2010 SVP Consolidated Financial Statements

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Society of St.Vincent De Paul (Ireland)

Reports and Consolidated Financial Statements 31 December 2010

Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Report and Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010

Contents Pages Legal and Administrative Information


National Management Council Report


Independent Auditor’s Report

10 – 11

Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities


Consolidated Balance Sheet


Consolidated Cash Flow Statement


Notes to the Financial Statements

15 - 32

Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Legal and Administrative Information For the year ended 31 December 2010


The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is registered in Ireland as a charity.

Governing document

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was established in Ireland in 1844 and is governed under “The Rule”, which derives from the International Rule of the worldwide Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Charity number

CHY 6892

National office

SVP House 91/92 Sean MacDermott Street Dublin 1

Management Council Trustees

Mairead Bushnell Paul McKevitt John Monaghan Geoffrey Meagher Mary Sheridan Cormac Wilson Michael O’Keeffe Patrick Kielty Kevin McBrien Rose McGowan Michael Murphy Eamon Corbett Michael O’Connor John O’Sullivan Brendan Dempsey Kieran Stafford Ciaran Sherry Sandra Brett Tom MacSweeney Fr. Brian Moore

National President National Vice President National Vice President National Treasurer


Legal and Administrative Information- continued

Principal bankers

Bank of Ireland Lower Baggot Street Dublin 2

Allied Irish Bank Bankcentre Ballsbridge Dublin 4


Deloitte & Touche Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2


Kilcullen & Associates 30 Ardagh Grove Blackrock Co. Dublin McCann Fitzgerald Riverside One Sir John Rogerson Quay Dublin 2


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) National Management Council Report For the year ended 31 December 2010

The National Management Council presents its annual report and the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2010. The legal and administrative information is set out on page 1 and 2. The financial statements comply with the current requirements of the Statement of Recommended Practice, Accounting and Reporting by Charities (2005), with the exception of Government Capital Grants and Capital Assistance Schemes, which are dealt with in accordance with SSAP 4 and Pensions, which are accounted for in accordance with the provisions set out under FRS 17 (Employee Benefits). In the Republic of Ireland, charities are governed by the Charities Acts 2009, 1961 and 1973. In Northern Ireland charities are governed by the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008, Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 and the Charities (Northern Ireland) Order 1987. Section 27 of the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) Order 1964 requires the trustees of a charity to keep proper accounts and to preserve them for at least seven years. Background The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an International Christian organisation of lay people, formed in Paris in 1833, by Frederic Ozanam and his companions. Placed under the patronage of St. Vincent de Paul, it is inspired by his thinking and works. It seeks, in the spirit of justice and charity, to help those who are suffering poverty in any form. It does this mainly through the person to person involvement of its members. Objects of the charity The relief of poverty, both material and emotional, in Ireland and abroad, without differentiation on the grounds of race, colour, creed, ideology or gender. Achieving the Society’s objectives Support and Friendship: Through person to person contact, we are committed to respecting the dignity of those we assist and thus to foster their self-respect. In the provision of material and other support, we assure confidentiality at all times and endeavour to establish relationships based on trust and friendship. Promoting Self-Sufficiency: We believe it is not enough to provide short-term material support. Those we serve must also be helped to achieve self-sufficiency in the long term and the sense of selfworth this provides. When the problems we encounter are beyond our competence, we build bridges of support with others more specialised. Working for Social Justice: We are committed to identifying the root causes of poverty and social injustice in Ireland and in solidarity with the poor and disadvantaged to advocate and work for the changes required to create a more just and caring society.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) National Management Council Report For the year ended 31 December 2010

