Vincentian News Summer/Autumn 2019

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VINCENTIAN NEWS Summer/Autumn 2019 Volume 4 Number 16

Charity in a Politically Determined World We are living in a time of serious political change and uncertainty. Apart from the contentious changes to the benefit system which seem destined to reduce the effects of social security, we are now on the uncertain cusp of Brexit - whatever disasters that may bring. For members of the Society, it may be important and certainly useful to remember that both Frederic Ozanam and Vincent de Paul lived in politically and socially unstable times, having a profound effect on the lot of the poor. This was of grave concern to them both. The socially disastrous rule of Louis Philippe the Orléanist and last King of France resulted in the revolutions of 1848. In the events leading up to 1848, Frederic Ozanam became a crusading journalist. He helped found a new Catholic Paper, the Ere Nouvelle. He was passionately interested in reconciling Catholics with the Republic as opposed to the old Royalist regime. He also wrote passionately about the conditions of the poor and how they were victims of the political system. Addressing the wealthy leaders, he wrote “representatives of the people, we respect the magnitude and difficulty of your task….but do not plead want of time.…We saw you on the barricades haranguing the insurgents, encouraging the defenders of order. How comes it then that we do not see you at the post of peril now? Why do you not go and visit those wretched districts, and climb those dark staircases, and penetrate into those naked rooms, and see with your own eyes what your brothers are suffering. You would in this way become acquainted with the utter destitution that reigns among them.” (Ere Nouvelle) He not only wrote about the current events, he also tried to intervene. At one point in the revolution, there was only one area of the city that was still manning the barricades. He and some friends thought that if the Archbishop of Paris would come to the barricade and plead for peace, the violence would end. They approached the Archbishop and he agreed. His approach to the barricade was in the nature of a triumphal procession, the general in charge of the government forces, gave him an offer of mercy to the insurgents if they surrendered their arms. He then went home, said his prayers, went to confession and then, accompanied by his two vicars, went to the barricade, where he was handed a branch with a white flag. As he climbed up with the branch and the offer of pardon in his hand, he was tragically shot and mortally wounded. As he fell, he exclaimed ‘May my blood be the last shed’. His death did seem to be the last blow of the insurrection. His death was the last death of that uprising. Frederic and his companions were devastated but it did not end his commitment to social justice. His social concern was founded on two things, his deep Catholic faith and conscience, and his personal experience of the extremely dire situation of the poor through his direct experience of visiting them in their homes or hovels. These drove him to action both in seeking to provide aid and engaging in the political field in the hope of improving the lot of the poor. St Vincent too played a key role in one of the most fraught episodes in his days. From 1651 to 1653 a bitter political dispute developed into a full-scale civil war – the Fronde. It caused great devastation, sickness and poverty both in Paris and in northern France. Vincent, his community, and all his many friends, raised great sums of money and aid trying to alleviate the poverty. At the heart of the dispute was Cardinal Mazarin, the Queen’s Prime Minister, and the effective ruler of France, much distrusted and hated by many. The Royal Family had fled Paris together with Mazarin. Vincent made an arduous journey to plead with Mazarin to resign but to no avail. Two years later he wrote a very strong and detailed letter to the Cardinal again suggesting he should resign and allow the Royal Family to return to Paris without him. This they did, bringing an end to this disastrous civil war. Vincent of course continued with all his efforts to relieve the continuing poverty caused by the war and the marauding armies. St. Vincent’s biographer – Roman comments “Looking back on all Vincent’s actions in the slippery field of politics … none of his actions were motivated by party politics. The only party he belonged to and would always belong to was the party of God and the party of charity. He was never a politician in the strict sense of the word”. (Roman 567) The Society needs to be politically aware and, when necessary, speak out on behalf of the poor, when they are threatened by unfortunate political events, after the example of its founders and patron.

Welcome by Frankie McClure, Regional President Welcome to the latest edition of Vincentian News. As we reach autumn and prepare for the busy period leading up to Christmas I want to thank you for all you do for the Society and those we serve. This year we are celebrating 175 years since the Society was formed in Ireland, just 11 years after being founded in Paris during 1833. Since then, members like you have continued to bring the love of Christ to those in need through practical support and friendship. It’s difficult to imagine the challenges members in Ireland undoubtedly faced serving others, as they sustained and continued to grow our Society. I cannot help but think that in some way we probably share some of the same internal challenges today, such as recruiting new members, attracting members to take on officership roles such as President, Treasurer, and Secretary or join committees. And externally, conflict, economic hardship, social change and health issues. When contemplating the challenges past members likely faced, we must feel indebted to them for their perseverance and willingness to adapt to change. They surely are a huge source of inspiration when thinking about the past. Looking to the future, we have exciting times ahead as we agree our new strategy for the future and utilise it as a framework to develop plans to further serve those in need and ensure the future of our Society. I hope you enjoy this edition of Vincentian News and the contributions from fellow members throughout the Region. Please know your time, talents and kindness are vital to ensure the Society continues to thrive. Thank you! Frankie


