Down Syndrome
D o w n S y n d r o m e a d i s e a s e c a u s e d b y T r i s o m y 2 1 .
Down Syndrome What are symptoms of Down syndrome that can be seen?
Flat facial profile
Upward slant to the eyes
Short neck
Smaller than average size
Brush field spots on the skin What are symptoms of Down syndrome that cannot be seen?
Learning disabilities & development delay
Hearing problems
Eyesight problems
Poor muscle tone/ joint looseness
Congenital heart disease
Bone, muscle, nerve, and joint problems
H o w
i s
i t
D i a g n o s e d ?
Anyone who has Down syndrome is normally diagnosed in their mother’s pregnancy of them being developed and the Doctor will let the Mother and Farther know the child will be diagnosed with Down syndrome. Down syndrome is defected by Trisomy 21, which is a birth defect. Any normal person will have 2 chromosomes and a person with Down syndrome will have 3 chromosomes on 21. This leaves people with Down syndrome to have an extra chromosome UN like normal people.
How is it treated? Down syndrome cannot really be treated unless you have surgery and you only can surgery on your outer appearance. Mainly people with Down syndrome attend regular check-ups and screenings. Medication is often given to people with DS, which helps in some ways. Lastly, people can help treat Down syndrome with a counselor for encouragement or have a support to support and encourage people with Down syndrome. Relevant Statistics?
Down syndrome is more common in Hispanics than any other race.
Down syndrome is prevalent in kids who are new born to 3, due to it being a birth defect.
Down syndrome is also more common in males than females.
Written By : Faith Campbell “I’ll give you a chance if you give me one”!