Organisational Structure Individual members join a local group or “Conference”. In Ireland there are 1214 (2009: 1,201) Conferences which are grouped into 113 (2009: 113) Area Councils. The Areas, in turn, are grouped into 13 Regional Councils. Each Conference, Area Council and Regional Council has an elected president who appoints the Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. The Presidents of the Regional and Area Councils and the National Management Council form the National Council. The National Council elects a National President, who in turn forms the National Management Council consisting of the National President, National Vice Presidents, National Treasurer and the thirteen Regional Presidents. The National President is elected for a term of three years, which may be extended to five years. The National Council is supported by the National Management Council. The National President of Ireland is a member of the International Council General which coordinates the Society in over 145 countries. Management and decision making The National Management Council manages the affairs of the Society and reports to the National Council. All major funding and strategy decisions proposed by the National Management Council must be ratified by National Council before these become Society policy. The National Management Council normally meets monthly. The National Council meets twice per year. The National Management Council is assisted in the discharge of its duties by a number of Committees, including the National Finance and Audit Committees, whose membership comprises volunteers. On the 6th November 2010, the National Council ratified changes to the Society’s constitution to facilitate compliance with charities legislation. The Society employs a National Director whose role is to oversee the national operations and administration of the Society and who reports directly to the National President. The National Director is accountable to the National Management Council and the National Council. Related parties and connected organisations The nature of the Society’s work means that it has connections to a number of organisations. None of these relationships confers any ability to exercise any control over the activities of the Society. Voluntary Members The National Management Council recognises and appreciates the commitment of the Society’s 9,950 members and 1,400 auxiliary members throughout the country. It is not possible to place a monetary value on this voluntary effort but it is essential to enable the Society to achieve its core objective of relieving poverty.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) National Management Council Report For the year ended 31 December 2010

National President’s Review 2010 was a very challenging and demanding year for the Society. With the ongoing downturn in the economy we expected an increase in the number of people coming to us for assistance, a continuation of a trend that had begun in 2009. There was an increase in the demand for our services, which in some parts of the country, was up by as much as 30%. The kinds of issues we were asked to help with were basic: food, fuel, education and housing. The people who approached us were those most vulnerable, lone parents, foreign nationals, older people and families with young children. We also noticed an increasing trend in referrals from other agencies, including state agencies, through HSE social workers and community welfare officers. To respond to these demands we advanced a number of new initiatives, including setting up a national committee to support Conferences to deal with significant debt issues and launched a set of guidance notes on dealing with mortgage arrears. We also launched an education guide and held a seminar for members engaged in education work. We are aware that in these constrained economic times, Government is making policy choices which will impact on the vulnerable people in the communities in which we work. In these circumstances our social justice work becomes even more important and two principles guide our work in this area. Firstly, people who can afford to should contribute more to economic and social recovery. Secondly, vulnerable people must not pay the price of this recovery. During 2010 we continued to develop new services and launched a variety of new works. The Society's greatest asset is its members, employees and auxiliary members, without whom we simply could not provide our wide range of services. Their commitment, hard work, energy and imagination are what enable us to respond to the growing and complex needs of those who turn to us for assistance. The work of the Society would not be possible without the continued support of its Donors. We are very fortunate to receive support from a wide variety of sources, including; individuals, companies and statutory bodies. Throughout 2010 they continued to support us and this support is greatly appreciated. In particular I would like to acknowledge the continued support of the Department of Community, Equality and Gaelteacht Affairs.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) National Management Council Report For the year ended 31 December 2010

National President’s Review Christmas is traditionally the busiest time for the Society and in 2010 we faced the additional challenge of the extensive frost and snow which continued well into the new year and put significant pressures on households. 2010 was a challenging and demanding year for those who sought our assistance and for the Society's members and employees. I am delighted to say that we rose to the challenge and am confident that as Ireland begins its long and slow journey towards social and economic recovery, the Society will continue to make its contribution to responding to and promoting the interests of the most vulnerable in our Society.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) National Management Council Report For the year ended 31 December 2010

Financial Review The results for the year reflect net outgoing resources, of €1.2 million (2009 – €4.1 million net incoming resources). Incoming resources amounted to €73.3 million, representing a decrease of €0.6 million compared to the previous year. Resources expended, at €74.3 million, represented an increase of €7.7 million compared to 2009. The increase relates primarily to the increase in assistance to individuals and families which increased by €7 million. The principal balance sheet movements for the year were a net decrease of €2.2 million in fixed assets, a decrease of €0.4million in current assets and a decrease of €1.4million in current and longer term liabilities. The consolidated cash flow statement principally reflects net cash outflow from operating activities, of €0.5 million, a decrease in net cash of €0.6 million and net expenditure on fixed assets of €2.2 million.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) National Management Council Report For the year ended 31 December 2010

