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Annual Report 2007/2008 St Vincent de Paul Society NSW/ACT

Cnr West & Thomas Streets, Lewisham NSW 2049 P: (02) 9560 8666

Our mission

The St Vincent de Paul Society is a lay Catholic organisation that aspires to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society.

Our vision

The St Vincent de Paul Society aspires to be recognised as a caring Catholic charity offering “a hand up� to people in need. We do this by respecting their dignity, sharing our hope, and encouraging them to take control of their own destiny.

Privacy Statement Because the St Vincent de Paul Society respects the privacy of the people it serves, the names of any clients featured in this report have been changed and pictorial models used. The Annual Report of the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW/ACT is produced by the Community and Corporate Relations Team of the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW/ACT, January 2009. Text provided by the staff of the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW, Cardinal George Pell, Barbara Ryan, Peter Sharp, Beverley Kerr, and Michael Callaghan. Editing and Design by Rachel Anne Irvine. St Vincent de Paul Society NSW ABN: 46 472 591 335


The St Vincent de Paul Society is a lay Catholic organisation that aspires to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society.

CONTENTS 4 5 6 9 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

A Message from the Cardinal, Cardinal George Pell A Message from the President, Barbara Ryan Vice President’s Report, Peter Sharp Vice President’s Report, Beverley Kerr Vice President’s Report, Michael Callaghan Armidale Diocesan Report Bathurst Diocesan Report Broken Bay Diocesan Report Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocesan Report Lismore Diocesan Report Maitland/Newcastle Diocesan Report Parramatta Diocesan Report Sydney Archdiocesan Report Wagga Wagga Diocesan Report Wilcannia/Forbes Diocesan Report Wollongong Diocesan Report


Statewide Statistics


State Council Departmental Reports


Thank you


State Council Directory

42 45 48 53 57 61 66 70 78 81 83

Armidale Diocesan Directory Bathurst Diocesan Directory Broken Bay Diocesan Directory Canberra/Goulburn Diocesan Directory Lismore Diocesan Directory Maitland/Newcastle Diocesan Directory Parramatta Diocesan Directory Sydney Archdiocesan Directory Wagga Wagga Diocesan Directory Wilcnnia/Forbes Diocesan Directory Wollongong Diocesan Directory



Cardinal George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney

It has been another great year of service by the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW/ACT. The Disaster Recovery Team increased its preparedness to respond to major events, adding doorknock communications to its standing provision of essential material support. The Team’s capacity was further expanded, with community partners and the Federal Government funding the training of Disaster Recovery leaders, greatly enhancing the Team’s ability to assist people caught in disastrous events. A renewed commitment to social justice on the part of the Society led to initiatives, including research and advocacy initiatives engaging issues ranging from domestic violence, homelessness and refugees, through to the ongoing drought. June 2008 saw the release of the major research report, ‘Residents at Risk’, detailing the predicament of disadvantaged caravan park residents, plus a range of communications to raise awareness of social justice issues among the Society members, media and other stakeholders. Vinnies Centres (shops) benefited from a financial study of all outlets. Operational training packages also assisted in the implementation of new efficiencies state wide. The branding of Vinnies Centres continued to be a focus, with a view to increasing public recognition of the Society’s outlets, which now have a presence in 267 locations across NSW. The Society’s 39 homeless services and facilities under Matthew Talbot Homeless Services continued to develop all facets of their capacity to respond to current and emerging trends in homelessness. Visits by Federal Government Ministers to several of the Society’s hostels and refuges greatly enhanced awareness, support and willingness to act at the Federal level regarding the ongoing crisis of homelessness.


Homelessness and poverty were the focus of the Society’s Winter Appeal, which adopted the theme, “this time it’s personal”, to raise awareness and funds by giving the public an insight into the lives of people experiencing disadvantage. The Rural Task Force, one of the Society’s newest initiatives continued to visit communities suffering in the grip of the worst drought on record. Stories of heartbreak and devastation continue, however, the compassion, material and spiritual support of the Task Force helped assure struggling rural communities that they did not have to face their problems alone. The Society’s homelessness and mental health conference held in October 2007 drew experts from around the nation, bringing the latest research and practice in the field of mental health to the forefront of the Society’s work in this area. The ‘Mate Helping Mate’ DVD, a mental health resource for rural Australians was launched, proving to be an invaluable resource for people suffering ‘drought stress’ and depression. SPARK, one of the Society’s newest Special Works provided refugee children and their families with community support in collaboration with schools across the metropolitan area. The SPARK programme has forged vital sustaining links between refugees and the mainstream community. In addition to its Buddies Days and Kids Camps, respite programmes for disadvantaged children, Vinnies Youth and Young Adult members piloted the Rural Relief programme to aid rural youth affected by the drought. I am especially grateful for the role that Vinnies Youth played in World Youth Day in July, and the involvement of the Society in preparing for this monumental spiritual event. Once again I wish to record my thanks and the thanks of the Catholic community for the generous and committed service extended by the St Vincent de Paul Society and all its staff and members to those in need. Their work continues to bring the light of Christ and the love of the Christian community to the marginalized and disadvantaged, and my prayers and good wishes go with the Society for the year ahead. George Cardinal Pell Archbishop of Sydney

I wish to record my thanks and the thanks of the Catholic community for the generous and committed service extended by the St Vincent de Paul Society and all its staff and members to those in need.

A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Barbara Ryan, NSW State President

In many ways, the past year can be characterised as a period of intense change and renewal. This is a healthy process, one that is fundamental to the St Vincent de Paul Society’s capacity to effectively carry-out its good works. Importantly, it is also a process faithful to the vision of our principle founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam. Regarding the Society’s leadership, John O’Neill retired as State President in September of 2007. On behalf of State Council, members, volunteers and employees, I offer my sincere thanks to John. Much of the Society’s current ability to grow and respond to emerging forms of need can be attributed to John’s astute leadership and his steadfast commitment to the Vincentian vocation. In acknowledging the work of my predecessors over the past year, I must also thank Raymond James who assumed the role of Acting President during the period spanning from September 2007 through to my appointment in February 2008. Raymond’s stewardship of the Society enabled the consolidation and expansion of various key initiatives vital to shoring up our ability to meet the considerable socioeconomic challenges that lay ahead. Continuing on the theme of change, 2007/2008 saw a series of developments both globally and locally having a direct bearing on the nature of our work alongside disadvantaged and marginalised people. The ongoing housing affordability crisis continued to place many people at heightened risk of homelessness and impede the ability of others to find pathways out of homelessness; drastic increases in the costs of essentials like food, petrol and utilities placed countless families and individuals under considerable stress; and, the worst drought on record pushed many rural communities to breaking point. The emerging global financial crisis threatens to only compound this level of need.

The Society’s ability to effectively anticipate, adapt and respond to the array of changing conditions hinges on our capacity to change and renew. This consideration has been central in the manner in which we plan, implement and evaluate the many programs and initiatives detailed throughout this Annual Report. It is also a factor driving the strategies I have put in place as President. Of course, the key to making this work is effective communication. I am very conscious of the need to improve the way the Society communicates, not just internally, but with other stakeholders, including government, the social services sector, and most importantly, the people we serve. Since commencing as President I have been working with members, volunteers and staff to bring the following key points together through our collective efforts: (1) a renewed commitment to the ethos and foundation values of the Society; (2) a deepening of our Catholic faith; (3) a renewed confidence and respect for the Society’s governing body, the State Council; and (4) a renewal of communication and collegiality across all levels of the Society. I am convinced that realising these goals will help the St Vincent de Paul Society to, firstly, better serve the poor and continue to remain faithful the spirit and culture envisaged by the its founders, and secondly, capable of adapting and responding to new and emerging challenges. No organisation, particularly a volunteer one, can survive without ongoing commitment from many wonderful people. Our Society is a combination of 1000 employee positions and in excess of 19,000 volunteer roles. These Vincentians continue to support the less fortunate in our communities embodying a spirit of Christian love in line with the Gospel message. Our community would be in a much poorer situation without them and on behalf of the many thousands assisted I gratefully acknowledge their support. Barbara Ryan President St Vincent de Paul Society NSW

The Society’s ability to effectively anticipate, adapt and respond to the array of changing conditions hinges on our capacity to change and renew.


VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Peter Sharp, Vice President, Finance

Peter Sharp

Vice President, Finance


Finance Occupational Health & Safety Insurance Information Systems Child protection Employment Relations Community & Corporate Relations Retail Operations

Finance: NSW/ACT revenue for the year increased by 16% on the previous year to $103.9 m. Outlays increased by 13% to $96.4 m. The surplus generated was $7.5 m. Cash inflow for the year was $19.8 m. This result reflects both the growth in retail sales and the increased demand on services supplied to clients who seek our support. Funding costs for those seeking assistance totalled $46.2 m. Once again this increased outlay has been primarily directed at homeless person services, mental health services, drought relief and the provision of food. Net assets at 30 June 2008 totalled $378.4 m. Capital Expenditure Projects to the value of $56 million were approved and committed by the Evaluation Approvals Group during the 2007/2008 year. Increased involvement and support was planned and committed to for the provision of homeless services across the state. In recent years $30 million has been invested in services at the Matthew Talbot Hostel, the Ozanam Learning Centre, Frederic House and Vincentian Village. This increased level of expenditure will continue with further investment outside the metropolitan area of Sydney as a priority in 2009 and beyond. Occupational Health & Safety: Occupational Health & Safety programs play a significant role in providing a safe, healthy and enjoyable environment for members, volunteers and employees in all works conducted by the Society. Responsibility for OH&S is shared between the individual and the operation. Safe practices and systems are developed and implemented through extensive training and audit. Certified OH&S auditors are employed to conduct regular audits to ensure that members, volunteers and employees work in a safe environment. Insurance: Insurance programs provide cover for members, volunteers and employees. This is in addition to cover applied to buildings and contents; public liability and professional indemnity for the Society’s protection. Insurance claims are at an all time low largely attributed to extensive training and significant changes in attitude by Society members, volunteers and employees who are working to implement safe practices and procedures. Considerable savings in premiums means the Society can provide more funding to assist people in need.


In recent years $30 million has been invested in services at the Matthew Talbot Hostel, the Ozanam Learning Centre, Frederic House and Vincentian Village.

Information Systems: Information Systems or GWIS (Good Works Information System) successfully launched in 2005 and continually updated since then, has significantly improved financial management and daily operational controls. The roll out of the client history component of GWIS continued in 2007/2008 and is set to launch in late 2008. The completion of the project will improve information management and in turn the quality of service available to clients. Ongoing upgrades to software and hardware improved information systems across the board and will ensure more effective and less costly operations in the future. Child Protection: Child Protection is about keeping children safe from abuse and protecting them from people who are primarily unable to care for them; unsuitable to work with them; or are seeking to exploit or take advantage of them. The Society’s Child Protection Policy and Procedures document is the cornerstone of State Council Policy to address these concerns. In 2007/2008, the Society’s Child Protection Officer was in regular contact with a myriad of stake holder groups and government and private agencies and provided submissions to the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing Community Services and the Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) paper ’Australia’s Children: Safe And Well’. Employment Relations: Employment Relations has been an area of increased Society emphasis over the year 2007/2008 and many changes have been introduced with the active participation and involvement of employees across the State. Developments in industrial relations laws in the past year gave the Society the opportunity to escalate planned changes. Considerable time and energy has been devoted to introducing collective agreements in collaboration with employees in which pay and conditions are determined, discussed and agreed upon with staff. This strategy addresses the Society’s goals of being the employer of choice within the charitable sector in NSW, increased training, education and professional development of employees and reduced compliance and administrative costs. A revised, easy to read workplace manual for staff was also introduced outlining Society employment policies including paid maternity leave and study leave provisions. The employee relations roll out will continue in 2008/2009. Community and Corporate Relations: Community and Corporate Relations was very productive throughout 2007/2008 continuing to manage traditional fundraising and marketing activities while also preparing for World Youth Day and the Vinnies World Youth 4 Justice Concert. Events income suffered due to an event cancellation and the equine flu while newsletters and appeals exceeded fundraising targets bringing in returns of up to 20% extra on the previous year for the Winter Appeal. Bequests left to the Society in 2007/2008 were a much appreciated and acknowledged source of funding. The Society marked a special milestone in April 2008 at the Great Hall at Sydney University, with the launch of ’Captain Charles: Engineer of Charity‘, a book detailing the life of Charles O’Neill, the founder of the Society in NSW and New Zealand. The Society continued to receive mostly favorable publicity receiving over 14,000 mentions in the various forms of media during the year.

A revised, easy to read workplace manual for staff was also introduced outlining Society employment policies including paid maternity leave and study leave provisions.


World Youth Day saw a significant effort from across the Society through official events and because of the generosity of Society members and volunteers in hosting pilgrims and providing clothes; blankets; sleeping bags; toiletries and other items to assist the pilgrims. Retail Operations: Retail trading through 267 Vinnies Centres state-wide continued to be a successful operation and an important source of funding for the Society in 2007/2008. A surplus of $15.4 million from retail sales was generated for distribution to those who seek Society support. This surplus was in addition to requests from Conferences for goods to be supplied without charge to clients in need who seek assistance. Vinnies Centres success continued to be underpinned by committed volunteers supported by paid employees where necessary. The network of Vinnies Centres in both the city and country ensured that the Society was able to assist many local areas across the State. Continued operation of many of these Vinnies Centres is on a needs basis to provide assistance for local communities/suburbs where required. The future goals of the Society have been clearly enunciated by the State President and the State Council are already engaged in assessing a basis for future direction to continue to benefit people in need. The amount of effort required to review, evaluate and introduce the determined direction will be substantial and require understanding and patience from both members and employees. Updated structures and philosophies must evolve to retain relevance to changes occurring around us, while we remain committed unambiguously to traditional Vincentian values simply focused on supporting those many people seeking Society support. The one certainty is that demands on the Society will continue to increase in both complexity and number.


Updated structures and philosophies must evolve to retain relevance to changes occurring around us, while we remain committed unambiguously to traditional Vincentian values simply focused on supporting those many people seeking Society support.

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Beverley Kerr, Vice President

Beverley Kerr Vice President


Rural Task Force Disaster Recovery Migrant & Refugees SPARK Aboriginal Partnership Disability Vocation Services Family Services Budget Counselling Care & Assistance Centre Care of the Mentally Ill Compeer

Rural Task Force: ‘We See’; ‘We Hear’; ‘We Help’. During the 2007/2008 financial year, the Rural Task Force continued to travel throughout the State visiting and speaking with farmers and rural business suffering the drought. Schools in isolated and disadvantaged areas were once again assisted financially for end of year excursions, swimming lessons and Christmas parties. Throughout the year, dedicated Task Force members travelled vast distances to assist farming families and rural communities. The State Youth Team held a Rural Relief program in Forbes for the youth in surrounding country areas, which was a huge success. This coincided with the Task Force visit to Warren. Through a newly developed partnership with WorkCover, they have offered assistance to farmers through the Task Force. They will conduct free OH&S workshops, and will also provide financial support for local mental health awareness workshops and initiatives. The Rural Task Force is a Special Work of State Council and is committed to supporting Rural NSW in the long term. Disaster Recovery: The Society has signed a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ with the State Government and other community partners to provide, blankets, mattresses and toiletries in the case of a disaster. The last major disaster were the Maitland / Newcastle floods in June 2007. Society members responded promptly and helped the local community rebuild their lives over many months. This year also saw the development of the Joint Team Leader Training Session, a $140,000 grant from the Federal Government to D.o.C.s. to employ a person to research, develop and write a training package, and to roll it out across the State. Migrant and Refugees: In 2007/2008, Migrants and Refugees was a very active and busy arm of the Society. There are Asylum Seekers who have no legal status, money, work rights or access to Centrelink payments. Many have no where to live and speak little English. State Council granted $200,000 for VASA (Vinnies Asylum Seeker Allowance) to help refugees find somewhere to live and to help them to survive day-to-day. Other assistance provided to refugees included the provision of text books and course fees for TAFE students and driving lessons to help those who do have work visas to obtain employment e.g. fruit picking or driving vehicles. Camps and sporting activities were also provided to refugee children. In May, the Maitland/Newcastle Refugee Committee ran a very successful weekend camp in for mothers and children. The Fairfield Vietnamese community organised a fundraising dinner in March to express their gratitude for the assistance they received from the St Vincent de Paul Society when they arrived in Australia over 30 years ago. The event raised $35.000. A similar fundraising dinner was held in Wollongong raising $12,182.

Throughout the year, dedicated Task Force members travelled vast distances to assist farming families and rural communities.


SPARK: St Vincent de Paul Society Assisting Refugee Kids (SPARK) is a Special Work of State Council that grew significantly throughout 2007/2008. SPARK provides refugee children and their families with community support through schools. Over the year, SPARK ran for eight weeks in five primary schools in the Parramatta Diocese and Sydney Archdiocese during term three. Over 120 young volunteers assisted more than 150 children every week. The success of SPARK is illustrated by the Wagga Wagga and Lismore Diocese’ interest in launching the program in their areas. The SPARK programme has provided better results for children and families while they settle into their new country and has bridged the gap between the school and the community. Aboriginal Partnership: A new steering committee was established for this important portfolio to address the great need within the Aboriginal community across NSW and inner city. Housing, medical, education, mental health and disability are only a few of the problems that are faced by this community. This work will continue in 2008/2009. Disability Vocation Services: As a Special Work of St Vincent de Paul Society, Ozanman Industries is strongly committed to enhancing the lives of people with disabilities. Over the year, Ozanam Industries at two locations in North Ryde and Stanmore serviced a number of large corporates; small to medium sized businesses; government departments and leading banking and financial institutions with their mail fulfilment and packaging requirements. At Stanmore they also assembled show bags and continued to bake Communion Hosts (Altar Bread) . Employees were excited to win the contract to produce 1 million Hosts for World Youth Day. West Ryde purchased a new mailing machine that enabled the Society to submit quotations for larger mail work during the year. The work centre at Coonamble, which employs 26 people with disabilities continued with their commercial laundry, car wash operation, recycling and distribution centre and a small retail outlet. The Society’s Disability Vocation Services rely on contracts from across the State to ensure their dedicated and vulnerable workers remain employed. Family Services: Family Services provides temporary housing; care and assistance centres; long day care centres and holiday cottages to families in need. In 2007/2008, services that operate in Northern Beaches, Inner City and Western Sydney continued to develop programs to help clients to move forward and take control of their lives. The Caroline Chisholm Centre for Social Justice at Emerton and the Margaret Druitt Day Care Centre were made a Special Work of State Council. A new Care and Support Cottage at Kandos in the Bathurst Diocese was completed to benefit clients in that area. No Interest Loans Schemes (NILS) were run through Corrimal, Wagga Wagga, Northern Beaches and St Ives. This program offers small loans at no interest for the purchase of necessary household items mainly white goods, which also enables clients to gain a credit rating, when the loan has been repaid.


Over the year, SPARK ran for eight weeks in five primary schools in the Parramatta Diocese and Sydney Archdiocese during term three. Over 120 young volunteers assisted more than 150 children every week.

