SVP Communications Icons Over the years, SVP has proudly contributed to making a difference in people’s lives. This has been made possible by the hard work of all our volunteers and staff who work across the many different services/functions SVP offers to help the most vulnerable in society.
We hope SVP services/functions adopt and support the spread of this new campaign. We are asking you to identify and use the right SVP icon relating to newly developed content, documents, images or material before you share with your SVP teams and audience.
The work of SVP is varied and our internal and external audiences are large. At times, specific content and messaging will be relevant only to certain segments. While we try to reach a wide range of audiences through our external communications channels such as our website, intranet, social media and campaigns we have created eight unique icons representing the different SVP service areas so users can easily identify and segment content to offer a better experience.
This will help us target different audiences with the right information that interests them most; and will empower them with the choice to filter content that is relevant to them.
These icons will distinguish SVP materials and guide our audiences to engage with the relevant topics that suit them most.
26 | The Ozanam Bulletin
If you have queries about these icons, and guidelines on how to use them please contact Bruno by email …we’ll be happy to help.