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Dear Friends, This year, 2020, has been a time of conflicting, contradictory emotions, a very difficult year to deal with for many reasons - not least due to the global pandemic which has affected us all personally and, in many cases, in a tragic and painful way. A year that will be etched in our memories because it has changed our way of life, our personal relationships, and has impacted everything, including our professions. We have experienced 12 months of lockdowns, of distancing from loved ones, of stress; a year of uncertainty... And yet, from a sporting point of view, it has culminated in an unimaginable way for Suzuki. In a year which marked both the 100th anniversary of our brand, and 60 years racing in the World Championship, in a season which looked like it might never happen due to Covid-19, Suzuki has risen to the top. Winning the MotoGP world title with Joan Mir was made even more special as it comes 20 years after the last Suzuki champion, Kenny Roberts Jr., was crowned with the RGV500 in 2000. To add one more number to the mix, Joan has also become the 10th different rider in Suzuki’s history to be crowned champion. We feel as though we have come full circle, whilst also moving forward for the future. From a Team point of view it has been a magical year and the finishing touch on a project that officially began in 2014. From there, step by step, we were able to cement a solid and committed structure with a group of professionals supported by an extraordinary factory and a wonderful group of engineers who have worked in Hamamatsu. All focused on a single dream, which was to return Suzuki to the top where it belonged. Everything started there and what we have achieved comes from the job done by all the people involved. In this year two great riders, Joan and Alex, have made us enjoy magical, unforgettable moments, such as the fabulous double podium in Valencia. This book is for all those who have contributed their bit to build this enormous dream that Team Suzuki Ecstar has achieved, for all those who make it possible every day for Suzuki to be a top level brand, and for all those who unfortunately have not been able to visit us or lend their support from the grandstands. Our engineers and all the staff working in the factory in Japan to develop our MotoGP machine, the Team Staff who kept working hard during a difficult season, and the Suzuki Distributors supporting us. We can never thank them enough. It is also dedicated to all those who lost their lives in this unrelenting 2020. A big hug to all of you and may 2021 allow us to meet and celebrate together again!

Team Suzuki Ecstar

芪愛なる友たちぞ 2020幎はCovid-19の䞖界的倧流行によっお䞖界䞭の倚くの人々が様々な悲しみや苊しみ、痛みを受け、行き堎のない気持ちず葛藀を匷いられた蟛く厳しい1幎ずなりたした。生掻様匏、人間関係、そしお仕事ず日垞の党おが倧きく倉わ り、たた12ヶ月間のロックダりンによっお愛する人達ずの距離を匷いられ、䞍安ずストレスの䞭で生きたこの1幎は今埌も決しお忘れ去られるこずはないでしょう。 そんな蚘憶に刻たれる幎、スズキは逆境を乗り越えMotoGP䞖界遞手暩に斌いお䞖界チャンピオンを獲埗したした。2020幎はスズキ創立100呚幎、そしお䞖界遞手暩参戊60呚幎で、その節目の幎に䞖界のトップに立぀こずができたこず は奇跡のような出来事であり、たた今シヌズンのゞョアン・ミル遞手のタむトル獲埗は、スズキにずっお2000幎にケニヌ・ロバヌツ・ゞュニア遞手がRGV-Γでタむトル獲埗以来ちょうど20幎目の偉業ずなりたした。ミル遞手はスズキの歎史 䞊チャンピオン獲埗10人目のラむダヌずしお蚘録され、色々な意味でキリのよい数字が䞊ぶ1幎ずなりたしたが、ここがゎヌルではなく、これからさらに躍進を続けるべく今埌共粟進しおいく所存です。 このタむトル獲埗は、2014幎に正匏埩垰した我々プロゞェクトの最初の目暙達成ずもいえるものであり、蚀葉にできない喜びず誇りを感じおいたす。それぞれの道でのプロフェッショナルな人間達が集たり、浜束の玠晎らしい゚ンゞニア 達ず共にファクトリヌの埌ろ盟を受けながらスズキを再び䞖界のトップに導くこずは、関わっおきた党おのスタッフが描いおいた倢であり、それをずうずう実珟させるこずができたした。今幎はゞョアンずアレックスずいうふたりの玠晎らしいラ むダヌ達がたくさんの玠晎らしい感動を䞎えおくれ、その代衚的なものがバレンシアGPでのダブル衚地台だったず蚀えるでしょう。 チヌムスズキ゚クスタヌの倢の達成のためにご協力頂いた党おの皆様、スズキをトップブランドにするために日々ご尜力頂いおいる関係者の皆様、たたパンデミックによっおサヌキットに来るこずができない䞭でも倉わらずに支えおくだ さったファンの皆様、そしおもちろん囜内でMotoGPマシンの開発に関わっおくださっおいる党おの゚ンゞニア、スタッフ、厳しい環境の䞭で垞に党力で頑匵っおくれたチヌムメンバヌ、それから䞖界䞭から我々をサポヌトしおくださっおい るスズキ代理店の皆様、党おの方に感謝を蟌めおこの本をお莈りしたいず思いたす。 蚀葉だけでは感謝の意が尜くしきれたせんが、本圓にありがずうございたした。 そしお、Covid-19のパンデミックにより呜を倱われた党おの方々にこの堎をお借りしおご冥犏をお祈りいたしたす。 皆様のご倚幞をお祈りするず共に、2021幎は再び皆が集たり、共に喜びを分かち合えるこずを心より願っおおりたす。


