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As the acting Dean of the Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences, I would like to welcome you to another edition of Critters, our in-house newsletter which strives to keep our worldwide audience up to date with the fast developing pace of our vet college as well as our biomedical and neurosciences departments. Certainly the last half year has been an extremely 'interesting' period both for our students and faculty and staff. The resilience of our students in the face of social unrest and now Covid-19 has shown them to be both robust and mature, characteristics that should bode well for them in their working life.
With our third cohort of BVM students and a growing number of students major in biomedical and biological sciences, as well as a substantial number of graduate students, the college continues to strive forward in leaps and bounds. The CityU Veterinary Medical Centre (CityU VMC) and Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory continue to perform well and offer new services (such as the new oncology specialist service at CityU VMC) and our Department of Veterinary Clinical Science will be established soon by Professor Julia Beatty (see the story about Professor Julia Beatty and Professor Vanessa Barrs in this issue). You will also hear from Professor Bruce Ransom, the head of the Department of Neuroscience, the newest department in JCC.
These are trying times around the globe but at the heart of every solution to major problems is education and action. We will continue to do our part in ensuring that the world emerges from these issues with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. Enjoy!
Professor Michael Yang Acting Dean
身為賽馬會動物醫學及生命科學院署理院長,我誠邀大家閱讀新一 期《Critters》,這份學院通訊讓世界各地的讀者了解我們獸醫課程 與生物醫學系及神經學系的蓬勃發展。過去半年,我們的學生與教 師們經歷前所未有的挑戰,我感受良多。一班學生本已身處社會動 盪之中,如今新型冠狀病毒更證明,唯有練得堅強成熟,才是踏足 社會的最好準備。 隨著第三屆獸醫學士學生於 2019 年入學、生物醫學和生物科學學生 愈來愈多、研究生數目不斷增長,賽馬會動物醫學及生命科學院日 漸壯大,正在蓬勃發展。城大動物醫療中心和城大動物醫療檢驗中 心成績斐然,提供更多服務(如城大動物醫療中心的腫瘤科服務), Julia Beatty 教授(見今期 Beatty 教授和 Barrs 教授專訪)領導的 臨床動物醫學系也快將成立。在今期的《Critters》,您也可以加深 對我們最新學系神經科學系主任 Bruce Ransom 教授的認識。 世界雖然正值艱難時期,但所有重大問題的解決方法,關鍵始終是 教育和行動。我們會繼續堅守崗位,熱情投入,與大家一同努力確 保社會渡過重重難關。
楊夢甦教授 署理院長