State Council of South Australia
Strategic Plan 2006 – 2009
The 2006 - 2009 Strategic plan for the South Australian State Council of the St Vincent de Paul Society is the result of a comprehensive program of careful consultation, analysis, reflection and forward thinking. In keeping with the Society’s rule, we have placed at the forefront of all our planning consideration the needs of the poor, our brothers and sisters who have been pushed to the margins of our prosperous society. At a time in South Australia’s social history when people who are excluded are facing increasing difficulties in accessing affordable housing, equitable health care and essential education and training, we in the St Vincent de Paul Society are thrust into the struggle for a “more just and compassionate Australian community”, as our Mission Statement states. We are blessed by the strong faith of our members, a faith that sustains their belief that Christ is present in the least of our brothers and sisters, and that finds its life in the love they show through actions and the hope they share in a future where all will enjoy the dignity that is their birth right as daughters and sons of God. Together with those employed by the society, we aim to use our material and spiritual resources in a manner that is strategic and creative, so as to serve the poor as best we can. I wish to thank State Council and our CEO John Haren for their collective efforts over the past year in producing this Strategic Plan. The plan will be appropriately monitored and the work of the Society in South Australia will be checked against its key performance indicators based on our six strategic directions. I am delighted to commend it to you.
John D’Souza State President
Signs of the Times
The St Vincent de Paul Society embraces the community
Mental health
that we are all building in South Australia. A State built upon
Developing new ways to promote healthy lifestyles and
social inclusion and active citizen participation is one with
address the needs of those who suffer mental ill-health.
foundations that provide opportunities for all, and one that aspires to bring people on the margins into active participation.
Social isolation
The current reality of our world is that there are many people
Growing community life so that people are engaged
with significant social needs. The St Vincent de Paul Society
actively with one another, and those who are isolated are
has a key role in addressing the needs of individuals, families
given opportunities to participate more fully.
and groups of people who are not engaged in community life to their capacity.
Reconciliation Challenging ourselves to create better opportunities for
The St Vincent de Paul Society seeks to work at two levels
Aboriginal people to live out their cultural identity, and help
in the community in order to bring about change in the
shape the broader community.
life circumstances of the people it serves. At the grassroots community level the Society provides direct assistance to
Affordable housing
those who are socially isolated, suffer mental illness, are
Understanding that housing is principally a human right
unemployed, in need of emergency help, or struggling
rather than a commercial transaction, and providing
to make ends meet. Secondly, as an advocate for a more
opportunities for all to be housed appropriately.
equitable community, the Society argues for changing social circumstances through better social services, more
opportunities for those in need, more integrated social systems
Recognising that one of the strengths of our community is
that empower people and a more compassionate community
the ability to welcome those in need, and to provide effective
that values the intrinsic nature of each person’s humanity.
ways to live peaceful and fulfilling lives.
In these next 3 years there will be many pressures on our community which need to be addressed if we are to build a more inclusive and participatory community. These include:
Workforce participation Providing opportunities for meaningful and fulfilling employment that enables all to participate. Throughout the next 3 years the St Vincent de Paul Society will strive to plays its role in developing a more just and compassionate community. This will be done in partnership with the community so that we are building a more inclusive, life-giving and participatory Society.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the St Vincent de Paul Society in Australia is to deepen the Catholic faith of its members, to go out into our Nation to heighten awareness of Jesus Christ. We do this by sharing ourselves – who we are and what we have – with people in need on a person-to-person basis. We seek to co-operate in shaping a more just and compassionate Australian community and to share our resources with our twinned countries. Our preferred option in this mission of service is to work with the poor in development, by respecting their dignity, sharing hope and encouraging them to take control of their own destiny.
Strategic Directions This 3-year plan focuses the work of the Society across South Australia in six key areas called strategic directions. 1.
Spiritual development
Membership development
Addressing the needs of disadvantaged people
Community reputation enhanced
Financial health and viability
Improved governance and operational performance
Each of these strategic directions contains a set of initiatives. The initiatives will drive decision making and be a key reference point for actions at all levels of the Society.
Strategic Directions and Initiatives
• Prayerful in all works, recognising Vincentian spirituality • Formation for all members enhancing a deeper understanding of the Society’s mission
Spiritual development
2 Membership development
3 Addressing the needs of disadvantaged people
• Opportunities for membership participation • Membership consists of people of all ages, cultural backgrounds and experiences • Active recruitment and leadership development • Common identity and inclusion across all facets of the organisation
• Material assistance and personal support balanced • Family Centres dynamically engaged with providing assistance and enabling the public to contribute to the works of the Society. • Continue “Re-imagining our Good Works”
Strategic Directions and Initiatives
4 Community reputation enhanced
5 Financial health and viability
• Clear and powerful branding of a Society identified with the needs of the poor. • Program / service awareness by the community • Strong advocacy for the poor recognised by the broader community
• Funding activities contributing to financial viability • Overall distribution of funds managed to maximise benefit for the poor • Conferences aiming to be self funding • Included in Programs attracting Government funding • Asset management, including disposal and acquisition, approached strategically • National purchasing arrangements explored
6 Improved Governance and Operational Performance
• Systems that comply with national standards and meet quality assurance expectations • Centralised operations where advantageous • Strong policy framework • Comprehensive database assisting decision making and forward planning • Compliance with national accounting standards • Compliance with OHS&W Legislation • Asset management system supporting decision making • Risk Management Plan that mitigates risk • Collaboration with other agencies where common needs are identified.
Blessed Frederic Ozanam
“ “ “
Yours must be a work of love, of kindness, you must give your time, your talents, yourselves. The poor person is a unique person of God’s fashioning with an inalienable right to respect. You must not be content with tiding the poor over the poverty crisis: You must study their condition and the injustices which brought about such poverty, with the aim of a long term improvement.” Blessed Frederic Ozanam 1813 – 1853
St Vincent de Paul Society (SA) Inc 202 Franklin Street Adelaide SA 5000 GPO Box 1804 Adelaide SA 5001 Telephone: (08) 8211 6152 Facsimile: (08) 8410 0040 Email: