By Dr Andy Marks
18 October 2009
Empowering communities to break free of intergenerational poverty
hat we’re trying to do is to get people to stand on their own two feet”, says John Stone, manager of the Caroline Chisholm Centre for Social Justice. Established in 2000, this St Vincent de Paul Society facility provides all manner of critical assistance to people experiencing pronounced disadvantage. Located in Emerton in western Sydney, the Centre has grown considerably in recent years. As poverty in the region has worsened and demand for its services has increased, the facility’s capacity has expanded.
The average household income in Emerton is $712 per week, compared with the state average of $1,036. This is compounded by an unemployment rate that is more than double the national figure. The average household income in Emerton is $712 per week, compared with the state average of $1,036. This exceedingly low income level is compounded by an unemployment rate that is more than double the national figure. Community health indicators are also extremely poor, particularly in relation to mental health.
The staff’s commitment to meeting the many challenges the Centre faces is an excellent example of the St Vincent de Paul Society toiling where it is most needed, at the frontline of the war on poverty, standing alongside the poorest of the poor. Western Sydney has long been identified as a region of socio-economic disadvantage, but the impact of the global financial crisis has seen a significant worsening of conditions for many vulnerable families and individuals. This fact is spelt out on the faces of the people who come into the Centre for help. Like all St Vincent de Paul Society Special Works, the Centre keeps comprehensive records of the services it provides, including anonymous statistics of the people assisted. This information is vital, as it helps the Society plan ahead to meet demand and direct resources where they are most needed. John and his team are clearly concerned at the situation that is unfolding. Some issues are more troubling and urgent than others. “Homelessness is on the increase, dramatically”, he says. In 2007 the Centre provided assistance to 110 people experiencing homelessness. By 2008 the figure had jumped to 1,010. This is an extraordinary, nearly tenfold increase in demand. As John points out, this rapid increase in homelessness is not matched by the level of appropriate services in the region. “Between Parramatta and Penrith, there are virtually no facilities for homeless people”. John cites a De La Salle facility in Richmond called San Miguel’s, and St Michaels at Baulkham Hills, both of which cater for “families”; however, there are no accommodation services for homeless men.
In 2007 the Centre provided assistance to 110 people experiencing homelessness. By 2008 the figure had jumped to 1,010. This is an extraordinary increase in demand. John says he and his staff are witnessing the emergence of a shift in the region’s homeless population. “There’s a new trend in homelessness here which no one really caters for and that’s homeless men looking after children.” He continues, “Out this way in general, we have a problem with a lack of appropriate facilities for homeless persons.”
Unfortunately, steep rental increases associated with the ongoing shortfall in housing supply and job losses resulting from the global financial crisis are just two factors suggesting that the rate of homelessness will continue to rise in the region. Homelessness is only one of the many forms of need the Caroline Chisholm Centre seeks to address. Rather than offering a one-dimensional service, the Centre responds to the multi-faceted nature of poverty and marginalisation by offering a suite of integrated services.
“There’s a new trend in homelessness here which no one really caters for and that’s homeless men looking after children.” “Using Animation techniques in a welfare situation”, says John, the Centre employs a “holistic approach”, seeking to educate and empower disadvantaged people to make positive choices. Rather than just unconditionally providing resources to disadvantaged people, Animation instead focuses on developing the resources of vulnerable groups so that they can in turn develop themselves. The range of progressive services the Centre offers include: budget counselling, financial counselling, family support, employment help, legal aid, court support, Housing NSW liaison, DOCS support, school holiday activities, anger management, immigration and refugee support, transpersonal art therapy, sewing, parenting skills, computer courses and driver education. In addition to this impressive array of services, the Centre also has a full-time social worker on staff, and a visiting psychologist. In nearly a decade of operation, the Centre has tracked many changes in the types of need encountered. “Out here, we’re dealing with intergenerational poverty.” A series of disturbing trends in the profile of people accessing the Centre, suggest much work is to be done.
In the last two years the number of people on unemployment benefits accessing the Centre has increased by nearly 80 per cent. Unemployed youths are presenting at an even higher rate, with 260 youths accessing the service so far this year compared with 98 in 2008.
“There is a high level of people that come in here who feel suicidal.” The Centrelink practice of ‘breaching’ – of which the Society is highly critical – has led to a 61 per cent increase in the number of penalised welfare recipients accessing the Centre. Mental health issues are also very concerning. John comments, “There is a high level of people that come in here who feel suicidal”. In addition to counselling and psychology services provided on site, John explains, “We have a good relationship with Blacktown Mental Health and Nepean.” Clearly the work of the Caroline Chisholm Centre is of vital importance to the local community. Spend one minute in the facility and it is clear that it represents a refreshing departure from traditional modes of social service delivery. While some the region’s problems are longstanding, others are new and confronting. The progressive approach championed by the Centre ensures that it will continue to meet the many challenges that go with the territory SJ