Membership Recruitment is Changing The recruitment process for new Members (Home Visitation) is changing, with all new applications being processed at a national level. It is hoped that with a new system which can facilitate online applications and with the support from the new National Recruitment Coordinator (Enda Gleeson), that we will be able to streamline the recruitment process for new members. If you have a new member who would like to join your Conference, please direct them to the SVP website to complete an expression of interest: Each new member will receive an initial phone call to explain the process and they will then be issued a link via email which will allow them to complete the full application form. Paper applications can be made available if necessary; however, we would encourage as many people to apply using the online system as possible. Any new member that applies will be directed to the local conference to meet with existing members and to discuss the role and what it means to be a member of St Vincent de Paul.

AccessNI: Basic Check In addition to the application form, each new member must now complete a Basic AccessNI Check. This process is still being completed at a Regional level. Your Member Support Officer will contact you to discuss the process for AccessNI as this has also recently changed and new PIN numbers are available for processing applications. A Basic AccessNI Check (through a Responsible Body) can be applied for: - Online via the NI Direct website - Paper copy Please note that AccessNI applications cannot be completed without the necessary ID Validation Form, (to be completed by a representative of the Conference) or copies of the applicant’s identity documents. Your dedicated Member Support Officer will discuss the process with you. Please note that the cost of the Basic AccessNI Check will be covered at a Regional level therefore no payments are required from the new member or the Conference.


CRM – Conference Portal Benefits

New member training is currently being developed and news about the exciting changes to training will be released soon. In the meantime, please contact your Member Support Officer regarding any training needs of new members.

Member Support Officer Contact Details

• The most secure way for Conferences to store their very sensitive data • Complies with GDPR • Statistics can be gathered for interviews with the media or government departments • Helps the Social Justice Committee to see trends on spending • We can see how the money is being spent on different areas, such as food, fuel, household goods, etc.

Joann Barr (Derry Office) Tel: 028 7137 7311 Email:

At the moment, 48% of our Conferences are using the Conference Portal.

Maria Fyfe (Regional Office) Tel: 028 9075 0151 Email:

If you require any CRM Training, please get in touch with your Member Support Officer.

Introducing New Area Presidents New Area President for South & East Belfast – Elizabeth Quinn Elizabeth Quinn was born and brought up in The Markets area of Belfast but she now lives in St Bernadette’s Parish. Elizabeth joined SVP in 2011 after going to an info /coffee morning and admits she didn’t know much about SVP at all, thinking it was some sort of secret society! Following her retirement last year as a Paediatric Nurse in Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, some colleagues from her Conference suggested she put herself forward for Area President, so she thought about it and here she is! What inspired you to join St Vincent de Paul? I was impressed by Ella Dolan who spoke to me at the information meeting and I decided to join as I wanted to be of help to people in my local Area. What do you like most about the role? The role is clearly new to me but I am interested and enthused. I hope to have good communication between all our area Conferences and provide feedback from Regional meetings. And I am looking forward to getting to know many more SVP colleagues. The challenges for your Conference/Area? Hopefully there will be none! What will you bring to the role of Area President for South and East Belfast Area Council? I want to continue to reach out to all who need us, raise our profile and remain open minded, caring and respectful with all our clients and activities.

New Area President for North Derry – Denis Gormley Denis Gormley has been elected as the new Area President for the North Derry Area Council. Denis is a member of St Patrick’s Conference, Claudy, since 2014. He is a retired Civil Engineering Lecturer. What inspired you to join St Vincent de Paul? Seeing people in need of help in my own Area and in different Areas around the country. What do you like most about the role? I like to support the Conferences in the Area and communicate any problems and issues to a higher authority. The challenges for your Conference/Area? I have a prison Conference, St Disma’s, whose members visit Magilligan Prison and they are looking for donations from other Areas and Conferences in the Region. What will you bring to the role of Area President for North Derry Area Council? I have an open door policy to all the Conferences and members in my Area.

Good News Appeal

We would love to share some good news stories of how SVP has helped turn lives around. We are appealing for uplifting stories from across our Conference areas – have you personally been supported and helped through a difficult time by SVP or perhaps you know someone who might be willing to share their story of the difference SVP has made to their lives either today or in past years? If so, please get in touch. Every Vincentian gives so much and to hear positive stories about the difference our organisation’s support can make would mean a lot to our members and volunteers. Thank you in advance.