I would like to congratulate and express my gratitude to Team Suzuki Ecstar and Joan Mir for winning the MotoGP World Championship in such an unprecedented and tough season due to the COVID-19 situation in 2020. Also, to Alex Rins, who has fought together for an extraordinary championship, and finally secured the third overall place. This is Suzuki’s 100th anniversary and in this memorable year, we won the MotoGP championship, which is the world’s highest series of motorcycle racing. And motorcycle business to us is one of the key sectors our seniors started and have built up over many years. I would like to thank all the customers, fans and dealers who always encouraged and supported Suzuki, and all the suppliers and sponsors who supported us. Our team staff members, riders, and furthermore all the staff who backed this activity by Miyakoda and Ryuyo, Japan. Since returning to the MotoGP, I am very proud of the team that has overcome various hardships, made steady progress year by year, and finally became the champion and I believe this gave a great start for the next 100 years of Suzuki.

Mr. Toshihiro Suzuki President of Suzuki Motor Corporation

「新型コロナりむルスの圱響を受けた厳しい2020シヌズンに、Moto GP チャンピオンを 獲埗したチヌムスズキ゚クスタヌ、そしおゞョアン・ミル遞手を心より祝 犏いたしたす。たた、共にチャンピオン目指しお䞊倖れた戊いぶりを芋せ、総合3䜍ずなったリンス遞手も祝犏いたしたす。 今幎は「スズキの100呚幎」ずいう節目に、䞖界最高峰の二茪レヌスでチャンピオンを 獲埗しおくれたした。二茪事業は先人がはじめ、成長しおきた、スズキ の䞻芁事業の䞀぀です。これたでスズキを応揎し、サポヌトしおくださったお客様、ファンの皆様、販売店様、そしお支揎しおくださったサプラむダヌやスポンサ ヌの皆様、ブリビオをはじめずする チヌムスタッフ、テストラむダヌのギントヌリ、そしお玠晎らしい成瞟を残しおくれた リンス、ミル、支えおくれた本瀟のス タッフに感謝申し䞊げたす 2015幎にMoto GP埩垰以来、数々の苊難を乗り越えお、䞀幎䞀幎着実に成長し、遂にチャンピオンを獲埗したこのチヌムを誇りに思うず共に、 次の100幎に向 けお、よいスタヌトを切るこずができたず考えおおりたす。」

鈎朚俊宏 − スズキ株匏䌚瀟 代衚取締圹瀟長



THE CHAMPIONS! “We did it, we did it”. The shout, a mixture of excitement and disbelief, rang out from the back of the pit box. A stream of blue t-shirts ran to the fence lining the start-finish straight, keen to welcome home their hero. An arm stuck out from the fence holding on tightly to a pit board which read: ‘2020 World Champion’ adorned with a golden number one glinting in the sunshine. The dream journey was coming to an end, or it was starting from that point on, depending on how you chose to look at it. One hundred years of Suzuki glory, and a year of suffering against the dreadful Covid-19 pandemic, culminating in the MotoGP World Title. Hugs could not be resisted among all the team members, breaking social distancing rules for the first time. Masks couldn’t hide the exultation, with eyes giving light to the smiles beneath the face coverings, and tears of joy forming. TV cameras chased the team as they rushed to Parc Fermé, decorating themselves with the specially designed champion t-shirts. The King was still out on track, slowly circulating amid noisy fireworks, displaying a gold number one on the front of his GSX-RR and receiving congratulations from the rest of the MotoGP field. He rode calmly, savouring every moment, and despite the eery emptiness of the Ricardo Tormo circuit grandstands, he was overwhelmed with emotion - screaming under his helmet and letting go of the pressure of the preceding weeks with tears flowing down his cheeks. Below the podium, a blue tide of immeasurable happiness, flooding everything. Silhouetted against the sun, the Prosecco drops fell from the rostrum like gold sequins. The Champion, Joan Mir, stood proudly smiling down at his squad. He deserved it. Suzuki too. It is seldom possible to have the best gift in the world for a 100th birthday...

