2 minute read
Ensuring those in energy poverty are protected from rising fuel costs
Extend the Fuel Allowance from 28 to 32 weeks to offer individuals and families more security during the year and to help meet recent energy prices increases as well as increase in the carbon tax and Public Service Obligation (PSO) levy. Ensure payment reaches those on low incomes by expanding eligibility to those in receipt of the Working Family Payment and removing the wait period for Jobseekers Allowance. Estimated cost of extending FA to 32 weeks: €42 million
Improving the efficiency of energy poor homes
Recognise reducing energy poverty as an objective in National Retrofitting Plan and target the deep retrofitting of social tenancies and improvements in the Private Rented Sector. Begin by significantly increasing current annual investment in the retrofit of social homes (Investment for Budget 2022: €100 million) and by initiating a pilot extension of the Better Energy Warmer Homes grants to Housing Assistance Payments recipients, conditional on the landlord providing a lease of at least five years. Investment for Budget 2022: €7 million26
Investing in public transport for all
Invest in the Rural Transport Programme and develop a budget line to implement the rural transport commitments set out in Our Rural Future, thereby increasing the range of public transport options, promoting social inclusion for those in rural areas, and incentivising greater public transport usage.
Investment for Budget 2022: €50 million
Additional measures
Pilot a scheme of Community Energy Advisors who would engage and inform hard to reach energy users who would most benefit from energy efficiency upgrades across all tenure types. This advice service should approach energy poverty holistically and offer support through immediate assistance and quick-fix measures as well as supporting households through larger retrofitting projects. Investment for Budget 2022: €5 million Introduce minimum energy efficiency standards for the Private Rented Sector. These standards should be implemented alongside an awareness-raising campaign, incentives for landlords that are conditional on enhanced security of tenure and increased funding for inspections and enforcement. Address the challenge of rising energy prices, by funding independent analysis of how a social energy tariff could work to protect energy poor customers from energy price increases during the transition to a low carbon economy, without increasing the bills of other customers.
26 It is recommended that funding for the deep retrofit of social housing is increased by €100million. An additional €7 million funding would provide upgrades under the Warmer Home Scheme to 500 HAP tenants based on an average value of €14,819 for energy measures currently provided to household under the scheme. https://www.kildarestreet.com/wrans/?id=2021-0310a.337
Data Sources for Infographic
CSO (2020) Survey of Income and Living Conditions 2019 https://www.cso.ie/en/statistics/socialconditions/surveyoninc omeandlivingconditionssilc/
Housing and Homelessness
Department of Housing, Planning, Heritage and Local Government (2021) Summary of Social Housing Assessment 2020 https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/970easummary-of-social-housing-assessments-2020-keyfindings/
Department of Housing, Planning, Heritage and Local Government (2021) Homelessness Data https://www.gov.ie/en/collection/80ea8-homelessness-data/
Higher Education Authority (2021) https://hea.ie/2017/11/20/hea-chief-executive-sayscolleges-need-to-keep-focus-on-targeting-disadvantage/
Corona Citizens Science Project - Wave 3 Results (2020) http://www.nuigalway.ie/corona-study/results3/
SVP and RED C (2021) Cutting Back and Falling Behind https://www.svp.ie/news-media/submissions/poverty-inireland/cutting-back-and-falling-behind-red-c-reportmarch.aspx
CSO (2020) Survey of Income and Living Conditions 2019 https://www.cso.ie/en/statistics/socialconditions/surveyoninc omeandlivingconditionssilc/
Income adequacy
Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice (2020) Pre-Budget Submission 2022 www.budgeting.ie
Eurostat (2021) Survey of Income and Living Conditions [ilc_iw01]
This publication was produced by SVP National Office
Society of St Vincent de Paul National Office 91/92 Sean McDermott St. Dublin 1