New Area President for North Antrim & North East Derry – Anne Irwin Anne Irwin has been elected as the new Area President for the North Antrim & North East Derry Area Council. Anne is a member of St John’s Conference, Coleraine, since 2003. Anne is a retired Civil Servant. What inspired you to join St Vincent de Paul? I wanted to give something back to the community. What do you like most about the role? I like working with members from all the Conferences and provide support and advice. The challenges for your Conference/Area? The main challenge would be to get all of the Conferences in the Area using both IT systems. I am here to help members to embrace the IT challenges. What will you bring to the role of Area President for North Antrim and North East Derry Area Council? I am approachable and committed to help Conferences with any issues they may have.

AccessNI – changes to the vetting process There has been a recent change to the eligibility criteria for vetting new members. AccessNI has now defined the role of a home visitation member as a non-regulated activity. As we do not provide personal care to those we visit we no longer qualify for an enhanced check which was previously the case. Regional Council has therefore approved that going forward we will undertake a Basic Check for each new member. We have, over the summer period, completed the registration process and have become a Responsible Body with the authority to carry out basic checks. The process remains the same and new members will need to produce identification validation and our Member Support Officers will make the application for a basic check online. There is a cost of £18 per check, which the Region is covering centrally, so it is important that any new prospective member is demonstrating full commitment to the role and all that it entails. In summary the main changes are: SVP Home Visitation: Those carrying out home visitation will require a Basic Check as described in the role description for a Home Visitation member.

SVP Shops: The role of Shop Manager will require a Basic Check if deemed required.

SVP Special Works: A basic disclosure is required. Enhanced or Enhanced with barring disclosure may be required depending on the nature of the contact with children or adults who may be at risk. Regional Employees: All Regional staff require a Basic Check with the exception of the Youth Development Officer, who will require an Enhanced Check due to the nature of the role working within schools and with young people. Please feel welcome to contact either Maria on tel: 028 9075 0151 or email or Joann on tel: tel: 028 7137 7311 or email The full Policy can be found on the SVP website at

GDPR Top 10 compliance tips for handling personal data

Always remember – if you handle PERSONAL INFORMATION at all – the more sensitive it is then the more SECURITY CONSCIOUS you need to be


KEEP YOUR PASSWORDS SAFE and secure – it is important not to write your passwords down where anyone could see them.


DO NOT save or store files on your local hard drive or DESKTOP - only save documents to the correct folders on the secure server (or SharePoint) where they will be backed up and protected – if in doubt ask your Manager.


ALWAYS LOCK your PC/Laptop when you are away from your desk – you can do this by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete and selecting ‘Lock’. Tip: Follow the clean desk policy.


Be CYBER AWARE when opening EMAILS – only click on attachments or links if you are certain that the email is genuine and from a trusted source. If in doubt, double check with the IT Department BEFORE clicking on any link or attachment. Tip: Complete the online GDPR Training.


If sending an email which contains PERSONAL INFORMATION, then ALWAYS put this into an attachment which is PASSWORD PROTECTED and send the password separately – preferably via text or phone and not the same email account.


Manage your email account by DELETING OLD EMAILS and emails which are no longer needed – especially if they hold any personal information. You should not have ANY email over ONE YEAR OLD – if the information is important then save this to a secure folder.


Always delete emails with information which has been SCANNED from local printers once the information has been sent or saved elsewhere.


Become familiar with the RETENTION AND DESTRUCTION Policy. Remember to delete information from your PC/Laptop in line with the Policy – if unsure, refer to your Manager. Keep any paper files up to date and shred any information which is no longer required.


Remember the MORE DATA you store, then the MORE EXPENSIVE and time consuming any data breach follow up will be for you and your department!


If you notice anything UNUSUAL happening with your PC/Laptop or email account then ALERT your Manager or IT Support IMMEDIATELY. The sooner a problem is caught then the more manageable any follow up will be.