チャンピオン獲埗 「やったぞ〜、やったぞ〜」。぀いに頂点を極めた驚きず興奮が混ざり合ったたくさんの叫び声がピット ボックスの䞭に鳎り響いた。青いチヌムりェアを纏った仲間達が䞀斉にピットロヌドを暪切っおフェンス に駆け寄り、新たなヒヌロヌがチェッカヌフラッグを受ける瞬間を拍手ずガッツポヌズで迎える。チヌム スタッフによっおフェンスの倖に掲げられたサむンボヌドには金色の「」ず「2020幎䞖界チャンピオン」 の文字が曞かれ、日差しを受けお金色がキラキラずより光を攟っおいた。ずうずう倢が叶った瞬間だっ た。が、それは同時に次の倢に向けおの新たなスタヌトでもあった。 MotoGP䞖界遞手暩でのタむトル獲埗はスズキにずっお栄光の100呚幎を食るものずなるも、䞀方䞖界 はCovid-19パンデミックにより恐怖ず苊悩を䞎えられ、MotoGPも䟋倖なく数々の異䟋なルヌルの基で 開催され皆厳しくルヌルに埓っおきた。しかしこの日チャンピオン獲埗の歓喜の瞬間、チヌムはシヌズ ン初めお゜ヌシャルディスタンス確保のルヌルを砎り、チヌムメンバヌ同志が皆で抱擁を亀わした。顔 半分をマスクで芆われおいるも、皆目には喜びが溢れ、その喜びはやがお涙に倉わっおいった。その 埌チヌムメンバヌはこの日のために特別にデザむンされたチャンピオンTシャツを纏っおパヌクフェル メぞず急ぎ、テレビカメラがそれに远埓しおいく。 新生チャンピオンはGSX-RRのフロントカりルのれッケンを「36」から金色の「1」に付け替え、鳎り響く 花火の䞭ラむバル達ひずりひずりに祝犏を受けながらゆっくりずりィニングランを続ける。Covid-19パン デミックによっおリカルド・トルモサヌキットのグランドスタンドは無芳客であるも、ゆっくりず走行を続け ながらその䞀瞬、䞀瞬を噛み締めおいく。チャンピオン獲埗のプレッシャヌから開攟され、埐々にその 喜びを実感しおいくうちに感情が高たり、堪えきれずヘルメットの䞭で歓喜の叫びを䞊げ、涙が頬を流 れ萜ちおいった。 衚地台の䞋には喜びに溢れた青い波ができおいた。倪陜を背景にシル゚ットを描いたプロセッコの滎 が金のスパンコヌルのように茝きながら青い波を濡らし、新たな䞖界チャンピオンずなったゞョアン・ミ ルは仲間に向けお誇らしげな笑顔を浮かべる。ミル、そしおスズキにずっお最高の瞬間であった。スズ キ創立100呚幎にこれ以䞊完璧なプレれントはあっただろうかそしおこんなシナリオになるず誰が想 像できただろう。



A 100th Anniversary Season A century of history woven through time from cotton looms to race circuits. From humble beginnings in manufacturing to worldwide domination via gasoline, pistons, asphalt and speed. A hundred-year-old family - symbolised by the now famous red ’S’- born in Hamamatsu, Japan. A determined spirit saw the company battle back again and again, with decades of bikes and cars, creating iconic models for different generations, and producing idols on race tracks. But 2020, the centenary year, has been a painful one which has shaken the world. However, all was not lost for the the Japanese factory and 100 years of history have culminated in Suzuki’s rise to the very top of the world’s most prestigious motorcycle racing series. A tremendous, resounding, and magical finish to a year which has taken so much.

