==== ==== This is by far the most comprehesive report and program on the market and it's guaranteed to get you top ranking on Google. googlerankingsguaranteed.com ==== ====
Only recently have I really enjoyed the kind of SEO success that you read about. The kind where people start writing ebooks feverishly in order to cash in before the next Google slap... The kind where you start having visions of being able to retire to an island somewhere... The fact of the matter is that the secret to amazing SEO success is no big secret at all. High PR Backlinks work every time. It's just a matter of finding enough of these and spending the time to post your links with your keywords or keyword phrases as anchor text. The important thing is to make sure the links are posted in an area where they are Do Follow. You will hear several myths about posting your backlinks that should be busted:
The page you post the link to must have a High PageRank and not just the domain itself. If the sites homepage has a high PR, the SEO juice will pass to your site regardless of the PR of the page your link is on. You can't rank for keywords that your site doesn't have sufficient density for. Not true. If this were true, you wouldn't see any YouTube videos ranking for their tags. Just post enough of your links with anchor text and you will rank! Your backlinks must come from relevant sites or they are worthless. Google knows that links occur randomly. It's enough that the links are coming from High PR sites. They know that people have varied interests, so they are just looking for volume. The benefit you get from site relevancy is that people seeing the links are more likely to click. Sites on the first page of Google all have thousands of inbound links and it will take you years to catch up. Some do have thousands of backlinks, but you don't have to compete with that. You are just competing with those having the exact same keyword or keyword phrase as anchor text.
If you look for High PR Web 2.0 Community websites you will find a ton of places you can post your links. You will usually be posting them in your profile in a section with a heading something like "About Me". It does take some time to set these profiles up, as you should upload a profile pic and add some personal info to avoid being banned for link spam.
Pay particular attention to the sites that let you make blog posts. This is a great place to post articles and have no limit to the number of links per post. Again this will take some time investment, but the important thing is that these backlinks will last a long time, and so will your Google rankings!
Automate your backlink building efforts now: High PR Backlinks High Pagerank Backlinks
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Patterson
==== ==== This is by far the most comprehesive report and program on the market and it's guaranteed to get you top ranking on Google. googlerankingsguaranteed.com ==== ====