We are all on the GDPR compliance journey so please – do ask questions or highlight any issues. For further information – Pauline Brown, Regional Manager, tel: 028 9075 0150 or email

"The only source of knowledge is experience" Albert Einstein

REGIONAL SHOPS Major Awards for SVP Charity Shops Vincent’s Charity Shops have picked up ‘The Community and Social Impact Award’ at the Charity Retail Conference in England, recognising the vital work of SVP charity shops in Northern Ireland. Vincent’s in Kircubbin was the only charity shop in NI named as a finalist for ‘Charity Shop of the Year’. National Retail Development Manager for SVP, Dermot McGilloway, said: “It is a great honour to have received the ‘Community and Social Impact’ award. It is a fitting tribute to our members, volunteers and staff who work tirelessly in our shops across Northern Ireland to care of their local communities. “As we know, Vincent’s Charity Shops are not primarily fund raisers but have instead been established to serve the very specific needs of our local communities. These shops serve as a platform to promote the Vincentian values of support and friendship and social justice while promoting self-sufficiency. “Our shops are often located in areas of social deprivation and isolation. This idea runs contrary to best commercial practice, but we have a moral obligation to ensure that all members of society can access SVP products and services.” Tracy Scott-Stewart, Manager of Vincent’s in Kircubbin, said: “For Vincent’s Kircubbin to be the only charity shop in Northern Ireland named as a finalist for ‘Shop of the Year’ and to attend the awards ceremony was a real privilege. Being named as a finalist with shops from across the UK is significant for our staff, volunteers and the village community as a whole. And I would like to thank everyone for their support and messages of congratulations.” Robin Osterley, CEO of the Charity Retail Association, said: “I am personally delighted to see that SVP has taken home our Community and Social Impact Award. We had an incredibly strong list of nominations in this category and they should be extremely proud winners.” Congratulations to everyone involved.

Vincent’s Killyclogher Wins Award for Business Development Vincent’s in Killyclogher is among the award winners in the 2019 SVP National Shops Awards, winning the Business Development Award for the Northern Ireland Region. Pictured at the 2019 SVP National Shops Awards ceremony in the University of Limerick are Killyclogher shop managers Tommy Moohan and Shauna Burns, with Retail Manager for SVP in Northern Ireland, Anne Crossan, and SVP National Retail Development Manager, Dermot McGilloway.

Anne Crossan, Retail Manager for SVP Northern Ireland, said: “We are thrilled that Vincent’s Killyclogher has been awarded for business development. Since opening three years ago, the shop has experienced significant year on year increases in footfall and has a strong, dedicated, volunteer team. Staff costs are low and the shop opens early to accommodate customers dropping off donations before they go to work. “The shop staff have a policy of greeting and welcoming all clients. Ladies clothing accounts for 27% of sales and over 70% of donations. Vincent’s Killyclogher also sells quality pre-loved furniture and has use of a vacant nursing home for storing and selling furniture. The premises have been gifted rent free in recognition of the invaluable work SVP does in the local community.” Congratulations Killyclogher!

SVP Derry Volunteer Margaret Sweeney Wins Volunteer of the Year Vincent’s shop volunteer Margaret Sweeney is among the award winners in the 2019 SVP National Shops Awards. Margaret won Volunteer of the Year Award for the Northern Ireland Region. Pictured at the 2019 SVP National Shops Awards ceremony in the University of Limerick is Margaret Sweeney, SVP Derry, receiving the award from Retail Manager for SVP in Northern Ireland, Anne Crossan, and SVP National Retail Development Manager, Dermot McGilloway. Speaking of awarding Margaret with the title of Volunteer of the Year, Anne Crossan, Retail Manager for SVP in Northern Ireland, said: “Margaret has been a Volunteer with Vincent’s Derry for the past 18 years. She has a very bubbly personality and is very much a people person which is a great asset for her role. Margaret always arrives early with a great big smile on her face and a quip as she comes through the door. She loves a challenge and will reposition the articles in the shop and 9 times out of 10 she sells them! She welcomes each customer as they come through the door and can be heard shouting things like, “Customers, customers, we have lots of bargains today. Look at this gorgeous chest of drawers, now seriously this is a steal for £40. Look at the beautiful detail. This will not last. Seriously how could you miss a bargain like this. I would love you to be the one to enjoy it!” “When she is close to her sales target she howls with excitement but she nearly has to be restrained when she exceeds it! You wouldn’t believe this lady has just turned 70 too! “Margaret is very popular with the customers and knows all the regulars by name. It is quite notable how busy the shop is when she is on duty as she has quite a fan base with the ladies and gentlemen alike! They love her sense of humour and the atmosphere is always fun and light hearted with her. She has been known to model items herself and strut through the shop to entertain everyone. “She loves dressing the mannequins with accessories as well and her extra challenge is to sell the entire outfit and she will not even take a break until she does! “Her enthusiasm is infectious however Margaret has a very sensitive side too and she provides a listening ear to customers who feel they need to share their worries or concerns. “Margaret is always on hand to fill in for extra shifts and never lets the shop down. She offers to help in all departments and washes clothes, cleans toilets, tidies up and vacuums, when required. “As vital member of the team, we are thrilled to see her being officially recognised for her hard work, loyalty, support and dedication to Vincent’s Derry and to Vincent’s as a whole.” Congratulations Margaret!

