Suzywan DELUXE AW17 生活 Collection

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Su zyw an i s a Fre n ch w o m a n t h a t g r ew up in a f a r m.

A mu l ti-d isci p l i n a ry a rt i s t s e l f - e d u cat ed t o g r a p hic , web desig n, p r o duc t io n a nd design. L iv in g in Sw e d e n s i n ce 1 0 y e a rs , s h e st a r t s t he j ewelr y b r a nd S uzy wa n DE L U XE , explore, learn an d gr ow s u cce s s f u l l y b y co l l a b o ra t i ng wit h r eno wned r et a iler s in U S A, U K, S c a ndina via and Asia. A f ter l ear n i n g t h e d i f f e re n t W e s t e rn c ult ur es a nd disc o ver ing her sk ills in Ja p a nese int erior design styl e in Kyo t o , h e r i n t e re s t g ro w s t o wa r d t he A nc ient Chinese c ult ur e a nd p hilo so p hy. L ed by h e r i n n o va t i ve m i n d s e t , a n under st a nding o f t he mea ning , imp o r t a nc e a nd value of mu l tic u l tu r ali s m t a k e s p l a ce .

C on c r et i z e d i n h e r f i rs t p h o t o s ho o t ma de in a 10 0 -y ea r s-o ld S wedish ho use o n th e w ay to

be demol ish e d , s h e i n vi t e s y o u t o h er ho me a nd sha r e wit h y o u her mult ic ult ur a l sides and multid isc ipl in ar y l i f e s t y l e .

T h is l oo k b o o k i s m a d e o f 1 0 ch ar a c t er s r ep r esent ing dif f er ent sides o f t he a r t ist .


Sh e l i k e s t o k n o w a b o u t n a tur e.


She e n j o y s re a d i n g a n d l e a rning a b o ut Qua nt um P hy sic s.


Sh e e n j o y s g l o ri f y i n g h e r s t y le.


Sh e e x p l o re s t h e b l e n d o f A sia n a nd West er n f la vo r ' s.


She t ra ve l s t h e w o rl d f o l l o wing her inst inc t o nly .


She l o ve s t o p e rf o rm a n d m a k es y o u disc o ver new vib r a t io ns.


Sh e s e e s H o n g K o n g a s a rea lit y sa mp le o f t he f ut ur e.


She a rch i t e ct s vi s i o n s f o r t o mo r r o w.


Sh e d a re s t o i n n o va t e .

# 1 0 She s e n s e L i f e l i k e a n A s i a n.

T h e ç”&#x; ć´ť " L i f e / t h e l i vi n g " co l l e c t io n lo o k b o o k is mea nt t o b e int er p r et ed a s a wish to our fu tu r e, a si m p l e s u g g e s t e d d i re ct i o n wher e M o der n West er n a nd A nc ient Asia n c ultures would meet, b l en d , a n d co m e t o g e t h e r i n b ea ut if ul ha r mo ny t o c r ea t e a sust a ina b le mindset .

素 絲 雲

融 和 潛 質 與 智 慧

Bamboo, one of the "Four Gentlemen", plays such an important role in traditional Chinese culture that it is even regarded as a behavior model of the gentleman. As bamboo has features such as uprightness, tenacity, and hollow heart, people endow bamboo with integrity, elegance, and plainness, though it is not physically strong.

"Mieux vivre avec les plantes": Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

"Harmonize your own nature with knowledge."

" H arm o ni se ta natu re avec la connaissance."

"Armonizza il tuo essere con la tua conoscenza." あなたという自然の英知と調和しよう 당신의 본성과 지식을 조화하세요. ” A r m o n i z a tu naturaleza con sabiduria.”

”Samstäm ditt väsen med kunskap.” «Га р м о н изируйте свою соб ст венную природ у с поз нанием»

" Bri n g d e i n We se n dur c h Ke nnt ni s i ns Gl ei c hg ew i c ht . " "Φέρε τη φύση σου σε αρμονία με τη γνώση." " ‫نسق ا لطبيعة الخاصة بك مع ا لمعرفة‬."

交流永續 生生不息

Dear Universe,

"Physics is the ultimate intellectual adventure, the quest to understand the deepest mysteries of our Universe. Physics doesn't take something fascinating and make it boring. Rather, it helps us see more clearly, adding to the beauty and wonder of the world around

us. When I bike to work in

the fall, I see beauty

in the trees tinged with red,

orange and gold.

But seeing these trees through

the lens of physics

reveals even more beauty."

"Our mathematical Universe"

by Max Tegmark

"Communicate to the furthest reaches of life."

" C o m m uni que au -delà de l' étendu e de la vie."

"Comunica con la Vita in tutta la sua ampiezza." いのちの広大さに語りかける 삶 의 끝까지 소통하세요. ” C o m u n icate al exento de la vida.”

“Var i kontakt med Livets storhet.” «П озн ава йте вел ичие жиз ни д о её пред ел ов.»

"Ste h mi t d e n ä u ße r s t en K ant en des D as ei ns i n A us t aus c h. " "Επικοινώνησε με την Ζωή στην ολότητα της."