Reserves policy The Society’s total reserves (represented by restricted, designated and unrestricted funds) are an amalgamation of assets employed in Special Works owned directly by the Society and assets (principally tangible fixed assets and cash) held nationally and at Conference level. The overall policy of the Society is to maintain liquid resources to facilitate the funding of the Society’s work in the service of the poor, on whose behalf the funds are held. This policy is driven by the need to provide for future expenditure on a planned basis and at the same time be in a position to respond to urgent deserving causes at short notice. Reserves held at Conference level are for direct relief of poverty in local areas and for that reason mainly consist of liquid funds. Local Conferences and Councils are encouraged to share surplus unrestricted funds with other Conferences within the Society, to facilitate needs within the wider community. Where appropriate, funds are designated for use within the Society, for particular purposes and the related expenditure may be made over a number of accounting periods. This principal also applies to certain funds which have been restricted in their use under the terms of their donation. Investment policy and performance The majority of the Society’s funds are held in the form of liquid assets. Some investments are held in trust or for specific longer term projects. In summary, Society policy is to maintain sufficient funds to cover one year’s average conference expenditure subject to requirements in respect of proposed capital expenditure and having regard to any restrictions in respect of the use of particular funds, in accordance with the wishes of the relevant donors of the funds. Risk statement A risk assessment exercise considering financial, strategic, reputational, compliance and operational risk was undertaken by the National Board (currently replaced by the National Management Council) in 2005 and systems have been established to mitigate the major risks to which the Society is exposed. An internal audit function has been put in place together with appropriate policies and procedures covering key areas such as finance, vulnerable adult and child protection and human resources. The Society’s risk strategy and related policy and procedures are currently under review and will be updated in the light of legislative and other relevant factors. Statement of responsibilities of the National Management Council The National Management Council prepares financial statements for each financial year, which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Society and the incoming resources and application of resources, including the net income or expenditure of the Society for the year. In preparing those financial statements the National Management Council is required to: 

select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;

make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) National Management Council Report For the year ended 31 December 2010

state whether applicable accounting standards and statements of recommended practice have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and

prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Society will continue in operation.

The National Management Council is responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable certainty the financial position of the Society and which enable it to ensure that the financial statements comply with relevant legislation. The National Management Council is also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Society and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. The National Management Council The trustees/ members of the National Management Council who served during the year and up to the date of this report are as follows: Mairead Bushnell Paul McKevitt John Monaghan Geoffrey Meagher Mary Sheridan Cormac Wilson Michael O’Keeffe Patrick Kielty Kevin McBrien Rose McGowan Michael Murphy Eamon Corbett Michael O’Connor John O’Sullivan Brendan Dempsey Kieran Stafford Ciaran Sherry Sandra Brett Tom MacSweeney Fr. Brian Moore

National President National Vice President National Vice President National Treasurer

Auditors Deloitte and Touche, Chartered Accountants, have expressed their willingness to continue as Auditors of the Society. Signed on Behalf of the Management Council on 10th December 2011 by: Mairead Bushnell – National President

Geoffrey Meagher - National Treasurer


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities (includes Income and Expenditure Account and Statement of Recognised Gains and Losses) For the year ended 31 December 2010

Incoming resources Donations, legacies and similar incoming resources Activities in furtherance of the charity’s objects


2010 Total €’000

2009 Total €’000




























Activities for generating funds – fundraising events Deposit & Investment income Other income Total incoming resources



Resources expended Assistance to individuals and families







Twinning / Overseas Support





Costs of generating funds
















Activities in furtherance of the charity’s objects

Support costs Management and administration Profit arising on translation of sterling balances



Total resources expended






Net (outgoing)/ incoming resources before revaluation movement on fixed assets and capital grants






Revaluation movement on fixed assets and capital grants






Net (Outgoing)/Incoming Resources










Net assets at start of year

16 12,852 187,823 201,903 Net assets at end of year 200,675 All of the above results are derived from continuing activities. There were no recognised gains or losses other than those stated above. Signed on behalf of the Management Council on 10th December 2011 by: Mairead Bushnell – National President Geoffrey Meagher - National Treasurer


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Consolidated Balance Sheet As at 31 December 2010


2010 €’000

2009 €’000

9 10

156,481 1,970

158,135 2,519



89 1,544 73,924

104 1,416 74,484







Fixed assets Tangible assets Investments

Current assets Stocks Debtors Cash at bank and in hand



Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year Net current assets Creditors: Amounts falling due after one year




