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Ethical SEO work has been our main point of sale for us. As such we strive to build very good links on sites that hold the most relevance for our sites.. Other SEO companies.. One, of our keywords we try to hit is SEO company. When looking through some of our custom software we use to see where we are showing on Google & other search engines I got very excited. It would seem that we where showing number one ranking for SEO company! I was ecstatic, in such a very short time it seemed would have been impossible to blow our competitors out of the water for such a prized keyword. All of a sudden, after, actually typing in "SEO Company" in a Google search query, I noticed something. We were not showing #1 in the ranking. 'How odd I thought to myself', thus, I went back to the software just to recheck what I thought read 'SEO Company'.. Bang! It was not SEO company at all! Instead it was 'SEO company' , or, something to that affect. Knowing that our company didn't engage in such a deceptive keyword I started to dig for the link. Luckily, the program we are using would report back instantaneously where that link was coming from, in a neatly laid out report. Now, we realize that people make mistakes & typos do happen. I couldn't help but think was this deliberate? What better way to show a company as anything, but, ethical when a person could easy follow a Google search to our site & realize either before or after it was a typo. After, all we sort of compete for the same market, so this would make sense. This certainly didn't look good for our brand. Understandably, I was a little miffed by the whole ordeal. I would be just as equally miffed if such a thing happened to one of our customers, as would many in the community. Well, the first thing I did when I noticed the error was get the point of contact. I wrote an email to the contact that basically read like the following: Dear **************, It has come to my attention that a link on your web page inside the ****** portion of your site is spelled wrong. It reads "SEO compnay" instead of "SEO company", I hope this is just a typo on your part. In the worst case scenario you are actually trying to misrepresent our company. You must understand that we are an ehtical SEO company; when such misspelling happen it could be seen by clients & other respectable members of the SEO community to regard us as an unethical SEO company. I expect the link to be corrected in one business day or as soon as possible. Thank you,
Well, I'm happy to report that it was probably just a typo. In fact the link was fixed within the required amount of time. So, I hope that letter can be of use by many in the community as a skeleton letter for yourself, when you find such a link, either for your customers or yourself. In conclusion, I just want to remind everyone how important it is for companies to check their back links and ensure everything is being done properly. To ensure the highest amount of ethics are being ensured in all of whom you deal with. While, sending a letter like this helps, I'm sure their will be cases where it won't matter how many letters you send. Maybe, then its time to contact a lawyer & find what avenues you can take. In the end, you need to control your image & ensure its not being sullied!
Article submitted by Joseph Alvini [http://www.graphicseo.com] graphicseo.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_Alvini
==== ==== SEOsitesonline.com will get you to the first page of Google in as soon as 24 hours, guaranteed! They can also acheive this with your Facebook Fan page. seositesonline.com ==== ====