The Trustees of the Society of St Vincent de Paul (NSW) ABN: 46 472 591 335 Ozanam Village 2C West Street Lewisham NSW 2049 PO Box 5 Petersham NSW 2049 Telephone: (02) 9560 8666 Facsimile: (02) 9550 9383
Press release February 9, 2009
Email: Website: Donation Hotline: 13 18 12
Vinnies SW supports Victorian Disaster Appeal The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW is standing behind our Victorian counterparts in supporting the Victorian Disaster Appeal, which will provide practical assistance to the countless families devastated by the bushfires which have ravaged the state. This will be an unprecedented effort. As the full extent of the tragedy is still emerging, Vinnies NSW advises the public that the best way to help at this time is by making a financial donation to the Victorian Disaster Appeal through or by calling 13 18 12. The collection and distribution of material goods at this time is logistically complex. Financial donations will provide the most meaningful assistance to those who have lost loved ones, homes and businesses. St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria will use all money raised to provide emergency relief and long- term assistance to the communities affected by this tragedy to help them rebuild their homes and lives. Financial Donations can be made via or by phoning 13 18 12.
For more information contact: Marion Frith, SW Communications officer, on 02-9568 0215 or 0417 446 430
Every day in NSW the Society assists thousands of people through Home Visitation, Migrant and Refugee Assistance, Hospital and Prison Visitation, Aged Care Services, Vinnies Centres, Supported Employment Services for People with an Intellectual Disability, Hostels for Homeless Men, Women and Families, Overseas Relief, Disaster Recovery, Budget Counselling and Youth Programs.