Budget Counselling: Budget Counselling continued to be an important aspect of Conference work with 34 fully trained budget counsellors working continually across the State. Full training for Budget Counsellors in level 1, 2 and 3 was conducted throughout the year by the Learning Services Team at Lewisham. Care and Assistance Centre: Located in the grounds of Lewisham, volunteers at the Care and Assistance Centre worked hard throughout the year providing assistance and a hot meal to vulnerable people who needed immediate assistance while they waited for Conference support. The dedicated team of volunteers were faced with challenging situations on a daily basis but they treated each person in a non-judgmental way. Over the year, the number of people attending the Centre increased due to spiralling living costs. The Care Centre is an important work of State Council as many non-Government and Government agencies refer clients for immediate assistance. Care of the Mentally Ill: A major achievement for mental health in 2007/2008 was the release of the second edition of the ‘Mate Helping Mate’ DVD in conjunction with the Rural Task Force, to highlight the awareness of social isolation and depression in remote and rural drought affected areas. Over 4.000 DVD’s were distributed in the last 12 months and have become well known and used across NSW and interstate. The President of the Care of People with a Mental Illness Advisory Committee distributed 727 Christmas cards and gifts to men and women living with a mental illness who have no family. COMPEER: A Special Work of the Society, Compeer, the Society’s friendship program for people with a mental illness continued to grow during the year. In early 2007, Compeer Sydney was awarded the prestigious NSW NAB Volunteer award for Best Practice in Volunteering. The eight Compeer programs in NSW at Albury; Griffith; Warrawong; Macarthur-Wingecarribee; Blacktown; Lewisham; Chatswood and Central Coast organised a number of BBQ’s; Christmas parties; coffee afternoons; craft groups; social gatherings and Compeer dinners during the year. Matched friendships continued to grow over the year. In Sydney Compeer programs alone, there are now 137 matches with some having been matched for12 years. This year also saw the third Compeer Conference with attendees from NSW, VIC, ACT and SA.

In Sydney Compeer programs alone, there are now 137 matches with some having been matched for 12 years.


VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Michael Callaghan, Vice President

Spirituality: The Committee for Spirituality is working well. Spiritual Reflection Guides were produced, and well received, throughout the year and we are currently working on producing innovative guides as additional support for our members. The new Mission Statement has been sent out. Our Spiritual Advisor Bill Johnston has been very busy supporting both State Council and various spiritual reflection days held throughout the State. Michael Callaghan Vice President


Spiritual Formation Literature Social Justice Learning Services Overseas Partnership 0 & Development Volunteer Development Caroline Chisholm Centre for 0 Social Justice

Literature: This work is essential in keeping our members and others informed. The major highlight of the year was the publication of the book on Charles Gordon O’Neill, written by Steven Utick. Social Justice: Senior Researcher Dr Andy Marks has been extremely busy producing articles for the media and undertaking a number of studies to produce reports on issues including homelessness and the cost of living. Dr Marks has also addressed various organisations and groups across a broad range of topics relevant to this portfolio. Learning Services: Learning Services has had a busy year conducting training sessions across the State on an extensive range of topics. They are also preparing a series of lectures for the forthcoming Regional Presidents Seminar. While somewhat overstretched for staff, our Learning Services Manager, George Owen seems to pull the rabbit out of the hat when needed! Overseas Partnerships: This work continues unabated with a number of new projects. We said farewell to Kevin Walsh as a chairman of this committee who has been ably succeeded by Mike Reynolds. Volunteer Development: The committee has been extremely busy and has come up with some innovative suggestions for our consideration. Kate Scholl has been travelling across the State to various regions to present recruitment sessions which have been well received. Caroline Chisholm Centre For Social Justice: Work at Mount Druitt is as busy as ever and we are seeing a greater number of homeless people. A willing band of volunteers and professional people contribute daily through interviews, training and support to a wide variety of clients. Overall responsibility for this work has been transferred to State Council. The Committee and John Stone (Manager) look forward to a productive and harmonious relationship.


Learning Services has had a busy year conducting training sessions across the State on an extensive rand of topics. They are also preparing a series of lectures for the forthcoming Regional Presidents Seminar.

Tweed Heads Lismore Ballina Lightning Ridge


Glen Innes Inverell







Coffs Harbour




Nambucca Heads



Port Macquarie

Broken Hill





West Wyalong


Orange Bathurst

Maitland Lithgow

Windsor Katoomba

Wentworth Balranald





Bowral Goulburn


Wagga Wagga

Nelson Bay




Albury Cooma

Newcastle Gosford Broken Bay

Broken Bay Parramatta Sydney Sydney






Wagga Wagga


Ulladulla Batemans Bay Narooma Bega


Statistics by Diocese Armidale Diocese Estimated Population Average Household Income

186,982 $52,585

Bathurst Diocese Estimated Population Average Household Income

222,425 $57,289

Broken Bay Diocese Estimated Population Average Household Income

902,415 $91,478

Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocese Estimated Population Average Household Income

578,821 $80,419

Lismore Diocese Estimated Population Average Household Income

479,596 $48,989

Maitland/Newcastle Diocese Estimated Population Average Household Income

664,427 $60,409

Parramatta Diocese Estimated Population Average Household Income

985,426 $75,133

Sydney Archdiocese Estimated Population Average Household Income

2,160,077 $82,933

Wagga Wagga Diocese Estimated Population Average Household Income

159,343 $56,719

Wilcannia/Forbes Diocese Estimated Population Average Household Income

112,265 $51,422

Wollongong Diocese Estimated Population Average Household Income

650,997 $64,811


ARMIDALE diocese


The Armidale Diocese is second in size to the Wilcannia/Forbes Diocese and embraces a wide range of climatic zones from mountains to plains. Agriculturally, this diversity means that land can be used for various purposes, from the grazing of cattle and sheep to dryland and irrigated cropping of wheat and cotton. Don Hewitt

The effect of the ongoing drought does not impact on the Diocese to the same extent Armidale Diocesan President as it would if we were restricted to one form of agriculture. The Armidale Diocese was represented at all of the Rural Task Force meetings held during the year and introduced ‘farm visitation’ in the most severely drought-affected areas. Demand for assistance increased as a result of escalating living and housing costs. During the year, the Society helped people struggling to cover bond costs and rent in advance of tenancy. The twenty-six Conferences in the Diocese assisted the marginalised through a combination of home visits, interviews at selected Centres or by phone in some drought-affected locations where face-to-face assistance is not geographically feasible. Government support through Emergency Relief Funding, as well as vouchers for electricity, gas and telephones, helped the Society provide relief during 2007/2008. The Armidale Diocese has undertaken the upgrade and improvement of its Vinnies Centres. The Centres, which have previously been built or renovated with limited funding or expertise, are in urgent need of renovation. In order to meet OH&S standards, and provide reasonable comfort for the clients and volunteers, this renovation is crucial. This upgrade will take years of concentrated planning, and budgeting, to be achieved. An extensive update of Vinnies signage, both indoor and outdoor, is also being implemented across our Centres. These upgrades will enable our Centres to continue to be a crucial point of contact for people in need, a great place to shop and critical source of funding for our good works.


Number of: Regional Councils Special Works Vinnies Centres Conferences Youth & Young Adult Conferences Home visitations by Conference Members Total Volunteers Number of Members: Conference Members Youth and Young Adult Members Special Work Members

225 20 0

Number of persons assisted through: Regional Council Referral Rooms Conferences Youth & Young Adult Conferences Special Works Centres Total Support: Client support (financial): Client support (in-kind):

4 0 19 26 2 7,769 907

1,470 14,347 420 0 2,188 18,425

$635,000 $71,158

Demand for assistance increased as a result of escalating living and housing costs. During the year, the Society helped people struggling to cover bond costs and rent in advance of tenancy.

BATHURST diocese

Gillian Ferguson

During 2007/2008, World Youth Day had a profound effect on people in the Bathurst Diocese, especially those who attended the Bathurst events, over 300 pilgrims from 32 countries attended. Pilgrims overcame language barriers by talking with their arms and hands. The first Mass celebrated was an eye opener to everyone with nineteen priests mostly young men in their twenties.

Bathurst Diocesan President

St Brigid’s Conference in Dubbo celebrated its 85th anniversary, a milestone event attended by many current and past members. A member, who has given 63 years of service to the Society gave a wonderful talk on the history of the Conference. The Diocesan Drought Support team worked tirelessly with drought-affected communities and farmers as well as with the Rural Task Force coordinated by State Council. Whilst the drought cannot be fixed, the Society has been able to provide significant assistance to individuals and families. The assistance has taken the form of financial help but just as importantly emotional support during times of stress. The Sydney Symphony Orchestra held a concert in aid of drought relief at the Bathurst Entertainment Centre. The Governor and many dignitaries from Sydney were present and the evening was enjoyed by all. The Diocesan Council has taken a greater interest in mental health issues and will continue to do so in the future. It is likely that the Compeer program, the Society’s friendship program, will be introduced in the coming year. As a result of the great efforts of members and volunteers, a Night Patrol Van and Soup Kitchen were established in Orange and are now operating to fill a need in the community. The support from local businesses has been remarkable with a lot of groceries and other items being donated on a regular basis. The Diocese has commenced its Centre refurbishment program and the response from volunteers and the public has been overwhelmingly positive.

As a result of the great efforts of members and volunteers, a Night Patrol Van and Soup Kitchen were established in Orange and are now operating to fill a need in the community.


Number of: Regional Councils 4 Special Works 5 Vinnies Centres 18 Conferences 25 Youth & Young Adult Conferences 5 Home visitations by Conference Members 10,674 Total Volunteers 936 Number of Members: Conference Members Youth and Young Adult Members Special Work Members

234 100 22

Number of persons assisted through: Regional Council Referral Rooms Conferences Youth & Young Adult Conferences Special Works Centres Total Support: Client support (financial): Client support (in-kind):

0 28,958 0 14 7,218 36,190

$785,000 $174,405


BROKEN BAY diocese


The Society in Broken Bay continues with its emphasis on the spiritual formation of its members so that we can go out into our nation to work for and in the place of Christ. World Youth Day was a major project of our Youth Team in 2007/2008. Broken Bay Youth services continued their involvement in the kids holiday camp, school Broken Bay Diocesan President education programs and night patrol services. Youth Reach has recently obtained new and enlarged premises at Brookvale to further assist their clients. John Donnelly

The Broken Bay Diocese’s overseas assistance funding doubled through Twinning and Assist-A-Student programs. In addition, the Diocese was able to sponsor World Youth Day pilgrims from twinned countries of India, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan and Fiji. The Broken Bay Diocese continued to offer training to members involved in the Society’s ‘good works’. The recent launch of Captain Charles: Engineer of Charity, the biography of the Society’s founder in NSW, was one way of highlighting Charles O’Neill’s contribution to the Society. The publication of this book has been significant to members. During the year, Conference members made 21,953 visits assisting 48,645 people. This is the main focus of our work for Christ. In addition, there are many other Special Works of the Society like Youth Reach, Louise House (Wyong) and Rosalie’s Gardens (Woy Woy) where professionally trained staff work to improve the position of those whom we have the honour to serve. Compeer programs and Budget Counselling services are offered throughout the Broken Bay Diocese.


Number of: Regional Councils 5 Special Works 10 Vinnies Centres 27 Conferences 39 Youth & Young Adult Conferences 25 Home visitations by Conference Members 21,953 Total Volunteers 1,932 Number of Members: Conference Members Youth and Young Adult Members Special Work Members

475 300 47

Number of persons assisted through: Regional Council Referral Rooms Conferences Youth & Young Adult Conferences Special Works Centres Total Support: Client support (financial): Client support (in-kind):

10,439 48,645 230 1,906 8,145 69,365

$3,038,000 $436,844

The Broken Bay Diocese’s overseas assistance funding doubled through Twinning and Assist-a-Student programs. In addition, the Diocese was able to sponsor World Youth Day pilgrims from twinned countries of India, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan and Fiji.



Evan Brett

Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocesan President

It has been another busy year for Vincentians across the Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocese. While the number of people visited by volunteers remained fairly static, there was a significant increase in the total geographical areas affected by the drought. The amount of drought-related assistance provided in these areas increased significantly. The drought has been particularly prolonged around Lake Cargelligo, West Wyalong and Boorowa. With the support of several donors, the Society provided breakfast for students at schools in West Wyalong, Weethalle and Ungarie.

Kennedy House, the men’s hostel at Goulburn, changed management in the 2007/2008 financial year. This change has brought about a fresh perspective to case management and the programs offered to residents. Planning is currently underway to bring a women’s hostel to Goulburn where there has been a long identified need for such a service. The service will feature a high percentage of places for the frail-aged. The Vinnies Centres, which provide clothes and other goods to people in need at no cost, also sell to the public at affordable prices. The Centres on the south coast of NSW have traded at sound levels however the Centres in the west have struggled to maintain profitability. The principal cause of the down turn is the prolonged drought in these regions. These Centres will be maintained due to their pastoral function in each town and as a resource to people and families in need. Management initiatives and cost-cutting have arrested the financial downturn in a number of the Centres particularly Temora and Cootamundra. The Centre at Young, which traded at a loss for a long period, is an example of the change that can be brought about by an infusion of dedicated and motivated volunteers. One of the highlights of the work of the Society in the community is the school holidays camps run by the Youth and Young Adult members of the Society. Ten camps were successfully run over the past year and children from all areas of the Archdiocese attended. Society Conference members identify camp attendees and eligibility is normally based on the circumstances and needs of each family.

With the support of several donors, the Society provided breakfast for students as schools in West Wyalong, Weethalle and Ungarie.


Number of: Regional Councils 9 Special Works 6 Vinnies Centres 26 Conferences 49 Youth & Young Adult Conferences 29 Home visitations by Conference Members 18,389 Total Volunteers 2,244 Number of Members: Conference Members Youth and Young Adult Members Special Work Members

577 348 7

Number of persons assisted through: Regional Council Referral Rooms 617 Conferences 45,469 Youth & Young Adult Conferences 359 Special Works 67,025 Centres 8,368 Total 121,838 Support: Client support (financial): Client support (in-kind):

$3,428,000 $432,030


LISMORE diocese

Kevin Walsh

Lismore Diocesan President

Despite the holiday appeal of many parts of the Lismore Diocese, there are many areas and communities that experience significant social disadvantage. Conferences operate in the Lismore Diocese in all major communities and many of the smaller ones. Demand for the Society’s services has increased over the year, but was well responded to by Conference members. During the past year, with the increase in fuel prices and rent, many of our callers require additional support to supplement their budgets. There is also an increased demand for fuel and chemist expenses.

Routine maintenance and refits of many Vinnies Centres have continued to give the Society a strong retail presence in the charity sector. Sales figures from Centres confirm the trend toward cheaper shopping in the wake of increased fuel and rent cost to families. In addition mortgage stress is causing more savings pressures on family budgets. World Youth Day provided a significant focus for the active young members of the Diocese. Eight Youth members attended ‘FamVin’ at Bathurst, before partaking in various events of World Youth Day. All reported very positive experiences, especially members of the Vincentian family from across the world. Mini Vinnies has expanded considerably during the year, with many new Conferences established in parish schools. Youth, family and teen camps were a great success, thanks to a very experienced camp committee. Formation and training are in progress for the new camp season. McCosker House, a homeless facility in Port Macquarie, is now newly developed and awaiting its first intake of clients. Matthew Talbot Clothes Recycling Centre, has begun a new contract for cut rag, in addition to its regular contracts for export wearables. The Centre continues to support the distribution of stock to 28 Centres across the Diocese.



Number of: Regional Councils 5 Special Works 6 Vinnies Centres 28 Conferences 35 Youth & Young Adult Conferences 15 Home visitations by Conference Members 20,280 Total Volunteers 1,859 Number of Members: Conference Members Youth and Young Adult Members Special Work Members

383 236 17

Number of persons assisted through: Regional Council Referral Rooms Conferences Youth & Young Adult Conferences Special Works Centres Total Support: Client support (financial): Client support (in-kind):

25,597 43,619 260 149 7,362 76,987

$1,882,000 $162,713

World Youth Day provided a significant focus for the active young members of the Diocese. Eight Youth members attended ‘FamVin’ at Bathurst, before partaking in various events of World Youth Day.


Gwen Sampson

Maitland/Newcastle Diocesan President

From July to December 2007, the Society in the Maitland/Newcastle Diocese worked in close collaboration with the Salvation Army and the Samaritans in disbursing almost $2 million in funds to people affected by the storms and floods of the June 2007 long weekend. In excess of 700 families were assisted with repairs, vehicle replacement, clothing and household items. In May 2008, Society State President and NSW Premier recognised the dedication of fifty volunteers who were actively involved in the disaster relief effort.

The Maitland/Newcastle Diocese funded the purchase of a cabin in the Diocese to enable community health workers to continue to assist people facing disadvantage at the Coachstop Caravan Park in Maitland. The project is a wonderful example of many community groups working together, including Area Health, Centrelink, local council, schools, private business and the Society. The Maitland/Newcastle Diocese Migrant & Refugee Committee received Claffy Foundation funding to hold a Refugee Mums & Kids Camp in May at the Myuna Bay Sport & Recreation Camp. The Maitland/Newcastle Diocese employed a Youth Co-ordinator and appointed two new Youth Representatives, in a shared role. These new employees have worked well together in recruitment and training, and have built a very strong youth participation in regular Buddies Days and a Kids Camp. Vinnies Centres in the Diocese continue to operate efficiently and profitably. The Eastlakes Distribution Centre was established to centralise the collection and sorting of donated goods and to deliver to eight Centres and outlets. The Diocese’s OH&S Auditor continues to audit each property in the Diocese twice a year and conducts regular manual handling training sessions for members and volunteers.

The Maitland/Newcastle Diocese Migrant & Refugee Committee received Claffy Foundation funding to hold a Refugee Mums & Kids Camp in May at the Myuna Bay Sport & Recreation Camp.


Number of: Regional Councils 8 Special Works 7 Vinnies Centres 28 Conferences 52 Youth & Young Adult Conferences 19 Home visitations by Conference Members 25,749 Total Volunteers 1,798 Number of Members: Conference Members Youth and Young Adult Members Special Work Members

460 333 24

Number of persons assisted through: Regional Council Referral Rooms Conferences Youth & Young Adult Conferences Special Works Centres Total Support: Client support (financial): Client support (in-kind):

0 73,176 355 9,178 3,948 86,657

$2,372,000 $270,655




Des Kinsella Parramatta Diocesan Administrator

In 2007/2008 the St Vincent de Paul Society’s Parramatta Diocese continued to provide hope, dignity and relief for the people of Western Sydney, an area facing many socio-economic challenges. The Vinnies Centres continued to provide a high level of goods and services to the community. This commitment was recognised as the Seven Hills Centre had the honour of being a finalist in the category of Community Service/Not for Profit Organisation in the 2008 True Local Business Awards.

The Cardinal Freeman Centre, for homeless men, introduced the Homereach Program in conjunction with the Department of Housing, with support of Vinnies Conference members. The pilot program, to run for two years, is designed to help residents sustain their tenancy within the Parramatta region. The Our Lady of The Way refuge continued to develop the self-esteem, self-worth and social skills of the women it assists by recruiting a specialised consultant and to run new living skills, healthy eating and exercise programs. The Caroline Chisholm Centre for Social Justice has recently added to its professional services; a councillor, legal aid adviser and psychologist, who are volunteering their time, contacts and expertise. The demand for these services at the Centre has doubled in the last 12 months signifying the urgent need for such assistance in the Parramatta diocese. The Vinnies Van visits people on the street, bringing food, drink and friendship to 5172 people from Parramatta to Penrith during the 2007/2008 financial year. This is a 25 percent increase on the previous year. The Parramatta Diocese continued to support the growth of the SPARK (St Vincent de Paul Assisting Refugee Kids) program, providing support to refugee children and their families through school based programs. Another school adopted the program during the year. SPARK now runs in four schools throughout the Diocese, in Wentworthville, Pendle Hill, Merrylands and Parramatta.