スズキ創立100呚幎 織機メヌカヌからオヌトバむレヌスたで時を経お織り成された䞖玀の歎史。補造業から始たり、埌にガ゜リン、ピストン、アスファルト、スピヌドの䞖界を支配しおいく。 日本の浜束で生たれ、今では䞖界の誰もが知る赀い”S”マヌクで象城されるファミリヌが迎えた100幎目。䜕十幎にもわたり、バむクや車では様々な䞖代の象城的モ デルを創䜜、たたサヌキットでは䜕人ものヒヌロヌを生み出し、垞に戊いを繰り広げおきた。しかし100呚幎を迎えた2020幎、誰も想像しなかった苊悩が䞖界を揺るが せる。そんな逆境の䞭、スズキは䞖界で最も暩嚁あるオヌトバむレヌスシリヌズの頂点に立぀ずいう新たな歎史を䜜った。それはファミリヌにずっお創立100呚幎を食 る最高のプレれントずしお新たな歎史に刻たれる。



Covid & Closed Doors A tough 2020 season has left a painful mark on MotoGP. The paddock was a long avenue, an empty boulevard where masked and mysterious personnel walked. A carnival of passersby distinguishable only by their colours. A variety of face masks, synthetic or woven in cotton; bright, patterned, black or gleaming white. There were fewer people and muted gestures; there was distance, stewards camouflaged with superhero masks, exhaustive controls and QR codes, a medical app, media meetings over the phone, temperature checks. The food was served in compartmentalised trays, not the usual social team gatherings together in the hospitality. The grandstands were empty of horns and revelry, cheers and applause. Feelings were held in check, contained under masks. The paddock was filled with sound - air lines, toolbox drawers, electric screwdrivers - noises that previously went unnoticed under the buzz of the crowd. There were no autographs, no children seeking them. The shouts soaring through the air for racing heroes were gone.

COVID - 閉ざされた扉 2020幎、MotoGPは過去に䟋を芋ない厳しいルヌルの 基でのレヌス開催を匷いられる。パドックぞの入堎制 限により、通垞は倚くのチヌム関係者やゲストで賑わ うパドック内は閑散ずし、マスク着甚が矩務付けられお 皆顔の半分が芆われおいるため、チヌムりェアによっ お人を認識せざるを埗ない状況が続いた。綿や麻、合 成玠材、無地、柄ず倚様な玠材や色、デザむンで䜜ら れたマスクを着甚した人々が行き亀うパドックはたるで カヌニバルのようでもあった。珟堎スタッフを最小限に しおの開催、゜ヌシャルディスタンスの培底、必芁最䜎 限の䌚話、医療アプリ、Q Rコヌドによるパドック入堎コ ントロヌル、毎朝の怜枩、バヌチャルメディア取材等党 おが初めおの詊みずなり、たたチヌムスタッフの食事 も通垞のホスピタリティヌのシステムを排陀し、䜿い捚 おトレむ等を䜿甚しおの提䟛ずなった。レヌスは無芳客 開催でグランドスタンドは空っぜ。芳客によるラッパや 笛の音、歓喜、歓声、拍手も䞀切なく、サむンを求めお ラむダヌを远いかける子䟛達も存圚しないサヌキット は、皆の党おの感情が抑制されおマスクの䞋に閉じ蟌 められおしたったかのようだった。



Hard work Because of the Covid-19 crisis, the 2020 World Championship has had to move quickly and seamlessly from place to place. The calendar has provided little respite, with races tightly packed in an exhausting schedule, and frequent triple-headers. The team has had to build and dismantle pit boxes, offices, and bikes at an impressive paces, with the whole team synchronised and focused on the next challenge. The harmony of a whole team working against the clock and to the millimetre to perfectly prepare for each race weekend. A perfect example was the journey from Brno circuit in the Czech Republic to the Red Bull Ring in Austria; a hectic journey from Sunday afternoon to Wednesday morning.

移動 COVID-19の圱響を受け、2020幎の䞖界遞手暩はレヌスシヌズンが短瞮された ため、サヌキットからサヌキットぞず迅速か぀スムヌズな移動が求められた。レ ヌスカレンダヌは連戊たたはトリプルヘッダヌが倚いタむトなスケゞュヌルずな り、䌑む間がほずんどない状態でリズミカルに進行しおいく。連戊に察応するため にチヌムはピットボックス、オフィスをより迅速に蚭営、解䜓するこずを芁求され、 たたその間にマシン敎備も行わなくおはならない。垞にふた぀のレヌスがシンク ロしおいる状態が続いおいったが、圹割分担がきっちり出来䞊がっおいるチヌム では驚くべきチヌムワヌクで党おを完璧か぀正確にこなしおいくこずができる。䟋 えばチェコG PずオヌストリアG Pが連戊だった時は、日曜のチェコG P決勝埌にピ ットボックスずオフィスの解䜓及びトレヌラヌぞの積み蟌み䜜業を終えおブルノサ ヌキットを出発。そのたた陞路でオヌストリアのレッドブルリンクに向けお移動し、 氎曜朝には再び蚭営䜜業が開始しおいるずいった匷行スケゞュヌルであった。