Net assets




Restricted funds




Unrestricted funds: Property valuation Designated Funds General funds

16 16 16

128,332 1,841 57,650

128,332 1,689 58,395



Represented by:

Signed on behalf of the Management Council on 10th December 2011 by:

Mairead Bushnell – National President

Geoffrey Meagher - National Treasurer


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Consolidated Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 31 December 2010


2010 €’000

2009 €’000

17 (a)







Government capital grants received



Proceeds on disposal of fixed assets















Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities Returns on investments Capital expenditure: Purchase of tangible fixed assets

Net cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid resources and financing Management of liquid resources

17 (b)

(Decrease)/Increase in cash for year

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds Movement in net funds for the year Net funds at beginning of year 17 (c)

Net funds at end of year


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010


Accounting policies Basis of preparation (a) The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of properties and investments, in accordance with applicable accounting standards. They follow the recommendations in the Statement of Recommended Practice, Accounting and Reporting by Charities (SORP 2005), with the exception of Government capital grants and Capital Assistance Schemes, which are dealt with in accordance with SSAP 4 (Accounting for Government Grants) and Pensions, which are accounted for on the basis of FRS 17 (Employee Benefits). Basis of consolidation (b) The financial statements include the results of all of the Society’s Councils and Conferences situated in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The financial year of all reporting entities are coterminous. Incoming resources (c) In the case of voluntary donations, income is recognised when received. Proceeds from the sale of donated goods are recognised in the financial statements in the period in which they are realised. The value of Volunteer time is not included in the financial statements. (d) Revenue grants are recognised in full in the year in which they are receivable. Deferred Capital Grants, including Capital Assistance Schemes, are included in Creditors and are amortised to the Statement of Financial Activities, at a rate of 2% per annum, in line with the estimated useful life of the related assets. A summary of all revenue and capital grants from Government bodies is included in note 3. (e) Income from legacies is accounted for on a receivable basis, and is recognised in full in the financial statements in the period in which probate is granted, where the amount can be reliably ascertained. (f) Interest and dividend income is recognised on a receivable basis. Resources expended (g) Resources expended are recognised on an accruals basis and include attributable VAT which cannot be recovered. Resources expended are allocated to the particular activity, where the cost relates directly to that activity. Support costs comprise both national and regional support services costs. These comprise administrative support staff costs and costs incurred in connection with the operation of administrative offices throughout Ireland. Management and administration costs comprise legal costs and costs associated with constitutional and statutory compliance requirements.

(h) The costs of generating funds relate to the costs incurred by the Society in raising funds for its charitable work.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010


Gift in Kind Items donated for resale are included in shop income when sold and no value is placed on stock at year end.


Fixed assets Properties are stated at Cost or Valuation less depreciation. Properties were professionally valued at 31 December 2009 and are carried at this amount plus additions less accumulated depreciation.

(k) Gifts of property are valued on open market value for existing use basis. (l)

Depreciation is provided at rates calculated to write down the cost or valuation of each asset to its estimated residual value, over its expected useful life, on a straight line basis. The depreciation rates in use are as follows: Properties Office equipment Motor vehicles

2% 33% 20%

Fixed assets are reviewed for impairment if circumstances indicate their carrying value may exceed their net realisable value or value in use. (m)


Capital Expenditure in excess of â‚Ź10,000 is taken to the Balance Sheet in the year it is incurred and depreciated over its useful life. Expenditure less than this amount is debited to the statement of financial activities accordingly. Investments Investments are carried at market value at the balance sheet date.

Pension Schemes (o) The Society operates Defined Contribution Pension Schemes and a Defined Benefit Pension Scheme. The latter scheme’s membership comprises one long serving employee and two pensioners. The assets of the schemes are held separately from those of the Society in independently administered funds. The pension cost charge in the Statement of Financial Activities represents contributions payable by the Society under the Defined Contribution Schemes together with a charge related to the Defined Benefit Scheme. The Society has no liability under the Defined Contribution Schemes other than for the payment of contributions due. From 1 January 2005, the Society adopted Financial Reporting Standard 17 (Employee Benefits), having previously provided for all projected future shortfalls in respect of the Defined Benefit Schemes. The costs related to the Defined Benefit scheme are systematically charged based on Actuarial calculations. Capital Grants and Capital Assistance Schemes (p) Capital Grants and Capital Assistance Scheme amounts received since 1 January 2004 are initially deferred and are subsequently amortised to the Statement of Financial Activities at a rate of 2% per annum. Unamortised balances are recognised under creditors in the Society’s Balance Sheet.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010

