This online calculator is a very helpful tool to understand the basic income of certain household types in urban or rural areas. You can find out more about the Calculator by visiting:
Membership Quality Visitation
“Let us do without hesitation whatever good lies at our hands” Frederic Ozanam How do we make a difference in the lives of the people we assist? By providing an holistic, person to person approach, either face-to-face or by telephone. The cornerstone of quality Visitation is the core work of the Society. Our spirit of friendship, impartiality and confidentiality respects the dignity of the individual. Our values and ethos are at the heart of all we do.
Visitation Prayer Before undertaking any visit: Lord, I give you my mind that I may think as you think My eyes that I may see as you see My ears that I may hear as you hear My tongue that I may speak as you speak Lord, above all may I be charitable in all that I do and say And may the Holy Spirit inspire, guide and assist me during this visit. Amen
Assessing Need Assessing the need of the people we visit is to understand and establish what we can help them with. We should be aware of the recognised cost of living and how much it costs to run an average household, as an individual, couple and with children. A Benefits Calculator is available on NI Direct website.
Being realistic, when assuring the individual or family of what support is available by expressing empathy, careful listening and encouraging hope, are vital to a successful outcome. Discussion with other Conference members based on the information shared is the best way of finding resolutions, agreeing on the level, type of support and on how many visits may be required, are pivotal to each individual’s circumstances. In complex cases, use the support structures within the Society by seeking advice from an Area President or Regional Office. As the Society’s mission is based on support and friendship, promoting self-sufficiency and working for social justice, our assessment of need is always offered in a spirit of friendship and support. Our assistance may be a way of financial support, practical help such as food, fuel, or signposting to other agencies for advice or information, all of which can have a positive impact.