Vincent’s Shop in Kircubbin Wins Award for Best Window Display Vincent’s shop in Kircubbin is among the award winners in the 2019 SVP National Shops Awards. It won the Best Window Display award for the Northern Ireland Region this year following on from winning the Business Development Award last year. Pictured at the 2019 SVP National Shops Awards ceremony in the University of Limerick is Manager Tracy Scott-Stewart, receiving the award from Retail Manager for SVP in Northern Ireland, Anne Crossan, and SVP National Retail Development Manager, Dermot McGilloway.

Vincent’s Dairy Farm Wins Award for Team of the Year Vincent’s shop in Dairy Farm is among the award winners in the 2019 SVP National Shops Awards, winning Team of the Year Award for the Northern Ireland Region. Pictured at the awards ceremony in the University of Limerick are John Rogers, Sarah Clarke, Mary Spence and Elaine Taggart of SVP Dairy Farm, with Retail Manager for SVP in Northern Ireland, Anne Crossan, and SVP National Retail Development Manager, Dermot McGilloway. Anne Crossan, Retail Manager for SVP Northern Ireland, said: “We are blessed to have such a committed and hardworking team at Vincent’s Dairy Farm who are worthy of the title of Team of the Year. They are very professional in how they approach their work which ranges from managing the stockroom to arranging and setting up displays on the shop floor and at the SVP market stall in Dairy Farm together with their unique interaction with the wide customer base. “In December 2018, the team organised a special Christmas party for a group of regular customers who attend a local day centre close to Vincent’s Dairy Farm. The day centre caters for adults with learning difficulties and physical disabilities. The guests had a wonderful afternoon and told the staff how much they enjoyed themselves. “Vincent’s Dairy Farm regularly receives high quality donations from customers from near and far which I believe is all down to the excellent customer service and welcome which customers receive from all the volunteers. “The team is so committed to what they do that they meet regularly in their own time and in their own homes to discuss and identify new ways of selling the products, including successfully introducing a gift box presentation range for new born babies and other special occasions. “It is humbling to work with such a dedicated team and it is difficult to articulate on paper just how good this team is in terms of their kindness, their individual talents, skills and abilities and their generous natures in so willingly giving of their time while welcoming customers and new volunteers. Each of the volunteers always go the extra distance and this is what sets them apart. Congratulations Vincent’s Dairy Farm!” Congratulations to Team Dairy Farm!

Manual Handling Training Staff in Kircubbin have recently completed their manual handling training. Staff and volunteers in all our shops will be expected to complete this course. To arrange a suitable date for your shop to undertake the training, please contact Anne Crossan on tel 028 9075 0153.

Christmas Cards Christmas cards are now available to order from Regional Office. Due to financial implications on the Society we are no longer able to sell these cards through our shops. If your shop usually sells cards, perhaps the Conference or Area could undertake this fundraising activity. For orders under 100 packs, the unit price is £2.50 For orders over 100 packs, the unit price is £2.25

Volunteer of the Season – Regional Winners Rachael McCormack, Spring 2019 We want to thank all nominated volunteers for their daily commitment, passion, talents, skills, heart and their time donated to SVP while volunteering at a local Vincent’s shop. Rachael McCormack has been named our Volunteer of the Season for the North Region, seen here festively dressed for the busy Christmas retail season! Rachael started with the team in Kircubbin in March 2018 to be a new volunteer in the new Living shop which opened in April. She loves that every day is different and she feels part of the community as well as helping the community. She was nominated for the award as her passion, enthusiasm and dedication are infectious to the rest of the team! Congratulations Rachael!

Volunteer of the Season – Regional Winners Ross Gilmore, Summer 2019 Ross Gilmore has been a Vincent’s volunteer for more than a year at the store in Kircubbin. Speaking about his dedication to his role, Shop Manager, Tracy Scott-Stewart, said: “Ross works four afternoons a week in our Living store and has such a dedicated customer fan base that when he is off they constantly ask and look for him, even when his mum, who also volunteers, is working! “He was recently in the volunteer window competition and his quote for his speech bubble was “I finally feel I belong!” and he loves being part of someone’s day. He is our youngest member of the team and was also nominated for Young Volunteer of the Year at the National Charity Awards.” Congratulations Ross!

Volunteer of the Season Nominations

Green Christmas

Should you wish to nominate a volunteer in your shop for the next Volunteer of the Season, send your nomination to Anne Crossan at


Little Vincent’s A brand new concept is coming to our shops! Watch this space as we trial the first Little Vincent’s in the Region and indeed the country! The new shop opened on the Feast Day of Saint Vincent de Paul in Kircubbin stocking only childrenswear. If the trial proves successful we will see Little Vincent’s popping up in other towns soon.