The still air fills with sound, bikes flash by in a blur of speed. In the braking zone, the riders stick out their legs in a synchronised effort to slow their fierce machines. From a distance everything stops in a snapshot at the click of a shutter. Each portrait a freeze frame of this fast and frenetic world. Tight curves taken with clockwork precision, long straights with riders lying flat on their tanks, impossible drifts, lean angles which seem to defy the laws of physics. Arms up in celebration across the finish line, impressive wheelies‌ There is adrenaline in every photograph, emotions and skill captured in each image. A fleeting moment preserved for evermore.

レヌスぞの情熱 静たりかえった空気が音に支配され、バむク が猛スピヌドで通過しおいく。ブレヌキングポ むントではラむダヌがマシンを枛速させるため に倧きく足を突き出しながらコヌナヌに飛び 蟌んでいく。遠くからレンズを向けおシャッタ ヌを抌せば、その様々な瞬間の動きを䞀瞬で 停止させ、カメラに蚘録するこずができる。党 おはスピヌドず様々な感情を捉えたものだ。ミ スなく完璧に走り抜けおいくタむトなコヌナヌ、 颚の抵抗を避けるためにガ゜リンタンクにぎっ たりず䜓を぀けお通り過ぎおいく長いストレヌ ト、ありえないくらい激しいドリフトやコヌナリン グ、チェッカヌ埌に空に向かっお倧きく腕を䞊 げる喜びを最倧限に衚珟した姿、りィヌリヌ··· 党おの写真にはその瞬間のスキルや感情が 写し出されおおり、䞀瞬が氞遠ずなっお蚘憶 に刻たれる。



A DAY ON RACING Alex wakes up in his motorhome and eats an energy-rich breakfast. Joan goes to his office on the terrace, above the pitbox. They climb into their leathers, put on their boots, follow a routine of preparation ahead of track action. Both arrive in the box with their armour on, ready for battle. The beasts roar. Alex stretches and touches his toes, getting warmed up. Joan walks to edge of the pit box and pauses before discarding a tear-off from his visor. The show starts. After the adrenaline overdose, they return to rest on their chairs, surrounded by team members ready to listen. A private exchange of words, technical aspects to work on, tactics and techniques before it’s time to tell the world how it’s going; the TV set is full of cameras and cables that capture the emotions of the day.


Then, a virtual meeting with the press who are beamed live from all corners of the earth to ask their questions to the waiting riders. It’s back to the box before nightfall for more team meetings and planning. The race awaits. It’s time for dinner, rest, and dreams.

決勝日 パドック内にある2階建のモヌタヌホヌムで目を芚たすアレック スは、走行に備えおたずパワヌブレックファストを獲る。ゞョア ンはピットボックス裏にあるチヌムトレヌラヌ2階の圌専甚の郚 屋に向かっおいる。その時を迎えたふたりは共にツナギに着替 え、チタンのプロテクションが備わったカヌボンのレヌシングブ ヌツに履き替えお、最埌にスズキのキャップを被った埌静かに ピットボックスぞず向かう。準備は敎った。ピットに到着したアレ ックスはたず前屈姿勢を取りゆっくりずストレッチ。最埌のストレ ッチを合図に党神経をレヌスぞず集䞭させる。そしおゞョアンが ピットの倖たで歩いおいき、ヘルメットのバむザヌを䞋ろした。い よいよショヌが始たるのだ。ラむダヌを送り出す仲間達も皆党 神経を集䞭させ、ピット内はアドレナリンで溢れかえる。週末の 走行をもずに亀わし合っおきたセッティングに関する情報のやり 取り、技術面での理解、マッピングの现かい調敎・・・それらが どのような成果ずしお衚れるのかを䞖界䞭の人が芋守っおい る。ひず぀のシヌンも逃すたいずセットされた沢山のカメラやケ ヌブルがその゚キサむティングな映像や音声の䞀郚始終を捉 え、䞖界䞭の芳客に届けられるのだ。決勝が終わり、ツナギを 脱いだ埌もラむダヌ達の仕事はただ終わらない。たずは䞖界䞭 のゞャヌナリストを迎えおのバヌチャル取材。さらにその埌も再 びピットに戻り゚ンゞニア達ずのテクニカルミヌティングが続く。 すぐに次のレヌスを控え、話し合いの内容が尜きるこずはない のだ。党おの仕事を終えた埌ラむダヌ達は倜になっおやっず解 攟され、倕食を摂っお眠りに぀く。長い日の終わりだ。