Number of: Regional Councils 4 Special Works 7 Vinnies Centres 25 Conferences 45 Youth & Young Adult Conferences 10 Home visitations by Conference Members 16,576 Total Volunteers 1,731 Number of Members: Conference Members Youth and Young Adult Members Special Work Members

439 130 32

Number of persons assisted through: Regional Council Referral Rooms Conferences Youth & Young Adult Conferences Special Works Centres Total Support: Client support (financial): Client support (in-kind):

$2,580,000 $652,300

The Parramatta Diocese raised significant funds and awareness through a number of successful events, including a doorknock, a dinner and CEO and Teachers Sleep Outs, through the Escape from Poverty program.


1,576 45,255 364 16,438 7,849 71,482

The Our Lady of the Way refuge continued to develop the self-esteem, self-worth and social skills of the women it assists by recruiting a specialised consultant and to run new living skills, healthy eating and exercise programs.

SYDNEY archdiocese

Terry Walsh

Sydney Archdiocesan President

Sydney Archdiocese assisted over 77,000 people through 41,000 home visits during the last year. While this is a 7% increase over the previous year, the rate of increase has been much higher in inner-city suburbs because of the rising cost of rental accommodation. In addition, more people have been provided with food assistance in the last year than ever before. Over 9,000 people received assistance through our Vinnies Centres.

The Archdiocese has 20 Special Works that provide services and assistance to victims of domestic violence, people with mental and physical disabilities, the homeless, refugees and asylum seekers. On any night of the week these Special Works provide up to 300 beds for the disadvantaged and 200 meals to the homeless on the streets of the inner-city or Liverpool through the Night Patrol services. Another of the Archdiocese’s Special Works, Mary MacKillop Outreach, contributed to WYD by producing 600,000 wooden crosses that were distributed during the WYD Cross’s journey around Australia. A refurbishment program for all Vinnies Centres gained momentum during the year. Refurbishments included new signage, better lighting and improved shop fittings. This program is designed to create a consistent public image for Vinnies Centres in line with National Council’s guidelines and is expected to take another two years to complete. Our Youth Team had a very productive year with a full program of Buddies Days as well as a number of Kids Camps. The Youth Team were also very active in supporting Mini Vinnies groups in primary schools, Youth Conferences in secondary schools and Young Adult Conferences. The Youth Team participated in the Rural Road Show, which was a State Youth Team initiative, to provide a drought-support program for youth in the Forbes area. The Archdiocese continues to recognise the plight of farmers and rural communities during the extended drought. The Archdiocese has attempted to assist regional Dioceses by providing financial assistance as well as donations of clothing for sale and distribution in these areas.


Number of: Regional Councils 12 Special Works 20 Vinnies Centres 42 Conferences 113 Youth & Young Adult Conferences 48 Home visitations by Conference Members 41,503 Total Volunteers 3,117 Number of Members: Conference Members Youth and Young Adult Members Special Work Members

1,088 12 146

Number of persons assisted through: Regional Council Referral Rooms 8,006 Conferences 77,880 Youth & Young Adult Conferences 230 Special Works 90,194 Centres 8,681 Total 184,991 Support: Client support (financial): Client support (in-kind):

$11,027,000 $1,296,123

The Archdiocese has 20 Special Works that provide services and assistance to victims of domestic violence, people with mental and physical disabilities, the homeless and refugees and asylum seekers.





The Society’s Wagga Wagga Diocese is still in the grips of the worst drought on record. The generous partnership with the Sydney Archdiocese has provided muchneeded financial support. Diocesan members and volunteers have worked extremely hard to help all those affected by the drought. The Society has seen increased requests for help in paying Wagga Wagga Diocesan President for the carting of water, buying of water, and paying of living expenses including energy, telephone, medical expenses, boarding school fees and land rates. Pauline Black

The Vinnies Centres across the Diocese have all increased their profitability for the 2007/2008 financial year. The Society opened an outlet in Coolamon and a new Centre in Tumbarumba which are both trading very well. The Riverina Consortium of the IHSS Refugee Programme has welcomed 20 families to the Diocese in the last twelve months. Most families have settled in Wagga Wagga and others have gone to Albury, Griffith and Leeton. The Riverina Consortium is considered a model of best practice and is highly-regarded amongst those working in humanitarian programs. The Diocese partners with Centacare and the Multicultural Council of Wagga Wagga in this enterprise. In the 2007/2008 financial year the Diocese has been fortunate to have established three new Conferences: St Mary’s Conference at The Rock, St Francis Conference at Charles Sturt University and St Faustina’s Conference at Tocumwal. The Wagga Wagga Diocese care and support service, Micah House, has witnessed an increased number of clients attending for showers, laundry, games, television and midday lunch. The building has been extended to accommodate the increased number of clients needing assistance.


Number of: Regional Councils 4 Special Works 6 Vinnies Centres 15 Conferences 29 Youth & Young Adult Conferences 7 Home visitations by Conference Members 13,048 Total Volunteers 1,159 Number of Members: Conference Members Youth and Young Adult Members Special Work Members

261 78 34

Number of persons assisted through: Regional Council Referral Rooms Conferences Youth & Young Adult Conferences Special Works Centres Total Support: Client support (financial): Client support (in-kind):

35,003 28,210 187 10,622 6,118 80,140

$2,726,000 $374,728

The Society’s Wagga Wagga Diocese is still in the grips of the worst drought on record. The generous partnership with the Sydney Archdiocese has provided much-needed financial support.




The Society’s Wilcannia/Forbes Diocese, covering 52 percent of NSW, is still in severe drought. Some areas have had good rains but not enough to break the drought while areas that did receive some rain still need good follow-up rains. The Diocese provided $156,397 in drought assistance for 2007/2008. Leo Sheehan

Wilcannia/Forbes Diocese President

With the generous assistance of the State Council, the Wilcannia/Forbes Diocese was able to assist 30 schools in drought-affected areas, with 1863 students in total, to enjoy an end of year break up and Christmas party.

The Wilcannia/Forbes Diocese is grateful to the metropolitan Dioceses for their significant contributions to drought relief. Without this support the Diocese would not have the resources to continue its good works. The demands for home visitation and assistance from Conferences and Vinnies Centres is increasing due to very high heating and fuel prices which have had an adverse affect on the cost of living. The Society’s Special Works in Deniliquin have assisted 393 families over the 2007/2008 financial year. The homeless services in the area helped more than 297 families and an additional 265 children. 18 per cent of people helped were identified as Indigenous. These services assist with obtaining and/or maintaining independent housing as well as providing financial help, material aid and emotional support. The Vinnies Reconnect Team worked with approximately 80 disadvantaged young people and their families, while the Vinnies Mentor Program matched 26 young people with mentors to assist with their development and reengagement with the community.

Number of: Regional Councils Special Works Vinnies Centres Conferences Youth & Young Adult Conferences Home visitations by Conference Members Total Volunteers Number of Members: Conference Members Youth and Young Adult Members Special Work Members

164 30 15

Number of persons assisted through: Regional Council Referral Rooms Conferences Youth & Young Adult Conferences Special Works Centres Total Support: Client support (financial): Client support (in-kind):

4 2 15 19 1 6,991 765

2,726 12,401 50 462 1,817 17,456

$1,155,000 $66,983

The Society’s Meal Centre in Broken Hill served 6,213 meals for the 2007/2008 financial year. On 28 June, the Meal Centre celebrated 35 years of community service in Broken Hill with a formal dinner.

With the generous assistance of the State Council, the Wilcannia/Forbes Diocese was able to assist 30 schools in drough-affected areas, with 1863 students in total...



Ivor Davies

Wollongong Diocesan President

Members and volunteers in the Society’s Wollongong Diocese cotinued to provide assistance to many families and individuals in need during the 2007/2008 financial year. Over 60,000 people were helped by our Conferences in addition to the many hundreds supported through homeless services and other Special Works. Calls for assistance increased by 7% across the Diocese, with the largest increase experienced in the Shoalhaven Region, at over 30%.

The Diocese continued to upgrade its family centres to improve service provision. A brand new Vinnies Centre will be built in Nowra, replacing the old outdated building. Apart from material help, many facilities in the Diocese assist with budget advice and provide other counselling services. The latter is particularly evident at the Nagle Centre in Campbelltown which assisted over 12,000 people last year. The Nagle Centre is also home to the Clemente Program, which is a joint project with the Australian Catholic University, providing tailored courses for a number of people the Society helps. Plans are underway to upgrade and expand an innovative homeless service in Nowra. The Jim Da Silva City Farm, on the outskirts of Nowra is being looked at as a model for country areas, providing a long term accommodation option for homeless men to help them to achieve self-sufficiency. The Society’s ‘Animation’ team continued to work with Department of Housing residents in many of Campbelltown’s housing estates, particularly with those estates that are being redeveloped. In Central Illawarra, local Conference members and other volunteers developed an entrepreneurial program, and worked with local public high school students to improve self-esteem by mentoring in the classrooms, and supporting a breakfast club. A second school will be added to the program next year.



Number of: Regional Councils 6 Special Works 20 Vinnies Centres 24 Conferences 39 Youth & Young Adult Conferences 11 Home visitations by Conference Members 24,807 Total Volunteers 2,868 Number of Members: Conference Members Youth and Young Adult Members Special Work Members

464 295 101

Number of persons assisted through: Regional Council Referral Rooms Conferences Youth & Young Adult Conferences Special Works Centres Total Support: Client support (financial): Client support (in-kind):

0 55,081 0 18,447 5,909 79,207

$4,887,000 $297,482

The Society’s ‘Animation’ team continued to work with Department of Housing residents in many of Campbelltown’s housing estates, particularly with those estates that are being redeveloped.


Number of: Regional Councils Special Works Vinnies Centres Conferences Youth & Young Adult Conferences Home visitations by Conference Members

65 101 267 471 171 207,739

Number of Members: Conference Members Special Works Members Youth and Young Adult Members

4,770 522 1,882

Total Number of Members


Number of Associate Members: Conferences Special Works Youth and Young Adult Members Centres

1,333 1,864 1,497 7,801

Total Number of Associate Members: Number of Volunteer Roles: Conferences Special Works Youth and Young Adult Members Centres Total Volunteer Roles




6,103 2,386 3,379 7,801 19,669

Family Status of People assisted by Conferences Single Sole Parent with Children Couple without Children Couple with Children

44% 32% 9% 15%

Income Source of People assisted by Conferences 24% Unemployment Benefit 24% Sole Parent Pension 27% Disability Pension 11% Other Govt. Pension 5% Age Pension 3% Wages 2% No Income 4% Not Determined


Number of persons assisted through: Regional Council Referal Rooms Conferences Youth & Young Adult Conferences Special Works Centres Total

ABBREVIATED INCOME & EXPENDITURE Total Revenue Expenses Client Support Cost of Sale of Goods Administration Fundraising Total Expenses Surplus


$46,153,000 $36,579,000 $10,678,000 $2,970,000 $96,380,000 $7,549,000

ABBREVIATED BALANCE SHEET 85,434 473,041 2,455 286,728 67,603 915,261

Types of Assistance Provided by Conferences Cash, food parcels, food vouchers $7,001,747 fares, debt payments etc Clothing, Household Goods (New and used $2,878,274 items from Conf. & Centres) $3,183,000 Electricity Vouchers (EAPA) $140,000 Water Vouchers (PAS) $650,000 Telephone Vouchers & Cards (Telstra)

Assets Current Assets Non-Current Assets Total Assets Liabilities Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Net Assets

$125,068,000 $279,102,000 $404,170,000

$19,515,000 $6,254,000 $25,769,000 $378,401,000

Total Assistance Given in Cash & Kind from Conferences $13,853,021


VINNIES CENTRES The Retail and Distribution Department has completed extensive demographic studies of two Dioceses in NSW as well as a financial study of all Centres’ financial results across the state, including income, expenses, surplus/deficit and includes all as a percentage of total income. The updating of the Centres Policy and Operations Manual is currently being completed and signed off by the newly formed Centres Board by February 2009, after which it will be presented to State Council for consideration. A comprehensive Retail Training package has been completed that includes a facilitators’ manual and participants’ handouts. It uses the “drip feed” training system, including 10 – 30 minute training modules across customer service, selling skills, stock management, and store presentation. The training library will be extended to include further position descriptions, role responsibilities and training across all roles in the retail and distribution network, plus any other training needs identified. Volunteer Position Descriptions for all roles across retail and distribution have been updated so that a state-wide structure and understanding of the responsibilities of any role as required by state or individual Diocese is in place. The finalised package will now be considered by State Council and the newly formed Centres Board for agreement and finalisation. As a part of the National Centres Committee, a National Centres Strategic Plan has been finalised. The next step is allocation of roles and national coordination which is currently under discussion. Approximately 20 Vinnies Centres have been designed and refitted to a new Vinnies image. As part of this, the National Style Guide has been completed so all required design elements are available to the Retail Department. A new state-wide report format has been developed and put in place by the Centres Board.


All volunteer Position Descriptions across all roles across retail and distribution have been updated so that a state-wide structure and understanding of the responsibilities of any role as required by state or individual Diocese is in place.


The diverse network of material support and assistance the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW/ACT provides to the most disadvantaged members of our community is guided by Vincentian social justice. Informed by the principles of Catholic social teaching, social justice is fundamental to the Society’s mission. The alleviation of need cannot be meaningfully addressed unless the unjust structures that cause it are identified, challenged and eliminated; this is the role of social justice. The Society’s commitment to social justice and advocacy was significantly strengthened in 2007/2008 with NSW State Council authorising the establishment of a research team at the Lewisham Offices, staffed by a Senior Researcher and a Research Officer. Working at the direction of the Social Justice Committee and as part of the Community and Corporate Relations team, the research team have greatly expanded the Society’s research and advocacy profile both with the Society and among external stakeholders. In early June 2008, the research team released the major social justice report, Residents at Risk. The report, detailing the predicament of disadvantaged caravan park residents throughout NSW, received an extraordinary level of positive media coverage, generating much needed public and political awareness concerning marginal housing and homelessness. The research team played an active role in the Federal Government’s Homelessness Green Paper Public Meeting in Sydney, 11 June, and made a critical contribution to National Council’s written submission. The development of research partnerships with external social service agencies was an additional priority throughout the year, enabling the Society to share and enhance its research expertise among the broader research community. The research team also drove the roll-out of evidenced based communications across the Society’s fundraising materials, further enhancing the credibility of our ‘good works’ in the eyes of our generous supporters.

The alleviation of need cannot be meaningfully addressed unless the unjust structures that cause it are identified, challenged and eliminated; this is the role of social justice.



In October 2007 NSW hosted a national Society conference ‘Breaking the Cycle’ which focused on the nexus between mental illness and homelessness. Research presented at the Conference shows that even though mental illness and substance abuse may lead to homelessness, the reverse is often true. Homeless people have their first episode of a mental illness or start abusing substances after becoming homeless. At Christmas the Society actively supported the distribution of Christmas cards and gifts to over 700 residents of boarding houses and nursing homes in Sydney’s Inner West. Most of them have few family connections or friends and would have contact with no one else apart from fellow residents. The production and launch of the ‘Mate Helping Mate’ DVD provided valuable information to drought-affected rural and remote areas on how local communities can address the huge issue of social isolation and depression. The ‘Mate Helping Mate’ concept provides a relaxed informal environment where members of farming communities can connect with their peers and professional mental health workers. The drought has had a devastating impact on both the financial state and emotional resources of much of rural NSW. Many of the traditional ways of ‘socialising’ no longer happen. ‘Mate Helping Mate’ aims to re-establish those connections. Over 4,000 DVDs were distributed throughout the year with outstanding results. Compeer, the Society’s volunteer Mental Illness Friendship Program, had a strong year with good growth and some wonderful new friendships. Friendships increased by 20% to 135 matches throughout the Sydney area. Compeer Sydney has two programs, a face to face friendship program where the volunteers and friends meet weekly or fortnightly and Compeer Calling – the telephone friendship program. In August 2007 Compeer Sydney was awarded the prestigious NSW NAB Volunteer Award. The NAB in conjunction with Volunteering Australia reviewed programs throughout Australia for Best Practice in volunteering. Compeer with its strong training, support system and volunteer involvement was the NSW state winner from over 600 entries. During the year our Compeers enjoyed several combined social events, the Annual Dinner, Christmas Party and Friendship Week BBQ. These events bring together people matched 12 years in the program to those matched just a couple of weeks. Compeer Yarning a monthly craft and coffee group started in the Blacktown area in March. Throughout the year our volunteers and friends enjoyed 3,200 hours of friendship together doing what friends do – simply enjoying each others company.


The ‘Mate Helping Mate’ concept provides a relaxed informal environment where members of farming communities can connect with their peers and professional mental health workers.

DISASTER RECOVERY The Society was called upon to assist in a number of disasters across NSW during the 2007/2008 financial year. Significant rain in the north of the State lead to a number of Society members in the Armidale and Lismore Dioceses being activated in January. While the threat passed with minimal assistance required, the event highlighted roles the Society can be called upon to fulfil. In one location, the local DoCS Disaster Recovery Manager was cut off from the Evacuation Centre by the rising flood waters. The isolated DoCS Manager was able to liaise with the local St Vincent de Paul Society Centre representative who coordinated the management of the Evacuation Centre. The Centre did not remain open long, as the threat soon passed. However, it demonstrated the importance of having regular contact with DoCS in the local areas, and the willingness to assist, when as the situation requires. The only assistance provided throughout the operation was the provision of blankets to water-logged attendees at a local music festival in the Tenterfield area. Natural disasters were not the only cause of activity in 2007/2008. An explosion in a chicken shop at the base of an apartment building in Ultimo, Sydney in February resulted in the activation of the Society to provide clothing to the evacuees. Eighty units were evacuated, and clothing was provided until they could return home two days later. The Society’s Disaster Recovery President and Coordinator were kept busy implementing a training program. Twelve sessions were held across the State. To supplement this internal training and to help in the formation of Disaster Recovery leaders, the Society and the other Community Partners successfully applied for a Federal Government Emergency Management Volunteers grant to develop a Team Leader training package. A comprehensive and detailed two-day package is nearing completion, and will be rolled out across the State in the first half of 2009. The development of the training package has lead to a stronger partnership between the Society and the other community partners at a State level. Greater collaboration at the local level is expected during and after the roll out of the program. The Society’s relationship with DoCS has also been strengthened. A series of Mock Exercises and Regional Disaster Recovery meetings were facilitated by DoCS across the State in the first half of 2008. It is hoped that these will continue to ensure even more efficient disaster responses for the people of NSW into the future.

Significant rain in the north of the State lead to a number of Society members in the Armidale and Lismore Dioceses being activated in January.


RURAL TASK FORCE The Society’s Rural Task Force moved in to its second year of establishment with 70% of NSW in the grip of drought. This figure dropped to 46% during the year but returned to a high of 81% before remaining at approximately 63% drought in June 2007. The patchy rains throughout NSW led to fluctuations in the figures, and helped to boost morale in some areas, but had other unfortunate effects. The good rains received in the coastal areas, especially in Sydney, lead some people to believe that the drought was over. However, the areas that missed out on these rains still continue to suffer. Engagement with drought affected rural areas remained a high priority for the Rural Task Force. Meetings held in Merriwa, Coolah, Warialda and Warren put the Committee into direct contact with drought-affected farmers, Drought Support Workers, Rural Financial Counsellors, schools, local businesses and other agencies involved in rural NSW. Through generous coverage of these meetings on local radio and in local newspapers, the Society was able to spread the word that help is available. The committee was ready to listen to the concerns of drought-affected farming families and rural communities, and was committed to giving practical and emotional support. In an excellent development, the Rural Task Force had the opportunity to speak with an Agribusiness Manager from a major bank as well as a Manager from Workcovers’ Rural Industry Team. Many farmers and people in rural areas shared their concerns regarding the way the banks and Workcover operate and this opportunity allowed the Rural Task Force raise these issues during the discussions. Much was learned by all involved. The ‘Mate Helping Mate’ initiative born out of the Coolamon meeting of the Rural Task Force in February 2007 continues to grow in popularity. The initiative culminated in the launch of the ‘Mate Helping Mate’ DVD in Stockinbingal in October 2007. The launch took place at the township of only 27, home to local farmer, John Harper, who developed the ‘Mate Helping Mate’ idea. The township swelled to over 700 to celebrate the launch of the DVD. The DVD has been described by mental health and other rural support workers as one of the most effective resources on drought stress and depression they have ever come across. Interest in the ‘Mate Helping Mate’ program continues to grow in NSW and there have been enquires from interstate.