終 生 享 譽 光 輝 榮 耀

終 生 享 譽 光 輝 榮 耀

"Glorify and honor your Life."

" G lorifie et honore ta vie."

"Glorifica e onora la tua Vita." あな たの人生に輝きと敬意を 당신의 삶을 영화롭고 명예롭게 바꿔보세요. ” G lorifica y honra tu vida.”

”Ära och älska ditt Liv.” « П ро славля йте свою жиз нь и насл ажд айт есь ею»

" Be g e g n e d e i n e m Le b en m i t We r t s c hät z ung und Ehr e r bi e t ung . " "Γιόρτασε και τίμα τη Ζωή σου." " ‫كرمي حياتك‬

‫ا مجدي و‬."

The chrysanthemum is one of the "Four Gentlemen" of China. It represent glory, beauty and richness, while for the Greek, it represent the complete opposite, death.

享 受 混 和 安 逸 與 趣 意

"Comfort, blend and let curiosity takes you towards enjoyment."

" R é c o nfo rt e , m é l ang e et laisse la cu riosité t’emmener vers le plaisir . "

"Mettiti a tuo agio, mischia tutto e lascia che la curiosità ti porti al godimento." ここちよく、心の 赴くままに楽しみを 편안한게, 조화롭게 그리고 호기심이 당신을 즐거움으로 이끌도록 해 보 세 요 . "C o n f o r t , m e z c l a y dejar que la curiosidad te lleve hacia el placer."

”Trösta, förenas och låt nyfikenheten lyfta dig till förtjusning.” « Р а с с л а б ьтесь, р а ств ор ите сь и д айт е л юб опыт ст ву привест и вас к нас л ажд ени ю .»

" E rmu n te re , v e r sch me l z e und l as s di c h dur c h O f f enhei t z u Fr e ude leit en." "Χαλάρωσε, επικοινώνησε και άσε την περιέργεια να σε οδηγήσει στην απόλαυση." " ‫يأخذك نحو التمتع به‬

‫ امتزج وأسمح للفضول أ ن‬،‫ارتح‬."

享 閒 息 生 活 悠 然 自 得

"Inhabit Life as if it was your lake."

" H abi t e l a vie comme si elle était lag u ne."

"Abita la Vita come se fosse il tuo lago." 湖 にたたずむように人生を生きよう 삶이 당신만의 호수인 것처럼 살아보세요. "H a b i t a tu vida como si fuera tu lago"

”Ta Livet i anspråk som om det vore ditt hav, din himmel.” « Обитайте в жиз ни, как б уд т о в вашем оз ере».

"Be w o h n e dei n L eben al s w är e e s dei n Tei c h. " " Κ ατοί κησε μ έσα στη Ζωή σα ν να ήτα ν η λίμνη σου." " ‫عش في ا لحيا ة كما لو كانت ا لبحير ة ا لخاصة بك‬."

揣摩生命變奏 演化創新動力

"Explore Life's different rhythms and crystallize them into new vibrations."

" E x p l o r e l es d i ffé re nt s ryt hm e s de la vie et cristallise-les en nou velles sen satio n s."

"Esplora diversi ritmi di Vita e cristallizzali dentro nuove vibrazioni." いのちの様々なリズムを探究し、新たな波動に結晶化させよう 삶 의 다른 리듬을 체험해보세요. 그리고 새로운 진동으로 결정화하세 요 . " Ex pl or a l o s d i f e r e n t e s r i t m o s de la vida y cristalisalos a nuevas vibrasiones."

“Utforska Livets växlande rytmer och utkristallisera dem till nya vibrationer.” « И с с л е д у йте р а зн ые р итм ы жиз ни и крист ал л из уйт е их в новые ви б раци и ».

" En td ecke di e ver sc h i e d e n e n Ta k te de s L e bens und k r i s t al l i s i e r e s i e z u ne uen S chwingungen." "Εξερεύνησε τους διαφορετικούς ρυθμούς της Ζωής και αποκρυστάλλωσε τους σε νέες δονήσεις." " ‫استكشف إيقاعات ا لحيا ة ا لمختلفة وبلور لهم في اال هتز از ات ا لجديد ة‬."

The fair and lovely Rose Quartz, with its gentle pink essence, is a stone of the heart, a Crystal of Unconditional Love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nourishment and comfort.

融 𣾀 多 元 文 化

顯 新 世 代 風 範

"Design Parts Collection in Japanese Traditional Style Architecture"

"Accept the inevitable multicultural blend as the new authenticity."

" Ac c e pt e l' inévitab le mélang e mu lticu ltu rel comme n o uve lle auth e n tic it

"Accetta che l'inevitabile diversità culturale diventi la nuova autenticità 必然的な多文化の融合を、新たに信用して受 け入 れよう 필연적인 멀티컬쳐를 새로운 진정성으로 받 아 들 이 세 요 . "A c e p t a la inevitable mescla multicultural como la nueva auntencidad

“Ta emot den nödvändiga sammanflätningen av kulturer och lita på

«П римите неиз б ежную мул ьт икул ьт урную смесь как нов у ю под л и нно

"E m p fa n g e d i e u n w ei ger l i c he Ver s c hm e l z ung de r K ul t ur e n als die neue Wahr ha "Αγκάλιασε την πολυπολυτισμικότητα σαν την νέα αυθεντικότητα." " ‫تقبل مز يج متعد د ا لثقافات ال مفر منه كالموثوقية ا لجديد ة‬."

té. "



å den.”


af tig keit . "

規 劃 未 未 共 同 理 想 世 界

The Chinese Luopan compass invented during the Han Dynasty, between

the 2nd century BC and 1st century AD, was the first compass invented.