Foreign currencies (q) Foreign currency translations relate to activities in Northern Ireland and are translated at the average rate of exchange during the year. Foreign currency assets and liabilities are translated at the rate of exchange prevailing on the balance sheet date. Gains and losses on translation are dealt with in the Statement of Financial Activities. Taxation (r) No charge to current or deferred taxation arises as the Society has been granted charitable status. Funds (s) The Society’s total reserves (represented by restricted, designated and unrestricted funds) are an amalgamation of assets employed in Special Works owned directly by the Society and assets (principally tangible fixed assets and cash) held nationally and at Conference level. The overall policy of the Society is to maintain a balance of long and short term investments and liquid resources to facilitate the funding of the Society’s work in the service of the poor, on whose behalf the funds are held. This policy is driven by the need to provide for future expenditure on a planned basis and at the same time be in a position to respond to urgent deserving causes at short notice. Reserves held at Conference level are for direct relief of poverty in local areas and for that reason mainly consist of liquid funds. Local Conferences and Councils are encouraged to share surplus unrestricted funds with other Conferences within the Society, to facilitate needs within the wider community. (t) Restricted funds represent donations, bequests and grants which have been received and recognised in the financial statements, which are subject to specific conditions imposed by the donors or grant making bodies. (u) Unrestricted funds are funds which are expendable at the discretion of the society, in furtherance of the objectives of the Society. (v) Designated funds are those which have been set aside for particular purposes, by the Society itself, in furtherance of the Society’s charitable objects.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010


Donations, legacies and similar incoming resources

Church collections Legacies Donations Members’ contributions Special Government grant (Note 3) Other Government grants (Note 3)


2010 €’000

2009 €’000

10,916 8,046 16,926 249 1,850 2,178 ____________

11,109 6,500 19,984 265 1,963 1,758



Government grants A summary of all revenue and capital grants from Government bodies is included below:

Included under: Shops Holiday Homes Housing Hostels Youth Clubs Resource Centres and Crèches Incoming resources –activities in furtherance of the charity’s objects (Note 4) Special Government Grant (Note 2) * Other Government Grants (Note 2)

Included under: Shops Holiday Homes Housing Hostels Youth Clubs Resource Centres and Crèches Incoming resources –activities in furtherance of the charity’s objects (Note 4) Special Government Grant (Note 2)* Other Government Grants (Note 2)

* Department of Community, Equality and Gaelteacht Affairs


2010 Capital €’000

2010 Revenue €’000

2010 Total €’000

8 (41) 37 454 37 495 -

32 58 466 5,911 22 2,153 8,642 1,850 2,178

40 17 503 6,365 22 2,190 9,137 1,850 2,512




2009 Capital €’000

2009 Revenue €’000

2009 Total €’000

73 318 58 449 -

52 8 712 6,001 8 1,982 8,763 1,963 1,758

52 81 1,030 6,001 8 2,040 9,212 1,963 1,758




Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010


Incoming resources – activities in furtherance of the charity’s objects Seamens Shelter

2010 Total

2009 Total


Resource Centres and Crèches €’000











































Total by Activity - 2010









Total by Activity - 2009








Shop sales Holiday Home fees Charges to residents Fees for services Government revenue grants (Note 3)


Holiday Homes



Youth Clubs













Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010


Total resources expended Assistance to individuals and families

Activities in furtherance of the charity’s objects



Staff costs (note 7) Cash assistance Food Clothing/Furniture Fuel/Electricity Holidays/Hospitals/ Outings Twinning/Overseas support Job creation Education Overheads Supplies Programme costs Personal development Administration Premises costs Local conference expenses Publication costs Professional fees Audit fees Advertising / fundraising Training and development Policy and strategy Depreciation Capital grants amortised Sub Total (Profit ) arising on translation of sterling balances Total by activity – 2010