The committee was ready to listen to the concerns of drought-affected farming families and rural communities, and was committed to giving practical and emotional support.


During 2007/2008 the Society continued its services for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees throughout NSW. Within the Wagga Wagga Diocese the Society is the lead provider in a consortium that delivers the Federal Government’s Integrated Humanitarian Settlement Strategy (IHSS) programme. Within the Maitland/Newcastle Diocese the Newcastle Migrant and Refugee Special Work continued to provide assistance for families through sport, education, the provision of emergency assistance and also held another successful weekend away for refugee mothers. In Lismore Diocese members assist the newly arrived refugee community with driving lessons and provide educational support for primary school children, playing a vital role in building independence within the community. The Coffs Harbour Refugee Support Service continued to provide information, support, advocacy and referral service for newly arrived Humanitarian Entrants and family stream migrants with low English proficiency. The Eastern Suburbs Regional Council the Eastern Suburbs Migrant & Refugee Committee (Special Work) continued to provide short-term accommodation for asylum seekers who would be otherwise unable to access accommodation. In Wollongong, Conference members and workers at Crown Street Welfare assisted people to prepare for work through the provision of textbooks and payment for essential courses. The Vinnies Asylum Seeker Allowance (VASA), which was a pilot program in 2006/2007, became a Special Work in 2007/2008. VASA provides a short-term living allowance to asylum seekers who are not eligible for government assistance and who are not permitted, or not able, to work. In 2007/2008 VASA assisted a total of 11 families (24 individuals). SPARK (St Vincent de Paul Society Assisting Refugee Kids), a Special Work of State Council continued to gain substantial recognition for its innovative work with refugee children and their families through schools. In 2007/2008 SPARK assisted 120 refugee children from four schools in Western Sydney and concurrently ran parents groups to assist parents with English and general needs. SPARK is supported by up to 100 volunteers per term. The migrant and refugee committee provides advocacy services and builds relationships with the Department of Immigration and other relevant government and non-government organisations. One of the main focuses in the in 2007/2008 (and ongoing in 2008/2009) has been support to the members across NSW in regard to migrant, refugee and asylum seeker issues.

VASA provides a short-term living allowance to asylum seekers who are not eligible for government assistance and who are not permitted, or not able, to work.


FAMILY SERVICES The Family Services Advisory Committee supports and oversees the Society’s works in the areas of Budget Counselling, ‘temporary housing’, No Interest Loans Schemes (NILS) and Care and Assistance Centres. The committee consists of Diocesan representatives, representatives from Budget Counselling, and representatives from Care and Assistance Centres. The committee invites a guest speaker to each of its meetings to discuss topics that have included issues that are impacting on the people the Society assists, and the impact of easy credit and financial privacy. In October 2007, a large Care and Support Centre was constructed in Woy Woy, and has established itself as an important resource for those living in poverty in the local community. Besides meeting the immediate short-term needs of clients, many of the Society’s Care and Support Centres develop and offer programs that allow clients to get back on their feet and move past the adversity they have faced. The Caroline Chisholm Centre in Western Sydney, Youth Reach on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, and The Cleveland Centre in inner-Sydney are three of the services that offer counselling and/or programs that assist clients in becoming independent. The Society also operates Long Day Care Centre in Western Sydney and a ‘Mother’s Group/Playgroup’ in Wagga Wagga. Currently, the Society is operating four No Interest Loans Schemes (NILS) in NSW. This program offers small loans at no interest for the purchase of necessary household items, usually white goods. Budget Counselling is one strategy that can assist those with whom we work.


Besides meeting the immediate short-term needs of clients, many of the Society’s Care and Support Centres develop and offer programs that allow clients to get back on their feet and move past the adversity they have faced.


partnership & development The Overseas Partnership and Development Committee are responsible for administering the Society’s assistance given to overseas countries with which we are twinned. This assistance takes various forms: Twinning; the Assist-A-Student program; Overseas Projects and Disaster Relief. In the 2007/2008 financial year, over $240,000 was sent from NSW Conferences to 981 Twinned Conferences in Fiji, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, The Philippines and Thailand. The Assist-A-Student program supports the education of a child or adolescent in a Twinned country, through the Australian donation of $70.00 per annum. In 2007/2008, the Assist-A-Student program raised $73,000, to support the education of over 1,000 students overseas.

Sometimes, overseas Conferences or Councils request funds from NSW Conferences to establish a project that can lead to self-sufficiency for a local community. Examples of these projects may be the purchase of sewing machines to establish an employment co-operative or purchasing goats to establish a self-funding goat farm. In 2007/2008, NSW Conferences funded 49 projects to the value of $59,268, an increase of over 100% on 2006/2007. In addition to these programs, the Society’s National Council is sometimes called upon to remit Disaster Relief money to the St Vincent de Paul Society in a Twinned country, after a natural disaster to assist in the rebuilding of affected communities. The May 2008 cyclones in Myanmar prompted the National Council of the Society to contribute over $120,000 to the Myanmar disaster efforts, of which the NSW State Council contributed $50,000.

Examples of these projects may be the purchase of sewing machines to establish an employment co-operative or purchasing goats to establish a self-funding goat farm.


DISABILITY SERVICES The St Vincent de Paul Society’s disability services aims to empower people with disabilities, both intellectual and physical, to embrace and develop their skills to “put the ability in disability.” One such service, Ozanam Industries, in Stanmore and West Ryde, is strongly committed to providing opportunities for an enhanced social integration of people with disabilities. This includes increased economic independence through work. Ozanam Industries proudly employs over 100 Australians with varying forms of disabilities in a supervised and supportive work environment. This work environment helps employees accomplish and maintain high levels of quality work and at the same time encourages them to become more independent. With over 36 years experience in all phases of mail fulfilment, general packaging and show bag assembly, Ozanam Industries provides a comprehensive range of cost effective, top quality and time efficient services to many of the nation’s respected and community minded companies and organisations. Despite tough trading conditions as well as fierce competition in Sydney, sales increased by 8% during the 2007/2008 financial year. Ozanam Industries were able to secure a number of new customers with diverse types of work. One of Ozanam Industries’ biggest achievements for the 2007/2008 financial year was securing the contract to manufacture and supply over one million Communion Hosts for the World Youth Day celebrations in Sydney, July 2008. Minister Kristina Keneally, Minister for Disability Services and Government spokesperson for World Youth Day, visited the Ozanam Industries in Stanmore to thank all employees for their contribution to the success of World Youth Day. In continuing to meet service standard and to become the mail fulfilment service of choice in a highly competitive environment Ozanam Industries in Stanmore purchased a new mailing machine which folds, collates, inserts and then seals the envelopes. This purchase will allow us to submit quotations for larger mail out work and to improve time efficiency. Ozanam Industries ended the financial year with a strategic planning seminar in June 2008, which generated a range of positive outcomes to be rolled out and developed in the year ahead. Ozanam Industries embodies the St Vincent de Paul Society’s commitment to disability services in providing opportunities and a sense of purpose for people, enabling them to feel “needed” rather than “in need.”


Ozanam Industries proudly employs over 100 Australians with varying forms of disabilities in a supervised and supportive work environment.

MATTHEW TALBOT HOMELESS SERVICES statewide services The past twelve months has been an incredibly exciting time for all those involved in homeless services. The Society has placed homelessness as its number one priority and this commitment continues to be warmly received. This has been supported by the Rudd Federal Government dedicating their first Green Paper to addressing homelessness and mapping the future direction for addressing and reducing homelessness. This involved an Australia wide consultation and the Society was represented at all the consultations in NSW. The Society waits in great anticipation for the release of the White Paper early October 2008. This will outline a 5-10 year future direction for addressing and reducing homelessness. This is the strongest commitment to date from a Federal Government. During the year, Matthew Talbot Statewide Homeless Services has hosted twelve Federal Government Members of Parliament including Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister for Social Inclusion Senator Ursula Stephens, Attorney General Robert McLelland and Minister for Agriculture Tony Burke. All M.P.s were generous with their time listened to the stories of our clients and offered ongoing assistance to our services. Senator Stephens requested that the Society document the model of the Jim Da Silva Farm at Nowra, with the intention that it would be considered for funding and possibly rolled out nationally. This model is unique as it offers supported accommodation to men who have been homeless, at times chronically homeless with mental health issues and alcohol and other drug dependencies. The Farm offers a safe space for as long as the men need it which is usually 15-18 months. Freeman House was successful in obtaining funds from Health and Ageing to start a women and children’s wing. This will enable women with accompanying children to access the residential rehabilitation service. Freeman House continues to offer a holistic approach recognising that many of our clients have witnessed and or experienced domestic and family violence in their lives. The Society was successful for the first time in a competitive tender situation with DoCs. The Society was awarded management of Bankstown Women and Childrens Centre. Bankstown is one of a few areas in NSW where there is a dedicated domestic violence response team comprising police and DoCs Child Protection Officers. Matthew Talbot Statewide Homeless Services continues to enjoy strong community support that enables us to offer a holistic approach to all our adult and child clients across NSW.

Senator Stephens requested that the Society document the model of the Jim Da Silva Farm at Nowra, with the intention that is would be considered for funding and possibly rolled out nationally.


VOLUNTEER DEVELOPMENT The vision of the Volunteer Development Advisory Committee is to have valued supported volunteers engaged in the mission and ‘good works’ of the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW. The Committee is working towards this by promoting and supporting practices that ensure volunteers/members in the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW are: • innovatively and actively recruited; • warmly welcomed when they enquire; • responsibly screened; • suitably trained, spiritually enriched and supported to fulfill their roles confidently and • led by Society leaders who are appropriately prepared for leadership positions. In 2007/2008 the Volunteer Development Advisory Committee (VDAC) launched a member recruitment workshop program, ‘It’s Time to Grow’, across the State, which will continue in 2008/2009. The recruitment program consisted of an initiative in two parts: • ‘It’s Time to Grow’, which invites members to consider how to actively invite others to join the Society. Other focuses include the gift membership offers to people and the need to continue to grow spiritually. • ‘Come Grow with Us’ is the recruitment campaign directed at the public. The program seeks to offer membership as an attractive option to those who wish to volunteer their services in the local community. Members participating in the recruitment workshop acknowledged that they: • Feel encouraged and supported as a member of St Vincent de Paul Society; • Understand strategies to assist them in recruitment in their local area; • Have increased knowledge and skill of recruitment resources and how to use them; • Are enthused about initiating recruitment and renewal in their local Conference; • Are renewed in their own commitment to the St Vincent de Paul Society and the benefits it has in their life and • Have set some recruitment goals and begun a recruitment plan for their Conference, area or region.


In 2007/2008 the Volunteer Development Advisory Committee (VDAC) launched a member recruitment workshop program, ‘It’s Time to Grow’, across the State, which will continue in 2008/2009.

VOLUNTEER DEVELOPMENT A new brochure promoting membership in the Society, ‘Come Grow with Us’, was launched in September to assist in recruitment promotional efforts. Members of the Volunteer Development Advisory Committee were involved as workshop facilitators and initiators of the event in their Dioceses. All participants received a ‘Recruitment Resource Kit’, which included promotional ideas, planning questions and strategies, an outline for an information event, and reference materials. A recruitment kit was also created and promoted through the newsletter in Vision magazine for members ready to begin recruitment but unable to attend the workshop. Reports from the workshops that have been held indicate an increase in membership in many Conferences. A Volunteer Engagement Policy recommended by VDAC to State Council was approved and plans to write guidelines for the implementation of the policy are in place for 2008/2009. To increase communication, the first volunteer newsletter, ‘Growing Works’, was distributed to all Conferences, Vinnies Centres and Special Works in December and January. ‘Growing Works’ continues as a regular feature in Vision magazine. In addition, VDAC recommended to State Council an initiative to create a more effective system of communication. In January 2007, the distribution of the Communication Nomination Form to all Conferences, Vinnies Centres and Special Works was undertaken. VDAC looks forward to the challenges and opportunities in 2008/2009 and plans to develop guidelines for the Volunteer Engagement Policy, expanding the use of corporate volunteers and to increase effectiveness of the Society website as a tool for placement of new volunteers in the Society. The recruitment programs will continue to be made available across the State and consideration for further progress for our recruitment programs in 2009 continues.

Reports from the workshops that have been held indicate an increasue in membership in many Conferences.


YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS Vinnies Youth and Young Adult members and volunteers are represented across NSW. This year, Young Adults continued their involvement In Conferences, which are formed in parishes, universities and around Special Works. The works of these Conferences include; home visitation, detention centre visitation, mentoring programs, spiritual formation activities, Buddies Days and Kids Camps and Night Patrol. Many young adults involved in the Society are not members of Conference. They are however, members of Diocesan Youth Teams, Kids Camp Committees, or they volunteer specifically for a Special Work. From Tweed Heads to Albury, from Warilla to Newcastle there were many young Vincentians doing good works during 2007/2008. The works are many and varied and ranges from the traditional Conference work of home visitation through to Night Patrol, a meal and friendship service for the homeless. In the Society, Youth and Young Adults encompasses primary school students through to young adults in their early thirties. Mini Vinnies is a program for the tiniest Vincentians that offers a taste of the St Vincent de Paul Society to primary school students. In 2007/2008, Mini Vinnies groups were involved in fundraising activities, visits to Nursing Homes and good works in their everyday interactions at school. Specific State-wide projects that have been implemented in the 2007/2008 year include Hands On, Rural Relief and a World Youth Day Preparation Retreat. Hands On was a professional development day in May for teachers who wished to learn more about social justice in order to incorporate it into their teaching. This year over 50 teachers from across the NSW attended. Many commented that networking with like-minded teachers was the most valuable part of the day. The Rural Relief project was piloted in Forbes in May. The project focused on supporting the development of young Vincentians in Forbes and the surrounding region. This region continues to suffer significant disadvantage from the negative effects of the most severe drought Australia has ever endured. The State Youth Team was represented by 8 volunteers and staff who facilitated training, school visits and a community festival. The people of Forbes were extremely hospitable, which was particularly incredible in the face of such a harsh long-lasting drought. As World Youth Day progressed, a preparations retreat was held and attended by 33 young adults from across the state. The retreat was an opportunity for spiritual reflection and renewal before World Youth Day in July 2008 in Sydney. The retreat was a reminder that despite the challenges that come with being the


The Rural Relief project was piloted in Forbes in May. The project focused on supporting the development of young Vincentians in Forbes and the surrounding region.

host nation, WYD is sure to provide spiritual renewal and an invigoration of hope across Australia. Throughout the 2007/2008 financial year, the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW prepared for its privileged involvement in World Youth Day 2008, a culturally, socially and spiritually significant event of global proportions. The Society’s involvement in World Youth Day was a celebration of the spirit of its founder Frederic Ozanam, who, at the young age of 19, started a charitable organisation that would bring hope, comfort, dignity and relief to people in every area of need. For over 127 years in NSW, the Society’s members, volunteers and staff have carried out this mission and World Youth Day gave every one of them an opportunity to celebrate this with the rest of the world. The St Vincent de Paul Society’s commenced ts World Youth Day celebrations by welcoming the WYD Cross and Icon at the Matthew Talbot Hostel for homeless men, in Woolloomooloo. Then the Society continued its preparations for a number of significant events to be held during World Youth Day, including; a gathering of members of the Vincentian Family, an International youth gathering, a stall at the Vocation Expo, a Mental Health and Homelessness forum, and Introduction to Vinnies and the Vinnies World Youth for Justice concert following the Papal Arrival at Barangaroo, Sydney. Members and volunteers from across the state prepared to take in around 2000 pilgrims, welcoming them with masses, BBQs, dances and tours of local areas. During the 2007 - 2008 financial year Society’s Mary MacKillop Outreach and Ozanam Industries were busy making 500,000 small wooden crosses and over one million communion hosts, respectively, for the World Youth Day celebrations. The Youth and Young Adults of the St Vincent de Paul Society are an extremely dedicated, caring group of Vincentians, whose commitment of time and most importantly, love and compassion, has made a significant impact on the lives of people in every area of need.

...the St Vincent de Paul Society NSW prepared for its priviledged involvement in World Youth Day 2008, a culturally, socially and spiritually significant event of global proportions.



The St Vincent de Paul Society would like to sincerely thank all organisations and individuals who helped bring hope, dignity comfort and relief to people in every area of need. The St Vincent de Paul Society extends deepest thanks to priests and religious clergy, members, volunteers, parish communities, staff, generous donors, Circle of Hope donor club members, businesses, schools, trusts and foundations, media, community and welfare organisations, research bodies, the authorities and government departments, who all unite together to support the Society’s work and mission at every level, in alleviating need across New South Wales. The St Vincent de Paul Society would also like to specifically thank the organisations who help raise crucial funds and profile for the Society including:

AAMI AMP Foundation Anthony Cummings Racing Bar 333 Barbara’s and Tate Interiors Better Homes & Gardens Bistro Guillame BridgeClimb Cambridge Stud, NZ Capitol Theatre Captain Cook Cruises Carillon Graphic Communications Citigate Sebel City Tattersalls Coca Cola Commonwealth Bank


Coors Chambers Westgarth Diageo Dicasse, artist Dr. Jerry Schwartz Drayton’s Family Wines Emirates Gai Waterhouse Racing Stables Galong Monastery GAP Studios George Cragen Gilbert & Tobin Lawyers Gosford Race Club GP Israel Harris Farm Markets Harrigan’s Pub Hayman Resort

Hilton on the Park, Melbourne Hilton Sydney Hunter Valley Gardens John O’Shea Racing Just B Financial Keystone Hospitality Lindwall & Ward Printers Machiavelli Restaurant Magic Moments Committee Matthew Talbot Homeless Services Race Day Committee Mayo Hardware McWilliams Wines Melbourne Racing Club Moorebank Private Vineyard Morgan & Taylor

Newcastle Jockey Club Observatory Hotel Palm Meadows Golf Course Patchetts Pies Peter Doyle at the Quay Peter Doyle Cellars Newcastle Pro-Dive Qantas Racing NSW Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast Rydges Hotel Bell City, Victoria Rydges Parramatta Sargents Pies Sofitel Sydney Wentworth Star City Steggles Chickens

Steve Costi Susie Jonson Sydney Cricket & Sports Ground Trust Sydney Seafood School Sydney Swans Tabcorp Tactical Solutions Pty Ltd The Vintage Golf Course Thoroughbred Stud Tours Tim O’Mara of O’Mara’s Valuers & Auctioneers Tim Webster Watsons Bay Hotel Whites Wires Woolworths Zanzibar Restaurant, Newtown

STATE COUNCIL In the interest of improved communication and to establish a better understanding of the full scope of the Society a full directory has been included in this Annual Report as provided by all Diocesan Offices. The following pages provide a listing of Diocesan Offices, Centres, Special Works, Regional Councils and Conferences. In order to contact entities that do not list a phone number, please contact the Diocesan Office of the local area.

