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The Good Word

a spirituality newsletter A p r i l 2 0 1 0

from the

remember in

Already this year, St. Louise de Marillac has been remembered 350 years after her death by celebrations in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris on March 14th. In September, Rome will be the venue for a similar liturgical celebration of the Feast of Vincent de Paul.

The deceased, members, friends, staff and benefactors of the St Vincent de Paul Society

Spiritual Adviser

May I suggest that the significance of these two occasions for members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul differs from what it is for priests and religious of the orders that draw their origins from the lives of these two great models of charity. It was almost impossible for Frederic in early nineteenth century France not to have taken as patron the universally recognized “apostle of charity” and to have seen in him a template for practical commitment to the poor. But the birth of the Society has much that differs from other Vincentian foundations, as John Honner points out: “Unlike most saints, he (Ozanam) was neither a priest nor a monk nor a member of a religious congregation. He was not an ascetic. He did not live an extraordinarily different life. He was a hard worker and a loving husband who was so moved by the example of Jesus, by a sense of human community, by the miserable condition of the poor of his time, and by love for his neighbour, that he sacrificed his academic dreams and his health to bring them care and justice.” (Love and Politics,p.113) So, while we readily enter into the spirit of this great Vincentian celebration, the occasion might also prompt us to revisit the life and times of Frederic Ozanam and his companions and to renew our commitment to their mission and vision. Bill Johnston Spiritual Adviser, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW

Book Recommendation

Joel Schorn, Holy Simplicity, The Little Way of Mother Teresa, Dorothy Day and Therese of Lisieux This is an unusual and quite insightful short work which looks at three surprisingly different women whose lives would not normally be seen as linked. They were in three different continents, shared nothing in background or upbringing, yet for some small portion of their lives were contemporaries. Teresa of Calcutta is universally known for her work in India, Dorothy Day as a passionate advocate of Social Justice in the United States, Therese an enclosed

your Prayers

Tom Bass, Cecily Roach, Frank Mcalary, Vince Monro, Laurie Smith

Carmelite nun who died in her twenties in France in 1897. What Schorn claims they had in common was that “they found holiness in letting God’s love flow into the most ordinary tasks”. What makes this work unusual is that it is not three separate personal stories. Rather the twelve short chapters intertwine comments and discussion about each of them. A good example is the chapter ‘All are Called’ where the writer explores how each of his three female heroines of holiness believed that all are called to be saints; Dorothy Day wrote, “we are all called to be saints. God expects something from each of us that no one else can do. If we don’t, it will not be done”. Schorn restates his principal theme quite well in the concluding lines: “In the end the little way invites us to find the big in the small, God in the pots, pans and every other thing and every other person in daily life and to respond with love and devotion, in a spirit of childlike trust and faith. This ‘direct route’ is a call and a way to holiness – a call all of us can answer.” Published by Servant Books, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2008 6 complimentary copies are available to the first six applicants. Please email: wendy.scott@ or call Wendy on (02) 9568 0251

Introducing the new Youth Spiritual Advisor When I was first approached to take on the role of Chaplain to the State Youth Team it seemed a natural thing to say “yes.” It may have been because 24 years earlier I helped found the Kingsgrove Youth Conference but the truth is more likely that, as an ordained Franciscan Friar, I felt a spiritual link to Frederic and Charles. Not many Vincentians would be aware that Frederic wrote a book on Franciscan Medieval Poetry. The young Frederic drew great inspiration from the mystical writings of Francis of Assisi, Dante Alighieri and Jacopone da Todi, all of whom portray Christ coming into the world through every aspect of creation and through poor and rich alike, in ways that you would least expect. In Sydney where the Society began in the late nineteenth century, Charles Gordon O’Neil was a member of what was then called The Third Order of Saint Francis and the focus of worship for Franciscans in his day was the Friary in Victoria Street Waverley. As a Franciscan in 2010, who coincidently works from that very same place in Victoria Street Waverley, I feel honoured to continue and add to the fine and sacred tradition of working alongside our Vincentian brothers and sisters. Paul Ghanem OFM

Living Life Simply If only we could remember that God loves us, and we have an opportunity to love others as he loves us, not in big things, but in small things with great love. - Mother Teresa God walks among the pots and pans. - Saint Teresa of Avila

web resources With the formal canonization of Mary Mackillop announced for the month of October this year, the Sisters of Saint Joseph have a rich website relating to both the life of their founder and the Vatican process at:

Accessing Catholic Booksellers St.Pauls Publications, as well as a regular catalogue (which also lists their distribution centres in New South Wales), has an online service which can be accessed at: Spiritual Reflection Guides from January 2009 onwards are available online at spiritualreflectionguides

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