ACC 492 Complete Course / ACC 492 Entire Course For More Tutorial Visit: ACC 492 Week 1 DQ 1, Describe the revenue or payroll cycle at your organization? What source documentation is used in the revenue and payroll cycles at your organization?, ACC 492 Week 1 DQ 2, What internal controls components are commonly found among the revenue and payroll cycles? What components are unique to each cycle?, ACC 492 Week 1 Individual Assignment Assignments From the Text, ACC 492 Week 1 Individual Assignment Payroll Flowchart, ACC 492 Week 1 Individual Multiple Choice, ACC 492 Week 1 Quiz, ACC 492 Week 2 DQ 1, How might a purchasing manager use his/her position to defraud the company? What can be done to prevent it? Where could an auditor look to find evidence of losses on purchase commitments and unrecorded liabilities to vendors?, ACC 492 Week 2 DQ 2, Why does an auditor examine travel and entertainment expenses? What would poor controls regarding executive reimbursements say about the “tone at the top� for purposes of evaluating and reporting on internal controls?, ACC 492 Week 2 Individual Assignment from the Text, ACC 492 Week 2 Individual Multiple Choice, ACC 492 Week 2 Quiz, ACC 492 Week 2 Team Assignment Internal Control Questionnaire, ACC 492 Week 3 DQ 1, Identify three analytical procedures that an auditor might perform with respect to plant assets and explain how they might assist in identifying potential misstatements., ACC 492 Week 3 DQ 2, What is the fraud known as kiting, and how can the auditor detect it? What is the fraud known as lapping, and how can the auditor detect it?, ACC 492 Week 3 Individual Multiple Choice Quiz, ACC 492 Week 3 Quiz, ACC 492 Week 3 Team Assignment Audit Program Development., ACC 492 Week 4 DQ 1,
Describe briefly some of the situations that would require modification of the auditor’s opinion related to going concern?, ACC 492 Week 4 DQ 2, What types of opinions does an auditor issue other than unqualified opinion? How does an opinion other than unqualified opinion affect the client? In your opinion, which is the worst?, ACC 492 Week 4 Individual Multiple Choice Quiz, ACC 492 Week 4 Quiz, ACC 492 Week 4 Team Assignment Audit Program Presentation, ACC 492 Week 5 Individual Assignment Audit Program Simulation, ACC 492 Week 5 Team Assignment Case study assignment,