Peaking for the Festive Season Following our highly successful Peak Campaign last year we will be running our Peak Campaign across 10 shops from 14 October until 7 December. Come out and show your support for the participating shops at Antrim Road and Rosemary Street in Belfast, Dairy Farm, Dunmurry, Portadown, Lurgan, Derry, Newcastle, Mill Street in Newry, Killyclogher and Kircubbin.

We are looking for the most creative and imaginative alternative window displays in this year’s Christmas Window Display Competition. To encourage people to shop with us before they hit the high street or online, we are encouraging every shop to design their window only using products which have been donated. The competition will then be open to public vote on Facebook with the winner announced on 13 December. To be entered into the competition, email a good quality picture of your window to Anne Crossan at by Monday 25 November 2019.

West Belfast Child Care Centre Kay Shortt, Manager of SVP’s Mountainview Centre in west Belfast, reflects on this year’s Summer Scheme. We are once again celebrating the completion of a fantastic Summer Scheme. The scheme was open to all children in the local area and we had more than 40 children taking part. In the run up to the Summer Scheme the anticipation built up among the children who attend the afterschool programme. They took part in the plans and helped make the decisions about which venues would be the most fun ensuring that their needs were met and that they went home happy and fulfilled. There were lots of centre based activities planned including visits from the library lady and a full range of trips to fun places of interest. The weather was mainly kind to us this year as we only had one day of rain on a trip. The trips included visits to most of the local parks: Belfast City Council’s play day at Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon, Playboard’s activity day at Ormeau Park, Mo Mowlam Park, Wallace Park and a number of visits to Falls Park. Other trips included Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, Tollymore Forest Park, with the forest educational services, Carnfunock Country Park, N.I. Scout Centre for grass sledging, crate climbing, caving and obstacle course and a visit to the beach at Helen’s Bay. We also visited the local community fun day at Whiterock Leisure Centre, Coco’s in Newcastle, Belfast Zoo and W5. The end of the Summer Scheme was celebrated with a party and a celebration of achievements on Thursday 29th August 2019 as the local primary school opened its gates to a new school year on Friday 30th August. The children had a great summer with us and left with lots of happy memories and we know that a good summer break also helps prepare them for the coming school year. We are grateful to all of the volunteers as, without them, we would not be able to provide the quality and variety of activities and outings. Our activities during the year include an out of school hours Childcare service, as well as an open access breakfast club, after schools and school holiday services. We also operate an open access playgroup two hours per day, Monday to Friday, during school term time. All of our childrens’ services are based on learning through play. We had a cost effective scheme this year with no external funding but children didn’t miss out on any of the benefits and the scheme was delivered to our usual high quality standards. We wish all of the Summer Scheme participants well in school and hope to see many of them in our out of school hours childcare service and open access afterschool club.

Area Gathering – Derry City Derry City Area Council held their second Area Gathering on Wednesday 28th August 2019, in the Maldron Hotel, Derry. It was attended by 35 members of the Area. There was a presentation on the structure of the Conference and the roles of the officers in the Conference. Discussions took place around Data Protection, on-going need, household goods, third party referrals and recruiting new members. It was a very enjoyable and informative night.

Derry Fundraiser Tickets are now available for another fundraiser in Derry with The Priests on Wednesday 11th December. The Derry Area Council will be fundraising on the night with all raffle prizes donated by the Everglades Hotel and 100% of money collected going to SVP. Tickets can be booked via or by calling tel 0844 844 0444.

RANDALSTOWN FUNDRAISERS The O’Neill children, otherwise known as the “Castle Lodge Kids” - Katie, Dylan, Megan and Chris – raised £40.40 for SVP by baking buns and selling them to family and friends. Katie is a second year student at St Pius Magherafelt, Dylan is first year at St. Louis Ballymena while Megan and Chris attend Mount St Michaels in Randalstown. They are pictured presenting Johnny O’Boyle, President of Randalstown Conference, with the monies raised. Randalstown Conference is very impressed with their initiative and efforts and deeply appreciative of the donation.

Newcastle Retirement Dr Celestine Devlin, Isobel King and Alice Gibson were recognised for their combined 35 years service at a recent Retirement presentation at Immaculate Conception Conference, Newcastle.

CLARE LODGE Reunion at Clare Lodge Lily McIvor nee Sloan had a lovely surprise in Clare Lodge when she met up with a lady who had taken her to school, along with her own children, during the war years. Lily was three years old when her family were evacuated to Killiney Cottage, Tullysaran, Armagh, in 1941. This was the first time they had met again and, after a chat over breakfast, Sadie realised this was one of the children she had befriended 78 years ago. Lily is pictured here (centre of picture) with Sadie McMahon, the lady who took her to school, and Sadie’s daughter Ann.

