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Produced by the Social Justice Committee for the St Vincent de Paul Society 585 Little Collins Street, Melbourne PO Box 14005, Melbourne Vic 8001 Ph: 03 9629 7152 Fax: 03 9620 1950

S J Cs p e a k i n g

Victorian survey of disadvantaged households

March 2003

St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria Inc.

Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria?

Who is the St Vincent de Paul Victoria Society? The Victoria Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria (SVDP) has approximately 8000 members and volunteers. The society assists approximately half a million individuals annually across Victoria. Of this, a significant number are based in the non-metropolitan area. SVDP also delivers a number of community support services including: aged care facilities, housing services, youth services and disability services. (For more information about the activities of the Society, see Appendix 1.)

Survey of Clients of the St Vincent de Paul Victoria Society In February 2003 members and volunteers of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria asked clients of the society would they be willing to complete a simple questionnaire. This questionnaire was devised to seek the demographic profile, attitudes and perceptions of these individuals. In particular SVDP was interested in ascertaining individuals current living situation, the reasons for their situation and strategies that could be implemented that would assist them. The following is a brief outline of the findings.

Overall findings Background A total of 362 individuals responded to the survey. A total of 199 children were in the care of the respondents. Returned survey forms were received from the following Metropolitan postcode areas: Williamstown, Altona, St Albans, Deer Park, Ardeer, Caroline Springs, Wyndham Vale, Laverton Hoppers Crossing, Werribee, Calder Park, Taylors Lakes, Mooney Ponds, Essendon, Pasco Vale, Brunswick East, Brunswick, Fitzroy, Preston, Reservoir, Heidelberg, Mill Park, Bulleen, Templestowe, Doncaster, Hawthorne, Burwood, Mitcham, Ringwood, Ashwood, Wantirna, Boronia, Mountain Gate, Carnegie, Bentleigh East, Clayton, Springvale South, Dandenong, Cheltenham, Beaumaris, Mentone, Aspendale, Chelsea, Seaford, Frankston, Pakenham. Returned survey forms were received from the following non-Metropolitan postcode areas: Corio, Norlane, North Shore, Bell Park, Bell Post Hill, Geelong, Newtown, Leopold, Camperdown, Ballan, Ballarat, Wendouree, Stawell, Dimboola, Maryborough, St Arnaud, Mildura, Mildura St, Merbein, Bendigo, Echuca, Nathalia, Seymour, Wangaratta, Wodonga, Myrtleford, South Morang, Kinglake, Warrigal, Moe, Neerim area, Hazelwood, Sale, Maffra, Lindenow, Bairnsdale, Cowes/Summers, Mt Eliza, Mornington, Dromana/McCrae, Rosebud, Rye, Blairgowrie, Sorrento, Korumburra, Leongatha, Tooradin, Koo Wee Rup, Wonthaggi, Inverloch.

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Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria? Summary of results Question 1:

What causes your poverty?

This question allowed respondents to select up to three responses from a list of six. The following chart details the findings.

What causes your poverty? (percentage)

40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00

37.2 24.2 11.3



4.1 Unemployment

education / training

cost of living

health / disability

family brakedow n

difficulties w ith location

This shows that in rank order the major factor “causing respondents poverty� was identified as: 1. The cost of living (37.2%) Outward expression of introduction competition policy and other expression of users pay without consideration by all levels of government to the social impact. 2. Health and disability (24.2%) This may be expression of the lack of for an adequate health services and rehabilitation and reintegration programs for people with poor health and disabilities. 3. Family breakdown (12.7%) Lack of appropriate community programs that provide personal relationship training and support for those families that need this assistance. This possibly reflects the fragmentation of broader community supports and structures. 4. Unemployment (11.3%) On the face of this one would expect this to be higher however when comparing to question 8 – your source of income a significant number of people had some form of employment. 5. Education and training (10.6%) Possibly and identification they need to be retrained to effectively compete in the labour market. 6. Difficulties with location (4.1%) Not surprising with the high number of respondents from growth corridors and the non-metro area. f:\dianneb\social justice\client survey may 2003.doc

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Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria? Question 2:

What things cant you afford?

