Knickers = гаќи Lace = чипка Leather = кожа Tuxedo = смокинг Lipstick = кармин Make-up = шминка Mittens = белезница Slippers = влечки Sandals = сандали Nail varnish = лак за нокти Necklace = ѓердан Nightie = ноќница Perfume = парфем running shoes = патики Pyjamas = пижама Raincoat = наметка за дожд Ring = прстен Scarf = шамија Scarf = шал Fur = крзно Shampoo = шампон Shirt = кошула Shoe = чевли Skirt = здолниште
Tunic = туника Socks = чорапи Јеans = фармерки jacket = јакна Sunglasses = очила за сонце Sweatshirt = подкошула T-shirt = мајца nappy = пелена Tie = вратоврска Uniform = униформа Tights = хулахопки Tracksuit = тренерки Vest = елек Trousers = пантолони Umbrella = чадор Underpants = гаќи Waistcoat = елек Wallet = новчаник Watch = часовник Wedding dress = венчаница
Sport-Спорт Athletics = атлетика Badminton = бадминтон Baseball = безбол Basket =кошарка Basket =кошарка Basketball = баскет Camping = кампување Casino = казино Chess = шах Chessboard = шаховска табла Cricket = крикет Darts = пикадо Figure skateing = уметничко лизгање Golf clubs = clubs de golf Football field = фудбалско игралиште jump = скок Footballer = фудбалер Golf = голф Game = игра Gymnast = гимнастика Goal = гол Hiking = пешачење Goalkeeper = голман Hockey = хокеј Ice-skate = лизгање на мраз
Javelin = фрљање копије Long jump = скок во далечина Marathon = маратон Match = натпревар Rugby = рагби Scrabble = маратон Skiing = скијање Soccer = фудбал Squash = сквош Swimming = пливање Swimming pool = пливачки базен Volleyball = одбојка Wrestling = борење Tennis = тенис ping pong = пинг- понг Boxing = бокс Riding = јавање Judo = џудо Karate = карате Diving = нуркање Sliding = лизгање Golf = голф Handball = ракомет Dancing = танцување Gymnastics = гимнастика Hiking = пешачење Cycling = белосипедизам skating with roller skates = лизгање со ролерки
Jobs-Работа Accountant = сметководител Actor = актер Adviser = советник Air hostess, stewardess = стујардеса Architect = архитект Barman = шанкер Beekeeper, apiarist = пчелар Bookseller = книжар Builder = градител Bus driver = возач на автобус Butcher = месар house-porter, door-keeper = портир Carpenter = столар charlady, cleaning lady = чистачка Chef = шеф servant = службеник Cleaner = чистач Confectioner = слаткар Contractor = изведувач Customs officer = цариник Dancer = танчар Delivery-boy = доставувач Dentist = стоматолог Developer = инвеститор Doctor = доктор Dustman = чистачка
Electrician = електричар agent = агент Farmer = фармер Film editor = монтажер Fireman = пожарникар Fisherman = рибар Florist = цвеќар Gardener = градинар Hairdresser = фризер Jeweller = златар Job = работа Judge = судија Lawyer = адвокад Librarian = бибљотекар Locksmith = бравар Lorry driver = возач на камион nurse = медицинска сестра Manager = менаџер Mechanic = механичар Miner = рудар Musician = музичар Notary = нотар Optician = оптичар Painter = сликар Pharmacist = фармацефт Photographer = фотограф Pilot = пилот Plumber = водоводџија Policeman = полицаец
Postman = поштар Producer = производител Prostitute = проститутка Psychiatrist = психијатар Railway man = железничар Receptionist = рецепционер Repairman = мајстор Researcher = истражувач Sailor = морнар Scientist = научник Scriptwiter = писател Sculptor = склуптор Seamstress = шивач Secretary = секретар Security guard = чувар Singer = пејач Soldier = војник Sportsman = спортист Tailor = кројач Taxi driver = таксист Teacher = професор Translator = преведувач Typist = дактилограф Veterinary = ветеринар Waiter = келнер Waitress = келнерка Wholesealer = grossiste Work = работа Writer = писател
Programmer =програмер Surgeon = хирург Potter = грнчар Craftsman = занаетчија
Nature - Природа Blow = дува Barometer = барометар Atmosphere = атмосфера Climate = клима Cloud = облак Cloudy = облачно Dry = суво Dew = роса Drop = капка Drought = суша Flood = поплава Flower = цвеќе Frost = мраз Fog = магла Hail = град Heat = топлина Hurricane = ураган Ice = мраз Wet = мокро
Lightning = молња Sunset,sundown = зајдисонце Mud = кал Rain = дожд Rainbow = виножито Sunrise = изгрејсонце Shadow = сенка Star = звезда Sky = небо Snow =снегneige Storm = бура Sun = сонце Sunny = сончево Oir = воздух Thunder = гром Windy = ветровито Tornado = торнадо Tree = дрво Typhoon = тајфун Wave = бран Weather = време
Weather forecast = временска прогноза Wind = ветер
What’s the weather like today ?
Какво е времето денес?
топло убаво магливо сончево ветровито студено влажно облачно врнежливо врне снег мраз a cave the coast earth an earthquake flora and fauna a forest the flowers a beach a hill a lake the moon the mud a mushroom
It’s hot It’s nice out It’s foggy It’s sunny It’s windy It’s cold It’s humid It’s cloudy It’s rainy It’s raining It’s snowing It’s freezing пештера брег земја земјотрес Флора и фауна шума цвеќиња плажа рид езеро месечина кал пеќурка
mountains grass lake a rainbow a river the sand the sea the sky the stars a stream a swamp a stone a cliff a desert a tree the jungle the savannah a branch a fir tree a pine tree a valley a bush a leaf the soil the weather a waterfall a maple
планини трева езеро виножото река песок море небо звезди поток мочуриште камен карпа пустина дрво џунгла савана гранка елка бор долина грмушка лист почва време водопад јавор
Days - Денови Monday
Wednesday среда Thursday
Months in year Месеци во годината January
What time is it?-Колку е часот? 3.00 three o'clock three 3.02 just gone three o'clock three oh two 3.03 three minutes past three three oh three 3.05 five past three three oh five 3.09 nine minutes past three three oh nine 3.10 ten past three three ten 3.15 a quarter past three three fifteen 3.20 twenty past three three twenty 3.21 twenty-one minutes past three three twenty-one 3.25 twenty-five past three three twenty-five 3.30 half past three three thirty 3.35 twenty-five to four three thirty-five 3.40 twenty to four three forty 3.45 a quarter to four three forty-five 3.50 ten to four three fifty 3.55 five to four three fifty-five 3.57 three minutes to four three fifty-seven 3.58 nearly four o'clock three fifty-eight 4.00 four o'clock four
Musique -Музика Музички инструменти Дувачки иструмент Дрвен инструмент
a musical instrument a wind instrument a wood instrument
Гудачки инструмент пијано хармоника флејта гитара Бас гитара виолина виолончало контрабас обоа флејта саксафон ксилофон кларинет тапани trombone ударни труба харфа туба гајда гудало мандолина Тропалки за тупан клавир гудало гусла зурла
a string instrument piano accordion flute guitar bass guitar violin cello bass oboe flute saxophone xylophone clarinet drums тромбон percussion trumpet harp tuba bagpipe bow mandolin drumsticks Grand piano Fiddle-bow,fiddlestick fiddle pipe
a camelia
a carnation
a chrysanthemum
a daffodil
a daisy
a dandelion
Не заборави ме
a geranium
a lily
a nasturtium
an orchid
a peony
a periwinkle
a poppy
a primrose
a rose
a snowdrop
a sunflower
a violet
a thorn
a bud
Саксија за цвеќе
Flower pot
Момина солза
Lily of the valley
a bluebell
School -Школо state school private school pupil student teacher subject exam school classroom nursery school primary school secondary school university lesson board lecture lecturer professor to study to pass an exam homework
Државно училиште Приватно училиште ученик студент професор предмет испит училиште училница градинка основно средно универзитет лекција табла предавање предавач професор учи Полага испит Домашна работа
library desk class
бибљотека клупа одделение
marker pen
to read
sponge book
сунѓер книга
Colour pencil
Pencil cases
School bag
School bell
Училишно звоно
maths science chemistry physics biology medicine business studies economics computer science literature geography
математика наука хемија физика биологија медицина бизнис економија компјутери литература географија
geology sociology politics philosophy psychology archaeology history engineering theology music art architecture anatomy gymnastics economy learn write reads
геологија социологија политика филозофија психологија археологија историја инжинерство теологија музика ликовно ахитектура анатомија гимнастика економија учи пишува чита
Tools = алати a drill
axe extinguisher flashlight
секира Апарат за гасење фенер
hammer hose
чук Црево
ladder Shovel,spade
скала лопата
lighter the screw pincer
запалка завртка клешти
pliers rope
клешти јаже
saw scale screwdriver
пила скала шравцигер
wheelbarrow wrench
количка клуч
toolbox a rake
Кутија за алат гребло
hoe adz forceps
мотика тесла клешти
pump sickle
пумпа срп
scissors Watering can
ножици Кофа за полевање
awl metre
шило метро
pitchfork the brush
вила четка
Christmas - Божиќ Calendar bell candle candy chimney chocolate Christmas Christmas garland Christmas tree Santa Claus gift , present ornaments reindeer ribbon roast turkey snowman
календар звонче свеќа бонбони оџак чоколада божиќ Божиќно венче Божиќно дрво Дедо мраз подарок огномети ирваси машна Печена мисирка снешко
star toy winter
звезда играчка зима
Easter = Велигден basket bell chocolate Easter Easter bunny Easter egg egg hunt to dye to find to hide
кошница звонче чоколада велигден Велигденско зајче Велигденско јајце Барање јајце Боја за јајца наоѓа сокрива
Halloween –Ноќ на вештерките bat
black cat
Црна мачка
Ден на вештерки
Sity- Град pedestrian crossing
Пешачки премин
car park
taxi rank
station de taxi
bus station
Автобуска станица
train station
side street
children's playground Детско игралиште park
supermarket butchers fishmongers bakery centre electrical shop
самопослуга месара рибарница пекара центар Продавница за електроника
department store newsagents bookshop church cemetery cathedral bus stop hairdressers barbers post office art gallery café restaurant bank cinema theatre kiosk school university petrol station garage hotel shopping centre petrol station a crossroads traffic lights a square the pavement the main street the citizens a building
Стоковна куќа трафика книжара црква гробишта катедрала Автобуска станица coiffeur берберница пошта Ликовна галерија кафе ресторан банка кино театар киоск школо унервезитет Бензиска пумпа гаража хотел Трговски центар Бензиска пумпа крстосница семафори плоштад тротоар Главна улуца граѓани зграда
a lift , an elevator the stairs a bridge a factory Museum government Assembly pharmacy Library police station confectionery ironmangery mill Restaurant
лифт скали мост фабрика музеј влада собрание аптека бибљотека Полициска станица слаткарница железарница воденица ресторант
Materials - Материјали plastic cloth cotton wool linen silk man-made fibres polyester lace wood
пластика крпи памук волна лен свила Вештачки влакна полиестер чипка дрво
coal petrol
јаглен бензин
Punctuation marks
Точка (.)= a full stop запирка (,)= a comma Две точки (:) = a colon точка запирка (;) = a semi-colon коса црта (/ или \ ) = a slash црта (-) = a dash прашалник (?) = a question mark извичник (!) = an exclamation mark загради ( ) = brackets наводници “= in inverted commas
На улица - On the road bike
road map
traffic lights
drive parking space Street Main street Stop sign Traffic lights
вози паркинг улица Главна улица Знак стоп семафори
Level crossing Toll
премин патарина
Traffic a ring-road a zebra crossing
сообраќај Кружен пат Пешачки премин
Traffic a tunnel
сообраќај тунел
At the restaurant Fast-food – брза храна Kebab - кебап the menu - мени barman - шанкер waiter - келнер waitress - келнерка cook - готвач to eat -јаде to taste - вкусува to drink - пие to choose - избира to call the waiter – повикува келнер plate - чинија fork - вилушка knife - нож spone - лажица glass - чаша napkin, a serviette - салфетка
table cloth – чаршав за маса salt and peper – сол и пипер bottle of wine – шише вино bottle of water – шише вода main course – главно јадење dessert - десерт Starter - предјадење appetizer– мезе cutlery – прибор за јадење meal – оброк recipe - рецепт spices- зачини
********************************************** pregnancy = бременост a mother-to-be = ќе биде мајка a maternity hospital =породилиште childbirth , the delivery = породување a baby = бебе a newborn = новороденче twins = близнаци a nappy = пелена
a cradle = лулка to expect a baby = се очекува бебе to breastfeed = дои
************************************************************ good health = добро здравје poor health = лошо здравје an Illness = болест pain = болка a headache = главоболка a stomach ache стомачна болка influenza = грип healthy = здрав to cough = кашла to sneeze = кива
Зборовите во англискиот јазик се делат во неколку групи и тоа: Именки=Nouns Предлози=Prepositions Придавки=Adjective Прилози=Аdverbs Заменки=Pronouns Сврзници=Conjunctions Извици=Interiections Глаголи=Verbs
1. Именки=Nouns
Именките се зборови со кои нешто именуваме. Имаме повеќе видови на именки и тоа: 1. Oпшти именки
Common nouns
2. Збирни именки = Collective nouns 3. Сопствени именки = Proper nouns 4. Градивни именки = Materijal nouns 5. Апстракни именки = Abstract nouns 6. Бројливи именки
= Countable nouns
7. Небројливи именки = Uncountable nouns
1.Oпшти именки=Common nouns Со овие именки се именуваат суштества,предмети,места…...... Животни = Аnimals: lion,tiger,bear, dog,rabbit… Луге = People:mother,father,grandmother,woman Места = Places:city,state,continent,park……. Предмети = Оbjects:table,book,pensil, windows….
2.Сопствени именки=Proper nouns Со овие именки се именува име на луге, држави,улици,реки,океани,компании,цркви, наслови на книги,списанија,имиња на планини . Луге=People:James,Jon,David,Julie,Madona.....Држави=Stat es:Macedonia,Bulgaria,England…. Реки=Rivers:Vardar,Mississippi,Black River…..
Океани=Oceans:Atlantic Ocean,Pacific ocean... Планини=Mountains:Alps,Himalaya,Shar mountain………… Книги=Books:Pinocchio,Robizon Crusoe…… Цркви=Churches:Sveti Spas,Virgin Mother….. Списанија=Journals:Our world,Food and wine… Карактеристично за proper nouns е тоа што тие се пишуваат секогаш со голема буква.
Збирни именки=Collective nouns Со овие именки се именува група како целина,односно семејство. Може да издвоиме групи и тоа: Група од луѓе:армија ,публика,бенд,хор, семејство, полиција........ Groups of people:army,audience,band,choir, a band, a class, a gang Family,police, a group, a team, a company, the government Група од животни:стадо,рој,јато…...... Groups of animals:herd,swarm,flock, cattle, poultry…. Група од нешто:куп,пакет,талог,пар,сет.... Groups of things:bunch,bundle.clump,pair..
3.Градивни именки=Materijal nouns Овие именки ги именуваат супстанциите што постојат во природата. Примери: gold---злато, стакло,
paper---хартија, гума.... copper---бакар, волна….
silver---сребро, cotton--- памук,
Ice---лед, stone---камен, дрво, salt---sol plastic---пластика............
4.Апстракни именки=Apstract nouns Aпстракните именки се зборови со кои се искажува име на нешто што не можеме да го допреме но можеме да го почуствуваме. love---љубов, аnger---гнев, задоволство, liberty---слобода , восхитување, success---успех, truth—вистина, fear---страв,
delight--аdoration--thrill---возбуда, thirst---жед,
5.Бројливи именки---Countable nouns
Во овие именки спаѓаат сите оние именки што можат да се пребројат. Примери: apple---јаболка, eggs---јајца, potatos--компири, birds---птици, picture---слика, dog---куче, woman--жена............
Небројливи именки---Uncountable nouns Во овие именки спаѓаат сите оние именки што неможат да се избројат. Примери: аir---возух, ориз,
salt---сол, храна..........
Possessive Form of Nouns = Присвојна форма
Присвојност се прави кога после именката во еднина додаваме апостроф ‘ и s The children’s room is always messy. Детската соба е секогаш неуредна. Ако именката е во множина прво додаваме s a потоа апостроф.’
The pupils’ desks are arranged in rows. Ученичките клупи се наредени во редови. Множина од именките=Plural of nouns Општо правило: Ако сакаме некоја именка да ја ставиме во множина треба на именката да ја додадеме наставката -s. Примери: book=books книга=книги cup=cups чаша=чаши cat=cats маче=мачиња pencil=pencils молив=моливи Додека именките што завршуваат на -s, o, -ss, -x, -sh, -tch за множина јa додаваме наставката -еs. Примери: box = boxes кутија = кутии watch = watches часовник = часовници class = classes bench = benches клупа = клупи patato = potatoes компир = компири fox = foxes лисица = лисици kiss = kisses
бакнеж = бакнежи
Кога именката завршува на наставката -Y, a пред неа имаме самогласка тогаш ја додаваме наставката -s . Boy =boys момче = момчиња Holiday = holidays одмор = одмори Key = keys кључ = кључеви guy = guys Кога именката завршува на -Y a пред неа имаме
согласка тогаш ја додаваме наставката -ies ,но ја бришеме Y. Примери: Party = parties забава= забави Некои именки се секогаш во множина. Pants, pajamas, shorts, trousers, sandals, scissors, sneakers, slippers, stockings................ Singular boy
Plural boys
holiday holidays key
Singular car
Singular Singular party lady story nanny city
Plural parties ladies stories nannies cities
Singular man woman child foot tooth goose mouse
Plural men women children feet teeth geese mice
Plural cars
Story = stories city = cities baby = babies
приказна = приказни град = градови бебе = бебиња
Кога именката завршува на f или fe тогас се брише f или fe и се додава наставката -ves. Примери: Life = lives Leaf = leaves Wife = wives Именките што завршуваат на is тогаш is го претвораме во es. analysis = analyses basis = bases crisis = crises Постојат именки кои имаат иста форма во еднина и множина. Примери: fish = fish риба = риби sheep = sheep овца = овци deer = deer елен = елени moose = moose лос = лосови aircraft =aircraft авион = авиони Постојат голем број именки за кои неважи ниту едно правило од досега наведените па затоа овие именки велиме дека имаат неправилна множина. Примери: woman = women жена = жени man = men маж = мажи child = children дете = деца tooth = teeth заб = заби foot = feet нога = нозе person = people човек = луѓе
Род кај именките = Gender of nouns Општо правило: Bo англискиот јазик подот кај именките не се определува граматички ,туку природно според полот. Така што именките од машки суштества се од машки род (masculine), именките на женските суштества се од женски род (feminine) , a именките што не припаѓаат ниту во машки ниту во женски род се именки во среден род(neuter) . Именки од женски род се именки на жени, девојчиња и женски животни. Примери: girl = девојка cow =крава mother = мајка goat = коза sister = сестра sheep = овца Именки од машки род се именки на мажи, момчиња и машки животни. Примери: boy = момче bull = бик brather = брат cock = петел father = татко ox = вол
PEOPLE (луѓе) MASCULINE(машки род)
FAMININE(женски род)
actor актер author автор boy момче brother брат dad тато duke војвода father татко father-in-law свекор grandfather дедо headmaster директор heir наследник husband сопруг king крал man маж nephew внук son син uncle чичко waiter келнер
actress актерка authoress авторка girl девојче sister сестра mum мама duchess војводка mother мајка mother-in-law свекрва grandmother баба headmistress директорка heiress наследничка wife сопруга queen кралица woman жена niece внука daughter ќерка aunt стрина waitress келнерка
CREATURES (суштества) MASCULINE(машки род) billy-goat јарец boar вепар buck-rabbit зајак bull бик
FAMININE (женски род) nanny-goat коза sow свиња doe-rabbit зајачица cow крава
bull-elephant bull-seal bullock bull-whale cob (swan) cock петел cockerel cock-pigeon colt (young horse) dog куче drake drone fox gander hawk he-bear he-goat he-wolf jack-ass leopard lion лав peacock ram (sheep) stag stallion tiger tom-cat turkey-cock
cow-elephant cow-seal heifer cow-whale pen hen кокошка pullet hen-pigeon filly bitch кучка duck bee vixen goose bowess she-bear she-goat she-wolf jenny-ass, she-ass leopardess lioness лавица peahen ewe hind mare tigress tabby-cat turkey-hen
Имаме именки што се користат со иста форма во машки и во женски род.
Примери: babies, parents, singers , pupil, Dancers, teachers, reporters, frend. Именките што неможеме да ги определиме според полот ги ставаме во среден род. Примери: pen, book, chair, tree, room, computer, pencil, bicycle……………………
Придавки = Adjective Придавките во англискиот јазик се непроменливи зборови . Тие обично стојат пред именката или заменката и ја објаснуваат. Придавките се делат на: 1. Лични придавки = Proper adjective 2. Описни придавки = Descriptive adjective 3. Количински придавки = Quantitative adjective 4. Показни придавки = Demonstrative adjective 5. Прашални придавки = Interrogative adjective 6. Присвојни придавки = Possessive adjective 7. Неодредени (неопределени)придавки = Indefinite adjectiive 8. Дистрибутивни придавки = Distributive adjective 9. Бројни придавки = Numeral adjective
Лични придавки = Proper adjective American = Американски French = Француски Bosnian = Босански Serbian = српски ............................................................... Ваквите придавки секогаш се пишуваат со голема буква.
Описни придавки = Descriptive adjective
Colors are adjectives - black, blue, white, green, red Sizes - big, small, large, thin, thick Shapes- triangular, round, square, circular
Qualities- good, bad, mediocre Personality - happy, sad, angry, depressed Time - Yearly , monthly, annually Ages - new, young, old, brand-new, second-hand Sound related Adjectives - list: loud, noisy, quiet, silent Touch related Adjectives - slippery, sticky Taste related Adjectives - juicy, sweet
Oписни придавки за материјали = Descriptive adjective for materijals wooden = дрвена woolen = волнени cottony = памучен metallic = метални plastic = пластичен glass = стаклено iron = железно ..........................................................
Количински придавки = Quantitative adjective Количински придавки се: some , much , little , enough , all , no , any ,whole some = малку , некои,неколку Some се користи за избројливи именки во множина, за неизбројливи именки во еднина, во позитивни реченици, во понуди , во барања. Some pens ,some friends Some money, some time, some water, some tea. They talked to some people.
I have some money. 'Would you like some milk? Would you like some coffee? Give me some apples. Give him some money.
Any = малку,некои,неколку Any се користи во избројливи именки во множина , во неизбројливи именки,во негативни реченици и во прашални реченици за општи прашања. Have you got any brothers or sisters? Do you know any famous people? Jane doesn't have any friends. There isn’t any milk in the fridge. Much = многу Much се користи за неизбројливи именки во еднина во позитивни,негативни и прашални реченици. Is there much milk in the fridge? Is there much food in the refrigerator? Much of our food is exported. How much fruit is there? There isn't much food in the refrigerator. He doesn’t earn much money. Many =многу Many се користи во избријливи именки во множина во позитивни ,негативни и прашални реченици. There are many apples in this picture. How many dollars do you have? How many cups of coffee do you drink? I haven’t got many CDs.
Carla does not have many friends. Whole = цел, целина Whole се користи со бројливи именки и тоа во еднина. I learned a whole lesson in ten minutes. She wrote a whole novel in two weeks. I learned the whole song in an hour. Еat soup whole day. All = сите,сето All се користи кога сакаме да кажеме вкупен број или износ на нешто, се користи за неизбројливи именки. All my friends visited me in the hospital. All the students in the class have computers. All the fruit is rotten. The baby seems to cry all the time.
Enough = доволно,доста Enough може да се користи: Со придавка = adjective She isn’t tall enough to be a ballet dancer. The car is big enough for them. Со именка = nouns enough bread enough money Со прилози = adverbs quickly enough often enough little = малку Little се користи за неизбројливи именки
little time, little food little money
Показни придавки = Demonstrative adjective Показни придавки се: this, that, these, those. This (овој, ова) се користи за еднина и кога нешто е блиску. This is my car. (singular) This pencil in my hand is yellow. This is a nice cup of tea. That (oнa, оној) се користи за еднина и кога нешто е далеку. That city is busy. (singular) That house is expensive. That dog is bad. These = (овие) се користи во множина и кога е нешто блиску. These pencils are in the box. These are our children. (plural) These chocolates are delicious. (plural) Those (оние) се користи во множина и кога нешто е далеку. Those flowers are beautiful. (plural) Those are very expensive shoes. Those are really good English books .
Неодредени придавки = Indefinite Adjectives Неопределената придавка е формирана од
неопределена заменка. Неопределени придавки се: any, each, few, many, most, several, and some. има, секој, неколку, многу, најмногу, неколку, а некои. Примери: There are several people in the room. Many children like dinosaurs. Did you want some bananas? You can find a state name on each quarter.
Присвојни придавки = Possessive adjective my your his her
its our their whose
Примери: Your bike is blue. Their car is in their garage.
Прашални придавки = Interrogative adjective Прашални придавки се : What = што Which = кои Whose = чија Where = каде Who = кој How = како Примери: What program are you watching? Whose car is this?
Whose shop is closed? What day is today? How are you? Where are my books?
1. Дистрибутивни придавки = Distributive adjective Дистрибутивни придавки се: each = секоја either= или every = секој neither = ниту On either side of the canal there were long fields of barley. Every boy has one or the other pet. Neither of the tow men is trustworthy. Each girl in our class is well-versed in music.
Од секоја страни на каналот имаше долги полиња јачмен. Секое момче има едно или друго милениче. . Секоја девојка во нашиот клас е добро обучена во музиката. .
Бројни придавки = Numeral adjective Имаме три видиви на бројни придавки и тоа: 1. Definite Numeral Adjective (first, second, third, one, two, three….) 2. Indefinite Numeral Adjective (some, any, much, many, little, a few….) 3. ) Distributive Numeral Adjective (every, each, another,
Степенување на придавките Comperative and superlative Kомперативната придавка споредува две нешта, а суперлативната придавка споредува повеќе од две нешта. Најчесто компаратив се прави со додавање на наставката -еr, a суперлатив со додавање на наставката -est long – longer – longest долг-подолг -најдолг short – shorter – shortest краток-пократок -најкраток bright – brighter – brightest young – younger – youngest млад-помлад-најмлад old – older – oldest стар-постар-најстар young – younger – youngest
Доколку придавката завршува на -y тогаш -y се
претвора во i,a потоа се додаваат наставките за суперлатив и компаратив. pretty – prettier – prettiest happy – happier - happiest angry - angrier - angriest crazy - crazier – craziest Придавките кои имаат два или повеќе слогови не ја менуваа својата форма туку за да направиме компаратив додаваме пред придавката more a за да направиме суперлатив додаваме пред придавката most. Beautiful Убав
more beautiful – -поубав
most beautiful -најубав
Некои придавки имаат различна форма во компаратив и суперлатив. good better best bad worse worst far further/farther furthest/farthest
Придавките во англискиот јазик се неменливи зборови и имаат иста форма во еднина множина машки женски и среден род.
Прилози = Adverbs Прилозите се зборови кои го определуваат глаголот или некој друг збор со начин,место,време (зависино од прилогот кој го пишуваме). Според значењето прилозите се делат на: Прилози за време = Adverbs for time Прилози за место = Adverbs for place Прилози за количество = Adverbs for quantitative Прилози за начин = adverbs for way
Прилози за време = Adverbs for time се: When: today, yesterday, later, now, last year For how long : all day, not long, for a while, since last year How often: sometimes, frequently, never, often, yearly Кога: денес, вчера, подоцна , сега, минатата година Колку долго: цел ден, не долго, за некое време, уште од минатата година Колку често: понекогаш, често, никогаш , често, годишни Have you finished yet? Have you already mailed the package? I am going to the shops on Monday. I'm just going to the shops. I'm going to the shops soon. to talk about the past: yesterday, the day before, ago, last week/month/year to talk about the present: still, yet, while, when to talk about the future: soon, then, next week/month/year, in 2 days, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow да се зборува за минатото: вчера, ден пред тоа , пред,
минатата недела / месец / година да се зборува за сегашноста: сепак, се уште, додека, кога да се зборува за иднината: наскоро, а потоа, следната недела / месец / година, во 2 дена, утре, задутре.
Прилози за место =Adverbs for place Прилози за место се: about above anywhere away back behind below down far here in inside near nearby on out outside over there towards under up upstairs where
насекаде далеку назад зад под долу далеку тука во внатре близу во близина на надвор надвор од над таму кон под до горе каде
Прилози за количество = Adverbs for quantitative, frequency Прилози за количество фреквенција се: again, almost, always, ever, frequently, generally, hardly ever, nearly, nearly always, never, occasionally, often, rarely, seldom, sometimes, twice, usually, weekly. повторно, речиси, секогаш, секогаш, често, генерално, речиси никогаш, речиси, скоро секогаш , никогаш, понекогаш, често, ретко, ретко, понекогаш, два пати, обично, еднаш неделно.
Прилози за начин = adverbs for way Awkwardly- чудно Beautifully-убаво carefully, cheerfully, competitively eagerly, effortlessly, extravagantly: girlishly, happily, halfheartedly, hungrily lazily, lifelessly, loyally quickly, quietly, quizzically really, recklessly, remorsefully, ruthlessly savagely, sloppily, so, stylishly unabashedly, unevenly, urgently well, wishfully, worriedly Прилозите за начин најчесто се прават од придавки со додавање на наставката -lu Accidentally случајно angrily налутено anxiously нервозно awkwardly чудно badly лошо beautifully убаво blindly слепо
boldly bravely busily calmly carefully carelessly cautiously cheerfully clearly closely correctly courageously cruelly daringly deliberately eagerly easily
смело храбро деловно мирно внимателно безгрижно вномателно весело јасно тесно правилно храбро сурово смело намерно нетрпеливо лесно
Според составот прилозите се делат : Прости прилози = forgive adverbs (now, than, fast………) Прилози изведени од придавки = Adverbs derived from adjectives(beoutifully, lasily, happily………) Сложени прилози = Complex adverbs(a great deal =многу),at present =сега.
Извици = Interjections A: aha, ahem, ahh, ahoy, alas, arg, aw B: bam, bingo, blah, boo, bravo, brrr C: cheers, congratulations D: dang, drat, darn, duh E: eek, eh, encore, eureka
F: fiddlesticks G: gadzooks, gee, gee whiz, golly, goodbye, goodness, good grief, gosh H: ha-ha, hallelujah, hello, hey, hmm, holy buckets, holy cow, holy smokes, hot dog, huh?, humph, hurray O: oh, oh dear, oh my, oh well, oops, ouch, ow P: phew, phooey, pooh, pow R: rats S: shh, shoo T: thanks, there, tut-tut U: uh-huh, uh-oh, ugh W: wahoo, well, whoa, whoops, wow Y: yeah, yes, yikes, yippee, yo, yuck извик
"Ah, that feels good."
"Ah, now I understand."
"Ah well, it can't be heped."
"Ah! I've won!"
Ah, I see. Ah, the flowers of spring. Alas,за жал Изразување тага Alas, catfish football is no more. Alas! He is dead.
"Alas, she's dead now."
Dear, драги Изразување штета "Oh dear! Does it hurt?"
изненадување "Dear me! That's a surprise!" Oh dear, I've broken the lamp. Oh, Dear god! "It's hot today." "Eh?" "I said it's hot повторување today." "What do you think of that, eh?" eh истрага изненадување "Eh! Really?" покана
"Let's go, eh?"
I went to the restaurant, eh, but my friends didn't show up. Eh? She's got how many children? er Изразува двоумење "Lima is the capital of...er...Peru." Well, er - I'm not really sure. Lima is the capital of…er…Peru. поздрав "Hello John. How are you today?" hello, hullo изненадување "Hello! My car's gone!" Hello! Is there anybody home? hey
"Hey! look at that!"
Изненадување, радост
"Hey! What a good idea!"
Hey, I just wanted to talk to you about the previous incident. Hey! This is new! Hey! Stop that!
1. Express a feeling—wow, gee, oops, darn, geez, oh:
Oops, I’m sorry. That was my mistake.
Geez! Do I need to do it again?
Oh, I didn’t know that.
2. Say yes or no—yes, no, nope:
Yes! I will do it!
No, I am not going to go there.
Nope. That’s not what I want.
3. Call attention—yo, hey:
Yo, will you throw the ball back?
Hey, I just wanted to talk to you about the previous incident.
4. Indicate a pause—well, um, hmm:
Well, what I meant was nothing like that.
Um, here is our proposal.
Hmm. You really need to be on a diet.
1. Искажат некое чувство-Леле, Леле, Упс, ебам, geez, о: • Упс, жал ми е. Тоа беше моја грешка. • Geez! Дали треба да го направи тоа повторно? • Ох, јас не го знаев тоа. 2. Каже да или не-Да, Не, бе: • Да! Јас ќе го направи тоа! • Не, јас не идам да одат таму. • Не бе. Тоа не е она што сакам. 3. Сврти вниманието, еј:
• Еј, ќе ти ја фрлаат топката назад? • Еј, јас само сакав да разговара со вас за претходниот инцидент. 4. Укажуваат на пауза-и, за трудот, хм: • Па, она што мислев беше ништо од сето тоа. • Хм, тука е нашиот предлог. • Хм. Вие навистина треба да биде на диета.
Сврзници = Conjunctions Сврзници се зборчиња кои поврзуваат други два збора или пак две реченици. Сврзниците се делат на: 1.Допунски сврзници = Coordinative conjunctions 2.Зависни сврзници = Subordinative conjunctions 3.Колеративни сврзници = Correlative Conjunctions 1.Допунски сврзници = Coordinative conjunctions се: And и
But но
примери He lives in Victoria, and he and Две слични идеи studies at Victoria. John is Canadian, but Sally is but Две разлицни идеи English. I could cook some supper, or or Алтернативни идеи we could order a pizza. Втората идеја She was sick, so she went to so резултат од првата the doctor. nor (joining two negative alternatives) for (meaning “because”) yet (meaning “but”) ниту пак (спојување на две негативни алтернативи) за (што значи ", бидејќи") уште (што значи "но") Зависни сврзници = Subordinative conjunctions Зависни сврзници = Subordinative conjunctions се:
after although as because before even if even though
once provided that rather than since so that than that
until when whenever where whereas wherever whether
if in order that
though unless
while why
Колеративни сврзници = Correlative Conjunctionas either. . .or both. . . and neither. . . nor not only. . . but also Christmas is a time not only for exchanging gifts, but also for spending time with family. The test was both very long and difficult. It was both a very long test and a difficult one. Neither Brittney nor the sisters understood why their parents said no. Either the cousins or Sasha should speak up when she disagrees. Neither the male students or Joanne hands in papers in a timely manner. The cat, purring contentedly, was neither thirsty nor hungry. You either do your work or prepare for a trip to the office. Not only is he handsome, but he is also brilliant. Neither the basketball team nor the football team is doing well. Both the cross country team and the swimming team are doing well. Whether you stay or you go, it's your decision. Just as many Americans love basketball, so many Canadians love ice hockey.
