PLM - Jackie Speier

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Champion Among Champions Jackie Speier U.S. House of Representatives

Champion AMONG CHAMPIONS U.S. Congresswoman Jackie Speier

Congresswoman Speier poses for a photo with a young visitor on Earth Day in Pacifica in 2012. The theme of the event was “Be Turtley Cool, Take Action.”


walked into her office and could sense it: The heart of a champion with an invigorating pulse for her community ... these two thoughts so clearly evident … where I recently met with our US Congresswoman, Jackie Speier. Who is Jackie Speier? As if you didn’t I was reading this cover when I heard: already know, she’s our representative in “Hello, Ken, I’m Jackie Speier.” I turned to Washington DC - Working extremely hard for face her, and, yes, it was definitely her ... with us, our community and our common good. that welcoming smile, the one you see in all Full of energy, extremely knowledgeable and the pictures. It’s very genuine, sincere and truly committed to public service. kind. Having heard so much about her, I was From all that I had read and heard, and really looking from the time forward to meeting we had together her. However, to talk, it was you must realize easy to see why a very unusual everyone knows thing happened. and admires her so. The many people No one knows her I told about my constituency like upcoming interview Jackie does. And all responded the no one could be same way: “Jackie more committed Speier? … I love to serving that her!” This is not constituency than the norm. Not in she is. this day and age of Back in 1979, Congresswoman Speier welcomes job seekpolitics. Indeed, far Jackie made a ers and employers at her 9th Job Hunter Boot commitment to from it. So, then, what is Camp. Over 5,000 people have taken advanherself. If she tage of the resources offered at these free it? I would soon find survived that fateful workshops which Speier started in January out. I walked into day in Jonestown her office and there 2010. Several people have landed jobs as a - where she had direct result of JHBC. it was - the first clue. just witnessed her There on the wall in boss, Congressman her office was a framed Newsweek Magazine Leo Ryan, get shot and killed and where she cover. A list declaring “150 Most Fearless herself had been shot five times and left Women” ... and, yes, Jackie is on the list. That lying there for dead – she would devote her suggests the answer to the question - who is life to fighting for the common good. She Jackie Speier? committed herself to public service and also

Congresswoman Speier with Henry Diaz at her Day in the Life as a UPS helper.

to live life to the fullest. She has kept that promise and has remained 100% committed ever since. The Jonestown experience has given her the ability to see things differently. She said everything since then has been “bonus time”, having left her with a verve, a passion, a gusto for life ... and a sense of urgency. Jackie said a number of times, “You have to do what you feel is the right thing to do.” She lives by that. She is also convinced that “If we don’t do it, it won’t get done.” She has on her desk in Washington DC a paper weight with a reminder, “What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?” If we are looking for positive role models, we need not look any further. Indeed, she inspires others, no matter what the gender, no matter what the age. It is not if you fall, you will ... but that you get up, and never give up. Jackie attributes what success she has had to that what she calls having been a three-time

loser. Each loss paved the way for a future success. She lost in her high school student body election for president. She lost in her first election for Congress back in 1979, which allowed her to become the youngest elected member of the Board of Supervisors at age 30. She lost the primary election for Lt. Governor by just 3% points to go on and become elected to the US House of Representatives. Jackie has enjoyed getting to know her constituency having served here locally on the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, then in the State Assembly and State Senate in Sacramento, and now in Congress in Washington DC. Years ago, Jackie started “A Day In The Life Of”. Imagine, if you will, your doorbell rings. Who is it, you wonder. You open the door and, oh my, it’s Jackie Speier - your UPS deliverer for the day ... or Safeway bagger ... or Home Depot paint mixer ... the list is a long one. Jackie is out there, working with us, for us, as us.

Jackie therefore truly comes from experience, son. Then, however, came not one but two with experience. She holds regular Town Hall miscarriages. The odds for another baby she Meetings. She talks with her constituents was told, natural or invitro, were indeed small. at events such as Job Hunters Boot Camp, This was in 1994. Against great odds, Jackie Seniors On The Move, Veterans Fix-It Meetings, became pregnant naturally. One day, she got Congress On Your Corner and When I Grow a call - a car had hit her husband. The hardest Up. Immediately upon the PG&E explosion in thing she ever had to do in her life, as she put it, San Bruno, Jackie was physically there with the was to pick up her 5 ½ year old son from school, people every day for weeks - and stayed by their rush to the hospital, have him say good bye to sides, serving them, helping them. She has his daddy and then having to pull the plug. an excellent understanding of the pulse of our Her husband had let his life insurance lapse. community and every day she works very hard Jackie all of a sudden was left near bankruptcy. to make our community stronger, our world a How did she rise above such hardship and better and safer one continue to be the for all to live and caring, determined and work and play in. upbeat representative Jackie, with she is? “It was always enthusiasm, has about putting one taken on difficult foot forward and then challenging tasks. the other,” she said. She believes, “Make “There’s also nothing things happen like having children - it’s for all the right something that makes reasons.” She life bigger than you”. has battled with Eight years after banks, credit card the tragic loss of her companies, security husband, Jackie went Congresswoman Speier saw the crater the firms and the NRA. on a blind date with day after the San Bruno pipeline explosion Seeing the 26 Barry Dennis. Barry and fire on September 9, 2012 that killed caskets of innocent was a confirmed eight people. and beautiful bachelor and an avid children and their fly fisherman. Now courageous teachers, compelled her to do he’s just an avid fly fisherman. Jackie and Barry whatever necessary so that their deaths will got married and he adopted both of her children. not be in vain. Gun violence prevention is one I asked Jackie if she is optimistic about of her priorities. our future. She responded: “You have to be Other important issues include: military optimistic in this business, otherwise why would rape, human trafficking, health care reform, you do it?” And her heroes (or “sheroes”, as accountability in government, overspending in she said, smiling)? Indeed, she has been truly the Department of Defense and e-fairness in inspired by her grandmother who, if born later online sales tax. It’s about protecting lives and in time, could have been President, and Mother helping change them for the better. It’s also Teresa and her key of being “other-focused”. about investing in education and the future, The heart of a champion ... a living legend ... and about doing what’s right. championing great causes. Those are my words. So much of Jackie’s life has been about That is who I feel Jackie Speier is and what she overcoming adversity. She met the man of her represents in our community and our world. dreams, Dr. Steve Sierra. They married and It is only fitting that she is in what we call the were extremely happy. They had a wonderful House of Representatives on our behalf.

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