What goes around comes around. Tyre & Conveyor Belt Resource Recovery Services
How we began
Why it’s important
Tyrecycle started in 1992 as a waste tyre division
Currently, thousands of tonnes of scrap tyres are
of a major tyre manufacturer.
illegally dumped every year and not only cost millions
It soon expanded into a national tyre recycler for all types of tyres and today is part of the highly regarded integrated resource recovery
of dollars annually to remove but also produce severe health hazards and environmental damage.
group, ResourceCo. We’re continually discovering new applications
Even the smallest number of dumped tyres can create a dangerous
for scrap tyres in our quest to decrease the number of tyres entering
breeding ground for mosquitoes that transport disease, such as
waste streams and landfill.
Dengue Fever and the Ross River Virus.
What we believe
And tyres are also combustible. Once ignited, they are difficult to extinguish – producing chemical toxins that affect humans, flora, fauna, waterways and the atmosphere. Yet, if tyres are re-processed and recycled, the benefits to the community are clearly apparent. Granules and powders are used in road construction, playgrounds, new tyres, brake pads, sporting
We want to collect and process over 50% of waste tyres generated in Australia, in an efficient, environmentally sound and socially responsible manner. It is our belief that the global community needs to be smarter about how we use the earth’s limited resources. At Tyrecycle we’re continually evaluating our systems to ensure their efficiency and effectiveness. And our commitment to a high level of service also comes with the certainty that compliance with statutory, regulatory and customer requirements is a given.
Annually thousands of tonnes of tyres are
dumped in Australia alone.
surfaces and landscape applications to great effect. Tyrecycle is a committed advocate of the notion that ‘what goes around, comes around.’
Our collection coverage
What we do
No job is too large or too small.
It’s a very simple process.
Tyrecycle has collection locations & state-of-the-art processing
We collect tyres from manufacturers, tyre retail partners, local
facilities around Australia (shown here). Our collection coverage
councils and other sources and process them at secure facilities
in each capital city extends to regional and remote areas with our
across Australia in accordance with environmental regulations.
extensive fleet, making us the largest collector and processor of
And today, a significant part of our service is the recovery of tyres
EOL tyres and conveyor belts in Australia.
and conveyor belts from remote mining sites.
The passenger and truck tyre recycling process 1 Shredding for size reduction (pictured) 2 Granulation feedstock/Tyre Derived Fuel (TDF) (pictured) 3 Shred enters rasper to liberate steel 4 The steel is removed from the rubber 5 Steel free rubber 6 Enters the grinding mills for sizing 7 End products of rubber crumb and granules for use in manufacturing, tile adhesives, road repair and construction, playgrounds, new tyres, brake pads and sporting surfaces (pictured).
100,000 tonnes are collected and processed by Tyrecycle.
That’s just
20% of the total market.
Of the remaining
80% how much is being dumped illegally?
Tyrecycle continues to work with government and industry to increase awareness of the importance of tyre recycling and the promise of associated product development. Tyrecycle was integral in the establishment of the Australian Tyre
Recycling Association
and initiating Product Stewardship discussions.
National Phone Number 1300 829 253 Tyrecycle VIC – Head Office 30-56 Encore Avenue Somerton Victoria Australia 3062 T : +61 (0) 3 8339 3501 F : +61 (0) 3 9305 2545 Adelaide 6 Meyer Road, Lonsdale SA 5160 Brisbane Redbank Plains Road, Redbank QLD 4301 Sydney 81/85 Christie Street, St Marys NSW 2760 Perth 10 Keegan Street, O’Connor WA 6163