Заменки = Pronouns Personal pronouns = Лични заменки Demonstrative pronouns = Показни заменки Interrogative pronouns = Прашлни заменки Indefinite pronouns = Неодредени заменки Possessive pronouns = Присвојни заменки Reciprocal pronouns = Реципрочни заменки Reflexive pronouns = Повратни заменки Intensive pronouns = Интензивни заменки Relative pronouns = Релативни заменки
Personal pronouns = Лични заменки
I you he she it we
me you him her it us
they Them Subject pronouns (I, You, He, She, It, They, We) Object pronouns (Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, Them) Предмет заменки (јас, ти, тој, таа, тоа, тие, Ние) Објект заменки (јас, ти, него, неа, Таа, нас, нив) I am twenty-nine years old. You live in Barcelona.
She has got a dog. He makes the bed every morning. She runs inside the house. We sing a good song at the disco. They write an e-mail to the teacher.
You talk to me. I talk to you. You call him. You look at her. You eat it. Someone talks to us. Someone gave them ice cream.
Demonstrative pronouns = Показни заменки This (овој, ова) се користи за еднина и кога нешто е блиску. This is my car. (singular) This pencil in my hand is yellow. This is a nice cup of tea. That (oнa, оној) се користи за еднина и кога нешто е далеку. That city is busy. (singular) That house is expensive. That dog is bad. These = (овие) се користи во множина и кога е нешто блиску. These pencils are in the box. These are our children. (plural) These chocolates are delicious. (plural) Those (оние) се користи во множина и кога нешто е далеку. Those flowers are beautiful. (plural)
Those are very expensive shoes. Those are really good English books .
Interrogative pronouns = Прашлни заменки
What (за предмети)
Which(за лица и предмети кога се работи за избор на нешто)
Who(за лица)
Who won the race?
Whom shall we ask?
Whose did they take?
Which is the greater?
What is that?
Indefinite pronouns = Неодредени заменки
Прва категорија(за неспецифична именка): anybody anyone anything everybody everyone everything nobody none no one nothing somebody someone something
Втора категорија(за определена именка) all another any both each either few many neither one some several
Други неодредени заменки се: Another Anybody Anyone Anything Each Either Everybody Everyone Everything Neither Nobody No one Nothing One Somebody Something
Someone Both = двете Few = неколку Many = многу Several = неколку
Еднина : another, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, little, much, neither, nobody , no one, nothing, one, other, somebody, someone, something Множина:both, few, many, others, several Еднина и множина: all, any, more, most, none, some Примери: All are welcome to attend the concert.
Mary gave the book to another.
I don't have any.
Does anybody have a clue?
Anyone can play that game.
Peter didn't see anything suspicious.
Each brought a dish to pass.
Everybody left town for the weekend.
Everyone enjoyed the movie.
Everything is taken care of.
Few visited that park.
Many called for information.
Jennifer told nobody her secret.
None came forward to claim the prize.
One could see the mountains from miles away.
Several signed the card.
The room is too gloomy for some.
Somebody called the store.
Joe gave the form to someone.
Possessive pronouns = Присвојни заменки Subject I You He She It We You (pl) They
Possessive Pronouns Mine ---мое Yours ----твое His ---негово Hers ----нејзино Its -----негово Ours ------нашо Yours -----вашо Theirs -----нивно
Примери: We have a dog. Our dog is very clever. Lea has a chihuahua. Her chihuahua is tiny. Sammy has a golden retriever. His golden retriever hunts ducks. My sisters are raising a poodle. Their poodle is doing calculus. I have a dachshund. My dachshund is always eating. The dog has a bed. Its/her/his bed is over there. Ours is very clever. (our dog) Hers is tiny. (her chihuahua) His is a duck hunter. (his golden retriever) Theirs is doing calculus. (their poodle) Mine is always eating. (my dachshund) Its/Hers/His is over there. (its bed)
Reciprocal pronouns = Реципрочни заменки
each other = eдни со други
one another = едни на други
Примери: Peter and Paul admire each other. Allie and Jerry loathe each other. The sisters were hugging one another. The gangsters were fighting one another. each other = се користи кога имаме 2 нешта. one another = се користи кога имаме 3 или повеке нешта.
Reflexive pronouns = Повратни заменки
reflexive pronoun singular
myself yourself himself, herself, itself
ourselves yourselves themselves
I like myself. He spoke to himself. She thumped herself. The dog bit itself.
I made myself a sandwich.(рефлексивна заменка) I made a sandwich for the President himself.(интензивна заменка) I gave myself plenty of time to get to work.(рефлексивна заменка) I myself am sick of the heat.(интензивна заменка)
Intensive pronouns = Интензивни заменки myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves. I bought myself a car. = reflexive pronoun I bought the car myself. = intensive pronoun He cut himself. = reflexive pronoun
He cut his hair himself. =
intensive pronoun
Relative pronouns = Релативни заменки that, which, whom, who, whoever, whomever and whichever тоа, што, кого, кој, кој, кого и во зависност од who, whom (се употребува за лица) which ( се употребува за предмети) which ( се употребува за лица и предмети) whose (за поседување) Примери: Spaghetti, which many of us enjoy, can be messy.
This is the book that everyone is talking about.
She wrote to the person whom she had met last month.
We didn’t bring the receipt, which was a big mistake.
I have a friend whose cat is annoying.
People who are clever can always find a way.
Grandma remembers a time when radio shows were popular.
Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.
This is the man who helped us. Функција во луге реценица Subject who, that (that, who, Object whom)* Possessive
место време
which, that (which, that)* where when whose, of which
I cannot believe that he said it. He who laughs last laughs best. The car, whose driver is a young man, is from Ireland
Член = The article Во англискиот јазик постојат два вида на членови и тоа: Одреден член ----- the Неодреден член------ a , an Одредениот член the се користи кога зборуваме за одредено лице,предмет или поим,места . The man, the woman, the house, the cinema,the theatre,the disco…. The telephone is ringing. Неодредениот член a се користи кога именката започнува со согласка. a book, a boy, a pen……………………….. Неодредениот член an се користи кога именката започнува со самогласка. an apple, an umbrella, an orange, an elephant………….. Please close the door. The cat sat on the couch. I am a journalist. Give me a book. An elephant and a mouse fell in love.
во англискиот јазик се поделени на: Помошни глаголи = Auxiliory verbs Безлични глаголи = Impersonal verbs
Непотполни глаголи = Defective verbs Правилни глаголи = Regular verbs Неправилни глаголи = Irregular verbs Преодни глаголи = Transative verbs Непреодни глаголи = Intpansitive verbs Повратни глаголи = Reflexive verbs Повеќе зборовни = Multi vords verbs Модални глаголи = Modals verbs
Помошни глаголи = Помошни глаголи се: Be = сум Do = прави Have = има
Auxiliory verbs
Question Singular Do I? Do you? Does he/she/it? Plural Do we? Do you? Do they?
VERB Question Singular Have I? Have you?
Positive Statement (spoken)
Negative Statement (spoken)
I do You do He/she/it does
I do not (I don't) You do not (You don't) He/she/it does not (He/she/it doesn't)
We do You do They do
We do not (We don't) You do not (You don't) They do not (They don't)
TO HAVE Positive Statement (spoken) I have (I've) You have (You've)
Has he/she/it? Plural Have we?
He/she/it has (He/she/it 's)
Have you?
You have (You've)
Have they?
They have (They've)
We have (We've)
I am a teacher. Am I a teacher? "Is this your coat"
Negative Statement (spoken)
I have not (I haven't/I've not) You have not (You haven't/You've not) He/she/it has not (He/she/it hasn't) We have not (We haven't/We've not) You have not (You haven't/You've not) They have not (They haven't/They've not)
TO BE = сум
John is angry. I have a job. I have a car. Do you have a car? He has a new guitar.
употребува I do not know the truth. прашални Did he finish his homework?
Безлични глаголи = (1) It rains. (2) It is cold. (3) It is growing dark. (4) It seems . (5) It is unclear. (6) It is snowing. It thunders.
во негативни и Реченици.
Impersonal verbs Врне. Студено. Се стемнува. Снег. Грми.
Ваквите глаголи се употребуваат само ви трето лице еднина ,најчесто ја објаснуваат временската состојба во природата.
Непотполни глаголи = Defective verbs beware can Can’t could Couldn’t may
Maun’t might Mighn’t must Mustn’t Oughtn’t
Правилни глаголи =
Regular verbs
Accept Achieve Add Admire Admit Adopt Advise Agree Allow Announce Appreciate Approve Argue Arrive Ask Assist Attack Bake Beg Behave Boil Borrow Brush
Accepted Achieved Added Admired Admitted Adopted Advised Agreed Allowed Announced Appreciated Approved Argued Arrived Asked Assisted Attacked Baked Begged Behaved Boiled Borrowed Brushed
Accepted Achieved Added Admirer Admitted Adopted Advised Agreed Allowed Announced Appreciated Approved Argued Arrived Asked Assisted Attacked Baked Begged Behaved Boiled Borrowed Brushed
Bury Call Challenge Change Chase Cheat Cheer Chew Clap Clean Collect Compare Complain Confess Construct Control Copy Count Create Cry Cycle Damage Dance Deliver Destroy Divide Drag Earn Employ Encourage Enjoy Establish
Buried Called Challenged Changed Chased Cheated Cheered Chewed Clapped Cleaned Collected Compared Complained Confessed Constructed Controlled Copied Counted Created Cried Cycled Damaged Danced Delivered Destroyed Divided Dragged Earned Employed Encouraged Enjoyed Established
Buried Called Challenged Changed Chased Cheated Cheered Chewed Clapped Cleaned Collected Compared Complained Confessed Constructed Controlled Copied Counted Created Cried Cycled Damaged Danced Delivered Destroyed Divided Dragged Earned Employed Encouraged Enjoyed Established
Estimate Exercise Expand Explain Fry Gather Greet Guess Harass Hate Help Hope Identify Interrupt Introduce Irritate Joke Jump Kick Kill Kiss Laugh Lie Like Listen Love Marry Measure Move Murder Need Obey
Estimated Exercised Expanded Explained Fried Gathered Greeted Guessed Harassed Hated Helped Hoped Identified Interrupted Introduced Irritated Joked Jumped Kicked Killed Kissed Laughed Lied Liked Listened Loved Married Measured Moved Murdered Needed Obeyed
Estimated Exercised Expanded Explained Fried Gathered Greeted Guessed Harassed Hated Helped Hoped Identified Interrupted Introduced Irritated Joked Jumped Kicked Killed Kissed Laughed Lied Liked Listened Loved Married Measured Moved Murdered Needed Obeyed
Offend Offer Open Paint Park Phone Pick Play Pray Print Pull Punch Punish Purchase Push Question Race Relax Remember Reply Retire Return Rub Scold Select Smoke Snore Stare Start Study Talk Thank
Offended Offered Opened Painted Parked Phoned Picked Played Prayed Printed Pulled Punched Punished Purchased Pushed Questioned Raced Relaxed Remembered Replied Retired Returned Rubbed Scolded Selected Smoked Snored Stared Started Studied Talked Thanked
Offended Offered Opened Painted Parked Phoned Picked Played Prayed Printed Puled Punched Punished Purchased Pushed Questioned Raced Relaxed Remembered Replied Retired Returned Rubbed Scolded Selected Smoked Snored Stared Started Studied Talked Thanked
Travel Trouble Type Use Visit Wait Walk Want Warn Wink Worry Yell
Travelled Troubled Typed Used Visited Waited Walked Wanted Warned Winked Worried Yelled
Travelled Troubled Typed Used Visited Waited Walked Wanted Warned Winked Worried Yelled
Неправилни глаголи = Irregular verbs Simple Present arise awake be bear beat become begin bend bet bite bleed blow break bring
Simple Past arose awoke was, were bore beat became began bent bet bit bled blew broke brought
Past Participle
arisen awoken been borne beaten or beat become begun bent bet bitten bled blown broken brought
build burn burst buy catch choose cling come cost creep cut deal dig dive do draw dream drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find fit flee fling fly forbid forget forgive
built burned or burnt burst bought caught chose clung came cost crept cut dealt dug dived or dove did drew dreamed or dreamt drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found fit, fitted fled flung flew forbade or forbad forgot
built burned or burnt burst bought caught chosen clung come cost crept cut dealt dug dived done drawn dreamed or dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found fit, fitted fled flung flown, forbidden or forbade
forgo freeze get give go grind grow hang have hear hide hit hold hurt keep kneel knit know lay lead leap leave lend let lie (down) light lose make mean meet pay prove
forgave forwent froze got gave went ground grew hung or hanged had heard hid hit held hurt kept knelt or kneeled knitted or knit knew laid led leapt or leaped left lent let lay lit or lighted lost made meant met paid
forgotten forgiven forgone frozen gotten or got given gone ground grown hung or hanged had heard hidden hit held hurt kept knelt or kneeled knitted or knit known laid led leapt or leaped left lent let lain lit or lighted lost made meant met
put quit read ride ring rise run saw say see seek sell send set sew shake shave shear shine shoot show shrink shut sing sink sit slay sleep slide sneak speak speed
proved put quit read rode rang rose ran sawed said saw sought sold sent set sewed shook shaved sheared shone or shined shot showed shrank or shrunk shut sang sank sat slew slept slid sneaked or snuck spoke
paid proved or proven put quit read ridden rung risen run sawed or sawn said seen sought sold sent set sewn or sewed shaken shaved or shaven sheared or shorn shone or shined shot shown or showed shrunk or shrunken shut sung sunk sat slain slept slid
spend spill spin spit split spread spring stand steal stick sting stink strew strike strive swear sweep swim swing take teach tear tell think thrive throw undergo understand upset wake wear weave
sped spent spilled or spilt spun spat or spit split spread sprang stood stole stuck stung stank or stunk strewed struck strove or strived swore swept swam swung took taught tore told thought thrived or throve threw underwent understood upset woke or waked wore
sneaked or snuck spoken sped spent spilled or spilt spun spat or spit split spread sprung stood stolen stuck stung stunk strewn struck or stricken striven or strived sworn swept swum swung taken taught torn told thought thrived or thriven thrown undergone understood upset
weep win wind withdraw wring write
wove wept won wound withdrew wrung wrote
woken or waked worn woven wept won wound withdrawn wrung written
Преодни глаголи = Transative verbs Преодни глаголи се оние глаголи со кои стои објект кој ја врши работата од глаголот. bring Please bring me a glass of water. buy Do not buy hamburgers at that restaurant. cost My coat cost a lot of money. get My children get good grades in school. give Our family gives gifts at Christmas. leave I leave home at 8:00 in the morning. lend Could you please lend me five dollars? make Did you make coffee this morning?
offer My boss offered me a great new job. owe I owe you ten dollars. pass All the students passed the test. pay Don't forget to pay the phone bill. play Jennifer loves playing the piano. promise She promised me she would come to the party. read They read the newspaper every day. refuse The customs officers refused to let me enter the country. send My girlfriend sends me an e-mail message every day. show My neighbour showed me her garden yesterday. sing Muriel sings songs at karaoke every Sunday night. take Travellers take planes or trains to their destinations.
teach Our parents teach us to be kind. tell The author tells a good story. write Tommy writes short stories about the South.
Непреодни глаголи = Intransitive verbs Непреодни глаголи се оние глаголи со кои неможе да стои објект и не стои. agree belong depend exist have lie occur sit swim
appear collapse die fall inquire live remain sleep vanish
arrive consist of disappear go knock look respond stand wake
become cost emerge happen laugh last rise stay wait
I laughed. I cried. The book fell. The horse galloped. The sun set. She smiles.
Повратни глаголи = Reflexive verbs Повратни глаголи се оние глаголи кај кои работата се
враќа на субјектот.Со ваквите глаголи стојат повратните заменки. Reflexive pronouns: MYSELF . . . HIMSELF . . . HERSELF . . . OURSELVES . . . ITSELF . . . THEMSELVES . I am teaching myself to play the piano. You might cut yourself. I taught myself to play the guitar. My cat always licks itself. I dress myself every morning.
Повеќе зборовни = Multi vords verbs Повеќе зборовните глаголи се делат на : Phrashal verbs Prepositional verbs Separable phrasal verbs Phrasal prepositional verbs
Phrashal verbs Овие глаголи се составени од глагол + прилог(Down | In | Into | Off | On | Out | Up ) Овие глаголи можат да бидат: Intransitive phrashal verbs (get up, break down…….) да немаат директен објект. He suddenly showed up. break down come over dress up drop by eat out fall through get by get up go back grow up pass out show up
shut up throw up Transitive phrashal verbs (put off, turn down……….) да имаат директен објект. I made up the story.
Prepositional verbs Овие глаголи се составени од глагол + предлог (in, for,after.........) wait for talk about look after believe in
He sent for his secretary. Separable phrasal verbs Овие повеќезборовни глаголи во реченицата се разделуваат. Turn the TV off. She looked the phone number up. I looked the word up in the dictionary. Inseparable phrasal verbs Oвие повеќезборовни глаголи неможат да се разделуваат во реченицата. get up make up look into back out of Phrasal Verb
Separable Meaning or Inseparable
Ask out
To ask someone to go out on a date.
To make something happen
about, bring on Bring up
1) To raise children 2) To raise a topic
Call back
Return someone's telephone call
Call in
Ask someone into an official place or office
Call off
Call on
Inseparable 1) Ask someone to do something 2) Visit
Call up
catch up
Inseparable To become equal or reach the same level
Check in, check into
Inseparable Register at a hotel or travel counter
Check out
Inseparable Leave a hotel
Check out of
Inseparable Leave a hotel
Cheer up
Make someone happy
Clean up
Tidy, make clean
Come across
Inseparable To find
Cross out
Cut out
Remove something or stop doing something annoying
Do over
Call someone on the telephone
Drop by
Inseparable Visit unexpectedly
Drop in
Inseparable Visit unexpectedly
Drop off
Drop out
Inseparable Stop attending a class
Figure out
Fill out
Complete a form
Fill in
Complete spaces on a form
Get along with
Inseparable Have a good relationship with
Get back from
1) 1) Return from somewhere Inseparable 2) Receive something originally 2) lent to another person Separable
Get in
Inseparable Enter
Get off
Inseparable Leave a bus, train, airplane
Get on
Inseparable Enter a bus, train, airplane
Get out of
Inseparable Leave a car
Get over
Inseparable Recover
Leave something somewhere
Get through Inseparable Survive Get up
Inseparable Stand up
Give back
Give up
Stop trying
Go over
Inseparable Review
Grow up
Inseparable Become an adult
Hand in
Give an assignment or project to a teacher
Hang up
Replace the telephone in the receiver
Have on
Keep out
Not enter
Keep up with
Inseparable Stay at the same level
Kick out
Look after
Inseparable Take care of
Look into
Inseparable Investigate
Ask to leave
Look out for Inseparable Watch for Look over
Look up
Try to find information
Make up
Pass away
Inseparable Die
Pass out
1) 1) Faint Inseparable 2) Distribute 2) Separable
Pick up
Pick out
Point out
Put away
Put in the proper place
Put back
Put off
Put on
Get dressed or dress someone
Put out
Put up with
Inseparable Tolerate
Run into
Inseparable Find or meet
Run across Inseparable Find or meet Run out of
Inseparable Come to the end of something
Show up
Inseparable Appear
Show off
Demonstrate something of envy
Shut off
Stop something from running
Take after
Inseparable Be like someone
Take off
Take out
1) Remove 2) Go on a date with someone
Take over
Take control
Take up
Inseparable Begin
Tear down
Demolish or destroy
Tear up
Rip into pieces
Think over
Consider, ponder
Throw away Separable
Throw out
Throw up
Inseparable Vomit
Try on
Turn down
Turn in
Go to bed
Turn off
Stop a machine
Turn on
Start a machine
Turn out
Put out a light
Turn up
Phrasal prepositional verbs Овие глаголи се составени од глагол +прилог+предлог.Овие се inseparable ( неделиви). examples
phrasalprepositional verbs
get on with
have a friendly relationship with
He doesn't get on with
his wife.
put up with
I won't put up with
your attitude.
look forward to
anticipate with pleasure
I look forward to
seeing you.
run out of
use up, exhaust
We have run out of
direct object
Модални глаголи = Modals verbs Модални глаголи се: can could
ought to
Can =може (I,you,he,she,we,you,they ) + Can + основа од глагол......... Го употребуваме да искажеме способност: I can make jewelry. Can’t speak French. Can you open this jar? I can speak Chinese. Го употребуваме за барање дозвола: Can I use your bathroom? Can I come with you? I can drive Susan's car when she is out of town. Го употребуваме за давање предлози за нешто: You can take this spot if you like. You can do whatever you want.
Could = можев (минато време од can) (I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they) + Could + основа од глагол......... Го употребуваме да искажеме способност што некој ја имал во минатото. I could swim when I was young. You could see the boat sinking. They could tell he was nervous. Да искаже можност: John could be the one who stole the money. John could have been the one who stole the money. John could go to jail for stealing the money. Could it be true?
May = може (I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they) + May + основа од глагол......... Го употребуваме кога бараме формално одобрение: May I come in?
May I say something now? May I ask one question? Го употребуваме за предложување нешто што е можно: She may agree with this plan.
They may not be happy about what happened.
It may shower tonight.
Might (МИНАТО ВРЕМЕ ОД MAY) (I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they) + Might + основа од глагол......... Го употребуваме за искажување помала можност: She might be on the bus. I think her car is having problems. I might go see a doctor. The store might have been closed today.
Must = мора (I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they) + must + основа од глагол......... Го употребуваме да искажеме нешто што е потребно: You must answer my question right now. I must complete the project by this week. You must not swim in that river. It's full of crocodiles. I must stop smoking. Се користи за нешто што не е многу веројатно: She must be very tired. He must be a genius. Искажување обврска: He must go today. They must work tomorrow.
Will = ќе (I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they) + Will + основа од глагол......... Го употребуваме за искажување работа за во иднина или предвидување: It will rain tomorrow. The news will spread soon.
Would = би ( минато време од will) Се користи за известување на она што некој кажува или мисли. He said he would be here at eight o'clock She asked if I would help. За понуди или покани: Would you like a sandwich? Would you have dinner with me on Friday. When I was a kid, I would always go to the beach. When he was young, he would always do his homework.
Shall = ќе (I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they) + Shall + основа од глагол......... Се употребува за давање предлози: Shall I help you? Shall we begin dinner? Се употребува за давање ветувања: I shall never forget where I came from. I shall take care of everything for you. Се употребува за поставување прашања: Shall we dance? Shall I go now?
Should = треба,мора Present (subject +should +oснова на глагол) She should study more. Past (subject +should +have + past participle од глагол) She should have studied more. Го употребуваме за препораки You should save some money. . People with high cholesterol should eat low-fat foods. Го употребуваме за искажување обврска I should be at work before 10:00.
We should return the video before the video rental store closes. Is should get back to work. Го употребуваме за давање совети You should eat less sugar.
ought to = треба да Се употребува за давање препораки You ought to stop smoking. Мary ought to exercise more. You ought to wear a raincoat. Се употребува да се искаже веројатност за нешто. If he started out at nine, he ought to be here by now. That ought to be enough food for the four of us.
Oughtn't the water to have boiled by now?
Модални глаголи што изразуваат способност: Modal verbs to express ability present can We use can when we speak about general ability in the present:
past could We use could when we speak about general ability in the past:
Picasso could paint when he Tommy can swim. was two. I can play the guitar. Can you I could swim before I could play? walk. The negative of can is can't
The negative of could is
couldn't (could not):
I can't ski and I can't skate.
I couldn't swim until I was ten.
Specific situations - can We also use can to speak about specific situations in the present: I can hear you but I can't see you. Can you hear me? - Yes, I can.
Specific situations - was able to / could We often use was able to when speaking about a specific situation: We fixed the car and then we were able to drive home. However, we prefer could to speak about a specific situation in the past when we use these verbs: see, hear, feel, smell, taste, remember, believe, understand, decide. They could smell smoke. I could understand him perfectly.
Questions about ability present
Questions about ability past
How many languages can you speak? Can you name all the capitals of Europe?
Could you write before you started school? Could you ride a bike when you were small?
Модални глаголи што изразуваат дозвола:
Modal verbs to express asking for, giving, and refusing
permission present or future
past tense
Giving permission: can
Permission in the past: could, was allowed to
We use can when we give someone permission to do something: You can bring a friend to the party if you want. You can borrow my phone if your battery is dead. We also use may for permission. May is more formal and is used less often than can: Passengers may take one small bag on board the plane. Saying "no" - refusing permission We use can't to say that something isn't permitted: You can't park here - it's private property. He can't drive my car; he doesn't have insurance. Must not / mustn't is also used, but is more formal and is often used on signs and in announcements:
We use could to say that something was permitted in the past: Many years ago you could smoke in cinemas, but now it's banned. We can also use was/were allowed to: We had to wear a tie at school but we were allowed to take it off in hot weather.
We use couldn't / wasn't allowed to to say that something was not permitted in the past: We couldn't cross the border without our passports.
Passengers must not speak to the driver while the bus is in motion. Asking for permission can, could, may
Questions about permission in the past was allowed to? / could?
We use can I? / could I / may I? to ask for permission: Can I speak to John Wilson, Were you allowed to stay up please? late when you were a child? Could you stay up late when Could is more formal and you were a child? polite than can: Could people travel between Could I speak to John Wilson, East and West Berlin during please? the Cold War? May is the most formal: May I speak to John Wilson, please?
Модални глаголи за изразување веројатност и сигурност: Present tense =сегашно време Must / can't - to express probability in the present Structure: modal + infinitive without to must be, must have, can't go, etc. We use must to express that we feel sure that something is true.
They are really good, they must win. They must be very rich. Look at the house.
We use can't to say we are sure that something is impossible.
She can't be ill. I've just seen her in the shop and she looked fine. It can't be true. I don't believe it.
May / might / could - to express probability in the present Structure: modal + infinitive without to may be, might do, could go, etc. We use may or could or might to say that it is possible that something will happen or is happening.
They may be arriving tomorrow. He might be away on holiday. He could be away on holiday. He might be offered the job.
The negative of may is may not. The negative of might is might not.
He might not be offered the job. I may not pass the exam. They both mean that it is possible I might not go to the match that something will not happen or tomorrow. I could not go to the match is not happening. tomorrow. We DO NOT use could not to express probability. Past tense = минато време Must / can't / couldn't have - to express probability in the past Structure: modal + have + past participle must have been, can't have gone, couldn't have gone We use must have to express that we feel sure that something was true.
They must have left early. He must have already gone.
We use can't have / couldn't have to say that we believe something was impossible.
He can't have escaped through this window. It is too small. She can't have said that. She couldn't have said that.
May / might / could have - to express probability in the past Structure: modal + have + past participle may have been, could have gone, might have lost
We use may / could / might have to say that it was possible that something happened in the past (but we are not 100% sure).
He may have missed the bus. The road might have been blocked.
The negatives are may not have and might not have.
He may not have left yet. The assistant might not have received his message.
Модални глаголи за изразување обврска: Should - to express obligation Structure: should + infinitive form of a verb: should be, should go, should do, etc. We use should for the present and the future. We use should to give advice to someone and to say that something is a good idea. Should is weaker than have to and must.
You should tell them the truth. You shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you. I don't think you should do it.
Should have - to express unfulfilled obligation in the past Structure: should + have + past participle
You should have told them the truth. You shouldn't have gone there We use should have for the past. it was a mistake. We use should have to say that I don't think you should have someone didn't do something but done it. it would have been better to do it.
Модални глаголи - минато време и негативна форма: Modal verbs in the past present
should be
should have been
could be
could have been
will be
would be
may be
may have been
might be
might have been
would be
would have been
Modal verbs - negative forms positive can (used for possibility)
negative can't / can not
It can happen; everything's possible.
It can't happen; it's impossible.
can (used for permission)
can't / cannot / mustn't
Can I smoke here? - Yes, you can.
You can't smoke here. You mustn't smoke here.
can (used for ability)
can't / cannot
I can play the guitar.
I can't play the guitar.
must / have to / has to (used for obligation)
don't have to / needn't
You don't have to be there at 8 You must be there at 8 o'clock. o'clock. You have to be there at 8 o'clock. You needn't be there at 8 o'clock. must (used for personal opinion, certainty) He must be here - I can see his car. might / may (used for personal opinion, certainty)
can't He can't be here - his car's not outside. may not / might not
He might/may not get here on He might/may be late today time - there's a lot of traffic on the there's a lot of traffic on the roads. roads. should (used for weak obligation / advice) You should stop smoking because it's unhealthy.
shouldn't You shouldn't smoke so much it's unhealthy. You shouldn't spend so much time watching TV.
voice Voice е форма на глагол. Постојат 2 специјални форм за глаголи и тоа: Active voice = Активна форма Passive voice = Пасивна форма
Active voice = Активна форма ---- Active voice е нормална форма на глаголот и во ова форма подметот односно subject прави акција (врши работа). Harry ate six shrimp at dinner. (active) Beautiful giraffes roam the savannah. (active) You are making too much noise. Ben will eat popcorn and watch a movie tomorrow evening. --- Passive voice е форма кога имаме ( be +past particip) The ball was thrown by me. The agent is unknown. Jack was kicked by Jill. The tray of food was dropped by the waiter.
Simple Present
Once a week, Tom cleans the house.
Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom.
Present Continuous
Right now, Sarah is writing the letter.
Right now, the letter is being written by Sarah.
Simple Past
Sam repaired the car.
The car was repaired by Sam.
Past Continuous
The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store.
The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store.
Present Perfect
Many tourists have visited that castle.
That castle has been visited by many tourists.
Present Perfect Continuous
Recently, John has been doing the work.
Recently, the work has been being done by John.
Past Perfect
George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic's license.
Many cars had been repaired by George before he received his mechanic's license.
Past Perfect Continuous
Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurant's fantastic dinners for two years before he moved to Paris.
The restaurant's fantastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years before he moved to Paris.
Simple Future will
Someone will finish the work by 5:00 PM.
The work will be finished by 5:00 PM.
Simple Future be going to
Sally is going to make a beautiful dinner tonight.
A beautiful dinner is going to be made by Sally tonight.
Future Continuous will
At 8:00 PM tonight, John will be washing the dishes.
At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes will be being washed by John.
Future Continuous be going to
At 8:00 PM tonight, John is going to be washing the dishes.
At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes are going to be being washed by John.
Future Perfect will
They will have completed the project before the deadline.
The project will have been completed before the deadline.
Future Perfect be going to
They are going to have completed the project before the deadline.
The project is going to have been completed before the deadline.
Future Perfect Continuous will
The famous artist will have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished.
The mural will have been being painted by the famous artist for over six months by the time it is finished.
Future Perfect Continuous be going to
The famous artist is going to have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished.
The mural is going to have been being painted by the famous artist for over six months by the time it is finished.
Used to
Jerry used to pay the bills.
The bills used to be paid by Jerry.
Would Always
My mother would always make the pies.
The pies would always be made by my mother.
Future in the Past Would
I knew John would finish the work by 5:00 PM.
I knew the work would be finished by 5:00 PM.
Future in the Past Was Going to
I thought Sally was going to make a beautiful dinner tonight.
I thought a beautiful dinner was going to be made by Sally tonight.
Participle form Имаме два вида на Participle и тоа:
participle (to be +инфинитив од глагол со наставка -
participle Present participle се прави така сто на инфинитивот од глаголот се додава наставката -ing. He came reading around the corner. I am learning English. I am reading / I was reading.
*Past participle *Past participle се прави така што на инфинитивот од глаголот ја додаваме наставката -ed.( за правилни глаголи) finished played arrived surfed Но , неправилните глаголи имаат различни Past participle и тие се учат напамет од третата колона од табелата на неправилни глаголи. Present Past Past Participle be was, were been
become became begin began
become begun
Infinitive Infinitive e форма to.
се прави така што пред глаголот додаваме
to + verb = infinitive Бидејки Infinitive не е глагол и неможе да додаваме наставки. to sleep to be to love……………….
може да биде именка: To learn is important. To dance was his ambition. His ambition was to dance. He wants to learn.
може да биде придавка: They need water to drink. This is the game to watch.
Infinitive може да биде прилог: The officer returned to help. Фирми на инфинитив: Инфинитив со to: Со глаголите: want, wish, agree, fail, mean, decide, learn Со помините глаголи: to be to, to have to, and ought to. Со 'it is + adjective + to-infinitive' The elephant decided to marry the mouse. The mouse agreed to marry the elephant. You will have to ask her. You are to leave immediately. He ought to relax. She has to go to Berlin next week. It's easy to speak English. It is hard to change jobs after twenty years. It's stupid to believe everything you hear.
Инфинитив без to: I would rather visit Rome. She would rather live in Italy. Would you rather eat steak or fish? He would rather work in a bank. I'd rather be a forest than a tree.
The perfect infinitive: to have + past participle to have broken, to have seen, to have saved. I am glad to have found my soul mate. She seems to have quit the job The continuous infinitive: to be + present participle, to be swimming, to be joking, to be waiting I'm glad to be sitting here. The perfect continuous infinitive: to have been + present participle He must have been waiting for ages. The passive infinitive: to be + past participle, to be given, to be shut, to be opened Your composition has to be typed.
Simple infinitive Continuous infinitive Perfect infinitive Perfect continuous infinitive
Active (to) write (to) be writing (to) have written (to) have been writing
Gerund infinitive + -ing
Passive (to) be written (to) be being written (to) have been written (to) have been being written
Gerund е форма кога на глаголот ја додаваме наставката – ing. Тогаш тој збор станува именка.( subject или object или Subject Complements. Subjects Swimming is excellent exercise. Drinking too much coffee gives him a headache. Objects He dislikes doing homework. The manager suggested having our meeting away from the office. Subject Complements His hobby is playing computer games. My least favorite chore is cleaning the bathroom. His problem is not coming to class on time. Active Passive Simple gerund writing being written having been Perfect gerund having written written
active Simple gerund === verb + ing Perfect gerund ===Having +verb во past participle
pasive Simple gerund === being +verb во past participle Perfect gerund ===hav(ing)+been+verb во past participle GERUND FORMS
The teacher enjoys teaching.
The teacher wants to teach.
Mr. Smith is really enjoying teaching his class. Looks the same as simple form above.
Mr. Smith would like to be teaching his class.
The students enjoy being taught.
The students want to be taught.
The retired teacher recalled having taught.
The teacher was expecting to have taught that already.
The students are enjoying being taught by such an exciting new teacher. Looks the same as the passive form above.
The students would like to be being taught by Mr Smith.
The older students recalled having been taught that already.
The students were expecting to have been taught that by now.
