Advertise with QR Codes

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==== ==== Join the webinar introducing the revolutionary QR Code. Advertising QR Codes online has never been easier. ==== ====

If you're not yet familiar with QR codes, they're similar to the bar codes used by retailers to track inventory and price products at the point of sale. The same technology used to scan retail bar codes now exists because of advances in smart phone development, giving many cell phones the ability to utilize these Quick Response codes. The key difference between the two codes is the amount of data they can hold or share. Quick Response codes contain a very large amount of information, and can connect potential customers to that information in way that is very new to the marketing world. QR codes are becoming more popular because of the unique opportunities that they offer to advertisers and promoters. With a single coded image you can bring viewers audio and visual messages, schedules, event or product information, and even call them to active engagement with the material. QR codes offer you many ways to help grow your business. The unlimited sharing ability of this technology makes it possible to view on t-shirts, billboards, posters, and other promotional material. It also works toward community building, bringing users together at a single destination, and linking them to each other through this unique venue of communication. QR codes are also the most effective form of advertising via mobile phones. Advances in technology allow cell phone users to take and receive pictures, connect to the internet, and even receive special deals based on their GPS location. All of these features can be taken advantage of in order to create a successful marketing campaign that can be accessed with the press of a button. Businesses find QR codes beneficial because they don't require potential customers to remember a web address or a domain name. All they have to do is scan the code to gain access to your marketing material. And because this technology is permission based, not interruption based, you will be sure to gain the most exposure possible to the most interested and qualified audience. So where can you get a QR code? There are several websites that will help convert your URL into a QR code for free. These sites include Kaywa, Qurify, Delivr. You can also use the Google URL Shortener if you have a shortened link. If you have a mobile phone, there are also free applications that you can download that will allow you to create QR codes directly from your mobile device.

Internet marketing expert Avo Mavilian publishes a Free weekly online marketing newsletter. He is a Sr. Vice President of Business Development for Birdview. Birdview provides Turnkey Internet Marketing Systems to small and medium sized businesses.

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==== ==== Join the webinar introducing the revolutionary QR Code. Advertising QR Codes online has never been easier. ==== ====

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