STATE COUNCIL St Vincent de Paul Society NSW Cnr West & Thomas Streets LEWISHAM NSW 2049 (02) 9560 8666 St Vincent de Paul Society NSW PO BOX 19 PETERSHAM NSW 2049

SPECIAL WORKS Freeman House 1 Crescent Street ARMIDALE NSW 2350 6772 5878 Coffs Harbour Refugee Support Service PO Box 1257 COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450 Vincentian Village 50 Yurong Street EAST SYDNEY NSW 2010 Matthew Talbot Hostel PO Box 180 KINGS CROSS NSW 2011

Matthew Talbot Outreach PO Box 180 KINGS CROSS NSW 2011 9357 1533 Care & Assistance Centre Cnr West & Thomas Streets LEWISHAM NSW 2049 Compeer Cnr West & Thomas Streets LEWISHAM NSW 2049 9560 8666 SPARK Cnr West & Thomas Streets LEWISHAM NSW 2049 Vinnies Asylum Seeker Allowance (VASA) Cnr West & Thomas Streets LEWISHAM NSW 2049 Vinnies Household Fund Cnr West & Thomas Streets LEWISHAM NSW 2049 Ozanam Industries STANMORE NSW 2048 9519 3044 Ozanam Industries WEST RYDE NSW 2114 9807 4476

State Council Directory 41

ARMIDALE diocese


Vinnies Gunnedah 146 Marquis Street Gunnedah NSW 2380 6742 1836

Vinnies Quirindi Church Avenue Quirindi NSW 2343 6746 1020

Vinnies Guyra 153 Bradley Street Guyra NSW 2365 6779 2133

Vinnies Sth Tamworth 70 Duri Road Tamworth NSW 2340 6765 4522

Freeman House 1 Crescent Street ARMIDALE NSW 2350 6772 5878

Vinnies Inverell 31 Oliver Street Inverell NSW 2380 6722 2229

Vinnies Tamworth 488 Peel Street Tamworth NSW 2340 6766 7340


Vinnies Moree 65 Frome Street Moree NSW 2400 6752 2385

Vinnies Tenterfield 119 High Street Tenterfield NSW 2372 6736 2421

Vinnies Mungindi Walker Street Mungindi NSW 2406 6753 2757

Vinnies Uralla 20 Hill Street Uralla NSW 2358 6778 4997

Vinnies Narrabri 102 Barwon Street Narrabri NSW 2390 6792 2562

Vinnies Walcha 68 Derby Street Walcha NSW 2354 6777 2854

Armidale Diocesan Council PO Box 267 ARMIDALE NSW 2350 6772 1785


Vinnies Armidale 162 Rusden Street Armidale NSW 2350 6771 3940 Vinnies Barraba 118 Queen Street Barraba NSW 2347 6782 1598 Vinnies Glen Innes 192 Bourke Street Glen Innes NSW 2370 6732 1362


Armidale Diocesan Directory

ARMIDALE diocese

Vinnies Walgett 84 Fox Street Walgett NSW 2832 6828 1094

St Louise Conference ARMIDALE NSW 2350

Sacred Heart Inverell Conference INVERELL NSW 2360

St Mary’s Armidale Conference ARMIDALE NSW 2350

St Mary’s Inverell Conference INVERELL NSW 2360

St Mary’s of the Angels Conference GUYRA NSW 2365

St Paul’s Inverell Conference INVERELL NSW 2360

St Joseph’s Uralla Conference URALLA NSW 2358

Mary Mother of the Church Conference TENTERFIELD NSW 2372

Namoi/Barwon Regional Council NARRABRI NSW 2390

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Conference TENTERFIELD NSW 2372

St Joseph’s Gunnedah Conference GUNNEDAH NSW 2380

St Patrick’s Warialda Conference WARIALDA NSW 2402

St Therese Moree Conference MOREE NSW 2400

Tamworth Regional Council TAMWORTH NSW 2340

Armidale Regional Council ARMIDALE NSW 2350

St Francis Xavier Narrabri Conference NARRABRI NSW 2390

St John’s Barraba Conference BARRABA NSW 2347

St Francis of Assisi Conference ARMIDALE NSW 2350

St Andrews Wee Waa Conference WEE WAA NSW 2388

St Joseph’s Quirindi Conference QUIRINDI NSW 2343

St Gerard’s Armidale Conference ARMIDALE NSW 2350

North Eastern Regional Council INVERELL NSW 2360

St Agnes Youth Conference TAMWORTH NSW 2340

St Joseph’s Armidale Conference ARMIDALE NSW 2350

St Patrick’s Glen Innes Conference GLEN INNES NSW 2370

St Edward’s Tamworth Conference TAMWORTH NSW 2340

Vinnies Warialda 37 Geddes Street Warialda NSW 2402 6729 1359 Vinnies Wee Waa 34 Rose Street Wee Waa NSW 2388 6795 4014 Vinnies Werris Creek 66 Single Street Werris Creek NSW 2341 6768 7115


Armidale Diocesan Directory 43

ARMIDALE diocese

REGIONS/CONFERENCES cont’d St Louise Tamworth Conference TAMWORTH NSW 2340 St Nicholas Tamworth Conference TAMWORTH NSW 2340 St Patrick’s West Tamworth Conference TAMWORTH NSW 2340 St Peter’s Tamworth Conference TAMWORTH NSW 2340


Armidale Diocesan Directory

BATHURST diocese

DIOCESAN OFFICE Bathurst Diocesan Council PO Box 8317 ORANGE EAST NSW 2800 6362 2565

VINNIES CENTRES Vinnies Blayney 80 Adelaide Street Blayney NSW 2799 6368 2636 Vinnies Canowindra 37 Gaskill Street Canowindra NSW 2804 6344 1433 Vinnies Coolah 10 Goddard Street Coolah NSW 2843 6377 1444 Vinnies Coonabarabran 49 Dalgamo Street Coonabarabran NSW 2357 6842 2342

Vinnies Coonamble 106-108 Castlereagh Street Coonamble NSW 2829 6822 1042

Vinnies Lithgow 193-197 Main Street Lithgow NSW 2790 6351 3774

Vinnies Cowra 14-16 Macquarie Street Cowra NSW 2794 6342 2572

Vinnies Molong 63 Bank Street Molong NSW 2866 6366 8610

Vinnies Dubbo 126 Brisbane Street Dubbo NSW 2830 6882 2845

Vinnies Mudgee 40 Market Street Mudgee NSW 2850 6372 2232

Vinnies Gilgandra 86 Wamboin Street Gilgandra NSW 2827 6847 2089

Vinnies Oberon 173 Oberon Street Oberon NSW 2787 6336 1223

Vinnies Gulgong 58 Herbert Street Gulgong NSW 2852 6374 1852

Vinnies Orange 27-31 McNamara Street Orange NSW 2800 6361 0371

Vinnies Kandos 60 Angus Avenue Kandos NSW 2848 6379 4599

Vinnies Portland 43 Williwa Street Portland NSW 2847 6355 5077

Bathurst Diocesan Directory 45

BATHURST diocese

VINNIES CENTRES cont’d Vinnies Wellington 58 Warne Street Wellington NSW 2820 6845 2951 Vinnies Bathurst 83 Keppel Street West Bathurst NSW 2795 6331 5329

SPECIAL WORKS Allambie Court Units Charles Street COONABARABRAN NSW 2357 6842 1050 Castlereagh Industries PO Box 333 COONAMBLE NSW 2829 6822 1386 Greene Villa PO Box 500 COONAMBLE NSW 2829 6822 1438


Night Patrol Van and Soup Kitchen PO Box 8317 EAST ORANGE NSW 2800 6362 2565 Mary O’Leary Centre PO Box 168 PORTLAND NSW 2847 6355 5997

REGIONS/CONFERENCES Castlereagh Regional Council DUBBO NSW 2830

Cudgegong Regional Council COOLAH NSW 2843 Sacred Heart Coolah Conference COOLAH NSW 2843 St Michael’s Dunedoo Conference DUNEDOO NSW 2844 St John the Baptist Gulgong Conference GULGONG NSW 2852 St Mary’s Mudgee Conference MUDGEE NSW 2850

St Lawrence’s Coonabarabran Conference COONABARABRAN NSW 2357

Evans Regional Council LITHGOW NSW 2790

St Jude’s Dubbo Conference DUBBO NSW 2830

St Therese Bathurst Conference BATHURST NSW 2795

St Joseph’s Gilgandra Conference GILGANDRA NSW 2827

Assumption Bathurst Conference BATHURST NSW 2795

St Patrick’s Wellington Conference WELLINGTON NSW 2820

Cathedral Bathurst Conference BATHURST NSW 2795

St Brigid’s Dubbo Conference DUBBO NSW 2830

St Dominic’s Kandos Conference KANDOS NSW 2848

Bathurst Diocesan Directory

BATHURST diocese

St Patrick’s Lithgow Conference LITHGOW NSW 2790

James Sheahan High Schlool Youth Conference ORANGE NSW 2800

St Ignatius Oberon Conference OBERON NSW 2787

St Joseph’s Orange Conference ORANGE NSW 2800

St Vincent’s Portland Conference PORTLAND NSW 2847

St Mary’s Orange Conference ORANGE NSW 2800

Sacred Heart Wallerawang Conference WALLERAWANG NSW 2845

Orange Regional Council EAST ORANGE NSW 2800 St James Blayney Conference BLAYNEY NSW 2799 St Edward’s Canowindra Conference CANOWINDRA NSW 2804 St Raphael’s Cowra Conference COWRA NSW 2794 St Anthony’s Young Adult Conference EAST ORANGE NSW 2800 Sacred Heart Molong Conference MOLONG NSW 2866 Holy Family Orange Conference ORANGE NSW 2800

Bathurst Diocesan Directory 47

BROKEN BAY diocese

DIOCESAN OFFICE Broken Bay Diocesan Council PO Box 1426 CHATSWOOD NSW 2057 9415 1492

VINNIES CENTRES Vinnies Artarmon 70 Hampden Road Artarmon NSW 2064 9411 4570 Vinnies Brookvale 638 Pittwater Road Brookvale NSW 2100 9905 0424 Brookvale Central Recycling Centre street address required Brookvale NSW 2100 9905 5453 Vinnies Chatswood 287 Victoria Avenue Chatswood NSW 2067 9419 4236


Vinnies Chatswood Outlet Shop 16, Orchard Arcade Chatswood NSW 2067 9419 6982

Vinnies Galston 7/354 Galston Road Galston NSW 2159 9653 1766

Vinnies Dee Why 2 Fisher Road Dee Why NSW 2099 9981 1380

Vinnies Gordon 756 Pacific Highway Gordon NSW 2072 9418 4712

Vinnies East Gosford 81 Victoria Street East Gosford NSW 2250 4325 5431

Vinnies Gosford 94 Mann Street Gosford NSW 2250 4324 4933

Vinnies Epping 21 Oxford Street Epping NSW 2121 9868 5569

Vinnies Hornsby 41 Jersey Street Hornsby NSW 2077 9477 5022

Vinnies Erina 2/185 The Entrance Road Erina NSW 2250 4365 0618

Vinnies Kincumber Shop 5, Kincumber Trade Centre, Kerta Road Kincumber NSW 2251 4368 4143

Vinnies Forestville 24 The Centre Forestville NSW 2087 9453 9505

Vinnies Kincumber Outlet Shop 3 & 4 Kincumber Shopping Centre 39 Avoca Drive Kincumber NSW 2251 4363 1330

Broken Bay Diocesan Directory

BROKEN BAY diocese

Vinnies Manly 2-10 Pittwater Road Manly NSW 2095 9977 1574

Vinnies Toukley 173 Main Road Toukley NSW 2263 4396 3001

Vinnies Mona Vale Shop 8 Bungan Court 13 Waratah Street Mona Vale NSW 2103 9997 6204

Vinnies Turramurra Shop 3 1392 Pacific Highway Turramurra NSW 2074 9488 8160

Vinnies Narrabeen 1308-1310 Pittwater Road Narrabeen NSW 2101 9913 3666 Vinnies Northbridge 149 Sailors Bay Road Northbridge NSW 2063 9967 9846 Vinnies Pennant Hills 364 Pennant Hills Road Pennant Hills NSW 2120 9484 2064 Vinnies The Entrance 11 Victoria Street The Entrance NSW 2261 4332 3776

Vinnies Umina 344 West Street Umina NSW 2257 4341 7091 Vinnies Woy Woy 41 The Boulevarde Woy Woy NSW 2256 4344 3261 Vinnies Wyong 124 Railway Street Wyong NSW 2259 4353 1344 Vinnies Wyong (Furniture Warehouse) 47 Howarth Street Wyong NSW 2259 4353 5614

SPECIAL WORKS Financial/Budget Counselling Service 638 Pittwater Road BROOKVALE NSW 2100 9905 0424 NILS (No Interest Loan Scheme) 638 Pittwater Road BROOKVALE NSW 2100 9905 0424 Temporary Housing 638 Pittwater Road BROOKVALE NSW 2100 9451 1529 Youth Reach 12 Powells Road BROOKVALE NSW 2100 9907 2604 St Joseph’s Furniture Workshop PO Box 6199 GOSFORD WEST NSW 2250 Compeer Friendship Program Wyong PO Box 4422 LAKE HAVEN NSW 2263 4392 7522

Broken Bay Diocesan Directory 49

BROKEN BAY diocese

SPECIAL WORKS cont’d Loreto Aged Care PO Box 4367 LAKE HAVEN NSW 2263 Louise House Care & Support Centre PO Box 4422 LAKE HAVEN NSW 2263 4392 7255 Referral Centre PO Box 148 WYONG NSW 2259 4353 3799 Rosalie’s Garden Family Care and Support Unit PO Box 713 WOY WOY NSW 2256 4342 6527

REGIONS/CONFERENCES Gosford Regional Council GOSFORD NSW 2250 Ettalong/Umina Sacred Heart Conference ETTALONG NSW 2257 Gosford St Patrick’s Conference GOSFORD NSW 2250


St Edward’s College Youth Conference GOSFORD EAST NSW 2250

Arcadia St Benedict’s Conference GALSTON NSW 2159

St Joseph’s High Youth Conference GOSFORD EAST NSW 2250

Asquith St Patrick’s Conference MT DRUITT NSW 2079

Kariong/Kulnara McKillop Conference KARIONG NSW 2250

Loreto College Youth Conference NORMANHURST NSW 2076

Kincumber Holy Cross Conference KINCUMBER NSW 2251

Mount St Benedict College Youth Conference PENNANT HILLS NSW 2120

Wyoming Our Lady of the Rosary Conference NIAGARA PARK NSW 2250

Normanhurst Queen of Peace Conference THORNLEIGH NSW 2120

Woy Woy St John the Baptist Conference UMINA NSW 2257

St Leo’s College Youth Conference WAHROONGA NSW 2076

Terrigal Our Lady Star of the Sea Conference WAMBERAL NSW 2260

Wahroonga Holy Name Conference WAHROONGA NSW 2076

Hornsby Regional Council HORNSBY NSW 2076

Waitara Our Lady of the Rosary Conference WAHROONGA NSW 2076

Berowra St Bernard’s Conference BEROWRA NSW 2081

Pennant Hills St Agatha’s Conference WEST PENNANT HILLS NSW 2125

Carlingford St Gerard Majella’s Conference CARLINGFORD NSW 2118

Northern Beaches Regional Council BROOKVALE NSW 2100

Epping Our Lady Help of Christians Conference EPPING NSW 2121

Broken Bay Diocesan Directory

BROKEN BAY diocese

Avalon Maria Regina Conference AVALON NSW 2107

Narraweena St John the Apostle Conference NARRAWEENA NSW 2099

Our Lady of Good Counsel Youth Conference FORESTVILLE NSW 2087

Manly Vale St Kieran’s Conference BALGOWLAH NSW 2093

Mona Vale Sacred Heart Conference NEWPORT NSW 2106

Forestville Our Lady of Good Counsel Conference FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086

Davidson St Martin De Porres Conference BELROSE NSW 2085

Harbord St John the Baptist Conference NORTH CURL CURL NSW 2099

Collaroy Plateau St Rose’s Conference COLLAROY PLATEAU NSW 2097

Balgowlah St Cecilia’s Conference PETERSHAM NSW 2049

Dee Why St Kevin’s Conference DEE WHY NSW 2099

Mater Maria College Youth Conference WARRIEWOOD NSW 2102

Narrabeen St Joseph’s Conference ELANORA HEIGHTS NSW 2101

St Ives Regional Council CHATSWOOD NSW 2067

Naremburn/Northbridge St Leonard’s/ St Philip Neri LANE COVE NSW 2066

Manly St Mary’s & Athanasius Conference HARBORD NSW 2096

Chatswood Our Lady of Dolours Conference CHATSWOOD NSW 2057

Killara Immaculate Heart of Mary Conference LINDFIELD NSW 2070

St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School Conference HARBORD NSW 2096

Mercy College School Conference CHATSWOOD NSW 2067

Brigidine College Youth Conference ST IVES NSW 2075

St Pius X College Youth Conference CHATSWOOD NSW 2067

Pymble and West Pymble Sacred Heart Conference TURRAMURRA NSW 2074

St Paul’s College Youth Conference MANLY NSW 2095 St Kieran’s Primary School Conference MANLY VALE NSW 2093

Willoughby St Thomas’ Conference CHATSWOOD NSW 2067

St Martin’s Catholic Primary School Youth Conference FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 Lindfield Holy Family Conference KILLARA NSW 2071

St Ives Corpus Christi Conference TURRAMURRA NSW 2074

Broken Bay Diocesan Directory 51

BROKEN BAY diocese

REGIONS/CONFERENCES cont’d Wyong Regional Council WYONG NSW 2259

St Peter’s Catholic College Youth Conferences WYONG NSW 2259

Toukley St Mary’s Conference BUDGEWOI NSW 2262 Tumbi/Wyong St Cecilia’s Conference GLENNING VALLEY NSW 2261 Warnervale Blessed Mary MacKillip Conference HAMLYN TERRACE NSW 2259 Mary MacKillop College Conference (Warnervale Mini Vinnies) LAKE HAVEN NSW 2263 Our Lady of the Rosary Youth Conference SHELLY BEACH NSW 2266 The Entrance Our Lady of the Rosary Conference THE ENTRANCE NSW 2261 Lake Munmorah St Brendan’s Conference WYEE POINT NSW 2259 St Cecilia’s Primary School Conference WYONG NSW 2259


Broken Bay Diocesan Directory


DIOCESAN OFFICE Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocese PO Box 642 MAWSON ACT 2607 6282 2722

VINNIES CENTRES Vinnies Batemans Bay 55 Orient Street Batemans Bay NSW 2536 4475 3220 Vinnies Bega 130 Gipps Street Bega NSW 2550 6491 8550 Vinnies Belconnen 24 Purdue Street Belconnen ACT 2617 6219 5000 Vinnies Boorowa 18 Marsden Street Boorowa NSW 2586 6385 3758

Vinnies Cooma 27-29 Vale Street Cooma NSW 2630 6450 2170

Vinnies Tuggeranong Cnr Pitman Street and Athllon Drive Greenway ACT 2900 6208 6000

