1 minute read
Bernd Kalusche, a German artist of the gallery, stretches the arc of his art wide. No hasty limitations, no ideological reservations, no superfluous fears or even showmanship. His motto in life – always further. This means not only the constant broadening of the aesthetic horizon; it also means continuing after the failure of artistic processes. Basically, art is something simple to him: it is the surrogate of his own life with all its joys, loves, triumphs, doubts, fears, and catastrophes. All these things are the subject of his statement-like artworks, which do not offer epic stories, but rather state names. The works have in common a high degree of kinetic energy, which finds expression in forms of varying degrees of abstraction. At the same time, however, the basis of all expression is also the intellectual capacity of the artist. He is trained and professionally experienced in the disciplines of art practice, art history, philosophy, and music. The visual repertoire of Bernd Kalusche oscillates during the perpetual search for beauty between the poles of refined staged simplicity, on the one hand, and a color-saturated vital polyphony, on the other. In looking and contemplating, it becomes clear: life is everything but stagnation. Therefore, art presents itself as an oscillation between play and rigor, between desire and concept.