Total by activity - 2009

Holiday homes



€’000 678 10,879 9,756 1,270 8,848 1,217

€’000 -

€’000 4,222 113 -

€’000 1,073 6 -

€’000 283 183 -

€’000 4,174 32 -

Resource centres & creches €’000 3,024 381 1







153 4,443 21 594 436 232 -


577 327 452 204 1,691 -

219 158 502 19 292 2

230 77 41 38 692 8

55 -


27 -

9 -




22 -


38,604 (138)

38,466 31,426

Youth clubs

Costs of generating funds

Seamens shelter

Support costs

Management & administration

2009 Total

Total €’000 16,946 11,596 9,756 1,270 8,848 1,218

€’000 16,017 10,322 7,701 1,146 5,755 1,314




614 65 958 546 6


153 4,451 2,162 1,415 4,142 594 2,224 4,223 93

92 4,241 2,283 1,295 4,974 473 1,984 4,173 71


134 192 -

348 -

134 348 356 456

122 274 372 472








3,539 (601)


381 295 (45)


381 3,856 (646)

273 4,067 (638)

171 -

26 -

27,930 (172)

456 -

6,711 (53)

348 -

74,705 (363)

67,326 (681)

171 178

26 29

27,758 27,727

456 472

6,658 6,357

348 274


€’000 -

€’000 2 -

€’000 12,776 717 1

€’000 -

€’000 3,492 -







303 463 2,011 260 377 12

8 194 365 952 307 380 63

12 19 98 2 8 2

13 6 5 -

8 1,548 1,415 4,056 830 3,445 87


13 -

33 -

27 -



109 -







745 (1)

272 (2)

1,800 (438)

394 (88)

297 (71)

31 (1)

656 -

8,357 (39)

2,550 (9)

2,927 -

7,971 -

5,928 (124)

656 389

8,318 7,939

2,541 2,636

2,927 3,143

7,971 8,186

5,804 5,616


2010 Total

€’000 -


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010


Net incoming / (outgoing) resources for year This is stated after charging / (crediting):

Depreciation Capital Grants Amortisation National Management Council members:  Indemnity Insurance  Remuneration  Reimbursed expenses Auditors’ remuneration:  National Audit  Other Auditor’s services

2010 €’000

2009 €’000

3,856 (647)

4,065 (638)

20 22

6 20

100 256

100 271

During the year nine Management Council members were reimbursed expenses, related to travel and accommodation, subsistence, telephone, postage and stationery. 7.

Staff costs and numbers Staff costs were as follows:

Wages, salaries and social welfare costs Pension and related costs

2010 €’000

2009 €’000

16,569 711

15,525 492



A total of 7 employees (2009-5) earned remuneration in excess of €75,000 per annum, as follows:

€75,001 to €85,000 €85,001 to €95,000 €95,001 to €105,000 €105,001 to €115,000 €115,001 to €125,000

2010 No.

2009 No.

5 1 1

3 2 -

The average weekly number of employees (full-time equivalent) during the year was as follows:

Shops Holiday homes Housing Hostel Resource centres and crèches Visitation case workers Support staff



2010 No.

2009 No.

195 70 7 90 126 25 74 587

201 64 6 90 118 25 64 568

Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010

The Society relies substantially on voluntary services provided by its members across the country. It is not possible to quantify the value of these services to the Society 8.

Taxation The Society is exempt from income tax as all its income is applied for charitable purposes.


Tangible assets Properties

Office Equipment

Motor Vehicles

Totals 2010





Valuation / Cost At start of year Additions in year Disposals in year

157,170 1,497 -

5,145 613 -

272 92 (19)

162,587 2,202 (19)

At end of year





Depreciation At start of year Charge for year On disposals

3,169 -

4,280 619 -

172 68 (19)

4,452 3,856 (19)

At end of year





Net Book Value At end of year





At start of year





The Society’s properties were valued at €157.2 million, on an open market for existing use basis, as at 31 December 2009 by independent chartered surveyors Spain Courtney Doyle. The properties at that date are included in the financial statements at their valuation amount. The resulting net revaluation movement has been charged to property valuation within unrestricted funds. Additions since that date are included at historic cost. The Society’s properties include charity shops, hostels for the homeless, day care and community resource centres, sheltered housing, holiday centres, youth clubs, national and regional offices.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010


Investments 2010 €’000

2009 €’000

Market value at start of year Additions at historic cost Disposals at market value Realised loss Unrealised (loss)/gain

2,519 86 (498) (64) (73)

2,076 18 425

Market value at end of year



All investments are held in publicly quoted companies which are listed on the Stock Exchange. No current or deferred taxation liability would arise on the disposal of these investments, due to the Society’s tax exempt status.