Vinnies Cootamundra 166 Parker Street Cootamundra NSW 2590 6940 2290

Vinnies Gungahlin 115 Hibberson Street Gungahlin ACT 2912 6213 3630

Vinnies Crookwell 59 Goulburn Street Crookwell NSW 2583 4832 0155

Vinnies Harden 53-55 Neill Street Harden NSW 2587 6386 2922

Vinnies Curtin Curtin Place Curtin ACT 2605 6282 3791

Vinnies Lake Cargelligo Foster Street Lake Cargelligo NSW 2672 6898 1499

Vinnies Dickson 8 Cape Street Dickson ACT 2602 6212 5230

Vinnies Merimbula 82 Main Street Merimbula NSW 2548 6497 5050

Vinnies Goulburn 27-31 Verner Street Goulburn NSW 2580 4828 5977

Vinnies Mitchell 10 Buckland Street Mitchell ACT 2911 6213 3680

Canberra/Goulburn Diocesan Directory 53


VINNIES CENTRES cont’d Vinnies Moruya 37-39 Queen Street Moruya NSW 2537 4475 6100 Vinnies Narooma Canty Street Narooma NSW 2546 4476 2822 Vinnies Narrabundah 47 Boolimba Crescent Narrabundah ACT 2604 6208 9770 Vinnies Phillip Colbee Court Phillip ACT 2606 6282 4462 Vinnies Queanbeyan 130 Monaro Street Queanbeyan NSW 2620 6200 5950 Vinnies Temora 143 Hoskins Street Temora NSW 2666 6980 2000


Vinnies Tumut Fuller Street Tumut NSW 2720 6941 2280 Vinnies West Wyalong 77 Main Street West Wyalong NSW 2671 6972 3515 Vinnies Yass 97 Meehan Street Yass NSW 2582 6118 6040 Vinnies Young 69 Lynch Street Young NSW 2594 6382 9410


Samaritan House 19 Hackett Place HACKETT ACT 2602 Night Patrol PO Box 642 MAWSON ACT 2607 6297 2358 St Joseph’s Holiday Camp C/- PO Box 642 MAWSON ACT 2607 St Nicholas Carers Youth Group PO Box 642 MAWSON ACT 2607 St Rose of Lima Youth PO Box 642 MAWSON ACT 2607

Blue Door Drop-In-Centre Ainslie Village, Quick Street AINSLIE ACT 2602

SVDP Family Services PO Box 642 MAWSON ACT 2607 6286 2173

SVDP Men’s Hostel 31 Verner Street GOULBURN NSW 2580 4828 5972

Pastoral Care 49 Elizabeth Crescent QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620

Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocesan Directory


REGIONS/CONFERENCES Belconnen Regional Council KALEEN ACT 2617 St Vincent de Paul Aranda Conference ARANDA ACT 2614 St Thomas Aquinas Charnwood Conference CHARNWOOD ACT 2615 St Monica’s Evatt Conference EVATT ACT 2617 Holy Spirit Gungahlin Conference GUNGAHLIN ACT 2912 St Matthew’s Page Conference HAWKER ACT 2614 St John the Apostle Kippax Conference HIGGINS ACT 2615 St Michael the Archangel Kaleen Conference KALEEN ACT 2617 Mary MacKillop VASS ANU Conference NICHOLLS ACT 2913

Cootamundra Regional Council TEMORA NSW 2666

Sacred Heart Cootamundra Conference COOTAMUNDRA NSW 2590

St Patrick’s Cooma Conference COOMA NSW 2630

St Patrick’s Gundagai Conference GUNDAGAI NSW 2722

Stella Maris Eden Conference EDEN NSW 2551

Sacred Heart Griffith Conference HANWOOD NSW 2680

St Peter’s Merimbula Conference MERIMBULA NSW 2548

Our Lady of Lourdes Lake Cargelligo Conference LAKE CARGELLIGO NSW 2672

Mary Star of the Sea, Narooma Conference NAROOMA NSW 2546

Sacred Heart Temora Conference TEMORA NSW 2666

Sacred Heart Moruya Conference TUROSS HEAD NSW 2537

Immaculate Conception Tumut Conference TUMUT NSW 2720

Goulburn Regional Council GOULBURN NSW 2580

St Mary’s West Wyalong Conference WEST WYALONG NSW 2671

St Bede’s Braidwood Conference BRAIDWOOD NSW 2622

Far South Coast and Monaro Regional Council TUROSS HEAD NSW 2537

St Mary’s Crookwell Conference CROOKWELL NSW 2583

St Bernard’s Batemans Bay Conference BATEMANS BAY NSW 2536 St Mary’s Bombala Conference BOMBALA NSW 2632

Saint Peter and Paul Goulburn Conference GOULBURN NSW 2580

North Canberra/Yass Regional Council NGUNNAWAL ACT 2915

Canberra/Goulburn Diocesan Directory 55



St Benedict’s Narrabundah Conference MANUKA ACT 2603

Woden Weston Regional Council STIRLING ACT 2611

St Christopher’s Manuka Conference MANUKA ACT 2603

St Augustine’s South Woden Conference FARRER ACT 2607

St Clare’s College Youth Conference MANUKA ACT 2603

Holy Trinity North Woden Conference GARRAN ACT 2605

St Gregory’s Queanbeyan Conference QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620

St Jude’s Holder Conference HOLDER ACT 2611

St Peter Chanel Yarralumla Conference YARRALUMLA ACT 2600

Marist College Youth Conference MAWSON ACT 2607

Tuggeranong Regional Council CALWELL ACT 2905

Caritas Christi Migrant & Refugee Conference PEARCE ACT 2607 St John Vianney Waramanga Conference WODEN ACT 2606

Our Lady of the Rosary Watson Conference WATSON ACT 2602

St Francis of Assisi Calwell Conference Parish Centre, 100 Casey Crescent CALWELL ACT 2905

St Augustine’s Yass Conference YASS NSW 2582

Holy Family Gowrie Conference GOWRIE ACT 2904

South Canberra/Q’beyan Regional Council REID ACT 2612

St Thomas the Apostle Kambah Conference KAMBAH ACT 2902

St Edmund’s College Youth Conference GRIFFITH ACT 2603

St Anthony’s Wanniassa Conference WANNIASSA ACT 2903

Our Lady of Mercy Braddon Conference AINSLIE ACT 2602 St Patrick’s Braddon Conference AINSLIE ACT 2602 St Thomas More Campbell Conference CAMPBELL ACT 2612 Merici College Youth Conference CANBERRA ACT 2601 St Brigid’s Dickson Conference DICKSON ACT 2602 St Joseph’s O’Connor Conference LYNEHAM ACT 2602


Young Regional Council YOUNG NSW 2594 St Patrick’s Boorowa Conference BOOROWA NSW 2586 St Mary’s Harden Conference HARDEN NSW 2587 St Mary’s Young Conference YOUNG NSW 2594

Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocesan Directory

LISMORE diocese

DIOCESAN OFFICE Lismore Diocesan Council PO Box 660 LISMORE NSW 2480 6621 5835

VINNIES CENTRES Vinnies Alstonville 25 Commercial Road Alstonville NSW 2477 6628 0167 Vinnies Ballina 7 Martin Street Ballina NSW 2478 6686 4072 Vinnies Brunswick Heads 29 Fingal Street Brunswick Heads NSW 2483 6685 1443 Vinnies Byron Bay 2 Marvel Street Byron Bay NSW 2481 6685 7052

Vinnies Casino 148 Canterbury Street Casino NSW 2470 6662 1291

Vinnies Kempsey 82A Belgrave Street Kempsey NSW 2440 6562 2018

Vinnies Coffs Harbour 6 Scarba Street Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 6652 3003

Vinnies Kingscliff Shop 3, Kingscliff Shopping Village Kingscliff NSW 2487 6674 2844

Vinnies Dorrigo 24 Hickory Street Dorrigo NSW 2453 6657 2535

Vinnies Kyogle 148 Summerland Way Kyogle NSW 2474 6632 1055

Vinnies Evans Head 24 Woodburn Street Evans Head NSW 2473 6682 4788

Vinnies Laurieton 18 Lake Street Laurieton NSW 2443 6559 8319

Vinnies Grafton 16 Prince Street Grafton NSW 2460 6642 1660

Vinnies Lennox Head Village Arcade 3/64 Ballina Street Lennox Head NSW 2478 6687 6953

Matthew Talbot Clothing Recyling Centre 20 Centenary Drive Goonellabah NSW 2480 6624 8488

Vinnies Lismore 84 Magellan Street Lismore NSW 2480 6621 5959

Lismore Diocesan Directory 57

LISMORE diocese

VINNIES CENTRES cont’d Vinnies Macksville 28 Wallace Street Macksville NSW 2447 6568 1579 Vinnies Maclean 18 River Street Maclean NSW 2463 6645 2752 Vinnies Mullumbimby 100 Dalley Street Mullumbimby NSW 2482 6684 2639 Vinnies Murwillumbah 138 Main Street Murwillumbah NSW 2484 6672 2572 Vinnies Nimbin 40 Cullen Street Nimbin NSW 2480 6689 1623 Vinnies Port Macquarie 116 Gordon Street Port Macquarie NSW 2444 6584 1168


Vinnies South Grafton 64 Skinner Street South Grafton NSW 2460 6642 3290

Vinnies Woolgoolga 15 Market Street Woolgoolga NSW 2456 6654 1762

Vinnies South Tweed Heads 9/25 Industry Drive South Tweed Heads NSW 2486 07 5523 1305


Vinnies Toormina 4 Minorca Place Toormina NSW 2453 6653 2113 Vinnies Tweed Heads 11 Beryl Street Tweed Heads NSW 2485 07 5536 1130 Vinnies Urunga Shop 10, Urunga Beach Plaza Urunga NSW 2455 6655 6684 Vinnies Wauchope 40 Cameron Street Wauchope NSW 2446 6585 1963

Amelie Lodge C/- PO Box 660 LISMORE NSW 2480 6621 5835 MacKillop Lodge C/- PO Box 660 LISMORE NSW 2480 6621 5835 Matthew Talbot Rag Recycling PO BOX 1164 LISMORE NSW 2480 McCosker House 20 Table Street PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 6584 2630

Lismore Diocesan Directory

LISMORE diocese

REGIONS/CONFERENCES Clarence Regional Council MACLEAN NSW 2463 St Mary’s Conference GRAFTON NSW 2460 St Paul’s Conference GRAFTON NSW 2460 St Mary’s Conference Maclean MACLEAN NSW 2463 St Patrick’s Conference SOUTH GRAFTON NSW 2460 St James Conference YAMBA NSW 2464

Hastings Regional Council PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 St Mary’s Star of the Sea Conference LAKE CATHIE NSW 2445 St Matthew’s Conference LAURIETON NSW 2443 St Agnes Conference PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444

St Augustine Youth Conference PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444

St Joseph’s Conference URUNGA NSW 2455

Our Lady of Lourdes Conference WAUCHOPE NSW 2446

St Louise Conference WOOLGOOLGA NSW 2456

All Saints Conference WEST KEMPSEY NSW 2440

Richmond Regional Council ALSTONVILLE NSW 2477

St Paul’s Youth Conference YARAVELL NSW 2440

Our Lady of the Rosary Conference ALSTONVILLE NSW 2477

Orara Regional Council URUNGA NSW 2455

St Francis Xavier Conference BALLINA NSW 2478

Mary Immaculate Conference BELLINGEN NSW 2454

Blessed Mary MacKillop Conference CASINO NSW 2470

John Paul College Youth Conference COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450

St Mary’s Conference CASINO NSW 2470

St Augustine Conference COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450

St Therese Conference CASINO NSW 2470

Sacred Heart Conference DORRIGO NSW 2453

Our Lady of Lourdes Conference EAST LISMORE NSW 2480

St Patrick’s Conference MACKSVILLE NSW 2447

St John’s Conference EVANS HEAD NSW 2473

Our Lady Help of Christians Conference SAWTELL NSW 2452

Lismore Diocesan Directory 59

LISMORE diocese

REGIONS/CONFERENCES cont’d St Mary’s Youth Conference FAIRY HILL NSW 2470 St Therese Youth Conference GOONELLABAH NSW 2480 St Coleman’s Conference KYOGLE NSW 2474 Holy Family Conference LENNOX HEAD NSW 2478 Xavier College Conference LENNOX HEAD NSW 2478 Holy Spirit Conference LISMORE NSW 2480 St Carthage’s Conference LISMORE NSW 2480 St John’s College Conference LISMORE NSW 2480 Trinity College Conference LISMORE NSW 2480

St Kevin’s Conference BANGALOW NSW 2479 St Joseph’s College Conference BANORA POINT NSW 2486 Our Lady of Lourdes Conference BRUNSWICK HEADS NSW 2483 St Finbarr’s Conference BYRON BAY NSW 2481 St John’s Conference MULLUMBIMBY NSW 2482 Mary McKillop Conference MURWILLUMBAH NSW 2484 Mount St Pats College Youth Conference MURWILLUMBAH NSW 2484 St Anthony’s Conference POTTSVILLE BEACH NSW 2489 St Josephs Conference TWEED HEADS NSW 2485

Tweed/Byron Regional Council OCEAN SHORES NSW 2483


Lismore Diocesan Directory


DIOCESAN OFFICE Maitland/Newcastle Diocesan Council PO Box 64 ISLINGTON NSW 2296 4967 6277

VINNIES CENTRES Vinnies Anna Bay 135 Gan Gan Road Anna Bay NSW 2316 4981 9861 Vinnies Belmont 21 Ernest Street Belmont NSW 2280 4945 0330 Vinnies Beresfield 11 Beresford Avenue Beresfield NSW 2322 4966 2299 Vinnies Booragul Primrose Street Booragul NSW 2284 4958 2814

Vinnies Cessnock 55 Vincent Street Cessnock NSW 2325 4990 1422

Vinnies Kurri Kurri 127 Lang Street Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 4937 4940

Vinnies East Maitland 99 High Street East Maitland NSW 2323 4934 7018

Vinnies Maitland 196 High Street Maitland NSW 2320 4933 6828

Vinnies Forster 134 Little Street Forster NSW 2428 6554 6079

Vinnies Mayfield 4 Church Street Mayfield NSW 2304 4968 8360

Vinnies Gateshead Outlet Shop 5/78 Oxford Street Gateshead NSW 2290 4943 4967

Vinnies Morisset 48 Yambo Street Morisset NSW 2264 4973 2255

Vinnies Hamilton 143 Beaumont Street Hamilton NSW 2303 4961 3241

Vinnies Murrurundi 38 Mayne Street Murrurundi NSW 2338 6546 6507

Vinnies Islington 125 Maitland Road Islington NSW 2296 4961 1476

Vinnies Muswellbrook 174 Bridge Street Muswellbrook NSW 2333 6543 2659

Maitland/Newcastle Diocesan Directory 61


VINNIES CENTRES cont’d Vinnies Nelson Bay 15 Yacaaba Street Nelson Bay NSW 2315 4981 3988 Vinnies Old Bar Shop 2, 55-59 Old Bar Road Old Bar NSW 2430 6553 3993 Vinnies Raymond Terrace 37 Port Stephens Street Raymond Terrace NSW 2324 4983 1844 Vinnies Singleton 13 Campbell Street Singleton NSW 2330 6572 2723 Vinnies Swansea 100 Pacific Highway Swansea NSW 2281 4972 2013 Vinnies Tanilba Bay 67 President Wilson Walk Tanilba Bay NSW 2319 4982 3469


Vinnies Taree 41 Pulteney Street Taree NSW 2430 6552 1510 Vinnies Tea Gardens Shop 14, Myall Quays Shopping Village Tea Gardens NSW 2324 4997 0122

Breakfast Club St Joseph’s Primary School C/- 26 Hunter Street EAST MAITLAND NSW 2323 4933 1744 Vinnies Lodge PO Box 64 ISLINGTON NSW 2296

Vinnies Toronto 80 The Boulevarde Toronto NSW 2283 4959 6011

Disaster Recovery 8 Third Street WESTON NSW 2326 4937 5117

Vinnies Wallsend 175 Nelson Street Wallsend NSW 2287 4951 6773

Matthew Talbot Centre PO Box 101 WICKHAM NSW 2293 4961 1411


Vinnies Wingham 16 Isabella Street Wingham NSW 2429 6553 5471

Eastlakes Regional Council BELMONT NSW 2280

SPECIAL WORKS Care & Support Cottage 6a Cumberland Street CESSNOCK NSW 2325 4991 4212

Belmont St Francis Xavier Conference BELMONT NORTH NSW 2280 St Kevin’s Public School CARDIFF NSW 2285

Maitland/Newcastle Diocesan Directory


Mackillop Conference CHARLESTOWN NSW 2290

Booragul St Michael’s Conference TERALBA NSW 2284

All Saints College St Mary’s Youth Conference MAITLAND NSW 2320

St Mary’s Gateshead School Conference GATESHEAD NSW 2290

Toronto St Josephs Conference TORONTO NSW 2283

All Saints College St Peter’s Conference MAITLAND NSW 2320

Kotara South St Philip Conference KOTARA FAIR NSW 2289

Wallsend St Patrick’s Conference WALLSEND NSW 2287

Campbells Hill Sacred Heart Conference MAITLAND NSW 2320

Windale St Pius X Conference MOUNT HUTTON NSW 2290

Boolaroo St Joseph’s Conference WARNERS BAY NSW 2282

Maitland St John’s Conference MAITLAND NSW 2320

Swansea St Patrick’s Conference SWANSEA NSW 2281

Warners Bay St Mary’s Conference WARNERS BAY NSW 2282

Rutherford St Paul’s Conference RUTHERFORD NSW 2320

Lake Macquarie Regional Council FENNELL BAY NSW 2283

Glendale Holy Cross Conference WEST WALLSEND NSW 2286

St Paul’s Special Work Conference THORNTON NSW 2322

St Paul’s High School Youth Conference BOORAGUL NSW 2284

Lower Hunter Regional Council EAST MAITLAND NSW 2323

Gresford St Helen’s Conference VACY NSW 2421

St Benedict’s School Conference EDGEWORTH NSW 2285

Dungog St Mary’s Conference DUNGOG NSW 2420

Manning Regional Council WESTON NSW 2326

Glendale Holy Cross Conference GLENDALE NSW 2285

East Maitland Day St Joseph’s Conference EAST MAITLAND NSW 2323

Forster Holy Name Conference FORSTER NSW 2428

Shortland Our Lady of Victories Conference JESMOND NSW 2299

East Maitland Night St Joseph’s Conference EAST MAITLAND NSW 2323

St Clare’s High School Youth Conference TAREE NSW 2430

Morisset St John Vianney Conference MORISSET NSW 2264

Hunter Homeless Conference EAST MAITLAND NSW 2323

St Joseph’s Primary School (Mini Vinnies) TAREE NSW 2430

Maitland/Newcastle Diocesan Directory 63


REGIONS/CONFERENCES cont’d Taree St Mary’s Conference TAREE NSW 2430 Forster St Jude Conference TUNCURRY NSW 2428 Wingham Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Conference WINGHAM NSW 2429

Newcastle Regional Council WARATAH NSW 2298 Adamstown St Columba Conference ADAMSTOWN NSW 2289 St Columban’s Primary School Youth Conference ADAMSTOWN NSW 2289 St Pius X High School Youth Conference ADAMSTOWN NSW 2289 Migrant/Refugee Conference BELMONT NSW 2280 Hamilton Sacred Heart Conference HAMILTON NSW 2303


St Francis Xavier College Youth Conference HAMILTON NSW 2303

Newcastle St Joseph’s Conference THE JUNCTION NSW 2291

Lambton St John Evangelist Mary Immaculate Conference JESMOND NSW 2299

Waratah Corpus Christi Conference WARATAH NSW 2298

St John’s Primary Youth Conference LAMBTON NSW 2299 Mayfield St Alphonsus Conference MAYFIELD NSW 2304 San Clemente High School Youth Conference MAYFIELD NSW 2304 St Columba’s Primary School Youth Conference MAYFIELD NSW 2304 Mayfield West St John the Baptist Conference MAYFIELD WEST NSW 2304 Merewether Beach Holy Family Conference MEREWETHER NSW 2291 New Lambton St Therese Conference NEW LAMBTON NSW 2305 Stockton St Peter in Chains Conference STOCKTON NSW 2295