The magnetic compass was not, at first, used for navigation, but for geomancy and fortune-telling.

"Future lies ahead" French / Korean Art book

"Architect the future as if the cosmos were same for a

"A rchitecte le fu tu r comme si le cosmo s é tait le m ê m e po ur

"Plasma il futuro come se il cosmo fosse lo stesso per tutti 宇宙がみなにとって同じであるような 未 来を構 築しよう

전 세계가 모든 사람에게 동일하다는 생 각 으 로 미 래 를 그 려 보

"Construye tu futuro como si el cosmo s fuera igual para to

”Planlägg framtiden utifrån en världsrymd som är samma i

«Соз д авайт е б уд ущ ее как б уд т о к ос мос ед и н д л я в с е

"E n tw i r f di e Zuk unf t i m Ver t r auen dar auf das s w ir alle den selben Ko

"Δόμησε το μέλλον σαν ο κόσμος να ήταν ο ίδιος για όλο

" ‫دس ا لمعماري عمر المستقبل كما لو كان الكون نفسه با لنسبة للجميع‬


to us ."


보 세요 .

o d o s. "

i allas ögon.”

ех .»

osm o s er leben."


‫أيها ا لمهند‬. "

敢 於 創 新

The ancient Chinese self-identified as "the descendants of the dragon" because the Chinese dragon is an imagined reptile that represents evolution from the ancestors and qi energy (Life flow).

"Dare to innovate."

"O se innover."

"Osa innovare." 革新する強さと勇気を 혁신을 꿈꾸세요. " Atrevete a inovar."

”Våga omskapa.” «Не б ойт есь инноваций.»

" Tr au di c h er f i nder i s c h z u s e i n. " "Τόλμησε να καινοτομήσεις." " ‫يجر ؤ على اإلبتكار‬."

認 知 本 身 歴 史 和 祖 先 智 慧

Traditional Korean Hanbok Costume. Korea had a dual clothing tradition in which rulers and aristocrats adopted different kinds of mixed foreign-influenced indigenous styles while commoners preserved a distinct style of indigenous clothing, today known as hanbok.

"Acknowledge your history and ancestors knowledge."

"Rec o n n a i s t o n hi st o i re au t rav e rs de la connaissance des anciens."

"Riconosci l'importanza della tua storia e della sapienza dei tuoi avi." あなた自身の歴史、先祖の知恵に感謝を 역 사를 인정하고 선조의 지식을 받아들이세요. " R ec onoc e t u h i s t o r i a y l a s a b iduria de tus antepasados."

”Känn ditt förflutna och dina förfäders erfarenheter.” « П р и з н айте сво ю исто р ию и з нания пред ков.»

"Sei dir dei ner Ver g a n g e n h e i t u n d d e r We i s he i t dei ner Vo r fahr en be w us s t . " "Αναγνώρισε την ιστορία και τη γνώση των προγόνων σου." " ‫اعترفي بتاريخك وعلم األسالف‬."

Credits Lookbook: Model / Make up: Dorian Kim Photography / Set Design / Styling / Text: Suzywan Assistant: Cho Hyunjung

Credits styling in order of appearance: All Silk Jewellery: Suzywan DELUXE, Sweden All Glasses, Silk Kimonos & Scarf: WOS, Sweden Vintage Handmade Sequin Jacket Made in British Hong Kong: Beyond Retro, Sweden Japanese Vintage Mint & Gold Jacket: Vintage Kyoto Store, Japan Burgundy Jumpsuit: Zara Yellow Leather Bra Top: & Other Stories, Sweden Heron Dress: Zara Bamboo Boots: Acne Vintage Look Mint Suitcase: Osaka, Japan Silver Boots: Acne Chinese White Cheongsam Dress: Vintage, Hong Kong Royal Blue & Gold Leather Purse: Tuscan's, Hong Kong White High Hills Shoes: Versus Dusty Pink Jumpsuit: Zara Japanese Wood Shoes: Beyond Retro, Sweden Handmade Traditional Korean Hanbok Costume: Wang Gwa Na, South Korea

Translation: Ancient Chinese: Heung Leo English: Jenny Soep French: Suzanne Duffour Italian: Lorenzo Bisenzio Japanese: Azusa Itagaki Korean: Dorian Kim Spanish: Carlos Martinez Swedish: Freya Arvidsson Russian: Sasha Kellerman German: Stephanie Wiegner Hamrin Greek: Christina Shachpas Arabic: Fouad Almssadi

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素 絲 雲 S u z y w a n i n Chinese mea ns "S imp le S ilk Clo ud"

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