Debtors: Amounts falling due within one year

Debtors Pension scheme surplus (Note 18) Prepayments


2010 €’000

2009 €’000

985 96 463 1,544

971 110 335 1,416

2010 €’000

2009 €’000

621 1,780 249 712 367 592

552 2,060 220 1,920 247 595



Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year

Bank overdrafts (unsecured) Other creditors PAYE & PRSI Accruals Deferred income (Note 12) Capital Grants (Note 14)


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010


Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (continued) Deferred income arises under the terms of a bequest and in connection with period specific Hostel grants, received in advance. 2010 €’000


Deferred income at start of year Deferred during year Released during year

247 367 (247)

Deferred income at end of year


Capital Grants

2010 €’000 Capital Grants At start of year Additions in year At end of year

31,854 495 32,349

Amortisation At start of year Credit for year

2,098 647

At end of year


Net book value At end of year (Note 14)


At start of year


Deeds of Charge have been registered by Local Authority and other grantors in respect of grants advanced to a number of Conferences. These grants may become repayable in the event that certain conditions set out in the related agreements are not adhered to.


Creditors: Amounts falling due after one year

Capital Grants (Note 13) Less: Amounts falling due within one year (Note 12)


2010 €’000

2009 €’000

29,604 592

29,756 595



Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010


Analysis of net assets between funds 2010 Total €’000

2009 Total €’000

127,469 928 57,585

156,481 1,970 71,236 (29,012)

158,135 2,519 70,410 (29,161)




Restricted €’000

Designated €’000

Unrestricted €’000

Tangible assets Investments Net current assets Creditors: Amounts falling due after one year

29,012 64 12,788 (29,012)

978 863 -

Net assets at end of year




Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010


Movements in funds

Restricted funds

At Start of Year

Incoming Resources

Outgoing Resources

Property revaluation


Gains on Investments Revaluation €’000

At end of Year


Transfers Between Funds €’000







































Unrestricted funds: Property Valuation Designated Funds General Funds


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010


Movement in funds (continued) Restricted funds These comprise the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

McGwire Trust Fund of €644,000 (2009 - €915,000). Floods fund totalling €141,000 (2009 – €645,000) for support of flood victims. Twenty Eight funds, totalling €4,820,000 (2009 - €4,222,000) restricted to local area use. Two funds totalling €94,000 (2009 - €109,000) for the support of education. A fund of €357,000 (2009 - €350,000) for use in rural communities. O’Connell Bequest of €6,744,000 (2009 - €7,052,000) restricted to use in County Galway. Two donations, totalling €51,000 (2008 – €194,000) restricted to charitable support.

Designated funds These comprise funds set aside by the Society for education support and other specific purposes. 17. (a) Reconciliation of net incoming resources to net cash inflow from operating activities 2010 €’000

2009 €’000



(1,154) 3,856 (647) (1,339) (128) 15 (64)

(1,015) 4,065 (637) (590) 2,501 (27) (11) 6



2010 €’000

2009 €’000

Proceeds from sale of investments Purchase of investments

562 (86)


Net cash inflow



Net incoming resources before revaluation and disposal of investment assets Investment income Depreciation Amortisation of Capital Grants Decrease in creditors Increase/(Decrease) in debtors Increase/(Decrease) in stocks (Profit) on disposal of fixed assets Profit/(Loss) on sale of investments

Net cash inflow from operating activities

(b) Management of liquid resources


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010

(c) Analysis of net funds per Cash flow Statement As at 1 January 2010 €’000

Cash (Outflows) €’000

As at 31 December 2010 €’000

74,484 (552)

(560) (69)

73,924 (621)




Cash at bank and in hand Bank overdrafts


Pension Schemes Amounts charged to staff costs were as follows: 2010 €’000

2009 €’000

Current service costs Other pension costs

697 14

519 (27) ___________

Total charge (Note 7)



