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Clicking on links is a popular way for people to locate new information and sites. For any effective SEO strategy it is important to have an efficient link builder. Someone who knows how to generate highly effective links that can have a dramatic effect on websites search engine ranking. Let us look at a few traits an efficient link builder has: 1) Analytical Skills - First to be able to extract data and then to be able to understand it, is very important for a link builder. He has to be able to pull out very specific details and be able to interpret its importance as per the clients websites needs. By being able to do so, it is easy for him to identify and spot the various trends he can make use of. 2) Social - An important skill for networking is that the link builder has to be a glib communicator and should be able to engage in social conversations with complete strangers. Different people can provide varied information and it is necessary for him to keep his eyes and ears open at all times. 3) Being Up to Date - The internet has an alternating nature. Thus, it is important to understand the changing trends and needs of the various online communities. Being a part of communities such as twitter and other social as well as business networking sites can help in preparing the next strategy move. 4) Technical Skills - Knowhow of some basic coding and design tweaking is should be there. Other skills such as knowledge of HTML, working of Google Docs, Uploading files using FTP, some bit of modem programming always provides an edge over non-technical link builders. 5) Individuality - uniqueness and creativity provides a clear cut distinction to any work, therefore it is important be able to think out of the box and develop an original way of building as well as attracting links. 6) Sales Skill - Despite having all of the above qualities if one cannot sell, then the effort can go wasted. A good sales person will automatically work on the above skills in order to have a 100% advantage over competition and in-depth knowledge of the market. Your link quality simply reflects at what level are the pages that link to you. Having high standard links and maintaining them play a very key role in positioning your sites rank.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emily_G._Jones_
==== ==== This is by far the most comprehesive report and program on the market and it's guaranteed to get you top ranking on Google. googlerankingsguaranteed.com ==== ====