Во англискиот јазик постојат и други видови на зборови и тоа: Idioms (изрази ,зборови или фрази составени од два или повеќе зборови кои сите заедно имаат поразлично значење од значењето кога се сами.) A hot potato A penny for your thoughts Actions speak louder than words Add insult to injury An arm and a leg At the drop of a hat Back to the drawing board Ball is in your court Barking up the wrong tree Be glad to see the back of Beat around the bush Best of both worlds Best thing since sliced bread Bite off more than you can chew Blessing in disguise
Burn the midnight oil Can't judge a book by its cover Caught between two stools Costs an arm and a leg Cross that bridge when you come to it Cry over spilt milk Curiosity killed the cat Cut corners Cut the mustard Devil's Advocate Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched Don't give up the day job Don't put all your eggs in one basket Drastic times call for drastic measures Elvis has left the building Every cloud has a silver lining Far cry from Feel a bit under the weather Give the benefit of the doubt Hear it on the grapevine Hit the nail on the head Hit the sack / sheets / hay In the heat of the moment It takes two to tango Jump on the bandwagon Keep something at bay Kill two birds with one stone Last straw Let sleeping dogs lie Let the cat out of the bag Make a long story short Method to my madness Miss the boat Not a spark of decency Not playing with a full deck Off one's rocker On the ball Once in a blue moon Picture paints a thousand words Piece of cake
Put wool over other people's eyes See eye to eye Sit on the fence Speak of the devil! Steal someone's thunder Take with a grain of salt Taste of your own medicine To hear something straight from the horse's mouth Whole nine yards Wouldn't be caught dead Your guess is as good as mine Idioms, with definitions or synonyms all of a sudden - suddenly all the same - no difference as a rule - usually, generally as for - in reference to at all - (not) in the smallest degree at this point - at this time be about to do something - be close to doing something be broke - have no money at all be in charge of something - be responsible for something be in good health - be healthy be in poor health - not healthy be in good shape - be physically fit be in bad shape - be in bad state
Examples All of a sudden, he quit his job and left town. If it's all the same to you, let's go there by bus. As a rule, he goes for a walk after dinner. As for me, I liked the book very much. As for the trip, let's talk about it tomorrow. She doesn't speak English at all. At this point, we can't turn back. I was about to leave when you called. I spent all my money. I'm broke. He is in charge of marketing. She is in good health. She is in poor health. He exercises regularly, and he is in good shape. The patient is in bad shape. His affairs are in bad shape.
be on one's way be out of date - be outdated
I'm on my way. This information is out of date. Who is to blame for this awful be to blame - be responsible for a mistake? Tom is to blame for this mistake, for something wrong mix-up. be used to something - be I'm used to hard work. He's used to accustomed to something hot weather. Learn this poem by heart for by heart - by memorizing tomorrow. by oneself (by myself, by himself, She likes to spend an evening by etc.) - alone; on one's own herself. He did it by himself. By the way, Ann is coming back by the way - incidentally today. His dream came true when he met come true - become reality Kate. I did my best to help him in his do one's best - try very hard work. Every now and then I visit my old every now and then - occasionally aunt. She washes her hair every other every other - every second one day. Tom fell in love with Sue at first fall in love - begin to love sight. feel like doing something - want to do; I don't feel like going for a walk. I'd be inclined to do something rather watch TV. After her death he left town for for good - forever good. for the time being - for now; at this For the time being, this house is all time right for us. From now on I forbid you to go from now on - since now there. get in touch with someone - contact Get in touch with Mr. Smith for help. someone get lost - lose one's way She got lost in the old part of town. I got mixed up and went the wrong get mixed up - get confused way.
get rid of something or someone He got rid of his old useless car. dispose of; discard get to the point - speak directly about Please get to the point. I don't have the subject; come to the point much time now. Can you give me a hand with give someone a hand - help someone cooking? give someone a lift; give someone a Can you give me a lift to the bank? ride - take someone to some place by He gave her a ride in his new car Porsche. He told her about his plan in in advance - well before advance. In fact, he works as a manager in fact - actually; in reality here. in general - generally; generally In general, he likes to be alone. He speaking described the place only in general. In other words, you left her when in other words - using other words she needed your help. in time (to do something) - early I came in time to have a cup of enough; before something begins coffee before class. it's time - should do it right away Hurry up. It's time to go. Watch this film. It's worth it. Don't It's worth it. It's not worth it. buy this coat. It is not worth it. Take a little more money, just in just in case - to be on the safe side case. They lost my job application. Just Just my luck! - Bad luck! Hard luck! my luck! keep in mind - bear in mind; consider; Keep in mind that he may not like remember this idea. keep in touch - keep in contact by Good-by! Keep in touch! calling, visiting, etc. You promised to help me. Keep keep one's word - fulfill a promise your word. let it go - forget bad experience; You can't change anything, so let it return to normal life go. Little by little, they saved enough little by little - step by step; gradually money to buy a car.
lose one's way - get lost make friends - become friends make fun of someone or something laugh at; joke about make sense - be logical make up one's mind - decide Make yourself at home. - Be comfortable; feel at home. never mind - don't worry about it not to mention - in addition to no wonder - not surprising on credit - not having to pay cash right away on guard - on the alert on hand - available on one's own (on my own, on your own, on his own, etc.) - alone; by oneself on purpose - intentionally on second thought - after thinking again on the alert - on guard on the other hand - considering the other side of the question on time - punctually; at the specified time out of the question - impossible pay attention - be attentive right away - immediately
I lost my way. Can you help me? Anton makes new friends easily. He made fun of her German accent. What you say makes sense. Will you go there? Make up your mind. Come in, please. Make yourself at home. I'm sorry. I lost your book. - Never mind. We have three dogs, not to mention two cats. He ate three big fish. No wonder he is sick. He bought a car on credit. He is always cautious and on guard. Do you have a calculator on hand? She likes to live and work on her own. I decided to do it on my own. I didn't do it on purpose. It just happened so. I'd like to sit on the aisle. On second thought, I'd like a window seat. He is always cautious and on the alert. I'd like to have a dog. On the other hand, my wife likes cats. Jim is always on time. Paying him is out of the question! Pay attention to his words. It' very important to do it right away.
So far, I have read five books by Stephen King. take a break - stop for rest Let's take a break. I'm tired. take care of someone or something - Can you take care of my dog while look after; see that something is done I'm away? Tom takes good care of properly his car. take into account - consider You must take into account her old something age and poor health. take it easy - relax; be calm Take it easy. Everything will be OK. Mary is going to take part in the take part in something - participate show. The accident took place on Oak take place - happen Street. It takes time to get used to a new take time - take a long time place. We went to Minsk by car. We didn't take turns - alternate doing something get tired because we took turns one after another driving. That's just the point. - That's it. That's just the point! I hate this job! that will do - it's enough Stop reading. That will do for now. under the weather - feeling a little ill, a I'm a little under the weather today. little unwell (be) up to date - modern, latest, His reports are always up to date. current He used to live on Maple Street. I used to do something - did something used to play the piano when I was regularly in the past but not now in school. What's the matter? What What's the matter? - What is it? happened? would rather - prefer I'd rather stay at home today. so far - up to now
Compound words = Сложени зборови Овие зборови се сложени бидејќи се составени од два збора . Is this the bus stop for the noun + noun bus stop number 12 bus?
In the tropics you can see fire-flies at night. football Shall we play football today? I always feel crazy at full full moon moon. Clean the blackboard blackboard please. I can't install this software on software my PC. We always eat breakfast at breakfast 8am. washing Put the clothes in the red machine washing machine. swimming What a beautiful swimming pool pool! sunrise I like to get up at sunrise. haircut You need a haircut. train-spotting His hobby is train-spotting. Please remember that checkcheck-out out is at 12 noon. mother-inMy mother-in-law lives with law us. Do you think the police accept underworld money from the underworld? We need 10 truckfuls of truckful bricks. fire-fly
+ noun
verb(-ing) + noun
+ verb(-ing)
+ preposition
prepositional phrase
preposition + noun noun
+ adjective
aftereffect, afterthought, aircushion, airman airplane, airport, airtight, another, anybody, anyhow, anyone, anything, anyplace, anytime, anyway, anywhere, armhole, artwork. backbone, backside, backspace, backwater, backwoods, bagpipes,
basketwork, bathroom, become, bedroom, beeswax, bird's-eye, birthday, birthrate, birthright, blackberry, blackbird, blackboard, blackout, blood-vessel, bluebell, bookkeeper, bookmark, bookshelf, bookworm, brakeman, breath-taking, brickwork brother-in-law, brushwood, businessman, buttercup, buttermilk, buttonhole, buttonhook, bygone. cardboard, carefree, caretaker, clockwork, commonsense, copyright, cupboard, countryside . daylight, doorway, downfall, download, drainpipe . earring, ear-ring, earthwork, evergreen, everybody, everyday, everyone, everything, everywhere, eyeball . farmhouse, father-in-law, fatherland, fingerprint, firearm, fireboat, fireengine, firefly, fireman, fireplace, fireworks, first-rate, football, footlights, footman, footnote, footprint, footstep, footway . gasworks, goldfish, , good-morning, goodnight, gunboat, guncarriage, gunmetal, gunpowder . haircut, handbook, handgrip, handgun, handwork, handwriting, headdress, headland, headstone, headway, hereafter, herewith, herself, highlands, highway, himself, horseback, horseplay, horsepower, hourglass, houseboat, housekeeper, however . inasmuch, income, indoors, inland, inlay, inlet, input, inside, instep, into, itself . keyboard, keyhole, keystone, keyword . landmark, landowner, landslip, lighthouse, looking-glass, lookout . manhole, milkman, month-end, moonlight, mother-in-law, myself . needlework, newborn, newcomer, network, newspaper, nobody, notebook, nothing, nowhere . offspring, oncoming, oneself, onlooker, onto, ourself, outbuilding, outburst, outcome, outcry, outdoor, outgoing, outhouse, outlaw,
outlet, outline, outlook, output, outside, outskirts, outstretched, overacting, overall, overbalancing, overbearing, overcoat, overcome, overdo, overdressed, overdrink, overfull, overhanging, overhead, overhear, overheat, overland, overleaf, overload, overlook, overseas, oversee, overseer, overshoe, overstatement, overstretched, overtake, overtaxed, overtime overturned, overuse, overvalued, overweight, overworking . paperback, paperwork, peacekeeper, pincushion, plaything , policeman, postman, postmark, postoffice. railroad, railway, roadway, runaway . sailboat, sailcloth, sailmaker, schoolhouse, schoolroom, seaman, secondhand, shoemaker, shorthand, shutdown, sideboard, sidewalk, sister-in-law, somebody, someday, somehow, someone, something, sometime, somewhat, somewhere, son-in-law, starfish, starlight, starship, startup, steamboat, steamship, stonework, storehouse, straightforward, suchlike, sunburn, sunbrown, sunlight, sunshade, sweetheart . themselves, throughway, today, tonight, tradesman . underclothes, undercooked, underdone, undergo, undergrowth, underhand, undermined, undersigned, undersized, understatement, undertake, undervalued, update, upkeep, uplift, upload, upon, upright, uptake, username . viewpoint . warship, waterfall, waterway, website, weekend, well-being, well-off, whatever, whenever, whereas, whereby, wherever, whichever, whitewash, whoever, windpipe, within, without, woodwork, workhouse , workman, workplace, workstation, wrongdoing. yearbook, year-end, yearlong, year-long, yourself .
determiners words = определители Овие зборови секогаш стојат пред именката и ја определуваат. Во оваа група на зборови спаѓаат: Articles ( the, a an) Demonstratives (this, that, these and those) Possessives your, their
(possessives adjectives= my, your, his, her, its, our,
possessive pronouns= mine, his, hers, yours, ours, their.)
Quantifiers се придавки или фрази кои служат за да се одговори на две прашања: 1. How many? 2. How much? count nouns: many a few few several a couple of none of the non-count nouns: not much a little little a bit of a good deal of a great deal of no both count and non-count nouns: all of the some most of the
enough a lot of lots of plenty of a lack of Only with uncountable nouns How much? a little a bit (of) a great deal of a large amount of -
With uncountable and countable nouns How much? or How many? no/none not any some (any) a lot of plenty of lots of
Only with countable nouns How many? a few a number (of) several a large number of a great number of
Distributives Distributives
се зборови или изрази кои се однесуваат на некоја група или на поедини членови од некоја група. Овие зборови секогаш стојат пред именките. Distributives: each, every, either, neither, another, other EACH, EVERY, EITHER, and NEITHER можеме да ги користиме со именки во еднина. Each man is wearing a hat. EACH, EITHER, and NEITHER можеме да ги користиме и во множина , но после нив треба да додадеме of. Each of the men is wearing a hat. Each се употребува кога се работи за членови на група поединци. Each boy was given a watch. Each of the boys was given a watch. Either and Neither се користат кога се споредуваат две работи. Either се користи за позитивни реценици .Neither се користи во
негативни реченици. Neither answer is correct. Either parent is going to look for their son’s bully.
DIFFERENCE WORDS OTHER==друг ANOTHER = =други Another is used with singular nouns. Other with singular or plural. Have you got any other questions? Some children learn quickly but other children need more time. We need another plate. Please give me another chance. Let's meet another day. I'd like another piece of cake.
Syonym Syonym се зборови (изрази) кои се пишуваат
различно, но
имаат исто или слично значење. Adjectives
Homonyms Homonyms
се зборови (изрази) со ист или сличен правопис и изговор, но сосема различно значење. AIR – HEIR AISLE – ISLE ALTAR – ALTER BAND – BAND BANK – BANK BARE – BEAR – BEAR BARK – BARK BAT – BAT BE – BEE BEAT – BEET BOUGH– BOW– BOW
Heteronyms се зборови (изрази) со ист или сличен правопис, но различен изговор и значење. Affect (verb) and affect (noun, in psychology)
Agape (a mouth) and agape, and also a term for a
Alternate (adjective) and alternate (verb)
Appropriate (adjective) and appropriate (verb)
Bases (plural of basis) and bases (plural of base, but also a near-homonym for basis)
bass(fish) and bass (voice)
Bow (defer) and bow (for violin)
Buffet and buffet
Close (adjective) and close (verb)
Console (verb) and console (noun)
Contents (noun) and contents (verb, usually reflexive, third person singular; but also works in the first person with the singular form of the noun)
Contract and contract
Contrary and contrary
Converse (verb) and converse (noun)
Coordinates (verb) and coordinates (mathematical or cartological noun)
Defect (verb) and defect (noun)
Delegate (verb) and delegate (noun)
Denier (one who denies something, such as the holocaust) and denier (unit of measurement for the fineness of silk, nylon and
other fabrics)
Desert (noun) and desert (verb), though the latter is a homophone for dessert (noun)
Deliberate (adjective) and deliberate (verb)
Does (verb) and does (plural noun)
Dogged (one syllable) and dogged (two syllables)
Dove (the bird) and dove (past tense of dive)
Entrance (noun) and entrance (verb)
Essay (noun) and essay (verb)
Evening (noun) and evening (verb)
Grave (to rhyme with 'halve') and grave (to rhyme with 'gave')
Import (verb) and import (noun; for example, close synonym for importance)
Incense (noun) and incense (verb)
Invalid (adjective) and invalid (noun)
Intimate (adjective) and intimate (verb)
Lead (metal) and lead (verb)
lied(musical noun) and lied (verb, past tense)
Liver (internal organ) and liver ("a name arbitrarily given to the bird figured in the arms of the city of Liverpool"
Minute (noun) and minute (adjective)
Moped (noun) and moped (verb, past perfect tense)
None (to rhyme with "nun") and none (may be attended by a
Number (noun) and number (relative form of numb)
Pace (by the leave of) and pace (footstep/speed)
Pasty (noun) and pasty (adjective)
Plaque and plaque
Present (verb) and present (noun)
Project (noun) and project (verb)
Pussy (adjective) and pussy (noun, meaning cat. Settle down, class.)
Putting (not golf) and putting (golf)
Recreation and recreation
Recover (from illness or other misfortune) and recover (while restoring furniture, for example)
Refuse (verb) and refuse (noun)
Resign (as in resignation) and resign (as in signature)
Routed (in battle) and routed (via a computer network)
Row (argue, argument) and row (line)
Seconded and seconded
Severer (more severe) and severer (one who severs)
Sewer (one who sews) and sewer (sanitation infrastructure)
Sin (mathematical) and sin (theological). This is a triple heteronym, according to someone who knows better than I how to pronounce Sin, the Akkadian god of the moon.
Skied (past tense of ski) and skied (an old cricketing term,
Slough (verb) and slough (noun)
sow(noun) and sow (verb)
Supply (verb or noun) and supply (adverb from 'supple'; this spelling is preferable to 'supplely', according to the Oxford Spelling Dictionary.)