GORDONS CHEMISTS PRESENTATION We are grateful for the continued support from Gordons Chemists. Receiving a cheque for £1,000 from counter box donations, which are placed in Gordons Chemists, are Patsy McCorry, Area President for St Martin’s, Robert Gordon and Paddy Donnelly, member from South and East Belfast.

Twinning – Supporting SVP Conferences in Need Overseas John Monaghan, who has been a member of SVP since 2012, has recently been appointed as the Chair of the Regional Twinning Committee. He would like to thank Peter McVeigh for his previous work in the role and is looking forward to building on his efforts. From 2013, until earlier this year, John was Conference President of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Conference, Drumbo and Carryduff (South and East Belfast Area). His role as Conference President helped him gain an insight into twinning, as the Conference has a well-established link dating back approximately four decades with a Conference in Bawku, Ghana. John said: “Our Conference’s experience of twinning enabled me to appreciate the huge benefits such a partnership can bring to participating Conferences on both sides, as well as providing an insight into the challenges that can also arise. “The ability to provide much needed assistance to the vital projects of our fellow SVP Conferences overseas is one of the success stories of the Society and I am excited to take on this role. “In coming years, I would like to see Conferences across the Region strengthen existing ties, restore lost connections and build new ones.” John is aiming to re-constitute the Regional Twinning Committee and intends to call a meeting at some stage over the coming months. Ahead of that meeting and in order to first build up a fuller picture of twinning within the Region, John is appealing to any Conferences that are either currently twinned or wish to twin with a Conference overseas, and any members of the Society who would like to play a role on the Regional Twinning Committee, to get in contact with him via email at

Prisons Peter McVeigh, President of St Joseph’s Prison Conference, is often asked about the impact the Conference makes to the prisoners in Maghaberry Prison. He was given a letter by a young man who has been receiving visits over the past months and Peter thought it would be a good idea to share it with readers of Vincentian News. If you would like to get involved with the St Joseph’s Prison Conference, please email Letter from John (not his real name to protect his identity)

I have been in custody for the past several months in HMP Maghaberry. During this time I have had the luxury of meeting some of the volunteers from SVP. They walk around the wings each week, and their presence is always welcome. Despite meeting so many men, they never fail to remember our names, or our personal stories. To them we are not prisoners, but simply men. They never judge us for our crimes. They are always there to help us whether to stay in touch with family, or help with clothing, and they provide an invaluable presence in our prison lives. On a personal note, I first met the volunteers shortly after I came to prison for the first time, and as such they have become integrated in my journey. They have shown me kindness, sympathy and understanding during a very difficult time in my life, and this has meant a great deal to me, and I will always have gratitude for the humanity they have shown me. Thank you

Finance Matters GIFT AID Calling all Treasurers Has your Conference signed up yet? Every year, millions of pounds are claimed back by UK charities from HMRC on donations made by tax payers to the value of 25p for every £1 donated. For a number of years, SVP has received its share of this underclaimed income and we are encouraging more Conferences to sign up. Gift Aid funds reclaimed will be used for the benefit of the Society throughout the Region. When you receive donations, we are asking that you encourage eligible donors to complete a Gift Aid Declaration.

YOU KEEP THE DONATION Upon receipt of the signed Declaration (envelope or form), Regional Office will submit a claim form on behalf of the Society to HMRC using our registration number.

The Society will get an extra 25p for every £1 donated

For your full Information Pack contact Colm on tel: 028 9075 0155 or Ciarán on tel: 028 9075 0156

LEGACIES Helping the young Supporting families in need Visiting the lonely


REMEMBER SVP IN YOUR WILL? With a gift in your Will to the Society of Vincent de Paul you will help build a better future for people in need and create lasting solutions to tackle poverty