This question explores the impact on household activities due to their situation. The question allowed respondents to select three options from a possible 11. The chart below details the overall findings

What things you can't afford?


158 131 90



in g


co st s

ift s





ex pe nc es

lid ay s ho Sc

ng C lo th i

Tr an sp ec or re t at io n /s po rts



En er gy

C os ts




Ph M on ed e ic al ex pe ns es


Fo od

180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0

In order of importance items that individuals ranked as most likely to be unable to afford were: (percents add up to more than 100 due to multiple choices) 1. Food (45.3% of respondents indicated this as being unaffordable) 2. Holidays (43.6% of respondents indicated this as being unaffordable) This may be a contributing factor that leads to family breakdown, which was identified as a factor in causes of poverty at 12.7%. 3. Clothing (36.2% of respondents indicated this as being unaffordable) 4. Energy Costs (27.3% of respondents indicated this as being unaffordable) 5. Housing costs (24.9% of respondents indicated this as being unaffordable) 6. Recreation / sport (24.0% of respondents indicated this as being unaffordable) 7. Medical expenses (18.2% of respondents indicated this as being unaffordable) 8. Transport (18.0% of respondents indicated this as being unaffordable) 9. School expenses 17.4% of respondents indicated this as being unaffordable) 10. Phone (15.7% of respondents indicated this as being unaffordable) 11. Gifts (15.2% of respondents indicated this as being unaffordable) Note: To understand why holidays appear to be so high on the agenda of things that can’t be afforded, it can in part be explained due to the timing of the survey. The survey was undertaken in February, a peak holiday time for families. As such, we believe the high rate of identification of holidays is a reflection of choices families have made during this time – can afford to go on holidays.

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Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria? Question 3:

What weekly income would you need to adequately live?

This question explored the perceptions of respondents as to the amount of weekly income they would require to adequately live. For comparative purposes the current weekly pension rates1 excluding rent assistance and family tax benefit are:

Single $229.15 Couple $183.75 (each)

The currently weekly unemployment benefit rates (21 and over if not studying) are:

Single $190.05 Couple $171.40 (each)

The chart below details responses to this question. When comparing the results with the current pension and benefit payments, 14.9% identified needing additional income of under $150 per week. 40.61% indicating that they would need an income in the range of $150 - $300 per week. Indicating that the basic pension payment is deficient by $70 per week (single pension payment) and a $110 per week on the single unemployment payment. 35.36% indicating that a weekly payment of between $301-$450 per week at the upper range more than double pension and benefit payment. 5.25% indicating that they would need $451-$600 per week. At the upper range almost triple single pension payment. Approximately 3.8% indicating they would need greater than $601 per week

Weekly income needed to live adequately (percent) 45.00 40.61 40.00 35.36 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 14.92 15.00 10.00 5.25 2.21 1.38 5.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 under $150

151-300 301-450 451-600 601-750 751-900



over 1200

Centrelink, A guide to Commonwealth Government Payments, 20 March- 30 June 2003 f:\dianneb\social justice\client survey may 2003.doc

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Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria? Question 4:

What can Governments do to help your situation?

This question allowed respondents to select two from a possible six selections. In order of importance the respondents identified 1. Reduce the cost of living with $58.84% indicating action in this area 2. 48.9% increase the number of affordable public services. 3. 36.19 increase benefits 4. 29.83% create more real jobs 5. 10.77% provide adequate skills – training opportunities 6. 5.52% Increased childcare Consistent with the responses to question one, respondents identified that controlling the cost of living was more important that increasing benefits. This would suggest that there has been a disproportional growth in costs for this group relative to the growth in income. (See explanations question 1)

What can governments do? (percent/could choose two)

70.00 60.00 50.00

58.84 48.90




30.00 20.00


10.00 0.00

Increase affordable public services

Create more real jobs

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Reduce the cost of living

increase benefits


Provide increases child adequate skills care training opporunities

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Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria? Question 5a:

Your household type

38.83% identified themselves as single females

22.91 Identified themselves as a couple

19.55% identified themselves as shared house

18.71 identified themselves as single males

Surprised by the relative high number of shared households presenting.

