Is My Penis Too Small? How to Make it Bigger Naturally One of the biggest questions on the mind's of men is related to the size of their penis. Men constantly worry if their penis is too small, and they'll frequently go to their friends, sex partners, and doctors for answers and encouragement. Medical professionals say that it's the most common question from men in the doctor's office. They'll ask about their own size and about their sons. This may be the main reason for the visit, or they'll find ways to tag it on the end of any other examination. While the extreme worry of having a small penis is quite common, the occurrence of a small penis is actually very rare. A Normal Penis Size Most would assume that if everything is working fine, a man would have no problem with his penis. However, this actually isn't the case. The size of a man's penis actually makes up a huge chunk of his self-image. When he's not boasting about it to his friends, he's actually severely underestimating his own size. For example, an Italian hospital once reported that they performed 67 penis extension surgeries, over the course of two years, for men who were already average or above average in size. Many doctors also report that patients come in with concerns about penis size after measuring it for several hours, and though they are usually average in size, they are convinced it's much too small. This is apparently the case for the majority of men across the world, as nearly 50% of men express interest in having a larger penis even though 85% of women are completely satisfied with their partner's size. Though guys are concerned about the size of their penis when erect, woman are more interested in the colour, veins, cleanliness, and the overall look of the penis while flaccid. Measuring the Penis While measuring is the only way to truly determine proper penis size, most men are doing it wrong. In fact, doctors suggest that you can only accurately measure the penis while flaccid due to all of the variables involved. What you need to find is your SPL, or stretched penis length. The longer the SPL, the larger the penis will become while erect. To do this, you have to press a ruler up against the pubic bone. Most men try to measure from the scrotum, but you'll actually lose a significant amount of your length doing that. Now slowly stretch the penis as far as it you can without causing yourself any pain. Then take this measurement from pubic bone to tip. If you get a measurement within the range of 4.75 to 5.75 inches, you are perfectly normal according to statistics. Lots of men in the world will fall into this range, give or take a half inch. Even if you are smaller, you aren't alone. There are just as many men with a lower than average penis size as those who are above it. But "I want a big penis," we hear you say. Well, for those men who do have worries about their penis being too small, a natural penis exercise program like can help you to gain extra length and thickness to your penis naturally. Penis size is a big concern for men, and makes up much of their self -image. However, most men underestimate themselves, and overestimate the importance of size to their partners. In fact, most men following penis extension practices or electing for enlargement surgeries are actually average or above. Just remember that if you must measure, do it properly so that you don't get the wrong idea. Chances are, you're perfectly normal, and your partner doesn't think any less of you for it.