Swinging and swinging (alternative spelling of 'swingeing', according to the OED)
Tear (verb) and tear (noun)
Tier (noun, one who ties something) and tier (noun, a level or layer)
Unionized (meaning formed a union) and unionized (reverse of ionized)
Wicked (two syllables) and wicked (one syllable)
Wind (noun) and wind (verb, to rhyme with bind)
Whoops (verb) and whoops (exclamation)
Whooping (in which the 'h' is silent) and whooping, in which the 'w' is silent. Since the latter only occurs in 'whooping cough'
Worsted (yarn or fabric) and worsted (opposite of bested)
Wound (noun) and wound (past tense of wind)
Zoon (two syllables; scientific noun) and zoon (one syllable; verb, meaning a style of preaching or praying)
Homophones Homophones се зборови (изрази) кои исто се изговараат ,но имаат
различно значење и правопис. air
complement compliment dam
Heterograph Heterograph се зборови кои се напишани различно. Right write Warn worn Role roll Sight site Red read Reed read Due dew Dye die What watt Peel peal Reel real Raise raze Wait weight Piece peace Please pleas Jeans genes Throne thrown Groan grown Pale pail Male mail Lie lye Pain pane Team teem Seam seem Pair pear Boy buoy Whale wail Bale bail Ail ale Aisle isle Fair fare Hair hare Stair stare Chord cord Board bored Where wear
изговараат исто но се
Bare Saw Raw Sure Paw Or Oar Hour Steal Heal For Tore Buy Rain
bear sore roar shore pore oar ore our steel heel four tour by reign
Homographs Homographs се зборови кои имаат исти правопис но различно значење. arms (weapons) arms (part of body) ball (sphere) ball (dance) band (music makers) band (strap) bass (low musical sound) bass (fish) * bear (animal) bear (carry) bluff (steep embankment) bluff (fool) boil (bubble) boil (skin sore) bow (bend) bow (part of ship) bow (weapon) * box (container) box (hit) box (shrub) brush (tool) brush (undergrowth) can (container) can (able) case (container) case (condition) colon (part of body) colon (punctuation mark)
count (royalty) count (number) date (fruit); date (on calendar) date (companion) down (feathers) down (direction) down (grassland) duck (bird) duck (avoid) duck (cloth) fan (admirer) fan (cooling device) fast (quick) fast (starve) fine (good quality) fine (payment for wrongdoing) firm (hard) firm (company) fly (insect) fly (move through air) fly (flap of cloth covering pant zipper) fresh (new) fresh (bold) gum (chewing treat) gum (mouth part) hold (grasp) hold (part of ship) jam (preserved fruit) jam (squeeze) jam (impromptu music) lap (part of body) lap (course) lap (drink) lean (slant) lean (thin) left (direction) left (went) lie (untruth) lie (recline) loaf (lounge) loaf (bread) lumber (wood) lumber (walk slowly) mole (skin spot) mole (animal) page (call) page (of paper) page (youth) pen (for writing) pen (enclosure) pitcher (container) pitcher (in baseball) pop (sound) pop (popular) pop (father) pop (soda)
pound (weight) prune (fruit) pupil (part of eye) racket (for tennis) ring (circle) row (in a line) sock (hit) tap (hit lightly) swallow (bird) well (good) nail (body part)
pound (kennel) pound (hit) prune (cut) pupil (student) racket (scheme) racket (noise) ring (sound of bell) row (with oars) row (fight)* sock (stocking) tap (faucet) swallow (gulp) well (for water) nail (hit with a hammer)
Homonym = same spelling + same pronunciation + different meaning Homograph = same spelling (with same pronunciation or not) + different meaning Homophone = same pronunciation (with same spelling or not) + different meaning Heteronym = same spelling + different pronunciation + different meaning A word with: Same spelling + same pronunciation + same meaning = same word! Same spelling + same pronunciation + different meaning = homograph, homophone and homonym Same spelling + different pronunciation + different meaning = homograph and heteronym
different spelling + same pronunciation + different meaning = homophone
Tenses = времиња Англискиот јазик има три основни глаголски времиња и тоа: 1.Сегашно време = Present tens 2.Минато време = Past tens 3.Идно време = Future tens 1.Сегашно време = Present tens 1.Сегашното време е поделено на:
*Сегашно просто време = Present simple tense *Сегашно трајно време = Present continuous tense *Сегашно сложено време = Present perfect tense *Сегашно трајно сложено време = Present perfect continuous tense
*Сегашно просто време = Present simple tense
Present simple tense се прави од сите глаголи така што прво се зема subject а потоа главен глагол , но во трето лице еднина се додава наставката –s или es. Subject Verb I / you / we / they + speak / learn he / she / it
speaks / learns
Формула: Subject + Verb+(s, es за трето лице еднина) + Object Ако глаголите завршуваат на -O, -CH, -SH, -SS, -X, или-Z тогаш додаваме -es за трето лице еднина. go – goes
catch – catches
wash – washes
kiss – kisses
fix – fixes
buzz – buzzes
Ако глаголите завршуваат на y ,a пред неа е согласка(consonant) тогаш y се претвора во i и тогаш се додава наставката es.(за трето лице еднина) marry – marries
study – studies
carry – carries
worry – worries
Ако глаголите завршуваат на –y, a пред неа самогласка(vowel) тогаш ја додаваме наставката –s.(за трето лице еднина) play – plays
enjoy – enjoys
say – says
I always eat a salad for lunch. I live in New York. John drives a taxi. Some birds sleep by day and hunt by night.
Present simple tense можеме да го препознаваме по зборовите кои најчесто се употребуваат во ова време . Always - секогаш often - често usually - обично sometimes - понекогаш seldom - ретко never - никогаш every day - секој ден every week - секој викенд every year - секоја година on Mondays - во понеделник........... after school - после училиште........... Негативна форма се прави така што се зема прво subject, потоа сегашно време од помошниот глагол to do +негација not и на крај главниот глагол. Формула: Subject + Do not(Does not за трето лице еднина ) + Verb + object I do not play football. He does not play football. Прашална форма се прави така што прво се зема сегашно време од помошниот глагол to do,потоа subject ,па главен глагол и на крај оbject. Формула: Do(Does за трето лице еднина) + Subject + Verb + object Do I play football? Does he play football?
Present simple tense се користи: За искажување на работа која се повторува од навика или нешто што често се случува или не се случува. She always forgets her purse. He never forgets his wallet. I always come to school by car. I play football every weekend. She never plays football. My friend often draws posters. За потврдување на позната истина. It rains a lot in winter. The sun sets in the West. Wood floats on water. The sun rises in the East. Two and two make four. За давање упатства. You walk for two hundred metres, then you turn left. First you roll out the pastry, then you cut circles with a cup or a glass. Go straight on to the traffic lights, then you turn right. Open your books at page 50. За искажување на работа чие траење не е одредено. I write. Јас пишувам.(не се знае до кога ќе пишувам) I work. Јас работам.(не се знае до кога ќе работам) За искажување на настани за во блиска иднина. The party starts at 5 o'clock. The train leaves tonight at 7 PM. The train departs in 20 minutes.
*Сегашно трајно време = Present continuous tense Present continuous tense се прави така што се зема прво subject ,потоа сегашно време од глаголот to be ,потоа главниот глагол со додавање на наставката –ing. Формула: Subject + is/ am/are + Verb + ing + Object
I am playing cricket. He is driving a car. Негативна форма се прави така што се додава негација not помеѓу помошниот глагол to be и главниот глагол . Формула: subject +is/am/are +not +verb+ing+object I am not playing cricket. He is not driving a car. They are not reading their lessons. Прашална форма се прави така што ги заменуваме местата на помошниот глагол to be и subject. Така што прво пишуваме сегашно време од глаголот to be потоа subject,потоа главниот глагол со наставката -ing. Формула: Is/am/are + Subject + Verb + ing + Object Am I playing cricket? Is He driving a car? Are they reading their lessons?
Present continuous tense се користи: Да искаже работа која се врши и за време додека зборуваме за тоа. The kids are watching TV. They are doing their homework. The telephone is ringing! Да искажеме работа која се случува околу нас но не мора да е во моментот работена. I am reading a really interesting book now. We are studying English . Jenny is working in a restaurant this week. Да искаже работа што ке се случува во блиска иднина (планирани настани.) Mary is coming for dinner tomorrow. We are having lunch at 13.30 o'clock. I am going to the cinema tonight. They're coming to the party at the weekend. Зборови од кои најчесто го препознаваме ова време се:
at the moment
at this moment
right now
in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening
at noon / tonight
next ...
this week / this month / this year at the moment
now / just now / right now
more and more He is now watching TV. She is just learning English. They are spending this week in Paris. I'm leaving for Vienna tomorrow morning. He's studying right now. More and more people are becoming vegetarian. Are they visiting you next winter?
*Сегашно сложено време = Present perfect tense Present perfect tense jа искажува работата во минатото што се случила во некое неодредено времепред сегашноста, тука се изразува поврзаноста помеѓу минатото и сегашноста. Точното време не е
Present perfect tense се прави така што се зема прво subject потоа помошниот глагол to have потоа past participle од главниот глагол и на крајот доаѓа оbject. Формула: Subject + has/have + Past Participle (verb) + Object I have known Mary since 2000. You have gone to school. He has already arrived in Catalonia. Од неправилните глаголи ја гледаме третата колона и го земаме паст партиципот а на правилните глаголи паст партиципле правиме се додавање на наставката -ed. Arriv +ed Негативна форма се прави така што се додава негација not помеѓу помошниот глагол have и главниот глагол. Формула: Subject + has/have not+ Past Participle (verb) + Object I have not known Mary since 2000. You have not gone to school. He has not already arrived in Catalonia. I have not studied for three hours today. Прашална форма се прави така што ги заменуваме местата на помошниот глагол have и subjekt. Have I known Mary since 2000? Have You gone to school? Has He already arrived in Catalonia?
Present perfect tense се користи: Споделување некое искуство доживеано или не. I have been to France three times. I have never been to France. He has never traveled by train. Работи кои започнале во минатото и уште продолжуваат. He has lived in Canada for five years. She has worked at the University since 1994. Работи кои се случиле во минатото но имаат ефект во сегашноста односно во моментот на зборувањето. I have buoght a car.
I have cleaned my room. Неодамна завршени работи. He has just played handball. The bus has just arrived. She has cooked dinner. Зборови (кои може да ги има но не мора) по кои можеме да го препознаваме ова време се: just I have made a special dish just for you. yet She hasn't found the time yet. never She has never been so surprised. already We have seen this movie already. ever Have you ever read books? so far up to now recently since You have been sick since last week. for I have thought about it for two hours.
*Сегашно трајно сложено време = Present
perfect continuous tense Present perfect continuous tense се прави така што прво се зема subject потоа сегашно време од помошниот глагол have (have/has) потоа past participle од помошниот глагол be(been) , потоа главниот глагол сo додавање на наставката –ing и на крај object . Формула: Subject + have/has +been Verb + ing + Object You have been watching TV for the last five hours. You have been playing handball. He has been painting the house for 5 hours. Негативна форма се прави така што се додава негација not помеѓу помошниот глагол have и past participle been. Формула: Subject + have/has not +been Verb + ing + Object You have
been watching TV for the last five hours.
You have not been playing handball. He has not been painting the house for 5 hours. Прашална форма се прави така што ги заменуваме местата на subject и помошниот глагол have. Формула: Have/has+ Subject + been Verb + ing + Object Have you been watching TV for the last five hours? Have you been playing handball. Has he been painting the house for 5 hours.
Present perfect continuous tense се користи: Работа која започнала во минатото и продолжува во сегашноста. I have been reading for 2 hours. We've been waiting for the bus for hours. I have been working all afternoon. He hasn't been talking to me for weeks. Работа која се вршела и штотуку престанала. I'm tired, because I've been running. I'm so tired, I've been studying. I've been reading your book, it's very good. I have been waiting for you for half an hour. Зборови по кои можеме да го препознаваме ова време се: all day the whole day the whole (morning/ afternoon/ week/) since for how long I have been working all afternoon. She has been writing for two hours. I have been writing for an hour.
2.Минато време = Past tens
*Минато просто време = Past simple tense * Минато трајно време = Past continuous tense * Минато сложено време = Past perfect tense * Минато трајно сложено време = Past perfect continuous
*Минато просто време = Past simple tense Past simple tense од правилните глаголи се прави со додавање на наставката –ed.Прво subject потоа инфинитив од глагол со додавање на наставката –ed, на крај оbject. Ако правиме Past simple tense од неправилни глаголи го земаме глаголот од втората колона на неправилни глаголи. Формула: Subject + Verb +ed+ Object We arrived at 9:00 o'clock. She opened her bag. We visited Japan in 2007. I went to the cinema yesterday. Со неправилни глаголи. Susan bought her little sister a doll. Правилните глаголи што завршуваат на е ,тогаш на глаголот додаваме –d. baked, cared, eased, filed, greased, hated, liked, piled, raced, seized, smiled, typed, wheezed, whined Правилните глаголи што завршуваат на Y, го бришеме Y и додаваме - ied Apply / applied; bury / buried; cry / cried; fry / fried; hurry / hurried; marry / married; pry / pried; spy / spied try / tried vary / varied worry / worried copy / copied; defy / defied fry / fried;
falsify / falsified; hurry / hurried; pity / pitied; qualify / qualified; spy / spied; supply / supplied;
modify / modified; reply / replied; try / tried
Aко правилните глаголи завршуваат на согласка, а пред неа имаме самогласка , тогаш ја дуплираме согласката и тогаш додаваме наставка –еd. beg / begged; clap / clapped; fan / fanned; hop / hopped; jog / jogged; mar / marred; pin / pinned; rip / ripped; slam / slammed; tan / tanned; whip / whipped; zip / zipped She kissed me on the cheek. He played the violin when he was a child. Негативна форма се прави така што прво се зема subject,потоа минато време од помошноит глаголto do(did), негација not ,потоа инфинитив од глаголот без наставката –ed. Формула: subject +did +not +verb1(infinitive) + object We did not arriv at 9:00 o'clock. She did not open her bag. Прашална форма се прави така ги заменуваме местата на subject и помошниот глагол did. Формула: Did + subject + verb1(infinitive) + object Did we arriv at 9:00 o'clock.? Did she open her bag? Did we visit Japan in 2007?
Past simple tense се користи: Работа завршена во минатото. I visited Berlin last week. He went to a club last night. I visited a client in London yesterday. Серија завршени работи во минатото. First I got up, then I had breakfast. I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim. She opened her bag, took out the key and unlocked the door. Зборови по кои можеме да го препознаеме ова време се: ago, an hour ago, one minute ago, in 2011 ..., in 1999 ..., last
last week, last year, last weekend, last summer,
at 5 o'clock.
They weren't in Rio last summer. He went to a club last night. Did he come to your party last week?
* Минато трајно време = Past continuous tense Past continuous tense се прави така што се зема subject ,потоа минато време од помошниот глагол to be и инфинитив од главниот глагол со додавање на наставката -ing (present participle) ,a потоа object. Формула: Subject + was/were + Verb + ing + Object I was studying when she called. She was crying yesterday. We were listening to the music. Негативна форма се прави така што се додава негацијата not помеѓу минатото време од глаголот to be и инфинитивот од главниот глагол со наставката –ing. Формула: Subject + was/were + not Verb + ing + Object I was not studying when she called. She was not crying yesterday. We were not listening to the music. Прашална форма се прави така што ги заменуваме местата на глаголот to be и subject. Формула: was/were + Subject + Verb + ing + Object Was I studying when she called? Was she crying yesterday? Were we listening to the music?
Past continuous tense се користи: Да искаже работа од минатото која се прекинала поради друга работа. I was taking a bath when the telephone rang. You phoned while I was having a bath. I was reading when he arrived. Да искаже работа која се завршила во одреден период од
минатото. At this time last week I was lying on the beach in Florida. The children were doing their homework when I got home. Peter was reading a book yesterday evening. Две работи што се случувале во исто време ,но немаат влијаније една врз друга. Anne was writing a letter while Steve was reading. Ben was singing while Sarah was dancing. What were they doing while she was crying? Зборови по кои можеме да го препознаеме ова време се: while when She was watching TV when somebody knocked at the door. While I was reading my wife was taking a shower. Ben was singing while Sarah was dancing. When she was sleeping, the phone rang.
* Минато сложено време = Past perfect tense Past perfect tense се прави така што прво се зема subject,потоа минато време од помашниот глагол have, и на крај главниот глагол со додавање на наставката –ed, oдносно (past participle). Формула: Subject + had + Past Participle од verb(verb+ed)+ Object За неправилните глаголи ја гледаме третата колона од неправилни глаголи They had visited a doctor. I had finished my work last year. Mary had eaten dinner before he started his homework. You had gone .(неправилен глагол) Негативна форма се прави така што додаваме негација not помеѓу помошниот глагол have и главниот глагол. Формула: Subject + had + not + Past Participle од verb(verb+ed)+ Object They had not visited a doctor. I had not finished my work last year. Mary had not eaten dinner before he started his homework.
You had not
gone .(неправилен глагол)
Прашална форма се прави така што ги заменуваме местата на subject и помошниот глагол had. Формула: Had + subject + Past Participle од verb(verb+ed)+ Object Had they visited a doctor? Had I finished my work last year?
Past perfect tense се користи: Да искаже завршена работа пред друга работа во минатото. I had finished my homework before I went playing football.
John had never been to London before we went there last year. James had cooked breakfast when we got up.
Се користи за пишување условни реченици. If we had gone by taxi, we wouldn't have been late.
If Mary had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.
If I had known you were ill, I would have visited you. Се користи во индиректен говор. Mary said she had already seen this film.
He asked if I had read Harry Potter.
He said he had lost his puppy. Зборови по кои мажеме да го препознаваме ова време се: 1 By the time I‘d finished all the work by the time you called. 2 When When we arrived at the airport, our flight had already left. 3 Before Before we sold our car, we had owned it for 12 years. 4 Until He‘d never met a native English speaker until he visited London. 5 Said She said that she‘d lost her wallet.
after, before, when After he had sent an email, he got an answer. Before we read the book, we had bought the book. When she arrived in London, she had waited for hours.
* Минато трајно сложено време = Past perfect
continuous tense Past perfect continuous tense се прави така што се зема subjekt ,па минато време од помошнiот глагол have (had) потоа past participle од помошниот глагол be (been) , па главниот глагол со додавање на наставката -ing , односно (present participle од главниот глагол). Формула: Subject + had + been + Verb + ing + Object + since/for I had been waiting for him for one hour. She had been playing chess since 7 O’clock. He had been playing cricket for two hours. Негативна форма се прави така што се додава негација not помеѓу had и been. Формула: Subject + had not + been + Verb + ing + Object + since/for I had not been waiting for him for one hour. She had not been playing chess since 7 O’clock. He had not been playing cricket for two hours. Прашална форма се прави со замена на местата на subject и помошниот глагол had. Формула: had + Subject + been + Verb + ing + Object + since/for Had I been waiting for him for one hour? Had she be been playing cricket for two hours? Had he been playing cricket for two hours?
Past perfect continuous tense се користи: Работа која започнала во минатото и продолжува до друга работа
или настан и ни кажува колку долго траела. They had been watching TV for two hours before Mike came. . Diana had been playing tennis for half an hour when it began to rain. They had been playing tennis for two hours before the accident happened. "I had been studying at university for 6 months before I met her. Искажување на причина зошто нешто се случило или не се случило во минатото. 1. The road was wet because it had been raining. 2 . I had to go on a diet because I had been eating too much sugar. 3.Jason was tired because he had been jogging. I put on weight because I had been eating too much. Во условни реченици. If it hadn't been raining, we would have gone to the park. If he hadn't been reading for hours last night, he would have got up earlier. Во индиректен говор. He said that Jane had been driving for 8 hours. She said she had been teaching English for the last three years in Japan. Зборови по кои го препознаваме ова време се: for, since, how long, all day, after, before Lisa had been dancing for 2 hours before she was tired. He had not been working at the dock at all that afternoon. She had been playing chess since 7 O’clock. Mike wanted to sit down because he had been standing all day at work. He had been playing football before ten years.
3.Идно време = Future tens 3. Идното време е поделено на:
*Идно просто време = Future simple tense *Идно трајно време = Future continuous tense *Идно сложено време = Future perfect tense
трајно сложено време = Future perfect continuous tense
*Идно просто време = Future simple tense Future simple tense можеме да го правиме
Will и со Be Going
Future simple tense со Will / shall Формула: Subject + Will / shall + инфинитив од verb +object I will finish my report later today. He will finish his homework in twenty minutes. You will help him later. I will arrive on Tuesday I shall arrive on Tuesday. Негативна форма се прави со додавање на негација not помеѓу Will / shall и инфинитив од verb. Формула: Subject + Will / shall not + инфинитив од verb +object I will not finish my report later today. He will not finish his homework in twenty minutes. You will not help him later. I will not arrive on Tuesday I shall not arrive on Tuesday. Прашална форма се прави со заменување на местата на и Subject и Will / shall . Формула: Will / shall + Subject + инфинитив од verb +object Will I finish my report later today? Will He finish his homework in twenty minutes? Will You help him later? Shall I arrive on Tuesday? Shall we see? *Идно просто време = Future simple tense се користи: ~ Предвидувања за работи што ке се случуваат во иднина. tomorrow, today, later today, in five minutes, in two hours, on Monday, on Saturday afternoon, next week/month, this year,
I will finish my report later today. The sun will rise at 6:03 am. I'll go to the market tomorrow. There will be another conference next month. I'll come to see you on Sunday. ~Работа која е одлучена во моментот на зборувањето. I'll close the window. - The phone is ringing. - I'll answer it. ~ Предвидувања за настани кои ке се случат. I think it will rain. It will rain in a moment. It will get more difficult. ~ За ветувања или закани. I'll be there at 7 p.m., I promise. I'll tell your parents what you did. I promise I will buy you this toy. Promise you will never leave me! Зборови по кои се препознава ова време се: next friday..., next weekend, next year, next party..., soon, tomorrow, tomorrow evening..., in the future, 2011, expect, believe, hope, suppose, think, probably I will buy a computer tomorrow. They will dance all night long. John will be here in a second or two.
Прашална форма се прави со заменување на местата на am/is/are и Subject. Аre you going to meet Jane tonight? Аre we going to make a bag as her birthday present? Аm I going to pick it up for you?
Future simple tense со (going to) го користиме: Планови за во иднина направени пред моментот на зборување. We are going to sing at the party. I'm going to see him later today. I am going to study harder next year. Предвидувања врз основа на моментални докази. Look at those boys playing football! They're going to break the window. Look out! That cup is going to fall off. Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain soon. The sky is absolutely dark. It is going to rain.
*Идно трајно време = Future continuous tense (со will, shall) Формула: Subject + will+ be(непроменливо) + Vеrb + ing(present participle) + Object. Формула: Subject + shall+ be(непроменливо) + Vеrb + ing(present participle) + Object. I will be waiting for you. You will be feeling well tomorrow. We shall be sleeping by the time you return. At this time next week, I shall be playing poker. Негативна форма: Формула: Subject + will +not + be(непроменливо) + Vеrb + ing(present participle) + Object. Формула: Subject + shall +not be(непроменливо) + Vеrb + ing(present participle) + Object. I will not be waiting for you. You will not be feeling well tomorrow. We shall not be sleeping by the time you return. At this time next week, I shall not be playing poker. Прашална форма:
Формула: Will+ subject + be(непроменливо) + Vеrb + ing(present participle) + Object. Формула: Shall + subject+ be(непроменливо) + Vеrb + ing(present participle) + Object. Will I be waiting for you? will you be feeling well tomorrow? Shall we shall be sleeping by the time you return? At this time next week, shall I be playing poker?
Future continuous tense се користи: Да искаже работа што ке се случува во иднина во одредено време . At eight o’clock, I will be eating dinner. Tonight at 11 p.m, we will be dancing at the party. Да искаже работа сигурна за во блиска иднина. This time tomorrow I will be celebrating my birthday. Да искаже предвидување за иднина. He won't be coming any time soon. He is still at the office. Beatrice will be getting married very soon. She will be feeling very sad after learning the truth. I will be waiting for you when your train arrives. She will be working when the celebration starts. At the concert tomorrow, Ben will be singing while Sarah will be dancing. I will be working hard next week while you will be relaxing on the beach. Зборови по кои се препознава ова време= ( will be)или(shall be) tomorrow, next week/month/year, in 2041, at midnight It will be raining tomorrow. I shall be sleeping at midnight. We will be going to the gym after work. I will be speaking. или (I'll be speaking) I will not be speaking. или (I won't be speaking)
*Идно сложено време = Future perfect tense
(со will, shall) Формула: Subject + will have(непроменливо) или shall have(непроменливо) + verb+ed(Past participle )+ Object …. She will have fallen asleep by the time we get home. I shall have gone by then. She will have finished the work by Wednesday. Jack will have finished his homework by the time his mother gets home. Негативна форма: Формула: Subject + will+ not+ have(непроменливо) или shall have(непроменливо) + verb+ed(Past participle )+ Object …. She will not have fallen asleep by the time we get home. I shall not have gone by then. She will not have finished the work by Wednesday. Jack will not have finished his homework by the time his mother gets home. Прашална форма: Формула: will have(непроменливо) или shall have(непроменливо) +Subject + +verb+ed(Past participle )+ Object …. Will she have fallen asleep by the time we get home? Shall I have gone by then? Will she have finished the work by Wednesday? Will Jack will have finished his homework by the time his mother gets home?
Future perfect tense се користи: Да искаже работа што ке биде завршена во иднина пред друга работа или настан во иднина. She will have cooked dinner by the time her husband repears the car. By the time we get to the cinema the movie will have started. Jack will have finished his homework by the time his mother gets home. Да искаже работа што ќе биде завршена пред одредено време во иднина. The student will have passed his exam by Friday. I will have finished the writing by midnight.
The snow will have stopped by April. John will have eaten the whole cake, by the time the birthday party starts! Зборови по кои се препознава ова време се= will have или shall have. by (the end of the day, ... week, ...month, ...year, ...decade) until, before by the end of the day, by the end of the week, by the end of the month, … By the time you arrive, we will have finished the meal and the speeches. By next month, you will have received your promotion. I will have finished by 5pm. By the end of the month we will have finished the course.
*Идно трајно сложено време = Future
perfect continuous tense со Will / Shall Формула: Subject + will have been(непроменливо) или shall have been(непроменливо) + Verb + ing(present participle) + Object + since/for I will have been waiting for him for one hour. She will have been playing football since 2015. I will have been waiting here for three hours by six o'clock. I shall have been working in the company for five years next month. Негативна форма: Формула: Subject + will + not + have been(непроменливо) или shall have been(непроменливо) + Verb + ing(present participle) + Object + since/for I will have not been waiting for him for one hour. She will not have been playing football since 2015. I will have not been waiting here for three hours by six o'clock. I shall have not been working in the company for five years next month. Прашална форма: Формула: will или shall + Subject+ have been + Verb + ing(present
participle) + Object + since/for Will I have been waiting for him for one hour? Will she have been playing football since 2015? Will I have been waiting here for three hours by six o'clock? Shall I shall have been working in the company for five years next month?
Future perfect continuous tense се користи: Да искаже работа во иднина пред некој момент во иднина. I will have been working here for ten years next week. Времетраење на некој момент во иднина. By the next year, Ben and his wife will have been living together for 50 years. Причина: By this time, he will have been working for 12 hours, so he will be very tired. Се користи да искаже работа која ќе се работи во иднина до некое одредено време,но нема да се заврши. I'll go home on 20 June. By then I'll have been staying at this hotel for a fortnight. At six o'clock we'll have been waiting here for three hours. When you arrive, we'll have been sitting in the classroom all day. By tonight, it will have been raining several hours, and the street will be very wet. By next summer, I will have been running for almost a year, and I will be fit and healthy. By the time of the concert, she will have been practicing the piano for several months, and she will be much better. Зборови по кои го препознаваме ова време: will have been или shall have been. all day long, for ..., the last couple of hours, by the time By the time I finish this course, I will have been learning English for twenty years. He will have been driving for an hour by the time he gets home.
Future simple tense со (going to) Future simple tense со (going to) се прави така што прво земаме subject потоа сегашно време од помошниот глагол to be(am,is,are) ,потоа going to и на крај инфинитив од главниот
глагол, па оbject. Формула: Subject + am/is/are + going to +infinitive од verb +object You are going to meet Jane tonight. We are going to make a bag as her birthday present. I am going to pick it up for you. Негативна форма се прави со додавање негација not помеѓу am/is/are и going to. You are not going to meet Jane tonight. We are not going to make a bag as her birthday present. I am not going to pick it up for you. Прашална форма се прави со заменување на местата на am/is/are и Subject. Аre you going to meet Jane tonight? Аre we going to make a bag as her birthday present? Аm I going to pick it up for you?
*Идно трајно време = Future continuous tense со( be going to) Формула: subject+am/is/are + going to be +verb+ing( present participle)+object You are going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight. He is going to be working at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. Негативна форма: Формула: subject+am/is/are +not + going to be +verb+ing( present participle)+object You are not going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight. He is not going to be working at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.
Прашална форма: Формула: am/is/are+ subject+ + going to be +verb+ing( present participle)+object Are you going to be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight? Is he going to be working at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon? I am going to be learning English tomorrow at this time. I am not going to be learning English tomorrow at this time. Am I going to be learning English tomorrow at this time?
Future perfect tense
со (going to) Формула: subject+am/is/are + going to have(непроменливо) +verb+ed( past participle)+object He is going to have finished his lecture by the time we get there. I am going to have finished her homework by the time her schoolmate arrives. Негативна форма: Формула: subject + am/is/are+ not + going to have(непроменливо) + verb+ed(past participle)+object He is not going to have finished his lecture by the time we get there. I am not going to have finished her homework by the time her schoolmate arrives. Прашална форма: Формула: Am/is/are+ subject+ + going to have(непроменливо) +verb+ed( past participle)+object Is he going to have finished his lecture by the time we get there? Am I going to have finished her homework by the time her schoolmate arrives
Future perfect continuous tense со( be going to) Формула:subject+am/is/are+going to have been(непроменливо)+verb+ing (present participle)+object You are going to have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives. She is going to have been working at that company for three years when it finally closes.
Негативна форма: Формула:subject+am/is/are+ not +going to have been(непроменливо)+verb+ing (present participle)+object You are not going to have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives. She is not going to have been working at that company for three years when it finally closes. Прашална форма: Формула: am/is/are +subject +going to have been(непроменливо)+verb+ing (present participle)+object Are you going to have been waiting for more than two hours when her plane finally arrives? Is she going to have been working at that company for three years when it finally closes?
Tenses - времиња The four present tenses are : 1. the simple present ("I go") 2. the present progressive ("I am going") 3. the present perfect ("I have gone") 4. the present perfect progressive ("I have been going")
The four past tenses are : 1. the simple past ("I went") 2. the past progressive ("I was going") 3. the past perfect ("I had gone") 4. the past perfect progressive ("I had been going")
The four future tenses are : 1. the simple future ("I will go") 2. the future progressive ("I will be going") 3. the future perfect ("I will have gone") 4. the future perfect progressive ("I will have been going")
Conditional = условност Постојат 4 Conditional и тоа : Conditional Conditional Conditional Conditional
0 1 2 3
Conditional 0
Овој условен вид се користи кога се зборува за општи вистини ,научни факти. If + simple present, simple present 'IF' CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE (RESULT) (CONDITION) If + simple present simple present If you heat ice + it melts. If it rains + you get wet
If he gets there before me, ask him to wait. If I eat too much, I get sick. If I drink, I never drive. If you freeze water, it turns into ice. If people eat too much, they get fat. If you mix red and blue, you get purple. If it rains, the grass gets wet. Ice melts if you heat it.
Conditional 1 Овој условен вид се употребува за идни настани кои највероватно ке се случат, за можни ситуации If +simple present +simple futur
IF' CLAUSE (CONDITION) If + simple present If it rains + If you don't hurry +
MAIN CLAUSE (RESULT) Simple future you will get wet we will miss the train.
If he's feeling better, he will come. If I have time today, I will phone my friend. If I have enough money, I will go to Japan. I’ll go shopping on the way home if I have time. If it’s a nice day tomorrow we will go to the beach. If it rains tomorrow, I will take my umbrella. If it rains, I won't go to the park. If I have enough money, I'll buy some new shoes. If it rains today, I'll stay at home. If he is busy now, I will come back tomorrow. CONDITION: if + subject + present simple RESULT: subject + future (will/won’t, going to)
Conditional 2 Овој условен вид се користи за нереални,невозможни или неверојатни ситуации. If + Simple Past + Modal + Base Verb If clause If + Past Simple
+ +
Main clause would / could / might + verb
If I had more money, I would buy a car.
If he were 16, he could drive.
If I were rich, I would buy a private jet.
If I had one million dollars, I'd give a lot to charity. If he studied more, he would pass the exam. If elephants had wings, they would be able to fly. CONDITION: if + subject + past simple RESULT: subject + would/might/could + verb
Conditional 3 Овој вид се користи за невозможни работи од минатото бидејки минатото е поминато време неможе да се врати. If clause Main clause If + Past Perfect would/could/might + have + tense past participle If I had won the I would have traveled around lottery, the world. Present Conditionals (Present Real Conditional)
If / When .+.. Simple Present ...,+ ... Simple Present ... ... Simple Present .+.. if / when ..+. Simple Present ... If I heat water to 100 degrees C., It boils. If I go to a friend's house for dinner, I usually take a bottle of wine or some flowers. When I have a day off from work, I often go to the beach. If I have money, I spend it. Present Conditionals (Present Real Conditional) се користи за искажување на вообичаени работи од животот. Present Unreal Conditional If .+.. Simple Past ...,+ ... would + verb ... .+.. would + verb ..+. if ..+. Simple Past ... If I owned a car, I would drive to work. But I don't own a car. She would travel around the world if she had more money. But she doesn't have much money. Present Unreal Conditional се користи за искажување на имагинарни работи.
Past Conditionals(Past Real Conditional) If / When .+.. Simple Past ...,+ ... Simple Past ... ... Simple Past..+. if / when ..+. Simple Past ... If I went to a friend's house for dinner, I usually took a bottle of wine or some flowers. I don't do that anymore. When I had a day off from work, I often went to the beach. Now, I never get time off. Past Conditionals(Past Real Conditional) се користи за искажување на реални работи од минатото кои се смениле во сегашноста .
Past Unreal Conditional If .+.. Past Perfect ...,+ ... would have + past participle ... ... would have + past participle .+.. if ..+. Past Perfect ... If I had owned a car, I would have driven to work. But I didn't own one, so I took the bus. She would have traveled around the world if she had had more money. But she didn't have much money, so she never traveled. Past Unreal Conditional се користи за измислени работи во минатото.
Future Conditionals(Future Real Conditional) If / When ..+. Simple Present ...,+ ... Simple Future ... ... Simple Future .+.. if / when ..+. Simple Present ... If I go to my friend's house for dinner tonight, I will take a bottle of wine or some flowers. When I have a day off from work, I am going to go to the beach. Future Conditionals(Future Real Conditional) се користи за искажување на работи што мислите дека ке ги направите во некоја ситуација во иднина. Future Unreal Conditional If .+.. Simple Past ..., +... would + verb ... ... would + verb .+.. if ..+. Simple Past ... If I had a day off from work next week, I would go to the beach. I am busy next week. If I had time, I would come to your party. Се користи за измислени ситуации во иднина. Future Unreal Conditional If ... were + present participle ...,+ ... would be + present
participle ... ... would be + present participle .+.. if ..+. were + present participle ... If I were going to Fiji next week, I would be taking my scuba diving gear with me. If I were not visiting my grandmother tomorrow, I would help you study.