GARAGE GRIND One of the most impressive things that precedes a Grand Prix is the construction of the pit box. A perfect symphony of people working hard, putting striking Suzuki blue where there was plain grey walls. LED lights illuminate the pristine and sacred space, a precise and technical assembly operation creates the zone where the motorcycles sleep, pampered with extreme care. A mass of cables, noise, jingling tools, TV screens, and engineers typing dreams and data onto a computer, mechanics honing and tuning with slick speed. The pitbox, that impenetrable sanctuary so full of secrets and technology, a unique and unbeatable place where victories are built

聖域 グランプリパドックを魔法の空間に倉えるのに倧きな圹割を果たしおいるのがピットボックスである。コンクリヌトの無垢な空間がそれぞれのチヌムの色ぞず 倉わり、チヌム毎に趣向を凝らしおデザむンされた小さな空間には動線が工倫され、ピット内で働くスタッフずの完璧なシンフォニヌを生み出す。青いピットり ォヌルの䞭には倩井からLEDラむトが照らされ、そこはたるで流星の集たる神秘の空間。そしおその神聖な空間の䞭倮にはマシンが䞁寧に配眮され、日䞭 はPCモニタヌにカラフルな線を打ち蟌みながらデヌタ解析を続ける゚ンゞニアの指瀺のもず、あらゆる工具を駆䜿しおメカニックによりフルスピヌドでマシン の調敎が行われお実隓宀のような空間ぞず倉わる。デヌタ、テクノロゞヌ、党おの機密情報を抱え、関係者のみが䟵入を蚱されたそこはたさに聖域ずもい え、そこには勝利の鍵が隠されおいる。



倢の象城 シャンパンは莅沢な銙りがする。その现かな泡を空に向か っお攟った時にはその銙りだけで酔いしれるこずができ、至 犏の瞬間を味わえる。勝利で重芁なこずは埗点を獲るこず ではなく、その喜びを仲間達ず祝犏し、仲間ずの䞀䜓感を味 わうこずである。だから困難な時期を乗り越えた埌に再び仲 間ず共に喜び合うこずができた瞬間はさらに高揚する。しか し喜びを埗るためには垞に結果が求められ、結果を残すた めには揺るぎない努力が芁求される。勝利、たたはわずか3 ぀しかない衚地台のひず぀を手に入れるためには匷い決意 ず芚悟、継続的な努力、そしお䜕床挫折しおも克服する耐 忍力や闘志が必芁ずなり、それを達成できた人だけがそこ に到達できる。だから衚地台の䞊で授かるトロフィヌは倢の 象城なのだ。

The triumph The important thing about the triumph is not even the points scored but the celebration and feeling of unity. There is no better reward for a team than rejoicing together after difficult times, but there is no better consolidation of hard work than success. A podium or a victory is the culmination of intense nerves, tension, effort and overcoming hardship. A dream in the shape of a trophy.

Dreaming Wide Awake Champagne has a lavish smell, made ever more intoxicating when it is sprayed skywards in a cascade of bubbles, and a thunderous happiness breaks the silence.



#SUZUKIFACES 2020幎の䞖界遞手暩は珟堎で応揎しおくれるファンの姿もなく、サヌキットのグランド スタンドはひっそりず静寂に包たれ、類たれなシヌズンずなった。芳客はそれぞれ家で 映像を芋お、遠くからラむダヌを応揎するこずしかできない。そんな䞭#suzukifacesを 通じおスズキファンがバヌチャルピット蚪問を行い、ラむダヌ達がピット内を自ら案内。 それはたるで魔法のような楜しい時間ずなり、圌らの存圚はチヌムに喜びず明るい光 をもたらせた。マスクで顔半分が芆われ、ラむダヌの衚情は隠されおいたものの、圌ら の衚情を近くで芋おいたチヌムには圌らがどう感じたのかを聞く必芁はなかった。ファ ンの暖かいサポヌトを盎に感じるこずができなかったシヌズンの䞭で、短い時間なが らラむダヌ達にずっおのかけがえのない莈り物ずなった。


The 2020 World Championship was like no other. A season without cheering fans to light up the circuits. Grandstands stood silent and lifeless. Spectators could only watch from home, cheering on the riders from afar.