Houshold Type (percent) 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00


22.91 18.72

Single Female

Single Male

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Shared House

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Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria? Question 5b:

Number of children

Number of Children 70


60 50





30 20






0 1










Of the respondents that identified they had children, over 80% had three or less children. This also indicates that of the 362 respondents an additional 199 children were reliant on emergency relief assistance. This represents a significant number of people (children) that are the hidden face of poverty.

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Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria? Question 6a:

Your accommodation type

The vast majority 66.3 % identified that a house was the principle accommodation type. Followed by a flat with 21.3% with 6.6% identifying supported accommodation as their accommodation type with the remaining 5.8 living in a caravan or mobile home. What is surprising about these results are the large number over 10% that are in non-traditional forms of housing. SVDP are particularly concerned about the number of people in caravan/mobile homes (5.8%). Possibly forced into this accommodation option due to inordinately long public housing waiting lists or lack of availability of affordable private rental options.



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6.6 Supported accomodatio n

5.8 Caravan / Mobile home




70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0

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Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria? Question 6b:

Housing - tenancy/ownership

A significant number of respondents (45.5%) identified themselves as living in public housing, with 30.33% living in private rental, 8.65% mortgaged homeowners and 5.52% homeowners. A number if public policy issues arise within these findings. Firstly, the significant number of people identified as in public housing that are seeking assistance. On the face of it public rental, with rents capped at 25% of weekly income should provide a reasonably affordable housing option however they are over represented in the sample. This could be attributed to the introduction of the segmented waiting list. This effectively targets public housing to those that have complex health issues and high often support and/or needs. This would impact on the individual budget through additional costs see Questions 1 and 4 or in the wider community through additional demands on other community organizations and facilities (such as SVDP). Similar policy issues may apply to the number of individuals that identified supported accommodation, see Question 6a. The large number of private renters 40.33% indicates that the housing boom has not necessarily resulted in affordable private rental accommodation. Finally it is alarming with such low interest rates that 8.56% identified themselves as mortgaged. SVDP suspect that if interest rates rise a large number of people will be exposed to significant financial pressure. Is cross checking this group with income source a significant number have some attachment to the labour market, - the working poor!!!!! Also tend to be in regional centres or outer metro growth corridors.

Accomodation type (percent) 50.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00

45.58 40.33


Public Housing

private Rental

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5.52 Owned

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Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria? Question 7:

What is your take home weekly income?

Over 55% of respondents indicated that they had an income of under $300 per week.

Take-home weekly income (percent) 45.00




35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00




5.00 0.00 under $150




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2.21 1.38 0.28 0.00 0.00 601750




over 1200

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Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria? Question 8:

Your source of income

The question it allowed respondents to identify income source form amongst 10 income options. In addition it allowed each respondent to identify up to three sources of income. Detailed below are the raw results from the survey.

Income source - raw numbers 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0


36 21




d m po

se lf e

fu nd lf Se




ed Ag

D is ab ilit y

pa r

en t

t le


pl oy m en

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U ne

m po le



ye po ca su a

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em po




m nt






im e Fu ll t



Income source (percent)

th er O

fu nd se ed lf em po ye d

Se lf

Ag ed

em pl oy U m ne en m t pl oy m en So t le pa re nt D is ab ilit y

26.30 30.00 23.13 25.85 25.00 20.00 12.02 15.00 8.16 10.00 3.63 0.45 0.45 5.00 0.00

Significantly 12.02% of respondents indicated that they had some form of employment (fulltime, part time or casual employment). From SVDP experience this a new emerging and growing client group, the working poor.

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Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria? That is individual and families that are either underpaid or have a precarious relationship with the labour market.

