Acc 291 complete course

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ACC 291 Complete Course / ACC 290 Entire Course For More Tutorial Visit:

ACC 291 Entire Course All Weeks DQs & Assignments( Latest Updated ) ACC – 291 Week 1 Discussion Question 1: How would you describe the entries to record the disposition of accounts receivables? What is their function? Discussion Question 2: How are bad debts accounted for under the direct write-off method? What are the disadvantages of this method? Discussion Question 3: [Please find an Annual Report from a company you want to use for the rest of the class. It can be your own company, a company from the resources at school, or one from the web. Try to answer all Discussion Questions by including detail from your source.] Why would you select the percentage of sales method for calculating doubtful accounts instead of the percentage of receivables method? Discussion Question 4 : [Please find an Annual Report from a company you want to use for the rest of the class. It can be your own company, a company from the resources at school, or one from the web. Try to answer all Discussion Questions by including detail from your source.] What is the difference between revenue expenditures and capital expenditures during a useful life? Are there similarities? Individual Exercise E9.2. ACC – 291 Week 2 Discussion Question 1: What are the differences among valuation, depreciation, amortization, and depletion? Is it appropriate to calculate depreciation using two different methods? Why? What does the Annual Report you are using for class say about depreciation? Discussion Question 2: What types of industries have unearned revenue? Why is unearned revenue considered a liability? When is the unearned revenue recognized in the financial statements? What does your Annual Report say about unearned revenue? •


Discussion Question 3: Would you rather buy a bond at a discount or a premium rate? Why?

What is the determining factor of whether a bond is sold at a discount, face, or premium? What does your annual statement say about bonds? Discussion Question 4: How would you describe the accounting procedures for notes payable and accounts payable? Individual Exercises: Individual Exercises E 9-1, E 9-12 , E 9-7,Problem P9-7B • Individual WileyPLUS Assignment Exercise E8-3 , BE9-13, 9-4 , E9-9 , E9-10, Problem 9-5A • ACC 291 Week 2 LT Reflection.docx ACC – 291 Week 3 Discussion Question 1: Why does a company choose to form as a corporation? What are the steps required to become a corporation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the corporate form of doing business? Discussion Question 2: Why is preferred stock referred to as preferred? What are some of the features added to preferred stock that make it more attractive to investors? Would you select preferred stock or common stock as an investment? Why? Provide stock details from your Annual Report. Discussion Question 3: What are the different types of dividends corporations may issue? When should a corporation pay dividends? Do you prefer a stock dividend or a cash dividend? Why? Did your Annual Report discuss or pay dividends? Discussion Question 4: Why do corporations buy back their own stock? What does it tell you about the corporation? What effect does the purchase have on the price of a company’s stock? Does your Annual Report discuss stock repurchase or balances of treasury stock? • ACC 291 Week 3 Individual Exercise E 10-6, E 10-8, E 10-18,Problem P10-3A, P10-6A • ACC 291 Week 3 Team Assignment LT Reflection ACC – 291 Week 4: Discussion Question 1: Why are companies required to prepare a statement of cash flows? Why is the statement of cash flows divided into three sections? What does each section tell you about the operations of a company? What are the differences between the direct and indirect presentation of cash flows? Why does the Financial Accounting Standards Board allow both methods? Which do you prefer? Why? Discussion Question 2: What are some common ratios used to analyze financial information? Which are the most important? What are some examples of how ratios are used in the decision making process? Two popular methods of financial statement analysis are horizontal analysis and vertical analysis. What are the differences between these two methods? •

Discussion Question 3: Why do corporations buy back their own stock? What does it tell you about the corporation? What effect does the purchase have on the price of a company’s stock? Does your Annual Report discuss stock repurchase or balances of treasury stock? • ACC 291 Week 4 Individual Exercise E 11-15, E12-1, E12-2,Problem P11-6A •

ACC 291 Week 4 LT B Summary

ACC 291 Week 4 WileyPLUS Assignment Exercise 11-1 , E11-15, E11-16 Problem P11-6A, P11-8A ACC – 291 Week 5 • ACC 291 Week 5 Individual Exercis E13-8. • ACC 291 Week 5 Individual Impact of Unethical Behavior Article Analysis · ACC 291 Week 5 Learning Team Ratio Analysis Memo. · ACC 291 Week 5 Learning Team Reflection •


ACC 291 Week 5 WilayPlus Excercises

ACC 291 Week 5 Exercise E 13-1. ACC 291 Week 5 Exercise E 13-8. ACC 291 Week 5 Exercise E 14-1. ACC 291 Week 5 Exercise P 13-10A. ACC 291 Week 5 Exercise P 13-9A. ACC 291 Week 5 Exercise P 14-2A.

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