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Visitors evaluation consumer travel fair
TUR Stockholm 2015
Organized by the Svenska M채ssan AB & TUR
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Date: 26 & 27 September 2015 Location: Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre (Stockholm, Sweden) Evaluation form: Digital Website:
Visitor Survey 1. Geography Northern Sweden - 5% Western Svealand 1% Stockholm-Mälardalen 84% Västra Götaland 3% Eastern Götaland 7% Southern Sweden 0% 2. Are you planning to buy something at the fair? Yes, but had decided before the visit 12% Yes, I decided, thanks to the visit 23% No 65% 3. How much have you spend on buying trips at the fair? -100 SEK 23% 101-500 SEK 47% 501-1000 kr 0% 1001-5000 SEK 18% SEK 5,000 - 12% 4. What is your overall impression of the fair? Very Good 14% Good 53% Neither 25% Poor 6% Very bad 2% 5. Would you recommend others to visit the fair? Yes 56% Maybe 29% No 12% Do not know 3% 6. What was your purpose for visit the fair? Inspiration 85% To learn more about the different destinations 64% To have a fun day 52% To listen to the lectures 35% To purchase a trip 5% To purchase travel with the fair discount 3% Other 9% 7. How well did the fair deliver on your expectations? To purchase travel with the fair discount 3.6 To learn more about the different destinations 4.0
Organized by the Svenska Mässan AB & TUR
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To inspire 3.9 To have a fun day 4.0 To purchase a desired 3.8 To listen to lectures 4.0
BAS: those who rated this RESPECTIVE PURPOSE, average scale of 1-5, 1 = very poor, 5 = excellent 8. Gender Male 38% Female 62% 9. Age
13-17 years 0% 18-24 years 2% 25-34 years 12% 35-44 years 12% 45-54 years 19% 55-64 22% 65+ 33%
10. Did you visit the exhibition by yourself or with someone? By myself 32% Family including children 14% Family excluding children 33% Friends 24% Other 1% 11. Are there children under 16 in your household? Yes 14% No 86% 12. How much does your household spends each year on holiday travel (including travel, accommodation and entertainment)? < 10.000 SEK 10% 11.000 to 20.000 SEK 19% 21.000-30.000 SEK 16% 31.000-50.000 SEK 27% 51.000 to 70.000 SEK 9% 71.000-100.000 SEK 15% 101 000 SEK > SEK 4% 13. How did you find out about the fair? Ad in Reseguiden 5% Ad in Aftonbladet 2% Facebook 15% Instagram 1% Twitter 1% Events Calendar online 6% Ad in Svenska Dagbladet 7% Ad in Metro 11% Appendix in Metro 2% Information from the exhibitors at the fair 33% Information from Coop membership 2%
Organized by the Svenska Mässan AB & TUR
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Smart Senior 6% ad in RES 3% Other 32%
Examples of categories: Others: - Friend, 26 - Family member, 6 - Exhibiter at the fair, 5 - From my workplace, 4 - TURs Website, 4 - Email, 3 - Internet, 3 - PRO, 2 14. Are you interested in visiting this fair next time in 2016? Yes, absolutely 38% Yes, probably 39% Neither 10% No, probably not 7% No, definitely not 2% Do not know 4%
Statistics from our website
Number of unique visit on during the period June 1 - September 27, 2015, we had 16,101 unique visitors to the website for TUR Stockholm Age segmentation of the website visitors
Age group The percentage of visitors on our website 18-24 10,37 % 25-34 22,08 % 35-44 22,91 % 45-54 16,66 % 55-64 12,95 %
Organized by the Svenska Mässan AB & TUR
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Facebook profile and activities Those who like our site -
Segment that has seen our different ads and messages - total 416.353st unique views during the period June 1 -
September 27, 2015 Examples of campaigns and activities and their impact
Organized by the Svenska M채ssan AB & TUR
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Organized by the Svenska M채ssan AB & TUR