Port Stephens Regional Council TANILBA BAY NSW 2319 Nelson Bay St Michael’s Conference NELSON BAY NSW 2315 Raymond Terrace St Brigid Conference RAYMOND TERRACE NSW 2324 Mallabula Our Lady Help of Christians Conference TANILBA BAY NSW 2319 Tea Gardens St Stephen’s Conference TEA GARDENS NSW 2324

Upper Hunter Regional Council SINGLETON NSW 2330 St Joseph’s High School Youth Conference ABERDEEN NSW 2336 Merriwa St Anne’s Conference MERRIWA NSW 2329

Maitland/Newcastle Diocesan Directory


Murrurundi St Joseph’s Conference MURRURUNDI NSW 2338

Kurri Kurri Day St Francis Xavier Conference KURRI KURRI NSW 2327

Muswellbrook St James Conference MUSWELLBROOK NSW 2333

Kurri Kurri Night St Joseph’s Conference KURRI KURRI NSW 2327

Scone Our Lady of Peace Conference SCONE NSW 2337

All Saints College St Joseph’s Campus Conference LOCHINVAR NSW 2321

Singleton St Patrick’s Conference SINGLETON NSW 2330

Vineyard Regional Council KURRI KURRI NSW 2327 Cessnock St Patrick’s Conference CESSNOCK NSW 2325

St Patrick’s Primary Youth Conference Lochinvar LOCHINVAR NSW 2321 Beresfield Our Lady of Lourdes Conference WOODBERRY NSW 2322

St Patricks Primary School Cessnock CESSNOCK NSW 2325 Branxton St Brigid’s Conference EAST BRANXTON NSW 2335 Greta St Catherine’s Conference GRETA NSW 2334 Holy Spirit Primary Youth Conference Kurri Kurri KURRI KURRI NSW 2327

Maitland/Newcastle Diocesan Directory 65



DIOCESAN OFFICE Parramatta Diocesan Council PO Box 573 WENTWORTHVILLE NSW 2145 9689 1900

VINNIES CENTRES Vinnies Baulkham Hills 1-2/20 Old Northern Road Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 9686 4159 Vinnies Blackheath 123 Station Street Blackheath NSW 2785 4787 6495 Vinnies Blacktown 23 David Street Blacktown NSW 2148 9522 6088 Vinnies Blaxland 133a Great Western Highway Blaxland NSW 2774 4739 8402


Vinnies Castle Hill 5/261 Old Northern Road Castle Hill NSW 2154 9680 2729

Vinnies Lawson 2/297 Great Western Highway Lawson NSW 2783 4782 5155

Vinnies Ermington Shop 7, Bartlett Street Ermington NSW 2115 9898 0737

Vinnies Marayong 3/48 Railway Road Marayong NSW 2148 9676 3856

Vinnies Glenbrook 29 Ross Street Glenbrook NSW 2773 4739 6998

Vinnies Merrylands 2/215 Pitt Street Merrylands NSW 2160 9897 9795

Vinnies Guildford 4/369 Guildford Road Guildford NSW 2161 9632 1121

Vinnies Merrylands Central 11-19 Centenary Road Merrylands NSW 2160 9633 5433

Vinnies Katoomba 65 Waratah Street Katoomba NSW 2780 4782 7935

Vinnies Parramatta Outlet 46-48 Phillip Street Parramatta NSW 2150 96356574

Vinnies Kingswood 74 Cox Avenue Kingswood NSW 2747 4731 5900

Vinnies North Richmond 1/328 Windsor Street Richmond NSW 2753 4578 0599

Parramatta Diocesan Directory



Vinnies Riverstone Shop 3/33 Pitt Street Riverstone NSW 2765 9627 3756

Vinnies Toongabbie 1 Cornelia Road Toongabbie NSW 2146 9769 1011

Vinnies Rooty Hill 14 Rooty Hill Road Rooty Hill NSW 2766 9625 4448

Vinnies Wentworthville 33-35 Dunmore Street Wentworthville NSW 2145 9631 8853

Vinnies Seven Hills 140 Best Road Seven Hills NSW 2147 9622 3839

Vinnies Windsor 256 George Street Windsor NSW 2756 4577 4880

Vinnies Springwood 272 Macquarie Road Springwood NSW 2777 4751 2322 Vinnies St Clair Shop 15/41 Melville Road St Clair NSW 2759 9834 6023 Vinnies St Marys 3 Crana Street St Marys NSW 2760 9833 4594

Our Lady of the Way 25 Dorothy Street MERRYLANDS NSW 2160 Margaret Druitt Day Care Centre PO Box 118 PLUMPTON NSW 2761 Springwood Foodbank 272 Macquaire Road SPRINGWOOD NSW 2777 Vinnies Van PO Box 573 WENTWORTHVILLE NSW 2145

SPECIAL WORKS Caroline Chisholm Centre for Social Justice PO Box E77 EMERTON NSW 2770 9835 1583 Cardinal Freeman Centre 34-38 East Street GRANVILLE NSW 2142 Katoomba Foodbank 69 Waratah Street KATOOMBA NSW 2780

REGIONS/CONFERENCES Blacktown Regional Council TOONGABBIE NSW 2146 Quakers Hill/Schofields Conference ACACIA GARDENS NSW 2763 Blacktown St Patrick’s Conference BLACKTOWN NSW 2148 Doonside St John Vianney Conference DOONSIDE NSW 2767

Parramatta Diocesan Directory 67



REGIONS/CONFERENCES con’d Greystanes Our Lady Queen of Peace Conference GREYSTANES NSW 2145 Plumpton Good Shepherd Conference HEBERSHAM NSW 2770 Lalor Park St Bernadette’s Conference LALOR PARK NSW 2147 Marayong St Andrew’s Conference MARAYONG NSW 2148 South Blacktown St Michael’s Conference MINCHINBURY NSW 2770 Riverstone St John’s Conference RIVERSTONE NSW 2765 Rooty Hill St Aiden’s Conference ROOTY HILL NSW 2766 Seven Hills Our Lady of Lourdes Conference SEVEN HILLS NSW 2147 Toongabbie Conference TOONGABBIE NSW 2146


Blessed John XXIII Conference Stanhope Gardens Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

Springwood Day Our Lady Help of Christians Conference WINMALEE NSW 2777

Wentworthville Our Lady of Mt Carmel Conference WENTWORTHVILLE NSW 2145

Nepean Hawkesbury Regional Council KINGSWOOD NSW 2747 Windsor St Matthew’s Conference GLOSSODIA NSW 2756

Blue Mountains Regional Council MOUNT VICTORIA NSW 2786

South Mt Druitt Sacred Heart Conference MOUNT DRUITT NSW 2770

Glenbrook St Finbar’s Conference BLAXLAND NSW 2774 Emu Plains Our Lady of the Way Conference EMU PLAINS NSW 2750

Richmond St Monica’s Conference RICHMOND NSW 2753

Glenbrook Day Conference GLENBROOK NSW 2773

St Clair Holy Spirit Conference ST CLAIR NSW 2759

Katoomba St Canices Conference KATOOMBA NSW 2780 Lawson Our Lady of the Nativity Conference LAWSON NSW 2783 Springwood St Thomas Aquinas Conference LINDEN NSW 2778 Blackheath Sacred Heart Conference MOUNT VICTORIA NSW 2786

Penrith St Nicholas Conference PENRITH NSW 2750

St Mary’s Our Lady of the Rosary Conference ST MARYS NSW 2760 Warragamba Sacred Heart Conference WARRAGAMBA NSW 2752 Kingswood St Joseph’s Conference WERRINGTON COUNTY NSW 2747

Parramatta Diocesan Directory



Parramatta Regional Council WESTMEAD NSW 2145

Parramatta St Patrick’s Conference OATLANDS NSW 2117

Baulkham Hills South Conference BAULKHAM HILLS NSW 2153

Harris Park St Oliver Plunkett Conference PARRAMATTA NSW 2150

Baulkham Hills St Michael’s Conference BAULKHAM HILLS NSW 1755

Rydalmere Holy Name of Mary Conference RYDALMERE BC NSW 1701

Castle Hill St Bernadette’s Conference DURAL NSW 2158

North Rocks Christ the King Conference WEST PENNANT HILLS NSW 2125

Kenthurst St Madeleines GLENHAVEN NSW 2156

Westmead Sacred Heart Conference WESTMEAD NSW 2145

Merrylands St Margaret/Mary’s Conference GREYSTANES NSW 2145 East Granville Holy Family Conference GUILDFORD NSW 2161 Kellyville Our Lady of the Rosary Conference KELLYVILLE NSW 2155 Granville Holy Trinity Conference MERRYLANDS NSW 2160 North Parramatta St Monicas Conference NORTHMEAD NSW 2152 Winston Hills St Paul the Apostle Conference NORTHMEAD NSW 2152

Parramatta Diocesan Directory 69

SYDNEY archdiocese

DIOCESAN OFFICE Sydney Archdiocesan Council PO Box 266 AUBURN NSW 1835 9350 9600

VINNIES CENTRES Auburn Distribution Centre 32-36 Hampstead Road Auburn NSW 2144 9350 9660 Vinnies Bankstown 2A East Terrace Bankstown NSW 2200 9796 1176 Vinnies Bondi Beach 60 Hall Street Bondi Beach NSW 2026 9300 0585 Vinnies Mt Pritchard 248 Humphries Road Bonnyrigg NSW 2177 9823 1222


Vinnies Burwood 143 Burwood Road Burwood NSW 2134 9745 3744

Vinnies Crows Nest 60A Alexander Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 9436 0725

Vinnies Campsie 274 Beamish Street Campsie NSW 2194 9718 3444

Vinnies Dulwich Hill 528 Marrickville Road Dulwich Hill NSW 2203 9564 6690

Vinnies Canley Heights 254 Canley Vale Road Canley Heights NSW 2166 9726 6822

Vinnies Fairfield 101-103 Ware Street Fairfield NSW 2165 9724 1033

Vinnies Caringbah 20 President Avenue Caringbah NSW 2229 9540 3188

Vinnies Fairfield Heights 1/243 The Boulevarde Fairfield Heights NSW 2165 9609 4098

Vinnies Chester Hill Shop 17, Chester Square Shopping Centre Chester Hill NSW 2162 9644 2104

Vinnies Gladesville 10/210 Victoria Road Gladesville NSW 2111 9879 7029

Vinnies Cronulla 45 Gerrale Street Cronulla NSW 2230 9523 1438

Vinnies Glebe 179 Glebe Point Road Glebe NSW 2037 9552 6031

Sydney Archdiocesan Directory

SYDNEY archdiocese

Vinnies Hurlstone Park 20 Crinnan Street Hurlstone Park NSW 2193 9558 0361

Vinnies Maroubra 785 Anzac Parade Maroubra NSW 2035 9344 9990

Vinnies Neutral Bay 148 Military Road Neutral Bay NSW 2089 9953 9519

Vinnies Hurstville 183C Forest Road Hurstville NSW 2220 9580 2459

Vinnies Marrickville 113 Marrickville Road Marrickville NSW 2204 9569 3000

Vinnies Newtown 187 King Street Newtown NSW 2042 9557 1996

Vinnies Kingsford 381 Anzac Parade Kingsford NSW 2032 9663 2422

Vinnies Mascot 1201 Botany Road Mascot NSW 2020 9313 4325

Vinnies North Ryde 191-197 Cox’s Road North Ryde NSW 2113 9887 3356

Vinnies Lane Cove 89 Longueville Road Lane Cove NSW 2066 9427 1115

Vinnies Miranda 1/50 Kiora Road Miranda NSW 2228 9525 4829

Vinnies North Sydney 6 Bay Road North Sydney NSW 2060 9955 3997

Vinnies Lidcombe 5 Church Street Lidcombe NSW 2141 9649 9902

Vinnies Mortdale 15 Cook Street Mortdale NSW 2223 9580 4430

Vinnies Paddington 292 Oxford Street Paddington NSW 2021 9360 4151

Vinnies Liverpool Shop 4/142 Macquarie Street Mall Liverpool NSW 2170 9734 6300

Vinnies Mosman 10 Spit Road Mosman NSW 2088 9960 1030

Vinnies Randwick 27 Belmore Road Randwick NSW 2031 9399 8989

Sydney Archdiocesan Directory 71

SYDNEY archdiocese

VINNIES CENTRES con’d Vinnies Revesby 14 Selems Parade Revesby NSW 2212 9772 3773 Vinnies Riverwood 295 Belmore Road Riverwood NSW 2210 9533 4192 Vinnies Rockdale 445 Princes Highway Rockdale NSW 2216 9597 6762 Vinnies Rozelle 683 Darling Street Rozelle NSW 2039 9810 3453 Vinnies Summer Hill 142 Smith Street Summer Hill NSW 2130 9799 5052 Vinnies Surry Hills 406 Elizabeth Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 9281 9311


Vinnies Sutherland 710 Old Princes Highway Sutherland NSW 2232 9521 1270 Vinnies Waverley 255 Bronte Road Waverley NSW 2024 9387 7088 Vinnies West Ryde 47 Ryedale Street West Ryde NSW 2114 9809 2757 Vinnies Wetherill Park Shop 35, Wetherill Park Market Town 1024 The Horsley Drive Wetherill Park NSW 2164 9756 0402

Claffy House PO Box 266 AUBURN NSW 1835 St Louise Lodge PO Box 266 AUBURN NSW 1835 Amelie House PO Box 266 AUBURN NSW 1835 St Judes Refuge PO Box 266 AUBURN NSW 1835 Jacinta Villa 2 Laycock Street BEXLEY NSW 2207


Liverpool Night Patrol c/- 248 Humphries Road BONNYRIGG NSW 2177

Marian Villa PO Box 266 AUBURN NSW 1835

Glasson House 45 Pacific Street CARINGBAH NSW 2229

Marian Centre PO Box 266 AUBURN NSW 1835

Como Social & Leisure Centre 6-8 Taplin Street COMO NSW 2226

Sydney Archdiocesan Directory

SYDNEY archdiocese

Mt St Vincent 6-16 Smarts Crescent CRONULLA NSW 2230

Xavier House 38 Gordon Crescent STANMORE NSW 2048

Margaret House 78 Coonong Road GYMEA NSW 2227

Eastern Suburbs Migrant & Refugee Committee 255 Bronte Road WAVERLEY NSW 2024

St Dominics Hostel 225 Catherine Street LEICHHARDT NSW 2040


SAC Foodbank 5 White Street LILYFIELD NSW 2040 Mary MacKillop Outreach PO BOX 5 PETERSHAM NSW 2049 Rendu Youth Services Locked Bag 7 PETERSHAM NSW 2049 Sydney Night Patrol PO BOX 5 PETERSHAM NSW 2049 Cleveland Centre 317 Cleveland Street Redfern NSW 2016

St Canice’s Conference ELIZABETH BAY NSW 2011

Eastern Suburbs Regional Council WAVERLEY NSW 2024 St Patrick’s Conference BONDI NSW 2026 St Anne’s Conference BONDI BEACH NSW 2026 St Anthony’s Conference CLOVELLY NSW 2031 St Brigid’s Conference COOGEE NSW 2034 Sacred Heart Conference DARLINGHURST NSW 2010 St Joseph’s Conference EDGECLIFF NSW 2027

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Conference RANDWICK NSW 2031 St Mary Magdalene Conference ROSE BAY NSW 2029 Our Lady Star of the Sea Conference WATSON’S BAY NSW 2030 Mary Immaculate Conference WAVERLEY NSW 2024

Kingsgrove/Bankstown Regional Council BANKSTOWN NSW 2200 St Felix Conference BANKSTOWN NSW 2200 St Joseph’s Conference BELMORE NSW 2192 Regina Coeli Ladies Conference BEVERLY HILLS NSW 2209 Our Lady Queen of Peace Conference BEVERLY HILLS NSW 2209

Sydney Archdiocesan Directory 73

SYDNEY archdiocese

REGIONS/CONFERENCES con’d St Mel’s Conference CAMPSIE NSW 2194 St Brendan’s Conference CENTRAL BANKSTOWN NSW 2200 St Bernadette’s Conference CLEMTON PARK NSW 2206 St Mary Queen of Heaven Conference GEORGES HALL NSW 2198 St John and St Thomas Conference GREENACRE NSW 2190 Our Lady of Fatima Conference KINGSGROVE NSW 2208 Kingsgrove Young Adults Conference KINGSGROVE NSW 2208 St Therese the Little Flower Conference LAKEMBA NSW 2195 St Therese’s Conference PADSTOW NSW 2211 St Therese’s Ladies Conference PADSTOW NSW 2211


St Christopher’s Conference PANANIA NSW 2213

Liverpool Regional Council BONNYRIGG NSW 2177

St Jerome’s Conference PUNCHBOWL NSW 2196

Sacred Heart Conference CABRAMATTA NSW 2166

St Luke’s Conference REVESBY NSW 2212

Holy Spirit Conference CARNES HILL NSW 2171

St Joseph’s Conference RIVERWOOD NSW 2210

St John the Baptist Conference EDENSOR PARK NSW 2176

Christ the King Conference YAGOONA NSW 2199

Our Lady of the Rosary Conference FAIRFIELD NSW 2165

Liberty Plains Regional Council LIDCOMBE NSW 2141

Good Shepard Conference HOXTON PARK NSW 2171

St John of God Conference AUBURN NSW 2144

All Saints Conference LIVERPOOL NSW 2171

St Peter Chanel Conference BERALA NSW 2141

St Francis Xavier Conference LURNEA NSW 2170

St Joachim’s Conference LIDCOMBE NSW 2141

St Joseph’s Conference MOOREBANK NSW 2170

Immaculate Heart of Mary Conference SEFTON NSW 2162

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Conference MOUNT PRITCHARD NSW 2171 St Therese’s Conference SADLEIR NSW 2168

Sydney Archdiocesan Directory

SYDNEY archdiocese

St John Bosco Conference SMITHFIELD NSW 2164

Star of the Sea Conference KIRRIBILLI NSW 2061

Holy Name of Mary Conference HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110

Sacred Heart Conference VILLAWOOD NSW 2163

St Michael’s Conference LANE COVE NSW 2066

St Columba’s Conference LEICHARDT NSW 2040

Macquarie Regional Council WEST RYDE NSW 2114

St Francis Xavier Conference LAVENDER BAY NSW 2060

South Sydney Regional Council MAROUBRA NSW 2035

St Kevin’s Conference EASTWOOD NSW 2122

Sacred Heart Conference MOSMAN NSW 2088

St Bernard’s Conference BOTANY NSW 2099

St Anthony’s Conference MARSFIELD NSW 2122

St Joseph’s Conference NEUTRAL BAY NSW 2089

Our Lady of the Rosary Conference KENSINGTON NSW 2033

St Michael’s Conference MEADOWBANK NSW 2114

St Mary’s Conference NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060

St Andrew’s Conference MALABAR NSW 2036

Holy Spirit Conference NORTH RYDE NSW 2113

Rozelle Regional Council ROZELLE NSW 2039

St Mary & St Joseph’s Conference MAROUBRA NSW 2035

St Charles’ Conference RYDE NSW 2112

St Brendan’s Conference ANNANDALE NSW 2038

Holy Family Conference MAROUBRA JUNCTION NSW 2035

Northern Suburbs Regional Council CROWS NEST NSW 2065

St Augustine’s Conference BALMAIN NSW 2044

St Therese’s Conference MASCOT NSW 2020

St Therese’s Conference BEAUTY POINT NSW 2088

St Mark’s Conference DRUMMOYNE NSW 2047

St Agnes’ Conference MATRAVILLE NSW 2204

Our Lady Queen of Peace Conference GLADESVILLE NSW 2111

Church of the Annunciation Conference PAGEWOOD NSW 2035

Sydney Archdiocesan Directory 75

SYDNEY archdiocese

REGIONS/CONFERENCES con’d St Joseph’s Conference ROSEBERRY NSW 2029

St George Regional Council HURSTVILLE NSW 2220 St Francis Xavier Conference ARNCLIFFE NSW 2216 St Gabriel’s Ladies Conference BEXLEY NSW 2207 Mater Dei Conference BLAKEHURST NSW 2221 St Thomas More Conference BRIGHTON LE SANDS NSW 2216 St Joseph’s Conference OATLEY NSW 2223 Our Lady of Fatima Conference PEAKHURST NSW 2210

Sutherland Shire Regional Council SUTHERLAND NSW 2232 Our Lady of Fatima Day Conference CARINGBAH NSW 2229


Our Lady of Fatima Night Conference CARINGBAH NSW 2229

Sydney Regional Council REDFERN NSW 2016

St Aloysius Day Conference CRONULLA NSW 2230

St Mary’s Cathedral Conference SYDNEY NSW 2000

St Aloysius Night Conference CRONULLA NSW 2230

St Patrick’s Conference CHURCH HILL NSW 2000

St John Bosco Conference ENGADINE NSW 2233

St Pius Conference ENMORE NSW 2043

St Catherine’s Conference GYMEA NSW 2227

Our Lady of Perpetual Succor Conference ERSKINEVILLE NSW 2043

Holy Cross Conference HELENSBURGH NSW 2508

St James’ Conference GLEBE NSW 2037

Holy Family Conference MENAI NSW 2234

St Brigid’s Conference MARRICKVILLE NSW 2204

Our Lady Star of the Sea Conference MIRANDA NSW 2228

Maternal Heart of Mary Conference EAST SYDNEY NSW 2000

St Joseph’s Conference OYSTER BAY NSW 2225

St Joseph’s Conference NEWTOWN NSW 2204

St Patrick’s Conference SUTHERLAND NSW 2232

Task Force Conference REDFERN NSW 2016

Our Lady of the Way Conference SYLVANIA NSW 2224

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Conference WATERLOO NSW 2015

Sydney Archdiocesan Directory

SYDNEY archdiocese

Western Suburbs Regional Council BURWOOD NSW 2134

St Patrick’s Conference MORTLAKE NSW 2137

St Francis Xavier Conference ASHBURY NSW 2193

St Martha’s Conference STRATHFIELD NSW 2135

St Vincent de Paul Conference ASHFIELD NSW 2131

St Patrick’s Conference SUMMER HILL NSW 2130

St Mary’s Conference CONCORD NSW 2137 St Ambrose Conference CONCORD WEST NSW 2138 Holy Innocents Conference CROYDON NSW 2132 St Paul’s Conference DULWICH HILL NSW 2203 St Joseph’s Conference ENFIELD NSW 2136 All Hallows Conference FIVE DOCK NSW 2046 St Joan of Arc Conference HABERFIELD NSW 2045 St Thomas’ Conference LEWISHAM NSW 2049

Sydney Archdiocesan Directory 77



DIOCESAN OFFICE Wagga Wagga Diocesan Council PO Box 356 WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 6971 7175

VINNIES CENTRES Vinnies Albury Ritz Arcade Dean Street Albury NSW 2640 6021 2992 Vinnies Coolamon 98 Cowabbie Street Coolamon NSW 2701 0458 535 175 Vinnies Corowa 181 Sanger Street Corowa NSW 2646 6033 2309 Vinnies Griffith 101 Banna Avenue Griffith NSW 2680 6962 3994


Vinnies Jerilderie 36 Jerilderie Street Jerilderie NSW 2716 5886 1697

John Gray Recycling 5 Forge Street Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 6921 7915

Vinnies Junee Broadway Junee NSW 2663 6924 3218

Vinnies Ashmont Shop 4, Ashmont Mall Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 6931 2128

Vinnies Lavington 321-323 Urana Road Lavington NSW 2641 6025 2239

Vinnies Turvey Tops Shop 17, Turvey Tops Shopping Centre Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 6925 2335

Vinnies Leeton 42 Kurajong Avenue Leeton NSW 2705 6953 3608

Vinnies Wagga Wagga 13 Peter Street Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 6921 2381

Vinnies Narrandera 181 East Street Narrandera NSW 2700 6959 2535

Vinnies Wagga Wagga Furniture 96 Edward Street Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 6921 7972

Vinnies Tumbarumba 16 The Parade Tumbarumba NSW 2653 6948 2854

SPECIAL WORKS Compeer Albury PO Box 1210 ALBURY NSW 2640 6025 0227

Wagga Wagga Diocesan Directory



Quamby House/Orana Allanbie Cottages PO Box 898 ALBURY NSW 2640 6021 7860 Compeer Griffith PO Box 1902 GRIFFITH NSW 2680 6962 1444 Charles O’Neill/Marilac PO Box 621 LAVINGTON NSW 2641 6021 6237 Edel Quinn Shelter Wagga Wagga Rear of 34 Kincaid Street WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 6921 2527 Micah House 116 Best Street WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 6921 7337


Hostel and Ozanam Conference ALBURY NSW 2640

St Oliver’s Night Darlington Point Conference DARLINGTON POINT NSW 2706

St Patrick’s Albury Conference ALBURY NSW 2640

Sacred Heart Day Conference GRIFFITH NSW 2680

St Mary’s Corowa Conference COROWA NSW 2646

Sacred Heart Night Conference GRIFFITH NSW 2680

St Patrick’s Culcairn Conference CULCAIRN NSW 2660

St Joseph’s Day Leeton Conference LEETON NSW 2705

Our Lady of Sorrows Holbrook Conference HOLBROOK NSW 2644

St Mel’s Day Narrandera Conference NARRANDERA NSW 2700

St Brigid’s Howlong Conference HOWLONG NSW 2643

South West Regional Council TOCUMWAL NSW 2714

Holy Spirit Lavington Conference LAVINGTON NSW 2641

St Columba’s Berrigan Conference BERRIGAN NSW 2712

Sacred Heart North Albury Conference LAVINGTON NSW 2641

St Mary’s Finley Conference FINLEY NSW 2713

St Clare’s North Albury Conference NORTH ALBURY NSW 2640

St Joseph’s Jerilderie Conference JERILDERIE NSW 2716

Murrumbidgee Regional Council GRIFFITH NSW 2680

St Faustina’s Conference TOCUMWAL NSW 2714

St Peter’s Night Colleambally Conference COLEAMBALLY NSW 2707

St Peter’s Tocumwal Conference TOCUMWAL NSW 2714

Wagga Wagga Diocesan Directory 79



REGIONS/CONFERENCES con’d Wagga Wagga Regional Council WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650

St Michael’s Cathedral Conference WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650

Holy Trinity West Wagga Conference ASHMONT NSW 2650 St Michael’s Coolamon Conference Coolamon NSW 2701 St Joseph’s Junee Conference JUNEE NSW 2663 St Mary’s Conference THE ROCK NSW 2655 All Saints Tumbarumba Conference TUMBARUMBA NSW 2653 Sacred Heart Kooringal Conference WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 St Charles Youth Conference WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 St Eugene’s South Wagga Conference WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 St Francis Youth Conference Charles Sturt University WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650


Wagga Wagga Diocesan Directory


DIOCESAN OFFICE Wilcannia/Forbes Diocesan Council PO Box 997 PARKES NSW 2870 6862 5758

VINNIES CENTRES Vinnies Balranald 91 Market Street Balranald NSW 2715 03 5020 1241 Vinnies Barham 37 Noorong Street Barham NSW 2732 03 5453 3174 Vinnies Bourke 25 Richard Street Bourke NSW 2840 6872 2891 Vinnies Broken Hill 97-99 Argent Street Broken Hill NSW 2880 08 8087 5813

Vinnies Cobar 10 Marshall Street Cobar NSW 2835 6836 1155

Vinnies Nyngan 84 Pangee Street Nyngan NSW 2825 6832 2070

Vinnies Condobolin 34 Bathurst Street Condobolin NSW 2877 6895 3027

Vinnies Parkes 44-46 Welcome Street Parkes NSW 2870 6862 3383

Vinnies Deniliquin 64-66 Napier Street Deniliquin NSW 2710 03 5881 2735

Vinnies Peak Hill 1A Mingelo Street Peak Hill NSW 2869 6869 1898

Vinnies Forbes 102 Rankin Street Forbes NSW 2871 6852 1865

Vinnies Trangie 49 Dandaloo Street Trangie NSW 2823 6888 8022

Vinnies Lightning Ridge 36 Morilla Street Lightning Ridge NSW 2834 6829 0392

Vinnies Warren 144-146 Dubbo Street Warren NSW 2824 6847 4883

Vinnies Narromine 55 Dandalos Street Narromine NSW 2821 6889 1503

SPECIAL WORKS Bishop Fox Meal Centre 93-95 Argent Street BROKEN HILL NSW 2880 08 8088 6860

Wilcannia/Forbes Diocesan Directory 81



Holy Family Parkes Conference PARKES NSW 2870

St Laurence O’Toole Cobar Conference COBAR NSW 2835

St Jude’s Parkes Conference PARKES NSW 2870

Our Lady of Fatima Lightning Ridge Conference LIGHTNING RIDGE NSW 2833


St James Peak Hill Conference PEAK HILL NSW 2869

St Augustine’s Narromine Conference NARROMINE NSW 2821

Broken Hill Regional Council BROKEN HILL NSW 2880

St Michael’s Trundle Conference TRUNDLE NSW 2875

St Joseph Nyngan Conference NYNGAN NSW 2825

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Conference BROKEN HILL NSW 2880

Deniliquin Regional Council BARHAM NSW 2732

St Francis Trangie Conference TRANGIE NSW 2823

Sacred Heart Broken Hill Conference BROKEN HILL NSW 2880

St Dympna Balranald Conference BALRANALD NSW 2715

St Mary’s Warren Conference WARREN NSW 2824

Central West Regional Council CONDOBOLIN NSW 2877

Sacred Heart Barham Conference BARHAM NSW 2732

St Jospeh’s Condobolin Conference CONDOBOLIN NSW 2877

St Michael’s Deniliquin Conference DENILIQUIN NSW 2710

Red Bend Cath College Youth Conference FORBES NSW 2871

St Fergal’s Hay Conference HAY NSW 2711

Sacred Heart Forbes Conference FORBES NSW 2871

Narromine/Bourke Regional Council NARROMINE NSW 2821

Vinnies Homeless Services PO Box 458 DENILIQUIN NSW 2710 03 5881 4748

St Ignatius Bourke Conference BOURKE NSW 2840


Wilcannia/Forbes Diocesan Directory


DIOCESAN OFFICE Wollongong Diocesan Council PO Box 5259 MINTO NSW 2566 9820 8223

VINNIES CENTRES Vinnies Berry 117b Queen Street Berry NSW 2535 4464 3940 Vinnies Bowral 248 Bong Bong Street Bowral NSW 2576 4861 2852 Vinnies Camden 81-83 Argyle Street Camden NSW 2570 4655 8271 Vinnies Campbelltown 13 Warby Street Campbelltown NSW 2560 4625 1261

Vinnies Corrimal 67 Railway Street Corrimal NSW 2518 4283 5033

Vinnies Moss Vale 502A Argyle Street Moss Vale NSW 2577 4868 1775

Vinnies Dapto 61 Princes Highway Dapto NSW 2530 4262 8941

Wollongong Warehouse 110 Montague Street North Wollongong NSW 2500 4229 7919

Vinnies Kiama 80 Terralong Street Kiama NSW 2533 4232 2656

Vinnies Nowra 77-79 Plunkett Street Nowra NSW 2541 4421 0390

Vinnies Macquarie Fields 69 Saywell Road Macquarie Fields NSW 2564 9618 3288

Vinnies Oak Flats 41 Central Avenue Oak Flats NSW 2529 4256 6266

Vinnies Minto 1 Ben Lomond Road Minto NSW 2566 9820 5083

Vinnies Picton 13 Conden Street Picton NSW 2571 4677 1705

Vinnies Mittagong 22 Bowral Road Mittagong NSW 2575 4871 1922

Vinnies Sanctuary Point 199 Kerry Street Sanctuary Point NSW 2540 4443 9201

Wilcannia/Forbes Diocesan Directory 83


VINNIES CENTRES con’d Vinnies Shoalhaven Heads Shop 1, The Village Shopping Centre Shoalhaven Heads NSW 2540 4448 7923 Vinnies Tahmoor Shop 8-9, Larkin Street Tahmoor NSW 2573 4683 1077 Vinnies The Oaks 3/5 Glendiver Road The Oaks NSW 2570 4657 1904 Vinnies Ulladulla 251 Green Street Ulladulla NSW 2589 4455 1466 Vinnies Unanderra Shop 131, Princess Highway Unanderra NSW 2526 4271 7381 Vinnies Warrawong 250 Cowper Street Warrawong NSW 2502 4274 0642


Vinnies Wollongong 336 Crown Street Wollongong NSW 2500 4225 3780

Maryfields Day Recovery Centre PO Box 1440 CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 4620 0854

Vinnies Woonona 3/374 Princess Highway Woonona NSW 2517 4284 0416

Nagle Family Centre 22 Iolanthe Street CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 4628 2928


Rosalie Rendu 24 Iolanthe Street CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560

Tom McGee Memorial Holiday Flats PO Box 77 BERRY NSW 2535

Vincentian Social Action Centre 24 Iolanthe Street CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560

Animation Project 24 Iolanthe Street CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 Claymore Community Laundromat & Coffee Shop 24 Iolanthe Street CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 4627 9025 Compeer Macarthur/Wingecarribee 24 Iolanthe Street CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 4627 9180

Kalon House of Welcome 3 Withers Way CLAYMORE NSW 2559 St Vincent de Paul House 16 Miller Street CONISTON NSW 2500 Macarthur Ozanam Centre PO Box 5961 MINTO BC NSW 2566

Wollongong Diocesan Directory


Brokerage PO Box 5961 MINTO BC NSW 2566 4625 1828

Compeer Social Recreation Program PO Box 99 WARRAWONG NSW 2502 4276 4241

Pathways PO Box 5961 MINTO BC NSW 2566 4869 5873

Compeer Illawarra PO Box 99 WARRAWONG NSW 2502

Jim Da Silva Farm C/- PO Box 1250 NOWRA NSW 2541 4423 0640 John Purcell House PO Box 1250 NOWRA NSW 2541 Vinnies Youth Housing PO Box 123 PICTON NSW 2571 Mollymook Holiday Flats C/- SVDP Centre 251 Green Street ULLADULLA NSW 2539 4455 5666

Magdalene Catholic High Youth Conference NARELLAN NSW 2567 Mater Dei Special School NARELLAN NSW 2567 Picton/Bargo Conference THIRLMERE NSW 2572

Campbelltown Regional Council CAMPBELLTOWN NORTH NSW 2560

Vincentian Social Action Centre PO Box 99 WARRAWONG NSW 2502

Campbelltown St John’s Conference CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560

REGIONS/CONFERENCES Camden/Wollondilly Regional Council GLEN ALPINE NSW 2560

John Therry Catholic High School Youth Conference CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560

The Oaks St Aloysius’ Conference CAMDEN NSW 2570

St Gregory’s College Youth Conference CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560

St Jerome’s Young Adult Conference DENHAM COURT NSW 2565

St Patrick’s College Youth Conference CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560

Narellan St Clare’s Care Group Conference GLEN ALPINE NSW 2560

Ingleburn Holy Family Conference INGLEBURN NSW 1890

Camden St Paul’s Conference MOUNT ANNAN NSW 2567

Eaglevale/Claymore Mary Immaculate Conference LEUMEAH NSW 2560

Wollongong Diocesan Directory 85


REGIONS/CONFERENCES con’d Mount Carmel High Youth Conference MINTO NSW 2566 Minto Holy Trinity Conference MINTO NSW 2566 Macquarie Fields Our Lady of Sorrows Conference MACQUARIE FIELDS NSW 2564 St Andrew’s Our Lady of Mt Carmel Conference RABY NSW 2566


Dapto St John’s Conference DAPTO NSW 2530

Kangaroo Valley St Joseph’s Conference KANGAROO VALLEY NSW 2577

Kiama Sts Peter and Paul Conference KIAMA NSW 2533

Nowra St Michael’s Conference NOWRA NSW 2541

St Francis of Assissi Warrawong Care & Support Conference LINDSAY HEIGHTS NSW 2506

St John the Evangelist Youth Conference NOWRA NSW 2541

Corpus Christi Catholic High School OAK FLATS NSW 2529 Shellharbour City All Saints Conference WARILLA NSW 2528

Rosemeadow Our Lady Help of Christins Conference ROSEMEADOW NSW 2560

Shoalhaven Regional Council BOMADERRY NSW 2541

Ruse/Airds St Thomas More Conference RUSE NSW 2560

Berry St Patrick’s Conference BERRY NSW 2535

Central Illawarra Regional Council DAPTO NSW 2530

Nowra Care Sacred Heart Conference BOMADERRY NSW 2541

Albion Park/Oak Flats St Paul’s Conference ALBION PARK NSW 2527

Culburra Mater Dei Conference CULBURRA BEACH NSW 2540

St Joseph’s Catholic High Youth Conference ALBION PARK NSW 2527

Gerringong St Mary’s Conference GERRINGONG NSW 2534

Vincentia Holy Spirit Conference SANCTUARY POINT NSW 2540 Shoalhaven Heads St Therese’s Conference SHOALHAVEN HEADS NSW 2535 Sussex Inlet St Patrick’s Conference SWAN HAVEN NSW 2540 Milton/Ulladulla St Mary Star of the Sea Conference ULLADULLA NSW 2539

Southern Highlands Regional Council BOWRAL NSW 2576 Bowral St Thomas Aquinas Conference BOWRAL NSW 2576 Chevalier College Conference BOWRAL NSW 2576

Wollongong Diocesan Directory


Mittagong St Michael’s Conference MITTAGONG NSW 2575

West Wollongong St Therese’s Conference MOUNT KEIRA NSW 2500

Moss Vale St Paul’s Conference MOSS VALE NSW 2577

Thirroul St Michael’s Conference THIRROUL NSW 2515

St Paul’s International High School MOSS VALE NSW 2577

Edmund Rice College WOLLONGONG NSW 2500

Wollongong Regional Council TOWRADGI NSW 2518

St Mary’s Star of the Sea Youth Conference WOLLONGONG NSW 2500

Fairy Meadow St John Vianney’s Conference BALGOWNIE NSW 2519

Wollongong St Francis Xavier’s Conference WOLLONGONG NSW 2500

Bulli St Joseph’s Conference BULLI NSW 2516 Corrimal St Columkille’s Conference CORRIMAL NSW 2518 Holy Spirit College Young Adult Conference CORRIMAL NSW 2518 Unanderra Immaculate Conception Conference FIGTREE NSW 2525 Gwynneville St Brigid’s Conference KEIRAVILLE NSW 2500

Wollongong Diocesan Directory 87


Annual Report 2007/2008 St Vincent de Paul Society NSW/ACT

Cnr West & Thomas Streets, Lewisham NSW 2049 P: (02) 9560 8666

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