Anima Mundi Academia Jurgis Dieliautas
© Ina Budryte (Lithuania), Title: “For fallen cats “, paper, gouache, charcoal, 56 x 41 cm, 2008
ISSUE 04 56
An event dedicated to the interaction of poetry and painting took place in the AMA Migrating Gallery (2022, February) (Siauliai). The pretext for this event is the creative collaboration of the painter Ina Budryte and the poet Solveiga Masteikaite, the smooth and correct ingenuity of their work, the improvised ability of these two creators to complement each other orally and visually. This is how a creative or reproducing, drawing, casting, becoming, appealing, and improvising relationship meets as well as the worded, imagined meetings develop. The creative word appeals to the creative image and vice versa, the self-creating image accepts comments. The rhetoric of narration and representation turns into the rhetoric of exclamations, flashes, visions, and remarks. Verbal rhetoric responds, becomes a response to visual rhetoric. Poetry and painting are currently a creative response to the rhetoric of the spectacle. In the course of the event, in the open discussion, in the commentary of one’s work, in answering the questions of the participants, some important things were clarified. The word is heard as the primary word, the image of the drawing is visible, it is the primary relationship, the primary