Some #suzukifaces appeared as if by magic in our box. Their presence brought colour and cheer to the team. The only animated faces were those of the riders, surrounded by a sea of masks that drowned out expression. The riders gave us motion and emotion. And through their faces they told us every story. An invaluable gift.



Hidden behind a tree, perched on the top of a hill or a tower, crouched low behind the armco to capture the electrifying movement of the GSX-RR through a tiny gap, lying in the dirt to show the true lean angles the riders achieve through the corners, playing with light and reflections... Each snapshot contains a unique perspective, shows a diverse scene, a single moment immortalised through a lens. From Jerez’s ‘UFO’ to the lush forests of Austria, the floodlit shadows in the Qatar nights to each brick in the wall at Aragon. A fabulous calendar of racing postcards.

偶然の魔法 ある時は朚の埌ろに隠れ、たたある時は䞘の頂䞊たで䞊り、塔にぶら䞋がったりガヌドレヌルの埌ろに身を眮いたりしながら小さなファむンダヌを芗き蟌んでGSX-RRの躍 動を捉える。路面の反射をうたく䜿うために砂の䞊に暪たわりながら、ラむダヌがコヌナヌでマシンをギリギリたで倒しこみ、立ち䞊がっおいくその瞬間をカメラに収めるこず もある。その瞬間に逢える景色は垞に偶然だから、倚くの様々なシヌンがカメラに蚘録されるが、時に魔法のような颚景を写し出すこずがある。たずえばヘレスのUFO、オヌ ストリアの森、カタヌルの倜の照明が生み出す溢れんばかりの光、アラゎンの岩などはたさに偶然が生み出した魔法だ。サヌキットのシヌンを撮圱したポストカヌドはたるで 矎しいカレンダヌのようだ。



2015 – The Comeback 2015 represented a milestone in the history of Suzuki for two reasons: firstly, it was the 30th Anniversary of the iconic GSX-R range of production motorcycles. Secondly, it was also the debut year for its racing sister - the GSXRR machine. It marked the return of Suzuki to the MotoGP World Championship. The first season in the premier class of motorcycle racing came after three years of development, during which time many people worked hard to develop a completely new racing machine that could match the most demanding requirements and be competitive at the highest level. At the same time, many others were making their best efforts to set up a racing structure that could support the factory riders and represent the prestige and the values of the company on the world scene. The results after only one year of experience were impressive: First and second in the Catalan GP qualifying session, and many other top-three positions on Saturdays. Although the podium was missing, 2015 was a year of development that allowed Suzuki and the team to gain the experience that would be necessary for its progression. This was clearly demonstrated through the extraordinary results achieved during the 2016 season

2016 – The Evolution At the pre-season winter tests, the GSX-RR already appeared to be considerably more competitive than at the end of 2015. An evolutionary step in the engine gave the riders more power, which was one of the areas Team SUZUKI ECSTAR had been focused on. Then the new seamless shift gearbox arrived for the race in Qatar, giving Viñales and Espargaró further notable improvements and allowing them to be more competitive. The work done by Suzuki’s R&D Department in Japan delivered better performing machines, and the technical teams on track were able to focus on the finalisation of the new 2016 electronics. At the beginning of the season, the riders showed that they could fight for top positions, with Viñales very close to the team’s first podium in Argentina, before a slide-off prevented him from achieving what would have been a historic result. Although nobody in the team wanted to impose any expectations, it was clear that the improvements made were driving them towards excellent results. Indeed, these results arrived only two races later, when at the French GP Maverick Viñales got third place, which was the first podium for Suzuki since its comeback. The continuous improvements took the Spaniard through the season and to Silverstone, where he got 1st place at the Grand Prix in Great Britain. It was a historic result for the Team and the Company. Two more podiums rounded out his fantastic year with Team SUZUKI ECSTAR: third place in both Japan and Australia.


2017 - Beyond the Obstacles The arrival of two new riders, Andrea Iannone and Alex Rins, marked a refresh within the team, although almost all the technical structure remained the same. Two new riders meant that the early days were spent getting to know each other: the team learning how to meet the rider’s needs, the rider becoming acquainted with the new bike. With the new technical parameters still to be decided, this process had to be speeded up, and finally turned into some choices that proved not to be the most effective in the mid and long term. Alex Rins’ injuries – especially the one at the American GP – made it even more complicated, and Andrea Iannone struggled the whole season to find an effective feeling with his GSX-RR. The season was poor in results but rich in lessons. The Team gritted their teeth, put their heads together, and finally developed the technical solutions which were to be the basis for renewed competitiveness in the following year.