Future Unreal Conditional If ..+. were going to + verb ...,+ ... would be + present participle ... ... would be + present participle ..+. if .+.. were going to + verb ... If I were going to go to Fiji next week, I would be taking my scuba diving gear with me. If I were not going to visit my grandmother tomorrow, I would help you study. Conditional with Modal Verbs would + can = could would + shall = should would + may = might If I went to Egypt next year, I could learn Arabic. Unfortunately, that's not possible. If I didn't have to work tonight, I could go to the fitness center.
mix Conditional
Past --> Present If I had taken an aspirin, I wouldn't have a headache now. If I had installed an anti-virus, my computer wouldn't be so slow now. If I had won the lottery, I would be rich. Past --> Future If I had known that you are going to come by tomorrow, I would be in then. If she had signed up for the ski trip last week, she would be joining us tomorrow. If our house had been broken into, we would call the police. Present --> Past If she had enough money, she could have done this trip to Hawaii. if I was more diligent, I would've finished my degree at university. If I were rich, I would have bought that Ferrari we saw yesterday. Present --> Future If I were you, I would be spending my vacation in Seattle. If you were more eloquent, you would become a politician. If I didn't have so much vacation time, I wouldn't go with you on the cruise to Alaska next week.
Future --> Past If I weren't flying to Detroit, I would have planned a trip to Vancouver. If she had stayed up late yesterday, she will be late tomorrow. If I weren't going on my business trip next week, I would have accepted that new assignment at work. Future --> Present If I were taking this exam next week, I would be high-strung. If I were going to that concert tonight, I would be very excited.
Clause Clause е група од зборови(subject,verb,object.........) Clause можеда биде целосна реченица или дел од реченица. Ако clause може да биде целосна реченица тогаш таа clause е независна clause = independent clause или main clause= главна clause. He was eating a bacon sandwich. He ran fast. We walk to school. And, or, nor, but, yet(со овое зборови можат да се поврзат 2 независни clause.) The door opened and the man walked in. Ако clause не може да биде целосна реченица и е
зависна од друга реченица,тогаш таа clause е зависна = dependent clause. Зависните clause секогаш ги пишуваме со зборовите : Before, after, because, since, in order to, although, though, whenever, wherever, whether, while, even though, even if, Because I forgot my homework, I got sent home. The door opened because the man pushed it. Before they go to the airport, they will visit you. I went to the show that was very popular. Зависна = dependent clause може да биде: Noun Clauses(—how, that, what, whatever, when, where, whether, which, whichever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, whose, and why.) Remind whoever is on your discussion panel that we will meet tomorrow morning in the library. I know that Latin is no longer spoken as a native language. Adjective Clauses(who, whom, whose, which, that, where, or when.) Katie loves books which describe life in the 29th century. The happy woman danced across the street. The red coat which I bought yesterday. Adverb Clauses Place – wherever, anywhere, everywhere, where Everywhere she goes, she brings a camera. Time – since, while, as soon as, before, after, until, when, anytime While we were waiting for the pizza guy to arrive, we played poker at the kitchen table. Reason – because, since, as, for, so that Because it was exceptionally cold, I wore my winter jacket. Condition – if, when, unless, even if, even though Even if they lose by five goals, people will still love them. Contrast – though, although, despite, in spite of, whereas Despite the poor service provided by the wait staff, we still enjoyed the food and the atmosphere of the restaurant.
Sentences = Реченици Основни делови на речениците се: 1.Subject 2.Verb 3.Object 1.Subject Subject e некој или нешто кој/е ја врши работата. Subject може да биде именка или заменка. John dance on the table. We go to school. John drinks coffe. 2.Verb Verb e глагол што ни покажува што некој прави,односно што работи subject. John dance on the table. We go to school. John drinks coffe. 3.Object Object е збор кој покажува на што се врши работата или каде се врши . John dance on the table. We go to school. John drinks coffe. Sentence types = Видови реченици Според тоа од какви делови е составена и од колку делови е составена решеницата имаме 4 видови на реченоци и тоа: 1.Simple sentence( едносравни,прости реченици)
2.Compound sentence 3.Complex sentence 4.Complex- Compound sentence 1.Simple sentence Simple sentence е реченица со една независна клауза(one independent clause). She is my girlfriend. Joe waited for the train. The train was late. Mary and Samantha took the bus. 2.Compound sentence Compound sentence е реченица составена од две или повеќе независни клаузи (independent clause) поврзани меѓусебно со зборовите: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. I am skinny and you are obese. I like chocolate ice cream, but my friend likes strawberry. Joe waited for the train, but the train was late. The boys walked down the road and their parents waved from the house. 3.Complex sentence Complex sentence се сложени реченици составени од една независна клауза (independent clause) и една или повеќе зависни клаузи (dependent clause). As she is a big bully, I stay away from her. Because my coffee was too cold, I heated it in the microwave. I always make friends quickly wherever I live. We visited the museum before it closed. 4.Complex- Compound sentence
Complex- Compound sentence се реченици кои сидржат две или повеќе независни клаузи( independent clause) и една или повеќе зависни клаузи(dependent clause). I usually use a pick whenever I play the guitar, or I just use my fingers. I would have purchased the cheese that you like, but it was too expensive. John went to school, but James remained at home because he had a sore throat.
Sentence types = Видови реченици Според значењето речениците се поделени на : 1.Declarative sentences 2.Interrogative sentences 3.Imperative sentences 4.Conditional sentences 5.Exclamative sentences 1.Declarative sentences Declarative sentences пишуваме кога известуваме нешто. На крајот од овие реченици пишуваме точка. Subject + Predicate My coat is red. Yesterday I left school early. Yesterday, I slept through my alarm. My name is Mary. We get lots of snow in the winter . 2.Interrogative sentences Interrogative sentences ги пишуваме кога поставуваме прашања. На крајот од овие прашања пишуваме прашалник. Имаме четири видови на Interrogative sentences и тоа: 1. Yes/No interrogatives
2. Alternative interrogatives 3. Wh-interrogatives 4. Tag questions. Yes/No interrogatives Will you bring your book? Answer: Yes or No Are you a student? Answer: Yes or No Did Rama eat a mango? Answer: Yes or No Alternative interrogatives Would you prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Do you want coffee, tea, or soda? Should I telephone you or send an email? Wh-interrogatives What are you doing?
Where do you live?
Who is playing in the Super Bowl?
What is the meaning of this?
Which songs do you like best?
Tag questions You came by train, didn’t you? She is collecting stickers, isn't she? We often watch TV in the afternoon, don't we? She works for a big company, doesn't she? You've eaten breakfast, haven't you? You made some coffee, didn't you?
3.Imperative sentences Imperative sentences ги пишуваме кога даваме заповед , команда или совет.На крајот од овие реченици пишуваме точка. Please pass the salt. Get out of my way! Shut the door. Let's eat something, we are all hungry. Give me the keys. 4.Conditional sentences "Zero conditional" = "If you don't eat for a long time, you become hungry." "First conditional" = "If you make a mistake, someone will let you know." "Second conditional" = If it were to rain tomorrow, I would dance in the street. "Third conditional" = If you had called me, I would have come. "Mixed conditional" = If you had done your job properly, we wouldn't be in this mess now. If we were soldiers, we wouldn't have done it like that. 5.Exclamative sentences No, you cannot dye the dog's hair! (anger) I don't want to go to Grandma's house! (frustration) I scored three goals at the soccer game! (happiness) I love you! (love) We're going to Hawaii! (elation) Wow, I am excited about this trip! What a beautiful place this is! Some whales are over 90 feet long! What a beautiful night! It’s a great day! Фантастичните реченици ги искажуваат чуствата .
1. What + a/an + Adjective + Noun! Example: What a beautiful day! What an ugly picture! What a sunny day! What a bad weather! 2. How + Adjective + Subject + Be! Example: How handsome he is! How amazing story is! How bad it is!
Direct and Indirect speech Директен и Индиректен говор Direct speech(Директен говор) е говор кој се става во наводници и тоа е говор на некое лице кој е пренесен дирекно како што зборувало тоа лице од збор до збор. She said, "Today's lesson is on presentations." или "Today's lesson is on presentations", she said. She says "What time will you be home?" David said, “I am writing a letter now”. Indirect speech(Индиректен говор) е оној говор кога некој кажал нешто и ние го кажуваме тоа но со свои зборови. John said that he would give me a pen. He said that he worked in a factory. She said that she had seen him. David said that he was writing a letter then. Direct Speech - Indirect Speech now - then here - there this - that these - those ago - before
thus to-day to-night
- so - that day - that night the day before (or) yesterday the previous day the next day (or) tomorrow the following day last week - the week before next week - the week after Direct speech Indirect speech Present simple Past simple She said, "It's cold." She said it was cold. Present continuous Past continuous She said, "I'm teaching She said she was teaching English online." English online. Present perfect simple Past perfect simple She said, "I've been on the She said she had been on the web since 1999." web since 1999. Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous She said, "I've been teaching She said she had been teaching English for seven years." English for seven years. Past simple Past perfect She said, "I taught online She said she had taught online yesterday." yesterday. Past continuous Past perfect continuous She said, "I was teaching She said she had been teaching earlier." earlier. Past perfect Past perfect She said, "The lesson had NO CHANGE - She said the already started when he lesson had already started when arrived." he arrived.
Past perfect continuous She said, "I'd already been teaching for five minutes."
Past perfect continuous NO CHANGE - She said she'd already been teaching for five minutes.
Modal verb=модални глаголи Direct speech Indirect speech will would She said, "I'll teach English › She said she would teach online tomorrow." English online tomorrow. can could She said, "I can teach › She said she could teach English online." English online. must had to She said, "I must have a She said she had to have a › computer to teach English computer to teach English online." online. shall should She said, "What shall we › She asked what we should learn today?" learn today. may might She said, "May I open a new › She asked if she might open browser?" a new browser.
Questions = Прашања Основно правило за поставување прашања во англискиот јазик е : Заменување на местата на субјектот и помошниот глагол. It is snowing. Тоа е снег. Is it snowing? Дали е тоа снег?
He was driwing fast. Тој возел брзо. Was he driwing fast? Дали тој возел брзо? Доколку во реченицата немаме помошни глаголи тогаш за да поставиме прашање го користиме помошниот глагол to do. You speak English. Ти зборуваш англиски. Do you speak English? Дали ти зборуваш англиски? She lives in France. Таа живее во Франција. Does she live in France? Дали таа живее во Франција? Можеме да поставуваме прашања и со прашалните зборови: Who =koj Where =kaде When = кога What = што Which = кои How =како
used to + infinitive = користеше Се употребува за навика или ситуација од минатото која веќе не постои во сегашноста. I used to have long hair (but now I have short hair). He used to smoke (but now he doesn't smoke). Tom used to drink coffee. Now he prefers tea. Be 'used to' + noun = навикнува Tom is used to noise. Julie is used to hard work. be used to +verb+ing= навикнува Tom is used to living in a noisy street. Julie is used to working hard.
Must ( мора ) и have to (треба) Со овие два глаголи се искажува обврска. Must се употребува кога тој што зборува мисли дека е потребно тоа. Have to се употребува кога некој друг мисли дека е потребно тоа ,а не тој што го кажува тоа. I must buy flowers for my mother. In France, you have to drive on the right. I/we/you/they have to get up early. He/she/it has to get up early. Wish = сакам, посакувам Wish се користи за искажување желби за во сегашност и за во иднина. wish + past simple (се употребува кога имаме желба за во сегашност или за во иднина ,но да биде различно од тоа сто е во моментот. I wish I spoke Italian. I wish I had a big car. I wish it was the weekend tomorrow. (future) wish + past continuous (се употребува кога имаме желба да работиме нешто различно во сегашноста или во иднината. I wish I was lying on a beach now. I wish it wasn't raining. I wish you weren't leaving tomorrow. wish + past perfect ( се употребува кога имаме желба работите во минатото да биле поразлични . I wish I hadn't eaten so much. I wish they'd come on holiday with us. I wish I had studied harder at school.
Wish + would (се користи да искаже незадоволство од работата што се случува во сегашноста. I wish you would stop smoking. I wish it would stop raining. WHATEVER - WHENEVER - WHEREVER - WHICHEVER WHOEVER Whatever - Any thing (This could also be every thing)
Whenever - Any time (This could also be 'every time')
Wherever - Any 'where' (Anywhere or everywhere).
Whoever - Anyone (Any person or every person, or sometimes used to refer to a person unknown to the speaker)
Whichever - Any 'which' (Choice between a group or set).
However - Any 'way' (In any manner or way, regardless of how).
Whatever = anything or everything; regardless of what = Без оглед нешто или што, без оглед на она што Whatever you bake will be delicious.( Што и да се пече ќе биде вкусно.) Whatever the hour, he calls me. (Без оглед на времето тој ме се јави.) WHENEVER= Секогаш кога = секое време; во секое време, без оглед на тоа кога. You may leave whenever you wish.(Можете да го напуштите кога ќе посакате.) Whenever he leaves the house he always takes an
umbrella.(Секогаш кога ке ја напуштеше куќата ,тој земаше чадор.) WHEREVER = Каде и = насекаде; без разлика каде, без оглед на тоа каде With a good education in English, wherever you go, you will have a good time. She'll be happy wherever she decides to live. WHICHEVER= без разлика на кој, без оглед на [to You can drive whichever of the cars you want. Wear whichever shoes are the most comfortable. WHOEVER= лицето кое, без оглед на тоа кои Whoever broke the vase, can you please replace it? Whoever comes with you is welcome. However = сепак You can dress however you like for the party, it's not formal. However much she eats, she never puts on weight.
There, Their, and They're
Именување на нешто или постоење на нешто .
Покажување присвојност.
Спојување на there и are
There (Се користи сo глаголот to be за да покаже постоење на нешто или да се спомне нешто за прв пат. There are many documents that are used in investigations. There is a library in the first building. Stop right there.( Adverb) Is there a phone?( Pronoun)
Those there look good.( Adjective) Their искажува присвојност. My friends have lost their tickets.(моите пријатели ги загубија нивните билети. They’re = тие се If they’re ready, we can go.
used to, get used to, be used to Used to + verb (infinitive) = Нешто што е правено постојано во минатото, но завршило. I stopped smoking last year. I used to smoke ten cigarettes a day. I used to smoke a packet a day but I stopped two years ago.
Get used to + verb (-ing) = нешто што е тешко на почетокот , но потоа станува нормално. She used to be a long distance runner when she was younger. I used to eat meat but I became a vegetarian 5 years ago. subject + be + used to + object = навикнување на нешто I am used to driving on the left.Јас се навикнав да возам лево. I am used to hard work.Јас се навикнав на тешка работа.
а / аn / some / any а се употребува пред избријливи именки во еднина кои
започнуваат на согласка,
a banana, a pear.
Аn се употребува пред избројливи именки во еднина кои започнуваат со самогласка, An apple, an orange
some се употребува пред
неизбријливи именки (uncountable nouns) во позитивни реченици, и пред избројливи именки во множина . Some money, Some fruit, some friends There is some cheese in the fridge.
Any се употребува пред избројливи именки во множина и пред неизбројливи именки и тоа во негативни и прашални реченици. Is there any bread in the house? I haven‘t got any time.
Will или Going To? Will употребуваме: - кога зборуваме за факти од иднината или работи за кои веруваме дека ке бидат вистина за иднината, предвидување без докази,донесување наеднаш одлуки. I will be rich and famous.Јас ќе бидам богат и славен. I'm sure you'll like her. Јас сум сигурен ќе ја сакам неа. It's raining. I'll take an umbrella! Кога не сме сигурни ние ќе употребиме Will со Probably = веројатно, possibly = можеби, I think = мислам, I hope = се надевам. I hope you'll visit me in my home one day. Се надевам дека
ќе ме посети во мојот дом еден ден. I think I'll go to the gym tomorrow.
Going To
употребуваме: - Кога правиме предвидувања за иднината врз основа на докази од сегашноста. The traffic is terrible. We're going to miss our flight. Be careful! You're going to spill your coffee. Предвидувања врз докази Look! David is going to crash against that tree! -идни намери I'm going to study law at university next year. Lots of accidents will happen in that weather.
on / in / at on се употребува за векови,години,годишни времиња,месеци. the 21th century In the 1980s In 2014 In the summer In Octobe
In се употребува за денови од неделата,дата On Friday On March 15th
At се употребува за кажување на време, At 3:30.
At quarter past four.
there is and there are there is се пишува кога именката е во е во еднина. there are се пишува кога именката е во множина. There is a tree in our garden. Има дрво во нашата градина. There are cows in the field. Има крави во оваа област.
Something anything someone anyone Some + Any + No +
Someone is sleeping in my bed. He saw something in the garden. I left my glasses somewhere in the house. Some, any + -body / -one, + -thing, + -where I saw somebody there. I did not see anybody there. Did you see anybody there? Would you like something better? Something – anything Somewhere – anywhere
Someone – anyone Somebody – anybody I need to find somewhere to live. (positive sentence) Is there anywhere you would recommend? (question) I didn't know anyone at the party. (negative sentence) Somebody at the party spilt beer on the carpet. (we're not sure who). I saw somebody outside the window. (= 1 person) There’s nobody there. (= 0 person) Everybody knows that The Beatles were from Liverpool. (= all people) Has anybody seen my keys? (= 1+ people ). People: someone - anyone - no one - everyone Things: something - anything - nothing - everything Places: somewhere - anywhere - nowhere - everywhere
Either, neither, both Употребуваме either, neither and both кога зборуваме за 2 работи. either = или
Would you like tea or coffee?
Would you like ham or beef in your sandwich? neither = ни едно,ни друго Neither. I am a vegetarian. I don't eat meat.
both = двете
I take both milk and sugar in my coffee.
Употребуваме either со именки ви еднина и со
either car, either person either of the chairs, either
именки во множина, и со глаголи во еднина и множина.
Употребуваме neither со именки во еднина и множина, исо глаголи во еднина.
of the people Either day is fine for me. Either of the days is fine for me. neither house, neither man neither of the houses, neither of the men Neither day was suitable. Neither of the days was suitable.
Употребуваме both со именки во множина.
both houses, both men both of the houses, both of the men
Употребуваме both глаголи во множина
Both (of) my brothers are tall.