Willow Tree Pottery
Artists Open Studio 2011 November 25, 26, 27 December 3 & 4 10 am – 5 pm
Autumn 2011
Artists Open Studios November 25, 26 & 27 December 3 & 4 Once again area artists and craftspeople here in the northeastern part of Connecticut open their studios to the public. We have one of the largest studio tours in New England with a wide variety of mediums. For a map and detailed information on participating artists, visit http://www.aosct.org. You can also get a preview of studios on our Facebook page. Take a look. Consider liking us. I will be open both weekends, including the Friday after Thanksgiving. Do stop by to say hello and see what’s new. I will be throwing on my kickwheel much of the time. Gretchen Geromin, my daughter, will also have her pyrographics in my studio. Look for her Witch’s Spoons.
Unfired buttons ready for the kiln. We’ll see how they come out.
Buttons A woman stopped by my booth during the Potters’ Market at the Coventry Regional Farmer’s Market and asked if I make buttons. She raises alpaca and was planning to use the wool for shawls and thought a large handmade button to clasp each shawl would be a nice touch. I am primarily a throwing girl, though I do a bit of handbuilding now and then. Still, I hadn’t thought about making buttons. I realized however, that ceramic buttons have a long history, even amongst potters. The great Lucie Rie supported herself making buttons when she could no longer produce her usual work during and after World War II.
Come sit on the swing, visit, watch me work, or shop for pots for gifts or for yourself. Welcome!
So I decided to give them a try. They will be in the kiln I am firing for AOS. Fingers crossed.
Peddler’s Post
As a book obsessed potter, I am always on the look out for books on ceramics. I write about old treasures and new discoveries in my more or less weekly blog, BiblioPotter.
My pots are available year round at Peddler’s Post on Route 195 in Storrs. Lots of treasures and surprises in the shop including art, crafts, antiques, & collectables.
My Next Book Good news! The University Press of New England will be publishing my book on Master Potter Guy Wolff. Of course, this means I have to finish writing it. But it's a fun project and he is a pleasure to work with. Plus I get to see all his beautiful pots. I will keep you posted.
The kiln before unstacking.
About Willow Tree Pottery I throw my pots on a slow moving kick wheel and on occasion use slabs in my work. Because my pots are single-fired to save energy, I glaze them when they are what we potters call leather hard. Once they are completely dry, I fire them 24 hours in a fuel burning kiln, gradually building the temperature to 23360F.
My pots are food safe and can go into the dishwasher or microwave. They are nice to bake in, but please don’t preheat your oven. I make tableware, including dinner sets, pots for cooking, and a few fun pieces for the garden. Like many craftspeople, I have a day job. So rather than keeping regular hours at my studio, when I am home, I focus on making pots, and writing my books. But I love visitors, so you can always call to arrange a visit. You can also visit online:
A few of Guy Wolff’s beautiful horticultural pots.
How to Contact Me: Email: suzy@willowtreepottery.us Phone: 860-287-8056 Write or visit: 24 Bebbington Road Ashford, CT 06278
Handmade pots for the table and for the kitchen, for you to use and enjoy, everyday with your family and friends.
Willow Tree Pottery Suzanne (Suzy) Staubach, potter 24 Bebbington Road Ashford, CT 06278 860-287-8056