Conclusion There are a number of significant issues that arise from this survey 1. Increases in costs for low income / disadvantaged groups are identified as a significant pressure point rather than a decline in incomes. (Factors may include GST, levies charges, co-payments etc in short the decline of the social wage) 2. Significant numbers of respondents are in public housing and an alarming number (8%) with mortgages given the current interest rate climate. 3. Just over 12% have some attachment to the workforce; from SVDP experience this is a significant increase from previous years. The rise and rise of the working poor. 4. Clothing, food, holidays, energy costs and housing have been identified as household budget items that respondents can’t afford.

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Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria? Appendix 1 Role of St Vincent de Paul in Victoria THE ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY VICTORIA INC. The St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria Inc. consists of voluntary members and volunteers outreaching to the most vulnerable in our community through: •

HOME VISITATION Members of the St Vincent de Paul Society form local groups known as ‘Conferences’. There are over 300 of these volunteer groups in Victoria, undertaking home visitation to people in need, in their local area. Conference members visit people in their homes, and in hospitals or prisons, extending the hand of friendship and offering practical support - helping individuals and families to remain in ‘main stream’ community.

SOUP VANS The Society has six Soup Vans which travel around the streets each evening providing soup, sandwiches, tea and coffee to people they meet. The vans visit people not only on the streets, but also in boarding houses, refuges, squats and hospitals. ‘Vannies’, as they are known, are conference members of the Society.

CENTRES OF CHARITY Centres of Charity, also known as ‘op shops’ provide second-hand clothing and furniture for sale. The main role of the Centres, however, is to resource the local Conference - providing clothing or furniture free of charge to outfit a struggling family or individual through the home visitation process. The remaining stock is sold to the public, having two further advantages: It offers the opportunity for people on a tight budget to afford clothing, household goods, and furniture; and the revenue generated helps to fund the work of Conferences, and Community and Support Services.

ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY ‘AGED CARE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES’ The Society’s Aged Care and Community Services provide a range of professional services and support to marginalized people. These services are funded jointly between government and the Society. They include: AGED CARE SERVICES The Society provides care and accommodation for elderly citizens through its various hostels and nursing homes. 1. Low Care Facilities • Bailly House: • Vincepaul Hostel: • Rosalie House: • St Annes Hostel: • O’Mara House: • Vincentian House: • May Noonan Hostel:

In North Melbourne provides 41 beds In Box Hill, provides 53 beds In Geelong, provides 32 beds In Westmeadows, provides 30 beds In Traralgon, provides 49 beds In Geelong provides 59 beds In Terang, provides 34 beds

2. Independent Living Units • Bendigo: • Ballarat: • Maryborough: • Mildura:

30 units 3 units 6 units 14 units

3. High Care Facility The St Vincent de Paul Society Nursing Home in Box Hill

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Who are the Society of St Vincent de Paul Victoria? 4. Day Therapy Centre Attached to the Box Hill Nursing Home HOMELESS SERVICES The Society provides a range of accommodation and support services to people who are marginalized and homeless within the Victorian community. 1. Accommodation Services • Transitional Housing Management Provides interim housing and support services for people who are homeless or experiencing a housing crisis situation. • Ozanam House A 60-bed crisis accommodation facility for homeless men. • Quin House A 10-bed residence for homeless people who have undertaken a detoxification or rehabilitation program. 2. Support Services • Outreach Youth Services Provides case management assistance and stable housing for homeless young people in Melbourne, aimed at providing safety and security so that they may rebuild their lives. • Outreach Adult Services Provides case management assistance and housing to homeless and marginalised people throughout Melbourne. • Community Centre Provides support to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, through material aid, housing support, onsite health services, skills development and community development. • OzLink personal support program Provides participants with “time out” from the pressures of looking for work, to focus on and address issues that affect their ability to look for work. Ozlink is funded to support 60 participants. • Domestic Violence Support Provides support and temporary housing for women and their children who are escaping domestic violence.

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