The Society operates both defined benefit and defined contribution schemes. The majority of the schemes are defined contribution with defined benefit schemes still in existence for certain longer serving employees. The total pension cost for the year was €711,000 of which €697,000 relates to the defined contribution schemes and a debit of €14,000 applies to the defined benefits schemes. The assets of the schemes are held in independently managed funds. Defined benefits scheme Details of the most recent actuarial valuation of the scheme, conducted as at 31 December 2010, using the projected unit basis, are as follows: Principal actuarial assumptions (% per annum) At 31/12/10

At 31/12/09

At 31/12/08

At 31/12/07

3.5 5.0 2.0

3.5 5.2 2.0

3.5 5.6 2.0

4.0 5.5 2.5

Rate of increase in salaries Rate of increase in pensions in payment Discount rate Inflation assumption


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010

The assets of the scheme and the expected rate of return were:

Equities Bonds Property Cash Secured Performance (declared in advance)

Present value of scheme liabilities

Net pension surplus

Rate of return expected 31/12/10 %

Value at 31/12/10 €’000

Rate of return expected 31/12/09 %

Value at 31/12/09 €’000

Rate of return expected 31/12/08 %

Value at 31/12/08 €’000

Rate of return expected 31/12/07 %

Value at 31/12/07 €’000

7.4 4.4 6.4 0.8 -

163 769 9 27

7.5 4.8 6.5 0.8 -

55 745 137 -

7.8 4.3 6.8 2.3

76 764 7 20

8.3 4.8 7.2 3.8 -

98 823 8 17 -














Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010 (Continued)

Analysis of the amount charged through the Statement of Financial Activities

(Credit) / Charge to staff costs: Current service cost Pension finance costs Expected return on pension scheme assets Interest on pension scheme liabilities

2010 €’000

2009 €’000



(40) 42 2

(39) 42 3

2010 €’000

2009 €’000

(19) 44 (3)

(57) (6) 44

(1) 21 (16) 5 14

(1) (20) (16) (36) (27)

Actuarial (Gains)/ losses on Defined Benefit Scheme

Actual return less expected return on pension scheme assets Experience gains arising on the scheme liabilities Changes in assumptions underlying present value of scheme liabilities Exchange rate (loss) Contributions Prior Year Adjustment Charge for year


Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010

Reconciliation of the value of the Scheme’s Assets The overall expected return on the scheme’s assets has been derived as the weighted average of the expected returns on the categories of assets held by the scheme, at the opening balance sheet date.

Opening value of scheme’s assets Expected Return Actuarial losses Employer Contributions Exchange rate movements Benefits Paid

2010 €’000

2009 €’000

937 40 19 16 9 (53)

867 39 57 16 17 (59)



2010 €’000

2009 €’000

827 7 42 41 (53) 8

784 6 42 38 (59) 16



Reconciliation of the value of the Scheme’s Liabilities

Opening value of scheme’s liabilities Service cost Interest on scheme’s liabilities Actuarial gains Benefits paid Exchange rate movements

Return on Scheme’s Assets

Actual return on scheme’s assets

2010 €’000

2009 €’000



Analysis of the amount charged to total resources expended

Service cost


2010 €’000

2009 €’000



Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Ireland) Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2010

Analysis of the amount credited to financing of provisions 2010 €’000

2009 €’000

40 (42)

39 (42)



2010 €’000

2009 €’000

Actual Expected Return on pension scheme assets Experience gains and losses on the liabilities Changes in assumptions underlying the present value of liabilities

19 (44) 4

57 6 (43)

Actuarial gain/(loss) recognised in the Statement of Financial Activities



Expected return on scheme assets Interest on scheme liabilities Total

Amount recognised in the Statement of Financial Activities

Cumulative actuarial gain or loss recognised in the Statement of Financial Activities The cumulative actuarial loss over the past 7 years is €162,000. Over the coming year, the Society expects to contribute €16,000 to the schemes. Amounts for the current and previous four periods

Scheme’s liabilities Scheme’s assets Surplus / (deficit)

2010 €’000

2009 €’000

2008 €’000

2007 €’000

872 968 96

827 937 110

784 867 83

905 946 41

Balance sheet amounts The surplus in respect of the pension scheme is included within current assets. 19.

Post balance sheet events No significant events have occurred since the balance sheet date which would require adjustments to the amounts as disclosed in the financial statements.


Capital commitments Certain Conferences may have commitments in respect of capital items and property leases.


Approval of the financial statements These financial statements were approved by the National Management Council on 10th December 2011.


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