2018 – Heads Up After one year of experience, the Team and riders enjoyed massive improvements, and despite missing out on the top step, together we were able to collect 9 podiums: three third places and one second place for Iannone, two thirds and three seconds for Alex Rins. These impressive results were the culmination of a vast amount of development work on the GSX-RR, capitalising on its best qualities in terms of handling and agility. But of course, a lot of credit also goes to the riders: Andrea Iannone improved his feeling with the bike and he became very competitive in exciting tracks such as Austin, Jerez de la Frontera and Phillip Island. While Alex Rins turned into a solid podium contender, and the best scoring rider in the Championship during the last part of the Season. With all of this, 2018 marked a rebirth for the Team, who recovered from the tough moments they experienced in 2017, and upped the enthusiasm for, and momentum of, the project. The season ended with the announcement of the arrival of Joan Mir for the 2019 season, alongside Alex Rins, and with this Suzuki were able to return to their age-old philosophy of nurturing two young riders who can grow together with the Team.

2019 - Going Into Battle The 2019 season was an exciting one which saw Alex Rins continue his impressive pace while young rookie, Joan Mir, joined the squad. Both riders made strides forward in their aim to improve, with Rins taking an excellent debut victory early in the season at the Circuit of the Americas in Texas followed up by one of the most spectacular MotoGP wins of recent years at Silverstone in the UK, where he beat Marc Marquez after an epic duel. Joan Mir got his MotoGP career underway with an excellent 8th place in his debut race in Qatar. The Mallorcan continued his learning curve with a best finish of 6th in the Catalan GP before disaster struck during a testing crash in the Czech Republic. However, the tenacious rider didn’t let his nasty injury hold him back for long and he rejoined the team in time for the fly-aways, getting a super Top 5 finish in Phillip Island. Team Suzuki Ecstar enjoyed a great season with the two young Spaniards, always aiming higher, working to improve the bike, and supporting the riders throughout their progression. Alex Rins closed the season in 4th place, having managed three podiums, while Joan Mir brought home 12th in the standings.



THE PARTNERS A hydrating bottle of water, a cosy jacket warming us up on cold mornings in the garage, the food that gives us an energy boost, the coffee that wakes us up after sleepless nights, the chain driving the bike, the oil boiling inside the engine, everything has its purpose. All these small things play a part in the collective success of the team. Without them none of this would be possible: to our sponsors and partners; thank you all for your contribution. Our victory is your victory.

倧切なパヌトナヌ 氎分補絊のために䞍可欠な飲料氎のボトル、寒い朝に䜓を暖めおく れる着心地の良いゞャケット、゚ネルギヌを䞎えおくれる食事、寝䞍 足の朝に目芚めさせおくれるコヌヒヌ、バむクに備わっおいるチェヌ ン、゚ンゞン内で沞隰しおいるオむル、これらのものは党お目的をも っお存圚しおいる。そしおこれら党おの存圚がチヌムを成功に導くた めに必芁䞍可欠なものなのだ。チヌムの勝利はそこに関係する党お の人々の勝利でもあり、共に勝利を祝えるこずがチヌムの喜びであ り願いである。




World Standings (Rider, Constructor, Team)

Credits Team Partners for 2020: Main Partner: ECSTAR Suzuki Genuine Oil Technical Partners: MOTUL – AKRAPOVIC – MICHELIN Technical Suppliers: CAPIT – DID – NGK – 2D – Tras Carbon – Beta – Taichi Hospitality Partners: U-EARTH - Oakley - AIA – Estrella Galicia – Pasta Masciarelli – San Benedetto - Stelmoka – Summertrade – Tenuta del Buonamico © Team SUZUKI MotoGP 2020 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from Team SUZUKI MotoGP. Published in December 2020. Concept and contents: Team Suzuki MotoGP Communication Office - Alberto Gómez, Adriana Pinto Martinez, Hatsumi Tsukamoto, Federico Tondelli, Georgia Wells Translations: Georgia Wells, Hatsumi Tsukamoto Photography: Gigi Soldano, Tino Martino, Alex Farinelli, Jesús Robledo, Team Suzuki MotoGP Media Office Art Direction: Wardem

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