Eileen McCabe Thursday 4th April was very a sad day in the lives of all those who knew Eileen McCabe, as they learned of her sudden passing after a short illness. Eileen was laid to rest after Requiem Mass in Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, and the large number of mourners was testimony to the respect in which she was held. Eileen was born in Raglan Street in the Lower Falls and just as her passing was sudden, so was her arrival into this world. Just over 2lbs in weight, Eileen arrived months before expected to the shock of the Midwife and the newly qualified Dr Gibson. She was the youngest in the family. Her mother had carried 15 babies before Eileen, 8 not surviving, and she died suddenly when Eileen was only 15, leaving her to carry the purse strings. Eileen carried out her domestic duties very well while coping with her studies, even finding time to help out in various projects in her Parish. She qualified as a Social Worker and spent over 30 years in this profession until a diagnosis of breast cancer forced her to retire prematurely. Eileen battled her illness with great stoicism and as her health improved she began to look for a way to continue helping the most vulnerable and deprived in society. This led her to volunteer with SVP in 2007, recognising the level of need in her beloved West Belfast. Eileen worked tirelessly supporting those in need through her visitation with families, practical help and advice. Her previously acquired skills in Social Services transferred well and were most valuable in this work. She trained and initiated new SVP members, another very valuable contribution to the Society. Latterly Eileen was Volunteer Manager in Vincent’s Thrift Shop in Turf Lodge. She saw the value of this facility as more than just a shop. To Eileen it was a little community hub where people could confidentially discuss their problems over a cup of tea while fetching a bargain. Likewise, she promoted fundraising for the childcare facility above the shop. Eileen was a vociferous advocate, campaigning tirelessly for this, as she recognised its great value as a welcoming, happy place for children, while parents could be encouraged to pursue education and work. To quote Eileen, “the way forward”. Like her entrance into this world, Eileen may have left us all too prematurely, however one thing is certain, she has left the world a better place. She will be sadly missed by those she helped, those she worked alongside as well as her friends but most of all by her loving family. And it is to Eileen’s brother and sisters and large family circle we extend our deepest sympathy. Eilish Armstrong

Jacqueline Magee Well known in health and social care as a campaigner for service users, Jacqueline Magee from Newry worked tirelessly for those with brain injuries, wheelchair users, those with physical, sensory and learning disabilities and carers. During her 19 year career in health and social care, Jacqueline constantly asked “where is the voice for service users or carers in this process or how will they be affected or involved?”. An ambassador for all service users, Jacqueline’s enthusiasm for making a difference was evident. She was passionate about SVP and often worked quietly, with an enthusiastic smile, to make an impact, with no acknowledgement required. She was committed and dedicated to volunteering for SVP and she “encouraged” the CEO of the Health and Social Care Board to allow staff from the Board and the Public Health Agency, to volunteer as part of their corporate social responsibility, giving at least three hours of their time during the month of December. Jacqueline was a much welcomed and frequent volunteer in Regional Office during the busy month of December and always went the “extra mile” to ensure we fulfilled all the Christmas requests. We will miss her friendly face and warm personality. At aged 52, Jacqueline died suddenly on 20 January and, following a coffee morning in her honour with her colleagues in the Board’s offices in Belfast and Armagh, CEO Valerie Watts presented SVP and Salvation Army each with a cheque for £950 for which we are very grateful. We have lost a driver for change who placed the voice and rights of the people first, especially those with disability and we would extend our sympathy to her mother Teresa and brother Anthony at this sad time. Pictured are colleagues of Jacqueline’s with Salvation Army volunteers, Pauline Brown, Regional Manager, SVP, and Valerie Watts, CEO, Health and Social Care Board.

INTRODUCING NEW STAFF New Manager for Vincent’s Antrim Road and Rosemary Street John Rogers is bringing his 2020 Vision to his new role as Manager of two Belfast shops at Antrim Road and Rosemary Street. Moving from managing Vincent’s at Dairy Farm, John is committed to forward and future planning, tackling fresh challenges and building on the success already achieved by the shops which are integrated into the local community.

New Manager for Portadown Vincent’s Vincent’s in Portadown welcomed a new Manager to the shop in June. Michael Lavery has a background in retail convenience stores and is keen to make an impact in his role and within the community. Michael applied for the position of Manager having sought a different challenge on his doorstep where he could really make a difference. He’s excited to be doing something worthwhile and is new to SVP but has been involved in voluntary work in his local area for almost 30 years.

Niamh Mulholland, Youth Development Officer Former teacher, Niamh Mulholland has joined SVP as Youth Development Officer. Niamh will be supporting the SVP Youth Development Programme through outreach with schools and colleges. She will also work with youth groups to encourage young people to help others and inspire the work of SVP together with the importance of social justice.

Alison Edmunds, HR Service Partner Alison has been employed in HR since 2011 and has joined SVP as HR Service Partner. She is responsible for recruitment, performance management and employee relations and will be working with SVP to provide operational support to the NI region.

Christine Gaston, Information Support Officer Christine has joined SVP as our Information Support Officer. Christine is responsible for managing requests for assistance from clients on a daily basis and provides administrative support to Conference members.

Your news in Vincentian News! Do you have an event or a story that you would like to see featured in a future issue of Vincentian News? If so, we’d love to hear from you. Just email the details of your event and a picture if you have one to

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